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01x05 - Justice Never Boarded

Posted: 04/05/21 09:35
by bunniefuu
I see now that as The Freeze k*lled everyone I ever knew, I mistook my ticket to survival for freedom.

But justice never boarded, and Wilford doubled down with a Jackboot on our throats and a fat finger on the scales.

Now some of us are ready to change his terms.

It will be perilous, filthy work.

More precious souls may be lost.

Clay, I don't want any trouble.

I'm just trying to work.

I can't be involved.

You live in Third.

You are involved.

But we didn't come this far, suffer this much to give in to the same tyranny that destroyed us in the first place.

Even on a frozen, dead planet, humanity needs hope.

For these are our revolutions on Snowpiercer.

1,001 cars long.


Did your wife make that?

How long have you been married?

What's your wife's name?

Where'd you guys meet?

All this time in here, and you still won't talk to me?

What you say in here is admissible.


So our smart visitors stay quiet.

Your guilty visitors do.

I have nothing to hide.


My parents met in St.

Moritz, on a chairlift.

I know who your parents are.


No, you don't.

But you will.

LJ, honey.

Are you alright?

Oh, we are taking you home.


Sweetheart, we miss you so much.

You're coming home with us.

LJ, today you stand trial for m*rder.

Do you understand that?


You'll be expected to speak on your own behalf, and a tribunal of ticketed passengers will render a verdict.

Is that all clear?


Wilford will be following closely.


Then he can see how ridiculous this whole thing is.

Tell it to Third, where the three victims lived.

She's just a child.

The man who committed these crimes is dead.

You just threw her in a cell.

Do you have any idea how this is playing uptrain?

We are bound by train rules to detain her ahead of trial.

That's all, Lilah.

It's okay.

I don't belong in a drawer.

Please escort them to their quarters.

Come on.

And I just want to thank Mr.

Wilford for the chance to prove it.

What are the chances you figure that the tribunal convicts her?

There's gonna be trouble in Third if they let her off.

There already is.

It looks like the infection's improving.

Your poker face needs work, Doc.

I was a vet.

My patients didn't talk back.


Astrid sent another one.


She wants me uptrain today?

She must have some news on Layton.

You ready, badass?

Put the chip in this bracelet.


Make sure you wear it nice and high.

You're chipping the pad just like anyone else.


Be careful.

This chip will get you into Second Class.


Jinju Seong, as Surety for this Upgrade Applicant, you accept liability for her conduct during her probationary period, understood?

Yeah, if she messes up, we both suffer.

Got it.

- That should do it, Bess.

- Thanks, Doc.

And yours.


Okay, then.

On behalf of Wilford Industries, I hereby grant you, Bess Francis Till, access to Second Class and all the entitlements therein.

Thank you.

Well, I guess we should leave you two to celebrate.


Look at us.

Made it three whole months before shacking up.

Personal best for me.

You sure about all this?

Second Class and all the entitlements therein?


But I was sure about you the day we met.

No one's going to convict her.

The tribunal is paid passengers, First and Second.

We know them.

As long as you're prepared, sweetheart.

She'll be prepared.

But things happen on the stand...

- LJ.

- Pay attention, honey.

Come on.

What do you think it's like in The Drawers?

Oh, you don't have to worry about that.

By tonight, this will all be over and you'll be back here with us.


Can I?

Not now, LJ.

I want to.

It's fine.



That's enough.

Spit it.

It's not a day for your antics.

The only thing that should be in your mouth are these words...

"He forced me." He did force me.

You do know that, right?

We know, sweetheart.

We know.

Tristan, stare out the window on your own time, please.


I used to dream I'd see the Amazon someday.

Well, there's nothing out there now but frozen lump.

As soon as everyone's gone, I want you to set up for the tribunal, as per the usual floor plan.

Yes, ma'am.

Service is over.

What's that?

What's this?


Compliments of the Nightcar.

Mr. Sharma, wait.

My God.


Go and get Melanie.


That stunt was beneath you, Audrey.

No, it really wasn't.

I'm sorry about Nikki.

I am.

But one suspect is dead, and the other is standing trial for m*rder.

What am I missing?

You know the trial is a joke.

It's five miles uptrain, where a jury of First and Second get to judge one of their own for k*lling three of us.


The Nightcar is supposed to be Switzerland.

Why are you politicizing it?

Third has the right to petition Wilford in labor disputes and matters of jurisprudence.

We want a new tribunal drawn...

One representative from each class and a delegation to observe the trial.

For Christ's sake, Audrey.

You've grown callous doing Wilford's bidding.

You used to try to make a difference, too.

And I stood right here when you shared your vision of the Nightcar.

Wilford saw a brothel.

And you saw a higher purpose.

And you persuaded him I was right.

And I am asking you to stay true to your vision.

You give us a place to work through our grief, and the train depends on it!

And we depend on you, on your voice to Wilford's ear.

Recommend a new tribunal.

Or what?

Don't make me thr*aten you, Melanie.

Third touches every system on this train.

We will be heard.

What has the long-term suspension done to Nikki?

I can tell you the physiological effects...

Necrosis of adrenal tissue, hepatic insufficiencies.

But her mental state?

I can't say whether she would have improved or not.

There wasn't enough time to detox her fully.

Are we assuming they're experiencing something like Locked-in Syndrome?


We need to start by reviving them much slower.

We have 400 drawers.

Someday we may have 400 Sleepers.

They can't re-emerge traumatized.

Tell Mr. Wilford I'm trying.

Thank you.

You okay?

I hear Third are petitioning for a spot on the tribunal.

Are you considering it?

LJ may actually get what she deserves.

You are considering it.

A Thirdie on the tribunal?

No, that's not gonna be popular in First.

Equal representation with First and Second.

That's the demand.

Are you guys insane?

The Folgers have a lot of power in First.

They'll freak out.

You think we have a class divide now?

This could blow the whole thing up.

Can I borrow you for a second?


Javi, can you take the helm?


We haven't done that since the bees died.

I'm sensing a bit of a pattern.

God, I wish I could open a frigging window.

You remember fresh air?


You remember going for walks?


I miss the sound of rain.

I miss so many things.

Are you gonna do this?

Draw a new tribunal?

I just want to breathe.

Attention, passengers.

Mr. Wilford has accepted a Third Class petition to redraw the tribunal for today's trial.

One name has been drawn randomly from each class.

If your name is called, please report immediately to your Hospitality representative.

From First Class, our jurist is Edith Gusterfeld.

From Second Class, primary teacher Mary-Elizabeth Gillies.

And representing Third Class...

Papermaker Walter Flemming.

Again, Edith Gusterfeld, Mary-Elizabeth Gillies, and Walter Flemming...

Let's go!

Please report to Hospitality.


Thank you.

Oh, we did it.

Back on Sanitation in five minutes.

Come on.

Come on.

I want a break, too.

It's her.

Oh, thank God.

You made it.

What did you find out?

There's nothing solid, but if he's not in the Tail...


So where's she going?

I think I found someone who might help.


The janitors, a guy named Terence.

Here, quick.

I got this.



That Jack can't tell us apart.

I'll be back before the next break, I promise.

- Yeah.

- Okay?

You just keep your head down, alright?

- We'll watch your back.

- Okay.

- Okay, go through here.

- Good luck.

- Where am I going?

- The Market.

Look for the yellow butterfly.

You'll see it.


Thank you.

I hope you find him.




Wilford thanks you for your service.


Please help yourself.

Not saying hello?

I'm Mary, the primary teacher.

I ought to thank you for your craft.

The kids love New Paper Day.


Edith Gusterfeld, Firstie.

But don't hold that against me.

- Understood.

- I like your earrings.

Thank you, dear.

- Aww!

- Ms. Gusterfeld...

Doesn't Mr. Wilford understand that you can't just change the rules?

I guess they're his rules to change.

He chose the will of the people.

We don't have will.

We have order.

It's not every day we get a chance to mingle with other classes.

Third Class delegates, if you want to go to to the trial, give me your names and passenger numbers.

Well, congratulations.

You must be happy now that you're bourgeoisie.

That depends.

Are you gonna extort addicts for sex today?

Come on, man.

My probation's over.

Okay, well, I'd like to stay for Jinju's testimony, you know, show her some support.

They're ready uptrain.

Well, better get going, then, shouldn't we?

Alright, dirtbags!

We're on the march!

Now, listen up!



Now, you're gonna see some things uptrain that are unfamiliar to you, things like hygiene and self-respect.

You will hear people speaking in complete sentences.

Now, don't punch them.

Don't punch their belongings.

Don't lick things.

Am I making myself clear?

Now, hands to yourself, eyes forward, and just remember who's carrying the batons, okay?


That's enough.

Okay, everyone, in a line, please!

Mrs. Gusterfeld will vote with First.

She'll get the teacher on board.

Don't worry.

You don't see what's happening, do you?

There's an idea traveling uptrain, Robert.

It wants to live, this idea.

It wants to set the train ablaze, and all it needs is a spark.

All it needs is to wrap its thick fingers around your daughter's throat and choke her out for the working man.

What's wrong?

Everything's fine, darling.

You look beautiful.

Let's keep working on your testimony.

Leave the rest to me, Lilah.

That psycho's k*ll Cult took another one.

Juntos, vamos con dios.

Hang on.

That psycho's k*ll Cult took another one.

- No, we are hungry.

- Not like this.

I can smell them cooking.

They're at the back now, against the wall.

g*dd*mn cannibals.

Come on, Miles.

Up you go.

We'll be alright.

We need your help.

Put a stop to them now.

Here you are.

Welcome to Third.

She reeks of Sanitation.

So that's how you got out.

Astrid wouldn't say.


We risked this for one reason...

To find Layton.

He's not back in the Tail?

They're saying he is, but, no, he isn't.

We think he's in a drawer.

So, um the man comes forward, solves the biggest crime in train history.

Why would they put him in a drawer?

Maybe he turned over the wrong rock.

Or maybe he's dead.

Maybe he pissed off Wilford and, uh, got his head stuck out a port, huh?

He's not the dying type.

You met him.


We were just talking about The Drawers.

Can we get in?

Might not be a bad day for it.

Security's lean 'cause of the trial.

Yeah, well...

What the hell?

Let's hit The Drawers.

We have no issue with the good people of Third, but if all they have to do is make a bit of noise and suddenly we're rewriting the enshrined rules of the train, then we all have a problem.

With respect, Mr. Folger, are you speaking as a concerned citizen or a scared daddy?

- Both.

- We all stand with the Folgers.

As they'd stand with us if Third came for our children.

My job is to uphold the rules, not to make them.

Mr. Wilford locked himself away uptrain.

The man is out of touch.

He's got the skills to keep us all alive.

What have you got?

I got $400 million in early investor status and a whole world of pain when it comes to my survival.

Please don't misunderstand us.

May Wilford run his engine for as long as the track holds.

But day-to-day operations, justice, resources, the Tail maybe these matters would be better handled here, where their effects are felt.

And what about Melanie Cavill?

She'd be the first to go.

So they're talking about sedition.


How did the commander respond?

Uh, well, he didn't agree or... or disagree.

He mostly just, uh, stared at us coldly, which, I won't lie, is very effective.

Don't you need to get to the trial?

I do.

We'll speed up those renovations for you, and Mr. Wilford thanks you for your service.


It's time to go.

Make eye contact.


I know.

Be sincere.

I know!

Trite tears are okay.

Not trite tears.

Contrite tears.

Well, I'll be crying them, not saying them, so you can just criticize me after.

Come here, my Liliahs.

All rise.

Please settle.

As we are all aware, tribunals are convened when the Order of our Eternal Engine is threatened by crime, conspiracy, or negligence.

Lilah Folger Junior, you stand accused of two counts of m*rder.

Please be seated.

This tribunal is now in session.

Once the accused was apprehended, the Brakemen conducted a full and thorough search of the Folgers' quarters.

There we found the most striking evidence in the case.

Hidden in Lilah Junior's jewelry box were the particularly preserved severed penises of two male victims.

Sean Wise was bound and choked multiple times with a thin ligature.

He was very much alive when his genitals were chopped off.

It was nothing you ever want to see.

He was staring back at me through the cold, limbless and, and dickless.

The whole time, Erik's focus was Lilah Junior.

I was as much her hostage as I was his.

That was what they wanted, Erik and LJ, to k*ll us all in a nihilistic rage.

But the Eternal Engine is still here.

We will now hear from Miss Audrey of the Nightcar, speaking on behalf of one of the victims.

I will tell the whole truth.

Her name was not "victim." Her name was Nicolette Genêt...


She sang off-key, and she was kind as a rule, but few of you care up here.

To you, she's just some dead girl from downtrain.

Well, you need to care about the lives of Third, because seven days a week, three shifts a day, we keep the bearings greased and the cold at bay.

We draw straws to have children, and we die from preventible accidents and diseases you get treatment for.

I haven't come to this place easily.

When we left Chicago, we needed Mr. Wilford's iron order to survive, but almost 19 revolutions later seven years, I know all of you, and I know we need to save our souls.

Find your compassion.

Send a message to this entire train that justice is not reserved for the rich.

There can be justice for all, for Nikki.

Her name was Nikki.




We will take a brief recess, and when we return, we will hear from the accused.

Oh, Doctor, can I swab the floor for the prisoners?

No, it's okay.

I want to get back to the trial.

Oh, yeah.

Poor girl.

Were you listening?


It's heartbreaking.

Thank you.

Yes, it really is.

Come on.

Come on.

Come on.

Hello, you poor buggers.

Which one's he in?

Figure it out.



There's got to be a list here somewhere.

Come on.


What's that?

Where are you going?

Sorry, Tailie.

You're robbing the place.

Can you help me find him, please?

Don't take this personally, huh?

And don't get caught.

No, wait, wait.

Got to go.



Whatever you're doing behind closed doors, don't.

Let me tell you a Folger family story.

When LJ was 7, she put out Robert's eye.

Lashed out with a fork and punctured it all over his face.

And even as the jelly was running down his cheek, he held her through the tantrum, protecting her.

So you go ahead with your Hospitality show trial and prepare to suffer the consequences.

Because you're messing with my bloodline.

Excuse me.

Where are you, Layton?

Where are you?

I swear to tell the truth.

I-I loved Erik Sotto.

Or at least I think I did.


The confusion, the ache in my guts, the fear, that is love, isn't it?

Erik told me it was.

Erik had a power over me, and I...

He made me watch him do terrible things.

And I-I can still hear those men begging for it to end.

Uh, but Erik said fear makes people honest.

I think that's true.

Sean Wise, just before he died, said that he was an informant...

A spy for Mr. Wilford.


Dios mío.

Sean said that shadows and lies were taking over our beautiful train from tip to Tail, from Ag-Sec to The Drawers.

"400 secrets that rock us to the rails," he said, but he would never spill them.



Oh, my God.

Can I say this part to Mr. Wilford?

Yes, he's following along.

I am so sorry for the part that I played in this tragedy.

I was silent when I should have spoken, but Sean Wise gave his life to save humanity from the darkness that almost swallowed me whole.

Oh, no.

No, no, no.

If the train shows me mercy.

I promise to do my part for her, too.

That's all I can say.

All rise.

The tribunal will now break to deliberate.


What the hell was that?

I don't know.

I mean...

Maybe Sean found out that The Drawers are experimental.

Maybe he told her about the list.

Well, that changes the calculus, doesn't it?

This is all her fault.

From the beginning, I shouldn't even be here.

Shut up, Javier.

Do you have another option?


No, I don't.

I'm not sleeping with her, am I?


Layton, I'm here.


Layton, Layton, Layton.

Layton, I'm here.


Oh, the sweet smell of Second Class corridors.

Your new bridal home, eh?

Come for dinner.

Second Class rations get dessert every night.



- Layton.

- It's a Tailie!



Oz, get off her!

You're Till, right?


Why is he in here?

His heartbeat's barely there.

He's supposed to be in the Tail!



Layton, can you hear me?



It's me.


Layton, Layton.


We got to get out of here now.


Quiet, please.

Lilah Folger Junior, the tribunal will now announce your verdict.

By unanimous decision, we find Lilah Folger Junior guilty on all counts.

There's no choice.

It's what she asked for in the worst case.

She should've left it.

She should've just left it alone.



Order, everyone!

We have a message from Mr. Wilford.

In light of the young age of the accused.

Mr. Wilford commutes the sentence of Lilah Folger Junior and remands her to the custody of her parents.

Thank God.

You're safe.


Please calm down!




Everyone remain calm!

Please remain calm!

This trial is over.

Please remain calm.


As far as I go.


No, I got to go.

Where are you going?


I got to go.

Where is it?

Keep going.

She's down there.

Come on, Layton.

I've got you.

I've got you.


You need to hide him.

What's wrong with him?

They drawered him.



Don't you give up on me now, okay?

I'll be back.

I'll be back.

I'll be back.

How'd you get out of the Tail?

The Tail needs to trust you, Zarah.

I'll look after him.

Come on.

Got to get you upstairs.

Before I release you to your parents.

Mr. Wilford has asked me to stress the importance of discretion.


Oh, so don't spill all of his Drawer secrets?

What did Sean Wise tell you exactly?

That's between me and Mr. Wilford, isn't it?

He's taking an extraordinary risk in helping you.

Third Class?

I think they'll get over it.

I mean you, LJ.

I mean letting you walk free.

Wilford looked out for me, so I'll look out for him.

Can I go now?

- Daddy!

- Lilah.

It's over.

- You're safe.

- It's all over.

- What a nightmare.

- You're safe.

I love you.



Never again.

- Never again.

- Never again.

- Never again.

- Never again.

- Never again.

- Never again.

- Never again.

- Never again.