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02x14 - Caught Up in Circles

Posted: 05/05/21 06:49
by bunniefuu
Previously on "All Rise"...

I kissed Luke.

I have been trying to tell you.

Do you want to be with Luke?

I care for both of them, and trying to choose, I feel like I just...

I can't.

Amy kicked me out of the house.

Thank you.

LOLA: Get mad at those thin little lips of yours.

RACHEL: You need to come clean about your marriage.

Collier, I've fallen in love with someone.

I'm gonna have to tell him about us.


Sara, I have to go.


- Oh...


I heard them get into an...



I've known Whitney for years.


It's not what I thought.

I'm sorry I disturbed you.

Ms. Castillo...

Sara, hold on.

What do you know about McCarthy fabricating witness statements?

Watkins, you signed a statement for McCarthy when we were fresh out of the academy.

You don't remember?


♪♪ This is how mornings should start.

You can't possibly need all this.

If this lawyering thing doesn't work out, you would make an excellent pack mule.

The least I can do for letting me stay in your guest house.

Amy ready to forgive you yet?

Last time she said my name, she didn't use any expletives.

You ready for today?

How do you get ready to have another judge as a defendant?

- It feels wrong.

- Not just any judge...

Prudence Jenkins is a legend.

I saw her on the bench when I was in college.

It made me realize I could [ibe[/i]

a judge.

But when they filed those bribery charges against her...

- b*mb went off.

- I am just getting back to work.

Why can't I get any low-grade felonies?


- How's the McCarthy case going?

So much work.

I'm just worried about what judge we get.


And Laski's court is opening back up.

- [SIPS]

- What?!


You knew that.

Is this the face of someone who knew that?

No, it's the face of someone who's leaving right now.

Sherri, do you always get here this early?

I get here before you.

It's the natural order of things.

- You do not have an appointment.

- I was helping with her bags.

He was just leaving.

Don't worry.

You will not get Laski.

If I do, I'm gonna have to remove him.

Do not paper Laski!

He'll hold it against everyone in your office.


Go good.

Go good.

Sherri, always a pleasure You do go home, right?

♪♪ Good morning.

Good morning!

- Hi.

How you holding up?

- Oh, I'm fine.

Things are weird between Benner and me, but...

I'm fine.

I'm sure you're both worried about Nikki.

When kids are endangered by their parent, it...

No, it is a beautiful morning, and I am trying to count my blessings.


Stay positive.

Distract me.

Have you heard from Joaquin?

- Radio silence.

- Do you want

to hear from Joaquin?

- Hey, Sara.

- Yeah.

- Emily.

- Good morning.

- Hey, Luke.

- Good to see you in the morning.

I mean, not...

not like that.

I just mean because our schedules, we don't...


I am late for work.



[UNDER BREATH] ♪ Awkward ♪

- I have no words.


- There she is.

- There who is?

Judge Jenkins.

She's even more impressive in person.



Looks like she's fighting with her lawyer.

Oh, I know her lawyer.

He's a bully.


Her lawyer is crying.

The bully is crying?


Now her lawyer is leaving.


I can't believe it!


♪♪ All rise.

Superior Court is now in session.

The Honorable Judge Lola Carmichael is presiding.

You may be seated.

LOLA: Good morning.

Looks like I missed out on all the excitement.

Calling the matter of People v. Prudence Jenkins,

receiving a bribe while a public official.

Counsel, your appearances.

Prudence Jenkins, Your Honor.

Clayton Berger for the People.

Uh, Judge Jenkins, I see your attorney is not present.

Will you be requesting a continuance?

Not at this time, Your Honor.

Uh, um... you won't?

It is unorthodox, but I've decided it's best that I represent myself.

These bribery charges are an attack on my integrity, my entire career.

I can't leave my fate in someone else's hands.

I already have the waiver filled out.

I see.

Then the procedure is to go over the disadvantages verbally.


"Disadvantages to include "but are not limited to the following...

If I had a lawyer..." "That lawyer would be able to investigate my case..." years on the bench and you'll have it memorized, too.

You'll also know when extraordinary measures are needed to defend yourself.

Then you understand.

I hereby state that I have read the waiver, I understand the waiver, and I have no questions about the waiver.

- I know what I'm doing.

- You'll need to.

♪♪ ♪♪ Always hard at work.

Good for you, Sam.

Case isn't going to prep itself.


My office.

- On the way.

- Choi.


Hey, you got a minute?

I could use your insight on a little judicial strategy.

- McCarthy case?

- Yeah, I just thought that the...

Are we securely in your office?

- No.

- Can anyone hear us in this location who isn't supposed to know the highly classified information that makes up your top priority case?

- Yeah.

- Then I don't have time

- to talk strategy.

- But... because it's for this case, I will make time, later.

Was that all for my benefit?

Kind of.

It's your lucky morning.

A convicted m*rder*r is eligible for release.

You'll review the file, go to the hearing, and be prepared to make a recommendation

- to the parole board.

- A lifer hearing.


That's above my pay grade.

Well, buckle in.

There's more.

The recommendation is your call.

- But...

- Meet Shayne Monroe.

He's been in prison for years for k*lling his buddy, Cyrus Wilkinson.

Shayne and Cyrus were both members of the Hazor Brigade, a white supremacist militia.



- Shayne mistakenly thought that Cyrus was an FBI informant, so he k*lled him.

Is there any particular reason you chose a Black man to attend the parole hearing for a white supremacist?

I do have a particular reason.

The McCarthy case is heating up, and you're a potential witness.

That means you have to be firewalled.

I thought your advocacy of restorative justice might lead you somewhere interesting.

You'll have the authority to make the recommendation you feel is appropriate, and I'll be there.

You're welcome.



We get the wrong judge, we might as well withdraw the charges, scrap the whole thing.

And Laski's court just opened up.

- How does everyone know that?

- It's not a secret.

- Laski hates me.

- Also not a secret.

Close call on an objection, Laski's love of watching me squirm cannot be a factor.

Might have to go nuclear, paper him.

Requesting a new judge is kind of risky.

Each side only gets one chance to do that.

I know, it's extreme, but I...


Hey, we got this.

We got this.

High five.

- Oh...


- Yep.




Please state your name and occupation for the record.

Sylvia Arthur.

I'm the director of the nonprofit Rainbow Doors.

On December , , did your organization receive a donation from Andre Buckingham in the amount of $ , ?

It did.

Your Honor, I ask that the Court take notice that this was the day before Judge Jenkins delivered her "not guilty" verdict.

How much is your average donation?

- $ .

- Ms.

Arthur, did you know who Andre Buckingham was before that donation was made?


Afterwards, I learned he is a lawyer in Santa Barbara but nothing from our donor files.

No further questions, Your Honor.

Care to cross-examine the witness, Your Hon...

...Judge Jenkins?

Thank you, Your Honor.

Good afternoon, Ms. Arthur.

As director of Rainbow Doors, how familiar are you with its donors?

I know many of them personally, some I even consider friends.

- Do you know every donor?

- No.

You testified that you were surprised to receive a donation from Andre Buckingham because he'd never given to Rainbow Doors before.

How many donors give for the first time annually?


Each year our goal is for % to be first-time donors.

When Mr.

Buckingham made his donation, did he in any way mention me or that his client was appearing in my courtroom?

- He did not.

- Have there ever been first-time donors who you later found out had heard about the organization from me?

Oh, yes.

Many times.

The money raised through your network has enabled us to give a lot of q*eer homeless kids a place to stay.

Did Mr.

Buckingham ever tell you that he was donating because your organization

- was brought to his attention by me?

- Objection.

- Overruled.

- Sustained.


Apologies, Your Honor.

Force of habit.

I meant no disrespect.

Apology accepted, but I will handle the objections in my courtroom.

I think that would be best.

No further questions.

You may step down.

♪♪ Well, you can remind Deputy Lori that his testimony ensures that McCarthy won't be in a position to retaliate.

No, it's not the same thing.

Cold feet is not a negotiating position for your client.

No, do not put me...

on hold.

You always had a way with people.

I swear, this case, it's like if I'm not convincing someone to testify, I'm explaining someone's immunity deal for the hundredth time.

At least I managed to convince Bravo to let me paper Laski if Judge Benner assigns him to the case.

- You did not.

- I did.


really good to see you.

You, too.

There are things to say.



There are.


I-I-I know you're swamped, so I was thinking a hike this weekend to talk things through?

- I like that thinking.

- Good.

Sorry for the hold-up.

How can I help?


Mr. Callan?




One down.

Don't put me on hold a...




High five.



Uh, Luke Watkins, D.A.'s office?

So what's this all about?

The D.A.'s office can weigh in on whether or not the parole board should grant someone parole.

Why are you here?

The answer should be obvious.

I want to know about Shayne's victim.

Your brother, Cyrus.

Look, I don't know what you heard, but Cyrus wasn't like those other guys in the militia.

He wasn't a k*ller, like Shayne Monroe.

- What was he like?

- He was a normal kid.

Liked working on cars.


He was stubborn as hell.


But also funny, really funny.

After he was k*lled, my mom never really...

got her laugh back.

Does the parole board care about that?

The parole board's main concern is whether or not Shayne will be a danger to the community.

Cyrus wasn't a danger to the community.

He didn't believe in that white supremacist stuff.

He was a good kid.

If Cyrus never got a second chance, why should Shayne Monroe ever get out of prison?

I really hope you're the kind of man who'll keep him there.

♪♪ I wrote a paper about Judge Jenkins in college, and one of my professors knew her.

She introduced us, and we just...

we clicked.

How long were you Judge Jenkins' judicial assistant?

Just four years.

I thought I was gonna be there a lot longer.

How would you describe the relationship between Judge Jenkins and the lawyer Andre Buckingham?

Objection, Your Honor.

Lacks foundation.


Mr. Berger, care to try again?

What, if anything, did you see between the defendant and attorney Andre Buckingham?

They were professional at first, then he started crossing lines, and I just never understood why the judge didn't stop him.

- Like what?

- He would tell her that he had tickets to an event or something, at Will Call under his name if she wanted them.

It just...

It flew in the face of all of the amazing work that she'd done.

Did you overhear a conversation between Judge Jenkins and Mr.

Buckingham in December of that troubled you?


They were in the judge's chambers, and I heard him talking about his client who was on trial for money laundering.

I-I thought she should have kicked him out,

- because that is so unethical.

- Objection.


It informs the defendant's statement, Your Honor.

- Overruled, but...

- Your Honor, with all due respect, asking a witness about what a third party said is textbook hearsay.

Judge Jenkins, I would advise against interrupting me.

If you hadn't, I could have finished instructing the witness to stick to the actions made by the defendant.


Well, all she said was, "You shouldn't be here," because they were in the middle of the trial.

- Can I say that?

- I will allow it.

Thank you.

Judge Jenkins, would you like to cross-examine?

Ms. Carlile, the tickets that Mr. Buckingham allegedly left for me at will call, did you ever see me pick them up?

- No.

- Do you know if...

for example, I paid for them, voiding their status as gifts?

- Uh, no.

- I see.

Please tell the Court why I fired you.

You know that was a mistake.

Ms. Carlile, please, just answer the question.

Uh, sorry, Your Honor.

I made one scheduling mistake, and I apologized.

And did that one scheduling error fit within a pattern of mistakes

- and overlooked details?

- I wouldn't call it a pattern.

And what was the immediate effect of that error?

You were a few minutes late.

Isn't it true that I, the judge, only showed up at that trial because the bailiff came to get me?



- Sustained.

- Overruled.

Once was funny, Judge Jenkins.

Won't happen again, Your Honor.

Isn't it true that when you were terminated, security had to remove you from the building?

- They escort everyone out.

- And while being removed,

- you said...

- You knew what you were doing.

..."I know your secrets and I will tell

- anyone who listens"?

- I believed in you,

- and you fired me!

- Answer the question.

That's enough!

Ms. Carlile, did those events take place?

Yes or no?


- They happened.

- Thank you.

I hope you lose everything, and I get to watch!

She is ruthless!

Okay, everybody.

Just take a deep breath.

♪♪ I knew this case was gonna test me, but not like this.

So many feelings.

And I'm the one who has to see through all the emotions to the facts.

Judge on trial?

Believe this verdict is gonna be remembered.

- The pressure.

- Imagine losing your job over a mistake on a calendar.

She was late for her own trial.

Judge Jenkins must've been mortified.

But that's no reason to fire the woman.

Oh, you only say that because you're not an assistant.

Oh, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Your Honor.

I didn't...

Sherri, it's okay.

I just want to know what you meant.

It's just...

Judge Jenkins is a great and powerful person, and she has had people tell her how great and powerful she is for a long time, and the thing you cannot do to powerful people is embarrass them.


Yes, Your Honor.

You are also a great and powerful person.

And your perspective is valued around here.

I appreciate that, Your Honor.

Thank you.

♪♪ I want to get an idea of who Mr. Monroe is, how he spends his time in prison.

We don't usually get in-person visits.

Most D.A.s just read the file.

My office takes parole seriously.

I've only worked with Shayne a few years, but he's been focused on self-improvement the whole time.

You're not going to get "danger to the community" out of me.

Does he have any people on the outside?

Family, friends, contacts?

Prison does a pretty good job of

- destroying social bonds.

- Listen, I'm trying to approach this with an open mind.

If there's anything you wish D.As would ask...

I'll admit that when a lot of guys see parole coming up, they start saying all the right things, but it's all excuses and they just talk about themselves.

But with Shayne, he talks about his victim all the time.

By name.

Cyrus Wilkinson.

I feel like I know him.

Please state your name and occupation for the record.

Andre Buckingham, lawyer.

Mr. Buckingham, how would you describe your professional relationship with the defendant?

Very successful.

I could rely on her to be a fair judge, and she could rely on me for certain perks.


Such as theater tickets, fine wines?

Objection, leading the witness.

I'm establishing a pattern of behavior.

Then let your witness testify.



What do you mean, perks?

Tickets to sold-out shows.

Once a client paid me with a Château Margaux.

I gave it to Judge Jenkins.

Mr. Buckingham, what was different about the case in December of ?

I couldn't win it.

One of my most important clients was up for money laundering and the case against him was rock solid.

And what did you do about that?

I realize now I made a poor decision.

I knew her weak spot.

So I told her if my client was found not guilty, a substantial donation could be made to her favorite charity.

And how did Judge Jenkins respond when you presented this offer?

All I had to do was mention Rainbow Doors, and she was on board.

No further questions, Your Honor.

Judge Jenkins?

Mr. Buckingham.

Did you recently plead guilty to multiple charges of extortion?

Regretfully, I did.

Including an instance in which you threatened baseless lawsuits against a mother-and-daughter owned wellness center unless they paid thousands of dollars?

At the time, I believed I was protecting consumers.

Did you extort the wellness center?

The law says I did.


And after you were charged, did you attempt to negotiate a reduced sentence by claiming knowledge of further crimes?

You know how a plea deal works.

And you know how to weaponize the law.

- Objection.


- Sustained.

I want you to help me understand.

Isn't it true that you used gifts and a substantial donation to try to curry favor with a judge?

I did not try.

I successfully...

Isn't it true that you use your position as a lawyer to thr*aten and intimidate?

I admit, I may have erred in the past.

And isn't it true that you pride yourself on your ability to outmaneuver people in negotiation?

I was very good at my job.

And isn't it then reasonable to conclude that you are the kind of person who would say or do anything to avoid the consequences

- of your criminal behavior?

- Objection.

- Overruled.

- Sustained.

Judge Jenkins, you will remember whose courtroom you are in and act accordingly.

This is your final warning.


I think we all need a recess.

♪♪ Everyone involved with this case is terrible!

They should all be sent to an island where they can only hurt each other.

A cold island.

I can't tell if Buckingham is lying or just gross.

And if Judge Jenkins interrupts Judge Carmichael one more time, I am going to march right up to her, and I'm gonna give her a piece...



You okay?

That was Whitney.

That was Nikki's mom.


Obviously I can't discuss an ongoing case in the courthouse I oversee, but I wanted to reach out as a friend.

Thank you.

I appreciate that.

All of it.

The arraignment must have been difficult for you.


Apparently it's just illegal to be a good parent.

If you need any help with Nikki...

You cannot recommend any more tutors.

Whitney, we can't talk about the case, but we can talk about how you're doing.

I'm not at my best.

I know that.


The pandemic gutted the restaurant.

- I barely leave the house.

- You can call anytime.

And Nikki is so difficult.

She's always been so difficult.

Do you remember how colicky she was as a baby?

- I didn't sleep for months.

- Well...

And it's... it's just never stopped.

Now she is willfully tanking her grades.

I think her teachers don't even like her.

I don't know that I blame them.



Look, parenting is very challenging.


She thinks I am so strict.

She has no idea what strict is.

I see.

♪♪ Am I a hypocrite?


You lied about making good margaritas, but I don't think that makes you a hypocrite.

Parole hearing has me spinning.

You know, you can't keep using work as an excuse to talk to me.

Okay, this is strictly business.

If I say something too personal, just say..."margarita." You mean like a safe word?

Okay, what do you got?

m*rder*r up for parole.

Victim's brother wants him to rot.

- Understandable.

- I've risked my job fighting for restorative justice, saying people are more than their crime, that change is possible and that...

- What is different about this?

- m*rder.

And the m*rder*r is a white supremacist,

- militia type.

- So Choi assigns this to the first Black lawyer he could find.

- Like it's a test.

- With no right answers.

And why is it that we always have to forgive them?

Yes, but...

is this actually about forgiveness?

Or is the real question does he pose a threat if released?

That is my point.

At the root of this is a question of the entire justice system.

Are you putting too much on this?

It's about retribution versus rehabilitation, and are some crimes beyond rehabilitation?

I get it.

I do.

I want it all, too.

Dismantle systemic racism.

Reform parole.

Pursue restorative justice.

I want that.

But, one fight at a time, and you have to know which fight you are fighting right now.


But this wasn't about our personal lives.

No, but...


Work and play tend to get mixed up around you.

You mean, like, as a general rule?

I can only speak from my own experiences.


And thanks for the advice.



- Bye.

- Bye.

♪♪ The prosecution rests, Your Honor.

Judge Jenkins, the floor is yours.

Thank you, Your Honor.

I begin by calling my first witness, Judge Prudence Jenkins.

Judge Jenkins, you're behaving recklessly.

I understand the legal risks.

With all due respect, Your Honor, if I were in your seat, I'd defer to the more experienced judge.


For an intelligent person whose entire career is on the line, Judge Jenkins is doing everything wrong.

- Your Honor...

- First, she wants to represent herself, and then she wants to testify?

- It is unorthodox.

- It is the behavior of an amateur.


- She is getting under your skin.

Have you considered it is her strategy?

To distract me?

Of course!

Because I feel like the key to this whole case is already in front of me, like I've missed it somehow.

Judge Carmichael.

Mr. Sanders, an appointment would be appropriate.


In the building.

Potential state office run.

Can't say who.

And yet you want me to know.

How can we help you, Mr. Sanders?

A political donor with significant capacity... can't say, but he was instrumental in the governor's race.

This donor mentioned you.

- Is there a point?

- If you'd like there to be.

Mr. Sanders, I am in the midst of a trial.


I'll be in touch.

What am I supposed to do with that?

"I'll be in touch."





You should get an alarm.


- Anybody could just walk in.

Twice in a month.

What'd I do to deserve this?

You married me.

Not for long.

Papers are on the table.

Thank you.

I'd left these in order.



I get scattered.

Collier, is this how much your treatments cost

- without my insurance?

- I'm getting it straightened out.

- Don't worry.

- I still owe you.

We didn't keep score.

That's not how love works.

You worked insane hours.

You kept me in law school.

Well, I could work then.


I'm not your responsibility.



♪♪ ♪ Lonesome river ♪


♪♪ ♪ I lost the stars on my way ♪

♪♪ ♪ Lord, I am a sinner ♪

♪♪ ♪ Hell-bent on changing his way ♪

♪♪ CHAIRPERSON: Mr. Watkins, would you like to join us at the front?

I take responsibility for my crime.

You have to know that I'm no longer a part of the Hazor Brigade.

I'm not a danger to the community.

Thank you, Mr. Monroe.

Mr. Watkins?

Madame Chair, Mr. Monroe says he's taken anger management courses.

Could he describe a de-escalation technique?

CHAIR: Mr. Monroe?


There's a lot of different...

Mostly, it's an attitude shift.

But you can count to .

Madame Chair, could Mr. Monroe recite the third precept of the Hazor Brigade?

United States is a white nation, as ordained by God, to be governed by the appointed.


I became friends with a lot of African American men in here.


- Could Mr. Monroe explain how he plans to support himself if released?

Won't be easy, I know.

I've been in here a long time, and people drift away.

I regret k*lling Cyrus... every single day.

- I didn't plan on it.

- If it wasn't planned, could Mr. Monroe explain why he was armed with a Sig Sauer P when he went to meet with Cyrus?

We were always armed.

I mean, we were...


I'm not making excuses.

I chose to believe lies, and I've been so sorry...

You don't fool me.

- Ms. Wilkinson...

- That's all right.

I don't expect for you to forgive me.

Don't buy his act.

Don't believe it.

- He was almost repentant.

- He wants out.

That's the thing.

Am I a prosecutor that believes in punishment or rehabilitation?

- Cyrus Wilkinson was m*rder*d.

- I know.

The two people most connected to that are inside.

The important thing is how your possible recommendation affects them, not what it says about you.


When a defendant represents herself, more flexibility is demanded of the court.

If I need clarification, I will ask.

And once we have finished, the People will be given the opportunity to cross-examine.

- More than fair, Your Honor.

- You may proceed.

I want to state on the record that I stand by my verdict.

To criminalize a verdict you disagree with is dangerous, dangerous for judges, dangerous for the law.

I am most interested in the case at hand.

Andre Buckingham is corrupt.

And if he hadn't been so busy looking for shortcuts, he would've seen that the prosecution failed to prove the case against his client.

And every defendant is innocent until proven guilty.

I am aware.

Mr. Buckingham's donation was a calculated attack against me.

Did I mention Rainbow Doors to him at some point?


But they do such vital work that I often try to send new donors their way.

Question... has anyone else donated at your suggestion?

Many people, Your Honor.

You've heard from Sylvia Arthur, their director.

When she gets a donation from someone she doesn't recognize, she's started calling me to find out if I referred them.

That is how many donors I've sent their way.

I see.

And did she call you on the day of Buckingham's donation?

Pardon me?

Did Sylvia Arthur call you the day she received the $ , donation?

You are asking for more than clarification, Your Honor.

Then perhaps you haven't read the latest bench guide?

It clearly states that in cases like these, judges must ask questions and modify procedures to bring out all relevant facts.

Be that as it may, Your Honor, there's a fine line between bringing out all the relevant facts and doing the People's job for them.

Then in the interest of neutrality, I withdraw the question.

Thank you, Your Honor.

- Anything further?

- No, Your Honor.

Mr. Berger, do you care to cross-examine Judge Jenkins?

Not at this time, Your Honor.

But I would like to recall Sylvia Arthur to the stand.

Ms. Arthur, did you speak to Judge Jenkins the day you received Mr. Buckingham's donation?

I did.

What was the content of that call?

Ms. Arthur.

Judge Jenkins, uh, told me to call her as soon as I received the donation to make sure it went through.

BERGER: You didn't think to divulge this information earlier?

I answered every question I was asked.

You didn't question where the money came from?

Objection, argumentative.


You don't need to answer.

You have no idea what we're up against.

% of homeless youth in this country are LGBTQ, and we have to beg for support.

So when someone offers my organization $ , , part of being good at my job is knowing which questions not to ask.

Did Judge Jenkins tell you the donation was coming before it was made?



No further questions, Your Honor.


Can we walk and talk?

Uh, Benner's taking the bench in a minute, and I've got Corrine Cuthbert and her bag of tricks.

I wouldn't try to pull you away if it wasn't something...



I want to talk.

It's just, I have...

Tonight, then?

At home?

- At home?

- Yeah.

- Yeah.

- Okay.


Feels just like Christmas morning, doesn't it, Callan?

You need a miracle?

If we get Laski, we paper him immediately.

- You ready?

- Form .

is my favorite form.

- Yes.


All rise.

Calling the matter of People v. Wayne McCarthy.

Counsel, your appearances.

Corrine Cuthbert on his behalf.

He is present.

Mark Callan for the People.

You may be seated.

When a controversial case catches public attention, people speculate on the judge's leanings.

The primary duty of a judge is not leaning.

Counsel would do well to remember that.

The matter of People v. McCarthy

is assigned to Judge Albert Campbell.

- Mm.

- We can work with Campbell.

Love Campbell.

That's not gonna work for me.

Hold on.

I've got it.

Ms. Cuthbert, as you found fault in my original choice, we'll need to move on to the next available judge.

Thank you.

Judge Lola Carmichael will preside.

Judge "Defund the Police"?

You're joking.

Judge Carmichael is meticulously fair and highly respected.

She's the next judge in line.

Everyone in this courthouse knows that Judge Carmichael and Mr. Callan are personally close.

I don't want to file an affidavit of actual bias.

Should you chose to do so, Ms. Cuthbert, there is a form for that as well.


High five.

You see Carmichael as an advantage.

I will make her your Achilles' heel.

This is not good.

♪♪ Shayne Monroe has asked us to believe a lot today.

He's asked us to believe that he regrets his crime, to believe he is capable of change.

♪♪ Mr. Watkins, are you making a recommendation?


Mr. Watkins.

Thank you.

Shayne must've died inside when he saw you.

Mr. Monroe doesn't have a good support network outside.

He needs more insight on how his ideology drove him to k*ll, but...

if he works on those issues, he could be released, especially if those he harmed came to support it.

My brother joined that militia because he thought the country was failing the people it was supposed to take care of.

Don't prove him right.



Do you think that compassion for a criminal is the same as cruelty to a victim?

I gave you this assignment hoping you would ask questions like that.

As long as you keep asking them, you're doing a good job, Watkins.

♪♪ ♪ I lost the stars on my way ♪

Will the defendant please stand?

♪♪ There has been a lot of debate in the last year about holding law enforcement to a higher standard.

I believe the judicial branch should be asking those same questions.

Rigorous adherence to ethical standards is how we protect the integrity of this institution.

On the count of agreeing to take a bribe in violation of PC , this Court finds the defendant guilty as charged.

The clerk shall record the verdict as rendered.

♪♪ Only two years in, you think you know.

It's only two years in.

Mrs. Jenkins, you will be given the opportunity to speak at sentencing.

"Missus." For years, we see people at their worst.

And even as a judge, you can never do enough.

You will see a chance to make a real impact, and you will do the right thing, even if it isn't legal.

Do not pretend your moral failing was some sort of grand sacrifice.

The right thing is the legal thing, especially for us.

Enjoy your superiority while it lasts.


Do you have any idea what you have done?

If a judge can be bribed, how can we ever convince someone on the margins that this building stands for them, too?

That they can find justice here?

I once thought that you blazed a trail for me, but now you're just in my way.

Sentencing will be in two weeks.

We are done here.

♪♪ It wasn't skepticism.

It was fear.


When you came to me about Whitney, I-I just didn't want to believe it, - and I-I handled it poorly.

- Yes.

I-I can't apologize enough.

What you did took bravery.

Whitney is your friend, but she is not well, and she's gonna need a lot of help to get better.

Good night.


- I have got to do more cardio.


I'm putting a spin bike in my chambers.


Jenkins threatened everything I love about this job.

- Jenkins?

- Yeah. Jenkins.

- What?

- You haven't been told?

Don't tell me you kissed somebody else.

I don't even want to know.

Lo, Benner named the presiding judge in the McCarthy case.

It's you.


is a surprise.

This is gonna get ugly.

You have a family now.

I'm a judge, it's what I've been called to do.

And even though we won't be able to talk for a while...

- Not even a little bit?

- Not even a little.

We will be okay.


This McCarthy case, it's... big, Lola, and Cuthbert is gonna hit us with everything...

All right, go.

- Now?

- Yes, now.

Just standing here could t*nk your case.

- Starting tomorrow.

- And move out of the guest house, stat.

- Love you.

- Love you, too, goof.

I was wrong about us.

I preferred you talking about work.

I'm sorry.

I couldn't wait.

You want to sit?

I've been thinking about our future like it's one...

single decision.

You choose me, I choose you, the end.

You've put me under a lot of pressure.

And that's where I was wrong.

It's not one huge decision.

It's a hundred little ones.

You know, building a life together isn't jumping off a cliff.

- It's...

- Climbing up one?

It's having faith that your partner's gonna choose you every one of those little times.

I want you to have faith in me.

That everyday, simple "yes"?

That sounds wonderful.



I worry that I only know how to operate in crisis mode.

I want to stop and just be...

uncomplicated with someone.

With me.

I think about it... a lot.

Me saying "I love you" is not the first step in the relationship.

But what...

What if we took one?


one simple, one uncomplicated one?



What would that first step look like?

Little choices.

I'll cook you dinner.

That sounds nice.

As long as there are no margaritas involved.




Because, wow.

They're so bad.



This is nice.


you have every right to be angry.

I did something so stupid, and then I made it worse

- by not telling you I...

- Mark, I've been trying...

Look, I know you have.

And the fact that you're

- even considering...

- I'm married.



♪♪ ♪ It surprises me ♪

We were young.


For a while, it was...

We were each other's ticket out.

He was actually the reason I...

- Out of what?

- What?

Your ticket out of what?


a small town, I guess.

- I wanted to be extraordinary.

- Amy...

you are extraordinary.


But we grew up, and apart.

We decided to end things, but...

then he got sick and...

- I need to take a walk.

- Mark...


- Come on, Mark.

Ask me anything.


♪ There's no way I won't see you again ♪

♪♪ Mark?
