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14x10 - Everything Is Broken (1)

Posted: 03/11/21 06:36
by bunniefuu
We can't go back to mine tonight.

My landlady's on high alert.

Mine as well.

So, what will we do?







Ten more points.

Wealth is the most valuable square in this Game of Life.

Suggesting money is the key to happiness.







Uh, Ruth.


Just Newsome, thank you very much.

And please don't say that horrid name.

- Where's Henry?

- Oh!

Why did you say it?

If you must know, he is most likely out thinking of all the things I cannot do.

Don't move too quickly, don't eat potatoes, - don't look at the moon.

- The moon?

Apparently if I look at the moon, our baby will be born daft.

Honestly, if babies are that delicate, I don't think I can be bothered.

- I wouldn't take anything Henry says...

- Ah-ah-ah!

There's that name again.

- Ah, uh you brought luggage.

- Well, yes.


He refused to leave, so I had to.

I'm sure this must be a difficult time, but perhaps you'd be more comfortable amongst family?

Oh, Rupert and Lucinda?


Oh, he has fallen into a deep state of moroseness since losing his kingdom.

- Oh!

- Surely there are hotels.

She's at a very late stage.

I'm sure this spat will blow over soon enough.


Detective Murdoch.


I see.

I'll be right there.

A body's been found.

- You can't leave me here...

- Duty calls.



- _ - WATTS: Well, good luck to you.

- No need to ration it, James.

- Sir.


Like him.

He's funny.

Pretty funny.

Could you tell them to keep it down?

You don't tell those men anything, sir.


Okay, have you heard this one?

A cabman who drove in Biarritz,

- once frightened a fare into fits.

- Heard it.

But tell it again.

WATTS: Well, James, perhaps you could close the doors?

- Tell it again.

- When reproved for a fart, he said, "God bless my heart".

What's this?

I already got a shoeshine.

Beat it, kid.

Aw, ain't that cute?

Know how to use that...



- Hey!


- Put that down.


- Go after him.

Do your job.

- Whoo.

All I'm saying is if there's a chance that looking at the moon will turn your baby into a lunatic, then...

So, I told her to stop stargazing.

She would do it for hours.

And she didn't appreciate the suggestion?

You could say that.

That could be why she turned up at my home unannounced.

Oh, sir, she's at your home?

That's a relief.

- The whole argument started...

- What have we here?

A body in a drum filled with lye, sir, found behind the Hotel Sheldon.

Anything to go on?

Finger marks on the lid.

Oh, good.

Get to work comparing those finger marks to all of the ones we have on file.

I hate that job.

Perhaps you would prefer to go and collect your wife?

Finger marks it is.

- Your findings, Miss Hart?

- The deceased is a woman, though her features have been obliterated.

Lye acts quickly.

- Cause of death?

- She was shot in the back of the head.

I did find these strange metal filings in the wound.

The key to this muffler, as you call it, George, is the sound-dampening properties of metal filings stuffed into a series of conical baffles along the...


That has a better ring to it.

- Uh, sorry, sir...

- ...

Along the length of the cylinder...

Baffler, that's the ticket.

So, those metal filings are like the ones found in the victim's wound?

Correct, sir.

They would have been blown out of the g*n with the force of the shot.

Murdoch, a man travels all the way from New York City to commit m*rder.

And uses a highly specialized device that ensures he can slip away into thin air.

What does that sound like to you?

I believe we're dealing with an assassin.

This is the work of the Black Hand.

HART: These were also found in the barrel.

The key is from the Hotel Sheldon.

And these earrings...

Good God.

HART: Detective?

Are you all right?

RHODES: Got the heart pumping, that's for sure.

Do you know the boy?

Why was he sh**ting at you?

No clue.

When you see him, tell him I said thanks for the laugh.

My restaurant at the centre of a sh**ting?

How exhilarating.

Dinner's on me, of course.

- I'd say it's on Lou.



I take it you have no idea why a young boy would open fire in your restaurant?


You're the police detective, aren't you?


Now, the press will be here any minute.

You must give them an interview.

Sir, the room was rented by a Jane Walker.

Likely a pseudonym.

How do you figure, sir?

Call it instinct.

Look at this.

Was there a second person staying here?

This area of the floor has worn unevenly.

A rug is missing.

You know, Effie used to have a roommate, Jane Walker.

Bit of a Chatty Cathy, as I remember.



The victim was k*lled here.

Wrapped in a rug, carried down the fire escape and into the alley, then placed into the drum of lye solution.

Destroying any evidence left on the body.


Sir, I've been thinking...

- Life is short.

- It certainly is.

So, I think I've decided...

I'm going to ask Effie to marry me.

Good man, George.


If you truly love her, don't hesitate.

I hesitated once and nearly lost the love of my life.

She really is something, isn't she, sir?

Effie, I mean.

What's that, sir?

MURDOCH: For midnight on the Tibetan Steppe.

Well, I hope it keeps good time.

That it does.

Thank you for my freedom.


It's the clock I gave to Anna.

Anna Fulford, sir?

Oh, no.

The Black Hand...

They've found her.



How lovely to see you again.

And you.

On your way home from work?


Today was particularly exhausting.

Have you had dinner?

My husband and I own a restaurant nearby.

Oh, that sounds lovely.

My love!

We're off to a private party.

I hired a scandalous burlesque dancer and procured mountains of opium.

You must come.

Isn't she a pretty little thing?

Bring your friend too.

Oh, no, thank you.

I couldn't possibly.

Just be on your way, Arthur.

If you don't care to be with me, find your own amusement.


That's your husband?




Oh, Julia!

Thank goodness.

I didn't think you could hear me.

I can't reach my water glass.



- There you are.

- Thank you.

I'm so very grateful to be staying with a doctor.

Goodnight, Ruth.

Try to get some rest.

Oh, but, uh, what if something happens again and I need you?

You couldn't hear me before.

You'll be fine.

Just go to sleep.

What's that?

Is... is that a bell?

From my bicycle, yes.




It's perfect.

Now I won't have to be, um, shouting myself so weary.

Goodnight, Ruth.



I heard the news.

Is it true?

Is Anna dead?

I'm afraid so.



I'm so sorry.

ANNA: Who are you?

Did I just help a m*rder*r?


- I don't think so.

- You don't think so?

No, wait!

I don't know who those men are.

I don't know why they're after me, because...

I don't know who I am.

I don't even know my own name.

You have a head for numbers.

Perhaps you're an accountant?

Oh, I hope not.

Well, you've had quite a week, Mister...

I need a name to call you by.

Pick one.


I've always liked Harry.


Harry it is.

- What's yours?

- Anna.

Anna Fulford.

Well, you know your way around a g*n.

- Seem to.

- You are not an accountant, Harry.

Those men seem to think I'm affiliated with someone named Treadstone.

Lord Treadstone?

- Do you know him?

- Well, he's some high-up government type.

We need to find out all we can about Treadstone.

Harry, don't you ever relax?

We're safe here.

MURDOCH: Oh, Julia.


Who's Julia?

You went after another station house, arrested officers without cause.

You even threatened another inspector!

And, if that wasn't bad enough, you have a son sitting in the Don Jail.

And there are rumours you may have a child out of wedlock.

A child of a certain hue.

My son is paying for his mistakes

- and as far as that rumour is concerned...

- That's enough.

We want you gone.

Leave without a fuss, you'll have your full pension.

Don't be ridiculous.

I won't be resigning.

Don't fight us on this, Tom.

It's over.

Sorry for the mess.

Did you make it?


Then don't apologize, makes you look weak.


Stern, I'm running late.

Could you make me a sandwich to take with me?

I'm not kitchen staff.

I am your employer.

And the lady of the house.


Carmichael is my employer.

You want a servant, I suggest you have Mr. Carmichael hire one for you.

I could have you dismissed.

With what I know about your husband and what he gets up to, he will not fire me, Lady of the House.

Uh, sir?

I compared the finger marks on the drum lid to everyone on file.

There's no match.

- Oh.

Very well.

Thank you, Henry.

- And, sir, how's my Ruthie?

She's very much...


Anna Fulford.

My goodness!

Hello, William.

Wha... what brings you to Toronto?

I'm on my way to Niagara Falls.

With my fiancé.

Your fiancé?



- William, he's vanished.

- Vanished?

I'm at my wit's end.

I think something terrible must have happened.

I'm sorry, Anna.

I need some air.

- I'll come with you.

- William, she needs time to herself.

Of course.

We've had these documents made up for you.

They're your new identity.

A new name, a new past.

Everything you'll need.

But where will I go?

- What am I going to do?

- Anna, what's important is surviving to be able to make those decisions.

I'm so sorry, but it's the best I can do.

How did this happen?

Both of us losing the futures we counted on.

Perhaps, when enough time has passed,

- you could come to me?

- No.


You must never tell anyone what's become of Anna Fulford, not even me.

To do so would place us both in great danger.

So, this really is goodbye.

I'll miss you, William.

Thank you, William.

Good luck, Anna.

- Sir?

- They want me out.

- They?

- Chief Constable.

Offered me a nice pension as an enticement.

I'm afraid I don't understand.

They know about Nomi.

Inspector Decker?

Oh, I'll take him down with me if it comes to that.

Right, sir, we'll fight them together.

You just do your job.

How's Watts doing with the boy with the g*n?

Nothing, yet, as far as I know.

What about the girl in the drum?

It was Anna Fulford.


Bloody hell.

I'm so sorry, Murdoch.

Thank you, sir.

I know she meant something to you.

A great deal.

Ah, it's close.

Very close.

Can you make him more...


Ah, his hair was a bit longer.

Oh, yes, very good.

You can take that to the printer.

Lads, I have an announcement.

I think.

You think you have an announcement, or you're announcing that you think?

Ah, very clever.

Ah, both, I suppose.

I do think.

"I think, therefore I am".


- Descartes.

- What's that?

- Your announcement?

- Ah, right!

- I'm going to ask Effie to marry me.

- This is for you.

Oh, well, don't all jump up and down.

Apologies, Constable, it's just I'm not currently enthralled by the institution of marriage.


That makes two of us.

Newsome women, George, can be... challenging.

Well, perhaps some more than others, Henry.


I always thought you'd marry Dr.


WATTS: I don't believe I know that one.


Emily Grace.

She was so beautiful.

Shorter than him, too.

Dr. Grace is not an option for me, Higgins, as you well know.

Now, look, I'm asking Effie Newsome to marry me tonight and that's that...



She'll be so happy.

- Dorothy, please don't say anything.

- No!

No, of course.



I need a drink.

Something... Bubbly.

We have sarsaparilla in the icebox.

Help yourself.

I can't get up.

My back, it couldn't take it.

It's this bed.

It is terrible.

Everything is.

I should be happy.

I should be glowing.

You should be with your husband.




Has Henry even asked about me?

Of course he has.

Ruth, is it possible that this is not about Henry?

That this is just fear?

A very understandable fear of becoming a mother.

No, it's about Henry.

Well, I'd bet Henry would get you sarsaparilla.


What the devil was Anna Fulford doing in Toronto?

I can only assume she was looking for help.

Wouldn't have been the first time.



- Stop!


- Let me go!


- Hello, William.

- Anna!

What the devil are you doing here?

Anna, you can't be here.

There are people after you.

Why did you come back?


William, I'm sorry.

I tried.

Really, I did.

I went to Chicago and Boston...

And you come back to Toronto?

What if the Black Hand finds out?

I doubt they even remember I exist.

There's a price on your head, they'll remember.

And you come back here, where they tried to k*ll you?

I've already been here several months, William.


Honestly, who's going to notice an anonymous librarian?


It's the only place I don't feel alone.

You can't stay.

I'm fine.

Now, what were you doing at the library, anyway?

I hope you don't have an overdue book.

There's a heavy penalty for that.

Very funny.

And she was fine.

Until they spotted her.

I can buy that they would have spotted her back then, but that was nine years ago.

And, as far as they knew, she was dead.

ANNA: Such a perfect summer's day.

You think so?

Oh, come on, William.

You won the ball game, the sun's shining, you and I are together.

What would you change?

It's perfect.

MURDOCH: Well, I suppose you're right.

Let's stroll back.






I see him, sir.



Julia, help me!

- William.

I'm so sorry.

- No!





- You murdering coward.

- This wasn't us.

- You hired the boy!

- We had nothing to do with this.


You put on a bloody good performance.

And no one knew outside of you, me, Crabtree and Dr. Ogden.

How did they find out she was alive?

One other person knew, sir.

We're all set, Miss Fulford.

So you're my traveling companion, Jake.

I'll take her out as far as Kingston, but then...

Then I'm on my own.

Jake Matthews.

Thank you for coming in, Jake.

How did the Black Hand find you?

I was in a dice game and one of them recognized me.

I was supposed to be in jail for m*rder, remember?

They wanted to know how I beat the charge.

- And you told them?

- I had no choice.

No choice?

No choice.

If anyone's to blame here, it's you, okay?

You're the one that roped me into this.

You're the reason this happened.

It's your fault she's dead.

Is she comfortable?

She's been bathing for three hours.

You have to talk to Henry.

Yes, I will.

I'm sorry about Miss Fulford.

I know.

Why did she come back here?

She knew the risk.

A risk that I created for her.

It's not your fault.

- Then whose fault is it?


RUTH: The water's getting tepid.

You have to talk to him.

- What if she dies?

- She's not going to die, Henry.

Well, people die in childbirth, George.

Higgins, if you're that concerned, you know where Ruth is, why don't you go visit her?

- No.

- No.


Well, I have my pride still.

- Oh, you're a fool.

- I'm a fool?

You're the one who let a little child get away

- and now we can't find him!

- You watch who you're talking to.

All right, lads.

That's enough.

Come on.

I hardly think you're the one to be talking about police work.


Your wife called the station.

She's looking for you.

Well, thank you, McNabb.


She's come to her senses already.

I'll catch up with you later.

With Ruth, I think coming to your senses is a relative term.

I saw the announcement about the wedding in the newspaper.

He's a friend, George.

I'm happy for him.

I'll cover Simcoe.

BRACKENREID: So, it was Jake?

He told the Black Hand where Anna was hiding.

Or they forced it out of him.

Sir, do you remember Mr. Falcone?

I remember two of them.

The elder one was in prison in Buffalo.

He's still there.

It seems his son has now filled his shoes.

I remember the boy being a bit soft.

- He k*lled Anna Fulford?

- Or paid someone to do it.

I'm surprised he cares enough about her to bother.

Well, he seems to have taken up his father's passion for the case.

Most likely my fault.

We're not responsible for the bad that people do, Murdoch.

Sir, I had an agreement with them.

I went back on it.

Anna's m*rder is likely retribution for that.

Then let's get retribution of our own.

How do we find Falcone?

Jake had a bit of information.

I sent out some constables to follow up and they've reported back that he may be dining at a restaurant across town.

- Do you want me to come along?

- No, sir.

You have hardships of your own.

- Miss.

- Hello.

- Hardships?

- Thank you, Nomi.

Thank you for coming.

How are things in the Ward?

Same as ever.

Some of those coppers give a look, or an unkind word once in a while.

Nothing worse?

Not yet.


There's been some trouble for you, hasn't there?

They want me out.

Because of me.

Because they know.

Why do you care so much?

Who knows why this one's room was broken into?

A woman like her, living in the Ward, is probably not above board anyway.

Be careful what you say about my daughter!


DECKER: Your daughter?

I didn't take you for that kind of a man, Tom.

And what kind of man do you think I am?

A man of integrity.

Be careful, Tom.

You don't want to reveal something like that to the wrong person.

Are you threatening me?

That's part of it.

If I stay it'll likely come out.

This is all my fault.

- If I had...

- You've done nothing wrong.

It's the fault of a corrupt police inspector who's decided he doesn't like me.

I could leave.

I could go back to St. Mary.

You can deny the accusations.

- It's your word against his.

- I'll weather the storm.

Don't do this for me.

I'm doing it because it's the right thing to do.

- Do you understand?

- Yes.

Did you take those papers to the station house?

I did, yes.

I also saw George there.

He was in very good spirits.

Well, he's taking me somewhere very nice for dinner tonight.

Oh, how wonderful.

Such a lovely man.

Who's Emily Grace?

Wh... why do you ask?


I'm sorry, I shouldn't pry.

Was George talking about her?

- No, just for a moment.

- What did he say?



His friend only brought her up because of, um...


That's why.

- Dorothy?

- Mm-hm.

You can tell me.

George and I have no secrets.

It came up because, well...

George is planning to propose.

- Oh.

- Yeah.

- Oh, my God.

- I know.


And he brought up Emily Grace?

Yes, well, his friend said that he thought that George would always marry her.


What did George say?

Well, he said that that wasn't an option, so he was going to marry you.

- Well.

- She doesn't matter, Miss Newsome.

He's going to marry you!


Mr. Falcone.


To what do I owe the pleasure?

I'm investigating the m*rder of Anna Fulford.


Anna Fulford.

You know exactly who she is.

A young man named Jake Matthews told you where to find her.

He said he didn't know who you were talking about.

Nah, now, I remember Jake.

He k*lled that Fulford woman.

It's not on me.

We both know that's not what happened.

That's what we led your father to believe.

It was a ruse.

A ruse?

Well, that would make my father very angry indeed.

Miss Fulford has not wronged your organization.

It was her fiancé.

Nevertheless, I have a reputation to maintain.

Maintaining this reputation has already cost you one man, Mr. Falcone.

This Miss Fulford means something to you.

That's no business of yours.

I see.

We will leave her alone.


One day, when the time is right, you can return the favour.

What do you say?

As long as Miss Fulford lives, you have my word.

I will return the favour.

Then we have a deal.

Inspector, carry on.


I need a moment.

This way.

Detective Murdoch.


A colleague of mine, a Mr. Leone, is going to be taken into custody.

I need to meet you this Saturday to discuss some options.

Mr. Leone testified against us.

My father's been rotting in prison ever since.

So, you did k*ll her.

I had nothing to do with it.

That's not what Jake says.

You took his finger.

Well, he's a liar.

- I'm finished.

- I'm not.

If Mr. Falcone wanted her dead, he would have k*lled her.

And you, too, for lying to us.

- Is that a threat?

- It's a fact.

And, since you are alive, it's obvious we have done neither of those things.

So, Falcone Jr.'s really taken over, eh?


And I get the distinct impression he's become even more ruthless than his father.

Well, that's the trouble with sons, Murdoch.

You never know what you're going to get.


- So, George, tonight's the night, is it?

- Yes, sir.

I've bought the ring and everything.

Looks like we're paying you too much money, Bugalugs.

That's fantastic.


She hasn't accepted yet, sir.

Oh, I'm sure she will.

Something is going on and you haven't told me about it.

- Yet.

- It's nothing.

- I'm handling it.

Come here.

- What?

I got a card from Marjorie saying that I was no longer

- a member of the Ladies' Guild!

- Oh!

So what?

Then I went to my temperance meeting and they told me I was no longer welcome.

I've been having trouble with the chief constable.

- Mm-hm.

- He doesn't like that I've been asking questions of a fellow inspector.

What does that have to do with Marjorie?

This inspector knows about Nomi.


He's starting rumours.

And what with Bobby in prison, well, it...

It doesn't look right if an inspector has so many skeletons in his closet.

They want me to retire.


If I go now, I'll get a full pension.

If not, they'll try and force me out and I'll get nothing.

You can't give in.

We'll make do.

What if everyone finds out about Nomi?

I am not ashamed of my family.

Neither am I.

Then we fight.

Oh, oh, Henry.

I'm so glad to have you back.

I promise we'll never be apart again, Ru-ru.

I don't think I could have survived another day without you.

This place is dreadful.

Well, I can't live without you either, my turtledove.

It's just so hard to believe we're going to have a baby.

- I suppose, really, I'm just scared.

- Oh, Henny,

- so am I.

- I know, Ruthie.

That's why it's okay if you get a bit squirrelly.


What's that supposed to mean?

Sometimes I say things to be helpful and then you become very upset.

Helpful things like telling me what to do, is that it?

Well, if it's something that could harm the baby, then yes!

Henry Hieronymus Higgins-Newsome!

You get out of this house right this instant.

I don't ever want to see you again!

You know, the word lunatic

- literally comes from the word moon.

- Oh!

- Leave me alone.

Just get out!

- With pleasure.





Oh, you're home.

What a surprise.

I've found a new housekeeper.

- His references are impeccable.

- Excuse me?

I'm getting rid of Helga.


That's funny?

Only that you think you have the authority to do that.

She's had the run of the house since I was a child.

I am given no respect as the lady of this house.

- I'm giving her one week's notice.

- No, you're not.

She runs this house well and she turns a blind eye to my peccadilloes.

- She's staying.

- I am your wife!

I'm bored of this.

I'm going out.

I might not be here when you get back.

Why, Mrs.

Carmichael, of course you will.

Thanks for coming.

Not sure why.

What did you want to say?

Llewellyn, please, listen.


- All right.

- I'm leaving her.

I was scared of being with you and what that means.

So I said I would marry Clara.

- She's with child.

- By a man who left her.

WATTS: What difference is that?

You agreed to be the father.

I can't go through with it.

Let's go away together, to...


to France, or Greece.

We could have a happy life there.


Give up on our lives here?

Break that young woman's heart?

You made a promise to her, Jack.

But it would be a lie.

Yes, a lie you've already told.

You did the wrong thing with me.

Do the right thing by her.

Now, let me get on with my life.

- One last drink?

- No.


Hey, it's my kinda copper.

What's that supposed to mean?

Every time I see you, you're at a drinking establishment.


- You step out of there.

- What's going on?

- Someone's dogging me.

- Ah, ah!

Put that away.

I'm defending myself.

- You want to be a sly guy, huh?

- Let me go!

You want to be a sly guy?

He was holding this on you.

So, give me a reason I shouldn't pop him.

Because I'm taking him in.

Put that away.

Aren't you gonna thank me?

For what?

Doing your job for you.

So, what's your game, young man?

Did you not hear me?

Take me to Detective William Murdoch.

All right.

I'm sorry, but we have to close.

Well, that can't be.

It's only...


She was supposed to be here.

Well, perhaps she needed to tend to something, sir.

So, good night.

Yes, all right.

A charge for a glass of water?

No, no.

Absolutely not.

All right, well, I'm a policeman.

I suppose I can't...

But you should be...


I understand you wanted to see me.

Are you here to confess?

Is this about what happened in the restaurant?

My mom told me about you.

Your mother.

Where is she?

She's dead.

I'm sorry.

When did she die?

Two days ago.

Is this her?

What's your name?



That was my father's name.


When were you born?

- March th.

- What year?


That will be all, Detective.

Thank you.

When did you last see your father?

I never have.

It's just been Mother and I.

Has she ever told you anything about him?

She said she met him in England, that he was a policeman.

Good God.

You're him, aren't you?

I am.