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01x10 - Encore

Posted: 05/08/21 17:18
by bunniefuu
♪ ♪ Ready to get to work?

- AUGUST: Let's do it.

- STELLA: Yep.

♪ All that matters to me ♪ ♪ In the end ♪ ♪ My head ♪ ♪ Is full of all kinds of sound ♪ ♪ It's better ♪ ♪ When you come around ♪ ♪ My love ♪ ♪ Is waiting there for me ♪ ♪ Days around my head, they start to spin... ♪ BONHAM: You questioning my palette?

♪ ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh... ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh... ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh. ♪

All right.

New routine, new thing going on!

- Mm-hmm.

- Yeah.

Thank you.

Got our big reopening coming up, and, kiddos, you know how much this place means to me.

How much it meant to your mom.

We know.

You nailed yourself to it, Dad.


- Just calm down.

Yeah, very funny.



- Cheers.

- Cheers.

And by the way, Stel, guess who got her license back.

- Seriously?

- Yeah.


Don't speed, don't tailgate.

Uh-huh, yeah, mm-hmm.

- Okay.

All right.

- Mm-hmm.

Uh, no car for you yet, Augie.

But maybe we can talk about upping your allowance.

I mean, we couldn't have done this without you, so...

Just... cannot believe that Geri is missing it.

We haven't seen her in, like, a month.

She's still a part of this, isn't she?




She-She's, uh, you know, she's taking care of some stuff out of town.

She'll be back.

She'll be around.

Hey, uh, why isn't Trevor here?

I thought he would want to help.


Guess not.


Uh, did-did something happen?

I don't even know if he's still in town, okay?

Can we please just drop it?

We wanted you to hear it from us first.

I'm stepping down as district attorney before the end of my term.

So we're looking at a special election.


- And...

I'm endorsing my good friend Stan.

I've always thought of him as old-school type of officer, and, well, you add in that legal mind of his and...

Didn't you do oil and gas law?

Yeah, I know, I know.

It may seem tangential, but...

you know, between that work and now the DPS, I'm...

pretty well versed in the lay of the land.

Personally, this couldn't come at a better time.

I've been missing the action.

I'm just trying to keep up.

It's just a lot to, um...

it's a lot to put onto Stan.

I know.

It's-it's a lot to take in all at once, and...

Well, I'll let you two discuss.


- Stan, I'm-I'm sorry.

I'm just surprised that you...

No, no, it's all right, I get it, I get it, I get it.

Listen, Liam, when I do become D.A., I'll want to help you move up, gain influence, you know, rub the right shoulders

- with all the old guard.


- Yeah.

- Mm-hmm.

And plus, it'll give you a chance to make a new name for yourself so they stop calling you "Yankee Doodle A.D.A." People call me that?

That's not the point.

Your endorsement, it would mean a lot.

Right, both as a, uh, as a friend and a colleague...

I got, I got to run...

but also as a, you know, strong, young progressive voice.

All right?

Will you think about it?


You get back to me, all right?

So, how was the doctor?

- Any updates on your concussion?

- Yeah.

Um, I'm having less weakness and spasticity on my right side.

So if this keeps up, I'll be clear to drive before the big game.


That's a little fast.

You took quite a hit during the tornado.

But look, if-if that's the case, then I'm happy.

I mean, you know every TBI's different.

Besides, I'll bet you never thought

- you'd be dating a medical marvel, now, did you?

- Oh!



Ranger Ramirez.


Sure thing.

Okay, send it over to HQ.

I'll be there ASAP.


I guess it'll just be you representing us in today's episode of...

BOTH: Restaurant: Impossible.


- What's up, guys?

- Great timing.

I hope y'all are ready to work.

- Trey...

- Slight change of plans.

A buddy of mine at APD asked us for a consult.

But you still got me, though.

And I think you'll find that I follow directions better than these two over here.

- Ha-ha!


- Works for me.

I did bring this for... what did I bring this for again?

Yeah, um, I am actually doing a gallery wall covered with random things that all mean something to people close to us.

So, Captain James already sent his over there.

And I even got something from Hoyt.

I'm impressed.

Okay, well, don't you still have a case to do?


Weren't you just asking for our help a second ago?

- MICKI: Okay, Super Dad, let's go.


- I got you, I got you.


All right.

- MICKI: Come on.

- All right, let's get to work.

All right, let's do it, boss.

_ Your friend say why she needed us? I mean...

sounds like just a standard B&E.

(CHUCKLES): And grand larceny.

Walker, this isn't just about a consult.

Okay, I'll call Captain James and get the okay to take this case from APD.

Whoa, whoa, hold up, hold up.

Micki, why are you so worked up?

Because my buddy from APD called me because she knows I've seen this scene before.

- Just hear me out, okay?

- Okay, okay.


All right, so the perp accessed the balcony from there.

♪ ♪ After cutting the power to the joint, so the security system is not an issue.

They're only interested in two things: what they came for, and...

leaving a message.

WALKER: Okay, so, what's their, uh, heist theme song?


That's what matters to you?

A song says a lot about someone.

"How Am I Gonna Find You Now?" Ha!

Pretty good.

MICKI: Okay, so there's one main thing they're after, and that thing was in this case.

My friend told me that thing was a violin, a -year-old Stradivarius.

Now, if you look closer, you'll see there's a ruby red guitar pick,

- the perp's calling card.

We've seen it a dozen times.

- Boom!

- Okay, why are they locked up?

It was back in my trooper days.

And my boss was a guy named Sergeant Connell.

He kept me out of the action because he wouldn't vouch for me.


It was just easier for him to write me off as the girl who cried wolf.

You can't sentence without charges, and you can't get charges without a real investigation or arrest.

- I never even got the chance to try.

- Okay, Trooper, well, you're a Ranger now.

So let's catch him.

What's his name?

Her name is Minnie Jayne.

All right, well, then Minnie Jayne has it coming.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

(STAMMERING): Minnie-Minnie Jayne Minnie Jayne?

Local hero, homegrown talent, music legend who never got the fame and fortune she deserved Minnie Jayne?

This is exactly why Minnie's been able to run off into the sunset for years.

Starstruck officers.

Come on, she's pretty great.


Help me or not, fanboy...

I'm gonna get her on this.





Careful there, little lady.

♪ ♪ Find anything interesting?

Uh... no.

I mean, nothing jumps out, you know.

And I-I might be distracted.

- Really?

- Yeah.

Hey, I'm sensing something.

- Gearing up for an overshare.

- Okay.

Look, the night James and I took down Cali, Geri and I kissed.

Mm, and I-I can't...

stop thinking about it.


That must have been a really emotionally charged night.

Yeah, plus then there's the Hoyt factor,

- and that just makes everything really...

- Yeah.

- Complicated.


- Yeah.

Are you making this more complicated in your head?

Because maybe you could just talk it out with her.

That could help.

Well, maybe, yeah, but I haven't even seen her since.

Which makes me think that maybe she doesn't want to talk.


Anyways, I'll figure it out.

No big deal.

Uh, okay, did-did no one else think to look into this white whale of yours?

I talked someone into taking a second look once, but then that jackass Connell broke the chain of custody and got the evidence that was used to nail her thrown out.

So, fast-forward to now...

And you're looking to end it once and for all.

- Mm-hmm.

- All right.

Well, I may have an affinity towards a Minnie Jayne jam, but I'm with you on this.

So, what's our next move, Lady Ahab?

Right, tomorrow, we're gonna take a little trip down to Gruene and nab us a Minnie Jayne after her show.

- She's in Gruene?

- Mm-hmm.


Have you been keeping tabs on her?

Hold on.

Do you know her?

Okay, you can't come.


Now, I miss working the ranch with you.


Me, too.

Come on.

I heard Stan might be your new boss.

MAN: Nice and easy.

Did you know he was running for D.A.?


I told him I was happy for him.

- I'm sensing you're not.

- It's just, McLawson had years left on his term.

I could make changes.

I could get people to start living like we're in the s and not the s.


- It's just, I don't...

- Hup.


I thought that I had more time to plan out what it is that I want, but now I don't...

I don't know what that is anymore.

You know, that just may be the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard you say.

I don't know any other sixth grader who had their dads change the channel to C-SPAN.


You remind me a lot of your grandfather.

Big brain, even bigger heart.

Sometimes your noggin doesn't always agree with what that heart wants.

But lucky for you, you're still a rancher.

So you listen to your gut.

- You keep working him, Cole.

He looks good.

- Thank you.

So, h-how do you... how do you do that?

So, basically, flip, catch.

So, it's like a...

- My man.


- Not bad?

Just like that.


You'll get it.

That's so cool.

All right, I want to pass it to you.

All right, cool.



♪ Why, why, baby, do you treat me this way? ♪


I threw it too hard.

I'm-I'm sorry.

Don't-don't... don't even worry about that, all right?

- I'll get that later.

- Yeah.

We've still got real work to do.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, man.

I mean, you make the rules.


Uh, Micki's stuff is right there,

- if you want to grab it to-to hang.

- Cool.

♪ ♪ She saved this.

Uh, this was kind of our first date.

We went on a supply run together.

And, uh, now I have some tricks.

Let me tell you, boy, I could put my foot in an MRE.

- (LAUGHING): Yeah?

- (LAUGHING): Yeah.

- So I was setting up to impress Micki, right?

- Yeah.

And then, all of a sudden, we hear this commotion.

And when you're out there, you think the worst.

So we thought we were under attack.

Next thing I know, I'm facing off with a stray dog, and he's got that MRE

(LAUGHING): jalapeño cheese sauce all over his mouth.

Oh, man.

Anyways, um, that was a great day.

I'm just not sure if that guy's still here anymore.

Have you told Micki what you're worried about?



My dad hid a lot of stuff from us, so, happens long enough, you just get good at spotting it everywhere.



MAN: Come on.

- Hello?


You again.

I worked here at the stables with your son, and I've been worried about him.

I haven't seen him in weeks, and I was hoping you may know something?

What exactly he say to you?

Just that you got caught in a bad situation with a dirty cop, and your family paid the price.


So he told the truth.

He gets that from his mother.


- Now tell me, how's that story sit with you, Stella Walker?

I think we've had enough theatrics for today, don't you?

What do you want?

I want to know where Trevor is.


Ain't that sweet.

Well, I'd give him a ring for you, but I lost my burner.

But I think you and I can help each other.

Help Trevor, too, maybe.

How's your daddy?

How is dear old Duke?

He's fine.

He's fine.

Man tears apart my family, and his daughter comes out here to slum it with me

- and rub it in.

- I wasn't rubbing...

And he's just fine.

How am I supposed to answer that?

Seriously, what do you want me to say?


Your brother still taking pictures with that old camera?


Looks like I got to get going.

Just tell me where he is, please.

Patience, Stella Walker.

You and I are just getting acquainted.

You stole my boy's heart.

I reckon you owe me.

♪ Yeah, yeah, yeah ♪ ♪ Baby, you've been a good boy ♪ ♪ An awful good boy ♪ ♪ Want you to put it on me strong ♪ ♪ Baby, if you want it, I got it right here for ya ♪ ♪ Hey, hey, hey ♪ ♪ Baby, you've been a good boy ♪ ♪ An awful good boy ♪ ♪ Want you to put it on me strong ♪ ♪ Baby, if you want it, I got it right here for ya ♪ ♪ Hey, hey, hey, hey ♪ ♪ Hey. ♪


I just want to thank y'all for coming.

Thank you!

Never do feel blue after a show in Gruene, huh?


Okay, that was pretty bad.

But seriously, until next time.


Hey, sugar, how you doing?

Thank you.



Thought that was you, Troop.

You enjoy the show?


I did.



MICKI: Where were you Tuesday night?

Tuesday night, played a stock show out in Beaumont, but you already knew that.

Stopped on the way home, slept under the stars.

- Huh.

No witnesses?

- Uh-uh.

Like always.


Didn't know I'd need 'em.

You know, funny thing.

A few months ago, my boys upgraded me to that smart home tech.

The doorbell cam was sh**ting off alerts.

Turns out, someone was casing the joint.


On the same night.

Also convenient.

WALKER: Casing, like a... like a stalker?

I mean, um, did you report it to the authorities?


I ruffled a few feathers over the years, but those guys were always a lot of bark,

- no bite.

- Mm-hmm.

- Hmm?

- So this is, uh, relevant how?

Uh, patience.

And when I heard about the Stradivarius being stolen from that mansion, I realized whoever was casing my house wanted something.

And they figured framing me would get you to get me out of the way so they could do it.

Framing you?

Listen, you want to nab him, catch him in the act.

Check it out.

He's obviously tracking my comings and goings.


- How about tomorrow, I be gone?

What do you say, huh?

You want to solve this crime, or waste time hashing it out with little old me?




You like to read, Ms. Walker?



Well, you wouldn't think Gone Girl would make the reading list for a prison, but they've got, like, copies.

You know Gone Girl? Isn't it about a woman that fakes her own m*rder while Ben Affleck cries?



It's about selfish people.

The ones who run away and the ones who are left behind.

The way a lie can destroy a family, bit by bit.

But you wouldn't know anything about that, would you?

I meant what I said.

I'm worried about Trevor, and I know you have to be, too.

That boy was all I had left.

Till you came into the picture and rotted his brain.

Choosing your family over mine?

No, ma'am.

No son of mine.

But you're his dad.

There has got to be some good stuff, you know, the things that you can't forget.

Of course.

All those milestones, like... like his first steps.

I mean, I wasn't there, but his Aunt Harriett got it on tape.

She was pissed when he waddled into frame 'cause she was snapping up a pay-per-view program on her camcorder.

Your sister?


My wife.

Harriett's family.

She always took care of that boy when we had a job to do.

We had good times, great even.

Till your daddy came along.

You played cops and robbers and murderers while your kid grew up without you.

That was great?

I don't even know why I'm trying.

Hey, Stella?

I wouldn't mention these little chats of ours to your old man.

And I'll know if you do.

You'd be surprised by the reach I have.


All right, let's do a sweep, and not just for the supposed intruder.

I don't want to miss my chance taking her down again.


Let's see what you got, Minnie.

- Hmm.

- MICKI: Walker.


In here.


Look at this.

A ticket from her show in Beaumont.


And a receipt from that campground.

I think she may be telling the truth.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

We'll see.


She really did go all Geek Squad, huh?


What's this blinking for?

Motion detector.



Well, that explains us and that.

What the hell's in the attic?



WALKER: Come on!

♪ Run wild ♪ ♪ I'm on a mission, and I won't stop ♪


- ♪ No destination... ♪ Walker, grab him!

♪ You gotta let me go ♪ ♪ You gotta let me go, you gotta let me go ♪ ♪ Run wild ♪ ♪ I'm on a mission, and I won't stop ♪ ♪ No destination... ♪

You good?

You ever hear Minnie's song about the one that got away?

♪ You gotta let me go, you gotta let me go. ♪

- Your home intruder's prints.

- Hmm.


- Well, what do you know.

It's Rex.


- You don't seem surprised.

- I kind of figured it might be him when you mentioned that backyard parkour.

That idiot didn't even use gloves?


We met when he auditioned for the band.

He didn't make it, but...

But you just turned him into an accomplice instead?

Look, I can get you Rex.

But if I do, my record gets cleared.


Since when does having

- a criminal record hurt a musician?

- Really?

Now, see, I'd have thought you'd understand what kind of double standards people like us have to deal with.

There's a hell of a lot more to life than just music.

You know, you ever try to get a mortgage with even the pettiest of records?

- Not happening.

- Okay.

Even if I wanted to,

- which I don't, I don't have that power.

- Liam does.

Especially since Rex assaulted a very important Ranger.

- Hmm.

- Mm.




This better be good.

Okay, now, I wasn't in with Rex on this.

He didn't have what it takes to be a musician, but I wanted to help him get by somehow.

So I, you know, taught him how to run a job.

How to choose a mark.

How to follow the code.

WALKER: Uh, code?

Uh, wh-what's this about a code?

You see, every choice is intentional.


Half the battle of making it is being able to afford to try.

You got kids out here with raw talent.

They ain't got no future 'cause they can't afford instruments.

But rich people blow their money on instruments they can't even play?

I-I couldn't take it.

- Well, you literally took it.

- Ah.

The only thing I ever kept was that bass guitar Rex broke up against your ribs.

- Yeah.


- MINNIE: The rest went to kids or got sold to pay for studio time for other artists.

Hell, it was the only way I could afford to help at the time.

And if I'd had another way to make that kind of impact, I would have.

- So, what are you, Robin Hood for the arts?


As far as motives go, it's-it's not terrible.

MINNIE: So, yeah, this new case of yours?

Nowhere near the zip of my code.

Rex got lazy.

Or stupid or both.

Which means he's desperate, and desperate men happen to be my specialty.


- Hmm.

Mine, too.

You said you could get us Rex.


Hudson's on Mercer's.

They're about to celebrate the anniversary of Robert Johnson's "Crossroads".

Now, they'll have his actual guitar there.


Thing's over a century old.

That'll fund a nice getaway.

You need somebody there who knows the game.


How to spot his tells.

That could work.


What are you...

What are you doing here?


The night of the dance, maybe you left because you got scared or because we got messy.

I get running.

I have done it a lot.

With you, I wanted to stand still.

Be in it with you.

- Stella, how did you find me?

- Aunt Harriett.

I looked for Harriett Strand on Slaughter Lane.


Stella, you need to go right now.

Stella, you need to go.

- I'll be fine.

Please just go!

- No, I'm not going anywhere.

- Hey!


- Hey, don't touch her!

Get off of her!


- Get off me!

- STELLA: Let me go!


- Stop!

- Stella, run!

Get her!




STELLA: Get in!

What the hell was that?

My dad.

I don't understand how someone could do this to their own son.

He used you.

To send me a message.

When I left you that night, I-I cut him off, too.

I just have a feeling that he was using me or us to get some kind of revenge.

You feel like he is or you know?

Look, I didn't know it would start all of this.

When I really got to know you and your-your normal family, it just made me hope that somehow we'd work.

Then I met your dad, the reason that my mom is dead.

I don't really think that's fair to say.

Well, we don't know what happened, exactly, do we?

My dad wanted me to get close to you.

But, Stella, I wanted to.

I needed to because of who you are, Stel.

Because of who you made me want to be.

Then you figured out who my father was, and I had to go.

Not just because I didn't deserve to look you in the eye, but...


I didn't want to put you at risk.

So you just lied?

I'm not some princess in a tower, Trevor.

- I've dealt with some stuff.

- I know.

We could have figured this out together.

I know, but...

Just everything with our dads.

The history there.

Is it too much for this to work?

Micki for Walker.

Coming in.

Hope this trap draws out the perp.

Roger that.

Thank you.

You know, Minnie, uh, I didn't tell you.

My wife and I caught you at the Continental back in ' .

- Oh, did you, now?

- Yeah.

- That was a fun show.

- That was a great show.

It seems like I'd remember you.

- Yeah.


- Yeah.



Either of you spot him?

- No.

- Never figured you for the type to stand over the pot waiting for it to boil, Ramirez.


Minnie Jayne!



You're gonna play for us.

Come on!


Come on, now.

- All right.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, hey, hey.

We, uh, we...

We don't want...

- We don't want to cause a scene.

- WOMAN: Minnie Jayne!


Minnie Jayne, y'all!


My, my, my.


Well, story goes that when Robert was at a crossroads, the devil appeared to him.

Now, he couldn't play guitar worth a damn, so he made a deal: six strings for his soul.

The devil came to collect on that deal just a few years later, but, uh, Robert had made his peace.

Now, I have made my fair share of deals with the devil, too.

But, uh, if that's what it took for me to be here tonight, I'd like to think the devil would agree with me when I say it was worth it.



- She's smooth.




- Ooh.


- WALKER: Minnie.

- Someone call !

WALKER: Minnie.


You all right?

- Yeah.

- Yeah?



I think she's been drugged.

Must have been in the champagne.

MICKI: He knew we'd be here.

He was already surveilling the place.

There's no other way he could have known.

Green Room, this is Front Stage.

What's your status?

Green Room, what's the status of the package?

- Hey, you'll be all right.

- Mm-hmm.



Rex got the real guitar.

- We got to lock this down now.

- WALKER: All right.

Minnie Jayne's gonna be okay.

She said she thinks Rex

- might be sneaking out as security.

- Roger that.


Stay right there.

Rex, stop right there!

Don't move.

Stay right...


- Freeze!

Whoa, Rex.

- Rex, stop!

- Drop it!

Put it down, Rex.


Heard you caught yourself a thief.

May take a while, but the truth always comes out.

MINNIE: Rex, don't you go telling nobody I'm your teacher, you hear?

You'll make us both look bad.


It's good to see you, Connie.

It is.

Talk to you later, all right?

- There he is.


- Stan.

- I'm so glad you made it.

- Hey.

I thought a lot about what you said earlier.

And thank you for giving me time to do that.

STAN: Mm-hmm.

I can't endorse you.

There's a lot of people that are scared of change and the work that it takes, but I'm not.

So that's why I've decided to run for district attorney as well.

I know that that's not the news that you wanted to hear.


Certainly isn't.

BONHAM: Excuse me?

Can I steal my son for a second?

Stan's about to blow his top.

What gives, son?

Oh, it's just something I needed to talk to him about in person.

Um, I wanted to ask you a question.

Where did Grandpa's campaign go wrong?


- Well, Grandpa was crazy.

- Hmm.

I mean, he cared about his people.

He, uh...

He believed in 'em.

But at the end of the day, what else did he believe in?

You know, they say that a...

a cowboy is just a man with guts and a horse.

Well, one day the sun rose like it always does, and there was just a man with a horse.

I don't see that happening to you, son.

- Bonham.

- Yeah?

- Let's go.

- All right.

WOMAN: Yeah, come on.

Get up there.


I'm coming, I'm coming.

My goodness.



Well, uh...


Hey, listen.

Just want you to know, whatever happens, I really did try to help you.

BONHAM: I try to stay out of politics.

Lord knows that a deer blind talk about bureaucracy can go south real quick...

Hector, I'm looking at you.

- You know what I'm saying, right?

- Oh, yeah.

- Huh?


But I'd like to introduce you to my son, William Walker.

You know him as Liam.

He's a man who left town to learn.

And when the time came, he came back...

to teach.

To lead.

Come on up.


- Thanks.

Thank you.

- WOMAN: Liam!

Now, I may be biased, but...

I think he'd make one hell of a D.A.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh... ♪ I'm gonna let him tell you about that.

♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh-ooh, ooh, ooh ♪ ♪ Ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh, ooh-ooh ♪ ♪ Ah... ♪



Partner tells me you hate my music.

Oh, no.


I don't hate it.

Just don't think it's any good.


We, um...

- We recovered that violin.

- Oh.


I understand, you know.

About what you were saying before.

Double standards.

The scrutiny.

- I get it.

- I know you do.


Girl, wiping my record...



I figured I ought to give you something in return.

So I wrote you a song.


- I'll send it to you.

- Can't wait.


- WALKER: Minnie Jayne.


- Hey.

- Thank you again so much for helping us out with the reopening tonight.

- Oh, no problem.

- Bye, girl.

So, uh...



- Maybe.




That's-that's really good.


- What's going on with you?

Got something on your mind?



You know, nothing worth sharing.



All right.

I've been thinking a lot lately.

Uh, i-it was just the four of us.

Me and Em, Hoyt and Geri, and...

You know, there's chasing ghosts.

I've definitely done my fair share of that.


I think for this one...

you just got to trust your instincts.

You know, I didn't even realize how much Connell brushing me off left a mark.

Like, I-I was just so focused on catching Minnie a-and getting it right that even when the facts were saying otherwise, even when you were asking me to listen to you...

I couldn't hear it.

You're good at holding a grudge.

Almost as good as my old man, and that is saying a lot.

(CHUCKLES): All right.

I think, uh, we're at the point where it's the whiskey talking.


You gonna go back inside?

Yeah, I-I just got to make a phone call real quick.

- I'll-I'll be in in a sec.

- Okay.



AUTOMATED VOICE: The mailbox belonging to Geraldine Broussard is full.


MINNIE JAYNE: Thank you.

All right, folks, it's getting late, so let's start this one off nice and slow.

♪ Dreaming in the daylight ♪ ♪ 'Cause I know heaven is a world away ♪ ♪ But we're here sleeping on the floor ♪ ♪ Hmm ♪ ♪ This hell feels better with you ♪



♪ Working through the midnight ♪ ♪ Yeah ♪ ♪ I know heaven is a world away ♪



I wasn't being real with you before.

I have no idea if and when I'm getting cleared to drive.

I'm always the fun guy.

- Mr. Positive, you know.

- Mm-hmm.

Then this happened, and...

Look, I know it could have been a lot worse.

Trey, you don't have to pretend with me.

I know that.

I do.

But, babe, we're finally good.

And, you know, this was...

well, this was overwhelming at first.


I just...

I don't know how to be me when who I am is changing.


But I know I don't want to do it without you.

- ♪ Been waiting... ♪

- WALKER: She's gonna be right back.


- You're coming with me.

You're coming with me.

All right?

It's my favorite song.

♪ Maybe heaven ain't on its way ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Well, if we're stuck down here forever... ♪


Something on your mind?

Anything you want to tell me?

I love you, that's all.

I love you, too.

Sure there's nothing else?

I'm just...



Well, why don't you dance

- on my feet?


Or why don't we twirl for old times' sake?

You know?

That'll wake you up.

♪ Better with you ♪ ♪ Better, better ♪

- ♪ Better, better ♪


- ♪ You're in my veins ♪

- Sorry.

♪ You're in my blood ♪

- Ooh.

- It's okay, Dad.

Seriously, I'm-I'm probably gonna head out early, anyway.

Okay, all right.

Um, okay.

Be safe, all right?


- All right.


♪ Oh, no ♪ ♪ But this hell feels better ♪

- ♪ Better with you ♪


♪ Oh, better with you ♪


♪ Better, better ♪ ♪ Better with you ♪ ♪ Better, better ♪ ♪ Yeah, better ♪ ♪ You're in my veins ♪ ♪ You're in my blood ♪ ♪ You stop the feeling ♪ ♪ Of giving up ♪ ♪ Oh, I know we don't have much... ♪


How was it?

It was nice.

The place looks good.

August and my dad, they look...


I don't know what to do now.

♪ Oh ♪ ♪ Well, if we're stuck down here forever ♪ ♪ At least this hell feels better ♪ ♪ Better with you... ♪ I get why you hid things from me, but it still hurts.

♪ This hell feels better... ♪

Our dads really screwed it up for us.

Part of me wants to hate them, but part of me says it doesn't matter.

They don't get a say in how we fix what they broke.

♪ Better with you... ♪ How do we fix it?

- ♪ Better with you ♪

- I don't know.

♪ Better, better ♪ ♪ Feels so much, much better with you... ♪

Let's not worry about it tonight.

Let's just drive until we run out of gas.

Stay out until the sun comes up.

Then we can figure out what comes next.

♪ You're in my blood ♪ Light's green.

♪ Stop the feeling of giving up ♪ ♪ Oh, I know, I know ♪ ♪ We don't have much ♪ ♪ Oh, no ♪ ♪ But this hell feels better ♪ ♪ Better with you, whoa ♪ ♪ This hell feels better with you ♪ ♪ Much better with you ♪ ♪ This hell feels better with you. ♪