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02x01 - Uncanny Annie

Posted: 03/28/21 06:06
by bunniefuu
Oh, f*ck.

I so enjoyed our game together.


But you broke the rules.

None of your vile tricks shall stop us!


Craig, who are you yelling at exactly?


Got carried away.

Thank you.

As I was saying, you're faced with a huge nine-headed--.

- Dude!

- Craig!


It is honestly infuriating.

- We put a lot of time into this.

- It's a game.

In the greater scheme of things, it means nothing.

So have fun.

That philosophy class has turned you into a d*ck.

You know it.

I should get going anyway.

Wait, no, nine-headed Hydra!

Don't worry.

On your deathbed, you're not gonna miss us.

Wait, you're going too?

Come on, dude, the night is young.


Well, we're gonna be hanging out all night, so when you strike out at your little party, we might accept you back.

Don't wait up.

Happy Halloween, fellas.

Be safe out there.

All right, Peter.

Happy Halloween!

Trick or treat, m*therf*cker!

Wasn't really feeling it tonight anyways.


Even before you went all Brienne of Tarth on us?

Dude, I swear, the gamers these days play like they're in the f*cking White House Situation Room.

Tony didn't do that shit.

- I'm gonna k*ll you!

- f*ck!

Jesus Christ!

That was good, I got you really good.

Oh, did, uh, did Spock and the horny tomato leave?

That's probably for the best, we're still chillin' upstairs.

What's with the Santa hat anyways?

It's Halloween, dude.

Are you guys coming down any time soon or...

No, no, I think Wendy wanted to...

stay upstairs for a little bit.

You know, think she's feeling a little emotional.

You're not using Tony's death as an excuse to get laid.

- Are you, Michael?

- Hey, dude.

It's not... me, it's Wendy.

And you can talk to her about that.

Bullshit, Wendy likes hanging out with us, and you agreed that you would hang out--.

Yeah, no, I know, I know, yeah, I know, I agreed.

I promised, okay?

So give me like five minutes.

I'll come down, we can spend all night with each other.

All right.

Uh, oh, also, uh, can you guys Postmates us some beers?

I'll pay you back.

No, you won't.

Ah, you got me.

I'll just deduct it from your rent.

Wendy invited a couple of her girlfriends to come by, so just order enough beer for everybody, okay?

Wait, she didn't invite Eve, did she?

You know, even if I had that information, I could not possibly divulge that sort of info.

But I don't know.

But probably.

What do you think?


Uh, I don't want to just be adorable.

You look like such a badass.

How's that?

It's much better.

Dinner is served, milady.

Um, the girls will be arriving soon.

We should probably eat with everyone.

Right, no, yeah, yeah, we will.

Is my eyeliner even?

Yeah, no, it looks great.

Um, yeah, we will, I was just, uh, you know, thinkin' that we could, uh, spend a little time..

just us first, you know.

- Oh.

- Mm-hm.

We've kind of already been doing that.

Right, right, we have been talking, which has been great, but, you know, I was thinkin' that we could...

Okay, you stop it, I just finished getting ready.

Yeah, and...

you look incredible.

- Thank you.

- Which is a great lead-in to an idea that I had.

But, okay, look, you look really, really sexy.

And you are the cutest Santa I have ever seen.

Thank you.

But, we did agree that we would spend tonight with everyone, together, for Tony.


And Christmas is just around the corner.


- You like that, that's funny?

- That's a funny joke.

You're not actually gonna make me wait until Christmas, right?

That's crazy.

Try me.

Okay, all right.

You're right, this is important, and I'm sorry.

Good, now go put a shirt on, Mr. Claus.

He should've told us earlier that she was coming.

How would it change anything if he did?

She has every right to be here tonight.

I could've been mentally prepared, for one.

We haven't really spoken since we broke up.

I still don't even know why we broke up.

Whatever, you think another six-pack is good enough?

- Two maybe?

- Chill, it's one night.

Well, dude, what if I make an ass of myself?

Oh, my God, if you don't shut up, I'm gonna break up with you.



Hey, hi.



I swear, if I have to hear one more terrible Halloween song tonight, I'm gonna...

Peter, this is Grace.




I love the muumuu.





Oh, Craig, hi!


Please don't, uh, believe everything she says about me.

Oh, every word.

Nice costume.

You look just like my prom date senior year, except way healthier.

What costume?

No way, you have a money cat?

- Oh, yeah.

- I love Japanese culture.

So, how you been?

Uh, good.

Yeah, you?


I've been meaning to text you--.

Can we please not talk about it tonight?

Beers, uh, anyone want a beer?



Sure, yeah.

You okay?

You seem a little stressed out.

Yeah, just, you know, the weirdness never really hits until I'm in a room with him.

Sup, witches!



Oh, Evie, it wouldn't be the same without you.

Well, I have been groped enough on Halloween to never go to a campus party again.

Grace, it's so good of you to come.

Thank you.

Okay, so you've met the boys, right?

They're Michael's roommates.

Yeah, I think we've already made a great impression.

I'm sure you have.

Um, can you join me in the kitchen, please?

Yeah, yes.

Thank you.

Did you know, statistically, that one of you is a r*pist?

Get over here, Evie!

Mm, how are you holding up?

What do you mean?

I'm fine.

Okay, real talk, this is tough for all of us.

I just don't want you to be messed up over Craig, on top of everything else.

I know, I get it, but it's all good.

Really, I'm--I'm happy to be here tonight.

So, uh...

Grace and Peter?

Why do you always insist on playing matchmaker?

I don't know what you're talking about!

I just think that they could stand to loosen up a little, get to know each other.

On this somber occasion?

Right, yeah.

Good point, you're right.

Look, Evie, I didn't mean to be insensitive.

I'm just trying to look out.

Can I be honest with you?


Grace is gonna eat Peter alive.

Oh, I kept it in my mouth for too long.

It's like paint thinner.


Wow, that's impressive.

Well, frankly, I find American beers a lot like making love in a canoe.

f*cking close to water!

You like Monty Python?

Who doesn't?

So, what are your guys' majors?

Uh, English lit.

I'm a physics major.

Ooh, brainiac!



Oh, nice.

Can I ask, though, and I'm sorry if I'm being rude, but...

what really happened with your friend?

They said he drowned in less than six inches of water.

- How is that even possible?

- Yeah, well, you know, I mean, it happened, so, I guess it's possible.

Look it up if you want.

Sorry, I shouldn't have asked.

I can't believe it's already been a year.

Yeah, he loved Halloween.

He got so psyched for it every year.

Guess he got a little...

too psyched.

Yeah, so, none of us really felt like going out tonight.

Figured we'd stay home, play some games.

He loved games.

I get it.

You probably wish you told Eve you were busy tonight, huh?


I always like the more macabre side of Halloween than the orange Jell-O shot side anyway.

So, what are we all talking about?

Oh, they were telling me about Tony.


It's cool, all happy memories.

Yo, Craig, you ordered more beer, yeah?

Yeah, they're comin'.


Thanks, man.

So what kind of games was Tony into?

Um, Settlers of Catan, the Legacy ones.

Pretty much any board game that took all day long to play.

That's why we're here, right?

- We should play a board game.

- Yeah.

Okay, just don't pick anything too difficult.

I don't want to spend three hours arguing over something I don't understand.

Yeah, I'll just get us a selection and then we can all pick one.

Oh, wait, um, the games are in the basement now.

I can go get them, if you want.

No, no, I'm good, I got it.

Oh, the, uh, light doesn't work, by the way.

Of course it doesn't.

Hey, seriously, I can get the games if--.

You're doing real good, buddy.

Oh, hell no.

You'd really rent out a dead man's room?

Well, it's not like he died in the room.

Maybe I pretend to find it a little freaky just so you can knock a couple hundred off the rent.

- Oh, my!

- Jeez!

Jesus Christ!


You're so brave.

Okay, let's see what you got.


- Nope, boring.

- These are all kid games.

How about a wholesome game of...

Whistle Stop?

Don't you guys have Cards Against Humanity or, um, Exploding Kittens?

What the hell's Exploding Kittens?

A game for people who are into kittens and explosions.

What about this one?

This one looks creepy.

Uncanny Annie.

I'm assuming this is Annie.


I've never seen that one before.

Let me see.

It was down there with the rest of them.

It's seasonal at least, right?

Oh, must've belonged to the guys who lived here before us.

Well, that guy was a f*ckin' weirdo.

Ages 8 and up!

Oh, Wendy can help you keep up!

Perfect for you, babe.

That's a really great story, man.

What do you think?


yeah, I'm down.

Okay, so how do we play?

Let's find out.

"You are now in Annie's Dark Box of Fun, where you must play along to see the sun." Ooh, Dark Box of Fun!

Looks like tonight might be your lucky night, boys!

- Babe, gross.

- What?

I--I didn't say the joke, she did.

No, you laughed.

"Annie loves games and needs new friends to play with." Clever and eager, she plays for keeps.

On each turn, a player picks a Challenge Card.

If you succeed, you win the round and add a tile.

If you don't, you have to draw a Mischief Card which gives you the last chance to survive.

Otherwise you'll be eliminated.

Spell out Annie's name and seal the box in time, "or out of Annie's void you'll never climb." So then, so we spell out Annie's name and we win, and the game kills our players and we lose.

- Okay.

- There's more.

"It isn't safe for the box to be open for too long." Finish within an hour because Annie's keeping time, "so don't step wrong." Oh, wait, wait, wait, wait.

That card's like a timekeeper or something?

That doesn't make sense.

Yeah, I don't know.

The only other thing it says is, "Fight back, survive, or Annie will get you, but if you break the rules, Annie will too." Ooh, Annie sounds like a real bitch.

And what's this for?

Maybe that comes up in the Mischief too.

I have a feeling the cards will dictate most of this stuff.

This is pretty dumb.

I like it.

Come on, "Annie" is like...


Five letters.

There's six of us.

How hard is it gonna be to beat this game?

All right, f*ck it!

I'll get things rolling.

All right!

Let's do it.

Okay, "Fears." Are you ready to play Annie's game?

"If so, a deep fear you must claim." Okay, well, what if you're not really afraid of anything?

- Come on, tough guy.

- What, what?

- Spill the beans.

- Okay, all right.

All right, be honest, Michael, it's okay.

Like, you're amongst friends here.

Oh, God, all right, fine.

Um, uh, yeah, uh, driving alone at night kinda freaks me out, I guess.



- Babe.

- What?


What the f*ck's funny about that?

Nothing, nothing, nothing.

I just...

You want to tell me what the f*ck's so funny about that?

Nothing, uh, it just humanizes you, dude.


What are you afraid of?

Are you afraid of the dark?

I didn't pick the card.

Eye drops.

- Really?

- What?

When I used to wear contacts, I was always afraid someone would, like, prank me and switch my eye drops with Krazy Glue.

I saw it in a movie once, it was scarring.

And literally now, I can't do anything with eyes.

Uh, well, I legit have...


It's a--a fear of surprises.

- Mm-hm.

- That's a thing?

Yup, and if you'd been at my 13th birthday, you would know it was totally a thing.


Um, I am afraid of...

how small and irrelevant we are in the grand scheme of things.

Oh, God, you're just dripping - with sexy existential dread.

- Well, you know, at least I'm not afraid of the f*cking highway.

Okay, it's not the highway.

All right.

Oh, no, wait, wait, wait.

Michael won, right?

He won.

- Oh, yeah!

- I guess you did.

- Yeah, dude, keep it up.

- Nice, easy peasy.

Maybe graduate to the 10-and-up games.

Okay, you know what?

Here, put this under the pile.

Okay, my turn?

"Don't lose your head." Choose someone you care about, and when they next play, "they'll see that love doth have a price to pay." Who you gonna pick?

Fine, I choose Peter.

Let's go, Pete!


Okay, Grace.




Nice, this is so easy!

We're gonna be done with this in like five minutes.

Hey, stop that.

Put another game in the queue.

Look, you--you're going to hurt Annie's feelings.

Help me.

Whoa, you good?


Nothing, I...

Never mind.

No, what?


That was some hardcore staring.

I should probably just, like, slow down.

Yeah, I have that effect sometimes.

- Oh, my God.

- Oh, yes, all right.

Pretentious, pretentious!

I'm just kidding, I'm just kidding.

My turn.


- Vl--Vlkoslak.

- Okay, you know what?

It doesn't matter.

"To satisfy a bloodthirst need, bite a friend's neck until red does bleed." - Gross!

- What the f*ck?

Whoa, how the hell is this game ages 8 and up?

I am not doing that, absolutely not.

It's a dare, you have to do it.

- What?

- Yeah.


Not my neck.

- You have the teeth for it.

- No, that's super gross.

Okay, well, you get a Mischief then.

Oh, yeah, right.


Please don't be weird.



Find a mirror and shut the door" so there is light no more.

Face the mirror and three times say, "'I summon thee, Annie, it's time to play.'" What?

Oh, that's like Bloody Mary.

My little sister played that with her friends when she was a kid all the time.

That's so stupid.

No, I don't want to do that either!

This is how people in the Candyman movies die.

It's Halloween, just have some fun.

For Michael's little sister's sake.

Yeah, for my little sister's sake.

Wendy, it's just a bit of fun, come on.

- Better than the other one.

- Okay, all right, I'll do it, but if I die, I'm coming back to haunt all your asses.

- No, you won't.

- Yes, I am.

- No, you won't.

- Yes, I am!

- You really have to do it.

- You got this, baby.


All right.

I summon thee, Annie, it's time to play.

I summon thee, Annie, it's time to play.

I summon thee, Annie, it's time to play.

What the f*ck!

I don't know how you did it, but it wasn't funny!

What--what happened?

I heard this...

creepy little girl giggle, and then one of those stupid, foggy mirror messages appeared and it said, "Thank you for choosing my game, Wendy." What?

I mean, we were all here.

Well, then one of you must have set it up before we started playing.

Set it up how, exactly?

Well, I don't know, but how else could it have gotten there?

One of you had to have done it!

All right.

Show me.

Show me, come on.

I'll go first.

It's okay!

Did you do it?

It was right there!

I know, I know, I'm sure it was.

Michael, I'm not lying.

I came in and I heard this little girl giggle, and... and there was a message on the mirror.

You know, your eyes were probably adjusting when you turned the light on.

You know, that happens.

It's fine.

Wait a second.

You're cute.


It's fine.

It's fine.

That's pretty rough.

How's she doing?

But, I mean...


There she is.

Are we good to keep going?


Everything okay?

I didn't do it.

I don't know.

Wendy, he's just f*cking with you.

Challenge, "First Blood." Pierce death before it pierces you." What is that supposed to mean?


What was that?

It's not my phone.

What was that?

Is that the box?

Must be rigged somehow?

Uh, what was that?

- That was upstairs.

- Yeah.

Okay, you know what?

This is not funny anymore.

- It's not me.

- Michael!

I didn't--how the f*ck would I do that?

Is someone else upstairs?

I--I don't think so.

Michael and I were upstairs all evening.

Okay, well, did someone leave their window open?

Where do you keep your tools at?


Um, under the sink.

Tools, are you gonna f*cking build a deck?

Like, what?

Okay, dude, your sarcasm, it's not helping.

What the f*ck are you doing?

Grace, where do you think you're going?

Gonna go see who's upstairs.

What the f*ck, he probably has a g*n.

I'm gonna scare the f*ck out of him.

I'm going too, just call the cops just in case.

You're going up there too, dude?

- What are you gonna do?

- Grace!

I'll stay here and make sure the girls are okay.

Is that from Michael's room?

I think so.

This is f*ckin' weird.

No monsters under the bed.

No monsters anywhere.

I think we're just creeping each other out, you guys.

Yeah, but you guys both heard that, right?

My f*cking phone isn't working!

I think we should go check on them.

What if they're in trouble?

If they're in trouble, they'll scream.

That's what you do when you're in trouble.

They're not screaming, so it's probably fine.

Come on!

What the f*ck?

Let's go check the other rooms.

I'll go check my room.




- f*ck this.

- No, no, no, Peter, Peter!

Stop him!

Pierce death before he pierces you, just like the card said!

Oh, my God!


Let's go.

Go, go, go, go, go!

Okay, okay, let's go.

Evie, let's get the f*ck outta here!

- What happened?

- Go, go, go, go, go!

What the f*ck, man?

Wait, wait.

What the f*ck?

Yo, where are all the lights?

Where is everything?

You can't even see the house across the street.

It's pure darkness.

A dark box.


What the f*ck are you talking about?

From the game instructions.

It's crazy, but we're inside the Dark Box.

No, come on, it's like--no, it's like a--.

It's like a power outage, or like f*cking...


you know, I don't know, someone TP'd the lights.

f*ck, like, improbable my ass, dude.

I don't think a power outage would make the pavement disappear.

It's a card game!

It can't teleport houses into black holes.

That just doesn't happen!

Then where is everything, Michael?

- An eclipse maybe.

- Yeah, sure.

- Wait, wait!

- What the f*ck?

It's solid.

Jesus Christ.



Is anyone out there?

Jesus Christ, this is real.

We're in the game.

It's like another dimension.

Or the quantum realm.

Maybe something went wrong at the Large Hadron Collider.

There are these nanotubes, right?

Microscopic carbon, they absorb almost all light.

- Peter.

- What?

If we can figure out how--.

Help me.

- Get inside, get inside!

- Go, go, go, go!

f*ck, f*ck, f*ck.

We're in the game now.

We have to keep playing.

Peter is--was right.

However improbable, we have to accept the reality around us.

Uncanny Annie is keeping time.

You know what, f*ck this reality.

f*ck this reality.

It's a f*cking game.

A game can't k*ll people.

It just f*cking did!

You know what, f*ck this game!

Okay, f*ck this game!

What the f*ck?

Michael, I know it doesn't make any sense, but Grace is right.

The darkness out there is real.

The game is real.

What is it, Michael?

What is it?


It wasn't there.

Oh, my God.

My God.

That can't be Peter.

Either you all are f*cking with me in the most...

elaborate way possible, or we're all f*cking screwed.

It had to be on there before, right?

That's impossible.

Wait, wait, wait, wait, it's a game, it's a game.

Right, so if we don't play the game, then nothing bad can happen, right?

The card changed!

Annie is keeping time.

She's almost halfway turned, which means she doesn't have much time left.

What happens when our time runs out?

She might k*ll us all!

Can you really say with confidence that--that that's impossible?

Michael, you can't...

beat a game by quitting.

We have to play to win.

So that we--that we all end up on the--on the f*cking box?

No, f*ck that, I'm not gonna do that.

But m--but maybe if we beat it, then we get Peter back, right?

And then everything goes to normal, like in Jumanji?

Yeah, yeah, and what if we beat the game...

and it doesn't, what then?

Then at least we tried.

Give me a better option and I'll gladly take it.

Must have thought that Peter was...

trying to run?

We can't...

run from this thing.

Then we find weapons, we stay here, and we play.

Your turn, Craig.

"The Prankster." Thirty-minute challenge.

He thinks he's funny, but really he's a bother.

"Protect this card from the thieving little robber." Thirty minutes?

Are you serious?

I guess so.

Okay, well, keep your eyes open.

It's a g*dd*mn poltergeist.

What the f*ck?

Watch out!

He's trying to distract us!

- The card!

- Go, get it, get it!

I can't move the card, it's stuck on the table.

- What's happening?

- I don't know, it's stuck!

Protect the card!

- Go away!

- Stop, leave us alone!

It's a person!

I think he's invisible.


What do you mean?

I don't know where he went.

What the f*ck?


What the f*ck!

It was right there, it was right there!

I swear to God, he was...

Don't let him get that card.

Somebody watch my back.

- On it.

- Okay.

Let's trap him in the kitchen.

Keep your hand on that card!

- Yeah.

- Just go.

Oh, my God!

Oh my God, oh my God.


Gracie, Gracie?

- Come on, come on.

- Oh, my God.


g*dd*mn it, f*ck!

g*dd*mn it, Craig.

What happened?

The--the card was--.

Are you okay?

Did he get the card?



So you get a Mischief Card now.

"Spin and get a kiss, Craig." What?

The card has my name on it.

"Spin and get a kiss, Craig." I don't get it.

The Challenge and the Mischief Cards are basically the same, right?

Yeah, yeah, they're the same.

They both f*cking suck.

She's f*cking with us.

What--what the f*ck do you mean it's f*cking with us?

Think, Michael, look at the card!

The game is f*cking with us!

Let's sit you down, yeah?


I'm so sorry.

You don't have to do it.

I'll take a kiss over whatever the penalty is for dodging it.

Probably the most romantic thing I've ever heard.

What are you...


What the f*ck, Craig?

What are you doing?

Dude, what the f*ck is wrong with you?

It wasn't me, I'm sorry, I didn't do it.

I didn't do it, it wasn't me!

Why would you do that?

No, no, it wasn't f*cking me!

I didn't even know...

get off of me!

Something made me do it, I didn't even know.

I believe him.

It's the game.



Look at me, okay.

You know me.

I would never hurt you.

So there's a first aid kit in the kitchen under the sink.


Thank you, I'm all right.

Okay, who's next?

Let's get this over with.

It's, uh, your turn.


"Truth & truth." That's all it says.

The card is changing.

"Annie bids the player answer five questions.

Speak only truth and no lies and gain your prize." What questions?

I don't know, it...

okay, here's a question.

"Do you have a secret?" I...



"Do you know the secret of which I speak?" Yes.

"Do you hold this secret because it would hurt someone in this room?" Yes.

You've just got two more, just two more to go, okay?

"Do you love this person?" Yes.

One more, we're almost done.

Almost done, yeah?

"Before tonight, did you ever have any plan of telling this person the truth?" No.

You did it.

You did it, you won, you won, Evie.


Oh God, you won.

- She did it?

- Yeah.

Awesome, thank God.

Great, great, okay, nice, all right, almost done.

Almost done.


All right, one more.

One more, one more.


it's the same-- it's the same card.


It's, uh...

No, no, no, no, it's a mistake.

It's got to be a mistake, right?


I don't think anything's a mistake.


"Do you have a secret?" Yeah, okay, sure, yes, yeah, I'll play along, fine.

I have a secret.

"Are you willing to divulge the secret tonight?" This is bullshit.

- Michael...

- What?

It's her thing, it's not my thing.

Look, Michael, I just want to get out of here, okay?

You just answer these questions and then we win, and then we win!

Answer the f*cking question, Michael.

Hey, shut the f*ck up!

Look, I don't even care what the answers are.

I promise you I won't be mad, okay?



just answer it.


You know what, no, no, I have no idea what it's talking about.

Sorry, but no.

Oh God, the card isn't changing.


What's going on?

The card isn't changing.

Guys, the card isn't changing!

Oh my God, oh my God.




- Where is he?

- Michael!

Come on!

What the f*ck?



His face isn't on the box.

That means he's alive, right?

Guys, look.

Who the hell is that?

There's something moving in there.

What just happened?

It happened when I picked up the box.

Are we actually in this f*cking box?

No, no, no, no, no.

If we're inside the box, then what's that?

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, don't!

Get in the car...

What the f*ck?

Shit, dude, well, we're almost home.


Yo, Tony, Tony!

Yo, what the hell, man?

What the f*ck is wrong with you?

Hey, don't-don't touch me.

Dude, what the f*ck's wrong with you?

What is up?

I just needed a break.

Okay, all right, we can take a break.

Here, I can drive, gimme the keys.

No, no, no, f*ck no.

I'll drive.

You're more drunk than I am.

All right, yeah, well, dude, one of us has to drive and it's my car, so I'll drive, it's fine.

What's the rush?

What do you mean?

Did I interrupt your little makeout session or what?

Dude, it's f*cking raining!

Look, Craig is my f*cking friend, man.

Whatever I do is none of your business.

So like just get out...

Yo, you don't want to touch me right now.

Stop, stop!

You know, I think you can just f*ckin' walk home.

I can walk home?

No, see, I think you can walk home.

You're fine.


Yeah, so, you know, walk home, think about it.

Walk in the rain'll be good for you.

Hey, we can't just leave him.

He's gonna be fine.

You're gonna be fine, all right?

I'll see you tomorrow, buddy.


I'm sorry, I thought...

I thought that you...

I thought that you would come home and apologize to me.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

What the f*ck?

Oh, f*ck!

I've looked everywhere, I can't find him.

I think we have to keep playing.

The only chance of getting him back is if we keep going.

Wendy, we need to keep playing.

I don't think I can.

You have to.

You're better off without him anyway.

How can you say that?

Michael chose not to answer the question.

He didn't know if the game was gonna take him or take any of us or all of us.

He put all of our lives at risk.

He can take care of himself.

We should be out there looking for him.

Why aren't we risking that?

Because it's not a risk, Wendy, it's death.

Wendy, Michael's gone because he didn't play the game.

We do not have to live with the consequences of his decisions.


What does it say?

"Mourning period." Take a moment to reflect, "then draw another card from the deck." I'm so sorry.

Wendy, I'm so sorry.


Whenever you're ready.

"Hide and seek." Hide, hide, hide before it finds you.

Make it home and you'll be fine, "but if he sees you, then you're next in line." Hide!

Come on, come on.

Let's split up.


That's the worst idea ever.

We split up, we'll at least have an idea of where to find home, okay?

Stay hidden!

Wendy, hide!

Where should I--.



There's something that I really need to tell you.

Whatever it is, we'll have all the time in the world once we get out of here, okay?

I hope so.

But if we don't, I'm so sorry.

It's okay.

What the hell was that?

It's a phone alarm that I set for the Prankster.

Guys, get in here, I have an idea!


You guys--no, no, no, no, no, no, no!

Stop, stop, stop, stop.


The card said something about there being a home, right?

Like a home base.

It might be the box where it came from.

Okay, uh...

you go, I'll get the door.

- Okay.

- Go, go, go, go!

Grace, Grace, get down here!

What happened?

The box, go to the box.


Nothing's moving.

Nothing, I don't know what to do...

Nothing's changing, what do we do?

What do we do?

I don't know, touch the board!

Did it work?

It stopped.


God, I hate that guy.




No, no--Evie.

What the f*ck?

Oh my God!


Oh my God.

Evie, Evie...


Evie, oh my God, Evie.

We have to draw a Mischief card.

Are you serious?

Can you just give her a f*cking second?

The game isn't giving us a second, Wendy!

Someone she loves just died.

There's only one way out of this.

We have to finish the game.

I don't want anyone else to die.

And maybe Craig will...

Draw the card.

Whatever happens, we make it through this to the end.

Any challenge, any mischief, any secret, we do whatever it wants us to do.

"Quiet game." Hold perfectly still and don't make a sound.

"That filthy Prankster is lurking around." Shh!


It's my turn.

I can't believe this is happening.

We're gonna die.

We just have one tile left.

And whatever we have to do, we're going to get it, okay?

We're gonna...

we're gonna get out of this alive.

Hello, girls.

I'm so happy you're playing with me.

Why are you doing this to us?

What do you want?

To have some fun!

You've reached the wager.

It's a game of chance.

Stake something of value.

Something that would pain you to lose.

I'll do the same.

Roll the die.

I want my friends back.

All of them.

What a wonderful idea, Wendy.

That shall be my stake.

All I want is one single life in return.


f*ck you, I bet my life.

Wendy, no!

I want her.


You wanted a life, I bet mine, I drew the card I get to choose!

That's not how this works, Wendy.

It's not fair.


I'm looking forward to spending time with you, Evie.


It's me if we lose-- Wendy... just let me do it.

It's my turn!

She would cost you more to lose.

I can tell.


But I want her!

You have to give me her!


Then I take back my stake.

I'm not gonna offer up my friend to die, Annie.

Where have I heard that before?

Do you hear them?

All the people that have ever played the game.

They're all in the box, including your friends.

You give me her, and perhaps I'll let them all go.

How lovely.

Wendy, if it has to be one of us, it should be me.

I deserve it.

Stop it.

It's true.

I betrayed you.

And I betrayed Craig.

What are you talking about?

This is all my fault.

And if I would have told you sooner, we wouldn't all be here tonight playing this game.

No, Evie...

I was there the night that Tony died.

I was hooking up with Michael.

He was there too.

You were...

I could have saved Tony!

It was an accident.

They had a fight...

- What do you mean?

- We all drove home together, and we were all drunk.

Tick tock, tick tock!

Tony tried to stop me and Michael.

But then Michael shoved him down in the middle of the road and I just watched.

What are you doing?

We can't just leave him.

He's gonna be all right.

You're gonna be fine.

I'll see you tomorrow.


You just left him in the f*cking street?

f*cking my boyfriend was more important than Tony's life?

No, no, if I would have known...

Shut up!


I wager her life.


If it lands on me, you both walk free.

If it lands on death, it will be your last breath.

Pay me!

We never had any chance of winning this, did we?

I'm so sorry, Wendy.

I'm so sorry!

Take your wager.

Here I am.


Wendy, you pay me.

Take her life.


It's okay.

It's okay.

Just--just do it, okay?

Just get it over with before she takes both of us.

I'm sorry.

But I can't.

You broke the rules, Wendy.

I can't move.

Wendy, I can't move.

I always get what's mine.

You can't hide in here, Wendy.

Hey, Annie.

f*ck your rules!








You broke the rules, Wendy.