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01x06 - Trouble Comes Sideways

Posted: 04/05/21 09:39
by bunniefuu
People long for life before the Freeze.

But I dunno.

I might like this life better.

I think of me mum.

Chain-smoking at the kitchen table, fresh bruises under last night's makeup.

"Keep your head on a swivel," she'd say, "'cause trouble comes sideways." It's a zero-sum world now.

You set a thing in motion and watch it tumble down the line.

All that's comin' is comin' head-on...

...the whole great shitshow flattened down into a single line.

To climb, someone else falls.

To gain, someone else loses.

And roundy-round we go.

1,001 cars long.

Subtrain, platform 312.

Electrical short.

I'll go.

Sure, have all the fun jobs, man.

And you don't even have to follow protocol.

Isn't that nice?

What do you want, Javi?

You wanna invoke Wilford's "no fraternizing in the Engine" rule, - is that it?

- Hey, when she first took this train, she said we'll follow His order.

But I guess she can turn a trial into a total sham.

You can shag the help, too, right?

You know, Javi, it's almost been seven years.

Maybe you should find a girlfriend.

Only I'd have to lie to her, too.

Focus on your breath.

You're squirming.

Be in the moment.

Yep, I'm in the moment.


some other moments I kinda need to be in.


Are your eyes open?


You're useless!

You can't even try?

I'm sorry, Jinju.

Just not feeling it today.

- Mm.

- Heard about the strike?


- Yeah.

Can you zip me?

- Mm.


They're circulating all through Third.

It's blowback from the trial.


They can cr*pple every system on the train.

Yes, they could.

They'd suffer along with the rest of us.

They're putting the g*n to their own head.

Well, it seems like, to pull the balance of power their way, they're willing to risk it.

What are you gonna do?

I'm going to crush it.

Oh, hey!

I forgot to ask you.

How was last night, with Till?


There was no last night.

She never showed up.

That's weird.

Ah, Brakeman Till.

Where have you been?

I looked for you all night.

And why is that, then?

Listen, Osweiller, I'm sorry about what happened.

I made a split decision, - a bad dec...

- Shh, shh, shh, shh.

No, we've got time for that later.

We have law enforcement work to be doing.

Follow me.

Fix yourself up, yeah?

It's okay.

You're okay.

It's okay.

You're awake.

You're just dreaming.

You were dreaming.

How'd I get here?

Josie brought you.

She said they put you in a drawer.

Andre, what happened.

What did you do?

What did I do?

I did what they asked me.

I solved their crime.

Then why would they punish you?

Careful what you wish for, huh?

You drag me out of the Tail, hm?

You tell me that you love me?

- I almost believed it!

- So did I!

- We ended that night!

- I don't wanna talk about that night!

You should've kept your hands clean!

You should've left me out of it!

Then, all of this rage that you feel, all of the blame, - then it would've been pure!

- Andre!

Are you gonna turn me in?



Corrupt Wilford whore!



- Uhh!

- Silence!

It has come to Mr. Wilford's attention that a work stoppage is planned for today.

Mr. Wilford would like to remind you that your labor is sacred!

As non-paying passengers, it is also your ticket aboard.

These are the terms.

We all have our places and our jobs - and Mr. Wilford expects...

- We keep this train running!

We have the numbers!

We will be heard!



You better finish up before the top pops off of this place.

If this work stoppage goes ahead, Mr. Wilford will seize 10 striking workers at random and send them to the Tail.

He will bring 10 Tailies forward to fill their posts.

You think life in Third is bad?

There are 400 souls downtrain who would k*ll for what you have!

Protect it!

Call off the strike.

Thank you.


How are you feeling?

Back from the dead.

We've gotta get you out of here.

To where?

He can barely stand up.

When they discover he's missing, this'll be the first place they look.

I've made arrangements.

Somebody who's willing to help.

Will I see you again?

There can be no more contact.

It's for your own good.

I'm not the enemy.




How are you getting out of the Tail?


Astrid swaps in with me, gives me four hours uptrain.

We arrange it all through the bug bars.

You've been busy.


Well, thanks to your chip.



We've gotta go.

We've gotta go.

I need to tell you something.

In case anything happens to me.

Layton, you're gonna be fine.

We're gonna get you help.

Wilford's not on the train.

That's why I was drawered, because I figured her out.

- Layton, Layton...

- Listen to me!

Wilford is an illusion to keep the rest of us in line.

Melanie Cavill is the one behind the curtain.

No one can know, not even the Tail, not till we figure out how we can use this.



We've gotta go.

We've gotta go.



I've been here.

Christ, what a picture.

- You!

- Come.

Come on.


On the slab, Detective.

Let's take a look.


I'm fine!

Give me your hand.

- Oh.

- Ow!

Puking all night?

Coughing up black fluid?

That drawer hangover's a whopper.

Let her check you!

Let her check you.

How's his mind?

He seem rational?

Some people come out like vegetables.

Others are agitated, impulsive.

Why do you know so much about The Drawers?

I'll put you down as agitated.

I reached out to our allies, okay?

I told them you were sick.

They made contact with Dr. Pelton for me.

Tissue damage is limited.

As for your melon, could be days before the fog clears.

You need rest.

You work with them?

That it?


Melanie Cavill.

Help them with their science.

I do medicals on the prisoners who are released, nothing more.

They're not prisoners.

They're lab rats.

What the hell is going on down there?

I'm not cleared to know.

- So guess!

- Hey!

It's not just the one car.

There's 11 more like it.

Full of drawers.

Hundreds of 'em.

What for?

Mass incarceration, human experiments, extrajudicial imprisonment.

It's our own little North Korea, tucked away in Second Class.

How long you gonna keep this up?


What do you want from me?

You know what would be nice?

Some fresh scallops from the ocean.

You leave Jinju out of this.

Oh, you think?

Do you know, if what you did comes out, you'll lose your job, probably an arm, too, and Jinju, well, she'll just drop you like the piece of rough that you are.

So, here's what I want, Till...

Every last thing I can get.

Yeah, you've made that clear.

There's fun to be had on this train.

And I plan to have some.

And now that we all know you're as dirty as they come, you're gonna have to play along, aren't ya?


Walter the Papermaker.

Got some questions for ya.

- Where'd this come from?

- It's - It's got nothing to do with me.

- It's, uh, homemade stock.

- Hm?

No, I can see that.

May I?

Whoever made this needed supplies.

Anyone come to you, asking?

Uh, no, it's, uh, like I said, uh, I don't know anything about it, and...






Please help.

What do you reckon, Till?

This fine citizen's in some distress.

You gonna help him, or...?

- Ohhh!

- Answer the question.




It was Clay!



In the Nightcar!


Let's go, partner.

This is fun!

She was a warrior.

She fought like hell.

And she loved you kids more than anything.


Winnie, come on.

Next of kin decides on burial rites.

You want a song?

Want a prayer?

Hey, come on, lad.

You're the head of the family now.

You need to be strong for your sister.

No ceremony.

Call for disposal.



Come on, Winnie.

We gotta go.

- I want Mama.

- Come on.

I know!

- I know.

- My mama!

- I hate this shit!

- Yeah.

I wanna do something for them, for everybody, lift spirits.


I need your help, Aus.

They need to see beyond the Tail.

Fancy meeting you here.

Fancy meeting you anywhere.

We should run away to Tahiti together, you know?

Leave all this?

What do we got here?

Electrical short caused the brakes to seize.

Oh, we'd better get a Breach team on standby.

Nah, we can free that brake.

Bogie motor can't take that heat.

Hear that?


I'll get the Breach team.

We'll have to swap that motor out.

You're riskin' an awful lot, takin' us in.

Comes a point when you can't stay on the sidelines any longer.


Seven years is a long time.

What changed?

Hey, ease up, Layton!

She's on our side!

No, no, he's...

He's right.

Passenger files.

Everyone on board has one.

Medical history, entitlements, housing.

And then there's this.

Roughly 1 in 10 passengers has that designation.

What does it mean?

There's rumors of a list.

A blacklist.

Enemies of the state.

I think...

this is it.


Because you're on it.

Both of ya.

And, as of two weeks ago, so am I.

Gets real simple, doesn't it?

When you the one they're coming for.

Chugga, chugga, chugga, choo-choo!

Chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga, chugga.

Before Freeze, many people know cold.

On Snowpiercer, only breach worker know real cold.

The new cold.

She is harsh!

And she bite.


Breach worker are only one who can dance with cold.

And if you listen...

Come, everybody down!

- What's going on?

- Down.

You can hear the music she play just for us.

Sorry to interrupt.


Mr. Wilford needs you downtrain.


Now, remember, children, when Freeze come, the world, she owe everything to who?

- To Wilford!

- To Wilford!

- To Wilford!

- To Wilford!

I did...

To who?!

To Wilford!

To Wilford.

Thank you for coming.

Alright, back to work, everybody.

How's young Miles and Miles?

I finished that exercise you gave me, Ms. Cavill.

You did this all by yourself?

It's easier by myself.

I see it like pictures.

I think maybe you should be teaching me.

Great work, Miles.

Talk to me.

I feel like I've lived so many lives, died so many times.

The Freeze, the Tail, the Chain.

It never ends.

I don't have your courage.

That's not what I see.

If you go through with this strike, you could end up in the Tail.

Bad as you think it is back there, trust me, it's worse.

And you got out.

And that did take courage, Zarah.

We're fighters.

We protect the things we love.



Thank you.

Attention all passengers.

There's been a mechanical disruption in Car 780.

The section will be temporarily cleared as a precaution and Third Class subtrain is restricted until further notice.

We apologize for the inconvenience and we thank you for your cooperation.

I've got to get back to Sanitation.

Dr. Pelton's gonna stay with you.

That's her.

She's even the g*dd*mn voice of the train.

One thing at a time, okay?

Get some rest.

Hey, he's gonna be fine.

It's just gonna take time.

I can't thank you enough.

He stole my chip.




Oh, shit!




Stop, stop, stop!

She told me where she is.

I can get to her.

No, no!

You're not thinking straight!

She doesn't know I'm out.

I might never get - another chance like this.

- Come back inside!

You need to rest.

We can talk about this tomorrow, make a plan, okay?

g*dd*mn it, Layton!


Oh, shit!

First, I'd like specifics about the mechanical issue.

It's a bogie motor swap-out.

It's routine.

Lucky you.

You get to put on some grubbies.

Wilford wants my eyes on it.

You know how he is.


I thought I did.

Can I ask you something?

How does He seem to you, these days?

Why do you ask?

Well, I mean, He seems to be back on form today, thank God, but this business in Third, I mean, to be honest, I think He asked for it.

Indulgin' them at the trial like that?!

You cannot spare the rod with these people, you know.

You've got to hammer down!

Ruth, remember.

Calm Hospitality...

...Calm Train.

...Calm Train.

Alright, Boki, she's out!

Let's lift her up!

Move, move, move!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Hook up the motor.

Let's get her out!


Hello, Mr. Wilford.

Catch up, DiMarco, catch up.

I know what you're doing.

The hundreds of names, your lists!

Anyone has a bad word, has an unsanctioned thought, they get thrown in a drawer, yeah?

- More?

- Yes, yes, yes!

I need her up here!

Up here.

Keep going.


Up we go.

No, you don't understand.

Look at my face.

It was a Tailie that got you, in the end.

- Shit!


- Ohh!

- Leave her alone!

- DiMarco!




- Oh!

- Aah!


Please brace.

Emergency lockdown in effect.

- What was that?

- Warning.

Please brace.

I got you.

I'm okay.

Emergency lockdown in effect.

Stay back.

You good?

- Keep going.

- Okay.



Okay, okay.


Layton, let me go.

The train needs me.

- Unh-unh!

- Okay.

The drawers aren't what you think.

The drawers are hell and my people are still in there!

They're not a prison!

They're a lifeboat.

We're hanging by our nails.

Layton, we're hanging by our nails.

The whole g*dd*mn human experiment, it can be undone by a bloom of mold.

If the social order collapses, if resources fail, if mechanics fail, our best hope is to keep life in suspension, to keep people in stasis while we ride out this Freeze.

400 people.

They were selected for diversity, for health, for skills, to give us a fighting chance on the other side!

You decide who lives and who dies.


We all made that choice, when we boarded this train and we left people behind.

This train's dying, Layton.

Please, let me fix her.

We have a master hydraulics failure.

- I need a controller.

- I'll go.


You got it?


Come on, come on.


Telemetry failure.

I'm not getting any readings from the pistons on that side, nothing!

Must be the connector, something physical.

I'm gonna suit up.

I gotta go under.

Let me go, Mel.

Let me go.

This is cold work.

Only Boki should be going.

Busted hydraulics, Boki.

You don't know the specs.

And I need you on diagnostics.

Javi, can you hear me?

What the hell is going on, guys?

Talk to me.

Okay, take it down to dead minimum speed.

And where are we?

How long till Torreta Canyon?

I'm taking her down.

But at minimum speed, the canyon's gonna be about eight minutes to the Engine.

How long till us?

14 minutes to you.


Because, at this angle, when this car hits Torreta Canyon, the whole train's gonna derail.

Holy shit.


"Holy shit's" right.

I designed her.

I'll fix her.

Seal me in.

You're a d*ck!

You know that?

I'm not gonna stand by while you abuse people.

We're about to die, Till.


Then these are my last words.

I won't let you extort me and you're a d*ck.

I don't get you.

So righteous on the small stuff, but pretty darn flexible, when it comes to high crimes.

Layton shouldn't have been in the drawers!

Yeah, and you shouldn't have locked me out!

Something's going on!

Don't you ever feel like you're being kept in the dark?

- Whoa!

- Uhh!


Who are you thinking about right now?

No one.

Just me.

Bugger off.

Torches out!

Lights off!

- Lights out!

- Lights out!

I wanna show you something you haven't seen in a long, long time.



Is that what the outside looks like?


That's it.

Camera feed online.


Oh, God.

Ladies and gentlemen, on behalf of Mr. Wilford and Wilford Industries, we'd like to thank you for your composure and cooperation during this trying time.

As we prepare for possible derailment, we ask that you please remember your in-transit safety directive...

Brace in place.

I repeat, brace in place.

We beg that all passengers remain calm in the face of this unprecedented emergency.

Guys, I'm at the bridge.

I repeat, the Engine's at the bridge.

Six minutes, Mel!

We've got six minutes!

Opening now.

Jesus Christ.

This is crazy.

This is crazy.

Should be directly in front of you, Mel.

Don't reach out too far for that thing.

Grab it.

Grab it, Mel.

Go, go, go, go!


Cinco minutos.

Cinco minutos.

I know it seems like this might be the end, but it's not.

It can't be.

This is Snowpiercer, for God's sake!

We are the last of Earth's survivors and I just...

We are going to make it.

I just know it.

We just will.

Mr. Wilford has gotten us out of worse scrapes before.

So keep the faith.

And you just remember that His Engine always provides.

So find someone and hold them close.

And, please, try to stay warm.

You shit!

You shit!

You shit!

You shit!

Did you do it?

- Did you do it?!

- No!

The damage to the train is bad, Josie.

All I could think was I wanted to see you.

80 seconds, Mel.

80 seconds.

Right, Mel.

You got it.

You got it, Mel.

You got this.

You got this.



Come on!

Come on, Mel!

60 seconds!

60 seconds!

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.


- You okay, Mel?

You alright?

- We need to go back for her!

Hold on a second, Boki.

- You alright, Mel?

- I'm okay!


How about that?

Hydraulics are online!


Sí, sí, ivamos!

IVamos, carajo!

Increase to running velocity, Javi.

Alright, guys.

I'm bringing her up to speed.

All clear.

Return to stations.

All clear.

You okay, Clay?



I was thinkin' about my mum at the end, if you must know.

You miss her?

Oh, God, no.

She was trash.

She was a mean drunk, even worse sober, but, yeah, that's who I was thinkin' about.

They're gonna catch Layton eventually.

It's gonna come out, what you did, whether I spill it or not.

Alright, partner.

You should, uh, go find your girl.

There she is.

- Okay.

- Oh!


Ten fingers!

One nose!

Okay, okay!

We did!

You are kind of amazing.

Piece of cake.

You okay?

It's okay.

I'm sorry.

I should've been there.

I should've shown up for you last night.

It doesn't matter.

You're here now.

Is there something else?


What if I'm not the person you think I am?

What's going on?

You can talk to me.


I'm just happy to be here.

I need a drink.


We're okay.

I love beer!

I love beer!

You give me your beer all day!

Ha ha!


Everybody drink now!

This is beautiful!

Hey, you!


Thank you!

Quiet down.

Quiet down!

Thank you!

People of Snowpiercer, touch a surface.

Go on.

Put your hand to something, anything.

Go on.

Feel it.

Take it in.

That is our sacred hum.

That's our heartbeat.

And she's roaring!

It's gonna take more than a bit of track turbulence to stop us!

Ha ha!


A toast to the Engine Eternal!

To the great Mr. Wilford!





- Wilford!


- Come on!





Looks like the people of Third have had a change of heart.

The celebration will end, but their grievances won't.

Next time, He won't have a disaster to save Him.

Hey, Audrey.

Read the room.

We're alive.












Well, it's not the Tail, but, I hope it'll do.

- Are you sure about this?

- Ah.

I bunk with a guy from Archives from time to time.

Snores like a leaf blower, but, - I'll suffer through.

- Thank you.

Well, it's nice to see you back among the living.

Uh, keep the door locked and, if anyone knocks, pretend you're not here.

You know, Astrid's stuck in the Tail because of you.

They'll take good care of her.

What are we gonna do about Melanie?

I don't wanna talk about Melanie.


You pick a topic, then.

Bring him in.


Do you know what this is?

A caliper.

Every Engineer needs one.

Mr. Wilford gave me this.

I want you to have it.

There's something Mr. Wilford needs from you, Miles.