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04x13 - I Guess I'm Floating

Posted: 05/07/21 08:41
by bunniefuu


Where are the boys?



What's all this?

Well, uh, Roz took the boys for a hike, and they won't be back for a few hours, so I thought, you know, we could, uh...

catch up.

Thank you.


♪ The less it feels alright ♪

No, really.

Thank you for [SIGHS]

creating some calm.


- Calm.





Oh, no.

- Calm.


- Actually, I was thinking...

you might want the opposite of calm.


♪ Like a fallen wave ♪


GREGORY: And every year, I look forward to this banquet, a chance for us to come together and celebrate our ever-growing numbers, commitment, and excellence.

This group of Black firefighters...

This is progress.


I-I wrote this speech two weeks ago, and, uh, I stand by these words, but let me add this...

The Floyd family and all Black people suffered a loss.

A brother was taken from us with a cruelty that we know is there but we try hard every day to forget.

My heart is hurting.

This is the way it is in .

Why are we still participating in a system that seeks to do us harm?

Well, I'm gonna tell you what my mentor, Claude Harris, told me back then.

We do this for each other.

We stay in the department, we rise up the ranks, we create a fairer space.

Take pride in the fact that, as Black firefighters, our very existence is a revolution.


Thank you.

Enjoy your dinner.

Same tired speech.

No real change.

I think the day would have been better spent if we were marching.

I need a drink.

I'll be back.



He hates your lawsuit.



You know, I admire him.

I-I respect the hell out of that man, but his idea that us just being here is enough...


Not anymore.

I don't...

I don't get it.

I don't...

I don't get him.

Sure you do.

Your lawsuit breaks every code.

They had their hands in their pockets when they slow-motion m*rder*d a man.

To hell with the codes, Sullivan.

You don't have to convince me.

You have my support.

But it would help if you got his.


♪♪ ♪♪ [CHUCKLES]

Okay, look, I need a water break before we go again.



Ben, what's that?


What do you think?


No, not that.




You're pinching me.

Ben, you have a growth.


No, no.


No, that's a growth.

- Look.

- Okay...



Just I-let me check.


Look, that's a spermatocele.


Look, the pipes are just a little backed up.

It just means that we need a little more alone time, that's all.

You need to go have that looked at.



I'm gonna make a call.

Come on.


Just come back.


Look, please, can we try to enjoy this very rare moment without kids and emergencies and nose swabs?

Okay, look, I promise, I'll go see somebody first thing in the morning.


I'm taking you to the hospital.

- Grey Sloan?

- Yeah.


No, no, no, no, no.

- What?

- No way!

Okay, fine, I'll...

send some e-mails and see who's in town.


Okay, can we just...

Can we deal with this tomorrow?!


♪ Hey, everybody ♪

♪ There's no time to lose ♪

Your speech felt a little pointed in my direction, sir.

That's because it was, Miller.

Breaking the color barrier was a huge victory, sir.

You forced yourself into the game because you knew we had a right to play, but it's years later, and now I'm on the field.

And I can't simply take your achievement and put it on my mantle.


That's not enough.

Sir, it's the same as givin' up.

Son, we have to present a united front.

I mean, there are people marching in the street right now calling for the defunding of the police.

- We need the police.

- Not like this.

Not a militarized police force that shows up with their g*ns drawn to situations, sir, that would be better served by mental healthcare professionals.

Look, the point of the police clearing a potentially violent scene before we enter is to make sure that a firefighter doesn't have to get treated instead of a patient.

I mean, you want to pull their funding?

Calls to defund are calls to reallocate some of the funds to services that improve lives, and that reallocation, sir, will benefit the community and the police force.



Are you okay, sir?





I can't breathe.



Chief, Chief!







- Hey!



Man overboard!

Man overboard!

♪♪ Anybody!


♪♪ Man overboard!

♪♪ - Chief!

- Help!


♪♪ Whoa!


I got you.

I got you!



- Miller.

- Yeah.

Take the life ring.

- Okay.

- Grab the life ring.

- Get the life preserver.

- What happened?!

I don't know.

He just slumped over.


It's hard to breathe.

It's okay, Chief.


Turn around!


Wait, no.

No, no, no!

He's unconscious.

- Check for a pulse.

- I don't feel anything.

- Come on!

Check it again!

- I don't feel anything!



I don't think he's breathing.

- CPR?

- Yeah.

You stay behind him, and I'll push.

Come on.

Come on, Chief.

- Come on, Chief!


I just keep pushing you both away.

The angle's all wrong.

Mouth to mouth?

That won't do any good.

He has laryngospasm from the cold water shock.

You'd be wasting your breath, literally.

What about a heart attack?

Well, maybe it's not cardiac arrest.

Maybe it's just an abnormal rhythm.

So, he just needs to be stimulated?



I have an idea.

Just hold him for a sec.

Just in case he goes into V-tach.

You're gonna do a precordial thump?

Hold on, sir.

Hold on.



- Miller!


- Miller!



Miller, stop!

He's gone.

♪♪ And so is the boat.


You do realize this lawsuit is gonna ruffle some feathers in the fire department?

I do, and I'm not concerned.

- Coffee?

- Yeah, please.

- Alexa.







remind me at : p.


to change Pru's diaper, to burp her, and then to suction her nose.


- ALEXA: Okay.

I'll remind you at : p.


- Spoiled child.

- Oh!

- I'm talking about you.

- Okay.



You are looking for the fancy Airbnb.

It's just two doors down that way.

No, I-I'm sure this is the right place.

- Dean Miller, right?

- Yeah.

I'm Petra Lau, and this is my husband, Henry.

- Mm-hmm.

- Who?

We're JJ's parents.

Sorry for showing up this abruptly.

We got tested in Hong Kong before we left.


Did rapid this morning.


You're the girlfriend?

Um, not at the moment.

Condola Vargas.

Dean's lawyer.

Ah, good.

I hope you're suing the city for what those police officers did to you.

Wait, so you watched the f.



I-I'm sorry.

I'm just confused.




Why are you here?


We just got into town, and we'd love to meet our granddaughter.


PETRA: Bossy just like her mama.

You know, I, uh, have to get home for a video conference.

Wait, what?

Call me if you need me.

Excuse me.




- You do know that JJ isn't here.

Or involved or has texted me back.

Yes, and we can't apologize enough for her.

We would have come sooner, but we just heard about Pru's existence when JJ blew through Hong Kong for five minutes on her way to that convent in India.

An ashram.

And what is she doing in an, um, ashram?

Running up our credit card bill.

We're so sorry for all that she's put you through.

It's fine.







It's fine.

No, no, it's not even slightly fine.

While we were not here in the beginning, please know that you have our total support now.

Your parents are comfortable financially.

Have they been supportive?

Y-You know my parents?

We looked them up, and you.



Not in a sinister way.

We just want to know who Pru has in her corner.

And we may have invited them here to meet us.

And they.



They said yes?

They should be here momentarily.

They should have noticed we're missing, right?

You see how quickly the boat disappeared?


That means we're drifting.




We're probably a mile from our original spot by now.

So, even if they did turn around.



They'd be looking in the wrong place, yeah.

And we're drifting further away by the second.

You should have gotten help instead of jumping in after us!

You jumped in, too!

The man was having a heart attack right in front of me!

Yeah, well, I-I tried to get help, but there was no time.

I can't see anything out here.




My phone, which is in my jacket, which is on the boat.










Instant life preserver.




- There you go!


- Ah.

Oh, yeah.

- Yeah.


Boy Scouts.

Seventh grade.


- Oh, God.

- Miller?



It's easier to swim without them.

Less drag.

That's a good idea.

Good stuff.

We're gonna have to let him go, too.


You take the life ring.

We're not letting him sink to the bottom of the ocean like he's a mob k*ll.

He wouldn't sink.




He'd float.

Until his lungs filled with water, and then he'd sink.

- But that's not the point.

- We're not cutting him loose.

- He deserves better.

- Look, you heard him, okay?

He said we carry on the fight by surviving.

Now, take the damn life ring, and honor him by staying alive!


I'm hanging onto him.



And the life ring.



For as long as I can.

We should say something.


Yeah, we should.

Rest in peace, Chief.

Rest in peace.


This is insane.

We're gonna die.

Well, we definitely are, if that's your attitude.

Does it look like the odds are in our favor right now?

No, but.



Look, we have to get into a survivor's frame of mind if we're even gonna stand a chance out here.

If it came down to it.



would you eat me?

Why would you.



It's not gonna come to that.

That wasn't a no, Ben.

We need to conserve energy.





So t-try floating on your back.

I can't.





My legs keep sinking, and it's hard to steer.

You know what?

Sea otters.

Sea otters hold hands when they float, to stay together.

Yeah, I think.



I'll figure it out.

- I'll figure out how to steer.

- Fine.

Alright, just.



just kick your legs a little to.



to stay horizontal.



I don't want to die, Ben.

I can't die.

I know.

Me neither.

Are you sure you want Mrs.

Warren here?

Or would you prefer to answer some questions in private?

- No, it's.



it's fine.

- "Mrs.

Warren" is Dr.

Miranda Bailey, Chief of Surgery at Grey Sloan Memorial Hospital.


So, Dr.

Warren, when's the last time you ejaculated?






Yeah, um, well, you know, my wife and I, we, um.



But I've been at the fire station for months.



Ben, for God's sakes, the man is a physician.

Um, we had intercourse to completion several hours ago.

It was the first time in two months since we've been quarantining apart more than together.

So, yes, there was a lot of ej*cul*te.

- Oh.

- Um, but probably, there's more to go, right?

It's a spermatocele, right?

I mean, that.



That makes the most sense.

Well, let's get a few more angles.

- Ooh!

- Sorry.

Almost got it.

And we're done.


Alright, here's a towel.

Well, it's a mass, and given your labs showing elevated alpha-fetoprotein, my guess is some sort of mixed germ cell tumor.


- Uh, guess?




We need to know for sure.

As do I, which means doing an orchiectomy to remove the testicle, then we'll analyze the tissue.


Uh, you don't want to do a biopsy first?

Unreliable for cases like this.

You just can't scoop the whole thing out on a whim.

Well, this is not a whim.

You made the decision in five seconds.

It feels like a whim.


Bailey, I'm a board certified urologist.

And I'm an anesthesiologist and a surgeon and a firefighter.

- Firefighter?

- Yes.

Well, then there's definitely.



A correlation between my job and the lump.

- Yes, I know.


Well, I'm sorry for giving you bad news.

I hate implying the C-word as much as you hate hearing it, but you already knew what I might say today, or else you wouldn't have driven all the way over here across town for this secret appointment instead of going to see your colleagues at Grey Sloan.

W-W-What about chemo?

What if I did chemo and no surgery?

Would that work?

Chemo isn't definitive.

This is the only way to go.

These tumors can metastasize quickly, which means there's no time to lose.


They m*rder*d him.



George Floyd, man.

They m*rder*d him.

You saw it.

We all saw it.

He's gone.

He wasn't doing anything to anyone.

That could've been me.

The day we found Jada in that basement and that cop slammed my face into the ground.



If that had been a bad cop, it would've been me, and Pru would've been alone.

But because I had a decent cop on the scene, I get a second chance, and George doesn't.



He doesn't get anything.

And the cops just.



Everyone just watched.

I don't know.

Nobody did anything.

No one could do anything.

I mean, e-everyone who was there that day, I-I'm sure they.



They felt as powerless as we did watching that video.

If that happened to me, Pru would be alone.

And she could end up in a basement like Jada, because nobody was looking out for her because I was taken out first.

And then what do I do on my second chance?



I die in the ocean!

Okay, look, no one is dying today, okay?


And you're not getting taken out first.


Look, even.



even if that did happen, you can't control what takes you out.

Look, a-all you can do is fight as hard as you can to stay alive so that you can make sure that Pru doesn't end up alone, so.



so that you can be the kind of father who stepped up and said.



said, "Yeah.

Yeah, I'm gonna raise my kid with no help, no plan, just.



even if parenthood is just sprung on me.

" The kind of dad who.



Who did get in that cop's face, you took that risk because he knew that that was the first step to making the world a better place for his kid.


One where.



Where she's not gonna get told ways a day that she's expendable just because of the color of her skin.

The kind of dad who looked at all that.






that injustice, and.



and says, "Yeah, t-that may happen to me, but I am making sure that it never happens to you.

" The kind of dad who is still holding onto this dead man's body, even though it makes this nightmare of a situation % harder for himself, because it is the right thing to do.

It's reckless, Ben.

It's righteous.

You always do the right thing and worry about the details later.

It's one of the most maddening things about you.


I didn't even know Allena did takeout.

I've been trying to get a reservation there for two years.

Oh, least we could do.

After all, we h*jacked your day.

And my parents.



It's lovely to meet you both.

So, Dean, where are we with the lawsuit.



- And the fallout?

- We?

We are footing Condola's bill.

We'd like an update.

Just so you both know, we are behind you all %.

Well, we didn't ask for that.

Oh, well, you have it.

Well, we don't need it.

I imagine the fire department isn't thrilled with you, right?

Uh, no, and the police department isn't, either.

But if that's what it takes to get eyes on the issues, then I'll deal with a few parking tickets.

My great-grandfather built the railroads that run across this country.

His son then tried to set up a life here with a small store, and in success, it was burned down.

My grandparents rebuilt it, but it was burned to the ground three more times, always while law enforcement just watched.

Because we were Chinese.

Ultimately, they moved back to Hong Kong and made their fortune there.

I say "back to," but they were American born and bred.



just not in the eyes of their fellow citizens.

The only reason they survived everything was because they were a family.

They had family to lean on, even when the very foundation of their world was shaken.

He has a family.




All we're trying to say.



We'd like to be your family, too.



I have a quarter-sized tumor in my testicle.

- You have a what?

- Cancer.


When did you find out?

The day before we heard about George Floyd.

It's a lot to process.

I'm sorry, brother.

- They do a biopsy?

- No.

No, no, they.



They're gonna do a surgery to take the entire testicle, and then they will determine if it's cancer.



You know, which they're pretty sure it is.

Wait, so, uh, surgery, then diagnosis?

Yeah, exactly.

- That's the same thing that.



- Pruitt Herrera had.


- But he didn't.



- Nope.

No, he did not.

♪♪ - What do we tell the boys?

- The truth.

We don't even know what the truth is.

We don't know if it's cancer.

- We don't want to wait to find out.

- I'm their father.

They look up to me, you know, for.



For protection and support.

I-I-I don't want them to see me like this.

A diagnosis doesn't make you less of a man.

You show them it's okay to be vulnerable.

Honestly, I don't want anyone to see me like this right now.

You need a support system, Ben.

No, what I need is more information, alright, to see if it's spread.

What's the prognosis?

And the only way to get those answers is through the orchiectomy.

Look, I'm.



I'm not ready for the surgery!

Can you please just.



back me up right now?



You want a second opinion?

'Cause I can call Catherine Fox right now.



No, no.

Hey, hey, hey, hey.

- M-Miranda!

- Ben, wait!


What is the matter with you?




I'm sorry.

You know the mortality rate of Black men and cancer.

Yeah, I-I know, okay?

I don't need a lesson.

I'm lucky.

I have access, I have resources, I-I-I have you forcing me to go to the doctor.

I have every reason to fight, but I also have every reason to I.



I eat right.

I exercise.

I am at the top of my game physically.




Why is this happening to me?

It's not just happening to you.

- Miranda, I am not in the mood.

- No, no, Benjamin.

Do not "Miranda" me, because I am your wife, and everything that happens to you happens to me.

You are not in this alone.

Look, I know what it's like to go from doctor to patient.

I-I know how you feel.

But you need to do this.

I need you to get the orchiectomy because.



it's been a hell of a year.

My mother died.

Andrew DeLuca died.

Meredith Grey just came off the vent.

And, you know, call it selfish, but I cannot lose you!

I wouldn't be able to take that.

I wouldn't be able to function.



or be a person anymore.




I wouldn't be able to be there for our boys, and I.



no, we.



We need to be there for our boys.

And I cannot imagine walking through this life without you in it, Benjamin Warren.

That would break me.

Do it for me.


Come here.

Come here.

♪♪ All right, so.



So, when's the surgery?

I haven't scheduled it yet.

Ben, we're fighting for our lives in the middle of the ocean, and a standard medical procedure to save your life is too much because, what, manhood?

Well, yeah, you know?

And other things.

You know, like, uh, like.



like losing testosterone - and my strength and vigor.



- You know, you can be the world's cheerleader, but then you cop out and ostrich when it's your turn to need help.







What happened to survival mode?

Keeping your head in the sand, man, will get you k*lled.

Okay, for the record, when I helped you with your little crisis of confidence a little while ago, I was much nicer.

A-And I never said I wasn't gonna get it.

- I-I just.



- Captain Herrera.

A few weeks before he died, he gave me a pep talk.

I was, uh.



I was thinking about giving Pru up for adoption, and he told me.



he said, "Son, I'm about to die, and all I wish for is more time with my little girl.

" Yeah, I see what you're doing.

Two cases in the same fire house is unacceptable.

I-It's not okay.

I get it.

The reason why we're called a fire house is because we're family.

We have each others' backs.

And as family, you're being a dumb-ass for avoiding surgery for your ball cancer, man.

You know, it's funny how you just said that we could call each other out as family, and yet, you don't seem to realize that the same thing goes for you.



♪ Here in the light ♪ ♪ No one will find.



♪ Some day.



this will all be yours, my sweet, sweet baby.

It's good to start inspiring her early.

No, I meant literally.

That development is ours, along with most of the waterfront.


You're with ICP Holdings.

DEAN: Yeah, Pops, I know that name.

LCP's a major private equity group.

Actually, uh, we are ICP Holdings.



Lau Central Pacific.

- IFEYA: Oh!

- Oh.

- Oh, here, let me help you.

- What is all this?

- Oh.

- Wow!


It's just some little things.

She's been shopping for Pru the moment she knew she existed.


Scotch and cured m-meats?

- Okay.

- Treat for you.

And you.

You guys really shouldn't have.

But now that we know you own half of Seattle, you guys could have brought way more stuff.



I am reminding you to change Pru's diaper.



- Yes, thank you.

- .



burp her.



- Uh, thank you.

- .



and then suction out - her nose.

- Yep.

Alexa, stop.

- Thank you.

- You see?

You do need our help.



Meant everything we said.

Anything you need.



And not just for Pru.

Thank you.




We appreciate it.

We really do.

We're delighted to meet all of you, and when we eventually have to leave, I have no doubt we can, uh, come up with a visitation arrangement that works gorgeously with everyone.


Yeah, we're family now, remember?

We'll need to discuss that.

I don't want Pru being influenced by JJ's life choices.

- You do understand?

- Oh, completely.

Our daughter is a mess, and it's our mission to see to it that Pru exceeds JJ in every way.




So, JJ's parents want to take Pru?


They're kind, they're warm, they got enough money to make Beyoncé blush.

They just love her after one meeting.

They're not villains.


What was that?

- You see that?

- What?


It j-just went under my foot!

It just swam under me, man!


- What?


- Whoa!

- It's nipping at me!

- Miller!


- Aah!

It bit me!

It bit me!

- BEN: Listen to me!

Listen to me!

No, listen to me!

Listen to me!

It's not a shark.

- What?

- Focus.


It was a blue bottle.

Okay, you got stung by a jellyfish.

- Why didn't you say anything?

- Well, I was trying to!


How did you know?

Well, I got.



I got.



I got stung earlier.


You didn't react or nothing.

Yeah, well, I guess I'm just tougher than you.

No, look, I just.



I didn't want to panic.

What if nobody finds us, man?

I don't want to die.

Peace with death, given our profession, man, but I don't wanna die.


I can't leave Pru without a father.

She already doesn't have a mother.

Yeah, well, maybe her mom will come back from India with a mental reawakening.

Ben, I can't die before I tell the only woman that I want to be her mother that I love her.




What, now?

- What, JJ?

- No.

- Condola?

- No.




I'm in love with Victoria Hughes, man.

I'm about to die, and I never told her.

And she'll never know, and.



I'll never know, as crazy as it sounds, if she would have been into it, too.

We could have lived happily ever after, Ben.

I mean, we could have lived happily ever after, just me, Hughey, and Pruey.


Okay, don't say anything.

- I.



- Don't.

Okay, say something.

Just nothing about Hughes.

I mean, look.

Look at all the.



The stuff you have to live for, man.

I'm not playing.

Don't tell anybody about Hughes.



I'm serious, man!

I will take it to my grave.

Which is probably gonna be this water, - so, y.



you're good.

- That's.



That's not funny.


It's not funny.


It's a little funny.


The otters.



BEN: I thought that moving around a bit might help.

But, uh.




I'm still freezing.

DEAN: Yup.

Now, Ben, I'm serious.

I want you and Bailey to take Pru if anything happens to me.

We are prepared to step up, if we have to, but we won't have to.

You have your village to raise your boys, regardless of what course of treatment you take and no matter what happens to you.

But me and Pru are on our own, and our job can snuff us out at any moment, and Pru will be on her own.

No, Miller.



no, you are not.



You're not on your own, man.

A-And she never will be.

My village is your village.

And she's got your parents and Hughes and JJ's new tycoon parents.


And she will always have me.

As in, if anything ever did happen to you, I give you my word, I will dad for Pru, too.

I am literally holding onto your arm right now.

I got you.

- She has a village.

- Oh.



You got a whole city.

- Okay.

- But, hey, not.



Not just with Pru.



With all of it.

'Cause listen, you.



You've been carrying around this.



this weight, like it's all on you to fix the problems that all Black Americans face.

You're like.



like you're this lone wolf single-handedly trying to make sure that what happened to George Floyd and how that makes us feel never happens to anyone ever again.


That's the justice that I said I wanted, and like you and Condola.



You all agreed on it.

Yeah, except it's not all on you.


Look, hey.

We agreed to fight this as one.

We carry this weight together.


I'm tired, Ben.

I'm so.



I'm so tired.


- Hey, Miller?

- Huh?


Will you be.



Will you be Tuck and Joey's village?

- You know, if I don't make it?

- What?

Hey, hey, none of that.


You said we'd be fine.

Look, I'm a planner, okay?

A-and you.



You will be fine, but.



I mean, Joey.



Joey was literally living on the street just a year ago.

If my wife hadn't taken him home without asking me, he'd still be back there.

But now.




Now the sky's the limit for the kid.

Would there be a big incision?

Not too bad.

You know, just.



Just here, along the inguinal line.

Is there a long recovery?

I mean, I can be on my feet the next day.

Will it look weird down there?

No, I'd have an implant, so i-it would be symmetric.

How would they control the bleeding once they cut you with the scalpel?

Oh, a scalpel's only for the skin incision.

And once you get down to the tissue, then they use a tool called a Bovie, which, it.



Well, it.



It zaps while it cuts.

Is that called electrocautery?

There you go.


Yeah, i-it cuts by making little burns.

That way, there isn't any bleeding.

Sounds to me like you'd have this surgery in the bag.

If you wanted to get it done.


Yeah, yeah, alright.

You like medical stuff, don't you?

You, uh.



you don't get grossed out by it at all.

You ever think about going into medicine?

I'd never met a Black doctor in real life before you and Miranda.

I had seen them on TV and stuff, but.



it wasn't until you guys, and then Dr.

Avery, Dr.

Webber, Dr.


To see so many people who look like me actually doing the damn thing, - I don't know, it's.



it's cool.

- Yeah.

It is definitely cool.

But that can be you, you know.

Med school costs a lot, right?

Yeah, but we can help with that.

- Seriously?

- Seriously.



Hey, maybe you could be my teacher in the OR some day.


Ah, I'm gonna get it.





The surgery?




O-Of course I'm gonna get it.

I was never not gonna get it.




I'm a surgeon, you know?

I'm not.



I'm not scared of surgery.

I just.



I just.



I just needed a minute t-to wrap my head around it, you know?




Without everyone yelling for me to get the surgery.











A boat!

A boat.


- Hey, hey!

- Over here!

- Please!

- We're here!

- Stop!

- We're here!

We're here!










Flip over and swim!

Flip over and swim!

Oh, God!

My back!

My back!


Miller, take the ring!

Take the ring!

You have to let him go.

- No, I'm not letting him go!

- You have to let him go!

- No!


- I can't lose you!

- I'm not letting him go!

- No!

Take it and let him go!

- Let him go and take the.



- No!


Get off!

- Take the ring!

- No!

- No!

- No, Miller!





Grab him!




Just give me your arm.

Give me your arm.



You had to.






I got you.

I got you.

I got you.


♪♪ I want to thank all my professors, all my brilliant fellow students, and Ben, who couldn't be here today, but is the closest thing to a father I've ever had.

I miss you, and I never would have made it to this day without you believing in me.


♪♪ Hey.


Hey, you with me?

You still with me?

The plane.

It flies so high.



Before I die, I just.



I gotta say that.



even though you probably shouldn't have jumped in after us, I'm glad I'm not out here alone, being swallowed by this fog.


What's done is done.


♪ Que será será ♪ ♪ Whatever will be, will be ♪ Hey!


- ♪ The future's not ours to see ♪ - Ben.

Keep singing.




My arms and legs have stopped working.




I can't coordinate them.

Just hold on.

Ben, what's happening to me?

It's the.



It's the hypothermia.

Yeah, so, we're not.



We're not even shivering anymore.

Uh, it's a bad sign.

It's a bad, bad sign.

Okay, then.




So, one last.



One last time.

If I go, you're watching over Pru.

And if you go, I'll do what I can for Tuck and Joey.




I don't.



I don't think.



I don't think I can do this much longer.

My legs.



My legs are done.



I think I gotta let you go.

I gotta let you go.

You wanted me to, right?


It's the only way you'll have a chance of surviving, man.

So, uh.



I'm gonna let you go.


Let you.




I'm letting you go.

♪ Lullaby and goodnight ♪ ♪ In the sky, stars are bright ♪ [GRUNTS]


♪ Close your eyes now and rest ♪ ♪ May these hours be blessed ♪ ♪ 'Til the skies ripe with dawn ♪ ♪ When you'll wake with them on ♪ ♪ Close your eyes now and rest ♪ ♪ May these hours be blessed ♪ ♪ 'Til the skies ripe with dawn ♪ ♪ When you wake with them on ♪ [SURF CRASHING]



MAN: Coast Guard Delta- , incoming with two ocean rescue victims, missing since hours, found alive and washed ashore at Cape Flattery.

♪ I wrote a letter to my granddaughter ♪ ♪ I said, "I'm sorry I don't get to meet ya" ♪ ♪ I wrote a letter to my grandmother ♪ ♪ Said I really can't wait to see ya ♪ ♪ In Heaven ♪ ♪ I heard there's a river of gold ♪ ♪ That flows through a crowd of angels ♪ I didn't know what to do.

I didn't know what to do, so I went to the houseboat, and I stayed with Pru all night, okay?

I didn't want her to wake up in a world where you didn't exist anymore and I wasn't there to hold her.

I'm so glad.



I'm so glad she doesn't have to.

♪ .



won't you please forgive this soldier ♪ Vic, I.





♪ He claims that what he's doing is for you ♪ I love you, too, Miller.

I love you, Miller.

- ♪ Father, I can feel you ♪ - Okay.

♪ Getting closer ♪ ♪ And I'm not ready ♪ ♪ But we don't choose ♪ ♪ When the bell tolls ♪ ♪ When the bell tolls ♪ ♪ When the bell tolls ♪ ♪ When the bell tolls ♪ ♪♪ ♪♪