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06x05 - Prom Night!

Posted: 04/28/21 12:28
by bunniefuu
Previously on Supergirl...



The Phantom, he's a bloodhound.

If we can get our hands on more of Kara's DNA...

Then he'll track her by instinct.

How are we gonna get more of Kara's DNA?

We can collect DNA from a Kryptonian after a solar flare.


This is what my dreams

have been about.

If we wanna bring Kara home, we have to go back in time...

to Midvale High.

Alex and Nia were right.

Behold, the May th, Midvale Weekly.

- [ALEX]


- The week of Midvale High's prom.

The same night as the Aquarid meteor shower.


This is where we need to go to save Supergirl?

Yeah, I was back from Stanford on vacation.

I just dropped Kara off at the school assembly hall for prom, and, uh, with a jacket.

It was oddly cold that night, and that's when the shower hit, and then this giant meteor just came bearing down and Kara flew up and punched it out of the sky.

But the meteor had Kryptonite.

The impact was enough to destroy the meteor, but Kara got pretty hurt.

She fell through the roof of the gym.

- No one saw her?

- It was under construction, and when I found her, her hand was all cut up.

It was the first time I ever saw her bleed.

How specifically do we get to this place in time?

Well, based on my survey of satellite imagery from , and the trajectory of the meteor, I was able to predict Kara's point of contact.

After running those figures through D modeling, I produced a rendering of the debris field, and by overlaying that with geologic radiation emissions of that same night, plus, Kara's own biologic markers, I was able to pinpoint the exact location of Kara's DNA.

The high school's baseball diamond center field.

Nia and I depart after I gather my things.

Alex, what's this business about "The luckiest town in America?" When I left for college, Kara and her boyfriend, Kenny, appointed themselves the town's Scooby-Duo.

They were saving cats from trees and kids from wells, that sort of thing, and the, uh, town got quite the reputation.

I thought Kenny Li was k*lled when you were in high school.

The sheriff was running a drug ring, and he got caught up.

No, that's one of those old-world, new-world differences.

In this world, Kenny never got k*lled.

That suggests there could be other differences.

Maybe I should come with you.


Absolutely not!

As anyone who's seen

Back to the Future

knows, in , you or you, could both run into your past selves, and thereby disrupt the continuum of space-time.

The only people who can go on this mission are Nia and myself.



Okay, fine.

But you're going to my past.

Don't mess it up.


"Don't mess it up." Does this look messed up to you?

In , I was .

Is this really what people wore to prom?

Yes, ergo, it is the perfect disguise to allow us to chillax on our mission.

"Chillax" being a key phrase, along with "flossy, totes," and of course, the immortal, "wassup!" Oh, I forgot about "wassup." My sister and I said it so much that our mom made us write essays on the etymology of the phrase to prove how ridiculous it was.

I forgot about that.

Anyway, you're not looking too chillaxed, Brainy.

- Hmm?

- You're stress eating again.

I'm not...

I'm not...

I'm not stress eating.


I just...

I never had breakfast.

So, you're not worried at all that the last time you time traveled, you missed the mark by , years?

It was , years.

All right, fine.

Okay, yes, the...

Maybe the memory of my misstep has compounded my stress, leading to caloric consumption.

But I don't know what else to do.

Well, you're with me, and...

we're only going back a few years.

Nothing bad's gonna happen.

For Supergirl's sake, it can't.

Come on.


Oh, Sprock, I almost forgot.

The most important element of our disguise.

The ultimate optical illusion.

- Off the dash, please.

- Sorry.

Targeting temporal wormhole in three...

two, one.


"With its small town charm and nearly non-existent crime, Midvale is quickly becoming a top place to live in the country." Wow.

Where was this town when I lived here full time?

Probably waiting for you to leave.



Midvale College, one, Stanford, zero.



Oh, uh...

- Shake's ready.

I'll be back.

- Okay.

So, Alex, you still haven't explained why you put off going to Europe.

And you still haven't told Kenny about National City University.

I haven't decided.

Kara, you just got accepted to the college of your dreams.

I know Midvale College is solid, but...

And it's also where Kenny and I've been planning to go since last year.

I just...

I just need to find the right time to tell him.

So, you have decided and haven't told him

- or you haven't decided, and...

- I don't know.

I haven't decided what I've decided.



Engine malfunction.

Four overheating...


Chocolate shake.

Here you go.

Uh, thanks, but I just realized

- we're late for study group.

- Study group?

Study group.



You guys never do study...


Are you sneaking out to save something?

- No.

- No.


You promised me you'd stop super-ing when I left.

Now, you're fidgeting like you do

- when you lie.

- Right.


We may have been helping the local authorities now and then, but no one knows that it's us.


"Luckiest town in America?" Kara, you're the luck.

At least until you get caught and you put Mom and the rest of us in danger.

We'll stop...

after we check out whatever just crashed at the baseball field.

- No.

No way.

- I can fly there without anybody seeing me.

Trust me.

You are not flying anywhere.

I'm driving you.


What was it?


Tell me you can make a non-fat double latte.

For a place calling itself "the luckiest town in America," it is proving quite unlucky when it comes to caffeine.

I drove three hours from Metropolis to do a story on this rube-filled wasteland.

I need coffee.


- Tick-tock.

- Yes, ma'am.


Alex was right.

It's freezing.

That means that climate change wasn't real then.

Our time relay box is broken!

- What?

- It'll take days to fix!

Well, then we're in luck.

We're a day early.


Masquerade themed prom?

- Our disguises are useless.

- Brainy, it's okay.


We have to fix a component, replace its missing dysprosium, and on top of that, locate new costumes.

Brainy, you can do everything you're talking about.

We have hours.

All we have to worry about is not being seen.


Oh, my gosh.

Did you guys just come out of that spaceship?



Y... you spoke English?

He said my name.

Are people from your planet psychic?

- Yes.

- Yeah, exactly.

Yes, we are.

- We're psychic aliens.

- Psychic aliens.

- Mm-hmm.


- From planet Psycon.

Why are you dressed like that?

- Well...


- Uh, well...

When visiting another planet, we like to dress formally to...

- To show respect.

- To show respect.

But we will be changing...

- We'll be changing.

- ...right after we fix our ship.

Your ship's broken?

- No.

- Yes.


- Can I just have a minute with, uh, my...

- Just one.

My fellow Psyconian?

- Just...

- Stay frosty.

We'll be one moment.

So, these are the exact people we are not supposed to be dealing with.

Yeah, um, but now, we are dealing with them, so, we have to figure out how

- to manage the situation.

- Okay.

So, the only management we need is to get them out of here.

- We need to get out of here.

- What...

what are you talking about?

We have to help them.

You just promised you'd stop drawing attention to yourself.

If their ship is broken, the least we can do is help fix it.

Even if it means endangering everyone around you?

To be fair, they don't seem hostile.

I mean, look at how they're dressed.


My name is Kara Zor-El.

This is Kenny and this is Alex.

Uh, this is...


- and I'm Brenda.

- Yeah.

- We are Brandon and Brenda.

- Yep.

I am an alien, like you, from the planet Krypton and I came to Earth after my planet was destroyed.


I want to help you.

- Thank you.

- That's great.

- But...

- Um...

You see, we were also fleeing

- a dying planet like you...

- Mm-hmm.

...and we were knocked off-course.

We only have one day to catch up with our fellow travelers.

So, that leaves us with much to do and very little time to do it.

Just tell us what you need.

We need to conceal the evidence of our arrival, fix numerous parts, and lastly, locate a rare Earth element called dysprosium.


That's one of those rare Earth elements that your mom is studying at work.

There may be a dysprosium geode in the college's Rare Earth Exhibit.

She's saying she can get it, so...



It's at Midvale High.

I'm en route.


- Police?

Heading this way, fast.

You... you can't be found here.

We need to hide the ship.

Oh, uh...

we could do Groundhog Day.

You have go-to plays?




you can stay with us.

If she stays with you guys, he stays with me.


Okay, let's go.

- Come on.


Here you go, bro.

Thank you.

Um, it's gonna be okay.

It's gonna be okay.

Just, um... chillax.




Professor Tork, I found another Kryptonian like you asked.

- It's on the same planet, but...

- But?

Do we really wanna go after it?

I mean, that male in Metropolis was a lot.

My zoo needs a new attraction, Mitch, or we'll go out of business.

And if two Kryptonians on the same planet isn't a sign that I should take one...

then I don't know what is.


I've never met another alien that wasn't Kara.

Do you always dress this formally?

Customarily, it's what we...


- [MRS. LI]



Look, I can explain.


Explain why you ran in so fast, I have to bring your dinner to you?

Right, um...

I was at a study session with Kara, but you didn't have to bring me dinner.


It's no trouble.

Plus, I need to take a break from doing the store books.

Don't worry about the books.

I'll, uh...

I'll get them done later tonight, as soon as I finish my homework.

Thanks, Mom.

- Oh!



- No...

Pal, time is of the essence.


I'll be out of your hair as soon as I locate your computer.

Bro, it's right here.

This is your best computer?



It's... Sprock.

I'll make it work.

All right, next, I need to find access to a D printer.

A D printer?

Yes, just basic.

Nothing fancy.

Brandon, I don't know what you have on Psycon, but D printers aren't basic here.

Some aerospace companies

- might have them under...

- This is .

Well, yeah.

Still, can't you use your ring to, you know, Dumbledore something up?




It's physically impossible to create something out of nothing, Kenny.


What if I can get you a something?

The building blocks of D printing are an inkjet engine and ABS plastic.

- Right?

- That's correct.

We have all that stuff at our school STEM lab.

Plus, on Friday, no one's really there.

Oh, we could sneak onto campus early, and then we'd have the run of the whole place.

That could work.

Well planned.


Uh, glad I could help.

So, will you be eating all of this?

- Uh...

- Thank you.

- Thanks for this.

- It's nothing.

You said that you and Brandon were fleeing a dying planet.

Does that mean

- your family, are they...

- Um...

My father was able to escape, but my sister and I don't really talk, and, um...

my mother passed away before we had to flee.

I'm sorry.

I lost my mom, too.


this was hers.

It's from Krypton.

I still remember what it was like there.

I still remember her.

I love my Earth family, but it's not the same as being with people who really understand you.

I know what you mean.

My powers are passed down from mother to daughter, but my mom died before she could teach me how to use them.

I've been doing my best without her guidance...

but I am struggling.

You won't always feel that way.

It gets better.

Sometimes, I think that if I could just call her, and hear her voice, I might be able to find the confidence to keep going.

So, what can your powers do?

I mean, beyond letting you be psychic and move the Earth?


I can conjure these bubbles that are just about as strong as anything.



I can do this.


What are you doing?


- Showing each other what we can do.


Well, neither of you are doing that tomorrow.

Kenny just texted.

He and Brandon are gonna be working on fixing that box thing, so, while he's doing that, we're using Mom's ID to slip into the college, where we can get as much dysprosium as we can.

Then we part ways.

I understand.

You're all taking a big risk helping us.

I promise we'll be gone as soon as we can.

Thank you.

Get some sleep.

Alex can be a control freak, but you get used to it.

I'm sure I will.




- Brenda.

- You're dressed!



Is it go time?

You and I just need to be back before my mom heads out for work.

Let's go.

Come on.



No one should bother you so long as you keep the lights off.

Not to worry.

I once assembled something similar on the planet Neuron, which orbits a black hole, so, talk about, uh...

talk about dark.

This shouldn't be a problem.

That must be so cool, having adventures like that.

It's so cool, man.


that's what I want to do, actually.

I mean, not, like, be in space all the time, but to go around with Kara, helping people.

She and I are staying local for college to...

to get better at it.

In fact, I, uh...

I just made us a base.

- Base?

- Here on Earth, we have this alien hero named Superman.

He lives in this secret bunker.


Sounds ingenious.

Yeah, Kara kinda looks up to him.

I see.

So, uh, you built yourself a bunker-in-training.

I'm gonna show it to her after graduation.

I really, really hope she likes it.

Of course, she will.

There's nothing women like more than physics well applied.

That and a modicum of emotional vulnerability.

When I'm with Kara, I feel like...

like I could do anything.


It appears your positivity is catchy.



Oh, uh...

- Well, I gotta get to my, um...

- Ah, not to fear.

I shall stay here for the remaining minutes to complete fabrication.


I don't know, man.

With that print rate, your fab looks like it's gonna take remaining hours.

But, um... don't worry.

I'll be back for lunch.

Just don't open the door.

Or anything like that.



No, Perry, I don't have anything to send yet, because I've been here less than hours.

Yes, I am aware this is outside the purview of my gossip column, but as discussed, I want to do real news.

Based on my research, I believe there is some superbeing behind the so-called miracles in this town.

I'm going to find this being, name them, and then, do a story on them that will blow Lois Lane into the classified section.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I have an interview...

as soon as I find someone to talk to.


Excuse me, Professor Danvers.

CJ Grant, Daily Planet.

I'm looking into some of the events that have inspired this place to be named "the luckiest town in America." Apparently, six months ago, one of these phenomenons happened here.


Yes, nearby construction caused this column to dislodge and nearly crash onto a group of students.

But before it could, the column seemingly flew back into place, saving everyone.



- Wow, that is amazing.

- Mm-hmm.

Well, that's the legend.

What I want is the truth.

As a professor, Dr.

Danvers, you must have heard something.

Your students can chime in, too.


Oh, actually, um, my students have just a big, big project to get to.


Oh, right.


Still, still, I can say a few words.

Uh, I believe that we need to look at the facts, and the facts here, suggest that nothing in Midvale is worth finding.

Absolutely nothing.






Every time I try to use one of these things...

Come on.

Come on.


Come on!

That is perfect.

You are the tenor our Glee Club needs!


Come with me, now.

Unless there is another class that I can escort you to?






There it is.

- It's locked.

- Here.






- Kenny.

- Brandon!



- What's up, my dude?

- Where have you been?

I have been searching for you.

I thought we were keeping a low profile.

Key events sidelined that goal.

I left our STEM lab in search of sustenance and immediately got conscripted by a Glee Club Spartan chief.

Needing to preserve my student cover, I agreed.

But that led me to getting recruited by your math league, drama guild and...

Coach Kripkey...

who's desperately in need of someone who can switch hit.

Wow, that is a lot of exposure.

Yes and, given my status, a risky venture, but necessary in order to avoid unwanted attention, or worse, a.m.

detention with Mrs. Gormley.

But still, I have to say, it has been a revelation.

Are you familiar with the emotion of stress?


I'm kind of feeling it right now.

Well, I have been struggling with the emotion, and yet, I have been under the impression that my only options were to stress eat or not to stress eat.

But now, thanks to your school, I see a cornucopia of approaches.

Math leaguers factor, drama clubbers soliloquize, and baseballers hit.

Dude, that is fantastic.

But now that you've seen all that, do you, uh... do you maybe want to get out of here?

Because if Alex finds out, she's going to flip.



But how do I exfiltrate?

I am a vassal of Coach Kripkey.

You just say you're not feeling well and you got to go to the nurse.


Okay, yes.

Another method of coping chicanery.

Yes, I love it.

- Okay, okay.

I will do it...

- Good.

...after one more line drive.

So... the reporter didn't say anything about me specifically?

No, but she gave me a feeling like she believed me, but if we make a misstep, she's gonna pounce faster than...

That guy almost k*lled us!

Yeah, and his truck is full of gas.

Who drives like that?

No one.

In that truck, no one's at the wheel.


Hey, maybe you should slow down the truck, boss.

This is how you get a Kryptonian to reveal themselves.

Simply set the stage for disaster, and they can't help but try and stop it.


We'll never catch up to that truck.


I've got it.


Kara, no!


Where am I?

There's got to be some story in this backwater.




Oh, the...

the brakes don't work.

Gear shift, either.

There's a bus straight ahead.

We have to stop this now!

The wheels.

Use your freeze breath on the back axle.


Ship's altitude

moving to feet.

Species confirmed.

We have a Kryptonian and a Naltorian.


Stay the course!

g*n blast in five, four...


What the hell was that?

You didn't stay the course!

Circle around!


Oh, no!

We have another problem.

A Coluan has flown in!

Alex called about a runaway truck?

- It was gonna hit a bus.


Ah, I see.


There was also a blast that came from overhead.

I think someone's using a cloaking device.

I'll see what I can dream while you both scan the sky.







Brenda, I found something.

- There.


There, I've got a lock.

The Coluan scanner has us!

Sir, we need to retreat!


Damn it, Mitch!

They're gone.


Guys, time to go.

That reporter's right behind me.


Luckiest town, my ass.




Systems back online.

Cougar in a cage, which obviously symbolizes...





You've reached Isabel Nal.

- Mom.

- I'm so sorry I missed your call.

Knowing me, I'm either in the garden or the studio,

so, don't take it personally,

but please leave a message and I'll be sure to get back to you.

Have a great day.




I'm sorry.

We're telling Mom.


Alex, wait, please.

You can't tell Eliza.

I can fix this.

- I swear.

- Fix this?

In less than hours, we have had two alien encounters, one of which was the impetus for a break-in at our mother's place of work, which, if we get found out, will likely be her ex-place of work.

Oh, oh, and let's not forget about the reporter who is determined to expose the luckiest town in America as home of the newest alien superhero.

So, tell me, Kara, how will you fix this?

Well, who reads the newspaper anymore?

This is too much for us to handle on our own.

We need help and weapons.

Lots of them.

- Alex, please!

- We need to tell Mom.

Maybe she can get a hold of someone at the DEO.



You've been at college for two years, and now, you have all the answers?

No, I've seen what the real world is like.

And it's not risking the truth of your identity to stop runaway trucks.

It's about being responsible.

It's about making sacrifices to ensure the best future for yourself and those you care about.


You're saying you've had to sacrifice for me?

We all have.

Mom sacrificed her career for you.

Dad sacrificed his life.

You wanna know why I skipped out on going to Europe this year?

The one thing I wanted just for me, gone, because Mom was worried about you.

And, as always, here I am.

Your powers...

they don't give you carte Blanche.

Maybe if you had more life experience, you'd be able to see that.

I have seen more solar systems that you have dates, so don't even.

If you're so mature, then why haven't you told Kenny about college with him next year?

Where are you going?

To show you how mature I really am.



I think I have a lead on our attacker.

Is that the DEO database?

Future database, technically.

My Legion

scanner detected a rare Bismolian energy signature directly above that fuel truck.

Given the hostile nature of the gambit, I deduced that these alien species likely had a run-in with the DEO at some point.

Accessing past information about our present situation

- using future technology.



Two aliens manned Bismolian ships during this time.

One, an herbalist named Saphrex Col from Lasma.

Peaceful race, vegetarians.

The other, a Naxim Tork.

Home planet, unknown, runs a cosmic menagerie.

Like a zoo?

Full of alien creatures, possibly even oddly colored.

That's what the cougar in my dreams is about.

Naxim Tork.

That's our guy.

And look, it says the DEO captured him in Uruguay three days from now.

That's why we lose track of him.

He takes off to South America.

- What?

- Brainy, what just happened?

- No, no, no, no, no.

- Brainy, what just happened?

Our actions in this past, they...

they just changed the space-time continuum.


Where is that blue light?



This is palatable.

I feel like that might be a compliment, coming from you.


- You're a photographer?

- No.

But I do love a dark room.


I'm a journalist, actually.

Here on a big story.

You may know my work from the Daily Planet.

- I am...

- Lois Lane.


Better get rid of that smudge on your lens.

Don't want to miss your next scoop.

That's not a smudge, that's a shadow...

of a spaceship.


- [BOY]


Hey, kid.

Wanna make bucks?


Alex is still upset about the super-ing, isn't she?

- I feel responsible.

- No.

No, don't.

I love doing that with you.

I don't ever want that to change.

You know that, right?

Alex thinks she's looking out for me, for my future, but...

really, she's just trying to control it, and...

and she doesn't need to control it because I know exactly what I'm doing...

what I need to do.

That's old man Watson's barn.

What are we doing?

You'll see.

Come on.

I was going to wait until after graduation to give you this...

but I know you've been stressed, and, uh, I thought you could use a pick me up.

Welcome to our new hero-ing base.





All scans for Naxim are inconclusive.


If we don't find this Naxim Tork, we will have torn the fabric of space and time, which could rewrite the victors of wars, create anomalies where none existed, erase entire existences!

Alex hasn't been able to get a hold of Kara.

This is all my fault.

If I had just been able to interpret my dream, we would have been able to catch this guy.

- I should have just kept trying my mom.

- Kept trying who?

My mom.

I called her.


How could you?


Because I can't interpret my dreams and I need help.

I didn't talk to her.

I just...

I just needed to hear her voice and feel close to her.

So, I listened to her voicemail and that's it.

Around the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran.

Around the rugged rock,

- the ragged rascal ran.

Around the rugged...

- Brainy?


Around the rugged rock, the ragged rascal ran.

Brainy, what are you doing?

I'm coping.

High school, Nia, with its many species and subcultures, each with its own tactics of stress mitigation.

Now I thought that given the extreme circumstances, that employing all the coping mechanisms I learned today would help.

But disappointingly, they remain ineffective!

I'm sorry, you, uh...


you partook in-in-in some, uh, high school experience, yes?



What-what-what subculture did you adhere to?

I don't know.

I mostly tried to keep to myself.

Please just...

How did...

How did you cope?

I would sing my favorite song.

It's corny, but it made me feel like I could do anything.

Please show me.

♪ Tumble out of bed And I stumble to the kitchen ♪

♪ Pour myself A cup of ambition ♪

♪ And yawn and stretch And try to come to life ♪

♪ Jump in the shower And the blood starts pumping ♪

♪ Out on the street The traffic starts jumping ♪

♪ With folks like me on the job From nine to five ♪

♪ Working nine to five ♪

♪ What a way to make a living Barely getting by ♪

♪ It's all taking And no giving ♪

♪ They just use your mind And they never Give you credit ♪

♪ It's enough... ♪


Naxim Tork's location has been found.

Naxim's ship.

You okay?

Let's go.


Come here.

Do you know what this is?

It's the log where we had our first kiss.

It's where you changed my life, Kara.


This is our future.

Our fortress.

So, uh... what did you want to talk about?



Nia, I'm sorry about my behavior earlier.

I should have been more sensitive about your mother.

I should have been more cognizant that being in a time when your mother was alive would conjure up feelings...

Brainy, I'm fine.

It's okay.

Let's just catch the bad guys.


I don't understand.

Naxim Tork's ship should be right here...


...but something's jamming my scanner.

Well, I wouldn't be a very good hunter if the prey could just see me, now, would I?

Consider hunting season over, pal.


Well done, Professor.


- I love it when the animals talk back.


It's one of the things I love about this job, Mitch.

You just never know what's going to happen next.