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07x12 - Once Upon a Time

Posted: 04/06/21 07:15
by bunniefuu
I'll say this for your team...

They sure do know how to have a good time.

Well, it's a high-pressure job...

Letting off steam is important.


Still, must have felt like old times, everyone sharing a drink.

You know, it'll be a lot more important when we can open those doors again to the whole town.


- Amen, brother.


Fire extinguishers!


- You okay?

- Yeah.

What the hell was that?

I have no idea.

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ Bang, bang, bang, bang ♪

♪ Boom, boom, boom, boom ♪

♪ How, how, how, how ♪

♪ Hey, hey ♪

♪ You gotta come on. ♪


Hey, no fair brushing your teeth.



Too late.


Anyway, you know I don't play fair.

[SIGHS]: So... how we feeling

- this morning?

- [SIGHS]: I feel, um...



- Okay.


Mm, you?



Very good, but could always feel better.

You want to find out?



I think I'm gonna have to take a rain check.

Somebody tried to torch Pride's bar.

Damn it.

Uh, you know, we work with trained investigators.

They're gonna notice you wearing yesterday's clothes.

- Do you have a shirt that I could borrow?


Yeah, as long as you promise not to look better wearing it than me.

In there.


To your left.

- Yep.


- Here?




- It's lucky you were still down here.

I mean, the whole building could have gone up in flames.

Do you think this could've been those cops you got fired from the NOPD a few months back?

I'm not ruling it out, but I doubt it.

They ran enough investigations to know that most urban arsonists get caught.

Could the attack have been directed at the food pantry?

Oh, wait.

There was a guy in here a couple of weeks ago, refused to wear a mask...

Threw a fit when I kicked him out.

Well, hell, give me the name, I'll have the team check him out.

Look, I don't think there's any way that you guys are gonna be able to open today.


I called St.


They said we could send folks to them.

And I already got an appointment for someone to fix that window.

RITA: You just focus on figuring out who did this.


You find anything, Sebastian?

Well, couple pieces of the bottle are still intact, but given the heat of the fire, I don't think I'm gonna be able to pull any prints.

Pride, everybody okay?


We're all fine.

Carter's canvassing the block... he's gonna see if anyone can I.D.

that vehicle that you heard.


A*F's letting us handle the investigation, but we need to coordinate with them.

You know, there have been other firebombs in the area

- the last few weeks.

- I remember that.

What, a couple up in, uh, Jefferson Parish?


- Were there any casualties?


When they were hit, they were both empty.

Three in a few weeks seems like too many to be completely coincidental.

Yeah, agreed.

All right, so, here we go.

So, have Gregorio get in touch with A*F, see what they got.

Got to figure out

- what the connection is.

- I'll look through our NCIS cases.

The M.O.

doesn't ring a bell, but...

I'll do some digging.

SEBASTIAN: I'll go, uh, analyze the accelerant.

Might give us a better idea of how sophisticated

- the attack was.

- Let me know.

Give me a call if you need anything, okay?


Thanks, Sebastian.

I will.


GREGORIO: If you can send us everything you have, that'd be great.

Yeah, thanks.

All right, bye.

- A*F?

- Yeah.

The firebombs in Jefferson Parish hit a women's shelter and a rec center, so there's no apparent connection to, um...

Pride or NCIS.

- But...

- What?


Your shirt.

The buttons are on the other side.

That's a man's shirt, right?




Yeah, yeah, it's, um, Ryan's, back of the closet.

Oh, you still have your ex's clothes in the back of your closet?

- Yeah.

- PATTON: Hey.

- I may have something.

- Hey.

That was fast.

When have you ever known Triple P to be slow?

Especially when someone in the family's being targeted.


You're blazingly fast all the time.


And your man Carter, he found a woman up the block who heard the bar window break.

Just as she looked out,

- she saw a van race away.

- She get a plate?

No, but she got the name off the side of the van.


"Hope Now Foundation."

PATTON: Yeah, it's a nonprofit organization.

They do a lot of community outreach.

I just spoke to them, and they said one of their vans was stolen last night.

That is so low.

Stealing from a charity.

All right, let me go over there now, see if they had any security cameras out front.

Um, but do me a favor,

- send me the address.

- You got it.

And I'll let them know you're on your way.

I'm gonna let Pride know.

You know, it's kind of funny that your ex left that particular shirt, because I'm pretty sure Carter has the same exact one.



- Yeah.

- Guys.


You the federal agents?

Special Agent Tammy Gregorio.

This is Special Agent Pride.


Ollie King.

I run operations for Hope Now Foundation.

We heard you had a van stolen last night.


I'm kind of surprised that would interest NCIS.

You think someone's trying to turn it into a boat?

Uh, we believe it might have been used in the commission of a crime.

- Ah, yes.

- Do you have any security cameras

- in this lot?

- Not back here.

Only up by the loading dock.

I can show you, get you the tape,

- if you think that'll help.

- Great.

- Yeah?

- Yeah.

What do y'all do here?

We do all kinds of outreach, but meal delivery's been our priority.

Did the thief take anything other than the van?

I mean, there's not much to take inside, but there's no sign

- anyone even tried to get in, so...

- Huh.

Uh, pardon me.

I don't know, I mean, he's...


- You know her?

- Yes.

That's Sasha Broussard.

GREGORIO: Why is she not in jail?

She got an early release.

Population reduction due to COVID.

Pride, she tried to have you k*lled.

Couple of times.


Hello, Dwayne.


I figured it was only a matter of time before you showed up to check on me.

It's hard not to think that this is a front for criminal activity, just like your last charity.

Well, like I told you when you visited me in prison, I've turned over a new leaf.

Fool me once, Sasha.

I have made a lot of bad choices, and it may take me years, but I'm gonna make up for all of that.

I'm gonna show the people of New Orleans that I've changed.


I don't know why I waste my breath.

You'll never believe me.

- Because I've learned, the hard way.

- Mm.

What do you want, Dwayne?

I want to see you back behind bars.


Well, unfortunately for you, my release was unconditional.

And I'm sure as hell not gonna give you a reason to put me back inside.

Well, then firebombing my bar

- was a big mistake.

- What are you talking about?

You could have k*lled my family.

Whoa, whoa.



Whatever happened had nothing to do with me.

A witness identified your van.

- The one that was stolen last night?

- [CHUCKLES]: What, I'm supposed to... believe that that's just a coincidence?

Look, Dwayne, I am many, many things, but I'm not stupid.

Why would I use a van connected to me to attack you?

If you want me to think that you had nothing to do with it, then give me a list of everyone here who had access to that van, and I'll figure out who's responsible.

I'll give it to you right now.


I really have changed.

Let's go.

- Thanks.

- Sure.

Half expected you to bring the Broussard woman out in cuffs.

Wish it was that easy.

Think she's involved in the firebombing?

I don't know.

I've made the mistake of trusting her when I shouldn't have once already.

But she insists she's a changed woman...

gave me a list of everyone who had access to the vehicle.

Just spoke to a volunteer who said a couple of rough - looking types have been seen around here a few times, had a few meetings with her.

- Did you get their names?

- No.

But that building across the street has a security camera that's aiming right into the Hope Now parking lot.

I was just gonna go talk to the owner.

Okay, good.

You okay?

She's just been messing up my life for a long time.

That she has.





Broussard, how much did you know about the criminal syndicate your family was running?

- SASHA: Please excuse me.


Do you think you're in danger?

- Have you spoken to your father?


- Let her through, guys.

- Deputy Pride, your investigation brought down the Broussards.

Do you think their sentences were fair?

Sasha, the public wants to know if they're finally safe.

- Want me to get you out of here?

- Yes, please.

- Where to?

- Anywhere but here.


I understand the need to reduce the prison population right now, but I can't believe they released someone who tried to k*ll a federal agent.

Yeah, well, we never had enough solid evidence to charge Sasha with the hit.

So we got her on criminal conspiracy.

And you think she's behind the firebombing, that she came after you again?

I'm sure of it.

She really hurt you.


Sasha always said that she was different than her family.

And I believed her.

The fact that I trusted her made it possible for her to take over the Broussard Syndicate.

You can't blame yourself for that.

Why stop now?

A charitable organization was the perfect cover for her the first time.

Though not sure running the same scam again seems that smart.

Yeah, well, leopards don't change their spots.

Tell you what.

How about I take care of the dishes?

I know you've been wanting to finish that book.

You know a phone works both ways, Mom.

If Dad wants to talk to me, he can call.

Look, if I'm stubborn, it's because I learned it from him and you.


Hey, I got to go.


I'll give him a call.

Yeah, love you, too.

Oh, I wish my regular

- dry cleaner made house calls.

- Oh.

I paid extra for the one-hour service.

Thank you.

It's probably better than bringing it back to me at work, huh?

Yeah, it doesn't really matter.

Tammy kind of figured things out.

I guess it's pretty hard to keep secrets when you work with a profiler, and, uh...

- So what does that mean for us?

- I don't know.

Things can get messy when you're seeing a coworker.

It can.


So are we just gonna stand here in the doorway, or are you gonna invite me in?

Hey, P.

You get a chance to look at that security camera footage?

I'm going through it now.

You were right.

That camera had a pretty good view of the Hope Now parking lot.

Any luck spotting the dangerous-looking type that the volunteer told me about?

Not yet, but I'm pretty sure I know who stole that van.

The guy who firebombed Pride's place?

More like the kid.

Guessing he's not even .

GREGORIO: You I.D. him?

I've been going through the list of volunteers and employees that Sasha Broussard gave Pride.

Nothing so far.

Hey, you were around when Pride arrested her, weren't you?

Wasn't long after I started here.

Were they friends before all that or something?

- They were friendly.

- Mm.

But anyway, that was a long time ago.

Pride was with the sheriff's department.

He busted her whole family.

It always felt like something pretty intense went down between them.

Yeah, was a whole lot of bad blood.

- Mm.

- Some personal, some about how that family messed up New Orleans.

All right, well, let's help him put that chick back where she belongs.

What do we got?

- Hey, Pride.

- Morning.

We learn anything new?

Yeah, I actually went over those files that A*F sent over on those firebombings.

This is what was left of the women's shelter and the rec center.


Burned to the foundation.

I guess Jimmy and I were lucky

- we were still cleaning up last night.

- Yeah.

A*F have any suspects?

None so far.

But here's the interesting part.

Both these facilities were owned by Hope Now.

PRIDE: Sasha's charity and my bar both att*cked with the same M.O.

I think we are well outside the world of coincidence.

Can we tie them together with the chemical signatures of the bombs?

Yeah, actually, I got the files on both.

I was about to head over to the lab to compare them, see if they're the same.

Okay, I'll need those answers as quick as possible.

Yeah, I'm on it.

Why would Sasha attack her own properties?

Insurance is the obvious answer.

Yeah, but torching two of them would just make the insurance companies suspicious.

She's smarter than that.

Well, if she was doing something shady, she was hiding it well.

I've been looking into Hope Now.

- It all looks legit.

- Yeah.

Well, whatever she's up to, it's not gonna be easy to find.

I got a little lucky five years ago.

Not sure what she did in prison, but I am sure that she spent time figuring out how

- to hide things better.


We know who stole the van from Hope Now.

HANNAH: Looks like a teenager.

We went through every name on the list that Sasha gave us.

He doesn't work or volunteer there.

Young to be creating that kind of destruction.

GREGORIO: You don't have to be sophisticated to burn stuff down.

I'll show this to Broussard,

- see if she can get an I.D. on him.

- I'll do it.

Hannah and I can do it.

No, no.

Just send me the picture, Gregorio.

Thank you.

Okay, boss.

SASHA: It's been crazy since the trial started.

I'm staying at a hotel just to avoid all the reporters.

Well, hopefully, that'll all get back to normal

- now that it's over.


I'm not sure I really know what normal's like.

Well, I find that good food helps.

Well, this meal certainly did.


Um, your wife won't be wondering why you're not home for dinner?

Not tonight.

Dessert menu, sir?


Well, it's a little strange eating with the sheriff that brought down my family.

Well, can't say that I'm sorry about that.

Honestly, me, either.

- Really?

- My father, my uncles, my cousins...

They're getting what they deserve.

I've had my own problems with family.

Oh, I know all about Cassius Pride.

- Oh.

- Is this your form of rebellion?

I was, uh, never anything like my father.

Me, either, but just because I wasn't involved in my father's crimes doesn't mean I'm not paying the price.

Picking up all the pieces of the mess he created.

Does that have to be your responsibility?

All those mothers, wives and children being left behind need someone to take care of them.

It just seems like a lot to take on.

Would you do any less?


Well, we don't get to pick our family.

If we did, would any of us have the ones that we do?



PRIDE: Excuse me.



What is it, Dwayne?

I told you I don't know anything about...

Who's this?


I don't know.


Cousin maybe?

I said "I don't know." This is who stole your van.

If you want me to think that you're innocent,

- you'll help me catch them.


You know what, I'm so tired of trying to make you listen.

Well, I'm gonna keep asking till I get the truth.

You can ask as many times as you want, it's not gonna change my story.

- Get down!





Someone just tried to k*ll us.

It's time to drop the pretense that you have no idea what's going on here.

They've been here before.


They wanted to buy properties from Hope Now.

Which properties?

The ones that got burned down.

To do what with them?

I don't care, and I didn't ask.

Listen, I told them "no," and they returned a week later.

They threatened me, which really pissed me off.

Will you stop wasting my time and just tell me who they are?

They're former associates of mine from before I went to prison.

Broussard Syndicate members?

Well, they used to be.

With me out of the way, people stepped up, they filled the void.

Well, your family wasn't always filled with the brightest lights.

- Thank you.

- But firebombing your property, sh**ting at you in broad daylight...

That's a big risk.

This has got to be about more than just a couple of guys wanting to buy some buildings.

How many times do I have to say it?

I'm not a part of that world anymore, and I'm just trying to turn my life around.

What you got, Carter?

NOPD's got a BOLO out on the car.

Guy across the street is gonna pull the video from his camera.


Says Hope Now is a nuisance.

Not exactly the rep you were going for, is it?

Well, I can't control my relatives.

You should know that better than anyone.

I need names.

Elias Watkins.

One of the cops who works the beat said he saw Watkins coming out of here last week.


That who came by to thr*aten you...


Tell me, or I will find a reason to take you back to prison.

I can deal with Watkins, Dwayne.


We will find him.

And this is police business.

You stay out of it.

Okay, thanks.

- Watkins isn't at home.

- HANNAH: Hey.

Carter's Intel from that cop may have been wrong.

Watkins got into plenty of trouble when he was young.

When Sasha was running the family?

Yeah, but his record's been clean ever since.

So Sasha going to jail motivated him to figure out how not to get caught?

Or he just might be some icky law-abiding citizen that owns a strip club.

Why is it no one we look for runs a frozen yogurt shop?

'Cause there is no money in it.

I'm sure Pride and Carter are gonna be excited to look for him at Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance.

- Oh?

Was "Dance, Dance, Dance" taken?

- Mm-hmm.


So, you gonna tell me what's up with you and Carter or what?



Well, I'm just gonna say one more thing: that keeping secrets hurts a team.

Hey, have you ever known me to do anything to hurt this team?

- No.

- Never gonna let that happen.


Because you're gonna come clean?


What's up, Patton?

You got something?


Been trying to I.D. our young van thief.


I'm not done.

PATTON: Struck out using facial recognition in the law enforcement database.

But lookee here.

Sometimes the answer's right under your nose.

He wasn't listed on the volunteer list that Sasha gave us.

Yeah, 'cause he visited with the school group.

You got a name?

Connor Davenport.

We were right.

He's years old.

But he's been in no trouble that I could find.

Looks like he's scribbled all over that clean sheet.

- Where's he live?

- Metairie.

Pride's already driving in the opposite direction.

We'll call Pride from the car.

Let us know if you find anything else about that kid.

Okay, call me after you talk to him.


Yeah, and I have no idea who it is.

I don't remember having a problem with anyone named Davenport.

Maybe it was just teenage mischief.

Yeah, well, his connection to Sasha's charity makes me doubt it.

I know you.

Dwayne Pride, right?

Shouldn't you be playing a piano somewhere?

Special Agent Carter.

Got some questions for you, Watkins, about a sh**ting across town.

It's a dangerous city we live in.

Afraid I don't know anything about it though.

Target was Sasha Broussard.

I thought you put her in prison.

Stop playing stupid.

She told us you tried to buy some properties from her.

So what?

- She said no.

I moved on.

- Really?

Because those same properties got firebombed and someone took a shot at her.

Look, if you're not arresting me, I got places to be.

Plenty of folks have beef with Sasha Broussard.

Seems like you'd top the list.

Let's go, boys.

I think the tall guy was the sh**t at Hope Now.

I mean, it happened pretty fast, but...


He's definitely trying not to get noticed.

- Get their attention.

- Yeah.


- Watkins!

When I come back...

I'll be needing some answers.

Call my lawyer.

I'm sure he'll have some thoughts.


Got him.


If we can prove he's the sh**t, might be the break we need.

- Can I help you?

- Hi.

I'm, uh, Special Agent Hannah Khoury with NCIS.

This is Tammy Gregorio.

We're here to speak to Connor.


We just need to talk to him.

He's only , so you should be there.

HANNAH: Rabbit!






Guess Rabbit knew the neighborhood.


Hello, Dwayne.

How are you?

Uh, Sebastian told me he had something for me.

I didn't ask why you're here.

I asked how you were.

You heard about Sasha.


I knew she'd been out a couple months.

Didn't make her crossing my path any easier.

How'd that go?

Same as it always does.

She lied, I got angry.


Do you think she's behind that young man attacking your bar?


I doubt it.

Sasha's trouble, but it doesn't make sense for her to come after me like that.

A lot of history between you two.


At this point, Dwayne, it-it's okay to wonder if, uh, you really dealt with it.

And if you didn't, what are you gonna do now?

That, I don't know.


Uh, just a second, if you can.

This is Dr. Wade.


Yes, I included that in my email.

Let me double-check my numbers.









- Mmm.






- Mm.

- Mm.


what's the plan?

- Uh, well, breakfast.

- Mm-hmm.

And then maybe a shower.

Or... are you more of a bath guy?

Well, I'm talking about you and your being back in New Orleans plan.




Yeah, I feel a little bit like...

Jimmy Stewart in It's a Wonderful Life.

You got a dream and a giant suitcase?

- Something like that.



What's the dream?



I wanted to live overseas, you know, and just absorb that kind of life.

But now I am... stuck here, taking care of folks that I barely remember.


Families come with burdens.

No doubt about it.

Yeah, but...

you managed to overcome them.


"Overcome." That's a big word.

I wrestle with my father's shadow all the time.

The key is to just...

take it day by day.


What's the first step?

Well, housing near good public schools.

None of them can afford the private schools that they were in.

Education is gonna be the only path out for these kids, so...

I got a friend.

- Mm?

- A developer.

He's got a project that just might fit the bill.

I'll introduce you.

Dwayne, thank you.

I wish that the Broussard men had tried to be more like you.


Maybe you can give us a list of his friends and their numbers.

I will, but...


When I went to get my phone...


Connor took the cash I keep in the cabinet for emergencies.

How much did he take?

A little over $ .

Well, that won't get him far.

[SIGHS]: Oh, God.

Running away, stealing.

This is not like him.

Connor is a good boy.

Do you know an Elias Watkins?


Do you know of maybe any adults that Connor maybe was hanging out with?



Connor's father in the picture?


I'm sorry.

I had to ask.

Look, I'm a single mom.

- We do the best we can.

- Yeah.

But I'm telling you, Connor wouldn't hurt anyone.

He's into music, huh?

Yeah, it's his passion.

He's really good at it.

GREGORIO: Well, maybe one of the kids that he plays with could tell us maybe where he went?


He's close with his bandmates.

Let me get some paper.

I'll write those names down for you.

She waited a beat too long before answering about the father.

Yeah, I'll have Patton deep-dive on her, see what he can find.

So, these are the chemical signatures of the firebombs that destroyed Sasha's properties.

Good news is they match a series of firebombs in the A*F database.

- Bad news?

- Bad news is that they have a suspect but not enough to make an arrest.

This looks like the guy who tried to sh**t me and Sasha.

Yeah, or just tried to sh**t Sasha and you happened to be there.

On a related note, this is the chemical signature of the firebomb that got lobbed into your bar.

Well, it's not like the others.

No, it's not nearly as lethal.

Two attackers?

Dalton Bonet and, uh, an amateur?

Yeah, I mean, that kid that ran away from Hannah and Tammy could fit the bill.

Sasha's places and my bar both firebombed.

There's got to be a connection.

We just haven't found it.

Yeah, it's like this big puzzle.

She's this...

horrible hairy spider in the middle of it.

Who am I in the story?


obviously, you're, uh...

That's a metaphor that got away from me, so let's just...

Let's just leave it there.


- Because...

- Okay.

- Yeah, 'cause if she's...

Uh, Patton.

I got to take it.



- What's up?

- Hey, Pride.

Hey, man.

I've been digging into Connor's mom, Molly.

What'd you find?

She's been living in the Metairie house for ten years.

But, try as I may, I can't find any evidence of Connor living there until about five years ago.

Five years?

Yeah, that struck me, too.

That's right around the time Sasha went to prison.

You know, I checked the visitation records.

Molly went to visit Sasha every month.

Uh, let me guess.

She brought Connor with her every time.


Connor Davenport is Sasha's son.

Oh, I'm-a let you be the one to draw that conclusion.


Why'd Sasha's son try to k*ll you?

You got me.




I'd have you guess my news, but you'd never get it.


No, actually do guess because that will make it much more fun.

What's wrong?

What happened?

No, uh...

There's nothing...

wrong, it's just...

I went to see my daughter today.

She asked me when I was coming home.


That must have been hard.


And it got me thinking.

You're turning over heaven and earth for a family you barely know, and...

I'm not sure I'm putting in the same effort for my own.

- Dwayne?

- So, I took a job...

with NCIS here in New Orleans.

I'll have more control of my hours, and it'll give me the time and the energy that I need to...

try and put my family back together.

- Back together?

- I talked with Linda.

She's agreed to give our marriage one more try.


You didn't waste much time, did you?

Sasha, I'm sorry.

Without you, I never would've realized...

- Oh, God, stop.

- Laurel...

is seven.

She needs...

I don't care about Laurel or Linda.

And I sure as hell do not care about you.

- Sasha, please.

- No!


Are you all right?

- She tried to tell me.

- Who?


She tried to tell you what?

She has a son.

And I think he might be mine, too.

So, what are you gonna do?

I have to talk to Sasha.

See if it's true.

You might want to ask her what she said to the young man to make him want to throw a Molotov cocktail into your bar.

Well, that, too.

But I just, I just wanted to come home and tell you first.

It's just...

Even though I don't know for sure if it's true, I just...

I just wanted to talk it through with you.

I-I'm not mad, I...

PRIDE: Well...

I'm not gonna lie.

That's a relief.

- But I am surprised.

- Well, me, too.

I worked my whole life to not be like my father, and here I am abandoning my own son.

A son you didn't know you had.

It's not the same at all.

I just can't believe that she wouldn't tell me.


Well, I think history has shown that she's...

a complicated woman.

I mean, half of her family was in jail, and in the moment, it probably felt like you were abandoning her, too.

Just wanted to do the right thing.

For my family.

Did you?

Linda and I were together for ten years after I broke it off with Sasha.

And divorced almost immediately after Laurel went to college.

I mean, it begs the question of whether you really came back to save your family, or to just be there for Laurel?

Does it matter?

It did to Linda.

You did what was right for Laurel.

Sasha did what she thought was right for her baby.

If that was even what she was gonna tell me.

And if that is what she was gonna tell you, are you rooting for any particular outcome?

I just... I just want what's best for us.

In this situation, that ship might have sailed, Dwayne.

But I'm a big girl, and I'm not going anywhere.

Find out what the truth is, and we'll...

figure out how to move forward.



No, thank you.

Well, I was hoping you'd finish it so I wouldn't feel guilty about dumping it in the drain.

Well, I think you can waste cents worth of coffee with a clear conscience.


I know you know.

So you don't want me to play dumb?

- It's really beneath you.

- Mm.

I already gave Hannah my piece, and I'm not gonna interfere.

- Thank you.

- Except I feel that it'll be less complicated if it's not hidden.

Well, we don't plan to keep it a secret forever.

No, we're gonna put it on record with HR, if it turns out to be real.

- Okay, cool.

Fair enough.

- Okay.

But I'll rip your lungs out if you hurt her in a jackass kind of way.

Good old-fashioned heartbreak gets a pass, I assume.

As long as it's yours.

She's special.

I know.


I'm not so sure about.


Hey, good news.

You make other plans for Thursday?


No, I'm gonna be home.

It's game night...

You, me and Kara.

- It's go time.

Go Fish this time.

- Yeah.

- We're gonna...

- What's your good news?

All right, so our canvass of the area around the firebombed women's shelter found a witness.

They said they saw Dalton Bonet there in the area right before the place got torched.

Not enough for a conviction,

- but certainly enough to rattle his cage.

- Yeah.

Figure I'll go grab Hannah, and we'll go pick him up.

- Okay.

- You know, I was just there.

I'll get her, and we'll go.


Be good.



You guys are acting strange.

Says the guy who likes his bread toasted but not too toasted, because it's rough on his teeth.

It is.

- Get me some coffee, would you?

- No.




You know what, I think I'm gonna need

- that warrant after all.

- Is Connor my son?


Why didn't you tell me?


You were going back to your wife.

Would me telling you have made any difference?


But I had a right to know.

No, you didn't.

It would've put him in danger.

Bad enough that he was a Broussard, but to be the son of a federal officer...

Every lowlife in New Orleans would've tried to use him for leverage.

I would...

I would have protected him.

And you.

You would've taken him from me, the minute you could have.

I have spent my whole life trying to keep Connor safe.

Ever since I've been out of prison, I'm just trying to make a new life for the both of us.

Why did he firebomb the bar?

He's always wanted to know who his father was.


And he's been with me a lot since I got out, and he found some papers that I'd kept, just in case.

And he got angry?

At you?

At me?


Where is he?

[VOICE BREAKING]: I wish I knew.

I-I don't know.

I agree with Tammy.

I mean...

we should, at the minimum, let Pride know.

What, that we're sleeping together, or that we're...


- You just break out into a cold sweat?

- Might have.

I mean, this is all new for me.


Me, too.

Dating a coworker?


Just thinking about having a relationship with someone who's obviously so bad at it.


I really am.



HANNAH: Backup's here.

Time to pick up Dalton Bonet.

More later?

More later.

I'm gonna get these uniforms and head out back.

- We'll take the front.

- Sounds good.



