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06x06 - Prom Again!

Posted: 05/05/21 05:34
by bunniefuu
Previously on Supergirl...

All we have to do is travel back to the high school's baseball diamonds center field.

Get a specimen of her DNA.

Use that with the Phantom striking powers to locate Supergirl in the Phantom Zone.

A spaceship?

- Kara?

- We are Brandon and Brenda.

This is Kenny, and this is Alex.

CJ Grant, Daily Planet.

I'm a journalist here on a big story.

Naxim Tork, runs a cosmic menagerie.

So, uh, what did you want to talk about?

Power dampeners.

- What do we do?




I came for a Kryptonian, but a Naltorian...


And a Coluan...


Well, I say it adds a nice kitsch factor to our menagerie.



Take this.




There's gotta be

some way out of this.

Brandon and Brenda in trouble.


I'm right behind you.




The Kryptonian!

Now I've got you.


- [ALEX]




What are you...

Brenda called me.


Are you all right?




Kenny, Alex, it isn't safe!

- [ALEX]







Kara, Speed Racer.



Give me the remote now...

or our friend can bore a hole through you, and I can take it.


I'm going to win a Pulitzer.


- This place is amazing, guys.


Thank you.


I know I've been a bit of a grouch with you guys...

but thanks for all your help with the space psychos.

It was a team effort.

Naxim and his comrade are secured inside one of their cages.

I've re-cloaked their ship and alerted the proper intergalactic authorities.

Midvale won't be plagued by these two anymore.

- Space cops are a thing?

- Indeed.

Accordingly, we should be on our way.


Hi, Mom.

Kenny Li.

I thank you for your service, and for the exposure to the high school statusphere.


- It was truly enlightening.

At least I was helpful then.

You guys did all the heavy lifting here.

I don't think I could keep having crazy adventures like that all the time.

It's not about how intense your adventures are.

It's about who you have them with.

Yeah, I completely agree.

I don't know how to thank you, Brenda.

Even if it was just for a little while, it was nice to not feel like the only alien in town.

I promise you won't always feel that way.

Part of me wishes I could go with you and Brandon.

Supering in space has a nice ring.

- Yeah.


Then again, Midvale has its perks.

I just hope one day I could grow up to be as cool of a hero as you.

Something tells me you'll be super.

We should get you two ready for prom.

Mom is going to go nuclear if we don't get photos first.

You are going to have so much fun.


Thanks for everything.

Safe travels.


So what are we really gonna do with the bad guys?

I set the ship's course to Uruguay.

That's where Naxim was found in the original timeline.

In three days, his ship will de-cloak, and an encrypted message will be sent to the DEO, allowing us to fully realign space-time.



What is that?



Another dream?

I saw the cage like before.

And I could hear the cougar nearby, but...

we've already captured Naxim and Mitch.

So why would the cage be empty?

Why would I be dreaming of them at all?

Perhaps it's a dream echo, triggered by the ship's Bismolian energy.


Well, the Kryptonite meteor should be entering the Earth's atmosphere any moment now.

As soon as we get the debris with Kara's blood on it, our mission here is finished.


♪ I'm your biggest fan ♪

♪ I'll follow you Until you love me ♪

Papa-paparazzi ♪

♪ Baby, there's No other superstar... ♪


I know you are unhappy about Kenny and I supering.

And I know you're especially not thrilled about the whole intergalactic zookeeper fight-y thing.


You were amazing today.

How you handled those bad guys.

How you handled yourself.

You should be proud, Kara.

I am.

I'm sorry if I've been overprotective lately.

When Dad put me in charge of your safety, that job consumed me.

But then I went away to college and I realized that I could be more than just Kara's older sister.

But then I came home and I saw you and Kenny supering, and I was worried you were gonna mess things up.

That I was going to have to put my life on hold to help sort yours.

But I was wrong.

You can handle anything that comes your way.

And I should have never forced you to talk to Kenny about NCU when you weren't ready.

I am so sorry.

No, I'm...

I'm glad you did.

You pushed me to finally figure out what I want to do with my life, to make a choice.

And I did.

I just...

hope it's the right one.

It is.

Because you made it.

Oh, wow.

Check it out.



- That's beautiful.

- Hmm.


what do I do about this?


Or I could, like, take these off.

My advice?

You have to wear a mask every day.

Take the night off.

♪ Baby, you'll be famous ♪

♪ Chase you down Until you love me ♪

♪ Papa-paparazzi... ♪

Have a blast.

What are you doing?



am gonna enjoy the show.


♪ We're plastic But we still have fun! ♪

♪ I'm your biggest fan ♪

♪ I'll follow you Until you love me ♪

♪ Papa-paparazzi... ♪


My apologies for the subpar attire.

It's the best I could do on short notice.



I don't know.


Do you think it's a little...

It's stunning.


You're stunning.


I believe it's, uh...

It's customary for couples attending prom

- to share a dance, no?


Should I spin you?

I'm spinning you.

You know, I never thanked you before...

for sharing your calming technique with me.

The " : to : " was quite effective.

Happy to help.

You're still worried, aren't you?

About your dreams?

What if it's trying to warn me about something really important, something life threatening, and that's why it keeps coming back?

How can I be a hero if I don't even understand how to use my own powers?

While we're in this time, I just wish I could...

But you know you can't.

Call your mom.


The meteor just entered the Earth's atmosphere right on time.

Let's finish this.


Something must be here somewhere.





Now, where are the lights?


I know I can find the right buttons to press.

My ex-husband can attest to that.




- Oh.

- Thank you for releasing us, human.

Happy to help, extraterrestrial.

Now you can help me in return.

I am a reporter for the Daily Planet.

Care to make a statement?




Hey there, Mr.

Blue Sky.

I need that for my article.

- Hey!




This doesn't smell like a Black...


We're ready to lift off.

What is the Kryptonian's position?

- Unclear, Professor.


Their last known location was something called Midvale High School.

Unfortunately, a meteor shower is preventing our scanners from isolating the target.


You and your excuses.

If we can't track them, we'll smoke them out.


Been there, done that, Messed around ♪

♪ I'm having fun, Don't put me down ♪

I'll never let you

Sweep me off my feet... ♪

Hey, stargazer.

You make a wish?

I don't need to.

Mine already came true.

- You're cheesier than I am.


You first?

No, you.



Look at us.

We're just a couple of regular teens.


It's kind of fun, huh?

You couldn't be regular if you tried, Kara.


So, uh, what was it that you wanted to tell me this afternoon before the space invaders interrupted us?


wanted to tell you...

that I love you.

And I love our fortress.

I'm so excited to start our new life here, and...


The meteor is heading for school.




What's happening to me?



Brainy, where's the debris?

Where's the rock with Kara's blood?




This wasn't supposed to happen this way.




Kara, wake up!

Wake up, Kara.

You don't have to scream.

What's happening to me?


Must have been something in that meteorite.




What are you doing here?

Uh, the meteor shower delayed our flight plans.

What was that?


Hello, Kryptonian!

I know you're here...



My dream!

They broke out of their cage.

And I know you can hear me.

Reveal yourself now!

Surrender at once,

or all life-forms in these structures will die!


Wait, it's me.

I'm, uh...

I'm the Kryptonian.


The Kryptonian from Metropolis had much broader shoulders.

You must be the runt of the litter.



He's not Kryptonian, sir.

According to the species scanner, he's human.


No one wants to see a human.

It is strange.

We demanded a Kryptonian.

Why would anyone not Kryptonian choose to be captured?

Because he didn't want someone else to be caught.

You think you're helping your friend, but instead...

you've become our bait.

This is all my fault.

We have to get Kenny.

I'll have Naxim's whereabouts soon.

The Bismolian energy from that ship is trackable for half a light year.

But first, we need to get you somewhere to recover.

Whatever was in that meteor packed a punch.




♪ I'm too sexy for my shirt ♪

♪ Too sexy for my shirt ♪

♪ So sexy it hurts ♪


♪ I'm too sexy for Milan ♪

- ♪ Too sexy for Milan ♪


♪ New York and Japan ♪

That was close.

This is why I kept dreaming of that cougar.

We weren't done with Naxim, and I couldn't see it!

Look, we can fix it.


We have to.


Let's, um...


Let's assuage our anxiety again with a little " : to : ," shall we?

♪ Wake up every morning Get myself some breakfast... ♪



This is Naxim Tork with a message for all non-humans.

I have the Kryptonian's mascot in my possession.

If the Kryptonian does not surrender themself

to the attached digital coordinates in ten Earth minutes,

the human dies.

What was that?

Those coordinates...


I can get there in seconds and turn myself over to Naxim.



No, you're too weak.

We need to get that green stuff out of your hand.

I agree.

Plus, outing yourself now would be catastrophic.

Leave Kenny's rescue to us.

Kenny sacrificed himself for me.

I have to do this.


you can't stop me.

Actually, we can.

- Kara!

- She'll be okay in a little bit.

I'm sorry.


We had no other choice.

"Though surrounded by unknown and dangerous species, I stayed resolute, like a journalistic Neil Armstrong."


"Like a journalistic Lady Gaga,

- I kept my poker face." - [DOOR BEEPING]

Hold on to your jeggings, sister.

You've got company.

These are not jeggings.



A bridging connector.

In the right place, it could blow a fuse in the energizer.

Are you the Kryptonian?


No, I'm just a regular human.

- Kenny.

Kenny Li.

- Oh.

Well, then, you may not want to touch that.


The place is rather secure.

Of course it's secure.

It's a cell.

The question is, how'd I get in here.

Oh, that's right.

I tried to take on the big dogs and be a hero for my girlfriend.

Except I forgot that you can't take on the big dogs when you're just a dumb, human squeaky toy.

Stop that.

And you listen to me, Kendall Li.

- It's Kenny.

- First things first.

Cut the self-deprecating drivel.

You're not a dumb, squeaky toy.

- You don't even know me.

- I am a journalist, trained in the art of observation.

In two minutes flat, I could see that you are preternaturally intelligent and deeply courageous.

How many men would sacrifice themselves to hostile aliens to save their girlfriend?

Damn few.

And how many of them would know that a bridge connector could hack spaceship technology?


You've got the makings of a hero, Kendall.

Own it.

Thanks, Miss, uh...

Ms. CJ Grant, Daily Planet.

Now you and I are going to get out of here.

I've never missed a deadline.

I'm not about to start.

Go, go.



- [ALEX]




That's the last of it.

This isn't working fast enough.


I need to get into natural light.

Or you could wait here like Brandon and Brenda said.

They'll save Kenny.


You're gonna k*ll yourself.

But this is all my fault.

Kenny does so much for me.

I just...

wanted tonight to be about us, not supering.


I thought we could pretend to be normal.

What do you think is gonna happen if you save Kenny but out yourself as super?

You won't ever be able to be normal again.


this is Kenny.




Let me.

- How'd you learn how to do that?

- College.

You feel better.

Must have gotten a second wind.



How's it looking?

Ah, not bad.

In almost every scenario I can devise, we have a success rate of nearly %.

That's a failure rate of %.

- Oh, yes, it's terrible.

- Okay.

♪ Tumble out of bed And I stumble To the kitchen... ♪

♪ Pour myself A cup of ambition ♪


Okay, let's actually read you this time.




It's slipping.

I can't...

hold it.


What is that?

Well, if it isn't the Naltorian.




- Is that the cougar from your dream?

- Totes.

Come on.

Look, I...

I understand you're frustrated with your dream interpretation, but lucid dreaming?

- Seriously advanced.

- Sure.

So, now I can bring dreams to life.

I just can't figure out what any of them mean.

One victory at a time.


Kenny Li.

- Brandon.


- We're here to get you out.

It's about time.

Perhaps you can fill the holes in the story young Mr. Li has been refusing to talk about.

She's a reporter.


The one who's breaking this story.

- She also let Naxim Tork out.

- Accidentally.

Either way, this story's mine.

What are you two waiting for?

We have to get out of here, stat.

Brainy, that's not just any reporter.

That's Cat Grant.

- Cat Grant, as in...

- The pink cougar.

- She's what my dreams have been about.


None of this has been about Naxim Tork at all.


Beautiful animal.

We got a full zoo, except for the one I want.

You want a Kryptonian?

You got one.



Oh, no.

Every alien on the lower level has been released.

Sir, the escape pod!


You've just set free a school of Plutonian land sharks.

And with what you let free, your resting days are over!


Escape pod launch in three, two, one



We've got to stop those land sharks.

Where's CJ?

She can't tell the world about this.

She must have gone this way.

It's a remote control for a drone.

That must be how she saw us in the clearing.



Attention, this is the Midvale Police Department.

Come out of that structure with your hands up.


Kara, no.


Everyone, exit the craft.

Keep your hands where we can see them.

This is a CJ Grant exclusive.

Kara, what do we do?


Everyone in the world is going to know that name.


My face is numb.

My heart, it's racing.

Feel that.

That's not normal.

That is not normal.

We have irrevocably changed space and time.

- You say that a lot.

- Yes, but this time it's true.

You understand?

We released a horde of savage aliens.

Kara, she's exposed.

Supergirl is lost in the Phantom Zone, and we are running out of time.

There's no undoing this one.

But there is, isn't there?

Yes, we can.

Brainy, we have a time machine.

We can fix everything.

We can go back to when we first landed and start over.

Absolutely not.

Trying to relive the past two days would be catastrophic.

There are too many variables.

Landing a millisecond later than we originally did would have ramifications we can never account for.

So what if we don't go back that far?

What if we only redo the last couple hours?

My dream was about Cat, right?

So what if we go back to right before she lets Naxim out?

- But how would be stop her?

- I can stop her.

We can still salvage this, Brainy.

If we go back to the ship right now, we can fix everything. Please.


Place your hands on your head where we can see them.

All of you, now.

Get away from my sister!




- Kara.

- Easy.

This jacket is worth more than your yearly salary.

I'm sorry, you guys, for everything.

But I'm gonna fix this.


Right on time and place.

According to this energy signature, Naxim Tork's ship should be right over there.

So we just have to find CJ before she finds it.

Honestly, I was dubious of our plan succeeding...

but, eh, looks like our luck is finally turning for the better.

Hi, guys.

Don't be mad.




You stowed away?


I heard you say you were going back in time to fix things, so I just...

I followed my instincts and...

Okay, wait.


It was awful.

Under those police-issued flashlights, with the reporter asking me questions and... and the cops coming in.

In that moment, I saw my future, and I'm only .

I don't know anything.


I don't have a driving permit.

Eliza's only let me do the laundry once, and I'm not even sure I know how to make rice.

I don't know what I want my future to look like, but that wasn't it.

So, please, let me help you find the reporter and change things back.

Brainy, you know she's right.

- What?

- That future wasn't hers.

Uh, no.

No, no, no.

No super-hearing.

- Brainy.

- No.

- Hey!

- We can't do this, Nia.

What if she runs into herself?

She can't meet Cat Grant.

It's too early.

Well, clearly locking her up doesn't work.

We'll keep her close.



I love it, with the animals...

That's Naxim.


Ambushing the old us.

We have to find CJ and her drone now.


You can help.

But stay close and stay out of sight.





CJ's half a mile north.


We'll deal with them.

You want to save your future?

Best thing you can do now is do nothing.


Hey, Kenny.

Kenny Li.

Alex Danvers.

What are you guys...

What are you guys doing here?

We thought you were in trouble.

- Trouble?



- Yeah.


where did Brenda go?

What are you wearing?

What am I wearing?

What are you wearing?


I'm so sorry, Alex.

I'll tell you everything, okay?

It is a wild story.

It involves alien hunters, large explosions...

and, well, an excess of formal wear.

So, at times, it may seem improbable.

But it's all true.


Gotcha, Ms.





No, no, no.

I need you to collect my evidence.

Can't this excuse for a town do anything for me?

Who are you?


- Have I seen you before?

- No.


but I know you.


If you say Lois Lane, I will expire.

You're CJ Grant.

How'd you know that?

He sent you, didn't he?

You're one of Perry's weasels here to drag me back

- to the gossip rag.

- Who's Perry?

My overreaching editor, Perry White.


Of course.

So, you do work for him?

- No.

No, no, no.



I'm just a journalism major at a local college.

It's a bit formal for college.

- I'm minoring in performance art.

- Hmm.

But I have to say, if this Perry White wants to keep you in the gossip column, he's an idiot.


Well, I don't disagree.

You don't need to be in the woods trying to prove yourself to Perry White.

You're a visionary, you're formidable, [CHUCKLING]

you're friends with Oprah.

I am?

Uh, you should be, in the future.

- Hmm.

- You're a natural-born leader.

You're someone who knows what she wants and knows how to get it.

- I am, aren't I?

- Yes.


You don't need the Daily Planet.

You have an entire media empire to build and an entire generation of women to inspire.

You're freakin' Cat Grant.

Cat Grant?

- Um...

- Huh.

When I went to work for Perry, he started calling me CJ, and I just stuck with it.

But "Cat Grant"...

I like the ring of that Hmm.



Did you find her?

Kara and I put everything and everyone else

- back to where they need to be, so...

- She bought it.

- It's time to get out here.

- Wait.

How do we know the future is really fixed?


My presets worked.

We're back in Midvale one hour before the meteor enters the Earth's atmosphere.


- We did it.

My future is mine.

Thank you, guys.


- Hey, Alex.

- Where are you?

I've looked...

- She's freaking out.

I have to go.


But Brenda, Brandon...

thank you.

Thank you so much.

I'm never gonna forget you.


No, I wasn't talking to anyone.

It was just music.


I'm on my way.

So, you're sure it worked?

Did we really prevent CJ from freeing Naxim?





Perry, let me stop you right there.

I don't know exactly what a balloon boy is, but I do know that I will not be reporting on one.

I am done reporting on your shallow, insipid white-noise bunk.

I did not become a journalist to write about which celebrity is in rehab.

I became a journalist to make waves.

And that is exactly what I am going to do.

I quit.

Oh, and, Perry, from now on, it's Cat Grant.

That's one mission down.

Maybe if you bend this way and I...


- ...slide it...


- That's painful.


- Mitch, what did you press?

- Nothing, sir.

But it does sound like the autopilot's starting up the engines.

Well, that's not good.

If we launch like this, things will become incredibly painful for me.


Two missions down.


One more to go.

Any bad dreams?

Not anymore.


Oh, no.

That was close.

Way too close.


Kara, wake up.


Inside voice, please.


What happened?

Are you okay?

- It's just a flesh wound.

- [ALEX]

This time.

Can you stand?


Stay here.

I'll get the van and we'll get you home, okay?

- Huh.



I'm so glad you're okay.

You know, it's starting to feel like the universe doesn't want me to hear whatever it is you need to tell me.


I love you...

and I love our life here.

But next year...

I can't stay here and super like we planned.

My mother used to say that we are the sum total of all the choices we make in life.


I didn't choose Midvale.

I didn't even choose these powers.


I crashed here by accident and kind of got locked into this life.


and I love this life.

I do.

But if I stay here and keep supering, then I'll just get locked in again.

And I don't think I want that.


I don't even know if I want to keep supering all my life, or stay in Midvale, either.

I think I just need to make more choices.

I need to figure out who I am.


just got accepted into National City University, and I'm choosing to go there.

Come with me?


Before I met you, Kara, I was a mess.

My dad had just passed away, and... and my mom, she was so depressed that she couldn't even get out of bed.

So, I'd go to school in the mornings, and then I'd run the shop at night and on the weekends.

And I thought that's how the rest of my life was gonna be.

And then you came along.

And you were this...

amazing light in a world of darkness.

You changed me, Kara Zor-El.

When I'm around you, I'm...

I'm braver.

I'm stronger, I'm...

I'm better.

But after everything that's happened this past week, I'm starting to realize that...

maybe I haven't changed as much as I thought.

And it's great to know that I could be saved by you.

But I think it's time that I figure out how to save myself.

So, uh...

no, Kara.

I can't go with you.


I can...

fly home on the weekends, right?



Stargazing and Monty Python?

Best prom ever.


All missions accomplished.

You were great today.


Hey, Nia.

You were.

You conjured the dream world into reality...

and you interpreted your dream about Cat, and used that information to save the space-time continuum.

I was only able to interpret my dream because I've lived through Cat Grant.

You saved us.

And when we save Supergirl from the Phantom Zone, it will be because of you.

Brainy, are you crying?


It's just...


I've been so consumed with negative emotions lately, I...

I forgot how the good ones felt.


- Maybe that's the lesson of high school.

You're not meant to suppress the bad emotions, you're simply meant to endure them.

So you can appreciate the good ones when they come.


What are you feeling now?

