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01x11 - School Spirit

Posted: 04/24/21 07:24
by bunniefuu
I can't believe I'm doing this.

Who graduates and then breaks back into the school?

You better not be backing out.

I still have one more year left in this prison.

Give me a light.

Dude, they might have changed the locks, man.

Is what we're doing actually illegal?

I don't know, I mean, it's definitely not good.

I kind of think you're a f*cking creep if you want me to be honest.

Let's just get the ladder.

- The Admirals.

- How corny.

We could have been the tigers or the vipers.

Are you sure there's no on-campus security?

Yeah, dude, I'm sure.

This place can't even afford toilet paper.

All right.

Right up there.

All right.

I got a screwdriver if you need it.

You know, I always thought something was watching us when I was here.

All right.

You see it on your phone?

Holy shit, it works.

Dude, this is definitely illegal.

I'm not gonna be a pervert about it.

The girls are ugly here anyway.

I'm just gonna livestream it before homecoming, everyone's gonna freak out, and the whole school year's gonna be fun.

All right, I'll secure it.

"I'm not gonna be a pervert about it." What's wrong with you?






Todd, this isn't funny.

Quit it.

What the f*ck?

Oh, shit!

Oh, f*ck.

Good morning, Helbrook High.

Fellow Admirals, welcome back to school.

I'm Erica Yang, your Senior Class President.

I'd like to start with a special message for my fellow seniors.

Guys, this will be our final year together.

After this, who knows what will happen?

We may never see each other again.

Sometimes I think, whoa, where did these years go?

All I did was study...

So let's make the best of our last year.

Take a risk, get to know that person you've always been curious about and follow through on your big plans before it's too late.

But also, early college applications are due in November.

Let's finish strong.

Go Admirals!


- Hey.

- Shit.




- Jason.

- Just can't get enough of school, huh?

Or are you stalking me?

Funny you should say that 'cause I think you came to me.

Hey, what's with the attitude?

You broke up with me, remember?

Yeah, well, you broke up with me sophomore year, so, I guess I hold a grudge.

Hey, hey.

Look, I know after this year you're probably going off to Harvard and I'll never see you again, but for now can we just be nice?

I'm sorry if I was a jerk.



So you can stop ghosting me?

Sure, but you're gonna make me late.

Late for what?

You got weekend detention or something?

No f*ckin' way.


What could Erica Yang have possibly done?

Hey, don't tell anyone, okay?

This may go viral.

I'm serious.

You can't tell anyone I had detention today.

We'll see.

Maybe you can tell me what you did on our date later.


I died.

I know.

I guess you had to be there.

I'm faster, I'm stronger.

I mean, I'm not physically stronger, but like I'm like, um...


Look who it is.

Isn't that the Princess Miss Perfect of the school?

Is she having detention with us?

Hey, you can't sit there.

It's my seat.

That one's hers.

Are you lost?

You know this is detention, right?

I'm aware.

You're wrong about like almost everything.

Hey, look who's back.

- Hi, guys.

- Hi.

First weekend of the school year?

I am impressed.

Mouths shut, eyes up.

Everybody take a seat.

Welcome to the first Saturday detention of the year.

I am your Vice Principal, Mr. Armstrong.

You know the drill.

Phones in the bucket.

Please give me your full name for attendance.

Lizzy Whitmore.

Morning, Mr. Armstrong.

Elizabeth, I see you're still incorrigible.


Russel Jones, Mr. Armstrong, how are you?

That's enough.

The name will do.

You already know my name, just write it down.

Are you messing with me already, you little prick?

I don't think you're allowed to call me that.

- It's against the rules.

- Oh, wow.

I got kids in detention telling me about the rules.

I'm gonna make something really clear for you, Victor.

Nobody gives a flying monkey turd about you.

I say and do whatever I want to delinquents like you.

So, say your name.

Victor Castro.


That wasn't so hard.

Brett Callaway.

Oh, I don't have mine, sir.

Are you messing with me?

You kids can't go two minutes without looking at one of these things.

It's a disease.

I remembered that phones aren't allowed so I didn't bring mine, honest.

If I find out you're lying to me, I'm gonna suspend you, you understand?

Yes, sir.

You're a nice kid.

I don't want to see you back again with these idiots.

- Okay.

- Come on, what did I do?

And last but not least, our very, very special guest for the day, Ms.

Erica Yang.

Who lucked out with weekend detention after her shameful, shameful crime.

Whoa, what did she do?

Hey, that's nobody else's business.

- Okay.

- I can't keep my phone?

No, you can't keep your phone.

You're in detention now, things are different here.

You know, I have to say that you're very, very lucky that Principal Morgan wants young ladies like you to succeed because if it were up to me you would have been expelled.

I would have made an example out of you.

What's this?

I was going to do some homework.

This isn't study hall.

He's gonna make us write essays about how awful we are.

Wrong again, Elizabeth, since clearly it doesn't do shit.

As of today, when you're in my detention...

you get to clean the school.

Hi, yes, thank you so much.

You can't make us do chores.

Oh, yes, I can, yes, I can.

The first order of business is that you're going to be removing all of the gum from the undersides of all of these tables.

That's disgusting.


Yes, it is disgusting.

So please don't stick your gum on things.

Circle of life.

Also, if you'd like to use this bleach, you can remove some of the graffiti that's under the tables as well.

This is illegal.

I'm not doing this.

Oh, yes, you are.

You're gonna dance on up here, you're gonna grab one of those, and you're gonna get to work.

Make me.

Dude, just let it go.

Was anyone talking to you?

I don't know what the confusion here is.

I'm in charge and when I give you an order, you listen.


Like how your wife listened when you begged her not to leave you?

I'm sorry, your ex-wife.

You guys, please.

Yeah, yeah, that's fine.

That's fine, yeah, you're right.

You're right, you're right.

I'm the Vice Principal, I shouldn't be touching you.

I'll just give you four more Saturdays.

- For what?

- What's that?

What's that?

You want eight?


because it's just that easy.

All I have to do is write it out and then you suffer the consequences.

If you want to be a fuckup...

I'm here to support you.


Everybody get to work.

Not in the mood.

All right, uh, I'm gonna go to my office and work on some emails.

Anybody who leaves this room is suspended.

We're still on lockdown because of those two missing kids, so unfortunately for me I am responsible for you, but I trust that that doesn't mean that I have to babysit you the entire time.


Yes, Mr. Armstrong.

God, I thought he'd never leave.

Took longer than he usually does.

I can't believe Todd is still missing.

I can, that guy's an idiot.

Feels weird without him.

How long has it been?

Since the beginning of the year, I think.

Maybe the ghost got him.

Oh, my god, please do not start with that.

I keep trying to tell people.

Helbrook is haunted.

You don't actually believe that, do you?

Yeah, what if I did?

You tell me.

Why do students go missing every year?


The School Spirit comes and takes them away.

You heard about that, right?

I mean, yeah, I've heard stories, but I always just assumed it was a joke.

It's not a joke if people are actually disappearing.

Well, you don't have to worry.

Why is that?

I mean, isn't the legend like the ghost only takes bad kids?

Well, then we're all dead.

What did you mean, uh, bad kids though?

Like how bad?

I heard it's an old lady in an Admiral costume, and she only takes boys so she can r*pe them.

That is so stupid.

What do you mean, like, a strong old woman who's really horny?

It's like a dead zombie lady.

Apparently, she was some uptight teacher from like 10 years ago.

The kids pulled a prank on her.

They dumped a bunch of cold water on her.

Nobody knows exactly.

But she had a heart attack and died right there on the spot.

The kids freaked out, so they covered her up by putting her in an Admiral mascot costume and hid her body on campus.

And since then, she's been haunting the school and taking revenge on bad kids.

Speaking of bad, what was all that "You're lucky to not be expelled" talk?

What'd you do?

I really prefer not to talk about it.

Are you worried we're gonna judge you?

We'll judge you more for not telling.

I think we're all a little intrigued.

I bet she didn't do anything.

Yeah, right?

She's probably here to write some report on us fuckups.

Speak for yourself, okay?

I plan to get all As and Bs.

Is that true?

Are you just here doing research?

Why are you all so curious?

What did you do to get detention?

What didn't I do?

Drinking, smoking.


You sound like you're proud.

I'm just living my best life.

Not all of us want to go to Harvard.

She gets detention on purpose so she doesn't have to go home and be with her alcoholic mom.

- Screw you.

- Oh, please.

Why don't we just get back to work?

Mr. Armstrong might come back any minute.

Oh, sweetie, no.

He'll be gone for a while.

How do you know that?

No, it's true.

He's in his office right now getting drunk.

- Even he knows.

- What?

Armstrong's an alcoholic.

I just can't get away from them.

Speaking of which, hey, Russ, can you get us that booze again?

- Should I?

- Yeah.

The vibe in here could use a little help.

You still got that weed in your locker?


You guys, Mr. Armstrong seems pretty tense today.

Maybe we should just take it easy.

Dude, come on, you're always such a buzzkill.


You're one of us now.

You're about to get initiated.

f*ck yeah.

We'll get her lit.

Then she can tell us why she's here.

Those guys are so reckless.

They're even worse when you're here.

I get it.

Everyone thinks I'm this perfect student.

Well, you are.

I'm actually really amazed that I'm speaking with the Erica Yang right now.


Yeah, two-time Admiral of the Year.

Highest GPA, senior class president.

You're the gold standard at Helbrook.

I don't know about that.

And your speech was incredible.

My speech?

Yeah, at the beginning of the year.

It was inspiring, I really took it to heart.

You know, about it being the last year and taking risks and not having regrets.

It's actually the reason why I'm here right now.

Oh, no, what'd you do?

Actually, never mind.

Now I'm doing to you what they were doing to me.

I was really surprised to see you here.

Mr. Armstrong said that you almost got expelled.

It just seems impossible.

Was he being serious or was it...

Oh, mother...!


Are you okay?

Man, this day sucks.

Maybe we should just get drunk with them.

I'll go get you a first aid kit.

I think there's one in woodshop.

I'll be right back.

Are you gonna be okay in here by yourself?

Yeah, of course.


Okay, so, avocado pipe or vape?

I don't care, I just want that scotch again.

- Or is it whiskey?

- Wait, what's the difference?

All alcoholics.

Hm, the School Spirit is upon us.

- I hate you.

- You guys get the booze and we'll meet back here?

Wait, where are you going?

Don't worry about it.

What, so you're invincible?

You just can't get in trouble?

I need to take a shit.

Can't argue with that.

- Same as before?

- Yeah, let me check.


Okay, don't get the good stuff.

He'll notice that, it's the same as my mom.

Like when the stuff she gets all the time is gone, she just assumes that she drank it.




♪ Ashes to ashes, dust to dust ♪ Aw.


Oh, my go...



Hey, I can only find a few Band-Aids.

I think it coagulated.

Oh, can I take a look?


Were you guys holding hands?

Aren't you with that guy from the basketball team?

No, actually we broke up.

Oh, I see.

Oh, what don't you guys understand about meet back at your locker?

I was waiting there like a dumb-ass.

Where's Russ?

I don't know.

I didn't see him.

Yeah, no, he didn't come back here.


You don't think he got caught, do you?

No, Armstrong would be in here screaming like a maniac if he did.

So, uh, do you want to hit the vape or are you determined to become an alcoholic too?

Would it make you happier if I didn't drink?


Then let's just hit the vape.

All right.

Are you two down?

I don't think this is a good idea.

Oh, my god, you think everything is a bad idea.

- Yeah, what if Mr.

- Armstrong surprises us?

He won't, he doesn't care enough to.

Wait, hold up.

Are you two going to snitch?

No, I don't snitch.

I won't tell.

I don't know if I trust 'em.

- Mm-mm.

- One of you needs to do this with us, so we know you guys aren't narcs.

I can't use that stuff, really.

Well, then it's gotta be you.

Have you been high before?

Of course she hasn't.

- You don't know that.

- All right, well then hit it.

Prove that you're not a cop.

If you want to do it, we won't tell, but just don't make Erica do it.

No one makes me do anything.

f*ck yeah, woman power, I like that.

Let me see it.

- What do I do?

- You just hold down that button and inhale.

Wait, let's make a deal.

If I do this and prove that I'm not a narc or whatever, then you guys absolutely can't tell anyone that I was here today at all.

- Yeah.

- That's fine.

What happens in detention stays in detention.

- Promise.

- I promise.

Holy shit, we're about to get high with Erica Yang.


They think I have community service.

You really do keep a lot of secrets.

So what?

Your parents wouldn't let you eat dinner?


Not until I finished all my homework and passed their made-up prep quiz.

That's crazy.

All my dad does is watch sports.

And all my mom does is feed him while he's doing it.

At least they leave you alone.

Yeah, but they're f*cking losers.

Doesn't mean you have to be one.

Are you calling me a loser?



No, I was...

I was just saying we can make our own path.

You know, we can choose to be winners.

Thanks, buddy.

I already know.

I'm gonna be a firefighter when I'm done with this high school nonsense.

You know what?

You're not so bad, Erica Yang.

- Thank you.

- I think.

I thought you were this total square, but like at least you're aware of it.

What does that even mean?

Like it's not her fault she's got all this pressure on her.

What do you know about pressure?

Hey, I know about pressure.

We all have pressure to be something.

So, what did you do to almost get expelled?

I'm still not telling you guys.

Dammit, are you kidding?

It's really not something cool or interesting.

I'm not interesting or cool.

I got bored on Wednesday, so I pulled the fire alarm.

Pulling the fire alarm is kind of a serious thing.

I agree.

All right, whatever.

You know, we had to miss a test that day because of it.

- Okay.

- Thank you.

You are welcome.

Eh, you guys should open the door.


All right, I'll do it.

I got this.

We believe in you.

Have you ever smoked weed?


- No.

- You could be a little contact high right now.

- You need to lighten up.

- We should corrupt him.

I think you should stop telling me what to do.

It just takes the edge off, you know?

Where do you think your friend went?

Oh yeah, Russ, uh...

I don't know.

That dumb-ass probably ditched.

It's why he's in detention in the first place.

Hey, are you okay?

You look...

you look worried.

No, I'm just...


I was just thinking about the School Spirit.

Oh, Jesus, come on, dude, look what you've done to her.

- Wait, shh!

- Okay.

Do you hear that?

Dude, she's tripping.


Okay, come on, now you guys are gonna freak me out.

- Armstrong!

- f*ck!

- Can you smell it?

- I can't tell.

I don't know why you guys always get the scented ones.

You can definitely smell it.

Oh, sh**t.


What is going on here?

Why is this door open?

We were just about to clean the desks with bleach and then I accidentally dropped it.

Now, don't...


don't clean it with your hands, this stuff is toxic.

Now you need to get a mop and a...

and a bucket.

Uh, where is the mop and the bucket?

Is it in the janitor's closet?

Wait, wait, freeze, freeze.

Are you guys smoking in here?

Is this you trying to cover this up?

I'm sorry.

It's just so funny, the idea that we'd be smoking while we're in detention?


Are they smoking?

I think what you're smelling is the bleach, sir.

That or alcohol.

I feel like I smell alcohol, but we haven't been drinking.

What did you say?

I don't know, I smell it.

All right.

You get the bucket from the janitor's closet - and clean this up.

- Yes, Mr. Armstrong.

Wait a minute.

- Where's Russel?

- You haven't seen him?

Why would I have seen him?

- Where the hell is he?

- I mean, I...

I think it's safe to say he ditched.


I told you guys we're on lockdown.

I'm just gonna have to literally lock the building doors since I can't trust any of you twerps to do a single g*dd*mn thing.


Clean this up.

That was awesome.

- Thanks.

- Oh, my god.

Dude, I cannot believe you said that.

Did you see the look on his face?

He totally backed down.

Of course he did.

All right, dude, you're not a cop.

- Thank you.

- Really.

I would have been in so much trouble.

See, I told you guys I wasn't a snitch, but did you see how close that was?

Come on, let's go get the mop.


Ooh, okay.

Hey, you two, no sex on campus.

The School Spirit will come and get you.

Grow up.

I feel like I'm slowly doing a backflip.

I can't believe I'm stoned.

Brett, we can't tell anybody about this.

I won't.

You really have to stop letting those guys pressure you into doing things that aren't you.

They're not so bad.

I mean, they're not great students, but they're not bad people.


Have we had a class together?

- Um, yeah, we've...

- we had class, um, but I kind of just like to stay in the background.

I get that.

Sometimes I wish I was a nobody.

Don't say that.

A lot of people look up to you.

Or they should.

Maybe we shouldn't have gotten high and told ghost stories.

There's no such thing as ghosts.

I can't tell if I'm high or if I'm hearing things.

You're definitely just hearing things.

It's an old building.


Oh, my god!

Jason, you scared the shit out of me.

Great, that was the point.


What are you guys doing?

I thought you had detention?

Oh, we do.

We were just getting the mop.

You gotta clean up or something?

Something like that.

Whoa, hey, are you stoned?

No, what?

Are you?

What are you doing here?

Are you the School Spirit?


I just had basketball practice.

I just came by to see if this was for real.

Come on, Erica, we should go get the mop.

No, seriously, are you stoned?

Did this guy make you smoke?


How dare you?

No one makes me do anything.

All right, well, let's go for a walk.

No, she can't, we have to get back to detention.

- Not like this she can't.

- Come on, Erica, we really should get back now, okay?

It's cool, bro.

Okay, we got a long history together.

Way too much history together.

Let's go, Erica.

I'll meet you back at the library.

I can walk!

That shit smells.

You think Armstrong was serious about locking us in?


Let me get something from my car first.

I don't understand, who's watching you guys?

Mr. Armstrong, but apparently he's an alcoholic.

Don't tell anyone.

So he's giving you guys weed.


No, no.

It's a long story.

Where are we?

I don't know.

We're just chilling.

So, I was just getting ready to tell everybody at school I saw you here at Saturday detention, but I was gonna give you a chance to stop me.

How about I tell you a secret?

Go on.

Even though I ghosted you all summer, I was still checking your profile every 11 minutes.


Now we're getting somewhere.

So, what are you saying?

I don't know.

What, what, what?

I'm so...



I'm so high, and really, really hungry.

Uh, all right.

Well, hey, hey.

We'll feed you later.


I'm going to the vending machine.

Right now?

I'm going to pass out.

I'll be right back.

That f*cking drunk actually locked us in.

Mm, pretzels...

maybe not.

Chips, chips, chips, chips.


Chocolate and peanuts.

That could be good.

That's a good call.

That's good.

Who wants a bunch of nuts?


The chocolate.

That seems like that's the one.

All right.

Oh, there we go.

Oh, sh**t.

Just give me one second!

Ah, woo!



Erica, quit playing.

You just trying to get me back for scaring you earlier?

Jason Irving takes the ball himself.


He breaks the ankle of the defender!


Oh, he breaks another one!

Somebody get a medic!


What's this?

Erica Yang is waiting at the rim?

Watch out, Erica.

You about to get crossed up!

What the f*ck?




If you're trying to scare me, I can tell you that's a turnoff.

This isn't funny.

Okay, I'm going to give you two minutes or I'm going back to detention.

I just cleaned it up with paper towels.

Oh, fantastic.

Where's Erica?

You didn't just leave her by herself, did you?

She's baked right now.

I don't know.

She was doing her own thing.

What does that mean?

You haven't seen Erica, have you?


But Armstrong for sure locked us in.

All right.

I'm leaving.


What do you mean, "she's doing her own thing"?

Hey, I'm talking to you.

Haven't you done enough for today?

If you're so worried she's stoned, why did you bring the vape pen in the first place?

The f*ck is your problem, bro?

You're bringing everyone down to your level.

Does it make you feel like less of a screw-up?


Don't talk to her like that.

You don't know me.

There you are.


I was...

with a friend.

Did this guy try to make a move on you?


I was...

with Jason.

The ex-boyfriend!

Are you hallucinating?

'Cause there's no one in the building.

It's locked.

He must have gotten in beforehand, right?


We were hanging out, and then I left for a second, and when I came back, he was gone.

Well, he's gotta be here somewhere.

Unless Armstrong caught him.

But that is really weird, 'cause...

Russ left without a word, too.

Stop being so dramatic.

He ditches all the time.

No he doesn't, not when we're together.

Okay, so then, the School Spirit probably has him chained up, sucking him off.

He's probably loving it right now.

Dude, why is it that every time I try to get serious with you, you automatically say something stupid and never f*cking answer the question?

It is really weird Jason would just ditch me like that.

Did you see him?

I, uh, I just got the mop and came back here, I assumed you guys wanted to be alone.

Should we tell Mr. Armstrong?

For what?

I mean, he probably did catch somebody, he's just staying low-key after preppy here called him out on his alcohol breath.

Okay, look.

Let's just stay in here for the rest of the day, especially if Mr. Armstrong's already drunk and weird things are happening.

Nothing weird is happening, other than it's past lunchtime and that idiot isn't back yet to let us go on break.

No, I'm gonna go grab my phone from his office.

Maybe I should go with you and look for Jason.

Does anyone ever listen to me when I say stuff?

We hear what you're saying, it's just that what you're saying sucks.


Erica's trying to keep a low profile today, and the school's on lockdown.

Everything just seems dangerous out there.

Dude, I was playing around with the whole School Spirit stuff.

The zombie teacher lady isn't real.

You're starting to sound like a real p*ssy, you know?


And, what, you're the tough guy?

What'd you say?

Speak up.

You want people to listen, I'm listening.


We don't need this right now.

I can admit I'm a little scared.

Maybe I'm getting a little paranoid.

But I also know you're not that tough, Victor.

Why don't you stand up and say it to my face?

You can bully me all you want.

I know why you do it.

What the f*ck is that supposed to mean?

Get up!


You think you're better than me?

You wanna see a tough guy?


What is this?

Victor, sit your ass down.

What did I do?

Out in the hallway.

I need to make a phone call.

Elizabeth, shut your mouth.

Please, I didn't do anything!


Mr. Armstrong!

My high is definitely wearing off.

All right.

I'm done with this shit.

I'm figuring out a way to get out of here.

Dude, can you just chill for one second?

I think we should stay together.

Don't get it twisted, Erica Yang.

We're not friends.

I know when Monday comes, you're gonna act like you don't know me, so I'm gonna go do my own thing.

Oh, and don't forget.

I know you were here today.

I know you got high in detention.

Vic has his own stuff.

He gets like this sometimes.

You think he'll tell anyone?

No, no, he's not like that.

I think we should go get our phones.


So what's up with you and Brett?


I just met him today.

He's really into you.

He's a nice guy.

He's got that infatuated, yearning look when he sees you.

Don't pretend you don't notice.

You and I are different, but we're both girls.

I know you know that I know that Brett likes you.

And you like him too, probably.

What the f*ck is that?

Dude, what are you doing, where are you...


We still need our phones.




Mr. Armstrong?


We're here to get our phones.

- And the keys.

- Mm-hm.

Aww, shit!

Oh, f*ck!

I don't see our phones or the keys.

It's not in his bag.

You're in detention for cheating?


How do you know that?

It's on Armstrong's detention email.

That's your big secret?

You know...

Brett had this worried look on his face when Mr. Armstrong was taking him away.

Like he knew something bad was going to happen to him.


The blood.

It disappears into the wall.

What is happening?

This is when we get the f*ck out of here.

So it's true.

There's some zombie teacher lady taking bad students.

If that's true, then where does Armstrong fit in all this?

Let's just find Vic.

Is that...

Mr. Armstrong?

Is that you?

What'd you do with Jason?

- Where's Russ?

- And Brett?

You know you can't keep us here!

We're not bad students!

It's not our fault that this school sucks!

Oh, shit.

Run, go!



I'm sorry, I can just never keep my mouth shut.


Okay, in here, in here.



Not so dumb after all.

I can't believe this is happening.

I'm forever going to be associated with this.

You know what?

I'm getting really sick of you complaining.

Why do you care so much about what people think?

Can we go out this way?

Why are these bars here?

Are they to keep us out or keep us in?

We need to get out of here.

We can't just hide here forever.

What room are we in?

The chemistry lab.


So we can, like, make a b*mb or something.

Is he still out there?

Didn't they say, like, don't mix something with something else, or, like, it'd be really bad?

Is there sulfuric acid?

So dumb.

I always thought I'd be the first student from Helbrook to make it to Harvard.

No one from this hell hole has ever gone to Harvard?


That's why I slaved away every year, created this whole Harvard-bound image, sucked up to every teacher so I could get letters of recommendation.


it isn't over.

We're getting out of this.


It's over.

I'm not getting any recommendations from Helbrook.

Just 'cause you were caught cheating?


what I actually tried to do was bribe Mr. Armstrong to go into the system and change a couple A-minuses I had to As to get the max GPA.

I guess I assumed he'd take it.

I was wrong.

The guy actually cares.

If I knew all this was going to happen, I wouldn't have tried so hard.

Come on, man, you f*cking got this, you got this, don't be a f*cking p*ssy.

f*ck this, man!

I'm-I'm sorry, I was just trying to find my friend.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Do you hear that?


Is that...

someone calling for help?

Is that Vic?

Where's that coming from?

I think it's coming from the ceiling.

What are you doing?

Help me up.

Are you crazy?

What if that thing's up there?




Look, please, I'm not...

No, no!




Lizzy, no!

I'm going out there.


I'm gonna...

I'm gonna pull the fire alarm, and then the fire department will have to come and save us.


Be careful.


Hey, open up!

Oh my god, open the door!

Is that Brett?

Please, Mr. Armstrong's out here, he's lost his mind.

Is Vic with you?

No, I don't know, just let me in, okay?

Go pull the fire alarm first.

What are you doing, why are you locking me out?

Pull the fire alarm, you're already out there!

I don't want to die!

Erica, please.

- Just let him in.

- Okay, okay, just let me put this down.


You still have to lock the door.

I can do it.

Where's Vic?

You know what Vic didn't mention about the School Spirit?

The old teacher the kids left to rot in the cellar on campus?

It's that...

she had a son.

I f*cking knew something was up.

His name wasn't on the detention list.

I was trying to tell you guys just to stay in the classroom.

I don't get why you guys can't just treat Helbrook with respect.

You know, Helbrook doesn't receive the public funding it needs because of the students' poor performance.

Did you know that?

Although, if someone were to get into Harvard...

that would really change things.

But when I heard that you cheated, I was really disappointed.

And what was that, bribery?


You're Helbrook's greatest student.

The perfect Admiral.

Tell me you didn't do that!


Tell me you didn't screw it up.

Tell me you're not just one of the bad kids.

Tell me!

Hey, f*ck face!








Where am I?

Oh, hey.

Sorry, just a moment.

Sorry if I was a bit angry earlier.

This day really didn't go well.

My mom warned me.

She used to bring me to Helbrook when she was teaching.

She kept me in here to protect me from the bad kids.

I was homeschooled as a boy but ended up making this place my home.

It's neat, isn't it?

This morning, I was shocked.


I couldn't believe my eyes.

Erica Yang, weekend detention?

I was just gonna watch, but then I thought, "Hey, remember that thing Erica said?

'It's the final year, and after this, we may never see each other again, so...

let's not have any regrets.'" Well...

I always wanted to talk to you.


I just love your face.

I've been following you since freshman year.

Ever since you won that math contest for Helbrook.

Mom and I were so proud.

You're the brightest star we ever had.

You always treated the school with honor and respect, and that's all we wanted.


until today.


You worked so hard!

We were all rooting for you, why did you betray us?

I didn't.

I made a mistake.

Well, he must have tricked you, didn't he?

I guess the pressure was getting to me.

No, you can't succumb to pressure, Erica!

Especially peer pressure, okay?

Take today, for instance.

If I didn't stop Russ, he was gonna get you to commit underage drinking on campus.

And I couldn't stop you from vaping, but I did stop Jason from taking your virginity while you were under the influence.

Thank god I came today.

It would have ruined a good girl like you.

That's so sweet.

At least Mr. Armstrong won't be telling anyone about your bribe, huh?

I don't usually remove faculty...

but there were some extenuating circumstances today.

I sat in detention with these guys last year and tried to convince them to be good, but...

some students are just hopeless.

I can't believe anyone cares so much.

Of course I care, I...

I wish more students cared.

I agree.

Thank you, Brett, for looking out for me.

I'm sorry that you live in the cellar.

It must get lonely.

I don't mind it.

I really had a nice time with you today.

I did as well.

It's a shame.

I felt like we were really getting along.

I felt that too, actually.

I think we could have been friends.

Hung out, studied together.

Maybe we could even have...

gone to a dance together.


Have you ever been to a dance?

No, I'm...

I'm not allowed, but...

("All My Life," K-Ci & JoJo) Isn't this nice?


I have to use my imagination a lot.

You and I have gone to many dances together.

Well, you don't have to use your imagination.

I'm right here.

Well, my mom doesn't want me interacting with the students.

But I'm not one of the bad ones.

It's me.

Erica Yang, Admiral of the Year.

Studied hard so I can get into Harvard.




♪ I thank God that I finally found you ♪ ♪ All my life ♪ ♪ I prayed for someone like you ♪ ♪ And I hope that you feel the same way too ♪ ♪ Yes, I pray that you do love me too ♪ ♪ I said you're all that I'm thinking of ♪ May I have this dance?

♪ And I promise to never fall in love with a stranger ♪ ♪ You're all I'm thinking of ♪ ♪ I praise the Lord above ♪ ♪ For sending me a love ♪ ♪ I cherish every hug ♪ ♪ I really love you ♪ See?

You're good.

Hey, Brett?


I know you've watched over the school all of these years, and...

you're an expert on how students should be.

I guess you could say that.

But, do you ever...

think about yourself?

Want to know the craziest part about you?

That you think I would ever, ever want to dance with a psycho like you.

Are you f*cking kidding me?

By the way, I cheat all the time.

I hate school, but I do well anyway because it is life or death for me.

You don't know my parents, Brett, so don't act like you know a thing about me.


I'm not your angel.

I've had sex with Jason 27 times already, and I've given three different guys blow jobs.

Sorry about it.

Hey, hey... are you bleeding?

- Are you hurt?

- No.

No, it...

it's not mine.

Where did you come from?

What's your name?

My name is Erica Yang.

I was in det...

I was on campus for my weekly community service.

And that's when I heard my friends calling for help inside the building.

I tried to help them.

I did the best that I could.

Elizabeth and I did our best to escape, but I was ultimately held c*ptive by a psychotic m*rder*r.

Even in that moment, all I could think was, "I've worked so hard to get here.

I'm almost done with my Harvard application.

I can't get derailed.


Don't let me die." But...

I persevered and I survived.

I think this whole experience has made me stronger.

And now, I've gotta get back to my college applications.

Hey, at least I've got one heck of a personal essay to write.