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06x03 - Phantom Menaces

Posted: 04/14/21 12:26
by bunniefuu
Previously on Supergirl...

If you're going to save your world you have to work with Lex Luthor.

I'm just gonna k*ll Supergirl myself.

I won.

Silas, we want you to help us break into the Phantom Zone.

The portals only open and close long enough for a Phantom to get through.

Then I guess we're gonna have to catch a Phantom.


We find the defendant not guilty.

The Phantom Zone's been fractured, it would take years for us to make it to each of them.

Supergirl is in there, okay?

We are bringing her home.

I think the Phantom did something to me.

Please come.


It's freezing in here.

Found him.


What happened?

A Phantom.

It burst out of me and att*cked me.

It was so cold, worse than I can ever imagine.

Like living death.

We didn't send all the Phantoms back to the Phantom Zone.

One got out.

You ready to catch a ride?

- Kara.


Get him.


No, let her go!

Kara, Kara, Kara!


No, stop!


Bring him back.

- Quiet.


It'll hear you.

Who'll hear me?

Where are they taking him?

Same place we're taking you.

Don't touch me.

You gotta get out of here.

Phantoms, over the ridge, coming this way.

They just tore through a bunch of White Martians, now they're on the rampage too.

- Why should I believe you?

- Because they got Az-Rel.

That was all that was left of him.


Oh, no, they're here.


That was too easy.

There are no Phantoms or White Martians coming over the ridge, are there?

- And Az-Rel?

- Oh, he's fine, wherever he is.

I nicked this from him weeks ago.

Girl's gotta light a fire somehow.

Thank you, but they took my father.

I have to go rescue him.


- You will.

But first, we have to get you and that leg somewhere safe.

Come with me.

All right.


It's all right.

Where are you, Supergirl?

You're in here somewhere.


In the dark and in the cold.

All alone...


I'm here with Lex

Luthor.How does it feel to be a free man?

Um, in a word, beautiful.

Well, Rhonda, it feels wrong.

Because I'm a madman who should be rotting in prison.

...jury, I wanna say thank you.

Without you, my future wouldn't be so bright.

You shouldn't have a future.

You shouldn't even be able to sleep at night.

You should be haunted by a Kryptonian heart beating ceaselessly beneath your floorboards!



We need thermal blankets.

- It's okay, it's okay.

- What happened to him?

A Phantom slipped by us last night.

It att*cked Silas.

How did it get by us?

It nested inside of him.

But if it escaped him, why attack?


I have three roommates, I don't know where they are.

It's okay, it's okay.

We'll find them.

Brainy, get me everything you can on Phantoms.

We didn't know they could possess humans, what what else don't we know about them?

I'm so cold.

Where's Alex and Dreamer?

Nia was pulled for Catco's investor's retreat.

Andrea wouldn't let her say no, she has to replace Kara.

Alex went home last night to get some rest.

I need her here.

This man needs help.


Go easy on her.

She was crushed when we couldn't save Supergirl from the Phantom Zone.

So was I.

But you were the one who reminded me to act like a soldier not a father.

Alex needs to do the same right now.

You both need to be honest with your emotions...

I acted on my emotions yesterday.

And not only did we fail to save Supergirl, but I let a Phantom escape into this world.

I won't make the same mistake again.



When I landed on Earth, I was alone.

My adoptive mother raised me as her own,

with kindness and compassion.

And my sister, she showed me what it truly means to be strong.

To love so fiercely, it hurts.

She taught me what it means to be human.

She was my first companion on this planet.


Without her, I wouldn't be the hero, the person I am today.

I thought you weren't going to watch that.

I am Kara Zor-El.

That's before I thought she wasn't really gone.


Kara is not dead.

No, it's worse than death.

She's trapped in a cold hell...

because I couldn't save her.

So, what's...

What's my purpose now?

What's the point of trying anything else?


Loss is different for everyone, but it hurts the same.

And I will sit with you, right here.


I can't breathe.


I feel like I don't even deserve air...



It's J'onn.

I know what you're going to say, but it doesn't matter if I pick up the phone or not, there's...

There's no point.

The point is that you're still here.

And you get to decide whether you give up or you keep going.


Look, I know it's not the same thing but yesterday, when I was in my own despair about what happened at Obsidian...


I lost my way and I found a lifeline in helping Silas find his.

Because when everything seems dark, that's when we show up for those who need us the most.

Thoroughly unpleasant surprise.

Good morning, sis.

I promise this'll be quick.

When I woke up this morning, I could not wait to get back to work.

So, I opened my computer and, wouldn't you know it, I have been locked out of all Luthor Corp accounts.

Even my own Lex Foundation, isn't that funny?

You may be a free man, Lex, but your time at Luthor Corp is over.


See, I had a feeling it was you.

The firewalls were spectacular, by the way.

And how did you change my bioscan?

Ah, let me guess, the Coluan helped you out with that?

Cute prank, sis.

Now, undo it.

Maybe I wasn't clear, I will do everything in my power to protect this company and the world from you.

Do you think my testimony was some kind of a mistake?


I thought you might be feeling stubborn.

I had very expensive coffee this morning with my new friend ADA Matthews, now District Attorney Matthews.

He was freshly appointed when your friend, District Attorney Diaz, was fired for losing my case.

Anyway, uh, Mr.Matthews was so grateful at his good fortune, that he's willing to do me a favor.

He's issuing you a court order to undo your little cyber-attack within the hour.

Oh, and I also had a very nice chat with him about his investigation into you and Non Nocere.

Just wanted to make sure he was giving it his full attention.

It's now his number one priority.

Be wary of opening with the Queen's Gambit, sis.

It's such an obvious first move.

- This isn't over.

- It never is.

- [ALEX]

You said a Phantom did this?



Or as they are originally known, a Zulian Melatarian.


Originally from a dark planet on the outskirts of the Roa system, they were forced to flee, seeking a new home planet to repopulate.

Unfortunately, their method of populating is to infect the planet's existing inhabitants by turning them into soulless, hive-minded, minions.

They were very successful.

Until the Kryptonians stopped them, imprisoned them in the Phantom Zone.

Their powers were diluted and they were unable to multiply.

They were, however, able to continue spreading misery, making them excellent prison guards.

But when this alien escaped, all its powers returned.

It can now infect people?

Essentially, make new Phantoms?

And it only gets stronger, the more it preys.

Will it possess people like Silas?

No, I believe that was purely a means of escape and evasion.

When the Phantoms attack, first they do so psychically, paralyzing their prey with misery.

Then they strike using their venomous talons.

After a short incubation period, the victim's life-force leaves the body and migrates to the Phantom's nest.

- Life-force?

- In the st century, we discovered a formula to quantify the intangible substance that makes a human unique.

You call it a soul.



Temperature is crashing.

What was that?

That's Silas?

And a Phantom's attack did this?


And with that Phantom still on the loose, it could be infecting other victims.

We need to find that Phantom and anyone he may have turned.

M'gann, you and I will keep searching the city, scanning for cold-energy signatures.

We can use Silas as a baseline template.

Brainy, get into Silas's social media, scan for facial recognition.

We need to find those roommates.

What do we do if they've already been turned?

Act very carefully.

These progeny will be just as powerful as the Phantom, but they're still innocent people.

A remote activated kinetic inhibitor can be triggered from up to a mile away.

Keeping us at a safe distance so that we don't also become infected.

I'll begin constructing one now along with some additional Phantom containment units.


Until then, we need to locate that Phantom and keep everybody safe.

Look, I know you're upset right now.

Not getting Kara back was a blow none of us expected.

But we can't be ruled by our emotions.

Not now.

I need you to focus and lean into your training.

Because that's exactly what it's for, to kick in when we feel like giving up.

So we find comfort in doing what we do best.

Kara is gone.

How can you just march on like nothing is wrong?

Because marching is the only way to get her back.


This is all my fault.

My father was safe where he was.

I never should've convinced him to leave.

So I have good news and bad news.

Let's start with the bad news first.

I like to end on a high note.

Those guys that took your father, they're going to sacrifice him to a terrible creature that lives deep in Shadow Lake.

- What?

- But it doesn't feed until it's lapped the lake times.

Which gives us enough time to make a plan.

No, I can't waste any more time.


You really should let me make you a splint.

Things don't heal in the Phantom Zone.

Like, ever.

I can push through.



You are stubborn.

You must've made one hell of a criminal.

I'm not a criminal.


And I'm a princess.

I was sent here by a madman.

And your father?

Did this madman send him here too?

Until yesterday, I thought my father was dead.


My name is Kara Zor-El.

When I was younger, my home planet was dying.

Saving it was hopeless.

My father sent me to Earth to take care of my baby cousin who went before me...

and I thought we were the only two survivors and that everyone else from our planet was dead.

Including my father.

I can't lose him again.

I think I can help.

What's that?

It's a powerful tool from my dimension.

I had it hidden on me when I was banished.

I may not have my powers here, but this thing still has a few sparks.


See, he's okay.


Are you a Fifth-Dimensional imp?

Do you know many imps?

Just one.

His name is Mxyzptlk.


You know Mxy?

That guy is wild card.

He has made some good strides recently.


At least he had the last time I saw him.

Yeah, maybe I could use that splint, after all.

J'onn, I was thinking.

Maybe waiting for Brainy's kinetic inhibitor to be ready is risky.

These Phantoms could be multiplying at very high rates.

If we find them, we should contain them any any way that we can.

Absolutely not.

Those energy field discs require close proximity to your target to work.

You heard Brainy.

The kinetic inhibitor shields us by a mile.

- But the longer we wait...

- I said no.

That's an order, M'gann.

Sorry it took me so long to get here.

There's a bit of an emergency at the Tower.

You're hologram multitasking again.

Your text said you need more help with Operation Vengeance.

I'm at your service.

How did Lex take our systems lockout?

Poorly, as expected.

He mentioned Lex's Foundation this morning.

So I did some digging and it turns out the foundation is just a sham to buy experimental weapons from Kaznia, but you and I are going to funnel the money directly to the Luthor Wing of National City Children's Hospital instead.

Do you think you can hack into this account and make that happen?

I'm not exaggerating when I say that nothing would delight me more.

It's done.

Lex should be receiving lavish thank you calls from the hospital any minute.


I have to go.

He started running into the south wall over and over again.

Like he's being drawn to something.

I got a hit on the police scanner.

It says that there is a disturbance at a warehouse two miles south from here.

It's being att*cked by hostile ghost creatures.

The Phantom has a created new progeny.

We have to secure that warehouse.

Keep everybody from the area.

Where is M'gann?

She said that she was going on patrol.

She's already there.

I've got four cold signatures immobile along the back wall.

And one very large presence.

The Phantom!






The four progeny are in containment, but their combined dark-phantom energy is shorting the security system.

I need to fortify the unit, but I'll need a second Luthor electro...

Her temperature is dropping faster than Silas's.

The Zulians overwhelmed the planets they invaded so easily because the stronger the Zulians got, the quicker the victims turned.

Alex, get Martian plasma.

A transfusion might slow M'gann's turn.

On it.


I'm sorry I went against your orders.

No, this is my fault.

I had a hunch Martians might be more susceptible to their att*cks.

Let's just say we both screwed up.


When you go just beyond this ridge, you'll see Shadow Lake.

They'll be keeping your father in a cave.

Right at the top.

Sure you don't want me to go with you?

I get it.

Meet a girl in the Phantom Zone and you're not quite sure you can trust her.

Why were you sent here?

For the high crime of being the Mad King Brpxz's heir.

My full name is Princess Nyxlygsptlnz.

- Wait, you're actually a princess?


I guess we both told the truth.

Not all fathers send you away to save your life.

Some do it because they're...


paranoid narcissists, threatened by anyone who might take their power.

Your father sent you here?

But first, he k*lled my older brother.

My older brother was kind, and the people loved him.

So he had to die.

I'm so sorry.

That's awful.

I was next.


Not that I was worth k*lling.

He never really thought that much of me.

He used to call me a silly girl imp.

Useless and not fit to sit on a throne.

So he had me banished here instead.

Where I would live with this...

eternal souvenir of my inadequacies.

He put it on with magic and well, I don't exactly have much of that left, do I?

You're not useless.


You're resourceful.

Look how much you've helped me already.

And look at you moving with that crutch.

You're a natural.

Just because neither have us have our powers here doesn't mean we can't believe in ourselves.

And each other.

You don't belong here just as much as I don't.

So we should get some sleep.

As we're both going to save my father in the morning.

I'm wiring the funds as we speak, Boris.


How can the Lex Foundation be dry?

Sir, I have the Galaxy Gazette

on the phone.

They're hoping for a statement on the donation you made today to the Luthor Wing of the Children's Hospital.



She drained the accounts.

Gave it all to a bunch of sick kids.


She's good, that sister of mine.

Taking something perfectly illegal and making it legal.

- Sir?

The press?

- I'll call them back.

We have to do some damage control.Boris is not going to be happy that his money went dasvidaniya.

Then I will have Otis pay a little visit to the hospital, on behalf of my darling...

generous sister.

Thank you for bringing the new electro-core.

By my calculations, at this capacity, our containment unit would be breached in under an hour.

Well, I'm happy to help.

The upgrade should fortify it.



I hear your Foundation had a very charitable day.

Turn on Channel Five.

Oh, my God.

Preliminary reports indicate that

the cause of the fire was faulty wiring.

When asked for comment, Lex Luthor

noted that his sister, Lena Luthor,

was in charge of all recent upgrades to the wing.

He set fire to the children's wing of the hospital just to get revenge on me.







What's going on?

My magic is back.

Your magic is really back?




- How did you do it?

- I don't know!

I wasn't even trying!

That's the crazy part.

All I could think about was your encouragement.

And I felt like...

I had to rid myself of my father's shackles.

Both metaphorical and physical.

And I knew it was right, because every time I looked at that thing, all I could hear was my father telling me I'm useless.

I finally believed in myself enough to figure it out.

You had the power all along.

I'm finally starting to feel like my old self again.

At least, who I think I was.

Who I was before...

I got here.

What do you mean?

Ever since the Phantom Zone fractured, I started to get these...


Like, fake memories.

I mean, they were things that I knew didn't happen.

But they feel so real.

Like they were from another life you lived.

Another time?

Another reality?

- Exactly.

- I've been getting them too.

You said they started happening after the Phantom Zone fractured?

Is it kind of crazy that I'm so glad that you get them too?

This place.

It can be very...


That's why I rescued you.

I've got a good feeling about you.

Let's go save your father.


He's a maniac.

This is just sport to him.

It's just another way to beat me.

I hate him.

So much.

I hate his face.

I hate his voice.

I hate his suits, I hate his never-ending games of depravity.

I wish he would just die.

I wish we could k*ll him.

We should k*ll him.

We can craft the perfect m*rder.

First, with just the tiniest re-wiring of his home, we can deliver a near-fatal electric blow.

He'll be paralyzed but he'll still be aware of what's happening to him.

From there, we'll finish him.

You choose the method, he's your brother.


But just make it slow, okay?

After that we'll dismember the body and scatter the pieces across the universe.

I know exactly which planets have atmospheres with pressures high enough to decompose carbon in an instant.

This time there will be no Lex resurrection.

Brainy, stop.


- We can't k*ll Lex.

- Why not?

You just suggested it.

Lena, you've already done it.

Brainy, it turned me into the darkest version of myself.

I know it's hard, but you can't go down this dark path, okay?

You're a good person.

Then what do we do?

What do we do?

What am I supposed to do?

Ever since I removed my personality inhibitors, I...

I have been overwhelmed by the depth of my emotions.

The rage?

It's always there.

Seeping out, burning me like acid and...

All I want to do is help you destroy him, Lena.

I need to destroy him.

And if I can't do that, then...

how do I make these feelings go away?


Brainy, we were wrong.

You can't put your emotions into little boxes, they'll eat away at you until there's nothing left.

And I know it's hard, but you have to embrace that.

It's okay to feel rage.

You just gotta let it out and then let it go.


I hate him!

I hate him!



And I'm...

I miss her.


Me too.


The Martian plasma infusion is complete.

It seems to have slowed down M'gann's transformation for now.

But it won't stop it.

I've been going through Brainy's Intel on Phantoms.

It's inevitable.

M'gann's life-force, her...


Will be lost.

You were so right.

I was so afraid to feel, to...

grieve, that I...

just put my head down, and I marched.

But I still made mistakes.

I shielded my emotions and I put M'gann...

in danger.


I've already lost so many people that I love.

This morning, I couldn't get out of bed.

Because I did not want to live in a world without Kara.


So, I know how much you wanna give up.

But you have to fight.


- M'gann?

She's still in there.

And even if there's the smallest chance that we can save her, you have to try.

For her.

For her soul.

You're right.

Wait, you bonded with her soul to stop Myriad.

I'm not an expert, okay?

But what if there is a way that we can harness your piece of M'gann's soul to stop her from turning?


If we try and it doesn't work I'll lose what little I have left of her.

Living with fragments of the people we love, pales in comparison to the real thing.

Trust me.

All right.

All right.

I'm willing to give it a try.

And I think...

I think I might know just the thing we need.

Hey, thanks for coming.

We need all hands on deck for this.

Of course.

I brought the Obsidian Neuro-Imager you asked for.

Thank you, Kelly.

Think of what we're about to do as a soul transfusion.

First, we'll need a Sacred U'ra'er'run.

It's used for spiritual rituals in Mars.

This one's been in my family for centuries.

How does it work?

In theory, the U'ra'er'run will act as a conductor.

A modified Fal-Tor-Pan as it were.

Star Trek III: The Search for Spock?

It'll allow us to re-fuse J'onn's piece of M'gann's soul to her body.

And, Kelly, you'll neuro-image M'gann, make sure she's safe during the transfer.

- Okay.

- Brainy will man the U'ra'er'run, while I cleave M'gann's soul from mine.

I'll then transfer it into here to complete the process.

The transfusion has to happen at the exact moment M'gann's soul leaves her body, but before she starts to turn.

If we miss this window, she will be lost.


The temperature inside the tower just plummeted.

It's the Phantoms.

They must have followed the others here.

I've got M'gann.

You take care of those Phantoms.




Okay, we need to contain them before they get to J'onn and M'gann.

The Kinetic Inhibitor isn't ready.

We can't get close enough to restrain them.

- It's too risky.

- My portal watch...

I can reroute the exit coordinates to transport the Phantoms to a sub containment unit from a safe distance.

I just need something to draw them all to the same point.

Or someone.

Brainy, will you be my wingman?

It would be my utmost pleasure.

Lena, you get to rerouting the watch.

We'll draw them in.

They're coming through the elevator.

Let's gear up.


Nice choice.

Hey, I don't remember sending you an invitation.

Extraction complete.

Ready for the next phase.

Temperature dropping.


Lena, how we looking?

I've almost set the new coordinates.

Stay away from her.


- My blaster is over-heating.

- Brainy, I'm coming for you.

Lena, the portal?



We got his progeny, but the Prime Phantom seems to have portaled away.




You put children in danger just to get back at me.



Are you gonna sh**t me?



You know, I've thought about it very seriously, but the last time I did that, it didn't change anything.

'Cause look at us.

Here we are, back in our same pattern, locked in this endless game of cat and mouse that you love so much.

You love it, too.

You just hate losing.

Well, you can't lose if you don't play.

I'm leaving Luthor Corp.

For good.

You can't leave.

Who'll "protect" this place

- from the "monster" that is Lex Luthor?

- Honestly?

Your own hubris.

Left to your own devices, you'll self-destruct.

You always do.

You're just upset about the kids.

You're not thinking straight.

I've never been more clear.

Fighting with you has brought me nothing but misery.

And washing your toxic behavior out of my life, I'll be free.

I can finally be happy.

I don't believe you.

This is just another move.

I promise you, it's not.

I'm done playing games.

I called the DA and made a deal.

I leave Luthor Corp and he'll drop the investigation.

You do realize you won't get a penny from the company after you leave.

Everything you've worked for will be gone.

Goodbye, Lex.

You can't just walk away.

You hate me too much.

I do hate you.

I just love me more.


So, I almost lost you today, because I was too busy soldiering on to open up and share my fears with you.

I won't ever do that again.

From now on...

we're a team.

We already were.

I'm only here because a copy of my soul resided within you.

I had a hunch that you'd be a good one to bind to, J'onn J'onzz.

- I'm not bad.


- Hey.

- Hey.

What are those for?

For being my rock today.

I don't know.

I'll just...


I was your rock?

I couldn't save anyone today.

That's not true.

You saved me.

You reminded me that when I want to disappear from the world, I need to just...get up and shake myself off and face the hard things.

Because people that we love are worth it.

Life is worth it.

When I saw J'onn start to lose hope today, it was like looking in a mirror...

And then I heard your voice.

You were telling me that even in the darkest times we can always find a glimmer of hope.

J'onn wanted to give up today, but he didn't.

None of us did.

And we did the impossible.

Move in with me.

I wanna wake up every morning and tell you how much I love you.

Because life is crazy and it's unpredictable and all the really matters is that we share the little things with the people that we love, so...

what do you say?


- Alex Danvers, yes.

- Okay.


I see you won your w*r with Ms.Luthor.

So, what's next for the Man Who Has Everything?

I go get more.

Hi, boys.

You know, you really shouldn't sharpen your knives quite so loudly.

It makes it super easy to find you.

- Kara!

- I'm getting you out.


Thank you.

How did you do that?

- Who are you?

- Zor-El, this is Nyxly.

She's who helped me rescue you.

Thank you for your help.

Oh, don't sweat it.

Right, I guess you'll be getting back to where you came from now.

Yes, you'll be safer there.

Actually, um, I don't think we should retreat.

I think we should keep looking

- for a way out.

- Of the Phantom Zone?

There isn't one.

Believe me, I've looked.

You didn't know where to look.

My mother built this place.

There is a way out.

It's tied to an anchor that tethers this place to the rest of the universe.

But it's in a different part of the Phantom Zone.

Maybe there's a safer way to travel through portals without catching a ride with a Phantom.

You mean my magic?

You think I could do it?

And then I could come with you and I could get out of here.

There's only one way to find out.