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04x09 - Doors Opening, Doors Closing

Posted: 04/14/21 12:48
by bunniefuu
Previously on The Resident...

My husband and I are adopting.

But the last thing I'm gonna let happen is for you to pull the same vanishing act

- on my kid.

- I'm not going anywhere.

- Just give me another chance.

- KIT: I'm willing to watch and see how you do, but I see no place for you at Chastain.

MINA: It's Cain.

He's out for revenge.

And your chance for a visa.

You ruining Mina's life and career will not heal you, Barrett.

I'm in Atlanta for my yearly Moyamoya checkup.

I have a surprise for you.

Is that little prince your son?


IRVING: Uh, it seems you, Pravesh, could be a father.

There's no way that is my kid.

Nadine would've told me.

Are you sure?

She did say she had a surprise.

- That's the definition of a surprise.

- Wait, wait!


- When was the last time you spoke to her?


When she went back to her country, you know, we spoke every few days.

Then a couple months went by, and-and then she called and said she wanted to stop it and that we should move on.

And I... and-and she was right.

- Mm.

- What?

Or she stopped because she was pregnant.

There's no way.

All right?

It's been, what, something like...

ten or months.

How old do you think that kid is?

I don't...

I didn't really get a good look at him, but I'd say three or f-four months.

So, mathematically speaking, it's within the realm of possibility.


Oh, my God, you know...

I-I can't have a kid.

I-I'm a resident.

I have, uh, an apartment with-with one bedroom.

Nadine and this kid, they live across the world.

Well, you have to go find out.

No, I-I just need a minute.

Nadine texted earlier and said that she'd be at Chastain tomorrow, okay?

So there's time.


- Okay.

So you process tonight, and tomorrow you figure out whether or not you're a father.

So now I've got Mina Okafor facing imminent deportation.

And who knows when Barrett Cain can start operating again, or if I'll even allow him to?

I'm looking at losing two of Chastain's best surgeons.

Oh, stop with the ego.

I said "two of the best", not "the two best".

Look, I of all people appreciate the woes of the CEO, but can we just put a pin in this?

You should've bought wine.

Look, Jake is a man who walks the OR by day and dive music bars by night.

I-I'm confident he's a whiskey guy.

A nice Bordeaux is always in style.

Hey, hey.

Right on time.


Is that whiskey?

Gregg makes an amazing whiskey cocktail.

Come on in.

♪ I cannot wait until the weekend... ♪

Have you spoken to your immigration lawyer?


No new information.

Don't they know this is a time-sensitive situation?

They want my appeal packet ASAP.

But we'll talk about this later.

Come on, they got to know these things take time.

AJ, please.

Not in front of your parents.

CONRAD: Look, how about this?

Tonight we entertain the Austins, tomorrow we divide and conquer.

I'll ask my dad about his contact at the DOJ.

I have a connection with Congressman Snyder.

I'll make a call tomorrow.

I'll reach out to community leaders.

- Letters of recommendation could help.

- Mina, you know who you have to ask for those research reports you did when you were in Nigeria, right?

I'll call my mother tomorrow.

For now, this conversation is over.




I'm on it.

- And here you go, Dad.

- And for you, Mrs.



This is it.


- Oh.


So, Gregg made the changing table by hand.

He spent hours in the garage.

Well, is there anything you don't have?

Something I could look out for?

Uh, I don't think so.

Baby's due in six weeks.

Think we're all set.

GREGG: Jake started getting ready the day we heard from the adoption agency.


- Oh.

The oven timer.

- Shall we?

- KIT: Oh, yes.

I'm starving.

♪ ♪ (SIGHS)

WOMAN: Chastain PT.

♪ Who you are ♪

♪ Come to life... ♪

Little known fact: the smaller the weights, the harder to lift.

Well, if that's the case, you're outperforming me by a lot.


I was rough on you yesterday.

I'm sorry.

I could've been less rough.

Well, that's true.



- You okay?

- Yeah.


I think that was just a little too much after all.

You know it's okay to take things slow.



Rose, maybe you should take a break.



- I got you, I got you.

Get transport!

Have to get her to the ER.


♪ ♪




CAIN: She'll need fluids.

And make sure a type and screen gets sent off with her blood.

Already in the works.

I'll give you two milligrams of Dilaudid, all right?

You should go back to PT.

I mean, you are on medical leave.

Rose is my patient.

I got this.

He can stay.

He's a friend.


Didn't know he had those.

Okay, friend...

you can stay.


Rose, we need to run some more tests, but all signs point to this being another sickle cell crisis.

I'm sorry.

I don't know why I said that.

You can go.

You didn't sign up for a sickle cell marathon.

CAIN: No, no, I can stay.

At least until your family gets here.

I don't have any family.




Given your chest pain and degree of hypoxia, we need to consider the possibility of acute chest syndrome.

I want to order some additional tests and admit you, just to cover all our bases.

Fifth hospitalization this year.

I know.

- You were with Dr. Pravesh last time?

- Yeah.

Will he come by?

He's with other patients at the moment, but I'll update him on your case, okay?

Yes, please.

Thank you.

If you need anything, have any nurse or doctor page me, and I will get here as fast as I can.




I can take her.

You don't get dibs - on every pregnant woman.

- I'm sorry, I said it first.

- That's how dibs works.


You're lucky I'm needed elsewhere.

Fetal Doppler and ultrasound over here.



- Can you page the OB on call?

- Sure.

And, Hundley.

Keep Nic out of here, okay?

I got you.


I'm Dr.


When are you due?

Tina Miller.

Uh, six weeks.


- It hurts so much.

- I know.

Should be able to get you something for the pain soon.


Ah, your baby's heart rate is nice and strong.

Looks like you're doing a great job caring for it

- even before it's born.

- I'm trying.

Before I ask you any more questions, is there a-anyone I can call for you?

Is this Tina?

Tina Miller?

Um, yes.

Do you two know each other?

No, I-I don't know who that is.


- Jake, Jake.


- JAKE: Tina.


We're here.

Y-You're gonna be fine, honey.

Thank you so much for coming.

- Where's the OB?

- Uh, we just paged her.

JAKE: Tina, look at me.

I know it hurts.

Let's breathe through it, okay?



This is Dr.


He's my stepfather.


Uh, thanks for raising him.

I've done so much wrong.

That's how I ended up here.

But the one thing I got right was picking Jake and Gregg.

They've been amazing.


You are doing the hard work here, okay?

As long as y'all are here.

And how close are the contractions?

She's not having contractions.

Tina's not in labor.


NADINE: Devon.



This is Azad.


Is he... ?


Wow, you should see your face right now.


Devon, no.

- He's not yours.


He's only two months old.


Well, sorry, you said that I would be surprised, and I am.

- That was fast.

- I know.

When I got home, my father literally had a man waiting to meet me when I stepped off the plane.

So you married him?



He was old and rich and terrible.


- I said, "No more", but my father didn't listen, and the next man, he made more sense.

Well, Azad, he's...

... he's beautiful.

Thank you.

I love him so much.


But I'll be honest.

When I first got back home, I thought about you a lot.

But I got through it, and I'm hoping you did the same.

I'm hoping you found someone amazing.

You know how it is.

I've been busy, and just...

Not a lot of time, you know.

Well, I have a full day of scans and bloodwork and appointments, but this was nice.

Maybe we can catch up more later?

- Text me if you have time.

- Uh, will do.

IRVING: Well, that's disappointing.

You had the perfect opportunity to tell her you were dating a contessa or something.


Well, that would be a lie.

- Whatever.

I think you're disappointed it's not your baby.


- You would've liked having a little Prince Pravesh.

I don't need a royal infant.

What I need is some stability in my life.

Oh, and by the way, that date that you engineered for me last night was terrible.

She was uninsured and looking for free medical advice.

(CHUCKLES): Sorry about that.

My night was great, thanks for asking.

I locked down our elopement venue.

- Amazing.


- Eloping means it's a secret.

And you're sure you don't want your best friend there?

Eloping also means it's private.

All right, well, look, I really hope to celebrate with you guys properly.

And someday I hope to go on a date with a woman who isn't looking for free medical care.

Wrong way.

Dude, I'm doing the best I can do.

No, that.


Hi, there.

I'm Dr. Pravesh.

- Myra.

- Hi, Myra.

This is Dr. Feldman.

Tell us what happened.

What happened is the nice lady in the ambulance gave me a shot of the good stuff and now I'm flying high.

IRVING: Pain meds will do that.

But what happened to get you into the ambulance?

Right, that.

Well, I was cruising along, doing a little business, and bam.

I'm upside down with this.

What do you mean, "doing business"?

Mm, fine, I was texting.

But only because it was an emergency.

- Nothing is that urgent.

- Oh.

So says a person who isn't in the business of love.

One of my clients was trying to cancel a date, and Matchmaker Myra does not let cold feet stop eternal happiness.

I set up marriages between Indian Americans in Atlanta.

You don't say.



I'm all over this.

No ring, a faint look of desperation.

- You're available.

- He definitely is.

No, he's not.

Myra, before we can fix your arm, we need to order a CT to make sure that you didn't damage anything more serious, okay?


We'll be back.

- Bye-bye.

- Bye-bye.

This is fate.

This is kismet.

This is the universe working to help you

- never go on another bad date.

- No.

That is texting while driving.

I don't want to be set up.


JAKE: So, what do you think?

Ovarian torsion?


Uh, the symptoms are nonspecific.

Uh, guys, I need someone to speak human, not doctor.


Tina has gallstones.

That's why you're in pain.

Will she be okay?

Well, she has slight gallbladder wall thickening with pericholecystic fluid.

Acute cholecystitis.

Again, human please.

So, your gallbladder is showing early signs of infection.

And normally we would just take it out in the OR.

What about the baby?

That's what makes this complicated.

Any surgery, even routine, is a risk for the baby.

What about an, uh, IR perc tube?

Not an option at the moment with the recent staff cuts.

Okay, uh, if we treat with antibiotics, we could potentially get her through this and then go into surgery after she delivers in six weeks.

Uh, but if-if you don't respond and you worsen, then we'd be taking you to surgery in much worse shape.

So I put the baby in danger to save myself or I put myself in danger to save the baby.


What do I do?

I will talk you through all your options so you can make an informed decision, okay?

GREGG: And we'll be here.

Whatever you decide.

Can we call your parents for you?



No, don't-don't call my parents.

I'm and I can do this by myself, okay?

JAKE: O-Of course you can.

You guys don't have to be here.

I-I'm sure you have busy lives.


Uh, there is nowhere else we'd rather be than right here.

♪ ♪ I got it.

You're eloping at the Four Seasons.


Too expensive.

Four Seasons Total Landscaping?


I'm just saying, I'm a really good witness.



Myra, your CT results are in.

You got lucky.

A few broken ribs, but... but nothing major.


That's why my chest hurts.

IRVING: All the nerves and vessels in your arm are intact, so we can reduce it and put it back right here.

But don't worry, we're gonna numb you first.

You shouldn't feel any pain when we put your arm back in place, all right?



I want to admit you overnight for observation, okay?


I'll distract myself by observing you to see if you're worthy of my matchmaking skills.

I don't need matchmaking.


- How did your parents meet?

- Well...

- Allow me.

It was an arranged marriage.

They were blissfully in love and produced the bright but stubborn doctor you see before you.

They were lucky and it was a different time.

Now, let's focus on getting your arm back to where it belongs.

- I'm not ready.

I need a minute.

- No thinking.

- One, two, three.

- Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.


- Ow!



That, uh, wasn't so bad.

Seems like the anticipation was worse than the actual event.

A bit like getting match-made.


What happened?

JAKE: Tina's infection is getting worse, and the IV antibiotics aren't working.

Tina, we'll take good care of you.

Yeah, and we'll see you just as soon as you're out of surgery.

Jake, I know you've told a thousand families their loved one is in good hands.

- It's time for you to trust that.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- I got her.

Let's find you two a place to get some fresh air.

How are you feeling?

Like the pain meds are working.

You didn't have to stay.

You don't have anyone else here.

Well, I'm grateful you're here.

Being alone for this, (SIGHS)

it sucks.


Sickle cell can be a nightmare.

I know that firsthand.

A patient?

It was a friend of mine in medical school.

You know, he was a great guy.

Best person I ever knew.

What happened to him?

- Oh.

I'm-I'm sorry.

- No, no.

I shouldn't have even brought it up.

Just that you remind me of him a little bit.

Right, because of the whole impending death thing.

No, no.

It's your compassion.

The way you handle yourself with such grace, even through the pain.

You know, medicine has come a long way since he was fighting sickle cell.

Yeah, that's why I keep going.

You know, possibility for new discoveries on the horizon.

Got to keep your hope up and all of that.


- My stomach.




- Her heart rate is spiking.

- Rose, I got you.

Up the pain meds.

We'll get you to CT.


Are you sure we can't call Tina's parents?

Uh, to be honest, we're-we're not actually sure she told them she's pregnant.

She doesn't talk about them.

We get the feeling there's a rift.

Yeah, and legally, she's an adult, so we have to respect her wishes.

I can't imagine my children feeling like they couldn't tell me if they were in trouble.

- Why is it taking so long?

- Hey, hey.

No news can be a good sign.

Tell you what.

Why don't I go and see if I can find out how it's going, okay?


- CHU: Her blood pressure's dropping.


What's happening with the baby?

CHU: Baby's heart rate's

- all over the place.


Oh, signs of fetal distress.

We need OB in here now!

Oh, Tina's gallbladder's adhered to the wall.

Get ready for an open surgery.


We've got to get this baby out now.

- I can get it done in two minutes.

- She's starting to brady.

Okay, we don't have two minutes.

♪ ♪ Suction.

More sponges.

How much longer?


She's bottoming out.


GABBI: Almost there, almost there.

The cord's around the baby's neck.

CHU: We've lost the mother's pulse.

Damn it.

I'm starting compressions.

GABBI: Baby's clear.


She's not breathing.

Give her one of epi, fast.

And save that baby!


♪ ♪ Baby's in the NICU.

And doing great.


Thank you.



Fine work, sir.

You saved two lives today.


- Hey.

Is everything all right?

- How is she?

There were complications.

Tina coded.

Dr. Bell had to call OB for an emergency C-section.

Oh, God.

Dr. Bell saved her.

She's in ICU recovering, and you have a beautiful six-pound baby girl.



- They're both okay.






- Myra.

- Oh.


- How are you feeling?

- All things considered, fine.

And I've been asking around about you.

- Oh, is that so?

- Mm, your coworkers have a lot to say.

And since it's % positive, and you've taken such good care of me, I've decided to give you a freebie.

I will find the future Mrs. Pravesh.


I really do appreciate the offer.


But no thank you.

It would be a distraction from the pain.

Don't you think that's a healthy thing, Dr. Pravesh?

Besides, my intuition and ability to read people is so spot-on that I already know how this is going to end: you will say yes.

So let's save time and get started.

- What's your type?

- I don't have a type.

I don't...


Yes, he has a type.

Dr. Pravesh's type is "unavailable".

Either emotionally, geographically or both.



Next question.

When your last relationship ended, what did you feel you were missing out on?

Oh, I got this one.

A baby.

I'm sorry, Irving tells me everything.


♪ ♪ I hope that little girl knows how lucky she is.

She won't.

They never do.

Her name's Lucy.

Look who just became "Gramps".

I think I like it.

My situation is not good.

Okay, well...

Got a ton of e-mails coming in from the community.

- I can get more...

- Come on.

Let's sit down.


My attorney filed for an appeal, but it will be months before a decision is made either way.

Visa expires next week.

So we fight and we continue to fight.

But if it doesn't work, I'll be deported.

Then it will be very unlikely for me to be able to return to the country.

If I go to Nigeria on my own accord, I could apply to return in the future.

But it's not a guarantee.


It's not.

Which is why I need for you to prepare for the worst.


Your patient Rose has a splenic sequestration.

It's starting to infarct.

We got to get this out of her right away.

Well, that's not gonna be easy.

She's been transfused so many times her body destroys everything we give her.

She can't take any more transfusions.

You're giving me a patient who needs an extremely bloody surgery and asking me not to spill any blood?


Got it.

AUSTIN: A few more hours and Rose's spleen would have ruptured.

MINA: I don't think a sickle cell patient would have survived that complication.



AUSTIN: All right, careful.

We don't want to lose even a few drops of blood.

MINA: You forget who you're operating with.

I'll drop even less than I did with the traumatic aortic rupture patient we had earlier this year.

AUSTIN: Yeah, that was a rough one, but not as bad as the IVC tear from the s*ab wound last month.


AUSTIN: And yet, we made it work.



We always make it work.

Ever since our first surgery together.

MINA: Although you had a hissy fit when I asked for Cooley scissors.

AUSTIN: Oh, well, now, hold up.

I wouldn't quite call it a hissy fit.

I would describe it as struggling to find the words, since only a prima donna would ask for something so specific that early in their training.

But we both know who the prima donna

- turned out to be.



I want you to know that you have made me a better surgeon.

Well, don't let it get around, but I feel the same.

And I am a better person because of you.

And, you know, the best part of it all is our journey has only begun, Mina Okafor.

♪ Dream of connection ♪

♪ Tell me how you feel, tell me how you feel ♪

♪ Are you even real?

Are you even real? ♪


♪ Tell me how you feel ♪


♪ Are you even real? ♪


BELL: Oh, this looks good.

So, we're not gonna get you up and walking right away, but it'll be soon, okay?


O-Oh, no.

My roommate told my parents, and now they're on their way up from the lobby.

This is so, so bad.

Well, I'm sure they've been worried about you.

- Uh...

- JAKE: Tina, do your parents know that you were pregnant?


They-they were upset, like, really upset.

Only way I could calm them down was by saying I would give the baby to a good family.

A-A good... traditional family.

You don't understand.

Getting pregnant by accident and going through with it, it was the hardest thing I've ever done, but...

you guys made me feel like I wasn't a screwup, like all of this had a purpose and a meaning.

My mom and dad won't understand any of that.

And it's not just that they'll stop paying for my life.

They-they won't want to see me anymore.

Well, maybe they're more open-minded than you think.

They're not.

I-I know that makes them sound terrible, but they're my parents.

And I can't lose them, so one of you has to go.

Um, a-and maybe the other one, someone could pretend to be your wife?

Just-just while they're here.

You know, coming out in the South, and living in the, in the open like this...


... it's great now, but it wasn't...

wasn't always this easy.

We're not gonna start her life with a lie.


Are you okay?

- Honey, we're here now.

- TINA: I'm fine.

Uh, Mom and Dad, uh, th-this is Dr. Bell.

Uh, he-he saved my life.

Your daughter's a real fighter.

We can't thank you enough.

Who are these men?

They are the adoptive fathers.

MARY: I'm sorry?




Well, you're... you're making progress.

What can I do for you, Hawkins?

Your friend Rose came through surgery with flying colors.

Dr. Austin and Dr. Okafor...

... they were brilliant.

I'm glad to hear it.

Losing Mina would be a real blow to Chastain.

And to a lot of us personally.

You do get that she came at me first, right?

I did what I had to do.

You didn't have to do anything.

It went further than it should have, I will give you that.

But I'm not alone in this.

Okafor shares some of that blame.

♪ ♪ Whatever lets you sleep at night.



I'm sorry, but... we can't let you have this baby.

Dad, please, Jake and Gregg have been with me through everything.

Prenatal visits, ultrasounds.

They already named her.

You two seem like nice men.

It's not personal, but we don't agree with the lifestyle you've chosen.

We haven't chosen anything.

This is who we are.

Just like your daughter is who she was born to be.

And she's perfect.

MARY: Our daughter obviously has different values than we do.

And we hope that that will change when she grows up and matures a little bit.

In our family, we believe in traditional values and structure.

Tina will have to accept that if she wants to continue being a part of it.

So if I give them the baby...

... you really will kick me out of our family?

Uh, you weren't here today, so you didn't... you didn't see what we witnessed.

Uh, Jake and Gregg held this little girl for the first time.

And they've-they've hoped and they planned and they've waited.

And I don't know if you've heard the saying that children and parents are born on the same day...

... but today, we saw that happen.

That love.

And it's-it's the same love that you felt the first time you held Tina.

Isn't that the most important thing here?

Let love be what guides you.

And let that little girl go home to the family that already wants her and to the parents who already love her.

♪ ♪ ♪ ♪ I know you love the ocean.

Almost as much as I love you.


- It's even prettier at night.

- Yeah.

It's incredible.

I knew you'd think it's perfect.

We had a big public engagement, and now we'll have the most private wedding.

It's kind of like us.

We love big crowds and parties and game nights, but...

We also love quiet nights at home on the couch.

Just the two of us.


I never doubted you.

You know what's the best part?

- You in that dress?

- Yes.

But also, this will always be our place.

Even when we visit the aquarium with all the tourists, we'll have this secret about what it means, and I love that.

- I love you.

- I love you, too.


Are you two ready?

Jessica, you want to do this thing?

- %.


All right.

Marry us up.

♪ ♪ Okay, you're all set, then.

WOMAN (OVER P.A.): Dr. Kingsley, call Dr. Braun...


I was hoping I'd see you again.

- How'd the tests go?

- Everything looks good.

They'll see me back in a year.

- Walk me out?

- I'd love to.

So, I actually have a question for you.


Um, I mean, you just seem so happy.

Was it weird having your father choose a husband for you?

What's this about?


There's this matchmaker here who wants to set me up with someone.

- Okay.

I get it now.


You want to know what an arranged marriage looks like in this day and age.

- Mm.

- It's like any other marriage.

My father made the introduction but I didn't have to say yes.

And now I can't imagine a world where I didn't.

Because you fell in love.

I did.

And if your matchmaker is good at her job,

- you might, too.


So what have you got to lose?




I knew you'd do it.

Okay, so, uh, what's the process like?

What's the timeline?

Your to-do list: send me three hobbies, three favorite movies

- and an example of what makes you laugh.

- What?


Also submit shirt and jacket photos for my approval.

Those eyes?

I'd go with warm colors.

My to-do list: look for women who don't mind a slightly uptight type, contact your mother...

Wait, hold on.

What does my mom have to do with this?

It's traditional for parents to be at the first meeting of a prospective couple.

Don't worry, first you'll look at the photos and résumés I send you.

My email address.

Contact me when you've done everything.

- I'm not uptight.

- Please.


You're still here.

I work here.

Or at least, I'm trying to get back to a place where I can again.

Just wanted to stop by and check on you before I go.

I think you should sit down.

No, I'm-I'm fine.

I'm saying I'd like the company.

I guess I should thank you for today.

Thank me?

I didn't do anything, except scream and need help and cause everyone a lot of extra work.

No, you reminded me that I should keep hope alive.

- I needed to hear that.

- Yeah?

Well, I needed someone to pick me off the floor and haul me into the ER, so...

I guess we're even.

That's fair.

I'm only resting.

You stay in that chair.

I'm not going anywhere.

♪ ♪

- Ready to go?

- Yes, but first, what do you think about lavender bisque or...

strawberry brûlée or...

- sea-foam margaritas?

- Is this your dinner plan?

No, paint names.


Turns out baby room colors are very therapeutic.

- It's weird, I know.


Ridiculous names, okay colors.

Well, our baby girl needs a pretty nursery, right?

Yeah, she does.

You're still worried about Mina.


She is lucky to have you.

Well, I'm lucky to have her.

And you.

Let's go.

♪ ♪ Is there anything we can do?


The adoption agency confirmed it.

We can't have her.

Yeah, uh, Lucy...

I mean, Tina's baby will go to a traditional family.

I'm so sorry.

Our baby's still out there.

We just don't know who he or she is yet.

Uh, we did the right thing.


There she is, just in time to celebrate.

- Celebrate what?

- Well, I just hung up with my mother, and, well, there's no surprise here, but she and my dad absolutely love you.


I'm thinking Italian.

I'm thinking champagne.

I'm thinking a little fireplace action.

I spoke to my mother, too.


All right, great.

What'd she say?

Um, she had been working in the OR for hours today.

There aren't enough Nigerian surgeons.

The system is crumbling and people are dying.



- It's terrible.

- Mm-hmm.

It's because good Nigerian surgeons leave.

They come to America.


Like me.

I am part of the problem.

I thought about sending supplies, starting an outreach program, but none of it is enough.

My mother won't always be able to sustain this many surgeries a day.

- She'll need help.

- Yeah.

We'll find her help.

- We'll find mentors in the area.

- No.

- No.


- We will find her help.

- We can find her...

- AJ, AJ, AJ, no.

This is the answer to my visa problem.

It's the answer to everything.

I don't want to fight anymore.

Leave on my own before I can be deported.

I'm going back to Nigeria.

♪ I ♪

♪ Get like this every time ♪

♪ On these days that feel like you and me ♪


♪ Heartbreak anniversary ♪

♪ Do you ever think of me? ♪


I'm coming with you.

♪ 'Cause I think of you ♪

♪ Think of you. ♪