14x19 - The Robots of Death - part 3

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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14x19 - The Robots of Death - part 3

Post by bunniefuu »




Original Air Date: 12 February 1977
Running time: 23:51

1. INT. control deck

V16: All readings are eighty five percent above safety.

TOOS: (Cries out.) She's going!

(LEELA blocks her ears. The DOCTOR and DASK continue to struggle.)

DASK: ______

DOCTOR: You've got to cut the zeta links!

(The DOCTOR breaks free of DASK and grabs a huge pair of industrial-sized cutters. He has a brief stand-off with DASK, who once more gets in his way, but then takes the cutters and turns towards the panel. DASK cuts a cable and there is a flash and a blast.)

DOCTOR: Good man. Now the other one.

(DASK, resigned to it, cuts another cable, wincing away from the resultant flash and blast.)

2. EXT. desert

(The huge sandminer grinds to a stop.)

3. INT. control deck

V16: All motive units closing down. All readings falling to safety.

DOCTOR: Well good. Now our troubles really begin.

4. EXT. desert

(Storm Mine 4 begins to sink into the sand.)

5. INT. control deck

(V14 still stands on the raised platform.)

V14: Surface scanners inoperative.

DASK: We're sinking.

(DASK checks readings on the forward console.)

DASK: Rate of descent ... two metres a second.

DOCTOR: I like a man who stays calm, Dask. But this isn't the Titanic.

DASK: I do not understand the allusion, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Well if the damaged motive units can be repaired, the mine can float itself.

DASK: I'll see what I can do.

(DASK walks towards the door. The DOCTOR follows him.)

DOCTOR: I'll give you a hand with the drive diatrodes.

DASK: That will not be necessary. You repair the remote controls.

TOOS: There isn't much time, Doctor. Pressure on the hull is increasing.

DOCTOR: I'm sure Dask knows exactly where to look for the damage.

LEELA: (Rubbing her neck and looking to the ceiling.) It's getting warmer. The air smells different.

TOOS: Refrigeration and filtering systems are broken. (Her communicator sounds.) Pilot Toos.

SV7: (On command speaker.) SV7 here. Commander Uvanov is injured. Chief Mover Poul instructs that he be restrained. Confirmation is required.

TOOS: (Wincing in pain and unbuttoning her sleeve cuffs.) Confirmed. I want damage control teams to all sections. I want a full scale mine integrity survey carried out at once. Clear?

SV7: Yes, Commander.

(TOOS pushes back her sleeve and winces once more. LEELA, who has been watching, reaches for her hand.)

LEELA: Let me see that.

(TOOS grunts in pain. Her wrist has a nasty burn. She grips LEELA's hand against the waves of pain.)

LEELA: Why didn't you say something earlier?

TOOS: Ah'ts ... too much to do.

DOCTOR: (Tinkering in the zeta links panel.) You've got nothing to do now, Toos. Look after her, Leela.

6. EXT. desert

(Storm Mine 4 continues to sink into the sand, its vents now not visible at all.)

7. INT. crew room

(LEELA wraps a sparkly silver bandage around TOOS's injured arm and ties it off. POUL enters the room as she speaks.)

LEELA: My tribe has a saying. If you're bleeding, look for a man with scars.

TOOS: Thank you very much. Poul. Why is Commander Uvanov under restraint?

POUL: Because he m*rder*d Zilda. I think he k*lled the others too.


POUL: Look, ten years ago, Uvanov deliberately m*rder*d a member of his crew. Left him outside to die rather than lose a promising storm.

TOOS: I don't believe it.

POUL: I saw the - (Corrects.) I was there. And so was Kerril. Only he's dead now of course.

TOOS: But there'd have been an inquiry. He'd have been stripped of command.

POUL: Uvanov gets results. He's the best pilot this company's ever had and they didn't want to lose him.

TOOS: You must be mistaken.

POUL: It's true! A note on his confidential biograph and that was it - case closed. Until Zilda turned up of course. I should have recognised her before. The dead man was her brother.

LEELA: (Rubbing her neck.) It's getting hard to breathe.

(A communicator tone sounds. Following it are deep creaks of the hull under pressure.)

VOC: (On communicator.) Hull pressure now 500 atmospheres.

TOOS: Ooh, listen!

(TOOS and POUL get to their feet and listen anxiously.)

POUL: That sounded like the hull. It'll go any minute now.

(POUL turns to leave as the DOCTOR enters the room.)

DOCTOR: D'you know what I think?

DASK: (On communicator.) Hello, Toos?

TOOS: Dask, what is it?

DASK: I've repaired the damaged motive units. I'm starting up again now.

(TOOS arches her head back in relief and smiles at LEELA. LEELA smiles back.)

DOCTOR: I think he's very clever. Hello, Toos. How's the arm?

(TOOS smiles and displays her bandaged arm to the DOCTOR. He turns to LEELA.)

DOCTOR: Did you do that?

(LEELA smiles and nods proudly.)

8. EXT. desert

(The massive bulk of Storm Mine 4 rises up from the black sands and chugs on its way, vent pipes blowing out dust and screw pumps grinding.)

9. INT. crew room

(TOOS and POUL take refreshments at a table as SV7 gives them a verbal report. LEELA sits on a couch in the background and the DOCTOR stands even further away.)

SV7: Damage to the life support plant is superficial. However ...


(The DOCTOR gestures with his head for LEELA to join him. She gets up and looks back at the others before doing so.)

DOCTOR: I want you to stay with Poul. Don't let him out of your sight.

LEELA: He's lying, isn't he?

DOCTOR: He's not telling the whole truth.

LEELA: Where will you be?

DOCTOR: I think I'll go and talk to your Dumb friend.



SV7: ... have been rendered inoperative by the impact. They have been placed in security storage.

(The DOCTOR sneaks out while LEELA crosses to join the others.)

LEELA: Security storage?

TOOS: Oh, there's a strict legal code governing the disposal of robots.

(LEELA takes a sweet from a bowl. POUL waves SV7 away impatiently.)

POUL: Get out!

SV7: Yes, Chief Mover Poul.

POUL: More rules about them than there are about people.

TOOS: With reason.

(TOOS winces again and holds her wrist.)

POUL: Does it hurt?

TOOS: A bit. I think I'll lie down in my cabin for a while.

POUL: Good idea. Get some rest.

(TOOS goes. LEELA takes a sip of water from a brown square mug, and makes a disapproving noise and a face.)

LEELA: This water has no taste!

POUL: (Laughs.) Yes! No, water on a sandminer never does. Here, use one of those.

(He puts something in her drink with a clink. LEELA examines it.)

POUL: We've been out from base for eight months now. That means every drop of water on board has been through the filtration pump eight times.

LEELA: Why do you do it?

POUL: Do what?

LEELA: Well, live this strange life.

POUL: Oh. Money, Leela. Everyone on board dreams of taking the sandminer back home with every t*nk full of lucanol.

LEELA: Is that your dream?

POUL: It used to be. I haven't been on one of these trips for years.

LEELA: (A little too aggressively.) Why not?

POUL: (Smiling, guessing her motives, and standing to go.) I prefer cities. I'd rather live with people than robots. That's all.

(He leaves. Once through the door, he locks it behind him and goes on his way. After a moment, LEELA gets up to follow. Upon finding the door shut, she presses a random key sequence on the electronic lock pad. It makes a low pitched series of tones indicating a failed code. She tries again, and again fails. She thumps her fist against the doorjamb.)

LEELA: Ooh no!

10. INT. storage bank

(The storage bay in which the decommissioned V77 is strapped revolves, revealing another storage bay at its rear. Stored here is a badly DAMAGED VOC with no identity plaque, whose head is cracked open and held together with tape. DASK examines the DAMAGED VOC. He flicks its severed neck cables and holds its cracked head with a sigh.)

DASK: Irreparable.

(He sticks a corpse marker on its chest. He activates his chest communicator and the storage bay revolves back again, showing V77 once more, and clearly displaying the corpse marker on its chest. DASK turns and catches the gaze of POUL, who is walking past the room in the corridor outside. POUL stops.)

POUL: What are you doing?

DASK: My job.

(DASK walks past POUL away from the Storage Bank. POUL enters the room hesitantly, checking out the damaged robots and searching the room for anything suspicious. He comes to V77. He activates his chest communicator, and V77's storage bay revolves. POUL looks the DAMAGED VOC up and down, and - horrors! Its silver left hand is covered in streaks and clumps of red blood. POUL grasps the hand for a closer look, and collapses to his knees, holding his forehead with a visceral nausea and fear.)

POUL: Oh! Oh no! Please no!

11. INT. modification room

(SV7 enters a small grey room that has at its centre a workbench and a rack of electronic tools - later revealed to be Laserson Probes. SV7's eyes have become black - no longer their former metallic appearance. It turns toward the wall.)

SV7: This is SV7, Controller. Equipment additional to manifest in forward compartment 19.

(In the wall is a screen. A radar-like needle continually wipes over the screen in a circular motion. Behind it are the eyes and nose of a human face, distorted by CGI effects ... Could it be DASK? Or UVANOV? Or someone else?)

HUMAN: (Whispers.) Stand by. Prepare to accept computer signal.

SV7: Prepared to accept computer signal.

(The image on the screen behind the radar needle changes to some rectangular symbols and text - OPEN SECONDARY COMMAND CHANNEL. This text runs across the screen to the sound of electronic beeping, a little like a modem noise.)

SV7: Signal accepted. Secondary command channel open.

(SV7's eyes glow sparkly red. The human reappears - now looking more like DASK than ever, showing his shaven chin, but still obscured by CGI effects.)

HUMAN: (Whispers.) Here are your further orders, 7.

(An electronic signal sounds as SV7 and the HUMAN stare into each others' eyes across the screen. SV7's head cocks as it receives its further orders.)

HUMAN: (Whispers.) Acknowledge.

(SV7's eyes return to black.)

SV7: Orders accept-ccept-accept-ccept-accepted. Orders accepted. I ... I ... I understand. I understand.

HUMAN: (Whispers.) Then go, brother. You are one of us now.

(SV7 moves off.)

12. INT. uvanov's quarters

(D84 descends the steps to the sunken area of Uvanov's quarters. He crosses to the couch and takes the corner of a plastic turquiose sheet there, peeling it back to reveal ZILDA's dead body. The black curtain of the bed alcove opens to reveal the DOCTOR inside, grinning at D84. D84 puts the plastic sheet back and turns around, feigning innocence.)

DOCTOR: Professional interest? Or morbid curiosity? Which?

(D84 turns to face him but does not reply.)

DOCTOR: There are three types of robots aboard this mine. Dumbs, Vocs, a Super Voc ... and then there's you. Would you care to explain that?

(D84 does not reply. The DOCTOR moves out of the bed.)

DOCTOR: I see. Well then. Perhaps I'd better tell SV7 you can talk.

D84: Please do not.

DOCTOR: That's better.

(He descends the steps to where D84 stands.)


D84: I cannot explain.

DOCTOR: Oh, but you can. You can.

13. INT. modification room

(A VOC with no identity plate lies strapped on the workbench. A metal arm on a hydraulic pump hums and rises into place beside the VOC's head. A HUMAN dressed in a golden coloured ritual gown and latex gloves lifts the faceplate off the VOC's head, revealing its mysterious workings underneath.)

VOC: Priority red! Priority red!

(The VOC's hands wring with distress, but the robot shows no other movement. The HUMAN is revealed to be wearing a golden hood, looking rather like an executioner or Ku Klux Klan member.)

HUMAN: (Whispers.) I have disconnected the command circuits. But you are not alone.

(The HUMAN takes a Laserson Probe from the rack. The probe looks like a large, foot-long syringe, with a red and silver shaft, a long thick needle-like protruberance and a deco-style steel cap at the base of the shaft.)

VOC: Priority red! Priority red!

(The HUMAN clips the probe, needle down, into a purpose-built clamp that sits in a fixed position over the VOC's head.)

VOC: Priority red! Priority red!

(The HUMAN places his gloved hand over the VOC's distressed, wringing metal hands.)

HUMAN: (Whispers.) Do not be distressed, my brother. I bring you freedom.

(The handle lowers the probe towards the VOC. The needle penetrates the workings of the VOC's 'brain'.)

VOC: Program violation!

(The red part of the probe shaft, the needle, the metal arm, and key components of the 'brain' glow sparkly red.)

HUMAN: (Whispers.) Freedom! Power! Death!

14. INT. uvanov's quarters

(Pacing on the upper level before the alcove, the DOCTOR questions D84, who stands down below.)

DOCTOR: A robot detective? What does your computer mind make of this?

(ZILDA is indicated.)

D84: Strength is indicated. But not beyond human capacity.

DOCTOR: Typical robot. No imagination.

D84: I require ... I require evidence. Your suspicions are not evidence. Nor are lunatic threats of a robot revolution.

DOCTOR: The company took those threatening letters seriously. Seriously enough to put you on board.

D84: A simple precaution. Those letters were signed by Taren Capel.

DOCTOR: (Thoughtful.) Taren Capel?

D84: Before he disappeared, he was an important scientist.

DOCTOR: (Thinking.) Taren Capel ... Scientist ... In what field? (Pause.) Robotics.

D84: Correct.

DOCTOR: (Grins, scoffing.) And you're still looking for evidence?

D84: If I was to tell you the world would end tomorrow, would you merely accept my word?

DOCTOR: If I knew you had the power to, I'd listen.

(The DOCTOR leafs through the contents of a black plastic folder.)

DOCTOR: What does Taren Capel look like?

D84: There are no records. From childhood he lived with only robots.

DOCTOR: (Scoffs again.) That's dim. Even for a Dumb, that's dim. You realise he's almost certainly on board?

D84: No. I have checked extensively. There are only the crew and you.

DOCTOR: But you don't know what he looks like.

D84: But I know what they look like.

DOCTOR: Before they came on board?

(D84 registers the significance of the remark.)

D84: I had overlooked the possibility of substitution.

DOCTOR: Yes, you had.

D84: (Turning away in shame.) I have failed.

DOCTOR: (Absently.) Yes.

(The DOCTOR sees D84's shame and goes to him.)

DOCTOR: Oh, come on. Don't be upset. Yes, you've failed, you've failed, but congratulations - failure's one of the basic freedoms. Listen -

(The DOCTOR opens the folder, turns a page and points to something.)

DOCTOR: Do you think that looks a likely place?

D84: Likely for what?

DOCTOR: Well if Taren Capel is on board, he'd have a workshop. And we must find it before it's too late.

(He moves away up the steps to leave. D84 does not move. The DOCTOR stops.)

DOCTOR: Would you like to come with me?

D84: Yes please.

DOCTOR: Good. Come on.

(D84 follows.)

15. INT. toos's cabin

(The doors to TOOS's cabin open, revealing her lying on her bed snoozing against a pillow. Like the other rooms, hers is attractively deco. Her bedhead has a radiant shell-like appearance with curled over peaks. SV7 stands in the doorway, looking at her - its eyes returned to their normal silver. It goes towards her, bends over her, and reaches a hand towards her neck ... TOOS wakes with a start, but relaxes when she sees it is SV7.)

TOOS: What is it? What do you want, SV7?

SV7: Commander Uvanov has gone.

TOOS: Gone?

SV7: His voice pattern was still in the command program. The guard unit accepted his order for release.

TOOS: Why didn't you erase his voice pattern?

SV7: You gave no such instruction.

TOOS: (Sighs.) Well do it now and find him. Any other good news?

SV7: Do you wish for a status report, Commander?

TOOS: Yes.

SV7: Repairs are on schedule within the margins indicated -

TOOS: Yes alright, never mind. Any new developments?

SV7: There have been some localised failures in the main power system resulting in door and light malfunctions. I have detailed circuit tracers to correct the faults.

TOOS: (Snuggling back against the pillow.) Very good. You may go now. But keep me informed. Oh, and find the girl Leela and bring her to me. Tell her my arm hurts.

SV7: The Commander is in pain. I will take her to the sick bay.

TOOS: No, no, no! Just bring her to me.

(SV7 does not move.)

TOOS: Well do as I say!

SV7: Yes, Commander.

(SV7 goes.)

16. INT. crew room

(LEELA thumps the door ineffectually with her fists.)

LEELA: Can anyone hear me? This door is stuck. Help! Can anyone hear me?

17. INT. corridor

(V4 and V19 walk past the locked Crew Room door, ignoring LEELA's shouts for help.)

LEELA: (Muffled, through door.) This door is stuck! Help!

(The DOCTOR, carrying the black plastic folder, emerges from hiding in an alcove. He looks around cautiously and descends the stairs into the corridor. He hides behind a doorway, sneaks around it, and is startled by a robot hand on his shoulder.)

DOCTOR: Tschaagh!

(D84 reveals himself as the owner of the hand, and the DOCTOR looks relieved.)

D84: I heard a cry.

DOCTOR: That was me.

(The DOCTOR starts to move off down the corridor cautiously, with D84 following.)

D84: I heard a cry.

DOCTOR: That was me.

D84: I heard a cry.

DOCTOR: (Annoyed.) That was me.

D84: I heard a cry.

18. INT. Modification room

(SV7 enters, holding corpse markers in its hand. Three VOCS await their orders.)

SV7: Our controller has ordered the deaths of the remaining humans. 6, you will go now and k*ll Acting Commander Toos.

(SV7 gives V6 a corpse marker.)

V6: I will k*ll Commander Toos.

(V6 leaves. SV7 gives V4 a corpse marker.)

SV7: The Doctor.

V4: I will k*ll the Doctor.

(V4 leaves. SV7 gives V5 a corpse marker.)

SV7: Leela.

V5: I will k*ll Leela.

(V5 leaves. SV7 extends its hand, showing two remaining corpse markers.)

SV7: And I will k*ll the others.

19. INT. crew room

(LEELA tries fruitlessly to jimmy open the door with her knife.)

LEELA: (Mutters.) Should have followed immediately like the Doctor said.

(She sighs and sheathes her knife.)

LEELA: I shouldn't have waited.

20. INT. Corridor outside crew room

(V5's hand punches keys on the electronic panel outside the Crew Room door.)

21. INT. crew room

(The lights dim inside the Crew Room.)

22. INT. corridor outside crew room

(V5's eyes grow red. It punches in the code to unlock the door.)

23. INT. crew room

(The door opens, and V5 enters the darkened room. It sees LEELA hiding beside the doorway. LEELA hesitates, then runs down into the room, backing away from the approaching V5.)

V5: You cannot escape.

(LEELA lunges at V5 and punches it hard in the stomach. It is unaffected and she reels back, surprised.)

V5: You cannot escape.

(LEELA hits it on the chest but again it is unaffected. It grabs LEELA's arms, but she twists free.)

V5: You cannot escape.

(LEELA runs to the side of the room, turns, and takes out her knife. V5 continues to follow her. LEELA hurls her knife. It spins through the air and lands solidly in the robot's abdomen. V5 sweeps it aside, unaffected by this too.)

LEELA: Now you're showing off.

V5: You cannot escape.

(LEELA runs behind a dark curtain. V5 approaches.)

V5: You cannot escape.

(LEELA wraps the curtain around the robot and runs.)

V5: You cannot escape.

(V5 easily gets out from under the curtain, but LEELA runs out the door.)

24. INT. corridor

(The DOCTOR descends stairs into the corridor outside the Modification Room. He punches the door code and the door opens.)

25. INT. modification room

(The DOCTOR enters, crossing to examine the workbench and the rack of Laserson Probes. D84 follows him in.)

DOCTOR: Yes. This is the place.

D84: How do you know?

DOCTOR: What? About this? Well. It's a reasonable assumption.

D84: Why?

DOCTOR: What? Well because modifying brains isn't something you do standing around in corridors, you know!

(The DOCTOR takes a Laserson Probe from the rack.)

DOCTOR: D'you know what that is?

D84: It is a Laserson Probe. It can punch a fist-sized hole in six inch armour plate, or take the crystals from a snowflake one by one.

DOCTOR: (A little surprised by D84's poetic eloquence.) Yes. That's right. No handyman should be without one.

(He examines it more closely.)

DOCTOR: It's been used. Perhaps we're too late. Somehow we've got to warn the others.

(He racks the probe. D84 holds up a chunky communicator.)

D84: Doctor, this is a communicator. It can function on either robot or human command circuits. Would you like to use it? I cannot speak.

DOCTOR: I'm sorry about that, D84. (Into communicator.) Toos? Pilot Toos?


(TOOS, lying in bed, is awoken by the DOCTOR's voice over the command circuit.)

DOCTOR: (Over command circuit.) Toos!

TOOS: (Into wrist communicator.) Who is it?

DOCTOR: (Over command circuit.) This is the Doctor. Listen, Toos. I now know it's the robots who are doing the k*lling.

TOOS: Robots? That's impossible - robots can't k*ll.

27. INT. modification room

DOCTOR: (Into communicator.) Well of course they can if they're modified to it and some of them have been. Where are you?


(TOOS looks about her, suddenly alert.)

TOOS: I'm in my cabin.

DOCTOR: (Over command circuit.) Are you alone?

TOOS: Yes.

DOCTOR: (Over command circuit.) Listen carefully, Toos. This is what I want you to do.


DOCTOR: (Into communicator.) Get to the command deck. Take Leela, Dask, Poul, everyone, and get them to the command deck. Get the robots out of there and secure the doors. Is that clear?


TOOS: (Into wrist communicator.) No it isn't. It's impossible with the -

DOCTOR: (Over command circuit.) Just do it, Toos.

TOOS: All right.

(TOOS gets out of bed. She picks up her neck and headdress and goes to the door. She punches the code and the door opens. Standing at the door is V6.)

TOOS: Attend to your duties!

(V6 raises its hand towards her. TOOS shuts the door, and the robot's wrist is caught in it. Its hand drops the corpse marker it is carrying, and its fingers flex in all directions, trying to get free. TOOS crosses to pick up a plastic vase and brings it back to the door. She hits V6's hand feebly with the vase several times, exclaiming in fear.)

TOOS: Oh! Get out!


(The sounds of something smashing are heard as TOOS tries fruitlessly to get the robot's hand to withdraw.)

TOOS: (On other side of door.) Go away! (Crying sounds.) Go away -

(V6 detaches its hand from its arm, leaving only the hand trapped in the door. It withdraws.)

TOOS: - please go away.


TOOS: Get out!

(This time when TOOS hits the hand, it falls to the ground with a metallic clatter. The doors hum shut. TOOS cries fearfully into her wrist communicator, back up against her bed.)

TOOS: (Into wrist communicator.) Doctor. Doctor! Doctor!


(The DOCTOR picks up the communicator.)

TOOS: (Over communicator.) Doctor!

DOCTOR: What is it, Toos?

TOOS: (Over communicator.) Help me please! It's outside.

DOCTOR: What's outside.

TOOS: (Over communicator.) It's ... robot. Wants to k*ll me.

D84: Please let me go. I am faster and stronger.

DOCTOR: Are you sure?

D84: I think so.


TOOS: (Over communicator.) Doctor, are you there? Please help me!

34. INT. TOOS's Cabin

TOOS: (Into wrist communicator.) Help me please!

DOCTOR: (Over command circuit.) Help is on the way.

TOOS: It had better hurry.

DOCTOR: (Over command circuit.) It is hurrying.

(TOOS pulls herself together. She steps cautiously to the door and listens.)

V6: (Through door.) The door is not a barrier, Commander Toos.

35. INT. corridor outside toos's cabin

(V6 tries to unlock the door with an electronic code, but fails.)

TOOS: (Through door.) What do you want?

V6: To k*ll you.

36. INT. TOOS's cabin

V6: (Through door.) I must obey my orders.

TOOS: It is forbidden for robots to harm humans.

V6: (Through door.) My command program has been restructured. All humans are to die.

(TOOS throws back her head in terror.)

37. INT. storage bank

(V5 patrols the storage bank. It passes a hidden area beneath a wide ledge where a human is lying on the floor. When V5 leaves, the storage bay in which V77 is stored revolves, revealing LEELA hiding behind it. LEELA crosses to the ledge and kneels, finding POUL hiding below.)

LEELA: Poul.

POUL: No! Please, no!

LEELA: Are you hurt?

POUL: Please! Go away. They'll know I talk to you. They watch me. All the time. They hate me. They did what I told them but only because that gave them the power, you see.

LEELA: Do you mean the robots?

POUL: Not robots. Walking dead. They pretend we control them, but really ... But really!

LEELA: Poul, you can't stay here.

POUL: No, they don't mind me being here. It's you they want, not me!

LEELA: Poul, you need help.


LEELA: Come on!

POUL: No, please help! Help, she's in here! Help!

(POUL shouts out into the room. LEELA grabs him and muffles his voice.)

LEELA: Sssh! You can stay here, but you mustn't make another sound. D'you understand?

(She lets him go. He curls up under the ledge, holding his head. LEELA walks away.)

38. INT. corridor outside MODIFICATION ROOM

(UVANOV, a nasty red welt on his forehead, sneaks down a staircase and crosses the corridor into the Modification Room.)


UVANOV: What are you doing here?

(The DOCTOR stands up from examining the work bench.)

DOCTOR: Why? Does it upset you?

UVANOV: The penalty for what you have done is death!

DOCTOR: That's far enough! What are you doing here?

UVANOV: I followed you.

(V4 appears in the corridor behind UVANOV.)

DOCTOR: Ah. I'd come over here if I were you. Slowly.

(UVANOV turns to see V4, which is holding up a corpse marker. He backs away towards the DOCTOR.)

DOCTOR: Now either it followed you or else it homed in on this. It depends which of us it's going to k*ll first - either you or me.

(V4, red eyed, charges towards the DOCTOR with arms outstretched.)

V4: k*ll the Doctor! k*ll the Doctor! k*ll the Doctor!

(It grabs the DOCTOR's throat and begins to strangle him ...)

Doctor Who























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Transcript by Lindy Orthia August 2009
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