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05x01 - Past Tense

Posted: 04/25/21 07:44
by bunniefuu
Previously on "Van Helsing"...

I could always feel the darkness in you.

It's in you too.

Fight it!

Nobody [BLEEP]

with my family.

Fight the Dark One.

Save Vanessa.

And now my beloved...

It is time you served your purpose.

We have to save Jack!

Somebody let me out!


- [DISTANT SCREAMS] - Alexandra!





Please let me find her.

Please show me the way.

I beg you, don't let her be dead.



Stay away from me.

Stay away from me!

Come on.


- Stay away!

- Wait!

Oh, shit.


♪♪ ♪♪ ♪♪ Hey!

Hold on!

I'm just trying to talk to you!

Hold on!

Wait up!


I just want to talk!

Leave me alone, you evil witch!


I saw you doing your black magic in the cemetery!


That's not magic.

I mean, I guess it kinda is magic.


Listen, listen, listen.

If you let me live I will not tell anyone about you.

I swear it.

I swear.


I just want some information, okay?

There's no castles like that in Colorado so where the hell are we?

What's going on down there?

I'm going to take my hand off but I need you to promise not to scream, okay?


I promise.


She's a witch!

She's a witch!

I saw her evil spells with my own eyes!

Easy, easy.


This is um...

I'm not evil, okay?

Look, I didn't mean to crash your little renaissance fair...


Get her in the stocks.

Why did you do that?

I just saved your life, didn't I?

Yes, but I wanted to know what she did with my sister, and to the others that disappeared as well.

We will find out, Florian, in the morning.

Right before we k*ll her.






Our fate is in your hands.

Save your sisters, free all of us by going back.

There is a way.

I can show you.

Wake up.

Jack, wake up!


Where am I?



I opened this for you.

What if this is a trick?

The Dark One.

The Dark One is through there, find her, destroy the path.

Go now!

I will protect you.


Don't lose hope.

I am right here.

Oh, shit.

That's where I am.

The past.

Vanessa told me about China and being Lily.

Time travel.

Maybe this is just a dream.

Hey, maybe I'm dreaming!

Your riddles do not make sense, foul witch.

I told you, I'm not a witch.

Any chance you know what year it is?

They will execute you at sunrise.

But first, tell me, did you hurt her?

Is Alexandra still alive?

I can help you find her.

Maybe this is something to do with the real witch I'm looking for.

The Dark One?

Does that ring a bell?




Hey, you heard that, too?

Unlock me out of this thing and I can go check it out for you.

I will get help.

- Come on!

- I will get help!

Come on!

Help from what?



Come on, try me.

See what happens.




This is gonna suck.



VILLAGER: What's going on?



Are you alright?

Are you alright?

What evil have you done?

Not me, a vampire.

The witch broke free!

Tried to k*ll Florian!

No, I tried to save him, and my name is Jack.


What's that?

MEHAI: Look at her face.

- VILLAGER: It's black magic.

- She's healing!

- More dark magic.

- No, no, no, no, no!

No, no, no, no.

She spared me.

A masked witch came after me.

It ran into the woods.

No, listen!

That thing, it isn't a witch, either.

It's a vampire.

It feeds on blood.

It's gonna come back here again unless we go hunt it down right now.

You'll help us k*ll it and we maybe let you live.



Slow down!

Florian, wait!

What if she's leading us...




- Get out of the way!

- No!

No, no, no!

- Don't k*ll her.

- What the hell are you doing?

She's my sister!

I could have saved her!


VILLAGER: Mehai's turning into one of them.

... magic!


what happened?

I told you.


And I'm the cure.





More warm cloths, Sorena.


Just in time, Your Grace.

The child is here.

Your child.


All those months ago, when you came and offered us help, I never thought this day would come.

How did you make it possible?

Faith, deep and abiding.

I always knew these things were meant to be.

Go, be with them.

I owe you more than I can pay.

Profit has never been my motive, Count Dalibor.

I made a promise that I have now fulfilled for you and your wife.

Olivia, my love, look what you have done.

What we have done together.

It's a miracle.

From a thousand prayers to this one sweet blessing.

An heir.

A son to carry on my family legacy.

A child for us both to love and teach.


I vow to protect him for the rest of my life and beyond.

Oh, let us not think of endings when we're so close to this beginning.

Believe instead of a lifetime of happiness.


Never would I have imagined that I could feel so complete.

I cherish you.

And I you.



Oh dear.

There, there, my child.

Sweet Christoph.

You're safe in my arms, forever and always.

It might take a while, but Mehai will be okay.

It is why you were angry.

I stopped you when you were trying to turn her back.

Like you did to him.

You didn't know.

Now you do.

If your magic can save her I will be forever in your debt.

Serve you in any way I can.

Florian, get up.


If you want to be of service just get me some food and find me somewhere to sleep.

There is a hayloft in the barn.

I mean, it's not a bed but...

It's better than stocks.


Where in the hell are we?

This is the town of Abel.



The town is full of whispers and fear.

Night phantoms.

Missing women.

I sense the footprints of the Sisterhood.

I see them, ringed in blood.

We're back on Michaela's trail.


But what is her intent?

There's something else.

A mysterious young woman claims to be a vampire hunter.

Oh, does she, now?

Fates are shifting.

I can sense it.

We must discover who this woman is.

What she knows.

Find her.

Learn what you can.

Oh, Roberto, discretion is our ally.

Keep to the shadows.

As always.

What is time travel?

I couldn't even explain it if I tried.

Let's just say I um, came from a long ways away.

Is it France?

Sure, France.

Why would Vanessa send me here?

Like you said, you are a vampire hunter and there are vampires, like...

I swear, if I can save your sister, I will.

You have my word.

What is wrong?

What if I don't make it home, to where I came from?

Well, like my grandmother used to say, always follow your heart and it will always lead you down the right path.


I'll figure this all out.

We need to find Alexandra and the rest of the Sisterhood, and to do that we're gonna need some help.

Our Count.

Count Dalibor.

If-if anyone can aid us, it is he.

And you have access to him?

I was his page in the w*r.

I served him well.

What are we waiting for?

Come on.

You called for me, Count Dalibor.

Is it the child?

No, he is well.

Surely not your wife.

Both are fine.

Then, pray tell, what is it, Your Grace?

Olivia and I are forever indebted to you, Michaela.

You arrived just as we had lost all hope.

But now that our son has been born into this world...

Have I done anything to upset you?

To fail you?

The time is now for my family and I to discover who we are together for ourselves.

You wish for me to leave.

Does Countess Olivia know about this?

As ruler, I will decide upon such things.

You will respect that.

Of course, Your Grace.

It has been my honour to serve your family.

I will be gone by the morning.

Long may you reign, and blessings be upon your wife and child, long may she live.

You are strong, Olivia.

Stronger than you even imagine, destined for great things, of this much I am sure.

Are you sure we can trust your Count Dalibor?


A true hero of the realm, protector of the people.

He and his wife, Olivia, are beloved by all they rule.

A leader people like?

Times have changed.

Florian, my great squire.

Let them pass, let them pass.

It has been far, far too long.

Yes, it has.

Your majesty.

Oh, and who might this young man be?

Her name is Jack, Count Dalibor, and she's from uh...

A place far, far away.

And what brings you to Transylvania, Jack?

I'm trying to help with the vampires.


That term is one from dusty tomes filled with old legends.

Vampires do not exist.

But they do.

Stealing victims from the town, draining them of their blood.

Do you have evidence of this?


Mehai was turned into a vampire, but then somehow Jack turned him back.

It sounds impossible but it's true.

People have gone missing.

They took my sister, Count Dalibor.

- Alexandra.

- Yes.

That news does concern me.

I will have my men search for her.

Captain Rasto...

They shouldn't go alone.

I should join them.

Offer protection.

Captain Rasto and his guards are highly trained, Jack.

You are merely a strangely dressed girl from far, far away.

I'm a little more than that.

You don't realize the threat that you're up against.

The woods, they're full of the Sisterhood.

The what?


Tell me more.

Mask-wearing vampires.

Inverted crosses on their forehead, dressed like leather-clad nuns.


Your missing sister who we will find is one thing but fairy tales of creatures drinking blood is quite another.

Your majesty, I beg you...

You and your friend will keep these tales of vampires to yourselves.

No good can come from creating panic.

That's what you don't understand.

The panic has already set in.

On your way, both of you.

On your way.


I would expect you to keep better company, young Florian.

Do not get enchanted by whispers of magic and monsters.



Somebody, help!

I just found her, Your Grace!

She's not breathing!

I'm so sorry.

I didn't know what to do.


Stay with her.



My Countess, I'm so sorry.



Olivia, she's not breathing.

Do you not...

do you not hear me?

But you wished for me to leave.

I am of little use now.

She's dying, woman!

Have you no heart?

What would you know of my heart?

I am begging you, please just come to her.

Save her.

I will do anything you wish.


You said they just had a baby.

Yes, much to our surprise.


Well, they've been trying for years.

It was believed that Countess Olivia was not capable any more.

Now, a son has been born against the odds.


Word was that a midwife arrived in the castle.

It was not long after that Olivia was carrying a child.

That's a first.

Doesn't the midwife usually show up after the woman's pregnant,

- not before?

- I do not know.

But it was shortly after her arrival that word reached us from neighbouring villages.

People going missing in the forest, strange happenings at night.

And then... then it happened here.

That's the Sisterhood.

The two must be connected somehow.

What troubles you?


He seemed concerned when I mentioned the Sisterhood.

Could he know about the vampires?

No, no, no.

He's a good man.

He would never allow such an evil to haunt these people.

Then what about the wife, Olivia?

What do you know about her?

Come this way.


Come, come.

All the counts of Transylvania.

A legacy dating back a thousand years.

Okay, that's a big family tree.

So what?

Only one Count has ever requested his formal portrait be done with his wife at his side.

That is how profoundly Dalibor loves his Olivia.


This is her.

Olivia von Dracula.


That's her.

The Dark One.

Now I know why my mother sent me here.

Here, my Countess.

A tincture to strengthen you.

What would of become of my sweet Christoph if I had perished?

And Dalibor...

Hush now.

All is well.

You are restored.

Fate brought me to your side and I will be here as long as need be.

So much seems adrift.

This... this sudden illness.

The stories from the villagers.

What stories?

The missing girls.

The monsters in the forest.

It is these dark fantasies that are the root of your sickness.

Who, pray tell, told you this?

No one.

A little birdie.

There is an old proverb.

Birds who sing too loudly, no matter how sweet their tune, are the first to fall to the hunter.

That is a dark thought.

You must rest.

A chance to clear your mind.

So you may better understand who to trust and who not to.

You are pure and good of heart, ringed in light.

Like a seraph.

And I find you fascinating.

Olivia is of good heart.

Yeah, but she doesn't stay that way.

At some point she gets corrupted and turned into the Dark One.

What happens now?

Nothing good.

Who knows, maybe your Count Dalibor is the one who turns her evil.

Before Dalibor came to power there was another Count.

Anton ruled with fear.

k*lling for no reason.

Made his own people his slaves.

And then Dalibor struck him down, he freed us.

What if Dalibor knew years before that Anton was going to be evil.

What if he could have struck him down and stopped all the suffering.

Wait, you mean to k*ll her?!

- Shhh!!!!

- Olivia!

I have a mission.

I'm a Van Helsing.

Surely there is another way.

What if... what if you can stop her turn so dark?

Is that not the same thing?

You know what that is?

Because I don't.

Alright, but you have to promise me you will at least try.

I implore you.

She does not deserve death.


Thank you.

If you can get me close enough maybe I can warn Olivia.

Stop what's gonna happen to her.

Of course.

You need to help me get into the castle, past all those guards.

We need to create some sort of distraction.

Well, if you want to talk to her there is a much easier way.

The winter fair in the town centre.


She's due to appear to present Count Christoph and open the festivities in the morning.


We'll get the drop on her then.


No one's going to drop anything on her.

Never mind.

Thank you.






What are you doing?

- What are you doing?


I felt like...

I needed to get free from here.

To fly away like a bird.

You would have fallen on the rocks, and certain death.

What possessed you?

I could not sleep, but perhaps I never truly woke.

The moon was calling to me.

It's nothing but bad dreams.

- No.

- Yes.

- No, it...

- You're going to catch a cold, my love.

Let's get you back to bed.

Back to bed.

Are you not compelled sometimes by dreams?

Well, my greatest fear has already happened when I found you so close to death.

I fear there are things that I do not fully understand.

So do I.

But I will protect you from dangers you can't even see.

I swear.

Now, sleep.

Thank you, my love.


MICHAELA: My strength is waning.

To be prepared for what lies ahead I must feed.

I will hunt for you.

Someone young.

MICHAELA: I crave the sweet taste of youth.

ALEXANDRA: There are many children in the village.

MICHAELA: You narrowly escaped last time.

Because of the stranger.

Ah, yes.

The mystery woman who you were not strong enough to defeat.

I will not fail you again, Mother.

The time approaches when all my plans, my careful schemes, will manifest.

I will bend my knee to no mortal ever again.



♪♪ Make way for Count Dalibor and Countess Olivia!


Welcome, my friends.

Welcome, welcome.

I wish you all a magnificent day.

Olivia and I would like to thank you for your kindness and your friendship.

And now please meet our son, your future Count, Christoph von Dracula.


The arrival of our son is a blessing for one and all.

Word from the stable.

Your horse lay stricken by a malady and died.

Oh, no.

Is something wrong?

Not for you to worry about, my love, but I must attend it, yes.

Oh, but we just got here.

I'd like to stay.

I'm not sure that is wise.

I have Sorena and the Captain.

Besides, we are amongst friends.

As you wish.

Stay with her.

I shall return.

My Countess, may I speak freely?


His Grace is not wrong to worry.

Many things in the castle seem...


I fear for your safety as well.


Oh, why?


My midwife?

But she's been nothing short of a miracle.

There are rumours.

Oh, what kind of rumours?

Her monastery, the one she claims to come from.

It is said it burned to the ground a century ago.

There were no survivors.

Some believed all the nuns were m*rder*d.

Clearly just fanciful tales.

Not only is Michaela alive and well, she spared me a certain death.

But, my Countess...

I do not choose to listen to fanciful tales full of dread and suspicion.

These stories are merely that.

My lady.

When it comes to stories so many are yet to be written.

Especially the ones that live in the future.

Oh, indeed.

What if you could know them before they came to be?

You speak in riddles, sir.

Perhaps, perhaps not.

A mystic within this tent has great power.

She can see all paths that lie ahead and forks which determine their ends.

A fortune teller?

What fun.


But ma'am, the Count's instructions.

My husband knows I make my own choices.

What harm can it do?

I'll be fine, Rasto.

What if we're too late?

If her servant, Sorena, is here with her child she cannot be that far.

A nobleman.


A child.

A blessing you were not meant to receive.

I see two futures diverging, both clear and yet...

You said there was only one future.

Which is it?

Two women.

One here, one there.

Each wish to shape your fate.

The death card.

Oh, come now.

I know enough about tarot.

That card seldom means what it says.

It can symbolize change, epiphany.

And sometimes, inverted, it can mean a lack of awareness.

Some threat unseen.

Tell me, what might you know of strangers in your realm.

Of vampires?


And ghosts and dragons or some mythical beasts stalking me!

The ten of swords.


The hanged man.

Your Grace, something dark awaits you.

Something terrifying, inescapable.

I thought this was to be a blithe distraction of mild amusement.

- Your Grace...

- I find this show quite distasteful.

The cards do not lie, my lady!

You must take head!

I must take my leave.

You would be wise to as well.

Our time grows near, my sisters.


I will resurrect you soon enough.

Provide you with a mortal vessel.

Take your hand as you walk this earth beside me, together as one.

Darkness will be reborn by feeding on the light.

- That's her.

- What is wrong, my Countess?

I do not wish to spend another moment at this fair.

We must return to the castle.

You have to promise me.

Just a talk, right?

Yeah, sure.



What is wrong, Jack?

My Countess, are you alright?

Yes, take Christoph.

What if I'm too late?

What if she's already the Dark One and this sweet Olivia is all an illusion?

No, no, no, no, no!

You promised me, just a talk!



The Dark One ends now!


I cannot...

I cannot...

I'm sorry.

I had to.







A nun, huh?

Anyone buying that?

Do we know each other?

Who branded you with that?

I'm not telling you shit.


You are quite an intriguing little mystery.

The villagers call you the witch and it would seem they are right.

You struck down the fair Countess Olivia, and for what?


Never mind.

Keep your secrets.

They are of no consequence now.

Before you could carry out your plan I ended her.

It's over.

What exactly did you end?

The Dark One.

Your beloved.

Without a host there's no pack back.

No dark future.


Did you really think it would be that simple?

Whoever you are, wherever you came from, it hardly matters now.

I'm gonna get out of here.

When I do I'm gonna get your head, and that'll be that.

Game over.

You moved the pieces around the board but the game will still be played.

Just without you.

I wouldn't bet on that.

A dead woman cannot change fate.

That is the path you are on now.

An execution at dawn.


I would have enjoyed k*lling you myself.