03x10 - Checks and Balances

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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03x10 - Checks and Balances

Post by bunniefuu »


Are you sure about this?

I don't like this idea.

I mean, we're doing fine.

The bills...

The bills are getting paid.

For now.

For now.

I'm a -year-old man working toward a retirement that will not pay the bills.

That's why we're doing this.

I don't like this idea.

- I know you...

I know.

- We've talked about this.

- It's gonna be fine, all right?

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Come here.

- All right.

Be careful.

- All right.




Over here!

- Get your hands up!

- Security!

Drop your...



- Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

- Don't sh**t!


Shut up!

Everybody shut up!

Let's go!

Move it!

Move it!

Come on!

- One minute!

- We gotta go!

We gotta go!


Come on!

Let's go!

♪ ♪ Oh, damn it.

I just realized I forgot to file the report before I clocked out last night.

Oh, yeah, I saw that on your screen.

I hit Send after you left.

It's in the file.

- Oh, great.

Thank you.

- Yep.

What can I get you?

All right, coffee's on me this morning.

- What's good here?

- Everything, honestly.

Okay, uh, let me get four coffees, three blueberry muffins, two cheese danishes to go.

You got it.

I'm sorry, um, are you all from the - ?


Do you know, um, Sergeant Clark?

I used to work with him in the st precinct.

No kidding?

Yeah, Clark got me onto the force.

Old buddy of my dad's.

Small world.

I'm Tiffany Wallace; This is my partner, Stuart Scola.

- Douglas Burke.

- Nina Lewis.

You're dressed pretty sharp for a Fed.

Thought you all wore the standard-issue G-man suit.

Well, after five years of wearing a uniform, you gotta take the opportunity to put your own spin on it, right?


- I don't blame you.

Yo, don't worry about it.

Yeah, our money's no good here.

He's right.

It's all right.



- Thank you.

- Yeah.

- So what was that about?

- What?

Paying for the coffee.

- It's bureau policy.

- We can't accept...

I know bureau policy, but for goodness' sakes, it was just a cup of coffee.

The guy was trying to be friendly.

You embarrassed him.

Made him feel like an idiot.

Well, that wasn't my intention.

Well, that was the result.


What the hell?

Okay, everyone.

This is a tough one.

You all know Howard Kirkland.

He worked security at Fed longer than any of us have been agents.

He was also working a second job at a check cashing center in Brooklyn.

And this morning, gunmen stormed that center, and Howard was k*lled defending the people inside.

I just talked to him last night.

He said that he was putting his retirement off for another year.

His wife had a stroke last month.

Anybody spoken to her?

NYPD has notified her.

She had just dropped him off.

Okay, we're taking the case, though, right?

Damn right we are.

What do we know so far?

MO matches two other robberies at check cashing stores in Queens over the past three weeks.

NYPD's Central Robbery Division has been investigating, but...

Right, but these guys are pros.

They cover their tracks well.

This is surveillance footage from the first two robberies.

Our robbers wear these animal masks to conceal their identities...

A rat and a dog.

The Rat controls the hostages while the Dog makes quick work of sh**ting out security cameras.

They're in and out in less than four minutes every time.

Which one shot Howard?

According to witnesses, the Rat.

Yeah, and this is the first time they've k*lled, too, which means they're escalating.

They'll sh**t and k*ll again.

Do we have any information to ID these guys?

They've been careful, managed to avoid getting caught on street cams so far.

The only thing I've been able to find is a tattoo.

Our robber in the dog mask has a crescent moon on his wrist, but it's not popping in the criminal database.


Yeah, that's something.

Let's reach out to local tattoo artists.

Maybe someone'll recognize something.

Everyone else, let's pull footage from the area around the robbery.

See if we can catch these guys coming or going.

All right, you guys head over to the scene.

Follow up with witnesses.

You guys collect any kind of information NYPD already has.

I want these guys in custody fast.

We'll take witness interviews.

Why don't you guys talk to the handling detectives, see if there's anything new to run on?

We're on it.

- Hey, Tiff.

- Hey.

- What are you doing here?

- What's up?

They got you working this one?



Um, the victim's actually one of ours.

- He worked at Fed.

- Yeah, we heard.

I'm sorry.

Frank Dixon.

This is my partner, Roger Palmer.

Palmer, this is Tiffany Wallace and, uh...

Stuart Scola.

You two used to work together?

Dixon was my training officer.

Yeah, you got a good one here, Stuart.

Yeah, we're lucky to have her.

So, um, catch us up.

What do we need to know?

Well, for starters, these guys are good.

They move fast, don't leave a lot behind.

Made off with grand this time.

- Any actionable leads?

- No.

We've interviewed almost witnesses since the first robbery; Nothing we can run on.

Look, I get that you lost a colleague today, but we've been working around the clock on this.

Not sure it makes sense for you to just take it from us.

Well, we got resources that you don't, and like Tiff said, he was one of ours.

Yeah, well, we're pretty invested in this case, that's all, so maybe we can work this together, huh?

Of course.

Yeah, we'll see.

Can't make any promises till we know what we're working with.


♪ ♪ Fair enough.

We'll get the files over to you ASAP.

- Good seeing you, Tiff.

- Yeah.


Didn't have to be so dismissive.

I was just being realistic.

More like arrogant.

You think you're better than these guys.

You do.

There's Betsy, Howard's wife.

I can't let you over there right now.

No, no, no, no, no.

We can't do that, ma'am.


My branch manager called me, freaking out, saying some guys broke in with g*ns.

Was it, uh, the same ones who hit those joints in Queens?

- You heard about them?

- Yeah.

Cops were in a few days ago, giving me the heads up, saying check cashing places were suddenly popular targets.

Wait, who got shot?

Howard Kirkland.

Your security guard.

He didn't make it.

He was a good guy.

Helped me, uh, beef up my security system.

Put in hidden cameras and a silent alarm.

You have hidden cameras in here?

Yeah, in the smoke detectors.

We're gonna need to see that footage immediately.

♪ ♪ Hey, did you get the security footage OA sent over from the robbery?

Yeah, Hobbs is sifting through it now, but we were just scrubbing video from the other two check cashing stores that got hit.

You got something?

- Think so.

- Goody.

What is it?

This is from the location of the first robbery...

Two days before the robberies started.


This woman just came in and wandered around.

Never cashed a check, never turned in a form.

Okay, you think she's casing the place.

Not just casing... filming.

We're pretty sure this is a spy camera.

- Cheap kind you get online.

- Hmm.

We checked for her at the second store.

- She was there too.

- Okay.

Two days before the place was hit.

Same necklace, same routine.

- Yeah, yeah.

You get an ID?

- Not yet.

We don't have a clear enough angle for facial rec because of the sunglasses, but I don't think she's one of our robbers.

I did a height comparison.

She's too short.

Okay, well, she could still be an accomplice, a sister, a girlfriend.

We find her, we can find out who she's working with.

We got agents checking with employees at each of the centers, seeing if anyone recognizes her.

Hey, pause it.

Zoom into the pen there.


- Platinum Royale.

- Right.

That's a strip club on the East Side.

I walk by the place sometimes on my way to the subway.

Just send the photo over to the manager.

See if she works there.

I went in for a money order and changed my mind.

Is that a crime?

- No.

- Armed robbery is.

See, every time you go into a check cashing center and change your mind, place gets robbed two days later.

So you ask me, that's a hell of a coincidence.

I don't know what to tell you.


Is that your little girl?

You know, if you freeze us out and we find out that you're involved in this, you're looking at , years on a second-degree m*rder charge.

Are you sure you wanna do that to her?

- What... m*rder?

- What are you talking about?

Your buddies shot a man in Brooklyn this morning...

A friend of ours.

I didn't have anything to do with that.

I swear.

I don't even know the guy.

Okay, well, tell us what you do know.

Who paid you to case those places?

I don't know his name.

He came into the club a few weeks ago, I gave him a couple of dances, and he offered me a job.

Said I could make a lot of money.

What did this guy look like?

Uh, salt and pepper hair.

Average height. ' ", I guess.

He had a tattoo of a moon or something on his wrist.

What did he ask you to do?

He gave me a necklace with the camera in it.

Told me to go to these addresses in Queens, all check cashing places, walk around, get as many angles as I could, and I would send the video to his phone.


I didn't know anybody would get hurt.

♪ ♪ We're gonna need that cell phone number.

- It's in my phone.

- Can I, uh...

Yeah, go ahead.

We'll also need a list of the check cashing places.


♪ ♪ Here's the list that he text.

Three addresses.

He never had you scope out a place in Brooklyn?


Just those three.

That means there's a place in Queens they had cased that hasn't been hit yet.

We should set up some surveillance.

Catch them in the act.

All right, so we can put cameras on both sides of the building.

One in the parking lot.

And inside if the manager's willing to cooperate of course.

Who's gonna say "no" to free surveillance equipment?

- [g*nshots]


Those are g*nshots.




Everybody, stay where you are!

Stay down!

Stay down!


Dispatch, we have sh*ts fired at Roosevelt Avenue in Queens.

Send backup immediately.


♪ ♪ Suspect is male, wearing a green hat, carrying a black backpack, heading south down Forest Street.

All right, people, the Dog and the Rat have struck again.

It's like a kid's book.

Two stores in one day.

Means they're getting greedy and, hopefully, sloppy.

Let's use this to our advantage.

So OA saw one of the robbers fleeing.

Did not get a good look at his face, but said he was wearing a green hat, a black backpack, and he swung a left on Forest Street.

Where are we with the street cams?

Pulled everything within a three-block radius.

- Caught this.

- Mm-hmm.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Green hat.

Can you zoom into his wrist, maybe?


- Crescent tattoo.

- That's our guy.

Aha, boom.

There it is.

Pulled the cab's medallion number.

Got access to the interior camera footage.

Okay, yeah, that's a good shot.

Can we run that through facial rec?

- Already on it.

- Of course you are.

There he is.

Justin Maynard.

years old, ' ", .

That makes him a physical match for the robber in the dog mask.

Maynard's got a pretty good rap sheet.

Armed robbery, violent as*ault.

Already been to prison three times.

- Really?

- You got a location on him?

Parole records show he works at a salvage yard in Queens.

Yeah, looks like that's where the cab dropped him off.

Okay, let's bring him in.

♪ ♪ What are they doing here?

I called them.

For what?

It was their case before we took it.

They deserve to be part of the takedown.

We're a go.



Drop the w*apon!

Is anyone else on the premises?



I got this.



♪ ♪ [g*nsh*t]

What the hell are you thinking?

What are you talking about?

He was sh**ting at us.

I was in your line of fire, Palmer.

- You could've hit me.

- But I didn't, so relax.

- Whoa, whoa, whoa, hey, guys.

- Calm down.

We got the bad guy.

That's all that matters, okay?

Playing games, and you know it.

He's got a lousy attitude.

No, he's a good guy and a good agent.

Just doesn't like b*ll*ts whizzing by his head is all.


Justin, we found the masks and the money at the salvage yard.

We're also minutes away from getting a ballistics match on your g*n.

This is your last shot at any kind of leniency, so you wanna tell us your side of the story?

I've got nothing to say to you.

You sure about that?

You really wanna risk life without for a m*rder your partner, Chris, committed?

What the hell are you talking about?

The guy your buddy shot this morning in Brooklyn was a federal employee.


That's not me.


Then who is it?

I don't know, but I've never been to that store.

So what, are you saying that Chris pulled this one off without you?

That's not Chris, either.

: this morning, we were at a diner in Queens having breakfast.


♪ ♪ You're not gonna believe this.

Maynard's alibi checks out.

Both he and Chris Wilson are on camera at the Sunshine Diner this morning.

They couldn't have been at the robbery in Brooklyn.

Yeah, well, ballistics tells the same story.

The g*ns found at the salvage yard were not a match to the g*n that k*lled Howard, but they were a match to the b*ll*ts recovered from the three locations in Queens.

But the guys from this morning's robbery, they had the same clothes, the same animal masks, even the same crescent tattoo on the wrist.

They're copycats.

So these guys who k*lled Howard are still running around out there.




Two different sets of robbers.

Maynard and Wilson did not k*ll Howard.

Okay, start looking into people with knowledge of the robbers' MO.

Yeah, already on it.

Got agents talking to associates of Maynard and Wilson.

And we're re-interviewing everybody that was present at the first two robberies.

Okay, great.

Hey, guys, I got something you wanna see.

I think the copycats may have just slipped up.

I went over hidden camera video from the Brooklyn robbery.

I found a detail that doesn't fit the original MO.


Well, wait a second.

That's acoustic tubing.

He's wearing an earpiece.

Yeah, I think I know what he's listening to.

These guys got out of there right before the cops showed up, so I synced up the timecodes to this audio.

All units, be advised, we've got a - on Jackson and th.

That's police dispatch.

- , Charlie responding.

We're one minute out.

These guys have a police scanner?

Yeah, except that's an encrypted channel.

You can't pick that up on a regular old scanner.

You have to have a dedicated police radio.

Are you saying these guys might be cops?

That's a pretty serious accusation.

Do we have any proof beyond the theory that they had access to the robbery case files?

- Nothing specific.

- But if you think about it, some of the details of the prior robberies were only known to the police.

Okay, start checking the logs.

Find out which cops had access to the robbery case files.

Dig into each of them.

Uh, should I loop in Detective Dixon?

No, let's keep this internal for now.

If the cops are involved, we don't wanna tip off the wrong person.

We need to wall off NYPD until we are absolutely certain.

That might be tough.

What do I tell the NYPD rep in the JOC?

Keep any reference to cops as suspects out of the JOC.

For now, they are simply robbers until we can prove otherwise.

- Right.


Last thing we needed was to give you another reason to hate cops.

I don't hate cops.

Seriously, I just didn't wanna waste time sharing info, witness statements, surveillance footage.

There's no point.

Look, I knew Howard well.

He was a good guy...

Like, a really good guy...

So I wanna do him right, Tiff.

That's it.

That's my only agenda.

All right, listen up, everybody.

This is not over yet.

Howard Kirkland's k*ller is still at large.

Now, our Brooklyn robbers somehow knew every detail of the original crime, so we need to go over everything from this morning's robbery with fresh eyes...

Witness statements, street cams, calls.

Look for anything that stands out from the three Queens robberies.

Leave no stone unturned.

Hey, what about those masks?

Our copycats had to get their hands on the exact same ones, right?

Uh, PD identified shops in the city that carry them, but detectives already canvassed them.

They didn't find anything.


You know what, send that list over to Scola and Tiffany anyway.

Have them re-canvas.

Maybe PD missed something.

This have to do with those robberies the cops are investigating a couple weeks ago?

We know you already spoke to the police about this.

Yeah, and like I told them, I haven't sold either of those masks before those stores got robbed.

But you sold them since?

- Yeah.

- Okay.

To who?

One of the cops.

Came back, bought both the masks.

Needed to "put it in the file" or something like that.

When was this?

- Three days ago.

- Maybe four.

Do you remember his name?


- Does this store have cameras?

- No.

We don't get a lot of people stealing stuff here.

Okay, what did this cop look like?

White guy.

Salt and pepper hair.


- How old was he?

- Maybe ?

Had these pretty blue eyes.

♪ ♪ Is that him?


That's the guy.

Son of a bitch.

I knew I didn't like that guy, Palmer.

We don't know for sure yet.

No wonder they wanted to hold on to the case, didn't want us digging into their investigation.

We don't know anything for sure.

Not yet.

Tiff, Palmer knew every detail of the robberies in Queens.

Then a few days before the robberies in Brooklyn, he bought the same exact masks they were using.

Look, he's our guy.

I'm not sure what this means about Dixon, but...


Dixon doesn't have anything to do with this.

Regardless of what Palmer may or may not have done.

You don't know that, Tiff.

Why do you think it's taken them so long to solve this thing...

Or not solve this thing?

I mean, we got to Maynard and Wilson in a day.

These guys are working on cases at a time with a tenth of the resources.

I know that you're still a cop at heart.

Like, I get that.

But the facts are the facts, Tiff, so the sooner you get on board here, the better.


What the hell does that mean?

I'm saying that I think your relationship with Dixon is clouding your judgement.

♪ ♪ Thanks.

Property clerk in Queens said that there was no mask ever logged into evidence.

Palmer never mentioned that he went back to the costume shop in any of his reports.

He bought the masks after he became familiar with the robbers' MO.

He's gotta be one of the perps.

Yeah, but we can't move on him just because he bought a couple of masks.

We need more evidence.

I mean, we have evidence, but it's circumstantial.

Look, Palmer's cell phone was turned off an hour before the robbery until an hour afterwards.

Also, he's the exact same build and height as the copycat in the rat mask...

The guy who shot Howard.

Plus he's got four kids, two ex-wives, and a lot of debt.

Yeah, that's probably not enough for a warrant on his house and locker, but we can bring him in, see if we can get him talking.

Uh, one problem.

Palmer's got an alibi.

NYPD report puts him across town the time of the robbery.

Says he was investigating a lead with his partner, Detective Frank Dixon.

Yeah, we think Dixon is the other copycat?

No, no way.

I know Dixon.

He's a good man.

Real police.

Uh, yeah, Tiffany's right.

He can't be the robber.

The heights don't match.

It doesn't mean that he's not involved.

He signed that report.

It means he's covering for Palmer.

Then he must've had a good reason.

All right, well, let's bring him in and see if we can get him to bust a hole in Palmer's alibi.

Dixon's been on the force a long time.

He's not gonna talk to us.

He'll plead the fifth, ask for his PBA lawyer.

Maybe we make up a story and try to box him in.

We could, but it's not gonna work.

Why not?

Police don't trust the FBI.

They don't like 'em too much either, so whatever we concoct, he's gonna see through it.

Just let me talk to him off the record as a friend.

See what I can learn.



Take Scola with you.

And, Tiff, keep your cards close to the vest.

If Dixon is involved, we don't want him to alert Palmer that we're investigating, yeah?

Hey, Scola.

What the hell's going on?

What are you talking about?

You and Tiff.

It's clear you're not on the same page.

That obvious, huh?

She, uh, she used to work with Dixon.

He was her training officer, and she loves the guy, so...


And you're not sold?

I mean, do you think he might be involved?

He seems like a nice enough guy, but you never know, right?

You know, when it's personal, it's easy to make a mistake you can't walk back from.

Just keep an eye out for her.


- Goes without saying.

- I know.

Wanted to say it anyway.

Sorry to drop in on you like this.

Oh, you know you're always welcome.

Y'all want some water or something?

- No, we're good.

- Agent Scola, right?

- Uh, Stuart.

- Oh.

You celebrating the arrest?

No, my daughter got into Harvard.

- What?

- Yeah.

That's amazing.


Hey, full ride.

Yeah, all she gotta do is show up.


Hey, I want to apologize for my partner.

He can be a bit of a cowboy sometimes, so I get where you're coming from.

I had a couple of his b*ll*ts whiz past my ear too.

- Appreciate that.

- Mm-hmm.

So about the arrests.

We were going over some of the paperwork you guys sent over...

- Mm-hmm.

- And saw that you followed up on a lead this morning?

Yeah, it didn't pan out.

Got a call on the tip line to meet a potential witness down at McCarren Park.

Come to find out the guy just wanted a free cappuccino.


For real.

Just some idiot looking for attention.

Who got stuck paying?

You or Palmer?


I did.

You didn't, uh, log a name for this potential witness.

Any reason for that?

Like I said, the guy was a nutjob.

Well, even so, in case there are discovery issues, we should have it in the file, so...

♪ ♪ Any chance maybe Palmer got the guy's info while you were grabbing his coffee?

No, he stayed in the car.

Hey, Tiff, this is me...

This is me you're talking to.

What the hell is really going on here?

All right, um, look, Dix...

We cannot get into specifics right now, but the report that you filed is connected to a pending matter.

Pending matter?

What the hell does that mean?

Just talk to me, Tiff.

I'll try to be helpful.

She can't.

Like I said, we can't get into specifics.



- Hey.

Can we convince you to stay for dinner?

Brianna would love to see you.

I'm sorry, Tracy.

We gotta get back to the office, and, um, finish up some paperwork, but let Brianna know that I said "congratulations," though.

- I will.

- Yeah?

All right.

Yo, what was that?

I needed to see if Dixon's involved.

- He's not.

- I already told you that.

There's no way in hell he's involved, and there's no way he would've covered for Palmer.

If you would've just let me tell him what's up...

He's lying, Tiff.

I just gave him a chance to walk it back, but he doubled down on his lie.

He said Palmer was in the car; He wasn't.

He was robbing a check cashing store, sh**ting Howard Kirkland.

You talked to him like he was a suspect.

What cop in his right mind is gonna lower his guard when you put him in a situation like that?

I'm just trying to get answers.

So am I!

And the best way to do that was to loop in Dixon, but you don't trust him, which means you don't trust me.

♪ ♪ Dixon didn't budge.

Said Palmer was in the car while he bought the potential witness a cappuccino.

- So he's involved.

- Not sure.

According to Tiff, it's doubtful.

More like impossible.

So where are we with the second copycat?

Any potential suspects?

Yeah, we dug into everyone who accessed the robbery case file, cross-referenced those names with phone and GPS records, and ruled everyone out except a guy named Kyle Webb.

Webb is a young detective with the Bronx robbery crew.

He's the right height, and his phone was turned off during the robbery, just like Palmer's.

Did we find a connection between these guys?


Palmer worked with Webb at Bronx Robbery for four years before he was promoted to Central.

And we ran Webb's financials.

He's broke.

Just applied for a second mortgage.

Do we have any evidence that actually connects him to the crime?

Uh, no, but he accessed the robbery files several times and wasn't even working on the case.

Look, I read his file.

He's not the smartest guy.

I mean, he failed his entrance exam twice.

I think we can trip him up and get him to talk.



- Detective Webb?

- Yeah?

- Special Agent Scola.

- This is Special Agent Wallace.

What's this about?

The robberies at the check cashing centers.

Not my case.

And I thought you already caught those guys.

We did, we're just talking to anyone who accessed the case files.

AUSA's gonna ask about the chain of custody, and we don't want any surprises if the defense files a discovery motion.


Your name came up on the log.

Can you tell us about your interest in the case?

I, uh, thought it might have some overlap with a case I caught three days ago...

Robbery of a cell phone store over in Allerton.

Couple of the details were similar.

If you caught the case three days ago, why'd you check the file five times before that?

Curiosity, I guess.

That all?

Should do it.

Thanks for taking the time.

Yeah, no problem.



Webb just sent a text message to a burner asking to meet at Madison Square Park at : p.m.

- Says it's urgent.

- Right on cue.

Webb's spooked.

He's running to Palmer.

We need to set up surveillance on that meet.

If Webb implicates himself, I want it on video.

Directional mic is hot.

We've got our eye.

How's our ear?

Audio's online.

♪ ♪ Webb just arrived.

No sign of his contact.

It's still early.

Look, about last night...

It's not that I don't trust you, because I do.

But if it turns out that Dixon isn't the guy that you think he is, I just don't wanna see that blow back on you.

I get that.

I just think we owe him a chance to come clean.

If he knew Palmer was a suspect in a robbery homicide, he'd walk his alibi back in a second.

Look, I know you have your doubts, but I don't.

I've got eyes on Palmer.

He's heading towards Webb now.

All right, copy.

Stay close.


♪ ♪ What took you so long?

What are you talking about?

It's :.

What's going on?

Feds came to the precinct.

They were asking about the ro...


- It's too loud.

- Can you get any closer?

Yeah, I'll try.

♪ ♪ - Hey.

- How're you doing?

Uh, one of those, please.


Then they knew I checked the case file, man.

- What do you want me to do?

- You need to calm down.

I have everything under control.

Stop stressing yourself out.

- The feds...

- Don't know anything.

- Come here.

- What?


Oh, what, you think I'm wired?


Not anymore, I don't.

Look, bro, everything's gonna be fine.

Just keep your mouth shut.

- What if they check the melt?

- Go home, okay?

Shut your mouth and go home.

"The melt." What's that about?

The destruction of evidence.

♪ ♪ This is it?

These are all the g*ns that were confiscated the last two months?

Yeah, we're shipping them out of state day after tomorrow so they can be melted down for scrap metal.

If you tell me what you're looking for, maybe I can help you find it.

Uh, we appreciate the offer, but we'll let you know if we need help.

Yeah, we're good.

Thank you.

Well, it's a great place to dump a w*apon if you wanna guarantee it's never found.

Yeah, I'll keep that in mind next time I decide to commit armed robbery.

I just don't understand why these guys would throw away their lives for grand.

It doesn't make any sense.

Oh, I used to work with guys like that back in Indiana.

Always wanting more.

They'll think that the badge gave them the power to control the narrative.

Clearly, these guys didn't think they'd get caught.

Totally arrogant.

- Mags.

- Mm-hmm.

Sig Sauer ..

.. Same make and model Webb used to sh**t out the security cameras.

No tag.

There was another g*n in here that was missing a tag.

Got it.

Nine-millimeter Beretta.

Same as the g*n used to k*ll Howard.

- Hey.

- So ballistics just came back.

g*ns were a match to the weapons used by the Brooklyn robbers, and Webb's prints were on both.

So there's no way to connect them to Palmer.

No, guy was smart.

Made Webb do the dirty work, knowing he'd be on the hook if anyone found the g*ns, and you can't wear gloves into an evidence locker without drawing lots of unwanted attention.

Okay, so let's go hard at Webb.

- Convince him to roll on Palmer.

- Right.

I'll reach out to the Chief of Detectives, let them know we're arresting one of their own.


♪ ♪ Teams check in with status.

Team one at green.

Team two at green.

Prepare to execute.



Hold the breach.

Hold the breach.

Is someone in that gray SUV?

Don't know.

Maintain the perimeter.

♪ ♪ Neighbors didn't notice anything suspicious.

- What'd you get from the M.E.?

- Nothing actionable.

Webb's injuries are consistent with a self-inflicted g*nsh*t wound.

So what do we got?

Found blood spatter on the passenger window...

Blowback from the entrance wound.

But see this defined edge here?

Indicates something was between the victim and the window when the g*n was fired.

Like a person?

It's possible.

You find any other evidence that someone else was in the car?


So far, only prints we're finding belong to Webb.

We'll let you know what we get off the w*apon, though.


Had to be Palmer, right?

Without Webb's testimony, we can't tie him to the robberies.

We got Dixon.

I can get him to cooperate, but you gotta let me do it my way.


Do I need a lawyer?

You might.

But I'm hoping that you'll level with us.

Why don't you and I just talk?

He can wait outside.


Anything you say to me, you can say to him too.

Look, I know you're trying to protect your partner, but whatever you're trying to cover for, this is not that.

We have evidence that Palmer's behind the robbery in Brooklyn yesterday.

He k*lled that security guard, Howard Kirkland, and then he k*lled his accomplice, another cop named Kyle Webb.

What the hell are you talking about?

You have proof of this?

But the feds...

Don't know anything.

- Come here.


- What, you think I'm wired?


Not anymore, I don't.

Look, bro, everything's gonna be fine.

- Just keep your mouth shut.

- What if they check the melt?

Go home, okay?

Shut your mouth and go home.

Two hours after that meeting where Palmer's obviously nervous as hell that Webb might roll, we found Webb dead.

♪ ♪ Is this why you came by last night?


You're Palmer's alibi.

For God's sakes, Tiff.

Why you just didn't tell me what was going on?

I thought this was about him trying to jam Palmer up over that sh**ting at the junkyard.

We couldn't risk you tipping off Palmer.

Tip him off?

You mean cover for him k*lling somebody?

Are you crazy?

- I don't know you, sir.

- Yeah, but she does!

Is that what you thought was going on, Tiff?

Of course not.

♪ ♪ Palmer wasn't with me at McCarren Park.

He said he was having girlfriend problems, asked me to cover for him for a half an hour, so I did.

I put his damn name in that report.

So you admit you falsified that report?



That should be enough for a warrant.


You should've just told me what was going on, Tiff.

I'm sorry.

You good?


Got a new owner, spent a lot of money, so don't be surprised to see 'em in the Series this year, Jimmy.

Detective Palmer.

- What do you want?


We're gonna need you to come with us.

Now is not a good time.

We're not asking.

You need to put your hands where I can see 'em.


♪ ♪ I said, hands, Palmer!

Put your hands where I can see them!

Trust me, you do not want to give me a reason to sh**t you.

♪ ♪ Roger Palmer, you're under arrest for the murders of Howard Kirkland and Detective Kyle Webb.

I don't know what you're talking about.

We found the stolen money from yesterday's robbery in your attic, traces of Webb's blood on a shirt in your bathroom.

There's been a mistake.

I was working yesterday morning.


'Cause your partner said you came in late.

You had a personal thing to take care of?

Looks like your alibi just went to hell too.

♪ ♪ You need any help with that?

No, I'm almost done.

Hey, uh, you decide what you're gonna do about Dixon?

What is there to do?

Well, he perjured himself in that report, obstructed the investigation.

Isobel already talked to the AUSA, and they're not interested in pursuing federal charges.

That doesn't mean that we shouldn't take it back to his department, right?

You told me that you left the NYPD to get away from the blue wall.

This is not about the blue wall.

It's about Dixon...


A good man and a good cop who was looking out for his partner.

So I'm not taking it back to the NYPD, but...

you know, if you want to, if you feel like it's necessary, then...

do what you gotta do.

We got the guy that m*rder*d Howard.

That's enough for me.

♪ ♪
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