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08x12 - Their Story II

Posted: 04/24/21 07:58
by bunniefuu
Now that Dr. Cox was
the Chief of Medicine,

I had become the guy
everyone counted on

to fight for the things
the hospital needed.

Yep, I was the one person
who would get him to say...


You need to hire
a few more nurses.

Look, Tammy.
We don't have the money.

If you want to go out and raise
the cash yourself, feel free.

Maybe you could sell
your eggs to a fertility clinic, or

sell that beard of yours
to the Ridiculous Museum.

Better yet, you could make a list
of all the people you drive insane

and tell them that for a nominal fee,
you'll never speak to them again.

You of course offer them
a monthly subscription

at a reduced rate,
just to reel them in.

And then after a while
of you not talking to them,

people will forget just
how annoying you are

and they'll let their
subscription run out.

And, bang! That's when
you show up at their house,

and you drive them
insane all over again,

by speaking to them.
And here's the kicker.

When everyone's trying
to re-subscribe,

you lay it on them that
the price is now quadruple.

And I'm predicting and
that's a low-end guesstimate,

You're looking at about
$ , , a quarter, easy.

You give the hospital
a hundred thou,

we hire a few nurses.

But, until then,

you go tell Carla
it ain't happening.

- That was super fun.
- Get out!

Nice seeing you.

Still, I knew Dr. Cox heard me.
Sometimes he came around.

Nice job, J.D.
We're wearing him down.

Plus, with my new role,

people were treating me
with a new found respect.

I don't like how you're
trying to make people

treat you with a new
found sense of respect.

I'm not making people do anything.

How else do you explain it?
Did you hypnotize them?

Are you trying to hypnotize me?
'Cause that's not gonna work.

I'm already hypnotized.

years ago, I'm in Vegas,
I volunteer to be part of this guy's act.

Half way through the show,
fire alarm goes off

and I never get snapped out.

There's some word
out there floating around

like an on/off switch for me
that if I ever hear it,

I'll just go completely unconscious.

- Is it "sassafras"?
- It is "sassafras", you're right.

It's amazing, of all the words
in the English language...


Yes! That was it?

You're such an ass.
Here's your warning.

If you start walking around here
like you're the big cheese,

I'm gonna have to punish you.



Nice try.

Alright, guys. I'm gonna
introduce you to a new intern now,

- This is Derek Hill.
- "Welcome to the team" five.

Always use your non-cutting hand.

Told you.

Guys, if I could have a second to...

"Quiet down" five.

Thank you, Todd.

You're all dismissed.

Listen, if you need
anything, I'm here, okay?

- I think I'll be fine.
- I like you.

I am so mad at you.

He must have found out I tracked
down the testicle he had removed

and turned it to
a tiny disco ball.

Wait a second.
You dreamed that, you're fine.

Listen to me. You are
the man around here now

You gotta get your strut on.
You know what I'm saying?

Haven't you had this fantasy before?

Yeah. Except I've been working out.
So this time, I get to be shirtless.

- What's that?
- What's what?

Did you make a disco ball
out of my testicle?

Get out of the fantasy!
Get out of the fantasy!

Hell no!

That was close.

Get your strut on!

Behold King Cheese.
I warned you about this.

And now, my liege, I'm afraid
it's time for your punishment.

Let me just put down my popsicle.

Fifteen years and
no one said "popsicle"?

- Okay. Let's do this.
- Popsicle.


- I had the craziest dream.
- Popsicle.

I can believe he's buying this.

It's gonna be a fun day.

Season Episode
Their Story II

And lastly, let's not forget
to get a patient's full history, okay?

Especially medical allergies.

You can go.

It's been so long
since I was an intern.

I wonder what they're thinking.

Notice me.
Notice me...

'Cause I'm gonna hit that.

Time to start yet another day
in the suckhole of all suckholes.

I'm in such a good mood.
I think I'll do a little dance.

What did you think
of your first...

John Dorian presentation
as it were?

I imagine it's what people
felt like the first time

they heard Dr. King speak.

What are you doing?

That wise ass crap always
get you in trouble.

Just keep your mouth shut.

For like a week now, I had
a really bad blurred vision

and a stiff jaw.

Sounds like my dad
after a couple martinis.

Looks like you may
have a case of "WASPiness".

And you may have a touch
of the "self-laughies".

Okay. I'm back.

Look, we are gonna
figure this out, I promise.


Still, Dr. Reid
has been super-supportive.

Toss her a compliment
as a thank you.

Even though that dress is
totally inappropriate for a doctor,

- You're so rocking it.
- That's awesome

because I actually have a policy
that if I don't get three compliments

the first time I wear it,
I have to return it.

Now, I've got you...

J.D. he said this morning
that I looked "scrumpdelicious".

Yeah, he actually
does talk like that.

The meth addict from this morning
said he want to eat my eyeballs,

which I'm counting because
the dress really make them pop.

So, I've been thinking
about her a lot.

And with the blurry vision
and the jaw thing,

I bet Paige has
temporal arteritis.

We should do a temporal
artery biopsy on her.

Yeah, I'm not doing that. At her age,
it's probably neurological.



I just gotta remove the price tag,
because this little dressy is a keeper.



Denise, Charlie, Derek, Elliot,

Walter, John, Birdy,
Katie and Howie. .

I've made new friends
since I started here.

Hey, Howie, there's mints.

Yes please.

- Watch out!
- Move!

- Move! Move! Move!
- Get out of the way!

Relax people.

Remote control.

A patient once complained
that his room wasn't clean,

so I stole the motor
from his wheelchair.

- What are you guys doing?
- I'm using a mint.

Those aren't mints. Those are highly
concentrated mini urinal cakes.

Patent pending.

They're good.

Not a huge selling point
for urinal cakes, but thank you.

Say, glasses. Who told you
you could touch my cart?

You can fix this.

Hi, I'm Sunny.

Don't want to shake?

That's okay. I'll just do a little
wave then. Hi, I'm Sonny.

Come on. You can't stay angry in
such a beautiful day.

Apology accepted.

And that's new friends.

Plus, he's not as weird as they say.

Cart, come.

- Everything alright?
- Yeah, I'm good.

Crap, it's his Camp Counselor face.
Please don't try to make me open up.

Come on, Grumpy Bear. You see these
little things on the sides of my head?

They're not just for
holding up my shades.


I wanted to do a
temporal artery biopsy

on a patient and
your girlfriend ignored me.

Classic Elliot.

She's totally
supportive and nurturing,

but she'll never take
an intern's medical opinion.

It's just not her way.
She's not proud of it.

Just like I'm not
proud of the fact that

just because I stand up to Dr. Cox,
oddly everyone thinks I'm so special.

- You've heard about that right?
- I have.


- Hey, friend.
- Best friend.

I'm so happy for him.
I'm so happy for him!

You know what's annoying?
We all started out at the same time

and now Dorian is
so far ahead of us, career-wise.

That doesn't bother me.


This guy wants his spleen removed?

I got his spleen now.


You know what?

Why don't we take everything out?
How about that?

I got a heart!

I got his heart!

I... got... his... heart!

It bothers him a little.

Hey, smiley intern.
Can I talk to you for a sec?


- See you around.
- Wait.

I thought you wanted to talk.

No, I just wanted to punish
those two for touching my cart.

So I rigged the elevator to
give them a little bit of a scare.

It's all in good fun.

Get me out of here!

See and as long as
I wear my lab coat,

you can't even see
the duct tape at all.

The neck line is so cute.

This girly talk
is driving me insane.

And thanks so much. I love this
lip gloss, what flavor is it?


Oh my go, we get it.
You have vaginas.

On that note, I guess we'll go.

A nurse is going to come by
and take some more blood work.

Denise, if you'd studied
her case history,

you'd know that Paige has
Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome.

She was born without a vag*na.

Oh my god. Are you serious?

No, but if
you're gonna act weird

around my patients,
I'm gonna have to t*rture you.

I'm pissed right now,
but that was pretty awesome.

Thank you.

I'm just frustrated.

I really think we should do
the biopsy, it can't do any harm.

Oh please, not this again.

If Paige really does
have temporal arteritis

and we don't catch early,
she could go blind.

I'm not good at mustering up
this whole over-the-top

puppy dog sentiment thing
that you just eat up, but...

What if I started telling people that
I wished you were my older sister?

- Do you?
- No. Not really.

I still take it.

There he is.
You're ready to go?

I just gotta go check
my messages at the front desk.

I'd give up my cell phone number,
but it'd be ringing like crazy.

Everybody wants a piece
of the big dog.

I know what you're thinking.

You're thinking J.D.
is a ridiculous arrogant tool.

He didn't ask for this position.

So cut him some slack, okay?

- Did you guys see that?
- See what?

Good cart.

- Yeah?
- We did it.

Dr. Cox is hiring more nurses.

Forced overtime for the
nursing staff is now over.

And it's all thanks
to this guy right here!

Stop it everyone.

Okay, keep it going
a little bit longer.

And now you can stop it.
That was nice.

Come on, man.
Hold it together.

If we do hook up tonight,

for once, you won't be
the only one thinking about J.D.

That did it.

- You're bigger than I remember.
- Thanks.

I have to know.

Why did you keep me
from getting on the elevator?

I touched your cart too.

It's simple. I don't mess with you
because I don't think you can take it.

You're not strong enough.

He said we were gonna die.

We still might.

What does he mean,
I'm not strong enough?

I hate this day!
This day stinks.

This day rules.

Paige, I want to do
a temporal artery biopsy.

Just stay quiet. Don't get
sucked into their petty mess.

- Come on, buddy. Let's go get a beer.
- What? I thought we were going out.

Because ever since you lucked into
the hospital do-gooder role,

you've been acting like
a ridiculous arrogant tool.

- No, I haven't.
- I'm not the only one who thinks it.

Please don't look at me.

I'm invisible, I'm invisible!


Yesterday wasn't great.
But stick with the plan,

and keep your mouth shut.

What are you being so pissy?

Is that because Izzy pointed at the TV
at Al Roker and called him "daddy"?

I don't want to talk about it, baby.

You do not want to get
mixed up in a lover's quarrel.

So how was your night with Turk?

You know what?
I don't want to hear it.

I can't believe
you hooked up with Howie.

I just gave him the sideboob.
I give anybody the sideboob.

You want some sideboob?

I'm in a good mood.

My results are in from the biopsy.
Watch my food.

The hell are you doing?

He won't do anything to me.
He thinks I'm too weak.

You shouldn't throw produce,
it's very dangerous.

I had a cousin that was
k*lled by a head of lettuce.

It's a true story. Well, actually
not the head of lettuce so much

as the pack of sewer
rabbits that he stole it from.

Sewer rabbit!

I'd be impressed, young lady,
but I can do the same thing.




As it turned out, the janitor lied
to me about being hypnotized.

Paige's biopsy is negative.


You know what's gonna happen next.

I told you so!

And now in French.

Je te l'ai dit.
Oui c'est ça, je te l'ai dit.

You want some German,
Denise, huh?

Ich hab's gesagt, ja das
stimmt, ich hab's gesagt.

I told you so.

Maybe she won't rub it in my face.

I told you so!

I'm not gonna do the splits here.

This floor's disgusting
and I'm wearing a thong,

But I can bring it home
with a little robot for you.


Told... you... so.

Fine. You were right.

But at least we know now.
No harm done.

I have to have this scar
on my face for nothing.

I know that it seems big now,
but it will get smaller as it heals.

Paige, what are you doing?

I know it's silly, but I just...

I like my eyes.

It's not fair.

Can I just have a minute, please?

Of course.


Please do not do the robot again.


This is why I don't listen
to interns, okay?

It's not because you're young
or because I'm stubborn.

It's because you're not accountable.

If there's a mistake
or a misdiagnosis,

or even a tiny little scar
on someone's face,

it's on me.

And that's how it should be.

Interns need a little safety
net at first just to survive.

So don't feel guilty
about her, okay?

It was my decision.
I'm the one who has to feel guilty.

I can't believe you did this to me.

Oh my god. Is anyone
in more hell than I am?

It's Derek, right?

Last time you talked to this guy,
you compared him to M.L. King,

so he hates you.

his ego is so big
he thought you were serious.

Derek, I too have a dream.

That one day, Turk will
be able to deal with my...

Well, let's just call it what it is,
meteoric rise to prominence.

It's hard for him, because
he's used to being the big shot.

Oh my god.

Is that why Turk is being such a pain?
He can be the biggest baby.

I'm Carla.
You're handsome.

Be careful, she likes
brown men. We both do.

k*ll me.

What are you doing
sitting with them?

And now it's worse.

Hi. Eavesdropping.

Now, I'm not exactly clear
on the details,

but, from what I can gather,

my new promotion and
subsequent interaction with you

seems to have caused
a rift in your relationship.

Well quite frankly,
I think it's fantastic.

You're being an idiot.

And the wife is
upset too. Hot diggity.

You could try and empathize

instead of giving Derek
over here the googly eyes.

- Carla.
- What?

Give her a break, man!
He's like a male Halle Berry.

So what do you say, new guy?
What do you make of all this?

God I want to answer that.

But don't. Don't.

Scintillating. Get out!

Free at last!

It still feels a
little crappy though.

You always prided yourself
on saying what you think.

But it's about the job, right?

Who is the janitor to judge me?

He doesn't know me.

Maybe I should just be happy
I'm the one person here

he isn't going to hassle.

I never asked Elliot
to take the blame.

Still, I'm glad
I didn't have to talk to Paige.

That would have sucked.

The hell with it.

Hey, jackasses!

Hey, Mopingstein!

Hey, Paige.

I just wanted you
to know that

even though Dr. Reid
took the blame,

I was the one that really
pushed for that biopsy.

I was just trying
to look out for you.


I'm really sorry.

Thank you.

Listen, you know...

Little lemonade.

Too sweet.

Hey, you were saying?

You know how hard it is to
walk around this hospital like this

when sometimes inside
I feel like this?

- It didn't change.
- It did a little.

Bottom line,

I am a strong person.

I know, I sized you up right away.

Then why don't you get me back?

Have you been obsessing about this?

Maybe unable to sleep?

All you can think about is the fact
that I think you're a weak person?


Consider yourself gotten.

Much better. Thank you.

It's learning.

You guys really
want to know what I think?

Let me start with you,
Martin Luther King?

He changed the nation.
Dial it down a notch.

And you!
Way to have your husband's back.

Way to represent for your man.

The guy is obviously
going through something.

And what type of sick,
twisted, insecure person

do you have to be to get your
jollies off other people's misery?

And finally, my man.

You know how excited I was
when I found out that my new boss

was a black surgeon?

Finally a role model.



because I don't want to become
a giant bald seven year old

who's obsessed with his best friend.

So thanks everyone.

You guys have made
these first few days

very special.

As we all sat there gathering the
nerve to apologize to each other...

Well most of us...

I couldn't help but
remember my own internship,

and all the different things you had
to do to be accepted here as a doctor.

- You have to be accountable.
- Let me diagnose the next one.

If I'm wrong,
I'll just apologize again.

God you're so annoying.

- I am Dr. Reid.
- And I'm Dr. Mahoney and I'm sorry.

Just getting it out of the way.

You have to prove your strength.

Hey, giggle face.

Still owed you for the tomatoes.

Thank you.

But in the end, all you can do is
be yourself and hope it works out.

It's good, buddy.

New guy.

Hey, Derek.

Good cart.

Good cart.
Who is a good cart?


Good boy.

Who's a good boy?

It sucks.

Having everyone here look up to you.

- I don't think everyone.
- Of course not everyone.

Is there someone in particular
who is not looking to me? 'Cause...

Never mind.