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01x07 - Equinox: The Book of Fate

Posted: 03/18/21 04:50
by bunniefuu
[Jefferson] Previously on Black Lightning...

Now, we are talking about the guy who worked for the man who k*lled my father.

If he is still around, then Tobias is still around.

[both grunting]

Where is Tobias?


Freeland is in crisis because of Green Light.

Toledo's behind that. Tobias is behind him.

You couldn't wait for me to get in the suit.

Now you're g*n-shy about Tobias?

Why is that?

We had a deal. You're not supposed to be here.

Did you know that in Africa some people believe that albinos are magical?

These people will actually kidnap random albino, cut him up, grind up his bones, and sell it as magic dust.


What was that?

Someone's breaking in. They're coming this way. [glass shattering]

Okay, hide. I'm coming.

Get away from her!


[Black Lightning] Let her go.




[Lynn] Look up.

Look down.

I still can't believe it.

All that talk about nonviolence and Dr. King and Dad's Black Lightning?

Your ocular responses are normal. Your concussion's healing.

Let me check your ribs again.

Mom, I told you, I'm fine.

[gasps] My God.

You're healing already.

Look, Anissa, you have to stop this now. It will destroy your life.

But you and Dad taught me that I need to help people.

That's what I'm doing. I am helping people.

Yeah, as a social activist or a doctor, not as a super-powered vigilante.

So I'm just supposed to sit back and watch The One Hundred destroy what's left of Freeland?


This is a gift from God, Mom, a blessing.

You sound just like your father.

[scoffs] That's a bad thing?

Do you know, together, Dad and I can put an end to The One Hundred once and for all.

Look, I understand what you're going through right now, trust me.

But this road you're on, it only leads to heartbreak and pain.

Do you have powers?

Can you stop a b*llet?

sh**t lightning out of your hands?

No, of...

Then how can you possibly understand what I'm going through?

[Gambi] I did some digging, and there's some chatter on the dark web about a group of high-end tech thieves making the rounds.

They pull a job, and then they move on to the next city.

So far, they've stolen over ten million dollars worth of equipment that they turn around and sell to the highest bidder.

My guess, Lynn was just in the wrong place at the wrong time.

They're probably already gone, but she should stay here for a few days, just in case.

Jefferson, you shouldn't b*at yourself up over this Anissa thing.

There's no way you could have known it was her.

Why don't you go home, get some rest, check on Jennifer?

And I'll look after Lynn.

Jennifer's at Kiesha's.

Thank you for your concern.

Have I done something to upset you?

It's what you didn't do, Gambi.

Why didn't you tell me Tobias was back in Freeland?

We're back to this again? Yes, we are.

Do you expect me to believe it only took you two hours to get some Intel on thieves on the dark web, but you haven't heard anything, anything about a six-foot albino in Freeland?

I told you. I didn't know. I know what you told me.

It doesn't mean I believe you.


I didn't tell you in order to protect you.

From Tobias?

From yourself.

Jefferson, I didn't want you to do something that you'd regret for the rest of your life.

There's no coming back from something like that.

Trust me.

That's just it.

I don't.

♪♪ Have me in your ever after ♪♪

♪♪ Never leave me ♪♪

[bones cracking]

♪♪ Never go ♪♪

♪♪ I'll be over here ♪♪



♪♪ Like the sun ♪♪


♪♪ Forever ♪♪

[grunts] [groans]

Joey, where'd you find this clown?

Thought you said he was one of the best.

He was, boss. I saw him tussle with my own eyes.

Find me someone worth my time.

♪♪ This is my paradise ♪♪ Down, boy.

Finally, a brotha with some heart.



♪♪ Why ♪♪

♪♪ Have you come to take me? ♪♪


♪♪ And I'm ready to go ♪♪ He has to be hyped-up on something.

Check his bag.

♪♪ Now and forever ♪♪

♪♪ And I can say forever ♪♪ Green Light.

♪♪ Because I know ♪♪

♪♪ Blue is your favorite color ♪♪

[man rapping] ♪♪ Last night I saw a superhero He was black ♪♪

♪♪ He said This is for the streets ♪♪

♪♪ Black Lightning's back ♪♪

[indistinct chatter]

His nose was thinner, and his eyes were a little further apart.


You're lucky Black Lightning showed up when he did, Lynn.

Any idea why you?


Do you think anyone from your past may have a problem with you?

An ex-boyfriend maybe? A colleague?


Have you been in any altercations lately?

Did you take somebody's parking space? Cut somebody off in traffic?

No. No.

Have you started dating anyone new?

[scoffs] No.

I'm not even gonna pretend to know what you do at your lab over at Bowman, but is there a universe where some of your research could have been targeted by a third party, maybe for financial gain?

Most of my research deals with addiction and its effects on the human brain.

I... I don't think there's any money in that.


What about you, Jefferson?


[Jefferson stammers]

What about me?

First your girls get kidnapped, and now this thing with Lynn...

Do you think The One Hundred is trying to send you a message?

Why would The One Hundred care about me?

I'm just a high school principal.

Come on, now, Jeff.

We both know you're a lot more than that.

[phone rings]

You give your students at Garfield hope, make them believe they can do something with their lives.

Those are kids The One Hundred can't put to work.

Just watch your back, that's all I'm saying.

Are these the men that broke into your lab?

That's them.

I couldn't forget them if I tried.

I feel this endeavor requires an especially delicate touch.

[music playing over record player]

[cell phone chimes]


[indistinct radio chatter]

What if someone figured out that I was Black Lightning and tried to abduct you to get to me?

Why didn't they take me when they had the chance?

I don't know.

[sighs] I just keep racking my brain, trying to figure out why me, why then?

Did anything out of the ordinary happen around the time of the break-in?

Actually, there was one thing.

Anissa came by with a box of Alvin's research.

My father? Yeah, I... [sighs]

I didn't have a chance to look through it, but I did come across some pretty advanced biochemical formulas.

Where did she get his research?

She was coming to the lab to talk about it just before the break-in happened.

You think it's just a coincidence?

At this point, we can't rule anything out.

Excuse me.

[Tobias] I thought PCP was bad.

This Green Light is on a whole 'nother level.

It's too volatile, too addictive.

Truthfully, it's k*lling too many people, and dead customers don't pay.

So what are you gonna do about it?


Yes, boss? Reach out to Lady Eve's people.

Tell 'em I want a face-to-face with her evil ass.

You got it. Wait.

[sighs] You're gonna talk to her?



Okay, maybe what happened to you isn't my fault, but what happened to Anissa is.

There's no way you could have known that Anissa would manifest abilities.

Me, on the other hand, my work deals with mapping and rewriting genes, I should have known there was a possibility.

We have to call Anissa, get her to meet us at the hospital so I can run some tests.

We need to know what we're dealing with.

No, no, no.

The only place we're going is back to Gambi's.

Have you forgotten you were just held c*ptive in your own lab?

The men who did it are still out there somewhere.

No, of course, I haven't forgotten.

Okay, Anissa has powers now.

But she'll still have powers when all this blows over.

You can test her when we know you're safe.

What do we do with her in the meantime?

We have to protect her from herself.

Convince her that using her powers is putting her life in danger.

That it takes more than it gives.

What if Jen has inherited abilities as well?


Jen is already too much to handle even without powers.

We have to test her, too.


Oh, God, Jefferson.

I'm so scared for our girls.

I know.

[indistinct chatter]

[Darius] That's what I've been...

Bruh, when I say stop arguing, that's what's got to happen, period.

Then we can get to the root cause of the problem.

But we can't do that if you're yelling and cussing.

I can't let ninjas just be out here punking me, Mr. Nasir.

You gotta use your head.

We're not asking you to allow someone to punk you, we're asking that you control your anger.

[cell phone ringing]

I have to take this.

Talk less, listen more.

That's what I've been trying...

Come on, use your head, man. This is your future. I got mine.

[arguing continues indistinctly]


Is this the electrician?

What can I do for you, Inspector?

Is there anyone else like you in Freeland? [scoffs]

Okay, not exactly like you, but I just mean someone with, uh... unique abilities.

Why do you ask?

There was an incident at the university.

Some students reported seeing a woman destroy a Confederate general's statue with a stomp.

No matter how much I agree with what she did, you just can't go around destroying university property, or any property.

I haven't heard of anyone like that in Freeland, but if I hear of anything, I'll hit you up.

Hey, yo.

Since I'm looking out for you, I need you to do something for me.

Something like what?

That clue you gave me to find Toledo, it didn't pan out.

Could you find another way to track him down?

[Inspector Henderson] I'll see what I can do.

Why are you so hung up on Toledo anyway?

He's a hired g*n.

I ain't after Toledo. I'm after his boss, Tobias Whale.

[scoffs] You chasing ghosts now?

No, I saw Tobias.

The crazy thing is, he looks like he hasn't aged a day in 30 years.

How is that possible?

I'll let you know when I catch his ass.

Wait a minute... Hello?

[knocking on door]


Anissa, how you feeling?

Dad, I'm ready to go out in the streets.

I was thinking we could hit the community center, and then maybe take down some Green Light houses...

Whoa! Whoa, whoa, whoa!

You're a teacher and a med student, and that's all you need to be.

Just because you have abilities doesn't mean you have to use them.

I've already used them.

To destroy a Confederate statue.

Oh. I know. It was a mistake. I lost my head.

That's just it, Anissa. You can't afford to lose your head.

That's when people get hurt, or worse.

Okay. Then train me. Show me how to do this.

No. You're clearly not ready.

No, Dad, you're not ready.

There's a difference.

That box you gave your mother...

The box of my father's research...

Where'd you get it?

I got it from your father's editor, David Poe.


Dad, when I first got my powers, I didn't know what was going on with me.

So I started doing some digging on the Internet and I saw that Grandpa was doing research on missing kids and enhanced abilities.

So, I reached out to his editor, and he gave me what he had.

I did what I could, but it was so over my head that I had to give it to Mom.

It was selfish and reckless to give that box to your mother without giving her all the details.

Your grandfather was m*rder*d.

You don't think he was researching anything else that may have been dangerous?

So you think the box was the reason for the break-in?

I don't know.

But if there's a chance that it is, you have to warn David Poe.

No powers, just you.


[school bell ringing]

[Lady Eve humming]

[Gambi] We need to have a conversation.

I already told you, the Stewart situation is being cleaned up.

I'm not here about Lynn.

I'm here about Tobias. The man is a problem.

[scoffs] He is a retail outlet who makes a 300% profit.

That kind of financial asset is almost impossible to replace.

Evelyn, the man is wanted. He's supposed to be underground.

His head's gotten too big.

Ever since his little visit to my shop, I've been keeping tabs on him.

Whatever message you thought you sent, he didn't receive.

He's been strutting around this city like he owns it.

He's about to open a night club, for God's sakes.

It's only a matter of time before he's caught by the cops.

Or even worse... Black Lightning.

If he talks, he could dismantle the whole ecosystem we've created over the years.

We need to clip his wings.

I am aware that Tobias has been somewhat of a habitual line-stepper lately, but, Gambi...

you and I both know ecosystems are tricky.

Taking Tobias out would throw that balance off.


You could have Joey Toledo.

Toledo is Tobias's right hand.

If you remove him from the equation, maybe Tobias will get the hint and start being more careful.

And if Tobias doesn't fall in line?

I'll throw him off that bridge when I get to it.

Do we have a deal?


Give Mr. Toledo my regards.

[Jennifer sighs]

All right. What's the deal with you two?

Something's up, I can tell.

Nothing's up, Jen. I'm just reading the paper.

Yeah, and Anissa's just studying.

You know what you're not doing?


[Anissa] Don't worry about it, Jen. Dad and I are cool.

Right, Dad? Yeah. Cool.

So everything is normal? I'm just making all this up in my head?


Okay, well, on a normal day, you would have noticed that I'm wearing your favorite shirt without permission and Dad would have asked at least a dozen times if I had an activity to replace track yet, so...

You guys wanna try again?

[Jefferson] All right. If you must know, Anissa was upset with me, um, because I blew off a follow-up scan your mother wanted to run.

Uh, I...

I was busy, and I thought it wasn't important, but... your sister convinced me to, uh, do the scan.

Yeah. So...

So all this was about a scan?

Look, I was just trying to look out for Dad, Jen.

You know, protecting is what the Pierce family does best.

All right, guys, I have some errands to run, so I'll see you guys later.

[Jefferson] Yeah. [Jennifer] Okay.

So are you doing this brain scan after family dinner tonight?

Well, uh, your mother had to leave town suddenly for a conference.

But when she's free, I'll have the test done.


[scoffs and chuckles]

Hi, Mr. Poe, it's Anissa Pierce again.

If you could give me a call back when you get this message, that'd be great.

I hope everything's great with you, and I'll talk to you soon. Bye.


[Lynn] Hey, what are you doing here? Hey.

Uncle Gambi, he let me in on his way out for lunch.

Look, I stopped at your place, picked up a few things.

I just want you to be as comfortable as possible while you're here.

I appreciate it. Thank you. You're welcome.

Mom, look, I'm sorry about yesterday.

I feel bad how our conversation ended.

[sighs] I just want you to have a normal life, free of the trials and tribulations your father and I had to go through.

When he put on that suit and walked out the door, I never knew if he was gonna walk back through it again.

Is that what you want for your life?

Is that how you want the people who love you to live their lives?


Is Dad being Black Lightning why you two broke up?


This life is hard, baby. That's what I'm telling you.

And if you're not careful, you could lose yourself in it.

When's the last time you had a conversation with anyone besides your family?

When's the last time you were on a date?

When you do what your father does, what you wanna do, everybody gets a happy ending but you.

But the community, they fell apart, Mom, without Black Lightning, but people are starting to believe that they can get up from The One Hundred again, up from the crooked police.

Look, I can finally help Dad free Freeland.

And I'm willing to sacrifice my happiness so that other people can have theirs.

[indistinct chatter]

Can I help you, dear? Oh, I hope so.

I'm looking for David Poe. Is he around today?

I'm sorry. David d*ed a few days ago.

He was struck by a car on his morning bike ride.

The police said it was a hit-and-run.

Did you know him well?

Yeah, he, um...

He was a friend of the family.

I'm so sorry to be the one to share this with you.

[upbeat music playing] [crowd cheering]


[indistinct conversation]

[man rapping] ♪♪ With a g*n And a Kn*fe in our waistband ♪♪

♪♪ Went to w*r with the devil And shaytan ♪♪

[cheering continues]

♪♪ So high now Hoping that I land ♪♪

[g*nshots] [people screaming]

Go check it out.

Let's go.

♪♪ Pulled cash and I gave him What he asked for ♪♪

♪♪ God... it It's a... miracle ♪♪

♪♪ Small bribe Made it back into America ♪♪


♪♪ Rap t*rror1st Terrorize, tear it up ♪♪

♪♪ Brought gas and the matches To flare it up ♪♪

♪♪ Militant Michael Might go psycho ♪♪


♪♪ My job is to fight For survival ♪♪

♪♪ In spite of these AllLivesMatterAss white folk ♪♪

♪♪ My... got a Michelin star ♪♪

♪♪ I'm on par with The best ever took the gig ♪♪

♪♪ I'm a super cat From don Dada to dusk Don't bother to touch ♪♪

♪♪ I got firm clutch on the grip and the bucks ♪♪ Who are you?


♪♪ Don't flash weak... To the Shark t*nk judge ♪♪

♪♪ Talk real good 'Cause I'm smart and stuff ♪♪

♪♪ I told y'all suckers I told y'all suckers ♪♪

♪♪ I told y'all on RTJ1 Then I told ya again on RTJ2 ♪♪

♪♪ And you still Ain't believe me So here we go, RTJ3 ♪♪

♪♪ Talk to me ♪♪

♪♪ RTJ, talk to me ♪♪

[fire crackling]

Uh, I left dinner on the stove for you. It should still be warm.



Anissa, what is it?

It's David Poe...



♪♪ For your romance ♪♪

♪♪ My weapons are down With both my hands ♪♪ I came as soon as you called.

What is it? Are you okay?

Remember when Anissa was ten months old and she kept trying to walk?

Yeah, of course I remember.

She'd fall, and then she'd cry.

She'd fall, and then she'd cry.

She did it over and over again.

A week later, she was walking.

Ever since the day she was born, she's been stubborn.

She never stops.

She will keep falling until she walks.

You have to help her, Jefferson. Are you kidding?

Eventually, she will go back out there, whether we like it or not.

And if she doesn't have someone to look after her, then she will get hurt.

Or worse.

Training her is the right thing to do.

Okay, what happened to "Powers are the drug that destroys lives"?

And "I'm an addict"?

Do you want that for Anissa? To destroy her life?

I'm not talking about destroying her life.

I'm asking you to protect it.

[Gambi] Hey, Jefferson.

If I'd known you were coming, I would have picked up some more food.

No, I was just on my way out.

[cell phone vibrating]



On my way.

What is it? What happened?

It's nothing.

[jazz music playing over speakers]


One of the only things brothas got right.

What do you need, sis?


He's dead.


One of your men found this before the police arrived.


Son of a bitch! [crystals rattling]

Run and hide.

That's exactly what Lady Eve wants me to do.

No. It's either her or you. You understand that?

Do you understand that?

If I k*ll Lady Eve without the Shadow Board's permission, I might as well bury myself with her.

Not necessarily.

[siren whoops]

[indistinct radio chatter]

[cell phone vibrates]


[electricity crackling]

What's up?

Joey Toledo took one to the chest, he suffocated in his own blood.

Toledo was my only lead to Tobias.

Maybe not.

I looked a little closer at Toledo.

His girlfriend's car has gotten a lot of tickets outside this new jazz club as it was being remodeled.

Tomorrow's the grand opening.

Thing is, she couldn't have gotten those tickets because she was clocked in at work halfway across the city at the time.

So, it has to be Toledo.

And if Toledo was there for the remodel, chances are, if he was still breathing, he'd be there for the opening.

And given the givens, if Tobias is back in Freeland...

[sirens wailing]

...that's where we'll find him.

You're welcome!

The two men were gunned down near PAX Institute trying to escape with high-end medical equipment.

When asked for his comments, PAX CEO, Christopher Smith, said he would make no comment until police make an arrest.

I take it you saw.

Guess you were right.

Wrong place, wrong time.

I'm just glad you're safe.

Look, Peter...

I know we don't see eye-to-eye on a lot of things, but I do believe you care about Jefferson, and our family, and protecting us, and because of that...

I need to ask you a favor.

[indistinct chatter]

[blows landing]


[Tobias] Hmm.

So, you wanna write about me, huh, Uncle Tom?


It's time for you to eat your damn words.

[muffled grunting]

[softly] Dad.


[softly] Dad.


[indistinct chatter]

This suit is gonna be state-of-the-art, Lynn.

It'll keep Anissa safe.

I just hope you're not making my baby a casket.

[device trills]

It's Anissa.

Would you tell her I'll be up in a minute?

Of course.

Hey. Hey, Anissa.

How are you? All right.

Your mom will be up in a minute. Okay.

This is for you. For me?

You're making me a suit?

I'm making it with a breathable, Kevlar weave, so even when you're not bulletproof, you'll still be bulletproof.

It's gonna be fireproof, and water-resistant, it's gonna have state-of-the-art neuro-interface technology stitched into the lining, so I'll be able to monitor your vitals from here.

[Anissa] Wow.

I'll run you through all the bells and whistles when it's done.

Just give me a little while to get it together.

[exhales] Okay.

If you ladies will excuse me, I have a lot of work to do.

[Anissa sighs]

Anissa, you think I don't get it, but I do.

Ever since you were a little girl, you were always protective of others.

Whether it was Jen or someone being bullied on the playground, you always stood up for them.

And now, you want to stand up for Freeland.

Just be careful, okay?

I love you, Mom.

I love you, too.

All right, let's go. Let's get you home. Yeah.

Thanks, baby.

[woman singing] ♪♪ My heart, my strength My power, all my energy♪♪

♪♪ My patience and my trust My whole damn life it seems♪♪

♪♪ If it all runs out...♪♪

♪♪ Will it all run out?♪♪

♪♪ My right, my wrong, my soul My song, my hopes and dreams♪♪

♪♪ My joy, my pain And my weakness is all to me♪♪

[Tobias] Is everything ready to go?

Just say when. When.

♪♪ Said it all runs out♪♪

♪♪ Will your love stay♪♪ So you got everything you need?

With you by my side, indeed.

You've got to be kidding me.


[Tori] Tobias! [Tobias groans]

Tobias, are you okay? [grunts]

Come on, come on. Let's get out of here.


♪♪ When it all runs out ♪♪

♪♪ Said it all runs out ♪♪

♪♪ Will your love stay? ♪♪

♪♪ Will your love Will your love stay ♪♪ Go.


♪♪ My heart, my hope My will, my way ♪♪


[Tori groans]

Tori. Tori!



Come on.


No! Tori!

[car engine starts]



[tires screech]

♪♪ When there's nothing But confusion ♪♪

♪♪ Will you stay? ♪♪


Come on, breathe. Breathe. Stay with me.

[breathing heavily]


Come on, breathe. Stay with me.

Stay with me. Come on.




♪♪ When it all runs out ♪♪

♪♪ Said it all runs out ♪♪


♪♪ Will your love stay? ♪♪



♪♪ Last night While lyin' on my bed ♪♪

♪♪ Thinking about Giving up on love ♪♪

- ♪♪ True love ♪♪ ♪♪ True love ♪♪

Hi, Grace. It's, um...

[chuckles] It's Anissa.

I know it's been a while, but I've been thinking about you, and I was hoping that we could grab a drink or dinner or something.

So, call me back when you get this.

I miss you.

All right, bye.

[knocking on door] [sighs]

Come in.


Hey. Uh... Can I talk to you a minute?


I'm a hypocrite.

You know how I always get on you to keep your head?

I've let my emotions get the best of me over and over again.

And tonight, a young lady d*ed.

Dad, listen... No, no, no. Look.

We are both gonna make mistakes,

horrible mistakes, but without us, Freeland doesn't stand a chance.


I don't know everything, but what I do know, I'm going to teach my daughter.

[chuckles softly]

No, you're not a hypocrite.

You're great.

You're a great dad, great principal, the greatest hero.

I mean, Dad, I can only hope to live up to your example.


Be better than me.

[cell phone vibrating]


[Anissa clears throat]

[clears throat]


[Inspector Henderson] You went too far this time.

[indistinct chatter on radio]

Evelyn Stillwater-Ferguson, a prominent member of the Freeland community, was m*rder*d tonight along with two employees at her Black Bird Funeral Parlor.

Police sources say she was k*lled

- by electrocution... [gasps]

...making Black Lightning their prime suspect.

And just like that, Freeland's protector just became its biggest thr*at.

[breathing heavily]

Do you believe in the Resurrection, Latavious?