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01x06 - Chapter Six

Posted: 05/09/21 09:15
by bunniefuu
Three guys, three stiffs.

According to the cops, that's it.

we know there's a fourth.

Get a little help at the crime scene?

I got no idea what you're talking about.


Heard about Perry Mason sniffing
around those sh**t.

Don't talk to him.

If any of this comes back to
me, I will deny every word.

PETE STRICKLAND: Ennis cut the
line to be first at Angel's Flight.

Then, he's at Gannon's almost
before the call went out.

MASON: You think he's sitting nearby
to control the crime scenes?

STRICKLAND: It's quite the co-inky-dink.

Charlie Dodson will rise again!

WOMAN: If you truly believe
God told you to do this,

tell him, "It can't be done."

You think I want God in my head?

No one wants this case, Emily.

You need new representation.

But he's not a lawyer.

There's a bar examination
which will certify him

- with plenty of time.
- I will prove your innocence.

So help me God.


The defendant, Emily Dodson,

was the only person who had the means,

motive, and opportunity

to orchestrate this despicable plan.

Now, Emily Dodson knew

that her husband was the
son of a very wealthy man,

and therefore, someone
with means to obtain

that ransom money. That knowledge,

gentlemen and ladies,

was her means to commit this crime.

Emily Dodson also had a lustful desire

to run off with her lover,
George Gannon.

And that desire was her motive.

As for opportunity?

She was Charlie's mother!

The person charged with protecting him,

an innocent, defenseless babe.

Now, Emily Dodson had all
the opportunity in the world

to put this plan into action.

Means, motive,

and opportunity, and a child's life...

cut short.


Now, the defense over there
will try and confuse you

with all sorts of wild theories

and preposterous propositions.

Because his client is guilty,
and he knows it, all too well.

But a trial is society's
way of finding the truth,

its way of seeking justice.

Now, at the end of this trial,
I will ask each one of you,

good people, to open your
hearts and find that truth,

seek that justice.

I will ask you to stare down this woman

who chose lust and money
over her child's life.

Find Emily Dodson guilty...

because she is guilty.

I thank you kindly for
your time and attention.


Mr. Mason, we will hear you now.

PERRY MASON: Good morning.

(CLEARS THROAT) My name is Perry Mason.

I represent... Emily Dodson.

Unlike Mr. Barnes here, who
spoke for a nearly two hours,

I will be briefer... uh, brief.

Emily Dodson did not k*ll her baby.

Does anyone here really believe
she did? 'Cause I sure don't.

Objection! As to counsel's
personal belief.


Sorry. Um, you may have
heard, I'm new to this.

- Objection.
- JUDGE WRIGHT: Sustained.

See what I mean?

What really happened in
December of last year? (COUGHS)

(VOICE BREAKS) A good question.

And although the defense...

is under no obligation...
(COUGHS) I'm sorry.

(COUGHS) Is under no obligation

to prove anything, it is natural
to... to want to know...

(VOICE BREAKS) ... the whys, the whos,

the whats and the wheres. (COUGHS)

Would you like a minute, Mr. Mason?


Uh, yeah, actually, just one...



The prosecution... (COUGHS)

Thank you.

The pro... (GASPS)

The prosecution's case is completely
and entirely circumstantial.

- _

MASON: I rehearse it here,
I'm fine. I get up in court,

my body won't do what
my head tells it to.

You know, same thing happens to
me when I gotta whiz in public.

- I mostly use stalls.

Attorney-At-Law. Uh-huh.

And is this in Oregon or Utah, ma'am?

Yes, I'm not sure if this information
qualifies as pertinent, ma'am.

The word means relevant.

Gannon's place have a garage?

What? No.

Well, in his opening,
Barnes says he has a garage.

Well, DAs don't walk crime scenes.

I'm thinking you can hit
Barnes with a little buckshot.

I mean, he got this
wrong, he got that wrong,

the cops barely investigated the case.

And as you can see from this,

- there's no garage.
- All right.

I'll take some pictures of a
hedge where a garage never was.

No, that's your investigator's job.

You're Emily's lawyer now. He'll do it.

- Yes, ma'am. Anything else?
- Yeah.

Something that connects
Sarecki and Nowak to Ennis.

Actually, anything would be nice.

You think I ain't been looking

for Sarecki and Nowak?

I run all their arrest records. Nothing.

Was Ennis ever up in Milwaukee
with these fucks? No.

He's in Baltimore, he's in Denver,

then the w*r, then L.A.

- What about George?
- PETE: Nothing there, either.

It's like everybody in this thing
is a complete f*cking stranger.

There's gotta be something you missed.

PETE: Well, feel free to enlighten me.

I've only been grinding on this
thing for a month and a half

while you've been screwing
around with your career change.

- Like I had a choice.
- Oh, come on.

- "Come on," what?
- PETE: You know what I mean.

No, no, no. Enlighten me.

- You know exactly what I'm saying...
- MASON: No, no. I have no idea.

- DELLA: Hey. Hey. Hey!
- What does that mean...

This isn't helping.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Where are you going?

Hm. To take pictures of a
garage that never was.

Catch you later, Gloves.

HAZEL: Toodle-oo, Pete.


First day, and I already lost a juror

'cause my throat locked up.

DELLA: No. It wasn't that.

Seven was looking at
Emily the whole time.

All nerves and tics.

She looked guilty.

(SCOFFS) It's a hell of a start.


"Someday, George, my love,

our dreams will come true,

and we will be together forever.

Until then, I am and will always be...

yours. (VOICE BREAKS) Emily."

BARNES: Eleven love letters
from Emily to George Gannon

in the span of four months.

That last one dated December th,

less than two weeks
before the kidnapping.

I'm sorry, Matthew.
I know this is difficult,

but at the time of the kidnapping,

did the defendant tell you

that she had anything to
do with George Gannon?

- No.
- BARNES: And when you were arrested,

put in jail for kidnapping,

did the defendant here tell you

she even knew George Gannon?

- No.
- BARNES: And when it became clear

that George Gannon was at the
root of these heinous crimes,

did the defendant, your wife,

tell you that she'd had an
intimate affair with him?

No. She knew I was innocent,

and she let them put me in jail.

- You were screwing that guy for months...
- Oh!

- MASON: Objection!
- Sustained.

Compose yourself, Mr. Dodson.

BARNES: I have no further questions.

Mr. Mason, your witness.


Mr. Dodson, isn't... isn't it true

you're the secret love
child of Herman Baggerly?

- BARNES: Objection.
- MASON: No, no, now, wait.

I ca... I can ask that.

This has to do with this whole
motive... argument thing.

Fair point, albeit poorly phrased.


So, secret love child? Yes or no.


And is Herman Baggerly
a... a wealthy guy?

- I guess.
- MASON: You guess?

He's up there with Vanderbilt and Ford.

Um, when did you first learn
that millionaire Herman Baggerly

was your father?

- About five years ago.
- MASON: So you packed Emily up

and took her away from
her friends and family

and moved her halfway
across the country. Did...

did she know that
millionaire Herman Baggerly

was your father before this?

- No.
- MASON: Oh.

It's a long drive from Missouri.

- You tell her on the way?
- I can't tell you!

MATTHEW DODSON: No, I did not.

Why can't you tell me?
I don't understand!

MASON: Well, that's life-changing news.

Why did you keep it from your wife?

She didn't need to know about it.

Like you said, she's my wife.

Oh, so you lied to her?

I didn't tell her. That's all.

Isn't it true on the night
Charlie was kidnapped,

you were at a dice game?


But at first, you said you were at work.

So you lied to the police?


I was embarrassed.

MASON: And because of your dice games,

isn't it true, at one point,
you were some $ , in debt?

- Around there, yeah.

Three thousand dollars.

That's a lot of money to most folks.

How did... how did you pay it off?

(SOFTLY) My father.

Uh, I... I... I think he
said his... his father.

That's Herman Baggerly there.

He covered your gambling
debts, is that correct?

I just said he did, didn't I?

Is it also true that you were arrested

for Charlie's kidnapping and m*rder?


MASON: And because of that,
you spent, let me see,

a whole day and a half in jail

until the lawyer that your
very wealthy father hired

got you out, is that correct?

Yes, that's correct.

So, in your opinion, were the
police incompetent to arrest you?

They made a mistake.

MASON: Or were they
right to suspect you?

Because despite all your
lying, you're sitting here

with your gambling debts wiped clean,

your business bailed out,
and you now live in a mansion.

It sure looks like you've
benefited from Charlie's death.

- Objection!
- JUDGE WRIGHT: Sustained.

Strike from the record.

The jury will disregard that.

She's the one who's guilty, not me!

I asked about the
kidnapping of your son,

- not whether she's guil...
- Who says he's my son?

I'm sorry. What?

Who says he's my son?

How can you believe a word she says?

She ruined my life!

I hope they hang you, you lying whore!

- JUDGE WRIGHT: Order! Order!

Mr. Dodson, you will control yourself,

or I will hold you in contempt.

No further questions, Your Honor.





- VoilĂ .




next witness, Mr. Barnes.

- How's she doing with the jury?
- Pretty good, considering.

I think Two and Eleven
almost feel sorry for her.

The people call Terrence Smith.


Hold on. Judge, we're... we're, uh...

We're not prepared for this
gentleman to be called today.

BARNES: Uh, I'm sorry, Your Honor,

Mr. Smith, uh, is unavailable
later. Travel plans.

Beg the court's indulgence on this.

We don't have a file on him.

I'm... I'm sorry, we don't have any
discovery material on this guy.

BARNES: Judge, I... I assure you

we turned over the discovery material

to the defendant's former
counsel, Frank C. Dillon.

Well, I assure you we don't have it.

Well, you can have my copy.

It's just a one-page detective's
report, Your Honor.

The length isn't the issue.
My client is fighting for her life

and the DA's withholding discovery,

and, I'm sorry, "travel plans"?

Is there some kind of court
smell test we could do here?

Mr. Barnes, you better
make sure the defense

has every document in
this case going forward.

I will not be granting adjournments

for discovery disputes.

Very well, Your Honor.
I'll... I'll make certain.

JUDGE WRIGHT: Swear the witness.

BAILIFF: Do you swear the
testimony you're about to give

shall be the truth, the whole truth,

and nothing but the
truth, so help you God?

- You know this guy?

I don't think so.

Well, he seems to know you.

BARNES: Kindly state your name
and occupation for the record.

My name is Terrence Smith.

I am the manager of the Star Hotel.

Hmm, and do you know the
defendant, Emily Dodson?

SMITH: I've seen her.

Just the one time.

Would you describe that
occasion to the jury?

This past November the th,
a man came into the hotel,

asking for adjoining rooms.

That's where I saw her, the defendant,

sitting outside in the car

waiting for him to sign
the registry here.

Oh, what name did he sign?

Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Kelly.

SMITH: He paid me in advance,

and I gave him the keys and
he went back to his car.

Did you see this couple again?


I mean, no, sir.

Did anything unusual happen
shortly after they checked in?



As I was doing my rounds about
an hour after they checked in,

I pass by their rooms,
and I hear this baby crying.



SMITH: I was concerned,
so I knocked on the door.

- No one answered.

- SMITH: Then I continued

to follow the cries around the corner

to the adjoining room.

I used my room key, I went in,

- and I find this baby...

... alone on the bed,
bawling his little eyes out.

Hmm. What did you do?


SMITH: Well, through
the connecting door,

I heard sounds of, uh... lovemaking.


SMITH: I was disgusted.

I mean, who leaves a baby
all alone to have sex?

BARNES: Fair question. What did you do?

SMITH: I banged on the door.
I yelled at them to stop,

to take care of the baby,

or else I was going to call the police.

Hmm. And did you later find
out the real name of the man

who checked in to those rooms?

George Gannon.

- BARNES: And the woman?

SMITH: She's right there.

Emily Dodson.

- BARNES: Any doubt in your mind?

No, sir. That's the woman.

Thank you. No further questions.


You may proceed.

Love letters and stolen kisses,
that's what you told me!

It was George's idea,
and the door wasn't closed!

I left the door open!

Oh, I'll be sure to get that on record.

"It's okay, folks, she could see Charlie

the whole time George was
pounding away on top of her!"

Do you have any idea

what everyone in that
courtroom now thinks?

That if you're okay to
leave your kid alone

while you have a "stolen kiss"
with George as he fucks you,

then maybe you're okay to
let George kidnap Charlie

for a day or two.

That is why you tell me everything,

so I can be f*cking prepared.

Then where is Charlie's k*ller?

You promised you'd find him!



I want to show you something.


Every single one of these gifts is...

someone's prayer for redemption,

for relief from suffering.

For something bigger than themselves.

Isn't that something you ever feel?

If I say yes, can I go back to work?

You were really hard on Emily just now.

Yeah. For good reason.

She didn't tell you
because she was ashamed.

Haven't you ever done something
that you're ashamed of?

Of course I have.

Have you?


How is your Easter Sunday looking?

I don't honestly know.

I gotta say, Sister,
you're not what I expected.

You were thinking Joan of Arc?

The Maid from Heaven with a
quivering throb in her voice?

"I'd rather die than do
something I know to be a sin."

Something like that. Yeah.

Why would that be any more real

than what's standing in front of you?

I honestly don't know.

You were good with Matthew
on the stand today.

You're better than you think you are.

Faith, huh?

SISTER ALICE: Something like that.

MASON: Don't come to court tomorrow.

I know you think you're
helping, but you're not.


And this is?

When you accused the DA of withholding,

it seems he took every
piece of evidence they had

and maybe nine or ten unrelated cases,

tossed them up in the air, and
threw them back in the boxes.

The ol' dumperoo.

This is from .

Cat got stuck in a drainpipe.

DELLA: It's not all bad.

Hazel actually got a pertinent tip

from Sarecki's last landlord.

A man calling in from Milwaukee
said he rented Sarecki

a room in his house.

Said Sarecki gave him references
from his old landlord.

And guess where that was?

- Denver.
- Denver.

Remember Denver? Ennis
worked as a Pinkerton there.

Sarecki was in the same town
at the same time as Ennis.

What about Nowak?

Well, the tipster didn't
rent a room to Nowak.

PETE: We even got an address.

Could be the connection
you're looking for.

To prove what? That Sarecki and Ennis

were in Denver at the same time

in -f*cking-whatever?
What does that prove?

We got k*lled in there today.

I have no f*cking idea what
I'm gonna do tomorrow.

And now this shit.






Found something at Gannon's house.

"What is it, Pete?"

Well, Perry, it's this.

Two uncashed checks from
Radiant Assembly of God,

made out to something called
Sunroot Services, Inc.

Seems Sunroot Services

has the same address as George Gannon.

And if you look at the checks,

you'll see the stamped signature
of one Eric Q. Seidel.

Not sure what the "Q" is for,

but the address and the hinky signature

might mean that our boy George
was stealing from the church.

"Say, Pete, that's pretty interesting.

What's it got to do with
Emily?" I don't know.

"What were Ennis and
Sarecki up to in Denver?"

I couldn't say.

"What should I do in court tomorrow?"

- You should use the teeth.

What's this colored cop to you?

You think he's some kind of boy scout?

He's just as bad as the
rest of those bulls, Perry.

Looking the other way,
keeping his mouth shut,

trying to save his own ass.

I got no respect for it.

I gave him my word, Pete.

Oh, yeah? What'd you give to Emily?

'Cause Barnes is dancing
her to the gallows

while you sit on your hands.

Use these and get me to Denver.

It's the only chance she's got.


I use this, Drake is f*cked.

He's a cop.

- Will they k*ll him?
- They could.

Well, "could" is different from "will."

There's also being true to my word.

LUPE GIBBS: Looks to me
like if you don't use it,

that lady gets the rope.

All they've got is innuendo
and circumstance.

I think I liked you better
when you was a bum.

Least I could understand you.


Give me the bottle.

- No.
- MASON: Come on.

I'm not gonna sleep tonight.

- Give me the bottle.
- No.


If I make a mistake...

someone dies.

Then don't make a mistake.


How long to fly to Denver?

BARNES: Now, your report
mentions a trail of blood.

Did you follow it?

- PAUL DRAKE: Yes, sir.
- BARNES: And where did it lead?

DRAKE: Down the fire
escape to the street.

BARNES: To where George Gannon
presumably parked his car

for his escape?


That's, uh, what the
detectives say. Yes, sir.

Thank you, officer.

No further questions.

JUDGE WRIGHT: Mr. Mason, your witness.


Mr. Mason.


Officer Drake, um...

Can I please get the photographs?

Can you tell us...

what it is we're seeing here?

DRAKE: As I said before,
this is a photograph

of the dead bodies left
at the crime scene.

And this one?

DRAKE: The g*n left at the scene.

How about this one?

DRAKE: Shell casings that
I described earlier.

MASON: Now, you just
mentioned a trail of blood

that led down the hallway

and onto the fire escape,
is that correct?

Yes, I did.

How long would you say that trail was?

Maybe feet down the hallway,
another or so to the street?

A -foot trail of blood.

Wow. That... uh, that's about...



Wow. That's... that's
about from me to you.

That's a pretty long trail...

wouldn't you say?


MASON: Would you please show
the members of the jury

the photographs that depict
this -foot trail of blood?


Well, I don't see any here.


Thank you.


Officer Drake, um,

who was the first responding
homicide detective? Thank you.

That would be Detective Ennis.

And did he arrive with his
partner, Detective Holcomb?

DRAKE: No, Detective
Ennis arrived alone.

But other detectives

and Detective Holcomb were
there pretty soon after.

Does it seem odd to you
that Detective Ennis

was also first at Angel's Flight

and among the first at George
Gannon's alleged su1c1de?

Objection! Compound question,
calls for speculation.

both counts. Sustained.

Really don't want him
to answer that, do you?

- Your Honor...
- Address your questions

to the witness, Mr. Mason.

MASON: Certainly, Judge.

Officer Drake, during
your investigation,

did you recover any physical evidence

that pertains to this case?

I'm sorry, can you repeat the question?

Did you recover any physical evidence

from the crime scene?

No, I did not.

Not one piece of physical evidence?

Objection. Asked and answered.

If you're getting at
something, Mr. Mason,

- please get there.
- Your Honor, I have, um...

I have no further questions.

(CLEARS THROAT) Just fishing.

JUDGE WRIGHT: The witness is excused.

The jury is adjourned for the day.

You are reminded not to discuss the case

with each other or with anyone else,

and to refrain from looking
at any newspaper coverage.



Ten days till Easter Sunday,

ladies and gentlemen.
Ten days to the resurrection,

the apparent resurrection
of Charlie the baby.

Down with McKeeganism!


- ELDER SEIDEL: Mr. Mason?

What are you doing in here?

This room is not open to you.

- He said he had permission.
- ELDER SEIDEL: He does not.

Put away the camera.

Relax, Deacon.

We're about to make
your church look good.

We think George Gannon
was stealing from you.

Do you have any idea why
your former accountant

was sending checks to a
company with his home address

as the corporate headquarters?

Clearly, we weren't aware of
most of what George Gannon

was doing in this room.

He's brought nothing but the
worst attention upon us.

I'm sorry, what's Sunroot Services?

I... I believe it's an
agricultural business

that our church has some investments in.

We probably have over
subsidiary businesses

- in our endowment.
- Looks more like or .

If our church relied solely

on the donations of the assembly,

we'd be a much smaller ministry.


And here was me thinking
you were just hucksters

shaking down the hicks
and the rubes, Mr. Seidel.

Um, Mr. Seidel, who's J.H.?

- MASON: Yeah.


MASON: I'm not very good
with numbers and such.

Down here there's "G.G."
George Gannon's hand.

But up here, where the new
companies were starting up,

there's a "J.H."

Big "J," skinny "H."

Mr. Mason, what does this
have to do with the defense

of Emily Dodson,

wh... which we are
charitably paying you for?

Uh, well, if George Gannon

was stealing from you,
and trying to cover it up

with the Dodson ransom, that's motive.

DELLA: Or he's just
a professional thief.

Either way, it's good for Emily.

And, um, you might wanna stop
payment on those checks.

Thank you.



Miss Nina said you
wanted to see me, sir?

JOE MORTON: I heard you
spoke well in court today.

Made this whole shitcan
precinct look good.


This is the time you say thank you.

- Thank you, sir.
- Great. Now beat it.

You were the first
detective on the scene

when Charlie Dodson's body
was discovered, correct?

DETECTIVE ENNIS: Yes, that's correct.

And how did you come to be

the first detective on the scene?

I was having dinner with the Elks

when the commotion kicked up outside.

BARNES: Mm-hmm. And
was Detective Ray Royce

first up on homicide calls
on the night in question?


BARNES: Did you pay
Watch Commander McGuire

to jump Royce and get
assigned lead on the case,

Detective Ennis?

What the f*ck is this bullshit?

Maybe that's something you should've
shared with your partner.

Did you pay off the Watch Commander?

You're telling me McGuire's
gonna get on the stand,

say he took money to move me up?

What happened to that
blood trail, detective?

Who gives a f*ck?

can't answer those questions,

Mason's gonna rip you a
new assh*le up there.

f*ck Mason. I can handle him.

BARNES: Let's try this again.

You were the first
detective on the scene

when Charlie Dodson's body
was discovered, correct?

- Yes, that's correct.
- Thank you.

Emily's signature, as promised.

Matthew Dodson will need
to sign the release as well.

He disowned the child in court.

Under an oath to God.

I've been assured
that this will suffice.

You know, she signed this
just to make you happy.

You see that, right?

She doesn't actually
want her baby dug up.

Emily has faith.

You're the one who doesn't
want this to happen, Mother.

Nevertheless, arrangements for
your service are still ongoing.

I would like to be at the cemetery

before Easter Services.

I'm going to need all my strength

to become His instrument.

I've also made other arrangements. Come.


These are the other
arrangements that are ongoing.

No. We're not running from this.

Stop. Hey. Do you understand?

It's not just Elder Brown
and his billboard.

We are surrounded by those

who cannot wait for Easter Sunday.

They can't wait for our ruin.

If ruin is God's...


We have to run, okay?

This church is mine! Mine!

The Assembly, the Temple,

every cornerstone of every
church we've ever built.

Do you remember saying that?

I'm remembering a lot of
things, lately, Mama.

You want to run?

Go ahead and run.



DELLA: City records?

MASON: Yes, I know you'd
rather be in court, Della.

I'd rather be tracking the leads.

But someone's gotta dog this ledger,

and Strick's already
on his way to Denver.

- At least he should be.

I gotta go.

Who is it?


Who is it?

Officer Drake?

Perry Mason, Esquire, may I come in?

Of course.

This a social call?

DRAKE: Something I have to say to you.

I wanted to tell them, Mason.

I wanted to tell them
everything when you asked me.

Well, I shouldn't have asked you.

- I gave you my word.
- DRAKE: But you kept your word.

Yes, I did.

DRAKE: I almost wanted you to...

force my hand, so that I could...

so that I could blame you.

MASON: Oh, you're just saying that now.

DRAKE: I could've helped that woman.

I could've, but...

I was afraid.

MASON: Look, the deck was
stacked from the start.

Anyone would've made the same choice.

'Cause there wasn't one.

You know what it's like to be afraid?

I was in the w*r.

Every day, I gotta wake up with
this ball of fear inside of me.

Gotta go put on that uniform,

go out there and play the fool.

You know there's not one
black officer assigned

to work with a white officer?

Not one.

We all on foot patrol,

by ourselves, keeping
the coloreds in check.

Hell, they won't even let
me cuff white folks.

'Cause a black man, even...

a g*dd*mn black police officer,

can never stand up to a white man.


Even a g*dd*mn white criminal.

A white f*cking m*rder*r
gets to look down on me.

You have any idea what that feels like?


Every day, I'm scared, Mason,

that I'm going to let it all out.


What they give me for being a good boy.

I do not like feeling owned.

It sits real bad on me.

So I'm gonna help you.

I'm gonna help this woman.

Maybe buy a little
piece of my soul back.

What are you doing?

Well, ain't nobody ever certain

what's in half these
boxes to begin with.


That's not exactly legal, Officer Drake.

DRAKE: No, Mr. Mason, it's not.

But it is something I can live with.

Are you sure?



Look what I just found.

Number .

I'd like to see all
articles of incorporation

filed with the State by the
Radiant Assembly of God, Inc.

For what reason?

I don't have to have a reason.

They're public record.

I have to write something
down for my boss.

I don't care what you tell me.

(SIGHS) Write down...

pertinent curiosity.

Make a right down the
hall, door on the left.

Wait there.



How do, old timer?

You live here long?

Since aught three.

What's it to you?

PETE: I was hoping you could
help me out with a guy or two.

Marcin Sarecki.

Stayed here back in ' .

During the Ludlow strikes.

Can't say as I do.

You sure?

I old. Not daft.

PETE: What about this one?

Stanislaw Nowak.



That cocksucker I remember.

I guess so.

I reckon I rightly recall the bastard

that gave me this.






Doctor, I ask you to
look at what is marked

as People's Exhibits A through H.

Can you tell us what these are?

The photographs I took

before the autopsy of Charles Dodson.

Now, as a result of the autopsy,

can you tell us the cause of death?

Yes. Asphyxiation.

Charles Dodson died as a result

of being deprived of
oxygen to his brain.

BARNES: Yeah. And your
autopsy also indicated that

baby Charlie's eyes were
sewn open with thread.

Can you tell us if they
were sewn open before

- or after his death?
- VIRGIL SHEETS: Yes, I can.

The sewing of the eyelids was
certainly done postmortem.

BARNES: Thank you, Doctor.
No further questions.

(CLEARS THROAT) Your Honor, I would ask

that the autopsy photographs
be published to the jury.

JUDGE WRIGHT: So ordered.

- Uh, Dr. Sheets...
- BARNES: Your Honor,

I would ask that the jury
be given the opportunity

to view the photographs
before cross begins.

JUDGE WRIGHT: Of course. Mr. Mason,

please wait till the jury
has viewed the exhibits.

Right now?

Yes, Mr. Mason. Now.


JUDGE WRIGHT: Very well.

Thank you, ladies and gentlemen.

Your witness, Mr. Mason.

MASON: Dr. Sheets,

would you please take a look
at Defense Exhibit number one?

BARNES: Excuse me, Your Honor,

I'm not exactly sure what
Mr. Mason is referring to.

It's a vouchered piece of evidence

that was turned over to the
defense in discovery material.

JUDGE WRIGHT: I'll allow it.

Let's have the witness identify
the exhibit first, Mr. Barnes.

Oh, boy...

MASON: Dr. Sheets,
would you mind telling us

what it is you're holding in your hand?

It... It looks to be
a half of a denture.

Objection! We did not turn that over!

- Overruled.
- Have you ever seen

the other half of this denture before?

Um, yes, I have.

MASON: Was that during
an autopsy you conducted

- on George Gannon?
- Objection!

Side bar!

Get up here.

What the hell is going on?

I can prove that George
Gannon's su1c1de was fake.

- He was m*rder*d, Judge.
- Lower your voice,

- we're at side bar.
- That's Gannon's denture.

It was recovered in the alleyway
outside the apartment where...

Mr. Mason! Lower your voice!

It would prove that someone other
than Emily Dodson was involved!

In my chambers. Now.

Bailiff, recess the jury!



After Dr. Nance conducted
the official autopsy,

Gannon's body was stolen
from the crematorium

and magically turned
up with a broken hip.

The hip was broken before the
body was stolen, Your Honor.

You can't prove that!

That's up to the jury, not you, pal.

A second autopsy on Gannon

would require a preliminary
ruling to admit.

Uh, can... can... can I
get that ruling now?


I'm not letting you bring wild theories

before a jury based on a stolen body.

You don't have a clean
chain of evidence.

- Thank you, Your Honor.
- This is bullshit.

Any reference to this denture

or second autopsy is inadmissible.

This is f*cking rigged,

I have vouchered evidence,
from the DA himself.

- I've ruled on this.
- MASON: Well...

Someone m*rder*d Gannon.

Someone who's still out there.

Someone who... who stitched
Charlie's f*cking eyes open!

And you're as hellbent as
he is on covering this up!

Watch your tone when
speaking to me, Mr. Mason!

Or you will find yourself
held in contempt,

disbarred, and watching
me wipe my hind parts

with your investigator's license. Now...

recess runs till three.

I assume you'll be ready
to proceed, Mr. Barnes?

Most assuredly, Your Honor.
I plan to call my final witness

- and rest my case.



DRAKE: Gonna miss the
bus if we don't hustle.

Just trying to get you there is all.

You tell your aunt,
I'm paying the phone bill,

so any amount of calls is all right.

I don't want her worryin',
or worryin' you.

CABBIE: Afternoon, ma'am.

This is some bad business.

No. No, no. It ain't bad business.

I just need to help
this lady out is all.

I need you and this little
one out of reach...

- ... while I fix it right.


Here you go.




There you are!

I was about to storm the men's room

- when the bailiff ratted you out.
- Not now.

Yes, now.

Wait till you see what I got you.

Thirty-Six Del Pio Drive.

They're not putting Ennis on the stand.

And they gave me minutes

to prepare for this f*cking jail matron.

I found J.H.

Woodland Acres.
It's a church subsidiary.

A real estate development
out in the sticks.

Jim Hicks set it up,

and Herman Baggerly
is named as chairman.

- Baggerly?
- Yeah.

Then I went across Spring Street

to the County Assessor's Office

and started pulling titles and deeds.

It's a place called Girard,
incorporated in ,

and they only sold plots,

and guess who owns
one for next to nothing?

- You stole a title?
- You stole a body.

Look at the signature.

Big "J," skinny "H."

Thirty-Six Del Pio Drive.

Twenty acres for a dollar?

It's a hell of a deal for
a former accountant.

I could kiss you, Della Street.

Please don't.

- BAILIFF: Mr. Mason?
- Yeah.

BAILIFF: We're heading back, counselor.

MASON: Thank you.


PETE: That old Polack spits all over me,

tells me to come to see you.

I'm surprised he didn't
take a poke at you.

Those old bastards got a
real burr in their saddle

about that whole Ludlow mess.

Well, fortunately, he could barely spit.

No Sarecki. No Nowak.

Who'd you say the other one was?

Ennis. Worked as a Pinkerton.

BETTY: Ennis. With an E?


Very close to "penis."

Never thought about it like that.

Pinkertons, thugs,

miners, that's one thing.

It's a fair enough fight.

But when the army came
in sh**ting, mm-mm.

Sweet Jesus wept... Shit.

No Ennis, either.

You sure? He's got to be there.

That's where you look.

And you just saw me f*cking look.

Most likely we paid the thugs in cash

and the Pinkies as a group.

How about the fella who was
doling out the dollars?

Any chance he's still around?

- From back then?
- Yeah.

Dog-f*ck if I know.

Hope you don't mind me saying,

but you got a colorful way with words.

BETTY: You're not a
g*dd*mn Papist, are you?

Here we go.

Accounting, .

Furthest thing from it. Episcopalian.

Hmm, I don't like them much either.

Dead. Don't know.

Don't know. Dead.

That say "Seidel"?

- "Eric Q. Seidel"?
- Him.

He became vice president.

Top row, second from the left.



can I buy you a drink?

BAILIFF: Do you swear that
the testimony you shall give

shall be the truth,

the whole truth, and
nothing but the truth,

- so help you God?
- I do.

Please state your name and
occupation for the record.

My name is Barbara Fry,

and I am the matron at the City Jail.

And were you responsible for the
supervision of the defendant,

Emily Dodson, on or about January th?

Yes, I was.

Did anything of note
happen on that date?

She had a visit from
Sister Alice McKeegan.

And were you present for
the entirety of that visit?


Please tell the jury what you heard.

Uh, objection! Uh,
conversation between Emily

and her spiritual advisor is privileged.

Sit down, Mr. Mason.

That privilege is broken
if a third party is present.

BARNES: You may answer the question.

BARBARA: Emily said that if
she had not been with George,

Charlie'd still be alive.

- Continue.
- Then she said,

"I k*lled my baby."

- No! That's not...
- Control your client, Mr. Mason!

That is... That is not what I said!

Jesus, she's twisting it.

- Do... Do something.
- BARBARA: Then the Sister asked her

if she had pressed a pillow
over her baby's mouth

and stitched his eyes open.

And the defendant's response?

- Objection!
- The defendant nodded

and said, "Yes."

That is a lie!

- Stop lying!
- Sit down, Mrs. Dodson,

- or I'll have you removed!
- She's lying!

- She's lying!
- MASON: I know.

Your Honor, given this
overheard confession,

I ask, no, demand, that
I be allowed to argue

in summation that the
defendant Emily Dodson

not only conspired to
kidnap, but in fact,

m*rder*d her child!

- I didn't do it! I didn't do it!

- I didn't do it!

- The Prosecution rests.




REPORTER : Hey, there they are!

MAN : m*rder*r!


REPORTER : Mr. Mason, is
there any comment on that?

The woman perjured herself.

They don't have a case, so they lie.

That's how low the DA goes.



You want a story?
Ask him why he didn't call

the first detective on the scene.

Take her home.




MAN : Repent or die, whore!

I can't believe that woman lied.

After what she let happen to you.

Take a runner!

It's okay. It's okay.

None of them matters, Della.

Don't give up hope. Okay?

It's our turn next.

No. Mr. Barnes is gonna
drop the charges.

Once Sister Alice brings
Charlie back, he'll be alive.

It can't be m*rder if he's alive.



How do you think that went, E.B.?

(IMITATES E.B.) Well, I have
a few observations, boy-o.


- Hey, Gene!
- HOLCOMB: Hey, Ellie.

Is, uh, your better half around?

Back in the garage with
his one true love.

Do you want to come in for coffee?

No, thanks. Uh, not today.

It's... work.


Where the f*ck have you been?

I didn't think I was needed.
Wasn't asked to testify.

f*cking Barnes ices me out,
for what, I don't know.

HOLCOMB: You know what.

That bullshit with McGuire?

Like you haven't done the same thing.

- Barnes knows you're lying.
- ENNIS: Of course I'm lying.

What am I supposed to say to the DA?

That I'm getting soused at the Elks club

when Charlie turns up?

Well, makes more sense than
what you told him or me.

ENNIS: Huge case drops in my lap,

I'm gonna grab it, yeah?

I got mouths to feed.

Case like this could move
us both up the ladder.

HOLCOMB: Bullshit!

You jumped Royce so we
could run the crime scene.

No, Gene.

You ran the scene.

I was your second.

You told me what to do.

I followed your lead.

And forget about Mason.
He can't prove a thing.

If Barnes wasn't such a
f*cking chickenshit...

Nice looking car, Joe.


You love this car? Huh?
It's important to you? Huh?

- What about Ellie?

The kids?

Huh? Or me? Your g*dd*mn partner!


Just how dirty are you, Joe?

I need to know. Right f*cking now.

You brought me into this racket.

You tied me in with the Lucky Lagoon,

the whores at Jin's, the kickbacks.

That ain't the same thing.

Sarecki, Nowak, Gannon.

Did you k*ll 'em all, Joe?

(PANTING) Did you stitch that baby up?

I got hired to do a thing.

That thing went a little off.


Who else can finger you for this?

- Really wanna know?

I want 'em dead.

See, a good lawyer,

an actual lawyer,

never would have promised
to get the client off,

to find the k*ller.

Shouldn't prosecute
from the defense table.

You can't prosecute
from the defense table.

And yet here we are,
driving to God knows where

for God knows whatever
reason, when a real lawyer,

an actual lawyer, would have done what?

Would have stuffed a
towel under the door

and turned on the f*cking gas?

How the f*ck is that
working out for you, E.B.?

They got Brandy Alexanders
and cigar girls

in good lawyer purgatory?

'Cause guess what?

You should be here,

doing your f*cking job,
you f*cking coward!








- JIM HICKS: Hello.
- MASON: Uh, hi.

Um, I'm sorry to bother you.
I'm looking for Jim Hicks?

You're that Dodson girl's lawyer?

Seen your picture in the newspaper.

Yeah, I...

I've been waiting for you to find me.




WOMAN: (WHISPERS) Alice. Alice.

(SCREAMS) Alice!

Something on your mind, daughter?

Just wondering what
the Lord has in store.

Mr. Hicks, was George Gannon
stealing from the church?

The church was stealing from the church.

Wanna look at what I found?


PERRY MASON: I've got to talk to Emily.

She won't hear a word you say.

Come this Sunday, Mr. Mason,
everyone in this city

will beg me to forgive them.

What kind of man are you, Mr. Mason?

I am fighting for a woman's life!