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02x11 - Tentacles

Posted: 03/28/21 06:20
by bunniefuu


I'm sorry, I'm...


I'm really sorry, I just...

I think I need to be alone for a while, you know?

There's nothing you did, I just, I need to...

be alone, I need to figure out what I want and who I am.

Things went too fast.


Please let me go.

♪ Swallow me ♪ ♪ Swallow me and open up ♪ ♪ Let me inside of your mind ♪ ♪ I'll live inside of you ♪ ♪ To find what you looking for ♪ ♪ Tell me about it ♪ ♪ Tell me about it ♪ ♪ Tell me about it ♪ ♪ Ohh ♪ ♪ Needy bees ♪ ♪ Whisper softly ♪ ♪ Tell me what you need ♪ ♪ I'll come inside of you ♪
♪ I'll live inside of you ♪ ♪ To find what you looking for ♪ This house was literally built to optimize the sunlight.

Yeah, well, we're looking to invest in the area.

Well, you can't put a price on it, but of course, we did.

Well, this listing really caught our eye.

- We're highly motivated.

- We love motivated!

Most people just take one.

Can I help you, hon?

Just browsing for a new home.

I'm motivated.

...this house last year.

Are you leaving?

Fine, you're the boss.

No, we're partners, we both have a vested interest in not producing garbage.

I'm not producing garbage.

But forgive me if I'm not gonna k*ll myself for real estate photos.

I know it's been tough, but can we stay on the same team at least?

Let's just call it a day.

We have a sh**t early tomorrow.

Yes, let's.


I'll pack up the gear, you lock up.

You could just finally sell your parents' house, Sam.

Aisha can flip it.

Look what she did with this place.

Thanks, but...

no thanks.

Then turn it into a photo studio.

Replace the bad memories with good.

You done?

'Cause I am.

What are you doing?

Open house is, uh, over.



You okay?

I just lost track of time.

You have a nice house.

Not my house.

Just a hired hand.


Well, I like the flyer.

That I actually had something to do with.

The photos.

You're talented.


I just moved here, and I've seen a lot of house flyers.

Moved from where?

East of here.

Don't be too specific now.

Yeah, this place is charming, but...

I'm honestly looking for more of a project.


A challenge.

Oh yeah?


I gotta come clean.

I kinda overheard you and your girlfriend upstairs...

Business partner.

- Best friend.

- What kind of business are you partnered in?

Just some casual eavesdropping, eh?

I heard house flipping and I thought maybe...

I'm just f*cking with you.

We work in commercial photography.

Esther, my friend, she does the numbers, the booking.

I do the actual pointing and sh**ting.

What do you sh**t, aside from houses?

Well, that's it, actually.

Sort of.

I've been sh**ting with real estate developers while secretly doing a photo essay on gentrification and the people they're displacing.


I won't tell.

So you're looking for a new project.


I know it sounds cheesy, but I'm looking for someplace with...



I actually have a property that needs some work.

A lot of work.

I've been trying to renovate it, but the day job keeps taking over.

I mean...

I can't keep up, honestly.

I don't know how the f*ck people do this adult shit.

He says that to a total stranger.

Potential buyer.

Maybe I could take that property renovation off your shoulders.

I like the aggressive approach.

I'm Sam Anselm.

Tara Parrish.

You want a drink or something, Tara Parrish?

I could be persuaded.

Where you thinking?


In a stranger's open house.

I won't tell.

Do you even have anything to drink here?


Plenty more where this came from.

Don't have glasses.

I do have the only set of keys, though.

Well, then.

I'd love a drink.

Kind of weird to stand over you.

Is this where I say "I do"?

Oh, you're right.

Still kinda weird.


I guess I like weird.


where do we go from here?

You could sit on the couch like a normal person.

Mm, thought you liked 'em weird.

I like whatever this is.

You're stunning.

I'm so glad you think so.

Guess I never made it onto the couch.

Woulda been too normal if you did.

You're amazing.

Does this mean I get to see your house?


You just met me.

And you just had your head between my legs.


Never mind.

I didn't think you were serious.

I'm displaced.

And I have money saved from my past lives.

And I'm kinda living out of my car.

You're homeless and cash flush.

You haven't even seen it yet.

It needs a shit ton of work.

I understand.

Who doesn't?


Here it is.

No one's lived here in a while.


I love the ceilings.

I'd take up this carpet, first thing.

So much light!

- And space!

- Yep.

Amazing vintage fixtures.


It looks like they were photographers too.

This is stunning.

You okay?

Yeah, all the...

the renovation stuff, you know what you're doing?

Yes, but I...

And you can pay rent until it's ready to sell?


But what just happened?

I feel like...

I took that photo.

This is my parents' home...


my parents' home.


it's yours.

Go nuts.

Hey, Sam...

♪ You're turning me on ♪ ♪ When we both know you'll never care ♪ ♪ Stop using my heart ♪ ♪ Won't you stop teasing me ♪ Well, hello...


Hello, renter.

Brought you some nicer curtains.

A client of mine was getting rid of them.



Actually, while I have you...

Is that an enlarger?

I found it for free online, it just needed a new bulb.

It seems to work, but you would know better than me.

Holy shit.

What do you think about turning your old room into a photo studio?

You could easily strip it once you show the house, but in the meantime, you could develop and print photos here while I work.


So, why did you move to L. A.?

Never really told me.

Last place before the ocean.



when you have no good reason, you make up a reason, I guess.


right here, okay?

Excuse me...

You know him?

Not really.

As a general rule, though, I try to connect with people instead of just...

pretending they're not there.

I know it sounds woo-woo, but when you take a photo of someone...

you take something from them.

Can you sit up for me, please?

No, don't hide that.

I love your scar.

It's like your seam.

You do?

Yeah, it's what makes you you.


I don't see it that way.

I do.

I want you to feel me.

Is that okay?

Mmm, yes.

My God.

Well, who needs sexy music when you got an air mattress?

Hey, you.

Hey, you.

Is it okay that I slept over?


Did you move more stuff around overnight?

It relaxes me.

You made a lot of changes.

You told me to.

Did I do something wrong?

I need a drink.

Talk to me.

This is ridiculous.

I know what it's like to run away.

I'm not running from shit.

You're in pain.

Jesus Christ, where are my f*cking keys?


I'm out.

My mom died a year ago.

We were really close.

I'm so sorry, Sam.

Then my dad died two months ago.

We weren't close.

He was an assh*le.

He left us years ago with a ton of debt.

And now I have this home and no parents.

Even if I wanted to live here, way beyond anything I could afford.

My parents are gone too.

You never really stop searching.

I wanna get rid of this house and move on.

But I was thinking, move on to what?

I get it.

I gotta go.



You have nothing to be ashamed of, Sam.

I'm such a f*cking failure.


Look, I know it's hard, but this house, you can make it yours, Sam.

I don't want you to leave.

Stay here with me.

For real?


thank you.

Ooh, ooh, I see a really good one.

Can I squeeze it?

Happy four months, weirdo.


Aren't bodies incredible?

That's not quite my response to ear wax, but...

The f*ck?

Maybe it's stress.

In my ear?

It can show up in different ways.

You've been working through so much.

That the land line?

- Hello?

- Hello, Lina.

Who was that?

We should disconnect this.

Who was it?

Talk to me.

Who even has a f*cking land line anymore?

Phew, all right.


Um, I'm going to the darkroom.

All clear.

I'm sorry.

What are you running from?

We live together, Tara.

I know, I...

And if you want me to let you in, you have to let me in too.

I was gonna tell you when I felt like it was the right time.

Tell me what?

I have a stalker.




This guy I dated.

He got scary, so I ended it.

Then he got really scary.

- And he called.

He knows where we live.

It might not have been him.

Maybe I'm just being paranoid.

I don't know how he could have found me here.

I don't want him to ruin this.

No one can ruin this.

I love you.

I love you too.

If you could live anywhere, where would you live?



I feel safe underwater.

I meant on land.

Right here.

I always wanna be exactly where I am.

Otherwise, I wouldn't be there.

I love you so f*cking much.

I wish there were some way to show you, other than sex or talking.

Some way for us to touch brains.

I've got you.

I've got you.

That's Esther; I'm late.

- See you tonight babe, okay?

- Okay, bye.

I know you're looking for me.

I have a new life now, okay?

Stay away.



Yeah, hi!

Um, yeah, Sam told me to stop by.

Come in.


I was telling him to sell the house.

Instead, he shacks up and settles down.


He's not settling.

I'm his girlfriend.

Yeah, I mean... you know.

It's just nice to see he's happy.


Whoa, what's all this?

Oh, I figured I'd bring the equipment over since you have so much space.

Maybe we could set up our office, finally.

It looks amazing, by the way.

Um, thought you were just coming by to see the place.

You said you set it up for work.

We set up a darkroom.

- But we sh**t digitally.

- I'm finally taking my own work seriously, Esther, can't keep f*cking around with bullshit engagement photos.

Bullshit engagement photos.

- You know what I mean.

- So, you're trading in all of our hard work for some hipster pipe dream.

How can you be so flippant about our business?

It's not me be being flippant.

Being intentional.


What about money?

'Cause not everyone has a freebie mommy daddy house.

Editorial photographers make a lot of money.

I really believe in him.

'Cause I clearly don't, I haven't dedicated the better part of the decade trying to build our client list.

Okay, hey, hey, okay.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

I can definitely find a place for equipment.

I just need to also put energy into my own stuff, okay?

I've never seen you like this.

What'd you do to him, Tara?

Leave me alone!

Whoa, hey!


It's just me.

You're good, you're okay.

- You dummy!

- Oh!

- Oh my God.

- You're okay.

Tell me what you did with other women.


Tell me how you f*ck other women.

I'm not falling for that.



'Cause I wanna know?

I, um...

I don't wanna upset you.

It won't upset me.

It turns me on.

Jealousy turns you on?

It's not jealousy.


I like seeing another side of you.

What you're like when I'm not around.

What you were like before I came around.

This isn't a trap?

You stay there.

Watch and tell me.



there's this woman I worked with as a temp.

We'd share a look every now and then.

Felt charged, but never a word.

Until one day, she just...

followed me to my car and got in.

I knew instantly what she was doing.

I took her to my apartment, barely saying a word.

Then we went to bed like we both had to f*ck.

Barely said a word.

Just went to bed like you both had to f*ck.

I don't...

I don't know if I like this.

I want you to f*ck me like that.

Exactly how you f*cked that woman.

Like we have to.

We have to.

Is that what you want?

Like this?


This turn you on?


- This turn you on?

- Yes.


I have an idea.

You wanna go on a date?

Right now?

I thought we'd go on a picnic.

Instead of, you know, having sex and photo stuff, having more sex...

Which is all great.

But, like, uh...

plan something.

I mean, I already planned it.

Why are you acting anxious?


This is what I'm always like.

I can be ready in a few minutes.


Let me just grab one thing.


Going on a picnic, huh?

I was hoping to find you with Alice, too.

But I'm looking forward to meeting your new friend when you least expect it.


I've been thinking.

These, um...

these past few months have been the best of my life.

I mean, no one has ever cared about me the way you do.

Really seen me.

I've never felt that way.

Like I'm really one with someone.

And that's how I want it to be.

Me too.


Oh my God.

I know, right?

You've inspired me, Tara.

Helped me see that I was just floating by, numb.

I never imagined I could feel like...

Like I have a home.

And I wanna be connected to you forever.

I love you so much.

Is that a yes?



Sam, what's wrong?

Oh my God.



Hey, hey, Sam.

Somebody help!

And I've been feeling super tired the past few weeks, and then there's this slicing, intense pain in my ear.

I don't see anything aberrant in your physical or irritation in the ear.

I think it's just garden-variety tinnitus.

Did your parents deal with tinnitus?

I don't know, but I don't think so.

Any stress at work?

Big life events?

Uh, let's see, uh...

both my parents died.

Moved into a new house.

Actually, it's not new, it's the house I grew up in.

Uh, new girlfriend...

fiancée that's, uh...

You got a lot going on.

Let's just let that all settle in, but I'll order some more comprehensive blood work just to be safe.

Just dropping this off.

We don't review unsolicited work.

I'm supposed to give this to you.

The director asked for it?


I'll get it to her.

What does she even do all day, does she work?

She's renovating the house.

But, like, who is she outside of you?

Does she even have a personality?

Esther, come on.

You're my best friend.

Sorry to tough-love you, but I'm in love with Tara.

If you wanna stay in my life, we're gonna have to figure out some kinda...


I just got called in for a studio visit.

- Huh?

- The Feinman/Valdes Gallery.


- Holy shit.

- Holy shit!

I'm so f*cking proud of you!

- I've gotta call Tara.

- Right, yeah, go ahead.


Did you get my messages?

Feinman/Valdes emailed me.

No clue how they found me, maybe online?

They wanna see more work.

Where are you?

In the bath.

Okay, I'll, uh, I'll be in the darkroom.

Fall asleep in there?


Tara, are you okay?

Tara, I'm coming in if you don't answer.


What the hell just happened?

Are you okay?

- Why didn't you answer me?

- I had my head underwater.

I didn't hear anything.

Oh, f*ck.

I'm an idiot.

Well, I'll fix the door, okay?

Jesus Christ.

You look so stressed out, baby.

You scared me.


Maybe I can help you relax.


Is that good, baby?


Can you hear me?


What happened?

How long have I been out for?

Only for a few minutes.

I had this hallucination.

You were a...

You hear that?


That's him.

He's here.

That's him.

What are you doing?

Hide, right now.


This is your chance.



Are we safe?

They're gone.

Is this you?

You need to tell me what's really going on.

- I don't know, I...

- It's him, right?

He broke into our house?

And this is you: Lina?

That's not my name anymore.

Why didn't you tell me Grant was your fiancé?

I ended it.

- And then he came after me.

- Listen, listen.

If he ever comes back here or tries to hurt you again, you grab whatever you can find and you defend yourself, okay?


Is that how you got that scar?

Did he give you that scar?

Will you tell me what the f*ck is going on between you?

I don't want to open that wound!

Wait, back up.

You're engaged?

You don't even know this woman.

I do know her.

Now you're telling me.

This is crazy fast.

Surely you can see that, right?

Why don't we just address why you hate Tara so much.

I don't hate her, but I am allowed to have an opinion as your friend.

You're not even the same person.

My friend, yes.

Can you please send for an Esther back?

- Thank you.

- I'm not gonna just tell you what you want to hear, okay?

I'm genuinely worried about you.



Are you even listening?

Oh my God.

Wait, Esther, just...


Esther, I...

I'm sorry, I just don't think this is working out.

f*ck you.


Brought dinner.



This is what I'm always like.


This is what I'm always like.

I assume you know who I am by now.

You're stalking Tara.

Did I miss anything?

"Tara?" You mean Lina.

Right, because who would want to change her name trying to hide from her stalker?

I knew her since we were kids.

She changed.

She was mine.

That's not how relationships work.

Yeah, you're not supposed to humiliate someone you love.

She doesn't want to be with you, dude.

Get over it.

You think I tracked Lina down just 'cause of a breakup?

Listen, she's a f*ckin' bitch, but there's more to it.

What is it you think she did?

Her and that c**t, Alice.

We were going through a rough patch.

Suddenly they steal my savings, my car, and run off together.

Who the hell is Alice?

f*ck off.

Look, I have no idea who Alice is.

Showed up one day out of the blue.

Sound familiar?

You notice people like her in a small town.

First she f*cked over Theo, then moved on to Lina.

Corrupted her.

This all sounds like one big you problem, Grant.

You'd be wise to listen.

It's Lina.

Took a PI that I paid for by selling my house.

But I found her.

She's not right in the head.

Whatever Alice got her to do to me, she's gonna do again to the next sucker.

I mean, do I want revenge?


This is a civic duty now, man.

You're welcome.

My gift to you.

If Lina's here, Alice can't be far.

Get the f*ck away from me.

You smell like her.

Leave us alone.

If you come back here, I'll f*ck you up, you hear me?

I'll get to her.

One way or another.

Or she'll get to you.

Yeah, best of luck, assh*le.


I brought dinner.


Everything okay?

I met Grant.

Seems like a nice fellow.

- Where did you meet...

- Who's Alice?

He said Alice was the reason you broke things off.

Then you robbed him?

Listen, you can tell me.

I won't be mad, I...

Help me understand.

- God!

- Sam!

God, what the f*ck is happening?

- You need rest.

- God!

Please just let me hold you.

- Stop!

- Please.

Then tell me what the hell's going on.

I want to!

I just...


I need space.

I can't be here anymore.

I wanted to call you in because, well, I can't quite explain.

I found no real diagnosis from the blood work, but you're clearly not well.

How do you mean?

Well, your white blood cell count is very low.

It's like your body's under attack.

But we didn't detect any infection or reduced bone marrow function.

Something around you is making you sick.

An allergy, mold, maybe mildew.

I'm gonna refer you to an allergist because aside from that there's nothing much else I can do.

Thanks, Doctor.

Hey, son, we're not done here.

You just said not really much you can do.

Yeah, I know you're anxious, but...


This is what I'm always like.

I really need to see you.

Mm, f*ck, mm.

Oh, I'm still starving.

You can eat the seats or the steering wheel.

- Mm.

- Crunchier.

Crunch, crunch, crunchy.

- Crunchy.

- Crunchy.

I'm glad you called.

Yeah, we never get to do this anymore, you know?

Yeah, we have fun together.

Yep, yeah, I know.

It's like I, uh...



I wasn't paying attention.


Does Tara know we're hanging out?

I don't know.

I should probably find a place to crash.

You can crash at mine.

First time for everything.

I shouldn't be doing this.

You've been talking for hours about how she hides shit from you.

Not like this.

Finally gave in, huh?

I've worked too hard to let you destroy my home.

Oh yeah, real hard work, stealing my f*cking savings to live off.

You know what's hard work?

Everything we built together that you ruined.

I don't want you, Grant.

You need to leave me alone.

I'm gonna make you so f*cking sorry, Lina.


Take me.

What did you say?

Just come with me.

- Mm-hm.

- God damn.

Let's have each other one last time.

Our secret.

Yeah, yeah.

This way.

To the shower.


What's going on?

Hey, what's going on?

I'm so sorry, Sam.

I can't lose you.



I've thought a lot about us today.

A lot.

Look, whatever's going on, whatever issues you may have, it's the past.

We can work through it.

Hey, you've helped me so much.

Now I want to help you.

Thank you.

I don't deserve that after all I put you through.

Is someone here?

No, please don't!

f*ck this.

Holy shit.

- Holy shit!

- It was self-defense.

I told you, he's dangerous.

- I'm calling the police!

- No!

- I can explain!

- You had plenty of time to...

They could say that I m*rder*d him, okay, baby?

What the f*ck happened?

You told me if he ever came back here that I should defend myself.

We need to get rid of the body.


Listen to me, this is your house, okay?

People will think you did it.

Grant is connected to both of us.

Listen to me.

We have everything to lose.

Nobody is looking for him, okay?

He was a bad person.

The world is better without him in it.

Trust me.

Now help me get him into the trunk.

We go at least 50 miles away from here.

I know a place a few valleys out where they're pouring concrete for developments.

We'll drop the body there and no one will ever find him.

How do you...

know that?

Headed to the gallery event?

I can't...

believe we did that.




The blood.

You look really tired, baby.

Did you have bad nightmares?




Hey, you've reached Sam.

Leave me a message and I'll call you back.

Hey, babe, it's me.

Give me a call back when you have a sec.

You Theo?

The one-armed and only.

Yeah, the bartender said you'd be here.


I'm looking for someone who used to come here.

Sounds like you're the expert.

Well, I've been parked here for a few years now.

If they came through, I know 'em.




Yeah, she didn't just come through here.

Want me to buy you a drink, yeah?


What do you know about her?

Hm, the girl everyone wanted to be.

Or f*ck.

Yeah, we went to school together.

Where she met Grant.

Phew, Grant, man.

He's a freaky dude.

What's your horse in this race?

I'm dating her.

No shit.

How'd you get her away from Alice?

Alice isn't in the picture anymore.


Yeah, Alice was different.

Came out of nowhere and left a disaster in her wake, myself included.

What happened?

I get sick, right?

It started not long after she moved in.

Way too fast probably, but I was smitten.

Do you ever watch Animal Planet?

Yeah, it was like she put off a f*ckin', uh, whatchamacallit, makes you fall in love or lust.

- Pheromones.

- Yeah, that's the one.

Felt like I had one foot in a dream.

Then one day I collapsed in the street and I woke up in the hospital.

You know, Alice came to visit at first, but before I was even out of the hospital, you know, she was out of my life completely.

You know, as soon as she was gone, I felt better and better immediately.

Yeah, seriously, f*ck her.

So, how does Lina and Grant fit in?

So she takes a liking to Lina and they start seeing each other a lot.

Best friends.

And then all of a sudden, it's more.

Some like real-life hot lesbian shit.

Turns out they had some love shack like just outside of town.

- Where is this place?

- Uh, short drive.

Parish Road.


f*ck, f*ck, f*ck!

Dude, what is going on?

Come in.

I, um...

I needed to see you.

What is it?

Sam, hello?

Where are you going?

I, um, went to your old place.

Yours and Alice's.

Why did you do that?

Who the f*ck was in that wall?

You didn't recognize me?

Who are you?

What are you?

I think, uh, I think I need to be alone.

Figure out what I want.

I always wanted you to know the whole truth.

And now I can show you.

That's not gonna work on me anymore.

What's happening?

The truth.

I've been taking out a little bit every night.

Absorbing you.

Becoming you.

I'm truly sorry, but this last part's gonna be painful for both of us.

It's what I am.

Whether we like it or not.

Just try to breathe.

Please just k*ll me.


I can't do that.

If I'm gonna become you, I need you alive until we're through.


If you don't let me go, I'll do it.

Don't do anything crazy, baby.


Stay there or I'll f*cking do it!

Back so... what happened?

- Tara's after me.

Lock the door.

- Sam?

- Lock the door.

- Lock the door right now.

- What?

Did she do this to you because of what we did?

What the f*ck are you talking about?

That we had sex, Sam.


What sex?

What's happening?


my ear, my ear!

I want to look at it, let me look at it.

Holy shit!

Look, listen, listen, listen to me.

You gotta get out of here right now.

Sam, what is going on?

Go now!


Sam, what is...

let me help you!


How did you?

Oh, Esther, I'm so scared.

But this is too complicated now.

It's okay, it's okay.

I'm so sorry.

I love you exactly like he loves you.


Now where did I go?

♪ Won't you stop teasing me?

♪ ♪ Stop using my heart ♪ ♪ I will win you somehow ♪ ♪ You know you wanted me ♪ ♪ Stop using my heart ♪ No, you don't.

Oh my God.

What did you do to me?

I'm becoming you, baby.

I almost have everything I need.

With Grant and Esther dead, Tara has to die too.

I didn't want to do it all so quickly, but Grant was after me.

I had to speed things up.

If you hadn't run to Esther, she'd never have known.

You would have ended up with her.

Well, we would have.

Wouldn't that be nice?

I envy you.

Having an identity of your own.

I've worked too hard to let you go.

Let go.


Big fan of your work.


Been looking for you.

I think we might have something in common.


I think I need some fresh air.

If I could live anywhere, I'd live underwater.

Are there others?

I don't know.


How'd you find me?

The news stories.

I put the pieces together.


Is there anything more calming than the ocean?

- Yes.

- And what's that?
