03x11 - Brother's Keeper

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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03x11 - Brother's Keeper

Post by bunniefuu »

So I'm showing her the house.

"Here's the master, the kitchen..." And she asks if she can use the bathroom.

I thought you weren't supposed to do that at an open house.

You're not.

Very bad form.

But what am I gonna say, no?

So she comes out, and she is high as a kite.


I can literally see the powder under her nose.

But now she loves this house.

She wants to move in today, right now.

But I know in my heart this sale is going nowhere.


My life in art.

- Did the mail come?

- Uh, yeah, it's in the front.

You know, you should've told her you're married to a cop, just to see what the look on her face was.


It's sad when you think about it.

Still, I was really hoping to make a sale.

Well, you'll sell the house.

You always do.

I've actually got two viewings next...



♪ ♪ [SOBS]

You making friends?

Yeah, some.

It's only been a few months.

Yeah, but you gotta put yourself out there.

You know, meet people, go to parties or something.

Yeah, 'cause I love those.

Are you getting any sleep?


Don't you have to Miranda me before an interrogation?

Seriously, you're worse than Dad.


Good one.

- Hey.

- Hey.

This is my partner, OA Zidan.

OA, this is my sister Erin.

Thank you, and it's nice to finally meet you.

You too.

Mags talks about you all the time.

She talks about you all the time, too.

You just started at Columbia, right?

Mm-hmm, in January.

Well, how is it?

Um, I'm still finding my way, but it's good.

I-I've been out of school for a while.

I didn't really take it as seriously as I should have last time.

I mean, who does?


Well, good luck.

It's nice to meet you, - and we gotta go.

- All right.

- Hey, make sure you call Dad.

- Yeah, I will.

Uh, are you smoking?


I can smell it on your hair.

I hang out with people.

Some of them smoke.

I don't know what to tell you.


I'm sorry.

Yes, okay.


Talk to you later?

- Okay, see ya.

- Okay, have a good day.


♪ ♪ Package b*mb delivered this morning.

Victim opened it inside the door, triggered the expl*si*n.

He's DOA.

b*mb tech said that he was blown to bits.

Thanks for the image, Scola.

Just reporting what I'm told, Maggie.

The house is owned by Henry Lasher.

He's a group supervisor for the A*F and runs the firearm task force.

He the DOA?

No, it was his husband, Russell Griffin.

Lasher got some cuts, but he should be okay.

The mail carrier said that she didn't notice anything unusual about the package.

Okay, we'll speak with Lasher.

Bomber could've scoped out this house.

Can you put together a canvas?

See if anybody noticed any strangers on the block recently.

Also, check all the security and doorbell cams.

We're on it.

Agent Lasher.

We're very sorry for your loss.

Sorry, m-my ears are still ringing.

You're from the Bureau.

We're taking the lead, but we're gonna keep A*F in the loop.

- Good.

- Did you have any warning?

- Have you been getting threats?

- No, none.

- Any exes, jilted lovers?

- No.

I know where you're going with this, no.

No, there was no one like that for either one of us.

Okay, what about the work?

Anything worth mentioning?

My unit's been pressing pretty hard on some anti-government groups, domestic terror cells, and we had a bust six weeks ago that stirred up some noise.

Online blowback?

Yeah, a ton.

You know, they were saying that, uh, the guys that we arrested, they're patriots, and we're traitors.

Okay, uh, we'll look into it.

You always know something can happen to you on the job.

I never thought they'd get Russell.

♪ ♪ All right, obviously we're gonna wait until all the facts are in, but right now, it looks like the b*mb was intended for the victim's husband, Henry Lasher, an A*F agent, one of us, and I don't know about anyone else, but that kind of pisses me off, so let's get to work.

Kelly, where are we with the IED?

So techs collected fragments of PVC tubing, copper wire, and what's left of a nine-volt battery from the blast scene.

- So your basic pipe b*mb.

- Yeah.

Wired to explode when the package was opened.

They also found traces of perchlorates.

Perchlorates, what is that again?

Uh, they're used for solid rocket fuel and bombs.

Okay, so I'm guessing that stuff is not just lying around the house.

We need to know how the bomber got it, if he bought it, who sold it, if he stole it, who from, yeah?

What about the package?

What do we know?

Postal Inspection Service says the one that contained the b*mb was dropped off two days ago - at : a.m. in Bronxville.

- Bronxville?

- Wait, you got video?

- Yeah, pulling it up now.

All right, eyes up, people.

- That's him.

- Oh.

What do you think, Hobbs?

Think we can get facial rec?

- Not enough face to work with.

- Yeah, I agree.

Can we track him after he leaves the post office?

I can try.

Street cam footage is spotty in Bronxville.

Trying is good.

Let's try.

Package bombs are like potato chips.

People don't stop after just one.

Let's find this guy.

So six weeks ago, Lasher busted eight guys for plotting to steal a*t*matic weapons from the National Guard base.

The leaders were two brothers named Hudson.

- And there's been backlash.

- Yeah.

The father, Daniel Hudson, has been making some noise.

He posted a bunch of paranoid videos, yells about conspiracy theories, and then asks people to donate to a defense fund for his kids.

Not the first guy to work that scam.

No, but something he said did stick out.

It's another example of the police state tactics of the radical socialist regime in DC.

Why was the A*F spying on my sons?

Because they're terrified that real Americans are waking up to their fascist plots.

The fact is that my sons did nothing, and they're in jail.

This part.

While the man who arrested them is in his nice suburban home.

- "Nice suburban home." - He knows where Lasher lives.

And he's the same height and build as the guy that mailed the b*mb.

Okay, Tiffany and Scola are still canvassing, right?

Get Hudson's photo to them.

Let's see if any neighbors recognize him.


♪ ♪ Daniel Hudson!

Uh-oh, here we go.

I'm Agent Zidan.

This is Agent Bell.

We are investigating an expl*si*n in Special Agent Lasher's house.

We need to ask you some questions.

What questions?

Have you had any contact with Agent Lasher recently?

- No.

- Have you been to his house?


Then you wanna tell us why two of his neighbors saw you ten days ago on his street?

This is from a security camera down the block.

We've ID'd this as your truck, so would you like to try again?

It's not enough you lock up my boys.

Now you come out here.

You try to trick me into perjuring myself, lock me up, too, for lying to the FBI.

You can't tell me that this is America.

Just answer the question, please.

Yeah, I went out there to talk with Lasher, have it out with him face to face.

Sat around a couple hours, he didn't show, I got tired, and I left.

We didn't make contact.

I didn't go to his house.

I never got out of the truck.

So where were you two days ago, : a.m.?

At the clinic getting chemo.

Kidney cancer.

How many donations have you gotten?

Hundreds because people know that what I'm saying is real.

We're gonna need all the names of your donors.

What the hell for?

Uh, because they're suspects.

♪ ♪ Hey, Hudson's alibi checks out.

He was getting chemo when the b*mb was mailed, and he has a clean rap sheet.

But he did turn over his donor list.

Yeah, we've been going through it... nothing so far.

But one post on the donation website is interesting, from a week ago.

Yeah, it mentions Lasher specifically, says fire is coming for him.

- Okay, so a threat?

- Appears to be.

It's signed FB .

All right, we'll talk to the company that hosts the site, see if we can get a real name.

Great, thank you.

Erin, I don't know why you're not responding to my texts, but, uh, call me.

I was hoping we could get some dinner tonight or something.

Okay, bye.


I got video.

Yeah, eyes up!

I managed to track the guy from the post office.

He walked around for a while, and then he went into a shipping store.

He sent another box.

Any way to enlarge the label, see who it's addressed to?

Not here, I asked the Multimedia Exploitation Unit to enhance it, told them to put a rush on it.

Great, thanks.

Heads up!

We have evidence of another b*mb in transit.

We have to assume that it's live.

Let's notify NYPD, FDNY, USPIS, and let's get the b*mb squad.

We need to be on top of this now.

Jupal, MXU just got back with the shipping label.

Okay, great.

Looks like it was addressed to Adam Westphal, Nepperhan Road.

♪ ♪ All right, JOC says Westphal works at an artificial intelligence company here, but that he's out of town, and the shipping company says that the package hasn't been delivered yet.

Might be close.


Hey, hey!

FBI, you get a package today for an Adam Westphal?

- Yeah, why?

- Where is it right now?

With the rest of them.

Is it that one?

Maybe, why?

Okay, sir, step off of the truck.


Over here.


Right this way.

Thank you very much.


♪ ♪ Hey, we do have a live expl*sive device here.

I need one of you to move all of these people away.

Get them as far back as you can.

- You got it?

- Okay.

Thank you.

Everybody back!

- Let's keep it moving.

- Move quickly.

This way.


Pipe b*mb tech says the stain means that the battery's leaking, and the device could be unstable.

He suggests that we move as far away as possible, and I, for one, am good with that.

Whoa, whoa, whoa.


- Excuse me!

- I'm just going to my car.

No, no, no, no.

Sir, sir, please.

- Come on.

Let's go!

- This way, thank you.

♪ ♪ Keep moving!

Come on.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ You're welcome.

♪ ♪ They say nobody got hurt.

Nice work.

b*mb techs already found pieces of the device, and maybe we'll get lucky and pull some DNA.

Well, we'll see.

He didn't leave any last time.

Hey, just talked to Adam Westphal.

He's a software designer that specializes in artificial intelligence programs.

Never heard of Lasher, had nothing to do with the Hudson case.

So what's the connection?

Why'd the bomber go after these two guys?

Did you see the rant the guy posted?

It's nuts.

Maybe there's no connection.

He's just crazy.

Well, even if he is, there is still a connection, one that makes sense to him.

We just gotta figure out what that is.


♪ ♪ Bombers like to admire their own work.


Let's pull some security footage, see who showed up to the party.


Hobbs, you got anything?

- This one here.

- Yeah?

He has the same height and the same posture as the bomber.

The distance between the eyes is exactly the same, and the shoes are identical.

This is our guy.

He was there.

- All right.

- Watch what he does.

He dropped a cigarette.

He just gave us a DNA sample.

I'll get a team down there to find that cigarette.

All right.

Hey, I talked to the company that hosts Hudson's website.

- They can't identify FB .

- Okay.

What are you doing?

I'm looking at my sister's location.

She's been spending a ton of time off campus.

You're tracking your sister?

That's a little hardcore, isn't it?

It's a big sister thing.

It's normal.

- Is it?

- Yes.



I'm making sure that she's okay.

I'm keeping an eye on her.

- Some advice...

- Oh, please, yeah.

If I found out that my older sister was up on my phone, I'd be pretty pissed.

Yeah, well, it's complicated for a lot of reasons.

ERT found a cigarette butt at the scene.

No hits on the DNA in the CODIS database, but when they ran it through the genealogical databases, they got a partial match.

So someone who's not the bomber but related to him.

Yeah, name's Mark Frazier.

- Mr. Frazier.

- Yes?

I'm Agent Bell.

This is Agent Zidan.

Thank you for coming in.

Here, have a seat.

It wasn't really made clear to me what this is all about.

Uh, there was a bombing this morning at the home of an A*F agent, and your name came up in connection with it.

It did?


Well, Mr. Frazier, is there someone you might know who could be connected to this crime?



No, not at all.

We have a DNA sample from the crime scene that came back a partial match to your DNA.

That means that somebody who's related to you is involved.

I-I don't know what to tell you.

Here's a statement that we believe the bomber posted recently.

It's a paranoid rant, really.

Does that sound like someone you know?

Someone died, Mr. Frazier, and more people could die too, if we don't find this guy.

My older brother, he's ment...

Richard was diagnosed paranoid schizophrenic a few years ago.

When he's stable, he's a brilliant mathematician.

He's an instructor at NYU.

But the COVID lockdown's been hard.

His condition's really degraded.

Scrolling conspiracy theories all day didn't help.

♪ ♪ I tried to talk to him about it, and he just got angry, and then he stopped talking to me.

I recognize things he said here.

♪ ♪ It sounds like him.

What's FB ?

I think FB stands for Frodo Baggins.

Big "Lord of the Rings" fan.

Look, my brother doesn't see reality the way you and I do.

He thinks humans are being replaced by computers, that he's surrounded by robots who are trying to control his mind.

He's sick.

He needs medical care.

We can't get him that care unless we find him.

We traced some of the materials that he bought to Long Island.

Any reason he'd be up there?

My family has a vacation house out that way, but no one's been there in almost a year.


This side's clear.

♪ ♪ Someone's been here.


We're clear!



_ What...


Possible IED.

Maggie, don't move.

It's booby-trapped.

We just found one down the hall.

♪ ♪ Stay still.

All right, I got a wire.

- Can I set it down?

- Hold, hold.

All right.

Yes, you have some slack.

Set it down nice and slowly.

♪ ♪ Nice and slow.

♪ ♪ Okay.

It's done.

Okay, we gotta get out of here, and let b*mb techs clear the place.


♪ ♪ They found three booby traps and enough expl*sive material to make four bombs.

All right, bring the brother back in.

Maybe he didn't know anybody was at the house, maybe he's lying.

Let's find out, and we'll get a court order to get up on his phone, check his last known address.

Okay, copy that.

Thanks for catching that back there.

I'm sorry.

I was distracted, and...

- Okay, with what?

- Erin.

I'm worried about her.

I just can't stop thinking about it, and I...

She's young.

She just moved to New York City.

She's going to college.

You gotta give her some space.

No, no, no, no, I'm not sure that's a good idea.

What do you mean you're not sure about that?


because Erin...

- What?

- Erin's naive, okay?

And she's not used to the city, and I'm afraid she's gonna do something stupid.

That's it.

Look, we should just get back to the city.



♪ ♪ Richard Frazier, graduate of the City University of New York with a degree in applied mathematics, adjunct professor at NYU, and apparently handy with expl*sives.

Did you check out his apartment?

So the super says he hasn't seen him in days.

b*mb squad just cleared his apartment, picked up his laptop and phone, but both have been wiped.

- Nothing there.

- Okay, bank account?

He cleared that about a week ago, and he cut off all his credit cards.

Well, if he's looking to disappear, that's a good start.

Is there any other family we can talk to?

No, just the brother.

He should be here soon.

I sent two agents to pick him up.

Did you talk to Frazier's psychiatrist?

Yeah, he stopped going to therapy about a month ago, - and she hasn't seen him since.


Okay, well, we have got to get a line on this guy.

If he made other bombs, he's going to use them.

- What's up?

- My sister's downstairs.

You didn't need to come in.

I just wanted you to call me back.

You're all over my phone.

You wanna have dinner the same day we already had breakfast.

You seem pretty worked up.

I figured we should talk in person.

Okay, I'm not worked up.

I'm concerned.

About the cigarettes?

I'm not.

I hope you're not smoking because the last time you were, you were doing dr*gs.

I know.

So then you can understand why I would be worried.

Yeah, I do, but I'm not doing that anymore.

Why did you skip your classes this morning?

How do you know that?

Are you tracking me?

It's a family-to-family app, Erin.

- You are.

- It's not a wiretap.

- Relax.

- Wow, okay.

You want to know if I'm using?

I'm not.

You were the one who asked me to make friends.

I skipped class this morning to go to a new restaurant on st.

I had the ropa vieja.

It was great.

Your eyes look glassy to me.

♪ ♪ Because I was up until : in the morning studying.

It's college, Mags, remember what that's like?

I do.

I'll take a drug test or whatever you want, but you can't follow me around and blow up my phone every time I skip a class because you think I'm getting wasted.

It's not fair.

I can't live like that.

All I'm trying to do is care for you.

I know, and I love you for it, but I'm good.


I'm sorry.

Okay, I probably overstepped.


Hey, uh, sorry to interrupt.

Something's going down.

You're busy.

I'll go.

- Um, okay.

- I'll see you later.

Okay, see you later.

Annie, can you walk my sister out, please?

Thank you.

The two agents that I sent to pick up Mark Frazier just called.

He's not there.

The people at his drugstore said he went home sick minutes ago.

We checked.

He's not at his house.

He's on the run.

♪ ♪ According to Mark Frazier's phone records, he got a call right before he left work from a phone we can't link to a name, so a burner.

- They talked for ten minutes.

- His brother.

You got a current location on that burner?

It was turned off after the call.

Okay, where are we on Mark's phone?

We're up on that, right?

Yeah, he left work, got on the subway, got off at the th Street station, went to Times Square.

He's there now.

He hasn't moved for a while.

Could be waiting to meet Richard.

Yeah, get people there.

Get eyes on him, but hold back.

Don't grab him.

See if his brother shows up.


♪ ♪ Any sign of Richard?

Not here.

♪ ♪ No.

Any idea what's in the bag?

No, but he's holding on to it.

♪ ♪ - Heads up, he's on the move.

- I got him.

♪ ♪ I think he just made me.

Are you sure?

Yep, he's making moves.

He's trying to lose me.

Okay, take him.

Don't let him get away.

Copy that.

♪ ♪ Mark Frazier!

FBI, stop!

♪ ♪ FBI, show me your hands!


♪ ♪ Cigarettes.

Who were the cigarettes for, buddy?

♪ ♪ Huh?

♪ ♪ OA.



Notify NYPD we need a BOLO out on Richard Frazier, ' ", last seen heading south out of Times Square on foot heading towards nd Street.

♪ ♪ Am I under arrest?

Not yet, but give it some time.

What the hell does that mean?

It's just very suspicious, Mark, that you knew agents were coming to pick you up, and you take off to Times Square instead.

I was just trying to help.

- Did Richard call you?

- Yeah.

I was stunned.

It's months since he reached out.

I asked him...

I begged him to meet with me, and he said he would if we met in Times Square.

Why did you want to meet with him?

To convince him to turn himself in.

To prevent anybody else from getting hurt.

Okay, so why didn't you tell us that that's what you were doing?

'Cause we all know what happens when law enforcement deals with the mentally ill, okay?

It doesn't end well.

Look, I understand Richard has done things, and I don't want him to hurt anybody else, but he's my brother, and he doesn't deserve to get k*lled just because he's sick.

We don't want to k*ll him.

Well, that's what you'd say to me, isn't it?

Why'd he call you?

He said he was dying today, and he wanted to say goodbye.

♪ ♪ So I went there to do what I could do, bring him cigarettes, calm him down.

Did he say anything else to you?

- No.

- You sure about that, Mark?




Hey, they just found security cam footage of Richard Frazier getting on a subway an hour ago.

He was headed downtown.

We know where he got off the train?

No, they are still scrubbing footage station by station.

No sign of him yet, but if Richard Frazier believes that he's dying today, we've got a su1c1de bomber on our hands, which means there's another target.

His brother knows something he's not telling us.

Get it out of him fast.

♪ ♪ I don't know anything else about Richard, so can I go?

- No, Mark, you can't.

- Why not?

Sit down.

It's my understanding that your parents have passed.

Yeah, a while ago.

I'm sorry to hear that.

Have you been dealing with Richard on your own?


It's been difficult.

I think I can understand that.

My little sister, she struggles with some issues.

Mental health?


She got into a car accident in high school.

Hurt pretty badly.

The doctor prescribed Vicodin, then it was Oxycontin, and from there...

I see that a lot in my line of work.


She went to rehab.

You know, she did the work, and she got clean.

And now she's in New York trying to get her life back on track, and I just always want to make sure she's okay.

I hear that.

I know I can't protect her from everything.

But if I found out that she was out there relapsing, I would be doing everything I could to find her, to get her the help...

To get her the treatment that she needed.

I feel deep down you want the same thing for Richard.

The best thing for him is for us to find him as fast as possible.

Because the longer he's in the wind untreated, the worse his odds.

Mark, did he share something with you on the phone that you haven't told us?

He said...

It didn't make any sense.

He said he has to k*ll Aurora.

♪ ♪ Who the hell is Aurora?

Uh, first definition is a natural display of colored lights, usually seen in the North and South Poles.

Yeah, I'm gonna go out on a limb and say that's not what he had in mind.

It's also a town in upstate New York.

Not getting any warmer.

There's a computer program DOJ is using called Aurora.

Okay, what kind of program?

It's an artificial intelligence designed to go through massive amounts of data.

It can search through thousands of hours of video footage in seconds.

Why would that convince Frazier to send a b*mb to Lasher's house?

A*F's a part of DOJ.


Yeah, Lasher's unit used a beta version of Aurora on the Hudson case.

Okay, and Adam Westphal?

He's a part of the original design team.

Okay, so Richard Frazier is paranoid about computers replacing humans, and AI conducting surveillance, that would push his buttons.

Okay, so if he is trying to k*ll Aurora by taking out people connected to it, who would be next?

I don't know.

There are dozens of people working on this.

We just found the stop Frazier got off at, Astor Place in the village, minutes ago.

That's NYU.

Any connection?

Aurora was developed in the computer lab there.

He said he was gonna k*ll Aurora.

That's the next target, the lab.

♪ ♪ Campus security!

Yeah, I took the call from your people.

We've evacuated the Aurora offices.

Had my guys do a sweep of the building.

The man described, not on the premises.

But Mario here thinks he saw him.

Yeah, a guy came in who wanted access to the building, but his ID was expired, so I turned him away.

He got pretty agitated before he left.

Is this him?

Yeah, definitely.

- When was this?

- Uh, minutes ago.

Okay, lock down the building, no one in or out till you hear from us.

- Copy.

- You got it.

Okay, if Frazier was here minutes ago, that means he's still close.

Okay, split up take a look around.

JOC says SWAT and b*mb squad are minutes out.

Okay, if you see Frazier, don't make a move.

Just keep him in your sight until they get here.

♪ ♪ OA.

Through the fence.

Scola, north side of the street feet from the building's entrance.

Call it in.

Copy that.

♪ ♪ He's walking.

♪ ♪ Richard Frazier, FBI!


FBI, stop running!


♪ ♪ Stay back, stay back!

I have a b*mb!

Stay back!

I mean it, stay back!


Nobody wants to hurt you.

We just need to get people out of here.


- No!

- Richard!

Richard, hey.

Hey, hey, hey.

Richard, take it easy, okay?

Just try to calm down.

Take a deep breath.

Back off!

No g*ns!

Okay, all right then.

No g*ns, see?


♪ ♪ Hey.

Come on.

I can't.

I can't.

Stay away!

Stay away.

I mean it, stay away, or I'll set it off!


♪ ♪ What are you doing?


It's okay, Richard.

I just wanna talk.

I don't want to talk.

I wanna...

I wanna understand what's going on here.

You've got good reasons for doing what you're doing.

I-I just want to understand what they are.

Tell me.

Tell me what you're trying to do here.

What am I...


I-I'm trying to save...

To redeem...

♪ ♪ Aurora is a machine spirit...

A spirit in so-called artificial intelligence that is hostile to human...

That would infiltrate, would desecrate, would inculcate, would...

♪ ♪ Okay, okay, I'm starting to get it.

But that's a lot to take on.

You must be tired.

I would be.

♪ ♪ Alpha, if you have a shot, clear to take it.

♪ ♪ Do you want a cigarette?

I have some here.

You're welcome to have 'em.

♪ ♪ Come on, I got you.

♪ ♪ [GRUNTS]

Good job.


Thanks, Owen.

I can take it from here.

Mr. Frazier.

- I hope this is all right.

- What can I do for you?

I just wanted to thank you for dealing with Richard the way you did today Agent Zidan was a big part of that as well.

It means a great deal to me because, um...

There were signs before Richard was diagnosed, things I saw for years, really.

But I ignored them.

I didn't want to think about it, didn't want to rock the boat.

I didn't want to deal with the stress and emotion, So I looked the other way, pretended everything was okay.

If I'd actually said something or better yet, done something, maybe he would have gotten on medication sooner, he wouldn't have gotten so sick, and maybe that man would still be alive.

I'm sorry.

Mr. Frazier, I'm leaving.

I'll walk you out.


- Have a good night.

- You, too.

Uh, one second.

If you need anything, you just call me, okay?

I will.


- Hey.

What's up?

- Hey.

Can I come in?

Yeah, sure.

You surprised me, so you're not allowed to be snarky about the mess.

And I'd take you out for coffee, but I have to finish an English paper.

I'm not here for that.

So what's up then?

Where is it, Erin?


Whatever you're using.

Seriously, Mags?

I told you I'm clean.

You don't think I've been lied to by drug addicts before?

- That's just mean.

- I'm not trying to be mean.

Maggie, I'm not gonna keep telling you.

You can't do that!

- Where is it?

- Are you serious?

Look, I'm not going anywhere, okay?

So you're gonna either tell me where it is, or you're gonna watch me find it.

This is crazy.

Why are you being such a bitch?


Just let them go.


leave those alone.

- Maggie, don't touch them!

- Stop it!

Let them go.

It's aspirin.

A girl from down the hall gave it to me.

I had a headache.

It's true.


I messed up.

I'm sorry.

- I've been trying.

- I know.

And it's just so much harder than I thought it was gonna be.

Please don't tell Mom and Dad.

They're gonna understand.


I love you.

I'm here for all of it.

I called a rehab center in Stamford.

There is space for you.

I can take you there tonight if you're ready.

♪ ♪ Tonight?

If you're ready.
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