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11x10 - The Common Good

Posted: 04/03/21 11:00
by bunniefuu


Hey, what do we got?


Girl's name was Andrea Davis.

She was found dead this morning.

Ligature marks on her neck, looks like she was strangled.

Who found her?

The young lady in the adjoining room.

She knew her.

Well, let's see who else know her.


DANNY: Megan?

Detective Reagan, my partner Detective Baez.

I can't believe this.

You in town for the Comic-Con or something?

Yeah, we were, um, in town for a video game tournament, and they put everybody up at the hotel.

I'm confused.

You're here to watch video games?

No, to compete in them.

FYI, Andrea is one of the most famous video game streamers in the world.


Can you believe that?

Yeah, actually, my son's a fan of gamers.

Now that you mention it, uh...

they make more money, according to him.

Especially Andrea.

She had millions of followers.

So you're a professional gamer, too?

I'm no Andrea, but yes.

And we stuck together.

Why is that?

Because of the men in our world.

No offense to your son, I'm sure he's...

a nice guy, but...

for every fan that sends us a gift, there are a hundred others that are just...


The pictures that they send us?

The threats they make?


Anyone ever thr*aten Andrea?

A female gamer?

Goes with.


Oh, what is that, nines?


Try - .


That's game!

I don't think my knees are what they used to be.


Come on, man, you're not even that old.

I can't believe I even did this, man.

What, signed up for a mentorship program?

Run by law enforcement.

You should be proud of your choices Deon.

Come on, last game...

Let's play to ten.

MAN: Is that Deon Williams?

Hanging with the P.O.?

Man, did you have to wear that shirt?

Who are these guys?

You guys believe this?


Even for you, this is next level.

- Yo, whatever Reggie.

- You gonna apply to the police academy, too?

Become a pig?

Hey... take it easy.

Run along now, piggy.

Let's just get out of here, man.


REGGIE: That's what I thought.

Pension protections for cops with years on the job has been a home run.

From a cop's perspective, sure.

Well, that's the perspective we generally have up here, in case you hadn't noticed.

What the governor's pushing... one slip up and a vested cop loses their whole pension and poof, there goes retirement.

I've got nothing for that perspective.

I'm listening.

I don't have a dog in the hunt.

I'm just trying to formulate this department's response.

Nah, you always got to play the devil's advocate.

Take the day off for once.

And it's not right that a cop who's on the take, or perjures himself at trial and gets the boot, still walks away with his full pension.

That's a few bad apples, few and far between.

More and closer together.

I'm listening.

And defending this policy laughs in the face of all the reform flags we're raising.

No, it's us raising a flag saying we're not gonna tear every single protection the cops have to mollify the city council.

And all five district attorneys.

And the Yankees, Giants, Knicks and Rangers, for all I care.

I say we stand fast.

Our best defense is sitting across from us.

You said the PC pushed these protections through when he took office?

Well, he's still more admired and trusted than all of them put together.

Well, more than the Knicks maybe.

I say what he says goes.

It was the consensus of the press covering One PP at the time, that morale was so low when the PC took over that he supported the bill just as an "attaboy." Easy there, Garrett.

Yeah, come on, that doesn't sound like him.

That he saw all the traps and threw his weight behind it anyway.

And they got it wrong.

And please do not promote hearsay about me to me.

Okay, thank you, everyone.

Garrett, you stay.



If I overstepped, I apologize.

You didn't.

I didn't?




that law needs to be repealed.

But I need to stand with the rank and file.

Especially now.

Now more than ever.

How do I do that?

♪ "KYS, you griefer." It's like a foreign language.

Hey, Dad.

Hey, what are you doing here?

Take the keys out from under the mat again?

You mean did you forget your keys again?

Like father, like son.

- Yeah.

- What are you working on?

I don't know, to be honest with you.

I don't understand this Internet jargon.

Maybe you can help me out... KYS, what does that mean?

k*ll yourself.

- "k*ll yourself"?

- Yeah.

You working on the Andrea Davis case?

Yeah, you figured that out already?

It's all over the Internet that she was k*lled in the middle of a competition.

You got any leads?

I got too many leads.

Can I see?

Okay, Detective.

Tell me if you recognize any of them.

This guy, Ralph Lamont, ShowStunner?

What about him?

Who is he?

He's a big-time esports commentator.

The face of Intensify Games, he runs all of their events.


He got in a lot of trouble for saying some pretty harsh stuff about female gamers last year.

Say anything about Andrea?

Have any beef with her personally?

He went after her physically, mentally and her sexual orientation.

They got in a massive fight, and he had to issue a public apology.

Almost lost his job.

Like father, like son indeed.

Good work, kid.

- See you at home?

- Yes.


Can you hold onto this for me?

Yeah, why?

Safer in a cop's bag than mine, right?


Belonged to my dad.

It's the only time I ever take it off.

I understand.

All right.

Are you serious?


You really expect me to play with this?

Come on, I got to throw your game off somehow.

Come on.

Worried about those guys showing up again?

They're in a g*ng, aren't they?

Look, I'm just trying to stay in my own lane and do right by me.

That's why I signed up for this program in the first place.

- I get that.

- And I get you're a cop, and you want to know about the Dead Twins, but I'd rather stay clear and keep my head down.

Now let's play.


Look at that.

See, you wasn't ready for all of that.

Come on, you see?

I had the...


So those guys are members of the Dead Twins?


Same guys who robbed that bodega last week?

I don't think it's the same guys, but...

Yeah, but they're affiliated?

They beat that bodega owner within an inch of his life.

He'll probably never walk again.

Those are bad guys, Deon.

Can we just play?

If you know anything though...

that can help, you got to tell me.

Look, I ain't no snitch.

Now what if those guys go out and k*ll somebody next time?

Do you want to stay silent and let that happen?

I guess I can ask around.

No, I don't want you to ask around.

Just keep your ears open, let me know if you hear anything, all right?

That's it.

Come on.

Come on, let's play.

Aw, that was all luck!

I wasn't paying attention.

- The light was in my eyes.

- Let's go.

Oh, okay, let's see what those old knees got!

We got to get our gold shields.

I'm about done with this wardrobe.

Pants riding?

No, it's the thousand-pound belt.

Swear it's gonna give me back...

WOMAN: I agree.

Hey, watch it.

Hey, excuse me?

You okay?

See this?

She's crazy!

She's totally crazy!

I mean, how can anyone live like this?

S-Slow down, and just tell us what happened.

I'm being abused.

- Who's abusing you?

- This family that I work for.

I'm a live-in nanny.

Which apartment?

- B and...

- MAN: Sorry.

Officers, this is such a misunderstanding.

- Yelena, are you okay?

- Who are you?

Mike Dougherty.

I'm so sorry, Yelena.

This is a terrible accident.

Here's what happened.

One of our children's really rambunctious and hit her with a toy.

One of your kids did that?

It's horribly embarrassing.

Is that true?

We will do better, I promise.

The kids are feeling really cooped up right now.

It's hard to keep them under control, but that's our fault as parents.

Is that really what happened?

Come on, let's go back inside.

I'll get you some ice.

Sorry to have troubled you.

If you need anything, you call us, okay?

♪ You buy that the kids did that?

Not for a second.

It's like we're waiting for The Beebs or something.


More like the, uh...

King of the Nerds.


Excuse us, please.

Actually, uh, Detective Reagan.

My partner Detective Baez.

We need a word with Mr. Lamont.

Can it wait until after today's games?

We're late for our broadcast and we really got to get going.

Sure, we'll just let all the gamers know that Mr. Lamont's a person of interest in the m*rder of Andrea Davis.

How's that sound?

Just give me a second.


What happened to Andrea was just horrible.

If there's anything I can do to help.

When was the last time you saw Andrea?

Uh, not since Tuesday's event.

And you didn't see her, after the event in the hotel?

No, I've been...


I've been really, really busy.

So, um...

Wait, you don't think I had something to do with this, do you?

You had a pretty big argument with Andrea a few months ago.

You took a big hit to your reputation.

We made amends after that.

I was in the wrong.

I released a statement.

Look, we're holding a live memorial for her right now.

So I really got to go.

Sure, uh, is there anyone who can verify your whereabouts after the event on Tuesday?

My producer, Mason.


Sorry, if you guys need anything else, you just have to talk to my lawyers.


Garrett, what a surprise.

Great to see you.

Been a long time.

I know how much you love crabmeat salad.

They fly theirs in from Alaska twice a week.

Sounds good.

So, what else are we doing here?

We need a fixer.

The governor's push to claw back pension protections...

We've got a problem.

I can't help you.

My boss supports it %.

So do I.

You do?


But he can't be seen as supporting it.

For obvious reasons.

I need to stand with my cops.

And he is.

But the rank and file wouldn't see it that way.

The law as it is allows too many temptations for veteran cops to play it fast and loose on their last laps.

Erin, the guardrails need to go back up for everybody's sake, including my cops.

And this has to do with me how?

We thought maybe you could communicate that to the governor.

Privately, I agree with him on this one, but publicly, I have to oppose him.

Strenuously oppose.

Yeah, but see, Erin, here's the deal.

You could assure him that whatever I say or do is just for show.

I'm a prosecutor, not a fixer.

Well, maybe that wasn't the right word.

You can use whatever word you want.

I cannot do this.

And I could've told you that in a simple phone call, instead of a schlep out to Sheepshead Bay.

So, you can't help, or you won't help?

Why don't you just tell him yourself?

It can't come from me.


Okay, then you.

I work for him.

If the governor balks, all you have to say is, "I know my father.

I know what he wants here." You're the only person with that latitude, and the only one we can trust to carry this out.

What if I don't want to be trusted to carry this out?

Well, you'd be missing an opportunity to act for the common good...

An opportunity that doesn't come along that often.

I'm not telling, I'm asking.

Of course, it's up to you, Erin.

♪ ♪ (SIGHS)


Hi, Ms.


I'm Jamie Reagan.

He doesn't want to see you right now.

It's okay, Mom.

It's okay.

♪ What happened?

Can you give us a minute?

It's not as bad as it looks.

It's because you were asking around about the robbery, isn't it?

They stole your watch?


I'm sorry.

Was it those guys from the gym?

I'm dropping out of the program.

Whoa, whoa.

H-Hold on.

We-we can make this right.

Just tell me who did this.

And then I'll end up with worse than a black eye.

They're just gonna keep on hurting people, Deon.

When I signed up, for this program, I thought it was for a mentorship.

Not to be used as a rat.

That's not what this is.

This whole thing was a mistake.

You really believe that?

Is there something you want to tell me, Deon?

I don't need a savior.

And I don't want to see you anymore.

So, please, just go.

♪ Wish we could do something for Yelena.

Easy, Janko, you don't have your gold shield yet.

She is trapped in a bad situation.

MAN (OVER RADIO): Any - unit available to respond.

East th Street for a disorderly and intoxicated male.

Sector David is out on another job.

- I bet they are.

- That is Yelena's apartment.

We got to take that.

It's all the way on the other side of the precinct.

Yeah, it'll give us an excuse to check in on her.

That wasn't the call.

I'm aware.

Hello, Officers.

Could you take the kids?

- Can I help you?

- We've had reports of a disorderly, possibly intoxicated person in the building.

Have you heard anything?

No, nothing here.

What about her?

Can we talk to her for a minute?


Like I said, we didn't hear anything.

Oh, it's-it's just that I...

I recognize her.


Yelena, right?

We ran into her in the street the other day.

Did you call them?

No, I didn't, I swear.

This could get you kicked out of the country.

Do you understand that?

I'm telling the truth.

Unless you have a warrant, what happens in this house is none of your business.

Oh, it's none of our business that you beat your nanny?



If you want to talk to us, she can't stop you.

I'm okay.

I told you.

Now go.



You happy?




Sorry to drop in on you like this.

Not at all.

You want some coffee?

Had some.

Then let's have it.

I was heading up the FDR on the way up to Albany to see the governor, and...

You thought you'd take the scenic route through Brooklyn.

You sure you want to do this?

I'm sure I want the governor to know I want him to change the law, yes.

If you mean, do I want you involved...

Erin, I couldn't see a better way to let him know and keep it off the record.

Do you want to do this, I guess, is the real question.

I guess I'm used to this coming from my brothers...

Cutting corners, "just this once," "do me this solid, and I'll owe you," you know.

I'm not used to it coming from you.

And it bothers you.

I-I don't know, I...

Figured your old man was better than that.

Asking you to deal off the bottom of the deck.

Is that what you're asking me to do?



In the right light, you can make that case...

Without sentiment, without the "family first" shine on it, yeah.

And there's no other way to do this except through me?

I don't know, there could be.

Garrett and I sure as hell couldn't come up with one, not on the time line and not with what's at stake.

And it's really for the common good?

There's-there's no other angle here, right?

If there was, you'd know.

I would make sure you knew.

My appointment's at : .

I got to go.

There's a whole lot of exits on the road to Albany.


You want to take one, turn back, I'm good with that.

I'll talk to you.



The common good?


That's a good one.

It's not a joke.

The commissioner feels, as you do, that the current laws protecting cops' pensions goes too far.

Which is setting all kinds of alarms in my head.

No one is above the law.

If my father had a tattoo, that's exactly what it would say.


And when a veteran cop can break the law knowing he will still walk away with his hundred K pension, well, that's wrong.

Oh, I know that.

I'm just surprised to hear you peddling that your old man agrees.

I am not peddling anything.

I'm sharing information that he wants you, and you alone, to have.

Well, you and me, alone.

What does he want me to do with it?

Ignore whatever comes out of One PP in regards to this bill.

That I'm a "defund the police" guy.

Another radical lefty from the "blue lives don't matter" crowd.

I have no idea what the return fire is going to sound like.

I do.

I've been on the receiving end of it before.

You have ignored it before.

Ignore it again.

Your old man is well-respected way beyond city limits.

Giving him short shrift always costs me something and never gained me a single vote.

I am sure he will owe you one.

Did he say that?


I said that.

Are you wearing a wire?

Are you kidding me?

Half kidding.

It really is for the common good.

Thank you for your time.

Aren't you forgetting something?


"We never had this conversation"?

That goes without saying.

Tell him to expect a final draft of the bill in the morning.

He should know exactly what he's fake fighting against, right?




Got the time?

Wait, you're that cop from the center, aren't you?

You're Reggie, member of the Dead Twins?

Deon sent you?


He doesn't know I'm here.

You guys believe this?

Of all the people to get mixed up with a cop.

Blood turning against blood.

It's not right.

What's that mean?

Blood turning against blood?

Look, whatever happened with Deon had nothing to do with us.

Now, we're just minding our own business.

Why don't you do the same?

Looks like you've got Deon's watch, too.

Was a gift.

It's criminal possession of stolen property.

Wasn't me who stole it.

You know what?


Take it.

Felt weird having it anyway.

Who gave it to you?

You got his watch back, man.

That's all you're getting.

No, not unless you don't want a ride to the station.

Tell me what I want to know, or you're going in cuffs.

It's your call.

These messages Andrea received are just horrible.

The worst of them coming from this guy going by the name ShowStunner.

Ralph's handle.

Sean was right, he's a total prick.

- Yeah.

- That said, it's been months since he last messaged her.

Doesn't mean he wasn't still holding a grudge.

True, but could be time we look elsewhere.

I think I figured out where elsewhere is.

- What is it?

- Come see.

The cameras outside of Andrea's door weren't working, but this is footage from the hotel bar.

That's Ralph.

BAEZ: Guess he wasn't as busy

- as he said he was.

- Right.

And that's Megan Mills.

For a second there, it looks just like Andrea.


Same height, same pink hair.

And they had adjoining hotel rooms.

Do you think he made a mistake and went after the wrong girl?

Think we might have been looking at the wrong mark the whole time.


That bad, huh?

If this new draft was a gesture...

that'd be it.

Walk me through it.

I got to think.

Our amendment calls for a case-by-case review of cops' infractions.

Well, that's what we needed.

This isn't that?


This is wholesale.

Means any infraction requires complete forfeiture of a cop's pension.

So a questionable couple of minutes of phone video carries the same penalty as shaking down a drug lord.

Son of a bitch.

You bowed your head.

He wants to see if you'll genuflect and kiss the ring.

You have pushed back pretty hard on his rhetoric last year.

You can see why it backfired.

Well, that's what I do when someone calls my cops r*cist.

What did you say about him wearing sharkskin pajamas?

Something stupid.

I guess he was a little thinner sharkskin than we accounted for.

Now what?

We load up for bear.

We fight.

What happened to the common good?

Apparently, it's obsolete.

Erin was likely copied on this.

I'll tell her.


That's on me.

Yelena, could you take the kids to their room?

I told you, unless you have a warrant, I don't want to talk to you.

We're to make a notification.

A notification?

Of what?

WITTEN: You've called on your husband several times.

Between that and Yelena's complaint...

...we have reason to believe this might not be a safe environment for your children.

What are you talking about?

The Administration of Children's Services has been notified.

They've opened a case.

So they're gonna drop by here and they're gonna do an investigation.

Are you threatening to take my kids away from me?

We're just warning you about an investigation.

You have no right.

Actually, we are bound by law to report this.

You don't understand.

Did your husband hit Yelena?

Mike is in therapy.

He isn't a bad guy.

If your husband is abusive, you need to think about your kids.

They're trapped here, just like Yelena, just like you.

You're asking me to destroy my family.


- I'm asking you to do the right thing.


What's going on, Officers?

Why don't you tell us?

Did you call them?


They were just on their way out.

Did Yelena?


We'll talk about this.


If we don't do what he wants, he locks us in a room and beats us.

I have photos of the bruises on my body.

I'd like to press charges.


- You lying bitch.

- Hey, hey.

You did this.

- You're under arrest.

- This is your fault!

JANKO: You're under arrest.

Hands behind your back.

MIKE: Okay...

- Ow.

- JANKO: Stop fighting.




He doesn't know I'm here.


Governor, look at me.

He doesn't know I'm here.

You say so.

Are you recording this conversation?


Under New York State law, you could record this conversation without informing me.

I'm asking as a courtesy.

No, we are not.

Thank you.

So, are you doing this to punish me or my old man?

I'm not punishing anybody.

Yes, you are.

You calling me a liar?

No, but I'm calling you out.

Moving the goalpost was a cheap shot.

You realize that it says "governor" on that door.

And if the governor's being honest about not recording this conversation, then this is just between us.

I always look a gift horse in the mouth.

I even check its teeth.

You ever regret that?

A man asks to borrow a hammer, you lend him one, he remembers that.

He asks to borrow a hammer and you hit him with it, he remembers that a lot more.

Is this 'cause I passed you over for D.A.?

Oh, you're on a roll today, aren't you?

My family has flaws, just like anyone's...

Maybe even more...

But I think this is one of them.

That when we...

give our word, we're foolish enough to expect that trust in return.

But you do what you got to do.

Megan, pick up the phone.


- Hello?

- DANNY: Hey, Megan.

It's Detective Reagan.

Where are you?

I just got back to the hotel.

I was just finishing up some interviews.

Okay, we're coming to talk to you now.

Don't go anywhere.

What's going on, Detectives?

Is everything okay?

Just stay where you are.

Who was that?

Ralph, hi.

That was my mom calling to check in.

- Can we talk?

- Okay.

Just about the other night.

I want to just clear some things up.


But not here.

You want to go to my room?


Let's get out of here and go somewhere private.

Get away from all this.


You got my watch?

You want to sh**t a little?

Thank you for getting my watch back, but I gotta go.

It wasn't Reggie who gave you that black eye, was it?

It was your older brother, Dante.

I don't know what you're talking about.

Reggie said you turned on your own blood.

And then I found your brother's juvenile record.

Our dad died from a stray b*llet.

We each took it differently.

I wanted to do everything to get out of the neighborhood, but Dante...

Fell in with some bad people?

He was trying to be the provider that we lost.

Was he involved in that as*ault and robbery?

He is my brother.

I am obligated to give his name to the detectives who caught the case.

They'll check it against the surveillance in the bodega, and if he was involved, he'll be arrested.

But you can still help him.


Get him to come in willingly.

That way it'll be safer for everyone involved.

You want me to turn in my own brother?

I checked with my connection at the D.A.

If he comes in on his own, I can get him some leniency.

Could you do it?

To your own brother?

If he'd almost k*lled an innocent person, I would have to.

Thank you for getting my watch back.

♪ Hey, Mason.

Where's Megan?

- I think she left already.

- Left where?

- How should I know?

- Was she alone?


Ralph was with her.

They were probably just going for some drinks.


Like I said, I have no idea.

Well, you better get an idea quick

- before another girl turns up dead.

- You're joking.

No, I'm not joking.

Seriously, I don't know.


This Ralph, he the kind of guy that keeps an apartment on both coasts?


- Megan!

- MEGAN: What did you do?!

All right.

You, admit what you did to her.

Okay, okay!

I-I admit it, okay?

- What did you do?!

- Please stop.

- What did you do?!

- Okay, please.

I k*lled her, okay?

I k*lled her!


- Megan?



You can drop the knife now.


- Yes.

- If I don't do this, nobody else will.

That's not true.

We will put him away.

It took Andrea dying for anyone to even pay attention to this scumbag.

I will not let him sit on his throne one more day!

DANNY: Megan!


Listen to me!

Megan, stop!

Stop right now!

Look-it, he already confessed.


If you do this, it's not just Andrea's life that's over, yours is over, too.

Now, I'm gonna put this away.

I want you to drop that knife right now.


Come on.


Don't do it.




DANNY: Drop it.

- Drop it.

Drop it!


Hands behind your back.


It was supposed to be me.

I know.

It's okay.

Get that scumbag out of here.

DANNY: It wasn't supposed to be anyone.

It wasn't supposed to be anyone.

(QUIETLY): It's all right.

Man, you went too far at that bodega, beating that guy.

- Hey, man, when'd you get all soft?

- I'm just saying I can't even take a leak without the cops rolling up on me.

Okay, I'll tell you what.

Next time, I'll just ask real nicely for the money.

How's that sound?

- Put your bet up, man.



- What the...?


Don't move!

- Put your hands on the table!

- Man, what'd I tell you?

- Just shut up, man.

- Is that the guy?

That's him.

Dante Williams, you're under arrest for robbery and as*ault.

Well, I-I didn't even do anything, man!

You maimed someone for life.

Man, I...

Wait, wait, wait, wait.

You're that cop that Deon's been hanging out with, right?


His "mentor." I heard how you look like.

Look at you.

You-you got my own brother to turn on me?

No, he wouldn't give you up.

When you see him again...

tell him he's dead to me.

Get him out of here.

You really said that to him?


Not my finest moment.

Did he throw your ass out?


I left in the nick of time.

You know, there's no way I would have asked you to go back a second time.

That was my decision.

I needed to finish what I started.

And I will never ask you to do something like this again.

Well, I don't really blame you.

I didn't exactly bring home the bacon.

Hey, jury's still out.

And I won't ask unless I need you, and...

then I will ask.


when did you figure out I didn't last this long by being a saint?

Long before our lunch the other day.

Fair enough.

And when did I figure out you weren't a saint?


Probably when I was six.

Okay, an operator.


The day you entered law school.

But as long as it's for the common good, right?


(SIGHS): Or at least...

as long as we can still convince ourselves it is.


You must be crazy coming here after what you've done.

- Get the hell out.

- It's okay.

You got one minute.


You shouldn't have come here.

It's hard enough for her as it is.

I just wanted to make sure you were okay.

Is Dante?

I haven't spoken to him since he was processed.

What about your connection with the D.A.?

Can they still help him?

That wasn't the deal, Deon.

He's my brother.

I couldn't just turn on him like that.

If you ever need anything, don't hesitate to call.

Unless it's to help my brother, right?

I'm sorry.


JANKO: Wait a minute. So, what if you're a Catholic and you give up something for Lent that you don't like anyway?

Well, that's not gonna work.

- Yeah.

- The whole point is sacrifice.

Well, yeah, I get that.

I'm just saying it'd be really easy to game it.

Game it how?

Well, I could tell everybody that I love anchovies...

- Mm-mm.

- ERIN: No.

No, we would know you don't like anchovies.

Yeah, we would see you ordering anchovies on, like, a Caesar salad or something.

Okay, so not anchovies.

What about, like... liver?

- No one likes liver.

- Nobody here knows if I love or I hate liver.

And it's never been on the menu.


That would be cheating.

- Yeah.

- You're looking for loopholes in a solemn Christian tradition?


It's not a I...

The Lenten sacrifice requires that we deny our body some luxury or pleasure for the greater glory of God.

That was very profound, Monsignor.

Five years of catechism class.

- Five!

- I can tell.


It's not about the anchovies.

Okay, my point is that this is a family of cops.

And a prosecutor.

You guys walk around all day with an eye, for a scam and an ear for a fib.

But when it comes to Lent, all of a sudden you guys are all, like, whole-hog honor system?

- DANNY: Yeah.

- Yes.



It's the way we were raised.

DANNY: Yeah.

I mean, I always try.

JAMIE: Although we did used to check ourselves, growing up, around this table.

And anchovies and liver would never have cut it.


Well, when's the last time you guys all checked each other?

Excuse me?

HENRY: This Lent...

I gave up -year-old Scotch whiskies.

That's very specific.

Crispy bacon.


- Mmm.

- My morning run.

DANNY: And I gave up, uh, trying to parent this one.



JANKO: Okay, I get it.

- The joke's on me, again.

- Eddie, it isn't a true sacrifice unless you keep it to yourself.

If you tell everybody, that's just grandstanding.

Hot cross bun?

I'm giving them up for Lent.

♪ Wha...?

