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05x11 - C8H7CIO + Nano-Trackers + Resistance + Maldives + Mind Games

Posted: 03/28/21 05:50
by bunniefuu
MATTY: One way or another, you're gonna tell me what I want to know.

I don't have to tell you anything.

- Are you afraid of what your answer may reveal?

- No.

I just think we should focus on a better question.

Nightcap at my place or yours?

I really want to, but I can't.

I'm sorry.

Never apologize.

I'm just happy to see you when you're in D.C.



Well, then, I'm not sorry.

But I got to go.

Rain check?


Are you redecorating the basement?

Uh, yes.

I, uh, I thought we could all do with a fresh start after Mexico City.

Okay, I'm calling because the situation that we've been monitoring in Republika Srpska has shifted.

And your contact Lazar?

I tried him three times on each number.

No answer.

Well, that's not good.

- So, are we agreed?

- Yes.

I'll fuel the jet.

Call the embassy in Bosnia-Herzegovina.

You call the team.

We have a mission.



♪ I been waiting, I been waiting ♪

♪ I been waiting for someone like you. ♪


Is everything okay?

I can't pretend the last hours didn't just happen.

They did, so I got to ask you, did it work?

Did what work?

Hiding your emotions and letting them pass?

Did they go away?


That's Matty.

Talk about this later?

Yeah, sure.



Hey, Riley.


(QUIETLY): Mac, Desi and Riley?

Awkward, party of three.

Did you talk to Desi about the ring?

- Or Riley about her feelings?

- No, neither one.

But you know what?

Everything's fine.

Everything's fine.




MATTY: Team, this is Teodora Dmitrovic, one of the leaders of a citizen uprising in Banja Luka, capital of Republika Srpska.

Please, you can call me Teo.

Teo and her people are protesting the authoritarian rule of their president and calling for his resignation.

He's violated our freedoms since taking office, jailing those who disagree with him, encouraging police brutality.

Our protests have gained momentum, but...

last week our leaders started disappearing.

Including Teo's father Lazar, who's been leading this fight from the beginning.

Early in my career, Lazar was my informant in Banja Luka.

There was a separatist attack on a CIA station and I hid with his family until unrest died down.

I owe Lazar a debt of gratitude.

TEO: We have no idea how our leaders were even identified.

We've taken every security precaution possible.

We use burner phones and encrypted messaging apps, and we wear dazzle masks to avoid facial recognition.

And yet, someone is still figuring out who you all are.

And if your leaders continue disappearing...

Then the movement for democracy falls apart completely.

That's why we need help.

We're not soldiers.

We're students and shopkeepers fighting against the people who should be protecting us.

Well, you have our full support, and we'll let you know when our people land.


Uh, Mac and Riley, you head over to Banja Luka immediately, find the missing freedom fighters and help them get their citizens' uprising back on track.

Uh, just me and Mac?

Well, I have other business for Desi and Bozer, and Taylor has a very important meeting tomorrow securing new government contracts for the Phoenix Foundation.

So yeah, you two will be on your own.

Wheels up in .

Need you to pick up a package.

One-woman operation, high priority, requires your special skills.

What's the package?

Copy that.

Bozer, I have Oversight business to attend to tomorrow, including an all-day summit with the joint chiefs.

TAYLOR: Yes, tomorrow's shaping up to be a very busy day with both of us tied up with government business.

We need your help to handle Phoenix day-to-day.

All right.

(BRITISH ACCENT): Just call me Acting Director Bozer, at your service.

I will not.

RILEY: I hacked into the GPS system of the Banja Luka police vehicles.

I'm hoping their movement patterns will lead us to where the missing freedom leaders are being held.

(EXHALES): Yeah...

So, I know we said we'd talk about this

- after the mission.

- Mac...

There's nothing to talk about.

My feelings went away.

We're all good.

Just wanted to know for sure.

Got something.

An old city building where police vehicle activity matches the approximate time of each missing freedom leader's disappearance.

That must be where the missing protesters are being taken.

Great work.

Thank you.


Sorry, can I help you?

I'm Parker.

Matty assigned me to be your shadow while she's in D.C.

Uh, yes, I don't need an intern, thank you.

Oh, I'm not an intern.

I got my masters in electrical engineering from Caltech, and I'm working on another in international science and technology policy, so I can take care of anything you need while Matty's away.

I see, so...

So Matty assigned me a babysitter, did she?

Uh, call it whatever you want, but I'm here to stay.

So, you have a call with the SECDEF in an hour, the head of the tac team asked for five minutes today and the official from the MoD

- is on her way down.

- Very well.

I'll give you five minutes in an hour.

And, oh, get me the early draft

- of the cover story for Banja Luka, would you?

- I'm on it.

Hey, what's up, Parker?

Morning, Bozer.

Great jacket.

Thank you.


- Isn't she great?

- Who is she?

Oh, did Matty put eyes on you?

Ugh, it's not even worth discussing.

This opportunity is a very big deal.

It's the first joint military research division between the U.K.'s Ministry of Defence and the DoD.

And you think you're gonna convince them to hire us as the go-to private agency for their lucrative military research contracts?


- Piece of cake.

GUARD: Here you go, ma'am.


Welcome to the Phoenix Foundation.

I am Russ Taylor.

I am the, uh...

owner of said establishment.

Priya Chanani, Ministry of Defence.

Well, very nice to meet you, Priya.

Hope the old flighty from Blighty was all righty?



There was turbulence.

- Oh.

Sorry to hear that.

- Thank you.



Uh, Wilt Bozer.

Acting director of the Phoenix Foundation.

I think you're gonna like what you see here.

Yes, what he means to say is that you'll see that we have the capabilities to deal with all of the MoD and DoD's military research needs.

Shall we begin our tour?


Thanks a lot.

BOZER: Mac, Riley, have you found Lazar and the others?

MACGYVER: Not yet, but we're approaching the only room with fortified walls and no windows.

It's definitely the place to lock up pesky protesters.

No guards in sight.





Boze, you said we were clear!

Actually, I said "No guards in sight", but fair point.



What is this?

- Have you found the freedom fighters?

- No...

but a high volume of advanced tech.

And a map of the city.

These are the people they're tracking.


High-priority targets.

They must have brought the missing leaders here for interrogation and then...


Matty, um...

... I think Lazar is dead.

Look, they've tagged Teo, too.

She's next on the hit list.

- We need to warn her.

- Multiple police headed your way.

And we are trapped in a room with fortified walls and no windows.

Still looking for an exit, but they've almost breached the door.

That'll hold 'em for now.

Can you shut the surveillance system down?

This is just a relay node, read-only privileges.


I should be able to splice the feed.

You'll see everything they're seeing.

- Do it.

- Bozer, how's that exit coming?

Schematics show this room used to have access to a garbage chute just off the southwest corner.

MACGYVER: Guessing that was before the reinforced walls were installed?


MACGYVER: Whether it's blocking an exit or covering up your feelings, even the best fortifications can be brought down.

I may not know how to get through Riley's yet, but this fortified wall?

Apply the combinatorial theory of structural rigidity by exerting pressure at an inflection point to shift the wall's equilibrium.

Pencils down!


Into the garbage chute, flyboy.


- MACGYVER: We're clear.

- We have to warn Teo she's in danger.

Her phone might be compromised.

We'll have to tell her in person.

We'll head there now.

RILEY: And you should have a clone of the surveillance system right about...

Are you seeing this, Matty?

I am.

Each dot represents real-time biometric data: heartbeat, body temp.

How could their president tag his own people without anybody knowing that they were being tracked?

I think I know.

I need a priority one prisoner transfer.

MALE VOICE: Authentication?

Alpha Bravo Tango Four.

- What was that about?

- I've seen this before.

I know the person who invented this technology.

MALE VOICE: Please confirm authentication.


Alpha Bravo Tango Four.

BOZER: Desi, what's up?

- DESI: Good news.

Got the package.

- Bad news, I had to take a detour.

- ♪♪

Looks like I wasn't the only interested party.



Gonna need a new exfil.


♪♪ Looks like your new friends are blocking all the roads out.

But the trails are empty.


Take a hike?

That's your plan?!

Oh, ye of little faith.

These nuns are premier breeders of Chilean Corraleros.


Escape on horseback?

Now that sounds more like it.

TAYLOR: I am so, so sorry.

Where were we?

That's right.

Continuing our tour of our state-of-the-art laboratory.



You're not coming?

Uh, no.

I have the slightest urgent matter that I need to attend to, so please, off you go.

Enjoy yourself.


General Musgrove's on the line regarding the prisoner transfer.

Forward it to my cell.

Oh, and, um, procure me some bottles of water.


- The brand is important.

- I'm on it.

Anything else?

Actually, there is.

If you're as good as Matilda says you are, this could be your chance to prove it.

♪♪ MAN: Teo's been expecting you.

She's back here.

TEO: I want all of our people on each of these corners passing out bandanas, okay?

Every protester unified under one color.

- Hey.

- Thanks for coming.

Did you find anything?

Can we talk to you in private for a second?

MACGYVER: Before we can tell Teo she's being tracked, we need to determine if she's tagged with a device that's listening right now, or we'll lose the element of surprise.

The best way to find an audio transmitter is by detecting the corresponding RF waves.

By removing the EMI shielding from the megaphone speaker and exposing its cables, it can act as a low-tech radio frequency detector.

The louder the interference, the closer to the source.

- You have a cell phone on you?

- No.

What are you doing?



Okay, it's embedded deep or it's not a chip; either way, it's not transmitting audio.



What's going on?

- You're being tracked.

- It's not possible.

I swap burners and clothes frequently.

And I think I'd know if I was tagged.

Your government has developed a highly advanced surveillance system.

Hundreds of people monitored in real time.

Including you.

We saw it with our own eyes.

Does that mean that you saw where they took my father?


The missing leaders, your father...

They're dead, aren't they?

- MACGYVER: Sorry.

- I'm sorry, I-I can't.

Not here.

My father warned me this was the cost of the calling.

I'll mourn when our fight is won.

MACGYVER: You're their next target, so we have to get you out of the country now.

Absolutely not.

Our revolution's success rests on a knife's edge.

Today's demonstration will push us past the tipping point, and our momentum will be unstoppable.

So let them see me coming.

I want them to know that they could not silence us.

What would you do if this was your father?

Make sure that his death wasn't in vain.

And we'll go with you to make sure you don't pay the same price.

Desi's on her way to exfil.

- Waiting on Mac and Riley to check in.

- Good.

My summit with the joint chiefs is about to begin.

Make me proud, Boze.

And then there were two.

He's here.


Uh, Boze, I'm going to need you to run point on these ops and, um, oh, yes, keep Priya occupied until I can give her my pitch.

I need to do something.

BOZER: Is this about the prisoner transfer?

Who is this guy?



♪♪ TAYLOR: Dr. Silas Mercer.

years ago he was a revered physician and brilliant MI consultant.

BOZER: I take it he had a fall from grace. TAYLOR: Yes.

He had been tagging agents with microchips
so foreign adversaries could detect them.

I led the operation that brought him down by going undercover as his patient.

BOZER: So it's complicated.

And you think his tracking technology is being used in Banja Luka?

Well, the interface is new, but the underlying technology remains the same.

Unfortunately, there's only one way to know for sure.


- We're online and ready to go.



Russel Taylor.


Oh, you didn't have to get all dressed up

- for little old me.

- Old indeed.

The years certainly haven't been kind to you.

You, on the other hand...

I'm eager to hear what you've been up to since you walked away from the service to galivant as a merc for hire.


Sounds like you've been keeping tabs on me.

As have you, if you knew where to find me on such short notice.

Don't flatter yourself.

I was content knowing exactly which dark hole you'd spend the rest of your days rotting in, forgotten.

Oh, but I'd wager this assembly means that my work has not been.

That is why I'm here, isn't it?


RILEY: Police are still out of sight.

MACGYVER: This is the part of protests you don't see in news footage.

Soon enough, they'll show up, escalate things, and the president will use that footage for spin.

Sounds like you're speaking from experience.

Well, last summer, when I was helping out the CDC in Atlanta, I also went out protesting.

You were at the Black Lives Matter protests?

How has this not come up before?

I was honestly embarrassed that it took me this long to join the cause.

Better late than never, I guess.

I'm curious, though.

What made you go?

After we defeated Codex, I had a lot of time to think about the world I wanted to be saving.

And that world didn't prop up institutional racism and treat you and Bozer worse than me because I'm white and you're Black.

Honestly, I...

I never really thought you saw my skin color.


Of course I do.

I see you.

BOZER: Mac, Riley, is Teo still safe?



Approaching the protest now.

She's holding her own.








- Water bottle?

- Yeah, yeah, yeah.

MACGYVER: Tear gas is actually a crystalline powder converted into a fine spray, and propelled by a combustion reaction.

So, cut off the oxygen, and you stop the reaction from ever hitting the tipping point.






What is it?

Normally, tear gas is deployed in a kettling pattern to control and contain large crowds, but they're deploying this tear gas for maximum dispersal, so the question is why?

Uh, Mac, the surveillance system is lighting up like the Fourth of July.

Whole lot of trackers coming online near you.



I think I know how the protesters were tagged without their knowledge.

It's in the tear gas.

Um, what's in the tear gas?

Nanoscopic tracking devices passively dispersed in gaseous particles.

The number of people we have to save just grew exponentially.

And that number includes us.

Right, what's going on?

Mac and Riley inhaled nano-trackers through tear gas at the protest.

Now there's new tracking dots popping up all over the place.

This must have been the president's plan all along.

To allow one more protest to tag all the remaining fighters.

I thought the surveillance system was already intense, but if these things can be distributed undetected in gas...

All right, just one nightmare scenario at a time.

With the remaining protesters tagged, this movement ends today, and all these people's lives are in danger if we don't do something about it.

Right, Mac, just get everyone to safety.

I'm heading back into the lion's den.


We need to get out of the area now.





We gotta get out of the city.

- Where should we go?

- Anywhere.

Good idea.

Whoa, something's happening, Mac.

Riley, do you see any surveillance cameras nearby?

BOZER: The system connected you two to the break-in at the old city building.

You've been made.

Get out of there.


Facial recognition.

Let's go!

A kindness.

Well, you can thank the Geneva Convention.


you'd be no good to me if you died of thirst.

Russell Machiavelli.

You're just upset my tech has resurfaced and causing headaches again.

Actually, we've made improvements to your design.

They are now microscopic nano-trackers that can be inhaled.

They transmit location and heartbeat... body temperature, other biometrics.

You're developing my tech.

What kind of range do they have?

Now that is the issue.

Trackers are mere trinkets if their signal doesn't get beyond a city block.

I'd focus on the receiver that scans for the trackers.

Mine only had a sweep of a thousand-square-foot radius.

But piggybacking on a series of multi-source scanners could get you a broader range.

Yes, like a...

a city's existing cell tower infrastructure.



We'll try that.

I know you're not developing this technology yourself.

I'd wager someone found my secret research lab, the one you could never find.

Now your agents are in danger, and you're trying to help.

The next solution I give won't be so easy to earn.



Mac, they're using cell towers to scan for the nano-tracker signals.

You need to get everyone outside of the city and out of range.

MACGYVER: Copy that.

Desi, have you reached exfil?

DESI: Still have the package! But I had to take another detour... to Colombia!

_ Bozer, my exfil plan went south...

I'm gonna need a little bit of help here!

Mrs. Chanani!

M-Mrs. Chanani!

- (g*nf*re CONTINUES)

- Bozer?

Bozer, focus!

Bozer, I need another exfil!

I'm rerouting a tac team from Paraguay now.

I have been abandoned by my second tour guide of the day.

Where is Taylor?

- Bozer!

- Desi, get to these coordinates.

The exfil's on its way.

Uh... wait-wait a minute.

Wait, wait, wait a minute.

Moving out of cell-tower range worked.

We're, uh, off the radar for now at least.

Does that mean we can stop for a sec?

My people are tired.

We don't have time to stop.

We've got to strategize a way to fight back.

Hey, Mac, I'm back.

Looks like they have fewer tracking dots on the map and your priority target dots have disappeared.

MACGYVER: Hiding out in the woods is not a long-term solution.

We, uh, we need to go on the offensive.

But how?

Well, we need to locate the central receiver hub that's communicating with all the other cell phone towers.

RILEY: It would be in the middle of the city in a tower or a spire the same altitude as the cell towers.

I'll get techs on it and let you know when we find it.

What do we do when we find that location?

Destroy the receiver?

No, uh, as long as these things are in our bodies, we can be found.

So, best way to ensure our freedom would be to hack the central hub and send a deactivate command to all the nano-trackers.

The only person that knows that command is the one who designed it.

BOZER: So if we can get that command, we may be able to shut down the nano-trackers for good.

Yes, I always suspected that Silas built his microchips with a sunset sequence.

A unique passcode that would, uh, render his microchips inert, so he could destroy them remotely, hiding evidence of his activities.

If these trackers evolved from his tech, they should respond to the same shutdown code.

We'll get that code.

I got this.

As I stated before, the next solution I give you won't be so easy to earn.

For every question you answer truthfully, I'll answer one of yours... truthfully.

I haven't revealed anything in years.

What makes you think I'll talk now?

Did you just build a smokeless fire pit?

Heat without giving up our location.

You taught me how to do this, remember?

I do remember, but you were actually listening during wilderness training?

I'm always listening to you, Mac.

Hey, about what we were talking about.

- Mac, we don't have to talk about it.

- I know what you said, but...

And I already gave you your answer.

Last I checked, you were about to propose to Desi, so...

why'd you show up at my door?

What is it you want, Mac?


What is that?

Sounds like a drone.

Probably looking for us.

So much for being safe in the woods...

we need to get out of here, wait for Bozer's instructions.

I'm sure you guys can find a use for this.

Also, this will be for communication.

What are you going to do?

MACGYVER: Improvise.

Mac, Riley, care to tell me why you're back on the surveillance grid running towards what appears to be

- a flying cell tower?


Technically, these are surveillance drones equipped with IMEI catchers.

Yeah, we needed them to follow us so that we could subtly draw them away from the protesters.

Looks like your plan was a major success.

Is there a part two?

Keep running until Taylor tells us how to deactivate the trackers.

SILAS: All these years, I've always wanted to know.

How did you get on to me?

I saw you as an equal, treated you with respect.

Also, I recognized that behavior.

Predators groom allies...

the same way they groom victims.

Sorry to interrupt, but there's a ticking clock on disabling Mac and Riley's trackers.

- You got to hustle.

- Right, enough of these games.

I want to know how to disable these trackers.

And I know exactly what you've been dying to ask me.

So just ask me.


Did you ever find your father?


I eventually tracked him down, but he didn't want a relationship with me.


I gave up trying to... mend that bridge.

Right, my turn.

How do I disable the trackers?

Run a low-voltage current through the specimens, override the circuitry and render them inert.

Let me guess, that would actually k*ll my agents.

Nice try, old chap.

Silas was never going to give me the truth.

When he found out this was about my agents in the field, he wanted to hurt them in order to hurt me.

So I laid a little trap for him, and by telling us an action and a reaction...

That gives us a constant that we can extrapolate from... that's genius.

Angus, do any of your shutdown theories also explain why a low-voltage current

- would harm you?

- One would, yes.

If the nano-trackers were thermoelectric.

RILEY: Thermoelectric devices generate their power

- from a temperature differential.

- Yes, exactly, but...

in this case, it's the difference between internal body heat and external skin temperature, but when electricity is introduced into a thermoelectric system, it raises the heat differential, which would have given us heatstroke.

RILEY: So what's the real play?

I think I just figured out a way to disable the nano-trackers temporarily.

We got to take off our clothes.

We got to what?

Wait, y'all about to get naked?

DESI: Bozer, I'm not gonna make exfil!



I think this is the end of the line for me!


I just want to let you know

- it's been an honor...

- BOZER: Save the speech.

You exfil's coming to you.



That tac team I rerouted?

They specialize in air-to-air operations.

Thanks for the parachute.

You are not gonna believe the day I had.

BOZER: I love air-to-air rescues.

Excuse me?

I'm so sorry, but...

Acting Director Bozer, let me be quick because my time has already been wasted.

The Phoenix will not get the contracts.

A car is en route to take me to the airport.

In rush hour?

That's gonna take forever.

Why don't you use the Phoenix chopper?

Skip all that traffic.

It's the least we could do.


I suppose there's no need to waste more time sitting in traffic.


Here, sit down.

I'll let you know as soon as it's fueled up.

Anything I can get you while you wait?


You good?

Our bodies are now in cold shock.

Causing neuromuscular cooling is the first step to inversing our temperature differential.


Make our insides cold.

Now what?


So now we raise our external temperature by making sure our epidermal layer warms faster than our viscera.

Yeah, read the room, Mac.

Just say...

"warm our skin faster than our insides".

It's just so much more...

- ... nuanced than that.

- Whoa!

This is your idea of nuanced, huh?


I, uh...

I don't know...

I don't know why I came to your place last night.

Mac, why are we still talking about this?

Until Mexico City...

I didn't know that you had feelings for me.

And while that may be in the past for you...

I always thought that there was a wall there.

And it was actually a door.

And now that door is closed.

Are you saying if you knew that wall was a door, you would have wanted to go through?





You think this all worked?

We're about find out.

Bozer, we got incoming.

Updating, stand by.

Mac, Riley, something's happening.

It worked.

You're off-line.

Thank God.


BOZER: The tech team located the central receiver hub in the Church of St.


It has one of the tallest steeples in the city.

Let's get there and end this.

They won't see us coming now.

Taylor's still working on getting you the sunset sequence.

You'll need it to trigger the shutdown.

MACGYVER: Listen, we can't wait too long.

Once the temperature differential goes back to normal, it's only a matter of time before the nano-trackers reboot.

Our lives are in his hands.

Let's go this way.

SILAS: What do you want to know?

TAYLOR: How does a doctor committed to do no harm find the moral relativism to commit m*rder?

SILAS: I'm no Raskolnikov.

I didn't m*rder anybody.

I merely sold information.

TAYLOR: Yeah, spoken like a true psychopath.

SILAS: These agents of yours,


- are they really worth saving?

TAYLOR: So now you're proposing that people are worth saving and some people aren't?

SILAS: High-level minds like ours, they know that empathy is a weakness, it's a weakness to be exploited.

Your refusal to accept that has held you back from greatness.

Your willingness to grovel to me to save your agents only proves my point.


Well, it worked before,
and it'll work again.

SILAS: You're determined, aren't you?

I wonder what deception you'll deploy next.

No deception.

We had an agreement.

I gave you plenty.

Now you give me...

The sunset sequence?

So your agents can permanently disable the trackers?


Well, uh... they're gonna need those really soon.

Won't they?

Now, here's the thing.

Every piece of intel you pulled from me today, I gave you.

Let you feel like you were in control.

So when you needed me most, I could cut you off.

So here's my coup de grâce.

I will not be giving you the sunset sequence.

BOZER: Mac, Riley, we got a problem.

Your trackers are coming back online.



Covert op just became an as*ault.

SILAS: I'm done.

You will have to live with the fact that your agents will die.

And it will all be your fault.


They have reinforcements.

Bozer, we're trapped.

Any chance you can figure us a way out of here?

No, but I'm working on something that should even the playing field.






They're about to have a lot more trouble sorting out who's who on their surveillance system.

Means the number of police after you just went from to four.

Thanks, Boze.

- He's reloading.

Let's move.

- Yeah.



- Mac!

- What?


SILAS: Russel Taylor, the broken man from a broken home.

Tell me, do you see these agents as the family you never had?

Will it crush you if you lose them?

Do you want me to beg?


Just give me the sequence.

Your comment about predators grooming allies.

Who taught you this hard truth?

Were you an ally or a victim?

It never happened.

No, because you didn't allow yourself to be the victim.

To survive, you learned to lie, and to manipulate others and thus, found family you're so desperate to save.

Did you groom them to be your allies?


I can get started, but I'm gonna need that sunset sequence.


This is getting nowhere.

We're just getting started.

You told yourself that lying to everyone was for the greater good, to protect them from the truth, but you were just protecting yourself, because deep down, you know your life is meaningless.

And these agents who you've made poor substitutes for your family, they don't care about you.

Yes, they do.

And I care about them.

I can't lose them.


They will pay the price, just like the tragedy of Clytemnestra.

Your dogged pursuit ends in the death of your loved ones.


- We got it.


Thank you.

What for?

Do you remember that secret research lab that you said I would never find?

- Hmm?

- Well, I found it.

Six months after you were arrested, found your research, your files, your notebooks handwritten in code.

MI tried to crack them, but they couldn't, not without the cipher, which I am guessing is "Clytemnestra".

No, you can't...

I already have.

Our techs have been on standby ready to decode every single page. All we needed was the cipher, which you just couldn't help but say in front of me during your victory lap. The sunset sequence won't stay hidden in those pages for very long. Oh, and your secret lab in the Maldives...

sorry you never got a chance to retire there.










We're clear.

I need that sunset sequence or none of this is gonna...

TAYLOR: Sending it to you now.

Did it work?

TAYLOR: The nano-trackers have been shut down.

All the tracker dots are gone.

Riley, Angus, you are in the clear.




Let's get out of here.

MACGYVER: All the trackers have been disabled permanently, even the ones they haven't deployed yet, so the president can no longer track you.

You can protest without fear and continue pushing the uprising forward.

Thank you.

Uh, we couldn't have done this without you.

Oh, no.

No, no.

We just assisted.

It's you and the protesters who are creating change for your country.

This is your revolution.

Uh, your father would be proud.

So one thing I don't understand: if you found a secret lab after you arrested him, then how did his tech get out into the world?

That is a question that remains to be answered.

But... answer it we will.

I'll make sure his transport is ready outside.


Your assistance today, it proved essential.

You're welcome.

And I know you don't need a babysitter.

You need your family.


Oh, look, your helicopter's ready.

Sorry it took so long to refuel.

Ah, it's quite all right.

That was a much more revealing experience than I anticipated.

Then again, that was your intent all along, wasn't it?



That being said, I hope you'll reconsider us for the military contracts, even if you didn't get to see Taylor's full pitch.

I'll be in touch, Acting Director Bozer.





NEWSCASTER: A massive protest in Banja Luka has captured the world's attention.

Citizens have been unrelenting, and the president is expected to announce his resignation later.

Oh, come on, Mac.

You know needles are not my thing.

I know, but we have to preserve a blood sample before our bodies break down the nano-trackers, so...

- No choice.


- All right.


Mac, um...

I made my feelings go away because...

what we have at the Phoenix is-is too important.

And honestly, I don't want to lose your friendship.

I'm always gonna have your back.

You mean the world to me.

And I trust you.


So, I guess keep the door closed.


(QUIETLY): That's for you.

You and Desi seem happy together.

When you're not keeping things from her.

She keeps secrets from me, too.


Though she did just tell me her mission was a success.

So, baby steps.

And yeah, you're right.

We are happy.

Well, it's only fair I get to s*ab you with a needle next.


Yes, my time will come, but I want to get a look at these things.

♪♪ What?

How... ?

What is it?

RILEY: Are those Chinese numbers?


But the real question is: what the hell are they doing on this tech?