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02x11 - You Can Run...

Posted: 05/05/21 05:45
by bunniefuu

♪ ♪ - I want to be Batman.

- BRIGHT: Ainsley, stop.


Oh, sweetheart.

What happened?

You gave this to me, not her.

Hey, now, it's just a toy.

Ainsley, you have your own.

Plus that giant bear that scares the bejesus out of me.



I'll go get him.


♪ ♪ She may be a little rabble-rouser, but she's the only sibling you'll ever have.

Think you can, uh, look out for her whilst I'm on my trip?

You really have to go?


I'd much rather stay at home with my favorite guy, but duty calls.


Now, if you ever need me when I'm not around, just know I will always be right here.

I find it hard to tell you ♪ ♪ I find it hard to take...

- What happened at Claremont?

- DANI: The Surgeon.

He escaped.

Very, very ♪ ♪ Mad world ♪ ♪ Mad world...

Where are you?

Talk to me.

Halargian world ♪ ♪ Mad world.


GIL: Bright?

Malcolm Bright, Marshal Emily Ruiz.

You're here to take over.

I'd have said it less aggressively than that, but sure.

U.S. Marshals have jurisdiction in all fugitive cases.

The Surgeon's as big a fugitive as New York's ever seen.

But you're not from New York.

Hearing a hint of West Texas?

New Mexico.

Mr. Bright, I am an open book.

Graduated third in my class from Glynco.

Top two guys were dicks.

Ruiz is one of the good ones.

She's offered to let us stay on and aid in the investigation.

I need the ultimate Surgeon profile.

The majority of escapees are caught within hours, and most are found near the prison or in one town over.

My father won't be that easy.

Wait, Martin Whitly is your father?



I'm kidding.

My God.

Look at you two.

This is good.

Means you are in a unique position to help.

So, spill.

The Surgeon won't make mistakes.

Your best bet is tracking his two accomplices.

If my father gets caught, it'll be because of them.

Hector Cueto and Peter Davis, aka Friar Pete.

Major loose cannons.

Hector has impulse control issues.

Though that may mean he sticks to the plan, for fear of ruining it.

Friar Pete could be more of a wild card.

He thrives on ritual.

Freedom won't suit him.

And your father, any parting words you remember?

BRIGHT: Don't need to.

I have it on voice mail.


MARTIN (OVER PHONE): I'm not a k*ller anymore. Now, whatever you hear, or whoever tries to rattle your faith in me, what I am about to do is not about m*rder. No, this is about family.

Everything I'm doing,
everything I've done, it's all for you. Please tell me you don't buy that.

Of course not.

My father's a liar and a k*ller.

Always will be.

Good answer.

My team will dig into Hector and Pete.

And as for your dad, if anyone can find him, you can.


Feeling any better?


You mean, have I recovered from an insane person trying to m*rder me?

You should've seen the other guy.


Mind if I ask what you were doing here?

I wanted to see what Martin knew about this key.

Uh, it seems to be for a safe deposit box, but none of the places I bank with even recognize it.

We'll run it down.

And we're gonna have to boost security at the town house.

With The Surgeon back in the news...

All the kooks will come out.

I know the drill.


Tell me, uh, how was his mood yesterday?



Tickled, even, to be called in for an emergency.

In hindsight, he definitely knew what was going to happen.


Capshaw, right?


How well did you get to know my father while he was working here?

The usual amount.

As well as I knew him, yeah.

I mean...

Did you ever see him take anything?


Not to my knowledge, no.


Mrs. Whitly, you're all done.

Thank you, Doctor.

- Thank you.

- Yes.

You're welcome.


I'm gonna stay here for a minute.


CAPSHAW: Um, I'm sorry,

- I just need to clean up.

- Of course.

I'm just gonna grab one of these butterscotches...

...and wait for you to admit whatever it is you're hiding from me.

Muscle tremors.

No eye contact.

You're lying at a third grade level.

No offense.

I did nothing wrong, okay?

It's just that...


You have to understand, last night was chaos.

I had no nurses, so many patients needed ambulances,

- I...

- And?

And I thought Dr. Whitly could help.

I mean, it wasn't crazy to...

Not crazy to what?

- N-Nothing.

- Lives are on the line, Dr. Capshaw.

Three K*llers are roaming the city.

Because of me.

All right?

I did it.

I untied him.

I know it was stupid, but, um...

he proved himself capable.

I trusted him.

This is on me.

I'm to blame here.

May I suggest also blaming my father?

I do, and it does seem to help.

Thank you for being kind.

Is there anything else you can tell me?

He used me for everything he needed.

And now I'm spent.



Hey, is Mom in there?

- Is she okay?

- Yeah.

She's talking to administration.

How are you?

I thought you'd be at ADN, prepping "My Father, the Fugitive."

One, that's a terrible title.

Two, I can't even think about work.

I just want to be here for Mom.

Hmm, you've never had a problem mixing work and family before.

Ease up, Columbo.

It's different this time.

Dad is out there and, I don't know, I'm just...

I'm not okay.

Are you?


Yeah, I'm, uh, I'm fine.

He'll be back in that cell soon, I promise.


They found the ambulance.



Two dead EMTs inside.

GIL: So it's official.

The Surgeon's k*lling again.


But Hector and Pete are.

Look at these uneven gashes.

This is erratic, overly excited.

Not The Surgeon's style at all.

DANI: How can you be sure?

The guy hasn't k*lled in years.

Maybe his MO's changed.


But my father made it crystal clear on that voice mail, he has no desire to k*ll again.


I'm not saying I believe him.

But I'm sure he believes it.

Delusion is a powerful tool.

He'll want his actions to match his self-concept

- as long as possible.

- JT: Or you're just using fancy words to make excuses for a m*rder*r.

I'm just following the profile.

Look, I'm the expert on The Surgeon, right?


So, they dumped the ambulance, which means they must've nabbed another vehicle.

You two canvass the area, see who's missing a car.

You think I've lost it, but I know how my father's mind works.

It's always strategic.

He's looking for the fastest way to stock up.

Food, cash, supplies.

All right.

We're just below Houston.

What's the closest place that would give easy access to all of that?

Oh, no.





Looks like you were right.

I should've expected this.

He lived here with my mother before I was born.

If my father was a serial k*ller, I may have fortified my house a little better.

But I guess nobody's perfect.

BRIGHT: And now he's armed and more dangerous than ever.

Time to face facts, kid.

The Surgeon is back.

We're not dealing with your average power/control k*ller.

He's methodical but not above improvisation.

Add in the volatility of his traveling companions, and we may have a short window to catch him.

I'd say we have hours at best before they split up.

That blue LeSabre was stolen two blocks from the ambulance.

We have BOLOs out, and highway patrol is on high alert in every surrounding county.

- All right, thanks, Let's get to it.

- Is it true the Surgeon broke into your home and stole your weapons?


An Indo-Persian battle-ax, four pistols and a*mo.

BARCLAY: Do you think he was trying to mess with you?

You've got a strange relationship, right?

You visit him a lot?

I would visit him occasionally, yes.

He never dropped a clue about the escape or where he was going?


And if he did, I would have spotted it.

Guys, this is exactly what he wants... the focus on me instead of him.

But if you take your eye off the ball for a split second with the Surgeon, you're dead!

RUIZ: All right, everyone, let's get to work.



- Dani...

- Don't-don't...

- don't even say it.

- I'm not fine.

Surprised you with that one, didn't I?

And you shouldn't be fine.

This is insane.

You know, it's funny.

The one perk about having a father in prison is knowing exactly where he is at all times.

You know, I could talk to him, or I could ignore him.

- At least..

- You were in control.

They're right, you know.

With those questions.

How could I have not seen this coming?

What kind of a profiler am I?

You're the son of a seriously twisted guy.

And right now that's muddying everything else.

But how do I do my job?

How can I be this...

big expert on The Surgeon but be so clueless?

Usually his voice is in my head all the time.

But now...

- nothing.

- Look, we will find him through good old-fashioned investigation.

Stick with me, we'll figure it out.

The LeSabre was spotted at an auto shop in the south of Westchester.

Let's go.



Can I trouble you for an aspirin

(CHUCKLES): For my arm.

Or a Vicodin, if you insist?

Sure, yeah.

Forgive my prying...

My children would say it's my most annoying quality, or at least top three...

But, um...

do you need to talk?

Your son told you what happened?

I may have heard something about your plight, and...

it may be a plight with which I am somewhat familiar.

I feel like I'm in...

hell's waiting room.

Been there for years.

You get used to the heat.


You seem way too put together for someone who's been through that kind of trauma.


Smoke and mirrors.


The only thing that is keeping me from sinking into oblivion is...

waiting for the day when I get to see Martin's open casket.

And gin.

That helps, too.



Mm, it's vodka.

My hero.


Employee didn't get a great look.

Thinks the driver was a bald guy.

I'm guessing it's Hector, but no one ever went inside.

That doesn't make any sense.

Why park here, then?


- No way.

- Lots of food, cash business, no windows.


The Surgeon would never allow

- for that kind of distraction.

- No, but he's smart enough to know if he doesn't let his merry band of psychos let off a little steam, it'll cost him later.

It's a risk, but it's the right kind of risk.

I'll go tell Ruiz.

Stay here.




Hello, my son.

Finally ready to confess?

BRIGHT: Gotta admit, Pete, I'm surprised to see you here.

"The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page."

Saint Augustine.

Except you're not from the Middle Ages.

You're from Pittsburgh.


This town must remind you of home.

When I was ten, we lived in a one-bedroom over an alley.

Spent more time there than my living room.

Don't come any closer.

That was your first sanctuary.

Before the abbey.

An escape from your angry dad.

Walking in here must have brought it all back.

The smell of the fryer oil, sound of the pins falling.

He wasn't angry.


My dad.

He wasn't angry.

He was furious!

About his job!

His family!

The burger he had just been served.


Didn't matter.

He was pissed at God.

And he wouldn't let me forget it.

But when I came here, he left me alone.

Which is what you're gonna do now, or I will be forced to hurt you.

Is that what you said to the manager over there?

Just let me finish my game, son.

Tell me where Martin's headed.

I said...

let me finish.


My Colt .

Excellent choice.

Too bad you won't use it.

What makes you so certain?

Your methods are medieval.

Flaying of skin, bashing of skulls.

A g*n's too easy.

You'd want me to suffer.


- Tell me where he's going!

- To hell...

with you!


He was about to tell me where my father is!

Are you certifiable?

He was about to sh**t your brains out!

Bright, I saw it, too.

He was going to k*ll you.

RUIZ: You want to be reckless with your own life, fine.

But you just gambled with every innocent life in this area.

That's not okay with me.

It's my job to find my father, isn't it?

It's hard to do that if you blow his accomplice's head off!

It is your job to find The Surgeon.

And whether we do that peacefully depends entirely on him, and not at all on how you feel.

Of course you would say that.

Excuse me?

- All right.

- Get him away from me.


DANI: You're done.



I reinforced all exterior locks and have officers

- posted outside.

- (SIGHS): Oh, thank you.

Couldn't they have sent someone less senior

- to do all this?

- Oh, without a doubt.

JT will stay here and keep an eye on things.

I'm gonna touch base with the unis.

Where is Ainsley, by the way?

Uh, in her room, pacing around like a windup toy.

She's had this weird energy all day.


We've all got it.

It'll be over soon, I promise.

JT: So...

how's the walk down psychopath lane?

Any-any clues?


Tell me you've had some progress with Martin's key.

Yeah, actually, we found a match with an old safe-deposit box at Carnaby Bank.

Turns out he has an account there under the name Jonas Salk.

The man who eradicated polio.

Of course, Martin couldn't be just any old John Doe.

DANI: So... what should we talk about?

Gil's birthday's coming up.

- Are you getting him anything?

- Can we just skip to the part where you tell me I have a death wish?

You have a death wish.

And I'm getting him a coffee mug.

'Cause he doesn't pay me enough.

I was in full control with Pete.

- Were you?

- I was.

Okay, maybe "full control" was an overstatement.

- But I had to know.

- Where your dad is.

I get it.

And for that, you risked your life and you insulted Ruiz.

I know.

I know, and, uh, I'm already drafting an apology letter.

That's not enough.

You almost took a b*llet.


For The Surgeon?

For a k*ller who has done nothing but make your life a living hell?

I can't believe that I have to say this, but...

he's not worth it.

You know that, right?

- Tell me you know.

- I do.

I do.

I'm sorry.

I know being my friend can be...

Actually, I guess I don't know what that's like.

Never had a friend like you before.

Me, neither.

Mine was a compliment.

Was yours?

Jury's still out.


You can answer it.

We have a trace on it.


- Hello?

- MAN: Is this the whore Jessica Whitly who let her husband k*ll people?

Please remove me from this list.

Thank you.



I got to hand it to you.

You're good at that.

Did you hear?


But I am a detective.



I get a call like that once a week.

- Because of...

- Of what happened.


It's awful, JT.

I'm so sorry.

Yo, I got my badge!


You know, I didn't even file an official complaint.

It turns out just talking about it is enough to make me a...

pariah, I guess.

Bricks in my locker.

Phone calls to my wife.

That's terrifying.

Have you told someone?

Could Gil help?


But why not try?

Uh, I don't know.

Why did you pretend no one was on the phone earlier?


Marshal Ruiz, I owe you an apology.

RUIZ: Yes, you do.

But it can wait.

We found the phone on Friar Pete.

There's only one number saved in it.

We're running it down now.

Well, let's call it.

What's the worst that could happen?






Dad, is that you?


Should we start with why you were expecting The Surgeon's call?

Or why you paid him multiple secret visits this month?

Claremont just confirmed it, Ainsley.

We need answers.

You know the phrase "make a federal case out of it"?

That's what the marshals want to do to you.

It's a courtesy I'm here first.

Tell me.

Why were you waiting by that phone?


I don't know.

It's dumb.

But it's not a crime.

Malcolm talks to him all the time, and no one ever suspects him.

People always suspect him.


GIL: Martin had been planning this escape for a while.

He never mentioned it or asked you to help him?

Are you suggesting I aided and abetted a known criminal?

I'm suggesting that you could have aided and abetted your father, a distinction I think you and your brother have a habit of making.

We didn't plan a prison break, I promise.

Our conversations were completely innocent, and I didn't even initiate them.

I was just sitting at home, working.


- Hello?

- My girl!

It's Dad.

I'd heard you were spending time in my old abode. Drawing inspiration from my heyday?

- What do you want?

- To talk. You know, sh**t the breeze, throw the bull. You've had quite the year, sweetie.

Thought you might appreciate a sympathetic ear.

Am I wrong? Take it from me. It's hard being misunderstood.

Everyone knows exactly who you are.


So it's hard being understood.

What exactly did you talk about?

Life stuff.

He could be surprisingly insightful.

She's hiding something.

You think?

Let's take ten.

What's going on?

What did she say?

Nothing helpful.


- The only thing that's clear is how desperate she is, for a father in her life.

Maybe I should have done more for her when she was growing up.

You were with Malcolm every step of the way, and he is still under Martin's spell.

No matter what we did, all roads led to Martin.

So maybe we stand back and see if they lead to him now.

Gil Arroyo.

Do you have a secret plan?

The marshals said Bright couldn't interrogate his own sister.

But they didn't say I couldn't take a break, leaving an open window to whatever happens next.


Did you come to break me out?

I think if we tie some bedsheets together, we just...

Not in the mood to joke.




Ains, you've been lying in here.

And I need you to tell me the truth.

I've been listening to his warped BS for years, remember?

You know how many times he's tried to convince me I'm just like him?

It's not a compliment.

It's just another form of abuse.

What if he's not wrong?

MARTIN: Now that we know that you have, um, certain psychopathic tendencies...

- What are you talking about?

- Oh, I-I'm not insinuating that you're a k*ller.


Although, k*lling someone does kind of tip the scales.

- Do you have a point?

- You're driven.


Maybe, uh, a wee bit lacking in compassion?

You know, you're high on charm, low on empathy.

Well, them's my genes, honeybee.

What if I am like him?

If you were, you wouldn't be so concerned about it.

Psychopaths don't do a lot of self-reflection.

MARTIN: Haven't there been moments when you thought you should be feeling something but couldn't?

When you've done things you thought were normal only to realize that they were, in fact, not?

BRIGHT: You're a good person, Ains.

You're thoughtful, decent, kind.

But what I did to you was...

You were stressed.

Lied to.


We both were.

AINSLEY: So, what can I do? Can I change?

Why would you?

Who wants to be average?

(CHUCKLES): No, no.

No, the trick is to make everyone think you're normal.

Pretend to feel when you don't.

Cry every now and then.

Oh, if you can master that, my dear, the world is your oyster.

BRIGHT: We've been gaslit for years.

And we didn't deserve it.


Question is, in all of these visits, did he ever mention anything that could lead us to him now?


No, just, um, crazy advice and some random story about apple picking.

What was the story?

I guess when I was little, we went to an orchard upstate, and we listened to this Toots and the Maytals song the whole way home.

MARTIN (LAUGHS): You-you should have seen yourself.

Covered in apples, just bopping along as you sang "Funky Kingston" all the way back.

Oh, God.


It's a clue.


An invitation.

An invitation to what?

Escape with him.

Do you...

Do you think I'm the reason

- he broke out?

- I don't know.

But you clearly passed his test.

In his seriously messed-up mind, you're the child he always hoped for.

I know where he's going.


Yeah, I turned around, doing it ♪ ♪ Funky, funky, funky ♪ ♪ Funky Kingston ♪ ♪ Is what I've got for you ♪ ♪ Oh, yeah ♪ ♪ Funky Kingston ♪ ♪ Yeah...

This is officially the farthest I've ever driven on the least amount of credible information.

There's only one commercially owned apple orchard in Kingston, New York.

This has to be the place my father was tipping Ainsley toward.

No word yet from JT.

He'll come through.

It's not him I'm worried about.


Hey there.

Good afternoon.

Is there a Doris Stevens here?

Uh, my mom passed last year.

I'm Bobby.

Sorry for your loss.

We're with the NYPD.

We just have a few questions.

Was your mother ever involved with the serial k*ller Martin Whitly?

Way to ease into it.

Is this some kind of sick prank, or...?

No, sir.

You may have heard that Martin Whitly recently escaped a psychiatric facility.

We have reason to believe he has a connection to this farm.

Did your mother ever mention meeting him?

The Surgeon?


She also wasn't pen pals with Jeffrey Dahmer.


Listen, this could be a dead end, and I'll get to make fun of my partner the whole ride home, but...


I'm sorry.

♪ ♪

Turns out I'm not that lucky.

Apparently, Carnaby Bank has a record of Jonas Salk, aka Martin Whitly, making a series of payments to the Stevens Family Orchards in .

BRIGHT: Stevens Family Orchards.

That's you, right?


Come on.

You're joking.

What's in the barn, Bobby?

BOBBY: Best lightweight crop duster you could get back in the day.


It's not what it was, but...

still does the trick.

When did you get it?

Uh, ' , ' ?

Mom was taking flying lessons over at the local airfield.

Then eventually, she bought her own plane when we expanded the farm.

She didn't buy it.

Martin Whitly did.

I'm sorry?

That grand wasn't a cash stash.

It paid for this plane.

Plus a little extra to keep the secret, I'll bet.

Yeah, must've been his plan B, back in the day.

Launder a plane and have it waiting in case the walls started to close in.

Makes sense.

Agricultural aircraft fly under FAA radar.

He could probably make it to Canada.


Can I get a screwdriver?

Thank you.

♪ ♪


I've never seen that before.


♪ ♪ ♪ ♪

What's that?

Uh, nothing.

It's just a...

It was mine.


My wife needs me back at the house.

Stay as long as you need.

So, you think The Surgeon's on his way here?

It's a good question for Bobby to have asked, right?

Two cops show up, tell you a serial k*ller's coming, and you don't even ask them when?

The only thing that makes sense is...

He's already here.

The way Bobby was glancing at the house, the inflection in his voice.

His family's being held hostage.

My father's here right now, Gil.

All right, I'll loop in the marshals.

No, no, no.

We-we can do this on our own.



Marshal Ruiz, we think we've found them.

RUIZ: I know.

We're outside.

♪ ♪


♪ ♪ MARSHAL: No movement on the south side of the house.

- If you'd just let me go in there...

- Bright, she said no.

How are you even here?

GIL: We've been sharing intel this whole time.

- You know that's how it works.

- I, for one, am shocked you haven't enjoyed our time together.

I've had a blast.

Please, I can talk my father down.

You know you can't negotiate with psychopaths who have nothing to lose.

BRIGHT: I'm guessing that's not a delivery driver.

It's Marshal Barclay.

He's leading the extraction.

This is the safest move for the family in there.

Try to pretend you care about that.

♪ ♪ We're going along with your plan.

But don't ever imply that Bright doesn't want to save lives.

That's all he does.

MARTIN: I will always...

be right here.


I'm sorry, kid.

♪ ♪ BRIGHT: They're going to k*ll him.

MARSHAL: Go, go, go!

That's him!

BARCLAY (OVER RADIO): Target spotted.

Don't move!

Get down.

Get down!


Target's on the ground.

Which target?

Who's down?

- Who's on the ground?

- Someone give me a report.

Anyone, report.


All around me are familiar faces ♪ ♪ Worn-out places...

- First floor, clear!

- Second floor, clear!

(ECHOING): Family's okay.

Bright and early for the daily races...

All hostages cleared and secured.

Going nowhere, going nowhere ♪ ♪ Their tears are filling up their glasses...

Hector, where's The Surgeon?

Where's my father?


He was never with us.

Never even made it to the ambulance.



What about my place?

And the phone, and...

That's his plane out there!


He gave us instructions.

Planned it all out for us.

Guess he had other plans for himself.



I find it kind of sad ♪ ♪ The dreams in which I'm dying ♪ ♪ Are the best I've ever had ♪ ♪ I find it hard to tell you ♪ ♪ I find it hard to take ♪ ♪ When people run in circles ♪ ♪ It's a very, very ♪ ♪ Mad world


Mad world...


GIL: I'm sorry, Jess.

We didn't get him.

He's still out there.

Happy birthday

- ♪ Happy birthday


And I feel the way that every child should ♪ ♪ Sit and listen

- ♪ Sit and listen


Went to school and I was very nervous...

Did you find him?


I thought I was right on his heels all day, and then it turned out I was chasing everyone but him.

I even thought...



That he wanted me to find him.

I know it sounds ridiculous.


I find it kind of sad...

It's not.

He's your father.

Are the best I've ever had...


He's a k*ller who deserves to be hunted down.

I'm never gonna forget that again.

When people run in circles...

Are you...?


Oh, yeah.

Mad world...

Not that I should be surprised.


You're right.

Martin Whitly ruins every person he meets.

Mad world.

Don't worry, Malcolm.

I believe in karma.

And I'm sure someday soon, your father will get exactly what's coming to him.





Quiet now.

♪ ♪ Here we go, darling.

We're almost free.

MAN: Greg, move your head.