03x09 - Leverage

Episode transcripts for the TV show "FBI". Aired: September 2018 to present.*
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Drama about the inner workings of the New York office of the FBI,
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03x09 - Leverage

Post by bunniefuu »

Hey, sis.

No, I'll be home soon.

I was working.

Okay, fine.

I wasn't working.

No, I'm not gonna tell you about it.



Keep your mouth shut and do what I say.


I have money in my purse.


There you go.

Get in the car.



He's got a g*n!




♪ ♪ - I have your wine, sir.

- Ooh, nice.

I can't believe we're really doing this.

I mean, we've only been talking about it for, what, months?

I had to do my due diligence.

I bet you did.


Be honest.

Did you run my name through one of your FBI databases?

Oh, I am gonna have to plead the Fifth on that.

Oh, my God.

- Cheers.

- Cheers.

I'm very excited, but I'm also not opposed to the idea of one day maybe getting another apartment.

A new one, some day.

One that would be ours, you know?

Your point?

That I'm thrilled to be here with you, regardless of whose name is on the lease or...

how many other men may have slept here.

Uh-huh, yet you work for the most progressive senator in all of D.C.


Yeah, you're right.

I'm lying.

I'm a woke modern liberal who doesn't really care how many men slept here.


Oh, God.


I do care about us.

A lot.

And I just wanna be sure that this isn't just an experiment.

It's not.

I promise, okay?




- I'm so sorry.

- No.

It's okay.

It's urgent.

I gotta go.

- What do we got?

- Two hours ago, a woman named Addie Ricard was abducted at gunpoint and thrown into the trunk of a car.

We're still canvassing, but it's a quiet block.

Not much to go on yet.

Her phone and purse were found in the street.

Addie Ricard.

The political reporter?

- Do you know her?

- Not personally.

- But I've read her work.

- Okay.

Any witnesses?

Just one, name's Derek Morales.

Mr. Morales?

I'm Agent Bell.

This is Agent Zidan.

We heard that you saw the abduction.

Can you tell us about it?

It happened quick.

The woman shouted, and then the prick shot at me.

Before I knew it, he had her in the trunk and was driving away.

Thank God his aim sucked.

You know what I'm saying?

What did this guy look like?

Hard to tell.

He was wearing a black mask, about, uh, six feet tall.

I mean, they all look six feet, but...

Oh, he held the g*n in his left hand, if that helps.

What about the car that he forced her into?

It was a sedan.

It was blue.

The trunk was already open, so I couldn't see the emblem.

I'm sorry.

That's all I could tell you.

No, no, no.

You did good.

If you think of anything else, please give us a call.

Thank you.

So g*n, mask, trunk already popped.

This sounds premeditated.

Do you have any idea where she was headed?

According to her license, she lives about a block away.

- It doesn't make any sense.

- Why would someone take her?

- What?

Was it just random, or...

- We're not sure, but we are doing everything we can to track her down, canvassing the neighborhood, looking at traffic cams.

We do need to ask you some questions.

The more we know about your sister, the better chance we have of finding her.

When was the last time you spoke with her?

A little before : ?

She said she was on her way home.

How did she sound?




In regards to her work, her articles, are there any angry readers you're aware of?

It's .

You wouldn't believe the hate she gets.

It's insane, but those are just random tweets.

No one's ever made a real threat.

Been anything unusual that's happened recently?

Maybe an angry stalker, or a jealous boyfriend or girlfriend?


Not at all.

Addie got divorced three years ago, but it was amicable.

Her ex lives in California.

They're good friends.

Does she have anyone new in her life?

Yes, she's seeing someone, but I don't know his name.

Addie only mentioned him in passing.

She didn't wanna talk about it yet.

Was that weird to you that your sister didn't wanna talk about it?

I mean, a little, but she's funny like that.

Did she seem scared of him at all?

No, no.

She was excited.

Like she was madly in love.

What about the neighborhood?

Have you noticed any strange cars parked?

Maybe a blue one?

Not a blue one, but two days ago, there was this guy in an SUV just watching our place.

At the time, I just thought he was some kind of porch pirate, so I got up the courage to approach him, but as soon as I got close, he sped off.

I would really love to have two agents stay with you in case a ransom call comes in.

Is that okay?


Please let me know as soon as you hear anything.

Of course.

Two hours ago, Pulitzer nominated "New York Times" journalist and frequent cable news guest, Addie Ricard, was abducted outside of her house in the West Village.

The man who took her was armed, wore a mask to disguise his identity.

Addie's phone and purse were untouched.

It's unlikely this was simply a crime of opportunity.

There's also a new mystery man in her life, someone she wasn't completely comfortable talking about just yet.

Let's scrub her phone, see if we can identify exactly who that is.

We should also pay special attention to her professional life.

We're looking into what she's been working on.

Maybe she was on the verge of something big,

- a controversial scoop.

- Thanks.

I just got off the phone with "The Times."

No recent threats.

No ransom demands.

All right.

Okay, well, check with that cable news show she was always on, see if the network has been contacted or is aware of any threats.

What did we learn from her cell phone?

The last call she made was to her sister right before she was grabbed, but we can't read her texts.

She has an encryption app on her phone.

All right.

We'll get the CART guys in here,

- see if they can crack it.

- Hey, Ian.

Where are we on the suspicious SUV her sister saw parked in front of her house?

Yeah, I just found a security cam from up the block.

- Okay.

- This is from two days ago.

Just as her sister described.

Yeah, yeah, yeah.

Can you get a plate?

It's a partial.

Running it now.


Vehicle belongs to Daniel Lavares, an ex-cop.

Eyes up.

Records show that he was kicked off the police force after a violent altercation left the suspect paralyzed.

He also has several restraining orders taken out against him by ex-girlfriends.

Let's find this guy!




- Wait.

Do you hear that?




- OA?

- OA?


Maggie, he tased me!


What did you do with her, huh?

- What are you talking about?

- Addie Ricard.

I didn't do nothing with her.

Yeah, but you're staking out her place.


She was taken last night, put in the trunk of a car.

- No, no, no, no, no.

- That's not me.

That's not me.

Oh, yeah?

Then why'd you tase me, huh?

I tased you 'cause you broke into my house!

You could've been anybody.

I was scared.

What's your interest in Addie?


Oh, come on.

Start talking, okay?

Or I'm gonna take you in for assaulting a federal officer.

Do you understand that?


I understand.

I've been working as a private detective.

All right?

Someone hired me to keep an eye on her.

Find some dirt, so...

- Who?

- Come on...

- Who?

- AIM.

They're some sort of media watchdog group.

- I don't know.

- Accountability in Media.

We know.

Yeah, yeah.

So they think that, you know, Addie's on the take, in bed with some politicians.

They wanted proof, and...


I got it for them.

What do you mean you "got it for them"?

Last night, right?

I caught her...

I caught her meeting up with this bigtime political operative.

What's up?

You need to see this.

That's Ethan with Addie Ricard.

Last night.


♪ ♪ Lavares' alibi at the time of Addie's abduction checks out.

He went drinking with some cop buddies after he took the pics.


Anything else?

Well, he described the interaction between Ethan and our victim as "heated." Said it looked like they were arguing.

Well, Ethan's chief of staff to Senator Hoffman.

They deal with hostile reporters all the time.


Of course.

How long have you two been dating?

Excuse me?

Well, I mean, we're kind of in a tough spot here, right?

Ethan was home at the time of the abduction.

He is not involved, Jubal.



All the same, maybe I should talk to him on my own?

I appreciate what you're trying to do,

- but I'm good.

- Okay.

- Yeah, I know Addie.

- She's a political reporter.


What's this about?

When was the last time you two talked?


I don't know, about a week ago?

We talked about the new tax bill.

Senator Hoffman's one of the sponsors.

- She was looking for a quote.

- Uh, Ethan?


This is last night at : .

You and Addie Ricard.


♪ ♪ - [CHUCKLES]

- Sorry, I...

I thought you meant when was the last time we talked at length.

Last night's interaction was pretty brief.

I didn't think it was relevant.

Well, the question was pretty straightforward.

"When was the last time you talked," not "when was the last time you talked at length." Going forward, Ethan, please just respond to the actual question and let us decide what's relevant, okay?




Yes, you were correct.

I did, in fact, meet with her last night for a few minutes.

I needed to talk to her about, uh, a personal matter.

"A personal matter." Can you elaborate?

I'm sorry.

I can't.

Why not?

Well, like I said, it's... personal.

Are you and Addie romantically involved?

- Excuse me?

- We need to know what you were talking about, Ethan.


What the hell is going on here?

Addie Ricard was abducted last night.


Two hours after she talked to you.

So, please, answer the damn question.

Okay, well, hold on a second.

I don't know anything about that.

We were just talking.

The photos suggest you were arguing.

But we weren't arguing!

We were...

We were trying to resolve a problem.

For God's sake, stop parsing your words.

We need to know what you were talking about.

The senator, okay?

She and Walter are...

you know, they're involved.

And I just found out yesterday, so I needed to talk to her about the best way to handle the situation.

Because the senator is married.



But he's been separated for the past six months, so it's not as scandalous as it looks.

I just wanted a little bit more time to figure out the best way to disclose this to the public.

And then, she got upset.

You know, she thought that I was implying that she was looking for publicity, but we worked it out.

She said that she would go along with whatever I thought was best, that she didn't want to hurt the senator.

And do you know where Addie went next?

Yeah, she went to the M Hotel to meet up with Senator Hoffman.

And what about you?

Where did you go?

I went home.

To the apartment that I share with your boss.

Isn't that right, Izzy?


I'm just doing my job.

- I understand.

- Okay.

Well, we are gonna need to talk to Senator Hoffman right away.

I get it.

Is there any chance you guys can do this discreetly?

Maybe meet at his house instead of his office?


I had no idea.

I texted her this morning.

She didn't respond.

Sometimes that happens.

She gets busy at work.

You two were seeing each other?

For a few months.

Anything unusual happen last night?

- Maybe an argument?

- No.

Of course not.


Things were great.

We got together around : at the M Hotel, near Bryant Park.

Had dinner, a bottle of wine.

I gave her a birthday gift.

It was a...

It was a great night.

What happened after dinner?

We went our separate ways.

Headed home around : or so.


We'll need someone to substantiate that story.

No, of course.

Talk to my driver, Ron.

He picked me up at : , dropped me off around : .

The driver confirmed he took the senator home around : .

We're missing something here.

If this was about money, we would've heard something by now.

A ransom demand delivered to Addie's sister or "The Times," but her abductor could've k*lled her on the spot.

Instead he took her.

This was not a crime of passion.

He wanted her alive.

The question is, why?

- What does he want from her?

- It could be personal.

Or he could be some kind of sexual sadist or predator.

Jubal, I was going through the security footage

- from outside the hotel.

- Uh-huh.

When Addie exits around : , she's wearing a watch that she didn't have before.



I see it.

Oh, the senator said he gave her a birthday present.



Well, it's a limited edition Crowley Tempus smartwatch.

Means it's got a data plan.

We may be able to track her.




Jubal, we're here.

Okay, signal is up ahead and to your left.

About feet.

It's moving, but slowly, so probably on foot.

We got a few dozen homeless in the area.

No sign of Addie.

Keep going.

Signal is about feet, due north.

She could be in one of those tents, but they aren't due north.

Witness said our abductor was left-handed, right?






♪ ♪ Stop!







Don't move!

Where is she?




Addie Ricard.

Where is she?

I don't know any Addie.

- I haven't done anything wrong.

- Yeah?

- Where'd you get this watch?

- I found it.

I swear to God, I did.

Show us where.




Couldn't be more than or minutes ago.

It's not even dry yet.

This guy might've done more than just take her watch.

You got quite a rap sheet, Mike.

Petty theft, possession of a controlled substance with intent to distribute, and you want us to believe that you just happened upon the scene of an abduction.

I didn't have nothing to do with any of that!

Okay, there's a lot of blood in there.

The dogs will be here soon.

I'm sure if you're lying, they'll be the first to know.

But I didn't k*ll anybody.

I'd never do something like that.

Of course not, 'cause you're a choir boy.

Yeah, tell us what happened.

There was this blue car out back.

- It looked new.

- You know the make?

Chevy, I think.

- You catch the license plate?

- No.

Didn't look.

I started walking over there to, you know, see if there was anything inside, anything to steal.

There was a car seat in the back.

They're real easy to pawn.


So you walked over to the blue Chevy looking for something to steal.

Then what happened?

I saw this dude come out of the warehouse wearing a mask.

And he's carrying a woman over his shoulder, so I got the hell out of there.

- Was she alive?

- I'm not sure.

She was bleeding.

- He put the woman in the car?

- In the trunk.

Then he drove off.

A few minutes later, I went back into the warehouse to see what the hell happened.

That's when I found the watch.

And you didn't think to call the cops?

You just took the watch, went about your business, huh?

All right, take him down to Fed.

Check him for blood, hairs, third-party DNA.

If he's clean, let him go.


Come with me.

- Find any prints?

- Not yet.

Just lots of blood and glass.

I can't imagine what's going through Isobel's mind right now.

You think Ethan's really mixed up in all this?

No, but...

I also know how many times I thought I was sure about a guy.

You know, if Townes is telling the truth, if another man was holding Addie here, it would be the perfect spot.

Isolated, very little foot traffic.

The question is, why'd he leave?

Why risk moving her?

Hey, I think I found something.


♪ ♪ Fingerprints on the candy wrapper belong to Viktor Branislav.

Blood on the floor is a match to Addie Ricard, which means we know Addie was actually there.

We suspect Viktor is the abductor.

We do not know for certain.

We need more proof.

Could be old Viktor is just another squatter

- with a sweet tooth.

- I don't think so, Boss.

We're scrubbing recent NYPD car theft reports.

Found a blue Chevy Malibu with a car seat that was stolen two days ago.


Guessing that's the vehicle the tweaker saw, so I pulled video from the location of the car theft.

Take a look at the scar above the right eye.

- It's a match.

- It sure is.

That means Viktor Branislav is officially a suspect.

What else do we know about this chap?

He's a Russian immigrant here on an expired visa.

- Works in real estate.

- He have a local address?


Address on his visa app's outdated.

No active phone, but I pulled his State Department file, and his visa application was sponsored by his uncle,

- Sergei Branislav.

- Okay.

What do we know about him?

He's been here for years.

He graduated from NYU, and, like his nephew, he also works in real estate.

He owns a bunch of rental properties and a few warehouses...

including the one where Addie was being held.

Weller Road.

- He owns that building.

- Okay, okay.

Are Viktor and Sergei connected to Addie Ricard in any way?

I don't think so.

I've been running all kinds of screens, but I keep coming up empty.

Hmm, what about Senator Hoffman?

There a possible nexus there?

I've been looking, but so far nothing.

So why would two Russian immigrants in the real estate business grab up a young female journalist and not even bother to ask for ransom?

I can think of a few reasons, all of them bad.

Do these two have any priors?

Have they ever been investigated

- for any kind of sex crimes?

- I don't know.

The State Department just flagged my inquiry into Sergei.

I'm locked out.

What do you mean locked out?

No, that's a good thing.

Means DHS is probably working the guy.

Kelly, reach out to DHS Rep Belmont.

We need to see him ASAP.

We've been up on Sergei for seven months.

He's connected to an organized crime syndicate we've been focused on that's based in Moscow.

And how does he fit in?

He's their connection stateside.

He's more of a peripheral player.


How so?

He invests the syndicate's dirty money.

Buys up commercial real estate all across New York.

He handles the money, but otherwise keeps his hands clean.

So why would someone like this want to abduct a journalist?

I'm not sure, but we just found some video we think might be related to your case.

This stays within the room.

Oh, yeah.

Of course.

Sergei owns a restaurant in Brighton Beach.

He and Viktor spend a lot of time there.

We've had a pole cam up on it for the past three months.

Okay, when was this captured?

Two hours ago.

That's Sergei Branislav.

And that is Senator Walt Hoffman.


♪ ♪ What the hell is going on here?


This footage is from two hours ago?

That means that the senator went and talked to Sergei directly after we questioned him.

And shortly after that, Sergei's nephew, Viktor, took Addie from the warehouse.

It looksks like the senator tipped him off.

It's possible, but until we know that for sure, we proceed with caution.

I'm gonna reach out to Ethan, set up a one-on-one with the senator.



I know I'm the new guy, but...

Yeah, we're all thinking the same thing here.

If and when it becomes an issue, I will ask Isobel to step aside.

- Hi.

- Hey.

Thank you for doing this.

We just need to cut through the crap

- and figure out what's going on.

- Yeah, well, um, that's what I was hoping for too, but...

the senator changed his mind.

He called his lawyers.

They're inside right now.

They told him not to say a word.

But you said that we had a deal.

I know, and we did, and I told him that he should talk to you alone, but then, you know, he called his lawyer.





Listen tme.


Hold on a second, okay?

I know how this looks, okay?

But the senator is...

concerned, you know?

He just...

he wants to be careful.


When his girlfriend is missing?

When her life is at stake?

I am trying to help you here, but there is nothing that I can do.

I don't know what's going on.

Are you sure about that?

What's that supposed to mean?

Are you suggesting that I'm holding back information?

From the FBI?

From you?

You get paid to protect the senator, who is refusing to cooperate, so how could I possibly trust you right now?

Because it's me!



♪ ♪ Keep going.


Senator Hoffman lawyered up.

- He lawyered...

I thought...

- Yeah, it didn't work out.

So for now, let's assume that that is an admission of guilt.

I want you to dig into him and his chief of staff, see what you can find.

In the meantime, let's focus on Sergei.

We know that shortly after his meeting with the senator, Addie was moved from the warehouse, which means he had to contact his nephew, Viktor.

Where are we on the phones?

As far as we know, they were using burners.

Sergei doesn't have a cell in his name.

What about the restaurant?

We checked.

Landlines haven't been used all day.


We're trying to track down the burners.

See where they were bought, get their serial numbers.

And that could take hours, maybe days.

So let's try something different.

Come at him more direct.

Spook him.

See what he does.

And more importantly, who he calls.

It could lead us right to Viktor.

- Yeah, I like it.

- Just don't tip your hand.

If he thinks we're onto him, he's more likely to pull the plug and k*ll Addie, assuming she's not dead already.


So I guess things are getting kind of complicated for you.

Maybe I should take over just in case the facts break the wrong way.

We want to make sure you're protected.


Yeah, that's a good idea.

- Thank you.

- Yeah.



♪ ♪ Excuse me?


I'm looking for, uh, Sergei Branislav?

Those two in the back may look like a couple of affable old-timers, but they both have Glocks in their waistbands.




- Hey.

- Can I help you?

- Sergei Branislav?

- Here we go.

I'm here to notify you of a vagrant that we arrested breaking into one of your buildings in Red Hook.

Address, Weller Road.

A break-in?


Was there any damage?

Some broken glass.

We also found some blood.

Guessing one of the vagrants probably cut himself somehow.

And you already arrested him, right?

- Mm-hmm.

- So what do you need from me?

Well, we're trying to ascertain if there was any property stolen, so if you'd like to make a statement, we can, um, file a complaint, press criminal charges.

Yeah, I'm sure whatever losses, if any, were minimal, so no, just let the guy go.

That's fine with me.

Thank you.

Tiffany, you gotta keep him talking.

We're not there yet.

You sure you don't want me to write up a report?

You know, the insurance won't pay if you don't file charges.


Let me show you this guy.


- Um...

How much more time do you need?

To capture all his cell data and the call logs, another seconds.


One sec.

Um, just give me one second...

So sorry.

One sec.



Here we go.

Name's Mike Townes.

He's a local meth head.

Likes to break into cars and buildings.

You know, it won't be long before he's robbing people up close and personal.

If you file a charge, I can violate his probation and get him off the streets.


- Got it.

- All done.

- No, I'm good.

Thanks for notifying me, though.

Appreciate your time, Mr. Branislav.


♪ ♪ Focus on the outgoing calls he made directly after the meeting with the senator this morning.

- There's only one.

- It's to another burner.

- Location?

- Yeah, pinging it now.

I just got a signal.

It's in Flushing, Queens.

- Can you narrow in?

- Working on it.

Hey, guys, Sergei just texted the same burner phone.

"Cop was here.

Getting worried.

Coming to you." Then he told the guy to turn off his phone, said he was gonna do the same.

Hey, so Sergei's on the move.

Looks like he's going to meet up with Viktor.

- Do we still have eyes on him?

- No.

We lost him when he jumped on the BQE.

Got a BOLO out on his vehicle, though, so...

I just finished combing through Ethan's phone.

He called Sergei's burner two minutes after he and the senator talked to Maggie and OA.

- All right, grab up Ethan.

- Bring him in.



All right, Ethan, you got two choices.

Either you come clean about Addie, Sergei, the senator, or we're gonna charge you.

Charge me with what?

Obstruction, lying to a federal agent, and that's when the fun really begins.

- Racketeering, kidnapping...

- Look, I already told you.

I have no idea who kidnapped Addie, or why.

I'm trying to help you, but I need you to cooperate.

And I'm sorry, but I am just as in the dark as you are on this.

You are the senator's chief of staff.

It is your job to know.

You expect...


This is your last chance to come clean, to tell us everything you know, or we will move forward with criminal charges.

Okay, fine.

The senator told me that the kidnappers contacted him this morning about a ransom, but he told me not to say anything.

It would endanger her life.

And that is all I know.

I swear.

Why did you call Sergei Branislav?


I never called that guy in my life.

I don't even have his number.



The senator asked to borrow my phone after the meeting.

He told me his battery was dead.


Do the senator and Sergei know each other?

Are they friends?

Have they had business dealings with one another?

And why would Sergei take Addie?

What's his objective?

- I don't know!

- I have no idea, you guys.

If I did, I would tell you.

Jubal, I'd like to speak to Ethan alone for a minute.

You have one shot to save yourself.


Do you understand me?

Why are you talking to me like I'm a criminal?

You're gonna wear a wire.

- A wire?


- What are you talking about?

You're gonna get the senator talking.

You're gonna find out why Addie was taken and where we can find her.

I understand that you're upset.

I do.

But do you really expect me to wear a wire

- and sell out Senator Hoffman...

- Yes!

That is exactly what I expect you to do.

I can't do that, Izzy.

My career will be over.

But unemployment is a whole hell of a lot better than prison.


♪ ♪ I tried to call you all day.

What's going on?

You tell me, Walt.

The FBI just put me in handcuffs.

They think that you and Sergei have something to do with Addie's abduction.

- What?

- Yeah.

They questioned me for two hours.

What'd you tell them?

I told them that I had no idea what they were talking about.

No, no.


No, no.





All right, put the phone down.

No more lawyers.

Not until you come clean with me and you tell me what's really going on.

Look, I can make this go away.

Walt, my girlfriend is the SAC.

She calls the sh*ts, and she trusts me.

And I can get her to cover for you, but I cannot do that unless you tell me exactly what happened.

Where's Addie?

Don't push too hard.

You want me to walk away from this?

From you?

You say the word, I'm gone.

If I knew where she was, I'd already be there.

I love this woman.

I will do anything I can to save her.

Okay, good.

That's good.

But what does Sergei have to do with any of this?



Sergei thinks I screwed him over.

He and I, we had a deal.

I told him about the federal redevelopment plan in Ozone Park, that it was a done deal.

And out of pocket, he started buying up adjacent land, and he was gonna kick me back % of the profits, but...

The redevelopment funds already went to Staten Island.


And I told him there was nothing I could do about it.

So what is this?

Some kind of retaliation?

Well, yes.


He already floated me some cash.

He floated me some gifts, and he told me if I didn't repay him, that he'd k*ll her.

If this gets out, you're done!

- You're going to jail, Walt!

- You don't think I know this?

Why do you think I've been going so crazy?

But I'm good.

I'm good.

You see, I've already come up with , in cash.

Sergei said he'd take that as a down payment, so all we have to do... all we have to do is to get the FBI out of my life for a few hours.

And we're good.


♪ ♪ Tell him that you can do that.

You're gonna talk to me, make up some lies.

All right, everybody.

Get ready.

I want every corner of this ransom drop covered.



♪ ♪ I have a clear view of the park and Senator Hoffman.

So far no sign of Sergei or his nephew.

Yeah, same here.

We don't have a visual on the suspects or the vehicle.

Scratch that.

Blue Chevy Malibu just landed.

Grabbed a piece of curb on the south side of the street.

There it is.


We see it.

The car seat's still in the back.

That's it.

All right.

Look alive, everybody.

We got eyes on Viktor.

Yeah, we got eyes on Sergei as well.

Okay, what about Addie?

Any sign of her?


She might be in the trunk.

All right, let them clear their vehicle and head toward the senator.

Wait for OA and Tiffany, to make the arrest signal.


♪ ♪ Ready to go?

Jubal, it looks like Viktor's got a w*apon under his jacket on his left hip.

We've got no other cameras in the park?

- Nothing.

- All right, we lost visual.

So make contact at your discretion.


Viktor Branislav.



sh*ts fired.

sh*ts fired.

Agent down.

- Hey!

- I got Viktor.

Show me your hands!

Senator, don't even think about it!


Stop running!

- You all right, Scola?

- Yeah.

Scola, you all right?

Bruised a rib.

Didn't break the skin.


- Hey, you good?

- Go.

Okay, we need to secure the vehicle to see if Addie's in it.

Let's go.

I'm on it.



Hey, Addie.

I'm Maggie Bell.

I'm with the FBI.

Everything's okay.

You're safe now.

I promise.

Jubal, Addie's okay.

Good work, everybody.

- Great work.

- Yeah.

Good job, guys.

You all right?


You're okay.


All right, and you already had these marked in the log, right?


Addie, how are you holding up?

- Okay, I guess.

- Addie!

Ma'am, you can't come this way.

Please, that's my sister.



- Let her through.

- Okay.

Oh, my God.


♪ ♪ All right.

What do you got?

How 'bout that, huh?


- Hey.

- Hi.

So thought you'd want to know we just spoke to Senator Hoffman.


Um, listen, I know that my relationship with Ethan put you in a tough spot, and I'm sorry about that, but I really appreciate the way you handled it.

Sure thing.


what are you still doing here?

Mm, I don't know.

Avoiding the inevitable, I guess.

Yeah, I imagine you and Ethan have a lot to discuss.

Good news is, he was telling the truth.

End of the day, he was in the dark just trying to do his job.

So at least he is who you thought he was.

I know, but I'm afraid I...

I'm not who he thought I was, you know?


Sometimes I think it's easier to assume someone's being dishonest, right?

It's the cost of doing this job for so long.

You know, maybe you should go home and tell Ethan what you just told me.


♪ ♪

- Hey.

- Hey.

What's with the bag?

I, uh, booked a room at a hotel.

I just need some time alone.

That's all.

I'll call you tomorrow, okay?

For... for what it's worth...

I am sorry.


♪ ♪
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