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02x09 - The Killabustas

Posted: 04/21/21 12:25
by bunniefuu
MARTIN: Or maybe you're all torn up inside

because getting away with m*rder didn't feel bad at all.

No, it felt good.


- Grab my hand!

- How can I trust you?

I know what you did.

There's no other way.

♪ ♪ ♪ Well, if you want to sing out,

sing out... ♪ Oh, Malcolm.

Why must everything you paint have an exit wound?

It's a pear.


A million things to be...

♪ A bloody pear.


Well, maybe I'm not cut out for art therapy.

I only agreed to this because you wanted to procrastinate.

Aren't you supposed to be writing a book?

Strangers have been making assumptions about you for years.

I thought you would relish the chance to show them how much worse you really are.


Darling, leave the bon mot to mother.


I just feel like I haven't tried.

I used to write, I kept diaries.

But then, after your father's arrest, I stopped writing, started repressing.


Runs in the family.

I honestly remember very little.

What about the police reports?

Aren't there transcripts of everything you said?

I know someone who would be very happy to help.


Gil is far too busy to help me with this.


He's got a new case.

They didn't call me?

Why didn't they call me?


Where should I start?


Forget to call someone?


I'm pretty sure everyone who's supposed to be here is here.

I need you to take a break.

You lost someone in the field, Kid.

That's traumatic.

Come on.

Trauma's my middle name.

Okay, that came out worse than I meant, but I'm fine.

Gil, I know you care about me.

Which is why you'll let me help.


BRIGHT: Um, and one other thing.

GIL: There is no other thing.

It's for my mother.

She needs The Surgeon files for her book, and I thought maybe you could get them?

I know she'd love to see you.

So is that a yes?

Try to look a little less excited.

- For the cows' sake.

- EDRISA: You're here.

They said you were not coming today, but my horoscope said that a cosmically-sanctioned romance was happening today, so you're right on time.


Also, you're bleeding.

Oh, no, it's, uh, paint.

New hobby.

Oh, I-I thought that this was your hobby?

Where's the rest of the body?


No torso yet.

Or head, which makes it a bit harder to ID the guy.

EDRISA: We know he's male.

Mid- s.

DANI: The warehouse alarm was turned off around midnight.

The morning crew found the body parts.

They called it in.

Any employees not show up?

Not that we know of.

The manager's pulling records and looking through security footage.

Do we know how...

Chain saw!

Oh, sorry.

I was waiting for you to ask.

Given the way the blood has clotted, we think that the victim was still conscious when the k*ller went full Texas Chain Saw m*ssacre.

Bright, you got fresh eyes.

What do you see?

The dismemberment, the missing head, the staging.

It's an expression of power and control.

Mm, sounds like someone with serious anger issues.

But this wasn't a spur-of-the-moment m*rder.

- This was thought-out.

- BRIGHT: It's performative.

Our k*ller derived pleasure from this.

Which means we may be dealing with a budding homicidal psychopath.

Think I just became a vegetarian.

Oh, Dr. Capshaw?

- Not now.

- I just have a quick...

- I said not now.

- Vivian.


- Don't call me that.

- I'm sorry, but I just cannot stop thinking about the other night.

Neither can I.

It was a mistake.

I never should have...

I-It was a colossal lack in judgement.

Well, most good things are.

Look, I've made bad decisions in my life...

Kissed the wrong men, trusted the wrong friends...

But all of that is nothing compared to what I did with you.

It meant a lot to me, too.

Come on, Viv.

We are good together.

This electricity we have, it's what all great love affairs are made of.


It's what true crime podcasts are made of.

I'm not risking my life or my job

- or my...

- Heart?

I was gonna say "dignity." Oh, the things I could do to your dignity.

Martin Whitly.

It's over.

We'll see about that.



Has Bright said anything to you about how he's been feeling?


Me neither.

Problem is, I think this thing is gonna eat away at him if he doesn't talk about it.

More than everything else eats away at him?


I'll talk to him.

We found the torso.

What are you guys talking about?


Techs searched the place top to bottom.

The head isn't here.

The k*ller may have taken it to dehumanize the victim.

But they wanted us to find this.

It's the only part of the body that's clothed.

But the shirt's intact, which means...

The k*ller dressed him post-m*rder.

To cover something up.

It's part of the theatrics.


_ Well, the k*ller gave themselves a name.

- The Vulture.


The k*ller didn't.

I did.



There's a special place in hell for people who hurt birds.

And humans, obviously.

That's one of three videos that The Vulture posted.

All filmed in the same innocuous space.

All untraceable.


We were afraid that he would tire of birds someday and escalate to k*lling humans.

All right, I got questions.

First, uh, where'd this m*rder board come from?

Oh, home.

I have a few.

- Next question.

- GIL: You said, "We were afraid."

- Who's "we"?

- Oh.

Uh, my web sleuthing group.

The Killabustas.

You're a web sleuth?

Well, some might say "online vigilante," "digital gumshoe," but yeah.

Medical examiner by day, web sleuth by night.

Yeah, I know, it's crazy.

BRIGHT: Oh, I disagree.

Web sleuths have aided in the capture and arrest of hundreds of criminals.

Most famously, the Golden State k*ller.


I mean, we care about the crimes that the police just don't have the bandwidth or the brains for.



No, present company excluded.

When MrJuly found the videos, his...

Oh, sorry, that is, um, that's another member.

See, there are hundreds of us all around the world.

We all have aliases.

I mean, I go by KamaSutures.

It's a... it's a double entendre because, you know, I'm always sewing up bodies and I like sex.


Why didn't you bring this to us earlier?

W-Well, the birds are all native to Arizona.

So we reported it to the state police, but there wasn't much they could do, and...

And now he's in New York and someone's dead.


It's not your fault.

We're gonna find him.

First step is getting an ID for our vic.

Let's go.


- Your father...

- You don't have to ask.

This is right in his wheelhouse.

Dahmer, Son of Sam, The Boston Strangler...

They all started on animals.

It's an entry-level opportunity to play God.

They have all the control over this, uh, caged...

seemingly inferior creature.

Question is, what triggered The Vulture's escalation to people?


You seem distracted today.

Oh, please.

I'm just mulling the case.

And I'm not usually granted visitation during, uh...

(WHISPERS): Quiet time.

What exactly is quiet time for?

♪ ♪ Oh, you know, mulling stuff.


...all kinds of things.

Raven hair...

Playing with them in your mind.

Eyes ♪ ♪ Flicker fire...

Oh, my God, you're actively fantasizing right now,

- aren't you?

- Don't be ridiculous.

I could've loved you longer...

I'm a profiler.

I know the signs of a deviant mind in the throes of delusional reverie.

It's super gross.

I'm just gonna have a...

a quick nibble.

Green grass ♪ ♪ Sullen choir...

BRIGHT: If you don't focus

on my case, I'm leaving.

You know that.


Fine, fine.

Well, um..


If Dr. Tanaka has...

correctly profiled your k*ller, then he's spent years suppressing his deeper urges.


now that he's taken his first life...

he'll do it again.

And soon.

You can't keep a good man down.

EDRISA: How long do we stare at it before we go crazy?

Oh, I'm already crazy.

You must really love it, though.

To do it as a hobby.

Growing up...

my parents used to take me on their research trips.

I was six years old...

when I accidentally played with a voodoo doll.

And, um, like, a year later, I saw my first cadaver.

The two are unrelated.


I think.

The point is, that when it came to making friends, I never really fit in.

But then I found the Killabustas.

And, you know, they're a bunch of misfits.

But together, we're a family.

JT: Got an ID.

Vic's name is Alex Malone.

-year-old retiree from Queens who's also a member of the Audubon society.

He fought for the conservation of birds.

Well, that can't be a coincidence.

It isn't.

Um, Alex was a member of the Killabustas.

We called him Birdboy.

He was my friend.

Edrisa, I'm sorry.


we were trying to track how The Vulture might've acquired the birds in his videos.

Alex was following a lead on Craigslist.

BRIGHT: Well, maybe he found something.

Alex got too close and The Vulture flicked the switch.

He k*lled to keep his identity hidden.

You and Dani check Alex's house.

I'll talk to Gil, get a warrant.

Good, got it.

I'll go with them.


No, no, you won't.

No, I-I won't.


You coming?

You know, I lost someone in the field once.

When I was undercover.

Shouldn't we go look for a crime scene or...

I'm fine.

I know I say that a lot.

Her name was Kayla.

I watched her OD and...

I couldn't save her.

Everyone told me that I should take a break after, but I lied and told them that I was fine.

Just like you always do.

Cocaine helped.

Not feeling, not...


Until I OD'd.


when everything went dark, all I could think was...

...I deserve this.

I'm sorry.

I don't want your sympathy, Bright.

I want you to listen to me.

Trauma doesn't just disappear because you want it to.

You have to face it.

But you don't have to face it alone.




Okay, I pulled a Bright.

But I couldn't just, you know, sit back and do nothing.

The son of a bitch k*lled my friend!

It's fine, just don't make "pulling a Bright" a habit.

This looks like our crime scene.

BRIGHT: Whoever broke in used serious force.

Maybe a chain saw.





- I said stop!

- Bright, get out of the road!

It's a four-door hybrid, fuel-efficient family car.

- Bright!

- I said stop!





Hey, look.

It worked.


- WOMAN: Oh, God.

Is he dead?

I knew I shouldn't have been the getaway driver!

I have night blindness!

You had right of way.

He can't sue.

Put your hands on the car!



I can help.

I'm a fireman.

DANI: I said on the car.

Wait, I know you.

You're MrJuly.

No, no, no, they're-they're not suspects.

These are my super close friends from online.

They're all Killabustas.

MARTIN: Well, that's quite a bump you got on your keppy.

And I'm hallucinating.

Not good.

I'm talking to someone who isn't here.

That's psychosis, if I'm lucky.

Schizophrenia if I'm not.

Or it could be a four-door hybrid running you down.

Why won't you open up to Dani?

Be honest with her.

She's practically begging for it.


You're not okay.

All this trauma you're trying to push down.

You know, it's not gonna disappear as soon as you solve another case.

The only thing I need to disappear is you.

Look, I'm not your father.

I'm just that part of your mind that you really, really, really want to ignore.

Talk to her.

She's not like the others.

You can trust her.

You're not here.

You're not here.


...not here.

So, you're MrJuly.

The one who found The Vulture's videos.

I thought you didn't know anyone else's real identity.

Oh, I didn't.

I mean, MrJuly's avatar was a super-hot fireman.

I figured it was a sock puppet.

You know, like, a fake picture that you put on your profile.

But you're real.

So are you.

You can call me Blaze.

Yes I can.



Okay, Blaze.

We still need to ask you a few questions.

Ashton, why were you at Alex's?

Same as you.

Trying to find out what went down with Birdboy.

Which is a little crazy, but not...

"jump in front of a car" crazy.

Is that police procedure...

Jumping in front of a car?

No, no it isn't.

BLAZE: I was worried about Birdboy.

He went radio silent on the message board.

So Blaze messaged the group that he was going to Birdboy's house.

But only LululeMom and DeadHead were willing to meet in person.

I can't believe he's dead.


By The Vulture.

I, uh, like your jacket, by the way.


It's pleather.


How did you know that Alex was The Vulture's victim?

SASHA: Alex reached out to Blaze

a few days ago.

He wanted to meet up.

We thought he found something on the k*ller.

But Alex didn't show.

So I started looking for him.

Do you know there are Alex Malones in New York City?

But only one of them is in the Audubon society.

Sasha drove.

We waited in the car while Blaze went inside to make sure it was safe.

I did a quick sweep, but didn't find anything.

I was about to fill in the others when I ran into you.

But, look, I-I get it.

Breaking into the home of a m*rder victim?

I mean...

it's a little suspicious.

You think?

Alex sent me a-a pamphlet from the Audubon society.

I almost threw it out, but I saw a note hidden inside.

Oh, my God.

I got a mailer from the Audubon Society.

- I tossed it.

- When?


But I don't take my recycling out until Thursday.

- Let's go.

- Okay.


You know, give me a call sometime...

if you want to fight a real fire.

- Gil.

What are you...

- Bright said you needed your statement from Martin's arrest.

It wasn't easy.

But I wrangled them and everything else that wasn't bolted down by the D.A.

Remind me to take Malcolm out of my will.

He just wanted to help.

So do I.

Buyer's remorse?

Uh, I have multiple remorses.

I'm in way over my head.

But thank you.

Come on, Jess.

You can do this.

You have overcome enough for a dozen bestsellers.

But everybody's already made their mind up about me.

I'm not gonna change anything.


You know, when you came in for questioning...

every cop in that precinct thought you were guilty.

That you knew about his crimes.

But by the end, they all felt for you.

Some still do.


This memory lane you're heading down...

I can help.

I got myself into this mess and...

I need to get through it on my own.


So, welcome, come in, relax.

I don't know, office area... bedroom.


oh, not relevant, it's just, you know, elephant in the room, it's right-right-right there.

Queen-size bed, pillow-top.

- Recycling?

- Yeah, uh, the sink.


Oh, that's my Killabusta alert.


Oh, it's nothing new.

It's just LululeMom updating the group about Alex.



It's a text from Blaze.


He wants to go on a date tonight.

Do you think that he is the romance from my horoscope?

How tall do you think he is?

I don't know.

Six feet?


I thought he was six, three.



It's so hard to tell from down here.

Oh, look, there it is.



From Alex.

He knew you worked with the NYPD?

I let it slip that I was a medical examiner.

Well, good that you did.

He found out that The Vulture bought their birds online under the username Save The Sparrows.

Save The Sparrows?

I know that username.


He's a member of the Killabustas.

He infiltrated the group.



Uh, Dr. Capshaw.

I'm sorry.


Kameron's IV is leaking.

Oh, thank you.

I'll fix it.

If you loosen my leash, I could fix it for you.

That won't be necessary.

You can't keep pushing me away, Vivian.



Just doing my job.

Speaking of, I noticed Kameron also has impetigo.

An infection like that can spread like bed bugs.

I can handle my patients.

So I shouldn't tell Mr. Benjamin he has a precancerous mole behind his left ear?

I'd get that checked out ASAP.

That's enough.

Not for me, Vivian.



I thought we had an understanding.

Well, I thought you valued my medical intellect.

Or are you just upset because I noticed the impetigo first?

You're making a scene.

I'm only getting started.

Mr. Benjamin, Whitly's agitated and aggressive.

- Restrain him.

- MARTIN: No...



Anyone else?



I can't believe it.



Just feels like I just went on a date with a celebrity.

Who says it has to end?

Not me.

Definitely not me.

Oh, um, watch out.

I bite.

Any update on Save The Sparrows?

He sent some threatening messages to Alex, tech can't trace him and he's really good at hiding online.


He isn't really hiding.

He's looking for a place to belong.

The Killabustas are the only people who really know him.

That's a seriously twisted mind.


The kind I get.

The Vulture spends his life alone.

Ignored, isolated.

He k*lled birds online for attention.

That's what Edrisa's group gives him.

But Alex was gonna out him to the group.

You're right.

k*lling Alex wasn't about self-preservation.

It was about preserving the group.

The Vulture needs them.

None of this is getting us any closer to finding the k*ller.

What if we already have?

Who found the videos in the first place?

Who was supposed to meet Alex before he was m*rder*d?

Who organized the break-in and invited the others to meet in real life?

One person.


He fits.

He works odd hours knows his way around a chain saw.

And he's on a date with Edrisa right now.

Oh, no.

Blaze beat us here.




What are you doing here?

Are you sure about this profile?

I was.

Wait, y-you think I'm The Vulture?

Uh, that was our working theory.

But, uh...

...our k*ller would never order takeout.

No, we didn't order takeout.

BRIGHT: Well, what's this, then?


What is it?

We found our victim's head.

♪ ♪ We've met before.

You spoke at my medical school in ' .


Martin Whitly, the great cardiothoracic surgeon.

I wanted what you had.

The career, the respect.

I was top of my class.


You even congratulated me.

But once I started residency, it fell apart.

I pushed myself to be the best, the next great surgeon.

I wasn't part of their club.

Didn't play their games.

They called me reckless.

So, since you asked, that's how I landed here.

Out in the cold.

Surgeons can be real bastards.

To break a child's rib cage with your hands because you know that you can undo what God has done.

There's a reason they call them "k*ller instincts." Yeah.

I bet you say that to all the girls.


You know, listen, I watched you drill into a man's head freestyle.

Well, they were wrong about you, Dr. Capshaw.

And I'm sorry about, uh, undermining your authority.

You should always feel in control.

Well, sometimes it's fun to lose control.


No, no.

You, uh...

You've got to forget about me, Viv.

What do you mean?

You deserve someone who can help you make your dreams come true.

I'm only good at nightmares.

You have no idea what I dream about.


We're gonna have to make this quick.

Well, I can't make any promises.

Hey, uh, thanks for offering your place.

I feel better knowing she's safe.

Can't believe The Vulture knows where I live.


This is nice.

Gil's ready to shut down the group until it's safe.

The k*ller's obviously targeting members.

Not yet.

We need to see what they do next.


I did not know you were into bondage.

You're, uh, into bondage?


Like, light bondage.

(WHISPERS): And not so light.



This is a fridge of a very sad person.

We should order sushi.

And I acknowledge the fact that it is weird that I still want takeout.


Did you already order?


I invited the Killabustas.

Ones with alibis.

Thank God you called.

I was about to get crunk on Chardonnay, but this is much more productive.

I've got a good update.

A Killabusta in Thailand was able to pull hours of surveillance footage from the warehouse.

Do I want to know how they did that?


You definitely do not.

I'll set us up on the big screen.

Maybe we'll find something.

What is happening?

Oh, we are web-sleuthing.


Pretty cool, right?

We're turning the case over to them?

ASHTON: Okay, guys.

I've zoomed in on it.

What is it?

They clocked a van parked outside the warehouse on the night of the m*rder.

You think they're onto something?

We'll see.

Look, it's got blinds, and they're closed, so you can't see inside.

And that-that is an Arizona plate.


Why is that important?

Because The Vulture got all of his birds from Arizona.

Great eye, Ashton.

Oh, I'm just a truck driver.

But what do you think?

What are the chances that van's still there?

- Yeah, let's check it out.

- Yeah,

- Babysitter's got another two hours.

- I think we'll just get snacks.

Uh, I'm sorry, guys, but the NYPD is gonna take over from here, just to be safe.




I'll go put my stupid kids to bed.

I need a ride to my rig.


Oh, yeah, don't worry, I can take you.


It's not much, but...

I want you to be safe.

I'll see you around, KamaSutures.


EDRISA: Exciting, right?

I mean, the van... that's a clue.

That's a real clue.

I'm not sure.

What, are you jealous?

I'm sorry Blaze is so jacked.

That's not it.

Um, the cruiser did a drive-by.

The van is still there, with Arizona plates.

- Of course it is.


Gil, what did you find?

Plates aren't registered to a van, they were stolen from a truck depot outside Phoenix.

DANI: Truck depot.

Run a background on Ashton.

Wait, what does this have to do with Ashton?

We didn't find the clue, we were shown it.

hours of grainy black- and-white surveillance footage, and after barely an hour he finds an out-of-focus license plate.

JT: Checking traffic cam logs

of the plates on Ashton's cab.

Looks like he's been through Arizona six times in the last year.

EDRISA: No, no, no, he-he said all of his routes were in the northeast.

- Why would he lie?

- Because Ashton is The Vulture.

Oh, my God.

- He's with Blaze.



DANI: Bright, Ashton's van is here on Eighth.

That's not good.

- It's locked, and there's blood.

- That's not good either.

Call it in.

I got to go.



What's up, guys?



Uh, we got a new lead.

You should come back up to the loft.

I think you guys can help.



Uh, Edrisa, could you give me a hand with this stuff?

BRIGHT: Where's Blaze?

Oh, he's pulling the car around.


I'll call him.


I'm sorry, Edrisa.

He's not gonna answer.


He's bleeding out in my truck.

Thought I'd pick up some cleaning supplies

- before I take him apart.

- EDRISA: How can you be The Vulture?

I thought we were friends.

We are friends.

Everything I've done has been for us.

For the group.

I've been a freak my whole life.

I had no one until that bird video.

Suddenly I was a part of something.

But Alex found out who you were, so you k*lled him.

- He was gonna ruin everything.

- EDRISA: Ashton, please, you can't let Blaze die.

He's one of us.


This is how this has to be.

Blaze will die, I will escape, and then you will keep looking for me.

- This is our family.

- Ashton, it won't work.

Family will only go so far.

'Cause once they know the truth...

Who they're really after...

They'll give up on you.

And no...




She'll never let me go.

BRIGHT: You're right.

She won't.



I'll call a bus.

You save Blaze.



He's alive!

- Hey.

- Oh, Blaze.

Look at you.

I thought you were dead.

But you're gonna be fine.

Very, very fine.

It was Ashton.

I know.

We got him.

I mean, I got him.

I don't mean to brag, but...

Yeah, I do.

It was awesome.


You're awesome.

♪ ♪ Is that offer still on the table?

Hold this.



Hard work does make the beer taste better.




I worked so hard to forget my past that I...

I hardly remember the woman from back then.

- From the files.

- Oh, I remember her.

How fiercely she protected her kids.

How she didn't let those old-school detectives walk all over her.

Every time she walked into a room, time slowed down.

A sl*ve to love...

It still does.

You're running with me ♪ ♪ We don't touch the ground ♪ ♪ We're the restless hearted ♪ ♪ Not the chained and bound ♪ ♪ The sky is burning ♪ ♪ A sea of flame ♪ ♪ Though your world ♪ ♪ Is changing ♪ ♪ I will be the same ♪ ♪ sl*ve to love ♪ ♪ Oh ♪ ♪ sl*ve to love ♪ ♪ sl*ve to love.

Do you think you can ever really know someone?

Like Ashton.

Hundreds of hours with the group, masquerading as someone he wasn't.

I mean, we all do, really.

You think this is really about Ashton or is it maybe about the thing you didn't want to talk about before?

What if I didn't do enough to save Nat?

What if I'm not really who you think I am?

Bright, you did everything you could to save her.

You're a good person.

You can't really be doubting that.

It's just, ever since Nicholas died,

- I feel...

- Nicholas?


I meant Nat.

Sorry, I...

It's been a long week.

I'm just tired.

Oh, she's gonna see straight through that one, my boy.

I know.

It's okay.

I'm here.

MARTIN: Oh here comes the kiss.



it's getting late.

Uh, you should leave.

What are you doing?

Sorry, I-I'm just...


I'll see you tomorrow.


Why are you ruining this?





That smell.

On a warm night, it's always the same.




What the hell are you talking about?

Lust, Dr. Capshaw.

The reek of sin.


Were you there ♪ ♪ When they crucified ♪ ♪ My Lord?


Were you there ♪ ♪ When they crucified ♪ ♪ My Lord? ♪ ♪ Oh, sometimes ♪ ♪ It causes me to tremble ♪ (BELL DINGS)

Tremble, tremble ♪ ♪ Were you there

(GROWING LOUDER): ♪ When they crucified

My Lord?