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02x03 - Part III

Posted: 05/23/21 05:13
by bunniefuu
When can I see my son?

We can take you to the foster home right after this.

What happened to Adam and Bess?

It looks like they were poisoned.

We thought Adam and Bess were Julian's parents.

No, they live on my property.

They were taking him to Niagara Falls for the weekend.

So when she's talking about where she lived, it threw you off a little bit.

What was that about?

It's called Mosswood Grove.

A classmate of Heather's, and she got mixed up with them.

We never heard from her again.

Sophie was saying those people are actually really serious.

Whatever they're doing down there, I bet it's way more interesting than anything we do.

So let's go.

So when you talk about the work, what does that mean, exactly?

It's easier to experience than it is to explain.

We all have a shadow.

All the good and bad inside that we try to hide.

We shine a light on that shadow.

The guy, back at the dorms with the ponytail, I saw him at the motel when we went to speak to the manager.

This whole trip to Niagara Falls story is a hoax.



Well, this is a treat.

A fellow insomniac.

It's not quite morning, is it?

Uh, fresh pot here.


Thank you.

Is the bed okay?

You comfortable?

Oh, it's fine.

All good.

So, you're wrapping things up with the case, huh?

No, not quite.

Uh, we're getting there, though.

- You pressed charges, though.

- Yep.

Heather seems like she's got a good handle on things now, thanks to you.

You know, I just wanna say, you shouldn't feel like you have to stay.

I don't.

Don't get me wrong, I love having you here, but, uh, I realize that it's, uh, not exactly fun for you to be here.

It's fine.

I'm fine.

It's overdue.

Still, I just don't want you to feel obligated.

We'll be fine.

I'd like to stay a bit longer, if that's okay.

Well, all right.

One condition, though.

You gotta go with me to this Rotary Club social this week.

Give us a chance to welcome you back home.


...In just a moment, but first, this breaking news.

We're live at the Rockford Lodge, where according to sources, a 13-year-old boy poisoned the couple posing as his parents en route to Niagara Falls.

Now all three were supposedly members of Mosswood Grove...

I keep thinking about that rock in the barn.

What do you think that's about?

No idea.

Looked like Stonehenge or something.

It's an altar maybe, or a symbol of something.

- Symbol of what?

- Yeah.

Did you report any of this to Lidell?

He's gonna want me to claim this as a win.

We already have everything we need.

I d...

no, no.

That Adam Lowry, Bess McTeer, they were escaping from something, and Vera Walker tried to cover it up.

Julian, they took him for some reason, so...

And he m*rder*d them and confessed to it.

It's also that simple.

You know it isn't.

When a boy that young kills, it's really never just his fault.

Whatever is going on in Mosswood, Julian's in the thick of it, so it's not the time to stop asking questions.

I know.

Like with that classmate of yours, the one that joined Mosswood after you graduated.

What happened there?

Well, there's nothing there.

It's a lost cause.

Did you look into it?

It's a lost cause.


It's Vera Walker.



What the hell are you people doing to my son?

- What are you talking about?

- He's 13.

He is a child.

Now you wanna try him as an adult?

- His case is in family court.

- Not anymore it isn't.

- What did you tell the DA?

- Nothing.

After you searched our home, what did you tell them?

I didn't tell 'em anything.




What was that about?

Julian's case is in criminal court.

You have the right to remain silent.

Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.

You don't say anything to anyone.

No touching, please.

Put your hands out front.

You have the right to an attorney.

If you can't afford one, one will be appointed to you by the court.

- Why are those necessary?

- It's the law.

Where am I going?

Don't look at them.

Just keep your head down.

It's gonna be okay.

Ma'am, you really gotta give us some space, please.


Please, step back.

You can meet us at the station.

I'll be following right behind you.

- Watch your head.

- I'll be right behind you.

It'll be okay.

I'll be behind you, okay?

- Just breathe.

- Mom.

I'm right behind you.

What are you doing here?

I had nothing to do with this.

- I need a second here.

- Mom.


This wasn't supposed to happen.

It's not what I wanted.

But where you're going, it's not easy.

Mostly, you gotta keep to yourself.

But not too much.

Are they gonna hurt me?

Let me have your hand.

You're gonna have to memorize this number.

You have any trouble, you need anything, give me a call.


You're gonna be all right.

What are you doing?

Stay on the line and face the front.

Let's go.

All right, hands to your side.

- Face the wall.

- In front of you.



Julian Walker, for juvie wing.

Palm, kid.

Where my lawyer at?

You're done.


Look straight ahead.

This is your spot.

No trading, no moving around.

Come on, man, move, move.

This is your spot.

No trading, moving around.


Hi, Mrs.


Long time.

How you doing?

Still not used to seeing you in that uniform.

Can I bother you for a minute?

It's about Marin.

Last time we spoke, you'd gotten a few voicemails from her and that was it.

You mean last time we spoke 12 years ago?

The calls you got from Marin, they were from Mosswood, correct?

- Far as I know.

- Nothing since then?

Why would she reach out to me?

You were the friend, weren't you?

What's that supposed to mean?

We both know what that means, sweetheart.

No, nothing since then.

No emails, no calls?


I just think it's strange all that time you never tried to find her, being a cop and all.

I did.

Looked for her in the police database, social media.

There was never anything.

I just assumed she was at Mosswood.

You two had a falling out, huh?

Sort of.

Marin was always after what she couldn't have.

Always on the take, even as a little girl.

I've had my share of that.

People like her, it's not for me.

Not anymore.

Would you mind if I took a look at her room?

Honestly, honey, there's not much left.

It's a home office now.

But I have a box of her things, if you wanna take a look.


- Benji, I'm glad you're here.

- I just heard what happened.

We need the best possible defense lawyer for Julian.

Someone we know is on our side.

You want me to dig up some old contacts?

I want you to dig up the old Benji.

So I'm asking again, why take Julian Walker up to adult court?

Your client is facing two charges of m*rder in the second degree.

Charges to which he has already confessed.

This is a clear demonstration of bias - against the Mosswood Community.

- I'm not going down that road.

And the provenance of that confession - is dubious, to say the least.

- That's for a judge to decide.

Look, you're welcome to roll the dice on that confession getting tossed, or we can talk about a deal.

Okay, we're listening.

Your client's facing a minimum of 30 years to life for two counts of m*rder two.

We're willing to let him serve both sentences concurrently.

What would that mean for Julian?

Well, if he pleads guilty, we'll accept the recommendation of the court.

Anywhere from 15 to life.

Fifteen to life?

You people are insane.

Be that as it may, it beats going to trial with a confession.

No need to decide today.

Take some time.

Meditate on it.

Thank you.

Is there any chance you and I can talk?

I've been advised against that by my lawyer.

I talked to the judge who's been assigned to the case, and he's ordered an MHE, psychological evaluation.

So they think he's crazy?

Well, it's a diagnostic tool...

Or that I made him that way?

It's one or the other.

I wouldn't say crazy, but that whole Niagara Falls story, you giving permission, that wasn't true, was it?

You knew that that couple wasn't coming back to Mosswood with your son.

- You don't have to answer.

- Okay.

Why didn't you report it?

I've learned that "to protect and to serve" doesn't apply to Mosswood.

I have my own resources.

You don't contact authorities even when it's your own son that's missing.

Was I wrong?

Look where we are now.

Let's go.

Why did they take Julian?

What were they running away from?

Adam and Bess were not saving Julian.

They were abducting him, but you never thought to consider that, did you?

Julian was defending himself.

Are you kidding?

You spent the whole night there?

Oh, my God, you should've stayed.

So that guy come on to you?

No, we just talked.

I'm serious.

I met this woman and some other people.

It was kind of amazing.

Amazing, huh?

Yeah, they just wanted to get to know me.

- And we talked about you too.

- Did you?

Yeah, like, about your mom, and how evil cancer is, and how your dad isn't really dealing with her being gone.

You told them about that?

Marin, what the hell?

They were interested.

We were talking about life and...

and the shit that happens.

I told them all about my mom too.

Well, next time keep to your shit and leave mine out of it.

You know what?

I think it'd be really good for you to just go and talk to them.


you never open up about anything.

- I'm not joining a cult, okay?

- Oh, my God.

You're so defensive.

- I'm gonna take you back there.

- No way.


They're gonna open you up.

Heather Novack's gonna get real.

Heather, hon, time for breakfast.


Hey, Marin.

I didn't know you were here.

Hey, Jack, how are you?

Your mom know you spend the night?

Does she know where I am ever?

I'm starving.

Well, you're in luck.

I've got some pancakes working.

Come on down.

Oh, my God, did you just see that?

He was so freaked out about us being in bed together.




Did you get enough to eat this time?

I didn't eat the meat, but they gave me an extra roll.


There aren't any trees here.

I can't even see any out of the window.

I know.

I found out you're gonna have an interview tomorrow.

A psychologist is going to ask you questions.

- About what?

- About you.

Then they'll report back to the judge.

It's important.

You remember the Fisher family from over in Walcott?

- Yeah.

- Of course you don't.

Anyway, Glen's one of them.

They have a big part of the dairy market from here to Buffalo.

- Cows?

- Yeah, cows.

I'm really glad you came out here.


Hi, there.

Jack Sprat, here to chew the fat.

- How're you doing, Glen?

- Good, how are you?

- You must be Harry.

- Yeah.

Glen Fisher.

Heard all about you.

Come on in.

Darling, don't eat all the chicken, yes, please?

Gentlemen, this is Harry Ambrose.

Keller born and bred.

You must know these guys.

Here we go.


Good to see you.


- Hey, Chief.

- Detective.


How do you do?

So, uh, Tom's been telling us that you've been helping on the Mosswood case.

Uh, well, just, uh, offering advice where I can, that's all.

My advice, heavy metal and tear gas.

Worked at Waco.


Well, it's all wrapped up now, so there's no need to worry.

- Bourbon, rocks?

- Uh, yeah, thanks.

I was talking to an old buddy of mine down at Public Works.

A Keller old timer.

And he remembers your family.

Oh, yeah?

Uh, something about a...

a fire in...

at your house.

Bad one.

Yeah, it's when it was my mother and I.



Oh, sorry, I didn't...


if it's a sore subject, - I'm...

- No, no, no.

It, uh, was an accident.

You know, pot on the stove.

- That kind of thing.

- Yeah.

The kind you think would never happen at your own place.

Yeah, that kind.

I'm sorry.

You were defending yourself.

You have to tell them how scared you were, that's important.

And if they ask about Mosswood, you don't say anything.

You don't talk about the barn.

You don't talk about our sessions.

They won't understand.

They'll think there's something wrong with you.

What about the detective with the beard?

His job is to send people to jail.

What did he say to you in the car?


You can't trust him.

Remember when you told him about your dream.

- Two days later they...

- It wasn't a dream.


We've been over this.

- I don't wanna lie.

- Julian.

These people do not understand us.

They would do anything they can to hurt us.

We don't have a choice.


There you are.

Where'd you go, Kentucky?

Head's up, Harry.

High school.

Well, it's about time I caught sight of you.

I've heard you're back.

- Hi, Carolyn.

- Hi.

Now, why couldn't you have had this handsome beard back when you were Romeo-ing my Juliet?

Harry was a bit late to puberty.

Hmm, not as I recall.

You heard it.

How have you been?


Heard you got divorced.

Did Jack tell you that?

Well, some of us ask.


You still have that cornered look, like you're about to run off again.

I didn't run off.


I didn't, I...

- I left.

- That's all right.

I knew what you were going through.

Hard time.

17 years old.

No siblings.

Your parents gone.

I mean, I...


how do you know where to put that pain?




What's going on?

- You okay?

- Yeah, I'm fine.

Carolyn said you just up and walked out.

- You sure you're okay?

- Will you stop asking me that question?


Yeah, I'm okay.

I'm okay, you're okay.

- We're all okay.

- All right.



I told you that I was fine.

Okay, well, the reason I keep asking if you're fine is 'cause you don't seem fine.

And I'm just trying to be a good friend.

You know, it's not like you'd tell me, right?

I mean, the last 15 years have pretty much proven that.

I'm sorry.


Don't worry about it.

It's all right.



I'm not.

Pull yourself together.

- You're pathetic, you know that?

- Yeah, I do.

Wanna get out of here?

Come on.

- Yeah.

- I'll make you some eggs.

What are you doing here?

I thought I'd stop by.

If that's okay with you.

You could just read the report tomorrow from your office.

I'd rather be here.

And what day comes after Wednesday?

- Thursday.

- And after that?


Do you know where you are?

Edgewater Juvenile Detention Center.

And do you know why you're here?

Because of what happened to Adam and Bess.

What happened to Adam and Bess?

You already know.

Could you tell me anyway?

They passed through death, and now they're starting over again.

Is that what happens when you die?

You start over?

In different forms.

We're all mixed together.

Pieces of us.

Who taught you that?

I didn't do anything.



You know exactly what you've been doing.

- Whatever.

- Don't "whatever" me.

- Hi, Mrs.


- Hey.

- Let's go.

- Yeah, all right.

What happened?

She called me a slut for supposedly flirting with her boyfriend, and then said she should've never had me.


Welcome to my day.

Let's forget about the party.

I'm gonna take you home.

But you already borrowed the truck and everything.

I don't care.

All right?

You're coming home with me.

I've been reading about your work on the Cora Tannetti case.

People tend to make more of that than they should.

My impression is that you went beyond the call for her.

Why did you do that?

That's just...

I could tell she had a story.

Who were you closer to?

Adam or Bess?


How do you feel about what happened to her?

What did you think when you saw her on the floor?

It wasn't supposed to hurt.

You didn't wanna hurt her?



Was she in pain?


So why did you give her the tea?

I can't exactly just barge into some mechanic's place and pull him off the couch right now, can I?

- I just...

- What?

Want this to be over.

I hate lying to him.


What do you wanna do?

Tell him he's never going home again?

Because she lied.

About what?

This is just a little delay.

You're not supposed to lie.

And what happens when you do?

You sp... you split in two.

Have you lied about anything to me?


- Ma'am, no, you are not...

- I need to get in there.

You are not allowed inside.

Detective, what's going on?

Something set Julian off.

You need me?

- Yeah.

- She's his mother.

- It doesn't matter.

- We need to talk to him.



It's okay.

It's okay.

Detective, she's not the mother.

It's all right.

My friend Marin, the one who went to Mosswood.

I took your advice and I followed up with her mom.

She gave me a box of her things.

She'd read this, over and over when we were young.

She underlined the things she loved.

Look what I found.

"Julian." Ever since the beginning, every time I look at Julian, I get this feeling, like he's familiar.

His eyes, his expressions sometimes.

It's because he's hers.

Vera Walker had a birth certificate - and she submitted it at court.

- I know.

I looked it up at town hall.

Julian was born May of '05, nine months exactly after Marin went into Mosswood.

The timeline is perfect.

So either she was pregnant before she went in there, or she got pregnant soon after.

Yeah, some kind of initiation ritual or something.

Marin's missing.

She hasn't been seen outside of Mosswood for over ten years.

She could be dead.

You're saying maybe something happened to her at Mosswood, and Vera took Julian.

Yeah, something happened.

It's intriguing, I'll give you that.

I can feel it.

So you were a little more than classmates?

- We were friends.

- But what?

You're only following up on her now after all these years?

She didn't want me to.

There's no father's name here.


- How are you?

- Hi, Dr.


Thanks for letting us come by.

Oh, this is Detective Ambrose.

Ah, a pleasure.

Thank you, Ms. Fisher.


We know it's late, but, uh...

can we sit and talk for a second?


Uh, in my office, please.


Yeah, that doesn't surprise me.

My name's on half the birth certificates in these parts.


I tend to be the go-to obstetrician that...

well, including this young lady's, huh?

Uh, you don't remember this one specifically?

Uh, no, I'm sorry.

There were no hospital records for the mother, Vera, so it had to be a home birth, at Mosswood.

Okay, yes, I...

I think I can recall it now.

So you were the attending doctor at Julian's birth?

No, after it.

Not at it.

I was...

I was called in for the paperwork.

You didn't witness Vera give birth?


Did you run any tests to confirm she was postpartum?

Was the baby nursing?

I honestly can't remember.



that was a long time ago.

What about this woman?

Did you see her there?



I can't say that I did.

I mean, there were a number of people living there.

There still are, I imagine.

Vera Walker called you to sign the birth certificate.

Why was that?

Had you been treating her?


Like I said, we're not crawling with OBs in the area.


Did you go to Mosswood at any other time to treat maybe other members?

I'm sorry, but what...

what does this have to do with the present case?

We need to know.

Did you?

Let me get my files.

He didn't actually see Vera give birth.

It fits.


Where is he?







I didn't hear anyone go in and out the front door, so...

He's still here somewhere.






Oh, my God.

We need something.

Here, put this on.


hold it tight.

Hold it tight.

Quiet, quiet.

No, no, no, no.

No, no, no.




I need to show you something.

I need everybody in bed right now.

No talking.

No chatting.

Lights out means lights out.

Let's go.

It's through there.

On the right.

Holy shit.