01x05 - Down

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Into the Dark". Aired: October 2018 to present.*
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A horror series featuring a different holiday for each episode.
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01x05 - Down

Post by bunniefuu »




_ Oh, yeah.

_ Oh.

Uh, wait, wait, can you hold that, please?



Thank you very much.


wasn't paying attention.

Oh, nice, P5, I'm all the way down in the dungeon.

That sucks.


Lookin' forward to the long weekend?

Valentine's Day and Presidents' Day?

How often do you get that?

It's like the perfect storm, right?


You shouldn't have.

Oh, well, you know, couldn't help myself.

At least you brought the bottle of wine.

Oh, yeah, closed the deal for a client.

Classy client.

Eh, fairly classy client.

Check out this guy.

Somebody's got issues.


With their artistic abilities.

What the heck was that?

Did we just stop?

You gotta be kidding me.

Let me see.

We can hit the call button.


"Flashes when call answered." It's not flashing.


- Hello?

- What about the alarm?

You wanna hit the alarm?

I mean, that's what it's there for, isn't it?

Yeah, I...

Okay, I'm just gonna hit it.


That supposed to, like, buzz or something?

I don't know.

They're not doing anything.


Hello, we're stuck in the elevator.

Oh, God.

I mean, I don't know, looks like something is, uh...

Must be something electrical or something.

How's that even possible?

The lights are still on and so's the TV screen.


I think we're pretty close to the, uh...

Yup, that's not gonna work.

So much for my superhuman strength.

Oh, look, there's a camera.



We're in here!


I mean, I would assume HAL 9000 is up there seeing this, right?

Hey, what service do you have?


Do you have a signal?

I got nothing.

But mine rarely works in elevators, you know, or any major metropolitan area actually.

I've got zero bars.

Well, we are four stories underground, so...

I mean, maybe we just wait a minute or two and I'm sure someone's working on it.

God, I hope so.

I mean, isn't there security here at night?

I'd rather not be stuck here till Tuesday morning.

Come on, hello!

Gotta go!

You okay?

No, I got a flight to catch.

Oh, man, I'm so sorry.

You're not, like, claustrophobic or anything like that?

Are you claustrophobic?

I'm not not claustrophobic.

What floor do you work on?

Uh, 49th.

Color and Stanwich.


What do you do at Color?

I'm an account supervisor.

It's a public relations...

No, I know, it's...

Color's huge, you guys have like three floors, right?

Yeah uh, five actually.


Finnegan Hartman.

That's where I work.

It's an accounting firm.

It's not the sexiest...

Not the...

But I'm new there, so...

you know.

Has anything like this ever happened before?

- In the elevators?

- I mean, it makes some gnarly noises sometimes but...

it usually always goes up and down.





Okay, this'll be louder for sure.


No, I can do better, it's just hard to get the P out because then you're kinda...

you're not getting the same volume on it.


- Oh, you're gonna try it?

- He...


We can't possibly be the last people in the building, right?

Oh, hang on.



Oh, okay, hang on a second.

Can you hold that?


You know what, I have an idea.

Oh, bet I can guess what it is.


I think that we've known each other long enough.

There's always an exit in the ceiling, right?


- Ready?

- Yeah.


- Ready?

- Yup.

Oh, you're going all the way.

- Yup, ready?

- Okay.

- Wait, ready?

- No, I got it, I got it.

- You're good.

- Sorry.

- Got it.


- Yeah.

- Whoa.

- Okay.


I knew I should have been a male cheerleader.

Well, it's never too late to chase your dreams.


How is there no escape hatch?

Yeah, I mean, what are people supposed to do when there's an actual emergency, right?

Is this not an emergency?


- Ow!

- What, you okay?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

- You okay?

Yeah, can you just put me down, please?

Yes, I'm sorry.

Are you okay?

- Yeah, I just...

- Let me see.

Honestly, it's fine, I just...

I bruised my ego more than anything.


Oh, my God.

My flight.

How long has it been?

Fifteen minutes.

Okay, it feels like an hour.

Now it's been an hour.

Yeah, I'm never gonna make it.

I'm so sorry.

- I feel like crying.

- Oh, no.

Please don't cry.

- Why?

- I don't have any Kleenex.

Sorry, I'm just trying to lighten a shitty situation.

It's f*cking bullshit is what it f*cking is.

- Amen.

- f*cking m*therf*cker.

f*cking piece of shit.

You f*cking d*ck-sucking piece of shit!

You f*cking mouth-breathing assholes, where are they?

I agree.

I'm Jennifer, by the way.

I don't...


You would have thought that we would have already exchanged names by now.

But... Guymon.


Nice to meet you, Guy.

It's really nice to meet you, Jennifer.

I'm sorry it isn't under different circumstances.

Actually, literally any other possible circumstance in the history of humankind would have been better.


I mean, I'm having such a great time.

You come here often?

You know, Guy, I don't know - if I can let you ask me that right now.

- No, I'm not...

I mean, it's usually backed up with, like, "Hey, can I buy you a drink?" and honestly, my thermos is empty and I'm dying of thirst, so.


say no more.

- Oh, no, I'm...

- I don't have cooties.

I didn't mean that.

I'm not gonna take your water.

I insist.

It's either this or I pop open the wine.

Is it screw top?



It just so happens, believe it or not...

hang on.

You wait, you're gonna laugh.


Oh, my God.

I mean, hey, you never know, right?

Yeah, truly.

I mean, I don't know what it says about us, but...

Well, it says that we're good scouts.

We're always prepared.

Jennifer, please.

Just a sip.

Keep it.

Have however much you want whenever you want it.

- Oh, my God, thank you.

- Is it good?

So good.

Now if you had like a double cheeseburger in the bag.

You know, I usually keep one stuffed down my pants but... as a consolation prize, why don't you have some Kisses?

Oh, I'm sorry, that's just very forward, but I do accept.

Just do me a favor and keep the wine away from me.

I mean, I am a girl who's packing her own corkscrew.

Plus I think we should definitely save our rations.

I mean...

who knows how long we're gonna be stuck in here.

No, I would say worst case scenario...

Worst case scenario, we're stuck here 80 hours until Tuesday.

Yeah, trust me I've done the math.

Have you ever considered a career as an accountant?

'Cause Finnegan Hartman might be - just the institution for you.

- Please, don't make me laugh.

It's gonna make me wanna pee.

It's okay, I promise, I don't mind.


So embarrassing.


- Look at me.

- Mm-mm.

It's just something that you have to do that's completely out of your control.

We've been here for four hours, so pretty soon it's gonna be something I have to do too.

Oh, God.

You know, I'm sure you're one of those people that are super comfortable walking around naked or whatever, but...

I'm an extremely private person.

Okay, I just...

Oh, God, I need my space.

I completely understand and that is why I'm telling you, take your space over there and go mark your territory.



Go over there in the corner, I'll go over here, turn my back, and you can just go on my coat.


What, it's an old coat, I don't care.


I'll get it cleaned or incinerated.

I'm not gonna pee on your coat.


Well then...

why don't you go in your empty thermos?

Close your eyes.

Cover your ears.

You going?

- Great, I can't now.

- What?

I can't now.

Just think about Niagara Falls or someone else peeing.

♪ La la la ♪ Can't hear anything.

Well, that just happened.


Yup, it did.

That was embarrassing.

No, no.

Remember, we're all in this together.

Everyone in here.

Well, it's official.

I've missed my flight.

Well, there's always next Valentine's Day.

You know, Guy, I really appreciate your efforts.


Even though your jokes are really bad.

Well, you can blame my dad for that.

I guess I'm just trying to...

keep us from going completely insane.

I think you're too late on that one.

That'll do it.


I'm not gonna lie...

I wasn't sure at first.


But... you are a very good stuck-in-the-elevator buddy.

Thank you.

Do you have any other buddies?

Like are you married?



Anyone who'd come and save us?

No, actually, none of the above.

I am in a kind of all-encompassing dysfunctional relationship with my job which is not good news for us because nobody knows that I even worked late tonight or that I would still be here for any reason at all.

And saying that...

saying that out loud is...

kind of very, very depressing and pathetic.




what about this, like, super important flight that you had to catch?

I mean, there must have been...

What, that I had someone just waiting for me?

Someone who would know I'd be missing?


It's kind of a spur of the moment thing.

It's complicated, it's a long story.

Well, if you wanna talk about it, or anything at all for that matter, I'm not going anywhere.

There's really nothing to talk about.

I mean, it's stupid.

I was just gonna go surprise someone.

Someone who...

didn't even know I was coming.

Probably didn't even want me to come.

Quite the pair we are, huh?


Wait, I thought...

You're gonna open your bottle of wine?


I figured it's about that time.

You sure?

Well, it's already done now.

I was probably just gonna re-gift this anyway, so.

Besides, we're done feeling sorry for ourselves.

All right.

Ladies first.

It's not bad.

I mean, it's not good but it's not bad.

Hm, like I said, fairly classy client.

So what are we celebrating?

How about not being dead yet?

I'll drink to that.

No peeking.

What is that?



I hope that wasn't a bad thing.

What time is it?

You really wanna know?

No, but yes.

Just what time is it?

It's 1:00 a. m. Saturday.

The weekend's begun.

Let's party!

Hey, we're gonna get out of here, don't worry.

We'll be fine.

I know.

- So.

- So.

Can I tell you something?



I wasn't completely honest with you about something and it's been bugging me so I really wanna be straight with you.


When I implied earlier that I'd never seen you before around the building, um, that wasn't completely true.

Given the circumstances that we were in...

that we are in...

I just didn't wanna say anything that might have made you feel even more uncomfortable than, you know, you already were with the situation or with me.

At the time, I thought that if I told you that I did recognize you from the building, I didn't want you to think I was some kind of, like, stalker or something.

Okay, so when you say you've seen me...


To what extent do you mean?

I just...

I've seen you a couple times in the halls and just in the lobby mostly.

I don't think you're a stalker, Guy.


Well, right.

However, to be even more honest...


when I've seen you, I've noticed you.

I just remember thinking to myself, "Hey, you know, she seems like a pretty upbeat person and she...

perhaps she's even really nice." "And...

she's very pretty.

She's definitely someone I'd like to know." Well...

now you do.


I can...

confirm that you are indeed a very nice person.

Thank you.

And you're also very pretty.

Okay, ready?



- Ready?

- Okay.

You go.

- Together.

- Okay.

- One...

- Two...


- Oh, shit.

- Wow.

Oh, man, I'm sorry.

I'm so sorry.

- No, I love that.

- This is so good.

- You have captured...

- Thank you.

... a side of me that literally no one has ever seen.

You know what?

Oh, you're just gonna make a phone call.


If we survive this...

I'm gonna make this my profile picture.


Wow, I'm honored.

It's kind of amazing to see how people really see you.

Yeah, you're telling me.

Come on, that is not accurate at all.

I'm like barely functioning right now from how hungry I am.

Oh, me too.

All I can think about is, like, a big juicy kale salad.

A kale salad?

Like, I'm thinking about a fat stack of pancakes.

Like, smothered in syrup and...

Deep dish meat pizza.

- Oh, God.

- Taco truck burrito...

Okay, stop, stop, stop, stop.

No more food.

Come on, this is already painful enough as it is.

Yeah, we'll talk about something that is definitely much less desirable.

What do you wanna talk about?

Whatever you wanna talk about.

Um... football.






- All right, let's talk about sex.

- No.

- You called it.

- I was joking.

All right, you wanna talk about sex?

Let's make it interesting.

Okay, now look into the camera.


And I want you to tell me the dirtiest place that you've had sex in.

Um, okay.

Oh, my God, do you want me to go first?


All right.

Here, record me.


Got it.



The library.


It was college.

I mean, so my boyfriend and I...

my boyfriend at the time...

had a brilliant idea that we'd each go get...

you know those cheesy romance novels?


So we'd get one of those and read out, like, the raunchiest section to each other.


it started off as a joke, but I don't know, it ended up turning me on.

I don't...

I guess I never read trashy novels before, so.

Even ones that include lines like, - "Purple-headed warrior" and...

- Exactly!

Like, "Her heaving, sweat-glistened breasts." Okay, stop.

You're way too good at this.

All right.

- Go, your turn.

- Uh...

Okay, I don't know how I'm gonna top, you know, your college boyfriend giving you the old Dewey Decimal System.

Come on!


Unfortunately, I hate to say that I really don't have a...

a story that is comparable to that.

- I don't believe you.

- It's the truth.

Why would I lie about that?

I should be standing here making up the raunchiest, most f*cking amazing...

All right, so then do that.

Make up the most bullshit sex tale that you can come up with of your unstoried sex life.

- Okay, you really want me to?

- Mm-hm.

Okay, well, where am I?

So I'm working on a new project and, uh, there's this girl who's involved in the project and she's f*cking gorgeous, ten out of ten, Amazon goddess walking the face...

I'm obsessed with her.


she's the hottest f*cking person at work and I'm like drooling over her.

And, um... but I don't do anything about it until this big work picnic.

She just looks banging and we start drinking, everybody's drinking, and suddenly, she approaches me and we have some drinks and then we kinda sneak back to my car and we're partying some more.

And we're driving now and she's...

she's like, "Your stick shift... " No, wait, that's so obvious.

Hang on a second, hang on a second.

She's like, she's like "Why do they call them glove boxes?" She talks like that.

And I go, "I don't know, if you had some gloves, we'd put 'em on in there, I guess." And then she looks at me and she goes, "Well, I don't have any gloves." And then she slowly slides off the most incredibly sexy pair of underwear...

And, uh...

She just like, she puts 'em in the glove box and...

This is so stupid, I feel so weird and uncomfortable, it's not...

Wait, what?

You can not stop there.

Oh, my God, you're blushing.


Well, that's not the only thing that is starting to do something involuntary right now.

Hm, all right.

That's pretty personal.

Well, that's...

what you wanted, right?

In the spirit of being intensely honest, that's...

I mean, that's what we're doing now, right?

- That is correct.

- Okay.


Nothing, you're just, you know.

What you're saying is is that...

you're telling me that you're aroused right now.


Oh, f*ck, I'm so...

So, I crossed a line, right?

I'm so sorry.



Oh, my God, I'm so sorry.

Wasn't what I was thinking.

I just...

you know, you were being honest and I was just thinking...

that's cool.

It's cool?


You know...

another true statement.

I'd really like to kiss you.

That's probably not a good idea.







Oh, God.


You are amazing.

I could fall in love with you.

Are you all right?



I need to know what you're thinking because, personally, I'm having...

a lot of thoughts and feelings and, uh...

I'd really like to hear yours first.


I was thinking that yesterday was gonna be the day that I fixed everything.

I was gonna fly to New York for the weekend, I was gonna surprise my ex-fiancé for Valentine's Day, and get back together.

You know, forgive and forget everything and...

patch things up.

Make everything okay.

And now?

Now I'm still gonna do that.

I mean, don't get me wrong, what happened here was...

it was fun and considering the circumstances...

it was surprisingly nice.

But I love him.

And what he and I have, it's real.

And this...


this is real.

I mean...

I'm real, you know?

This is...


What I'm trying to say is that this, this was casual.

You know?

I mean, come on.

We've only known each other for one day.

Look, Guy, I'm just trying to be honest with you.

Which is...

it's great.

It's actually freeing.

You know, it's actually what every committed relationship should be like.

Just complete transparency.

Is that what you had with your ex?

I mean, complete honesty?


That was exactly the problem.

So then why are you going back with him?

I mean, if it was really that bad.


with what just happened.

With us.

We have history.

And this is...

this is some weird fantasy.


we connected.

You know...

he doesn't deserve you.

He didn't even want you there, right?

Whoa, whoa, Guy, first of all, you don't know him, okay?

- And you don't even know me.

- Yeah.

Look, I'm not trying to be rude, but we're not a thing.



You're right, and...

when we get outta here, I'm gonna take you out...

When we get outta here, okay, you're gonna go back to your life and I'm gonna go back to mine.

And just act like none of this ever happened?

Obviously it happened.

Come on, I mean, we can't erase that.

And that's fine, really, all right, but it's not gonna change the way that I feel now and it's definitely not gonna change anything later.


why don't we think about it like this?

All right, now you have this crazy sex tale - that you can share.

- Okay, but like...

Don't you believe that this somehow, like, that all this was some sort of like...



It's so funny, it's like...

Like we're locked in this tiny little box but we're still a million miles apart.

Guy, come on.


It's fine.

Doesn't even matter.

We'll be fine.

Because we're honest with each other.

And that's the most important thing, right?

In every committed relationship?

You know, it's just...

there's just something about you that makes me want to be so honest with you.

I want to tell you everything.

I want to tell you things like...

I'm not new to the building.

I'm not an accountant.

My name isn't Guy.

What are you talking about?


I certainly have noticed you, Jennifer Robbins.

I didn't tell you my last name.

But not just a couple of times.

Try dozens of times.

Hundreds of times.


every single work day, in fact.

Let me see.



Arriving at 9:00 a.m.

Always the last one to leave.


7:00, sometimes 8:00.


You know, like tonight.

Right before you got into this elevator.

And how do I know all that?


building security guard sees everyone.

Notices everyone, watches everyone, knows all their comings and goings every f*cking day, but nobody ever f*cking sees us because we're f*cking, f*cking, f*cking, f*cking, f*cking, f*cking invisible!

You're a security guard?


Front desk.

Busiest place in the building.

Loneliest job on the planet.

But I know I wasn't alone in here.

I know I was looking into the eyes of another human being.


I know I was sharing an experience with you.

I was there.

Inside of you.

We were holding each other.


I'm not making that up.

I know you, Jennifer.

More than f*cking Derek knows you.

But that's not enough for you, clearly.

This wasn't enough for you, right?

Everything that I planned this weekend, for you!

For you, Jennifer.

For us.

Everything that happened.



if you wanna go, you can go.


Oh, my God.

You've had a key.

Am I insane?

You had me locked in an elevator?

Mm, yeah, I'm f*cked up, yeah.

I'm a f*ckin' assh*le, right?

Oh, my God, we f*cking had sex.

Who the f*ck do you think you are?

I'm gonna f*cking call the cops on you.

You're gonna go to f*cking jail.

You're going to f*cking jail for this, do you hear me?

You're gonna rot in f*cking jail!

I can't have that.


No, don't...








You broke it?

No, no, no.


f*ck you, you f*ckin' piece of shit!

I'll f*cking k*ll you!

Oh, hi, welcome back.

Safe to say, you didn't like my little icebreaker.

- Why?

- Hm?


I mean, come on, Jen.

What better way to meet a girl than to set up a situation where she has time to get to know you?

Away from distractions and text messages, to connect with another human being.

And now, here we are.

And not only have I achieved that, we practically had an entire relationship.


we met, we talked, we got to know each other, we f*cked.

We fought, we broke up.

All in a weekend, all in a room.

You're not gonna get away with this.

- Someone's coming.

- No, no, no...


No one's coming, Jen.

What about the other security guards?

- There has to be several.

- Well, since you asked, there were three of us scheduled for this holiday weekend, so first I told Phillip that I would take his shift, and then I told Eddie the same thing, and Eddie's got a hot new girlfriend, so, naturally, he jumped at the chance, so, no, Jen, no one is coming until Tuesday.

What are you gonna do?

You're stuck in here with me too.

Yeah, that's right.

You really f*cked it up for both of us, didn't you?

So I've gotta figure out what to do with you.

Because I'll tell you right now, I'd rather k*ll you than go back to prison.

f*cking monster.

- You're a f*cking monster.

- No.

No, I'm not.

See, I never forced you to do anything.

Anything you didn't want to do.

All I did was encourage the situation.

Encourage the situation?

You f*cking kidnapped me!


I did not kidnap you!

You liked me!

We connected, you b*tch!

But then, you f*cked it up!

I feel better.

I feel better.


Let's open some gifts.

Mind if I take a s*ab at what this is?

Let's see, was that a yes?


Well, I'm not going with Legos.

I don't know.


Let's see.

"To Derek, love, J." Nice and simple.

Mm, let's see.


You shouldn't have.

Is this a large...

it's a large!

No f*cking way.

I got an inkling that maybe...

you know what?

Let me see.

How's it look?


Who knew that me and Derek were the same build?


I guess you know now, right?

All right, your turn.

Come on, please.

Open the f*cking box.

All right.

I'm just gonna help you a little bit, you gotta do the rest yourself.

Open the f*cking present, Jen, open it!

It's the day of f*ckin' love.

Come on, go ahead.

What is inside?



What's this?

I've always wanted to try one of these guys.

And a really cool lighter.

How 'bout that?

Stop acting like I would f*cking hurt you!

What is it about cigars and guys?

We just f*ckin' love them, aren't they...

they're just like, there's like a fascination with them, you know?

They're just like so phallic.

It's like...

It's like you're sucking on a big, smoking d*ck, right?

You have any, um, raunchy sex stories?

With cigars?

I bet you do, right?


Put it in your mouth.

You look so f*ckin' sad!

Jen, it's really a shame, because I do think with all these nice gifts, you would've gotten Derek back.

Happy f*ckin' Valentine's Day, Jen.

I'm so sorry, Jen.

I lose it sometimes when I get mad and I scare you.

And I never wanna scare you again.

You think you can give us another chance?

You don't have to make any decisions right now, just... just think about it, okay?

Look at these two.

They're holding hands in the sunset.

Just pointing and smiling in their bathing suits.

Look so happy.

Sunny Sky Resort.

So beautiful.

I wanna take you there.

Yet here we are, under these obnoxious flickering fluorescents.

Except for this guy, this guy's not workin'.


Have to tell someone about that.

We should...

point this out to maintenance.


Now they're working.

Now they're definitely gonna have to replace that light bulb.

Unless they wanna replace the whole...

There's no screws.

There's no screws on this side.

I got a joke for you.

How many security guards does it take to change a light bulb?

None, because we're not f*ckin' janitors.

But janitors have to be able to change these lights.

There can't be a solid ceiling on the other side of this panel, right?

If I could just break through this panel.

Hang on.

Here we go.

Oh, yes.

Oh, my God!


Holy shit!

We're free.

Why the f*ck didn't I think of that before?


Can you give me a boost?

I'm gonna climb up through the shaft.

When I get to the lobby, I'll come back down and open the doors from the outside, I'll get you outta here, okay?

No, I think it's gonna be easier if you boost me.

- No, no, no.

- Think about it, I don't have enough strength to push you up, and...

and I'll do anything that you say, you just talk me through it.


No, that's a real climb.


I know where everything is already, so just...

I'm gonna get us out of here, okay?

I believe you but I'm just worried that when you get out, you're gonna change your mind, you're not gonna wanna come back for me.

You'll just leave me in here and you'll call the cops - or something.

- We're just gonna have to trust each other, okay?

I'm not gonna call the cops.

Who would even do that?

After everything that we've been through?

- I just wanna get out of here.

- I really want to, and I...

and I...

I don't want you to go to jail.

You know, you're right.

It was all a misunderstanding.

I'll get us out of there, and then...

and then we can go to the resort.

You know?

Sunny Sky Resort?


Put your left leg right here, here we go.

Okay, perfect.

Big step, up!

Come on, you got it, you got it, you got it!

Yes, yes, perfect!

Okay, hold on tight, I'm gonna put your foot...


Hold on tight, ready?

Now, right foot on my shoulder.

Perfect, okay.


And step up when you're ready.


Good, good, good.

Okay, keep going, nice.


Yes, yes, yes!


There's a door up there, right?


Okay, good, okay.

There's a ladder behind you.

Should be able to just push that door right open.

Okay, that ladder goes all the way up, you see it?


Straight up.

We did it!

We did it!

Oh, Jen, no, no, no, no, no, no, no...


You b*tch!

f*ck, f*ck you, you f*cking b*tch!

You f*cking b*tch!

I will f*cking get you, Jen!

I should've k*lled you!

I could have k*lled you!




Hey, Jen, hey!

Oh, you better run...

'cause now, you're gonna die.

Oh, shit!

You better f*ckin' run!


Come on.

Come on.

What are you doing?

Get back.

Get back.

You broke my nose!

Get off, you crazy b*tch!


What are you, gonna f*cking swim outta here?

All you're gonna do is get us soaked or electrocuted!

Are you listening to me?

Do you get it?

It's not going to work!

That should cue the fire department.

f*cking assh*le.

It's not gonna be long now.

Well, what now?

What's the plan?


No, Jen.


No, no, no, wait.

No, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, Jen.

Jen, look at me, no, no, no.

Stop, stop, stop, stop!

No, no, no.



I've never heard a grown man beg like that before.

Did you have something to say to me?

- Thank you.

- For what?

Thank you for not disfiguring me.

You know what we're gonna do?

You and I are gonna make a deal.

This is not gonna be one of those times when they finally find us, and then I call the cops, and it's your story against mine.


I want guarantees, 'cause you're gonna go to f*cking jail - for what you've done to me.

- Okay, okay, please, just please don't do it, okay?

It's Sunday, February 15th, and...

the only reason why I know this is because I saw it on my phone.

I have been trapped in a elevator with a man who claims to be the building security guard.

He says his name is Guy.

That's not right, is it?


What is your name?

It's John.

Your full name.

John Deakins.

So Deakins here, he's gonna tell us the truth about exactly what happened.

I caused us to get stuck in this elevator.

It wasn't an accident?

No, I did it on purpose.


I used my key to stop the elevator when you weren't looking.

Check out this guy.

Nice plan.

How did that work out for you?

Now, was I a willing participant in any of this?


Did you trap me in here?

- I didn't trap you...

- Tell the truth!


Yes, yes, yes, I trapped you.

- So you kidnapped me, right?

- Yes.

Yes, I kid...

I kidnapped you.

- Sit up.

- I can't... my f*ckin' back.

- Sit up.

- Okay, okay, okay.

Okay, okay, what?

- You hurt?

- Yes.


And did you hurt me?

When I was trapped in here?


How so?

I hit your head on the ground...

- and I choked you.

- And?

And I threw you against the wall.

So you've kidnapped me.

as*ault and battery.


Why do all of this?

Because I wanted to meet you, Jen.

So then why didn't you just ask me out like a normal human being?

Because you wouldn't have given me the time of day.

You woulda turned me down, and I wanted a guaranteed conversation with you, I wanted your undivided attention.

I think I deserve that, but no, I'm just a security guard, but guess what, no, I'm not..

I'm not, actually.

This was me.

This was my f*cking life.

John Deakins, EVP at Finnegan's, that's why you've never heard of it, because it's not in this f*cking building.

I used to brag the guys wanna be me at the company, the girls wanna bed me at the company.

You remember?

You remember that sex story I told you with the panties in the glove box?

That was true, Jen.

That... that hot co-worker of mine?

She wanted me.

John Deakins.

Number one with a f*ckin' b*llet.

But it's not the whole story, the whole story is that...

maybe it was the alcohol, maybe it was her being freaky in the car, but I missed that exit entirely and I drove right clean off it, right into a ravine.

I flipped my Audi seven times.

It would've been more if it wasn't for that tree.

The impact just obliterated her body.

Just k*lled her.

I had a bump on my forehead, that was my only injury, and then later, thanks to my f*cking amazing lawyer and because I'm John f*cking Deakins, I only got six months in jail.

But when I got out, because I was a convicted felon, I couldn't buy myself a job.

My savings finally ran out, and then, I finally bent over and got this security gig, not something that John Deakins 1.0 would've ever done.

After a few months of this shit, it was f*cking time.

I wanted to feel like me again, I wanted to be him, right?

To be me again.

I worked my whole f*cking life for it.

I just wanted to feel it, just for a little while.


Just why me?

Because you light up the entire building, you don't even know it.

You walked into the lobby in an orange jacket, I f*ckin' hate orange, it's the worst f*ckin' color in the world, but it didn't matter, 'cause it can't compete with you.

Anyways, that's why.

_ It's gonna be worth it when you see this view.

Is this it?

Are we almost there?

- So close.

- It better be.

Are you comin' or what?

Come on, baby, it's cold and wet and I'm exhausted!

Can't we just go back to your place?

No, no, no!

You're gonna love this!

Come on.

There's really no one here?

Already told you, just one of the dudes I work with.

Nothing to worry about.

He's harmless.

Yo, Deakins!



Rube, what are you doing?

I thought you said you wanted to see the roof!

No, I told you I was done.

This is stupid.

Hang here a sec.

Do not fall asleep.

Deakins, you decent, man?

Heads up, I brought in my girlfriend, so...

Hey, this is John.

Leave a message after the beep.

Holy shit.



Can you hear me in the elevator?




Can you hear me?

Is someone there?

Can you guys hear me?

- Hello?

- Hello!

Can you hear me?

Yes, I can hear you, I can see you.

- Is everyone okay?

- Yes!

- Please help me!

- Are you guys all right?

Get me out of here, please!

Okay, there's been a malfunction.

I can see that the power went out, and, uh...

Please hurry.

Hurry up, we're in here, please!

I'm gonna come down there, I'm gonna let you out manually.

Just hang tight.

Yes, please hurry, hurry!

Hey, Rube?

There's some people stuck in one of the elevators.

I'm gonna go down, see if I can get 'em out!


- Are you in there, Deakins?

- I'm in here, please, yes!

- I'm here, okay...

- We've been in here for days!

Please, just get me outta here!

Just, uh, hold on a sec, okay?




Okay, wait up!

Pull your hand back, okay?

Stay inside the cab!

- Careful!

It's not safe!

- Please!

Let me see if I can get this down the rest of the way first.

Yes, okay.


Are you okay?

Deakins, are you in there?

Hi, Eddie.

What the hell happened, man?

How long you been stuck in there?

- A while.

- Here.

Take my key.

Put it in the override.

It's not working.


Can you help?

All right.

Hang on.

I'm going to climb up and...

see if I can get this started.

Hang on.




What the hell?


Sorry, Eddie.






No, no!

No, no...

Hey, Jen.


I'm sorry, um, have you seen Eddie?

Eddie split.





Hey, Eddie.

Your girlfriend was looking for you.



I know it's been quite a past few days and I just want you to know, I never meant for this to, um, go so far.

I really do like you.

And I just think maybe in another life, you know, maybe...

f*ck it.







No, no, no, no, no!

No, no!
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