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Treasure Island (2012)

Posted: 03/08/21 06:41
by bunniefuu
The captain wants to see you on the deck, Silver.

You want a hand up?


Look at me.

Is the captain dancing so?

How much?

So we go to the island tomorrow. Yes, I do.

Bank the deposit. I do.

You're gonna What?

This is it now, Silver.

These days are done.

You're disbanding the crew? No.

I'm going to k*ll the crew.

There's a jolly boat down in the water.

Get the men in there, take your chances.

Put your muzzles up, Billy Bones.

I said, go down or you will be blown down.

That treasure you're taking, Captain, ain't yours to steal it.

He's getting his words in a twist but there's truth there. /- Silver.

We've all shared the thieving. And the dying.

I am the law on this ship.

And I'm sharing with none.

Now, I tot things up.

I know, cos it's tattooed on my brain which each man here is entitled to.

Let's disband if that's what's due.

But let us all have the lives we have earned, Flint.

Let us share in...

You talk too much, John Silver. Get to the jolly boat!

Get off this ship.

Help Pew!

I don't know how, Mr. Silver.

I can't see!

A blade! Give me a blade1 Give me a blade!

My condolences on William's death.

Thank you, Dr. Livesey.

Your husband was a good man.

A good friend.



You'll need to step up now.

For your mother.

If there's anything you need or I can do professionally or as your father's friend... The inn is open, so...

I expect we'll be seeing you.

..then call on me.

Yes, Jim?

15 men on the dead man's chest.

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum.

Drink and the devil had done for the rest.

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum.

We're not open today, sir.

Let's have the rum, boy.

Let's be having it.

The boy told you, we're not open.

Having it now.

Of course, sir.

This is a handy cove, this place.

I want to speak to the man here.

I'm the man here.

You get much company? Just locals.

Bristol traffic stays to the High Road.

Then this will be me then. We don't do rooms.

Yes, we do.

We do. Jim.

If you're paying.

Oh, I'm paying.

Yeah, I'm paying.

The room, the bacon and the eggs is all I want.

What do we call you then, sir?

You can call me the captain.

That's what you say.

This is the room, sir.

I need you to do something for me, Jimmy.


I want to know the minute any seafaring man comes down that track.

And one of these will be yours.

Each week.

No seafaring men.

And keep the grog coming, let's keep these horrors away.

Set with me, my captain.

Are you Captain Flint?


Served with Captain Flint, I did.

He was my man of honour, Jim.

Biggest dog in the sea.

He would bite your legs off, Jimmy.

He would bite your fingers off to get in your rings.

And he was my captain.

Flint would line up the officers, he would bind them tight, chain cannonballs to their feet, throw them over the side to see if they floated.

But he had honour now.


He was not of bitterness.

Send him off on the big wide in little jolly boats.

Letting them take the chances.

It was mercy, was it?

You want another one, Doctor? No, no.

15 men on the dead man's chest.

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of the rum.

Drink and the Devil and had done for the rest.

He's a bit of life, isn't he? He drinks us dry.

If only he'd start paying.

And Cookey's throat was marked belike.

How are you?

It's a struggle, Doctor, as you know.

Here's some for what he owes. No.


And there they lay and the soggy skies.

Dripped all day long in unstaring eyes.

In murk upset and foul surprise!

Is that my mate Billy's?

Don't go near the bucket.

It's evil.


Eggs and bacon, Jim!

I want my breakfast.

The eggs and the bacon, Jim.


Black Dog.

I'm not here to fight, I'm here to talk.

Talk to my old ship mate.

About the good times and the thieving.

And about our old Captain.

Them eggs and bacon sounded good to me too.

Pleased to see me... living?

Our luck was in.

Six days rowing and we got picked up by a merchant men.

Friendly fella. I heard it.

Yeah, well, I hear things too, Billy.

I've heard from many a mouth the old man's dead, truth in that?

Truth enough.

And that he's old sick corpse was not surrounded by any sign of his ill-gotten wealth, truth in that?

What happened after Flint drifted us loyal boys on the sea?

I leave this gap in our talk for you to fill it.

If you don't, I know seafaring men in Bristol that have been waiting three years for you.

And will pay me grand if I tell where you are.

Went to the island.

'Made our deposit.'

Their spirits can stand guard a while.

Took his saddle of coin to Carolina.

Dreamt of buying some land.


Flint didn't trust no-one.

He knew it was safe.

Sleeping quietly.

'No-one could find it without his map.'

Where's my treasure? Where is it, Billy?

I'll haunt him who takes it. Get the doctor!

I'll haunt him to his grave.

I'll drag him, drag him down with me.

Where's the map?

The map?

Where is it?

Lost, I don't know.

Where's Flint's map?

Died with him, I don't know.

Ask me that once more, I'll stick a blade in you.

What's the plan, Billy?

You in Bristol to get a ship to get back there, hmm?


A man who needs an order from his captain to tell him when to buckle his boot in the morning.

As soon as you open that mouth outside these walls, you will be found, Billy Bones.

And that quartermaster and his boys will end your days.

But they'll never know you washed up here...

..if you give me the map.

Come back, I will k*ll you!

I said no seafaring men!

I'm sorry, Captain.

Any seafaring men, you come and tell me!

Don't you hurt my boy!

I want you out of here.

Pay what you owe!

I want you out of here.


You're at Billy's Beck and you don't tell Long John first.

It's a wonder you're not sitting here with a new grin on your neck.

From ear to ear.


Let's do this right.


Is there anyone?

Would any kind friend inform a blind old man who lost his precious sight in the gracious defence of his majesty, King George.

Where or in what part of the country may now be?

This is the Admiral Benbow.

Black Hill Cove.

Oh, is it now?

Oh, is it?

Would the owner of that young voice come kindly here?

Would he help this old soldier?

Would he let me take his hand, would he do that out of the kindness of his heart?

And guide me inside?

My mother will find you some food.

But we don't have much.

Thank you.

Thank you kindly, young man.

Billy Bones now or I'll break this arm.

Sir, he sits with his cutlass, sir.

Now, when I come into view, you say, "Here's another friend for you, Bill."

Now you do it.

Here's another friend for you, Bill.

Stay where you are, Bill.

I can't see or hear a finger stirring.


And business is business.

Now take his hand.

And bring it to me, boy.


The Black Spot is done.

They're coming for me, Jim.

They're coming.

What's the writing on it? Hmm?

Tonight. They're coming for me, Jim.

It comes.

There will be money in his chest. They're gonna come back.

I will watch you.

They'll come back and k*ll us if we find us thieving the chest.

Not thieving. We need help.

They'll be cut throats. Come on.

Doctor! Doctor!

Flint's crew are coming to the Admiral Benbow?

We need that money or we'll be done for.

Yes, yes.

Let me just... Come on.

No. I'll saddle them right for their revenues.

I hear they've been patrolling in Kitt's Cove.

No, we need you to come now! Let me ride for the men.

The revenue's men, Jim will help.

Jim, Jim.

Use this if you have to.

I'm going to get the revenue's men.

Is that you I hear? It is, Pew.


Come on, lads, step on it.

I should be hearing more feet. He's coming.

He'll have a key on him.

Where is it? His shirt.



Bones, we've come early for you, Bill.

It's all the boys you sent drifting.

Mum! This is not our English coin, Jim.

Move it, Pew!

Where is he?

Something on the floor.

He's dead, Pew.

Check the chest then. Take anything!

Move it, You!

Get up them stairs!

< Who is it?

< Somebody's rifled through it.

< It's that boy has stolen it.

< That boy and that woman.

He's legged it!

Then search for them!

And you find them and k*ll them.

Jim. They'll be near.

Find her!

Take the money and run. No, please. Come on.

That's it, reports are coming.

I've got you now!

I have the ball here!

Are you the boy?!

Over there, hunt him down!

Are you safe?

Is your mother safe? Jim.

We're fine.

Your mother's going to sleep upstairs.

You can sleep here.

You still miss her, Doctor?

Two years, Jim, now.

And the baby.

What's that?

I think it's what Flint's crew were after.

"12th June 1745, off Caracas."


You see here, this is latitude and longitude.

It's like an account book. That's exactly it.

It's Flint's tally of the ships he's taken.

The money here, £3,000 here, 10,000.

Let me see.

These markings.

Doctor, I heard Bones tell that Black Dog Flint had hidden his treasure and made a map.

This is Flint's map? It has to be.

This is Flint here?

Oh, Jim. Oh, no, Jim. This is fortune.

I must collect myself.

If this book is what is buried here, there must be more money than men like us, men like your father would see in an eternity.

My mother would want for nothing.


We would all be free.

All of us, free of these lives we lead.

Free to be as... gentlemen.

Will we go? We must go.

Have you sailed?

No, but I have maps of the seas, I have knowledge of how the world works.

And the world works best when there is a plan.

I will plan a venture, Jim Hawkins, and we will both profit wildly.

Trust me, boy.

This is genuine? Yes.

My proposition, Squire Trelawney, is that I'll hire a sea captain, Jim and I, crew a schooner out of Bristol, equip it for the purpose of excavation.

And set out on an expedition for this island which I believe to be here, just here.

In the West Indies.

For which a request capital of £1,000.

The return on which I guarantee... at 500%.

5000 for a £1,000 punt?

Not a punt, sir, guarantee.

I'm equipped to lead the expedition for I served as medical officer with the Duke of Cumberland at Fontenoy.

How much are you expecting to find on Captain Flint's island?

We don't want to say, sir.

Young Mr. Hawkins, whose father was always in arrears on the Benbow.

He borrowed money from me also, isn't that not so?

That is so.



I know of a sea captain called Smollett, sir, who's of the highest reputation.

Having served under Admiral Hawke before he came a merchantman.

Get him to Bristol as soon as you can.

I'll be taking rooms at the George.

Good news, I will be financing the venture.

And I will be commanding it myself, I hope that's agreeable?

It's most agreeable.

Hunter and Joyce are coming to Bristol, aren't you, lads?

Yes, sir.

And will help crew the ship I go to purchase because haste is of the essence.


You will govern as the medical man on the ship. / -Yes.

And we will need a ship's boy.

You still want the adventure of a lifetime, young man?

Yes, Squire. Then the berth is yours.

Be in Bristol by the end of next week.

When your father was away, he would say, "Look at the moon, Meg."

"Look at it every night and know that wherever I am in the world, I'll be looking at it too."

> Must go, Jim.

Dr. Livesey thinks we'll be three months.

Fresh fish!

This way.

Stay close, Jim.

Come on, sir.

Whatever takes your fancy. Fresh banana.





You're alright, lad.

Quite a tumble, that, eh? Come on.


You looking for your berth? I am.

What's she called?

The Hispaniola.

The Hispaniola, eh?

How about I give you a hand trying to find her?

Thank you, sir.


Squire Trelawney.

There you are, Jim.

Come on board, Hawkins.

Is this our ship? She is.

My Hispaniola, bought and fitted.

The Squire was saying you could sail her tomorrow were the service of a crew as simple to secure as the ship itself.

Captain Smollett comes from Plymouth with the haste of the snail.

He thinks we're a dozen short. I say she's a lovely ship.

Well chosen.

Thank you.

She's got arse on her that would sit well on any sea.

I always say a man who can choose a good horse could choose a good ship just by looking at its arse.

And you, sir, look like a man who knows his way around a horse's ass.

Yes, I do.

Might I ask how long is the passing? Three months.

To whom am I speaking? John Silver, sir.

John Silver to you all.

Young man.

Mr. Silver.

May I enquire if you have nailed the service of a cook, a sea cook being what I am.

I heard talk round about you're scouting for a crew.

No, but Mr. Silver...

You don't need to go pointing out at the lack of a peg, sir.

You cooks with your fingers and your thumbs.

Not with your toes.

Don't you, boy?

I serve dishes down at the Spyglass.

You won't get any niggle there about the food.

Have you sailed, Mr. Silver? Since I was a lad.

Boat shipman.

Your first passing, son? It is.

You're lucky to be part of such a ship.

If you're serious, come on board and let the first mate show you the galley and we can talk terms.

You shouldn't talk terms with a cook without first tasting his food.

Like marrying a girl before seeing how her mother's turned out.

When you're ready, why don't you can down the Spyglass.

Find the food tasty, then we should talk terms.

Until then, good day to you. Good day, Mr. Silver.

Jim. Sir.

Another bottle of this, thank you.

Now, you honour, been thinking about your situation and if I may be so bold... This is excellent, Silver.

If I might be so bold as to act as recruiting sergeant, I feel I could crew your ship by the weekend. Allright, then do it.

With who?

A ship came in from the Indies not six days ago.

I know the men.

Used to have the berth.

I also know in a couple of days' time they will be penniless.

Due to the... pleasures of the port.

The first mate goes by the name of George Merry.

I've employed a first mate, his name is Arrow.

They come with the first mate, keeps them tight.

Are you telling me my business or are you cooking me my food?

Cooking your food.

If you can, bring them along by the weekend.

No, first thing in the morning. We've no time to waste.

Been them along first thing.

First thing. First thing, your honour.

Alright, Jim. Clear the officers' plates. Yes, sir.


I like the new boy. He's a good working lad, my sweet.

You and me, Jim.

We'll keep their bellies full on this voyage, won't we?


Black Dog.

Black Dog, that's one of Flint's crew.

After him, lads!

Look lively.

Squire Trelawney, that was one of Flint's crew.

I saw him fight with Billy Bones.

One of them Buccaneers in my house?

The landlord will have me out for this.

He won't stand scum in here.

Sit yourselves down, I'll get you an extra bottle.

Ran away, John.

Fast as a whippet.

Fruit, in the hull now!

In the forecastle deck.

Let's get this moving!

Or we won't catch the evening tide!

Get that gentlemen off the gangplank, it's a working ship!

I am its captain. Sir.

What's your name, first mate? Arrow.

Where do you want the pay, sir?

Pen it on the deck.

Is Squire Trelawney on board? At church, Captain.

Why do you have to go?


Because this voyage is everything.

It's everything, my love.

After this we'll be ground people.

Carriages and frock coats.

Our own pew in church near the front where the action is.

Nobody's cook.

Nobody's tart.

Can you just imagine the grand house we're gonna live in?

You wouldn't look good in a wig.

Well, I'd like to try it.

That I would, my love.

With you away, what if something happened to me?

Been to the bank.

This is everything we've got.

I don't trust those banking crooks so while I'm away, stuff it safe.

You'll be alright.

Men come sniffing, get out of Bristol.

I don't know anywhere safe.

Black Hill Cove on the West Road.

The boy's mother runs the inn alone.

You go stay there.

It's as good as place as any.

What if the boy returns?

The boy ain't going to return. Not a chance.

Him and that ship are never gonna see Bristol again.

Captain Smollett.

I have been engaged on sealed orders. That's right.

To sail this ship for you, sir.

Where you should bid me that I accept.

What I don't in not using my own hands.

My time is my money, Smollett. Captain Smollett.

And you were not prompt.

What I don't accept is learning from the hands my schedule for departure.

We are shipshape and sea-worthy we sail tonight.

You are not the captain.

My father served 20 years as an officer in his Majesty's Navy.

You're not your father however you dress up.

I am captain of the Hispaniola with full authority over every man on board.

I will not learn my orders from the crew a not accept a sealed order commission only to hear gossip from the men of our purpose.

What did they say?

They say treasure, sir.

They say the Caribbean Sea.

How do they know it?

Black Dog saw me, sir.

Word will be about.

That's why we sail tonight, Captain.

If this talk is sure where we go, we are not safe here in Bristol.

I don't like the stink of this. I cannot sail without you.

I don't like the haste or the secret. Good day, sir.

I'll double your money.

As we stand here.

Tell me what men you've brought with you.

Richard Joyce and John Hunter, both good Christian men.

A doctor.

Very well, make a garrison of the stern.

You do not trust the men? I don't know the men.

Remove the powder in the arms from the forehold, keep a small store in this room until I know the cut of my crew.

We keep a watch at all times.


Are there no pipes to pipe old John on board?

Not yet.

What's this, George? Why is powder being stored?

By orders of Captain Smollett. Oh, aye?

Mr. Merry, if you will. What?

If you want a chat, get yourself a dress, get down to the assembly room, that's where all the women go.


You scum, I'll slit you.


Mr. Arrow, is it not? John Silver, the sea cook.

Any more trouble, I tell you, you not leave port, you understand?

No trouble, Mr. Arrow.

Just welcoming his old shipmate Johnny on board.

Meant nothing but respect and jollity, didn't you, George?

Trouble, Mr. Arrow? Just checking where we stand.

Or when one of us stands, the other one is lying on his back.

Just teething, Captain. Just teething.

Get down below, Barbecue, the men will need feeding.


Alright, captain.

Come on, Jim, help old Barbecue with his potatoes.

Don't worry about Mr. Merry.

I've seen fist fighting.

I've seen my daddy break up worse than that.

Then you'll know, big dogs always go for each other on the first day.

Calms down after that. I know that.

Yeah, George Merry will wear his nose like a badge of honour.

Badge of honour.

Why do you call him Flint?

Because this birdy is the biggest thieving parrot who's ever sailed the seven seas.

Old Flint has got a lady parrot in every port.

Maybe like you, one day, lad.

Because you and I, we're gonna be thick on this voyage, I can tell.

You're as smart as paint.

Remind me of myself.

That's a high compliment coming from me.

Now you and I have got to make sure this crew is in a happy place.

First thing for a sea cook to do, is to make sure his officers are happy.

Why don't you get this to Squire Trelawney?

Sir, the doctor and I are partners with the Squire on this venture.

What exactly is this venture?

I do hear talk of sealed orders.

Just if things come as we hope, I'd like to say there would be extra for you, Mr. Silver.

Thank you kindly, young sir.

Old John could sure do with a little lift.

So, why don't you take this settler along to your partner?

Yes, sir.

Almighty God, protect me and my ship in the vagaries of the sea.

From the capriciousness of the wind.

Grant your servant the wisdom of command.

Come in.

A settler from Mr. Silver. Yes, set it down.

Do you know when we'll be leaving port?

Very soon.

If Captain Smollett is to catch the tide.

Haul her in!

All hands to decks!

All hands!

Hoist the mainsail, Mr. Arrow. Hoist the mainsail, Mr. Dujon.

Hoist the mainsail!

Finally leaving for it, Jim.

# I dreamed a dream

# I dreamed a dream the other night

# Lowlands, lowlands away, my John

# I dreamed a dream

# I dreamed a dream the other night

# Lowlands, lowland away, my John

# My love she came, she came all dressed in white

# Lowlands, lowlands away, my John

# My love she came to me, She came all dressed in white

# Lowlands, lowlands away, my John

West by south west. West by south west, sir.

Alright, lads?

Grubs up.

He plundered five ships off Bermuda.

The old goat would hide in the mist, it would.

And then emerge like a ghost.

I heard he could appear and disappear at whim.

Like your mate's coinage here.

What you got, mate?

That's unlucky.

I heard when Flint took merchantmen, he'd put the survivors in jolly boats.

Right out on the big wide.

And he watched as they starve to death.

Yeah, I heard that too.

So, you fancy playing cards with old Israel, do you, Master Hawkins?

Can I leave your pockets? If you want.

I don't believe them stories that Flint is dead.

Oh, he's dead for sure, Mr. Arrow.

Yeah, died skint in a Yankee brothel.

I heard they took his body out to sea and dumped it, now it's in the belly of a million fishes.

And how do you know?

Well, I caught a fish the other day and it tasted of cigars.

You're in trouble, Israel. Deep trouble.

Oh, Mr. Dujon.

Sorry, lad.

You cheated old Israel!

I'll slit your throat, lad!


Takes a shark to know a shark, now let him down easy.

Get out of here, Jim.

On your way.

So where's the grog, hmm?

Captain's rations, Mr. Arrow.

So this is where we keep the rum for the officers.

Then this is where I keeps the key.

Being first mate, you can come and go.

Store them it daily.


One look at that Squire and he was gonna be cheap.

All haste and profit.

They were leaving port before we was fit.

That a true word.

I know people who've sailed this old tug.

They said she needed a refit before she went again.

Thank you, Long John.

Mr. Arrow wants eyes on the crew.

He'll put in a good word for you with the Captain if you keep watch on George Merry and his hands for us.

Report to us, Silver. Mr. Dujon.

You are done, Mr. Silver.

If you don't make your mark as a sea cook, you could always try a barber's surgeon.

Nearly there, Jim.

Thanks, Joe.

I ain't gonna look at that scum one more night, John.

I swear I'm gonna k*ll him.

There will be a time, George. Time for all that.

Look, this Smollett is a good seaman, he'll get us to the island, we'll be bladed up and p*stol primed by then.

With knowledge of the map and that is when we'll pounce.

In the meantime, we'll bring all the crew over to our side.

Those who stay loyal to the officers...

..we'll k*ll them.

"Marvellous things did he in the s-sight of their f-fathers."

"In the land of Egypt, in the field of Zoan."

"He divided the sea and caused them to pass...


"He made the waters to stand as an heap."

Stewed cabbage to go with the pork belly.

Apple sauce.

The doctor fought at Fontenoy, Captain.

Really? With the 23rd Foot.

As did my friend Lieutenant Gascoigne.

Who did not have a high opinion of our doctor.

I don't think I knew Lieutenant Gascoigne.

Well, he knew you.

And knew what words to use to describe your bravery in the face of the enemy, Dr. Livesey.

No man knows how he'll be till he looks a Frenchie or a Spaniard in the face.

I know many a man who's bravery... Shut up, Silver.

Squire Trelawney, whatever you've heard about previous incidents, I assure you on our business venture...

I'll feed the men, sir.

I think we need to clarify the term "our business venture."

Tell me, Livesey, what were you hoping to put up to secure the loan?

What do you own with a guaranteed worth of £5,000?


You will earn a good wage as the medical man.

The boy is budgeted for a wage too.

I hope this clarifies any misunderstanding.



No, don't go down.

Stand up, stand up. Lying down doesn't work.

Look at the horizon.

Keep your head at least moving.

So did that rich man, did he cut you out the profit of the voyage?

He did.

Your doctor, he made an argument for you, didn't he?

Tell me he did.

Now, there's talk, Jim, below decks and I'm hearing of a map your Squire has, shows our port of call.

A map?

Cos I'd love to see it, for my journal.

My own ship's log.

Get the bearings, cos no-one knows where we're heading.

You've seen it?

Don't know.

Because the rumour is the map was yours too.

You've not seen it? I don't know.

Would be a large piece of paper and will look like a map.

What's that?


Chewing it's a trick for your tum.

Go on.

Try and get some sleep.

What is it?

Just looking for some food, missus, that's all.

Are you paying, girl?

I'm paying.

Some eggs I see there.

A drink if that's acceptable, missus?

Are you in trouble, girl?

Where are you going?

Just staying off the Bristol Road.

What kind of trouble are you in?

There is gold for all loyal boys on that island.

All you need.

And you have my word that those that follow my orders when I spring the trap will get their due.

So are you with me, lads?

Are you cooking for Silver now, boy?

I'm sorry.

Then sundown to the horizon.

And when it's lower limb is touching that.


To the top, see to that.

Tool to the tops!

The sun is no longer rising, you got that?

Yes, Captain. To the tops!

We work out the latitude and begin to place ourselves here on the map.

It's not dreams that fix stars that govern life.

They're always there for you.

Have faith in what is constant out there.

Dr. Livesey.

Mr. Dujon.

He's dead, Captain.

What happened, man?

He fell from the top sail.

The rattlings up there are rotten.

Go see.

I saw him fall.

I saw him grapping and falling up there.

Mr. Arrow.

You ran checks on the main topmast before we sailed?

Mr. Dujon. It just gave way.

I was stretching my neck and I watched him, eager to get down the length of the yard and it gave way under him.

Boys have complained about it before.

Not to me. Mr. Arrow knew it, sir.

There's a feeling below deck that...


It's not my place to talk.

Below deck, we said we left port before we was right.

Got it.

There can only be one outcome, Captain Smollett.

It's preposterous.

No, it is not.

As captain of this ship, I shoulder the blame.

I apologise, men.

Below deck, we feel say that haste and profit are the officers on this ship, sir.

And are valued by some more than they value men's lives.

Withdraw that.

Make him withdraw that.

Accidents are life, gentlemen.

It is clear that Dujon's negligence contributed to his own death.

It was no negligence. That's enough.

Give the man a Christian burial.

Put deep to his maker.

The sooner we get to where we're heading, then good for all.

Be in that mist in an hour.

It's real thick, Joe.

Remember these are Flint's waters.

And this is what Flint would do, boys.

He would wait for the ship in mist to hit.

Then it would come for it.

You got any children, Israel?

One or two, John.

Don't go telling them bedtime stories, whatever you do.

All hands west ship!

One of the privateers from the Americas?

We don't have the speed to out-run anything.

k*ll all the lanterns.

k*ll all the noise.

These are the Captain's waters, John Silver.

Did you see that?

He's back from the dead.

There ain't no thing as spirits.

Flint dead will be more evil than when he was alive.

I told you, that's the old man's spirit.

There ain't no thing as spirits. What you call that then, Silver?

That route would take an extra four days.

If we cut through Bermuda waters, we'll reach our destination by Friday.

To sail without convoy is dangerous.

There are pirates near Bermuda who wait for such prizes as us.

I've read of privateers, under commission from American colonies to clean up these waters but act no better than Flint himself. Enough of this! your orders are to follow a direct route.

The crew are seasoned seafarers.

They know the trouble in these waters, they will not sail in them.

I believe they can be persuaded.

Good man.

I believe if we're primed and ready for an attack, the boys I vouch for will take the direct route.

The others will come along. I feel almost sure of it, sir.

Good man, Silver.

Blade up, boys! Check the pistols and the powder.

g*n crews primed and practice on the g*n deck.

Where's Mr. Arrow?

Below deck was up incapacitated. Did you give him liquor?

No. Where did he get it from?

Mr. Merry, you'll be my first mate now until further orders. Aye, sir.

Load them up, boys.


What course, sir?

West by south west. West by south west, sir.


How much longer will we need to stand here?

Oh, a day, couple of days.

Depends on our port of call.

But now would be a very good time for that map to walk out the Squire's cabin, come down here, walk in to the galley, walk past my eyeballs.

What do you think, Jim Hawkins?



Now would be a very good time.

We should get Mr. Arrow below before the captain sees.

Mr. Silver said not.

He said he was like an untethered dog.

Drinking comfort like a friend.

It's where weakness goes.

Down a man's throat.

What is this?

Is this the original? No.

The one I saw had more markings on the island.

Squire Trelawney must have made a fresh copy.

I want to trace the original, not this.

But everything's there, latitude, longitude.

For your journal.

Well, better put it back now.

Good lad.

We could go now, John.

On my word.

Which you won't be getting yet. Because we haven't seen the map yet.

If we got that, I reckon your word would come tumbling out.

Patience, boys.


Alright, here it goes.

Think of the lives you're gonna live if you follow my orders now.

You'll never have to follow orders again.

Squire Trelawney!

Think of the happiness this treasure will bring you.

The wives you're gonna have.

35 wives, you'll have.

Though none as good as mine.


Mr. Merry, escort this gentleman below and put him in irons.

You k*lled him. Get below as the Captain says.

You k*lled David.

I k*ll you!

I know many of you have served in his Majesty's Navy.

As did my father.

From whom I have learned many things about the service.

Its beauty.

Its danger.

And its discipline.

Which must be insisted upon.

For the crime of the attempted m*rder of a gentleman, Mr. Arrow is to be disciplined.

Take the body down below.

Make the right decision.

You're a good lad.

Mr. Silver?

Smart as paint is what you are.

Mr. Silver.

I can tell you're a good lad.

Smart as paint, you remind of myself.

That's a high compliment coming from me.

Now you know we're Flint's old crew.

When the tide is right, we're gonna take this ship and the treasure on that island which is ours by right.

I heard that talk, Mr. silver.

So will you be with us? Yes.

I'll be with you, Mr. Silver.

Smart lad.

Is he with us?

He says it but we'll see.

I'm with you, boys.

Get us an apple.

No doubt it will be all of them tonight.

Except for Joe and Allen.

And your Jim Hawkins.

The boys need to take the ship now.

We're tired of the wait.

We still need to get eyes on that map.

Your boy ain't gonna get it us.

We need to raid that cabin ourselves and k*ll the boy with the others.

No, he's one of us.

That lad will be as good a buccaneer as the best of us.

If he doesn't get that map, we will wait until Trelawney organises his digging party, that's when he has to produce it and that's when we'll strike.

Not before.

Have I your word?

Do you think I've come this far not to k*ll them?

You think I want that captain or that Squire turning up and operating the rich man's law?

When I call it, I'm gonna k*ll that Bible-reading hypocrite with my own bare hands.

Will you help me, Jim?

Come and help me.

> Land ahoy!

Off the starboard bow!

Anchor away!

Tomorrow morning, Squire Trelawney will be leading an expedition to the inland of the island to proceed with his business.

I thought, Captain Smollett, I might lead an exploratory party this afternoon.

No, my men won't be doing any work this afternoon.

They will rest, I think they need that.

Captain, may I remind you... You may not, or Mr. Trelawney.

My orders are to rest the crew, is that understood?

To give these men extra rations of grog.

You're free to be masters of your own enjoyment, boys.

Those who wish to visit the island, Mr. Merry, Mr. Silver, would you organise boats and provisions.

Pleasure, sir.

Curfew is set for dusk.

May I pass on the boys' thanks for your excellent seamanship.

Delivering us safe and with God's grace to our port of call.

Three cheers for the Captain. Hip-hip... Hooray!

Much appreciated, sir.

Can't deal with much more of this patience lark, John.

Israel, you can and you will.

Are you coming, Alan? Joe?

Come on, lads.

Is there room for me, Mr. Silver?

Always room for you, Jim.

You're going, Jim?

Yes, will you come too, Doctor?

Please, will you come?

No, but I'll want a report on what it's like.

Flora and fauna.

Interesting to see for myself tomorrow.

He's in good company, Doctor.

Don't worry.


Told his mother I'd look out for him.

Starboard side!

Do you know what one of these is, Widow Hawkins?

Can you read?

No, Mr. Redruth.

Widow Hawkins, this is a legal document.

Made between your late husband and my client Squire Trelawney.

Your husband borrowed money, did you know that?

No. Is that his sign?


It would only have been to cover the rent, ask for leeway.

Before the squire left four weeks ago, he instructed me to take possession of the inn as it went into arrears.

This is my home.

Not from tomorrow, Mrs. Hawkins.

Joe, help me out with that.

Have you stolen from me?

No, sir. Where is it?!

Trelawney. Have you stolen from me?

Where's the map? Have you stolen from me?!

Get Jim! Get up the stairs, get above deck!

I've had my eye on you.

You're as smart as paint, remind me of Long John when I was young.

Fancy free.

Alan and I know there's talk of taking the ship, Mr. Silver.

Well, that's why I want to talk to you, Joe.

Either you and Alan are gold dust.

But when the k*lling starts, there'll be no middle man.

Long John, I'm an honest man.

Appreciate that.

My daddy always told me to be honest, John.

My daddy said the same thing. Maybe they knew each other.

So, Alan and I are going to step aside.

When it's time, we want no part of it, only job safe so we can catch on honest path home.

Please, sir. Please!

No! That was Alan.

Let me go! What have you done to him?

Is this is starting?



Come here, Jimmy.

Help me up.


Wipe this.

Nice and clean.

You get used to v*olence, Jimmy.

You understand that without it, without carrying through on the threat of it...

Clean both sides.

...other men will take what's yours.

That's the truth.

And they live the life that should be yours.

Couldn't get him with us, John.

It's a bonny job, Mr. Hawkins.

So, Jim, what's it to be?

Where are you standing, boy?

Not yet.

Not yet!

The other deck, Mr. Joyce.

Hold the stern, Trelawney! Hold the stern!

Mr. Gray!


I'm gonna k*ll you!

In here, Dr. Livesey.


Hurry with the chest.

Cover the door! Cover the door!

Get in the boat.

Everybody get in the boat, get in the bloody boat right now!

Jimmy, get in the boat!

What do we do?

Get in the Jolly Boat, try and make it to the island.

I'm not leaving without my map.

We can't hold the ship, sir.

Silver will help us from the beach.

Silver is the ringleader, Captain.

They're Flint's old crew.

All of them.

Squire, on the map, sir. There was a stockade indicated.

Some kind of a stronghold on this side of the island.

Yes, that. Left of the beach where Silver is.

Let's try it.

Quickly, quickly. Hurry.

They're in the other jolly boat!

Use the cannon!

sh**t them out of the water!



Get out of the boat, get out of the boat!

Head them off! We just got in.

Now you're gonna get out. Come on!


Mr. Trelawney, take the g*n crew out.

Go again!

Load her up!



Come back, boy!


John! We need you! Come on, John.


They're heading for their fort.

Come on, we'll cut them off.

Gentlemen, pull it. Get all the provisions!

Who's that?

Who's there?

Quickly, there it is.

They're gaining on us.

Hurry, they're gaining on us!


Mr. Joyce.

Get over!


Get back, boys! They've got our range.

Mr. Hunter, Mr. Joyce, stay on the wall.

sh**t anything that moves.

What is that? Colours.

Please, sir. Please don't.

My name is Jim Hawkins.

Jim, what's Christian about you then?

What? What's Christian about you?

My name is Jim, Jim Hawkins. Like the hawk, Jim?

Like the hawk? That's right.

You have a piece of heaven on you?

Piece of cheese is like a piece of heaven, I say that.

I ain't got no cheese. No heaven then.

My godly duty is to k*ll all those with the devil in their eye.

There are those who come to us in devil form, stringy meat.

That old John Silver could cut into a stew, he could.

Not Ben Gunn, Ben Gunn just sizzles.

You know John Silver?

That's Silver on the beach, I saw.

Silver in the sea. Yes.


Not Flint.

Flint is dead.

You are the devils that have come to k*ll Ben Gunn? No.

Steal his palace?! I'm not one of Flint's crew. Up there.

Get up!

Walk on, Jim.

Walk on.

Whoa, boys, what's the game here?

You see where they're hiding, John Silver.

One lucky shot and they're taken out.

You'll have the luck of the Devil to take all six of them, with double shot.

Especially knocking back the rum, boys.

Get out of the way, Silver. Cook the food.

It's a double shot.

Load her up!

George, we've got no powder to waste, we've got that Squire and Captain where we want them.

Like rats in a trap.

Like rats in a trap.

Listen to Tom with that sudden burst of wisdom.

Don't go wasting your advantage trying to sh**t birds in a nest from here.

Says who? Cook the food, Barbecue.

Says your captain is what I am.

We all agreed your captain is gonna turn a blind eye to the mutiny you started before I gave the word.

Time has passed for patience.

Because you've got Flint's treasure map now.

Not yet.

The Squire ain't got it, has he? Been taken from his cabin.

Tom, get the grill going on the deck. Aye, John.

Everyone seems a little peckish.

Famished, John.

I could eat a horse.

We're fresh out of horses.

How about fish?

In God's name, please strike the colours, Captain Smollett.


They're acting as a mark for our position, can you not see?

If I strike the colours, I strike my authority, Mr. Trelawney.

I will not show one ounce of weakness to Silver and his men.

Your posturing will get us k*lled.

The more they sh**t with their bellies full of rum, the more they will waste. This is absurd.

Stay where you are.

Hunter, Joyce. Sir.

Stay on duty, boys.

Matters are fine.

Now, question.

When you planned this expedition, did you prepare for a relief vessel to come searching as is practice should we not be back in Bristol by a certain date?

I did not, sir.

How long will our stores last, Captain?

Three days, Dr. Livesey.

Three days.

And we have amm*nit*on for one fight.

# There's a ghost in the shadows

# With jet-black eyes

# Run for your life, boys, Run for your life

# There will be four and 20,000

# Lumbered skies

# Run for your life, boys, Run for your life

# They can smell your fear

# And they can sense your dread

# Run for your life, boys, Run for...

# Inside your twisted head

Short on melody, strong on purpose, don't you think?

What did you do that for?

I did that because buried on that island is our money.

Money we earned with Flint.

Through our honest m*rder and gift for thievery.

Now, you can jump around here like bloody monkeys in the trees or we can work out how to go over there and go and get it.

Ooh, quiet, boys. There's a sober man talking.

We all know how trustworthy is a man that doesn't drink, don't we, boys?

Now, this afternoon, I'll get my council when those intellectuals among us were trying to sh**t down a flagpole from over 1,000 yards.

What did that get us? You say it, Long John.

Nothing. Did it get us a map?

It did not.

Did it get the cannon over to that island where it could wreak some proper damage?

Well, what do we do next?

What we do is send a spy and watch their camp and find out where the boy is.

Who'll be our spy, John?

Can you swim, Tom? Yeah...

So, Tom is our spy and the rest of you can act like a crew!

Respecting me again as captain.

So who is for me?

See your paws.

Bloody unanimous.



Do you want to do it?

Forgive this devil for all he's done.

You see my rescue then?

You made this boat? From the skin of these devils.

It's not Flint's Walrus, but I'll be back in the colonies one day.

Me and the rescue out on the sea.

Did you sail with Flint and Silver?

'First boy I was then.'

Like you, I was.


Don't ask me no more now.

Where are you taking me?

Walk on.


Them colours, Christian Jim.

Captain Smollett.

That's where you'll go.

This stinking paradise ain't got no arms for you, boy.

Go, boy.

Go on.


Who's that?

Don't sh**t, Jim Hawkins.

I've brought food. Who are you with, Jim?

No-one, Mr. Hunter.

Get your hands in the air.

Who sent you? No-one.

What do you want?

To speak with the Captain.

Did Silver send you? No, he didn't.

This boy is a spy. No.

I ran away from that m*rder*r, I've been in the island.

We should hang him for the traitor that he is.

Bind him, Mr. Joyce. Sir.

Captain... Come on.

Doctor, you know me.

You knew my father. Your father is a waster, Hawkins.

A debtor.

As untrustworthy as you are.

Now Silver is your father, you will answer for it before the law.


Captain, I want to be with you now. I've done nothing to endanger...

Hold your tongue, Hawkins!

Squire, he's just a boy. Bind him to the post.


Thank you.

Appreciate the help.

Appreciate your kindness, missus.

And when Squire Trelawney's men comes again, I will reason with him.

Ask him not to evict us.

Because, Mrs. Silver, my son is on an expedition with the Squire himself at this very moment.

Which promises great reward for them all.

And with that reward, my son will be able to settle his father's debt.

Sure of it.

But I won't stay long, Mrs. Hawkins.

I need to try Bristol again.

My husband's a seafaring man.

He's a good man.

I'll find a way of getting to him.

Then we are the same.

You wait for your husband, I for my son.

What do you think, Flint?

Flag of truce.

Flag of truce.

See it?

I'm waving it.

What do you want with your flag of truce, Silver?

Captain Silver, sir.

To come aboard and have a parley.

Make some terms.

Hunter, you cover the west wall, Gray take the north.

Dr. Livesey, watch the scoundrel like a hawk.

I don't know a Captain Silver.

Well, since the original captain deserted his ship, come and put his pretty little rag somewhere new, those poor fatherless boys out there elected me in instead.

And reluctantly, I've stepped up to the responsibility.

I see you've caught one of our best.


Arrest this man, Captain Smollett.

Keep your g*n and your mouth quiet, Trelawney.

Is that clear?

Flag of truce.

Pipes of peace.

You want to parley proper?

I do want to parley proper.

I want to parley proper with the pipes of piece.

Which is quite difficult to say this early in the morning.

Now, you are outnumbered.

You ain't got the ship, there's no relief coming.

You don't need a spineless quack to tell you there's pestilence in this place.

So, we should take the map.

Hand it over and we won't k*ll you.

You know what I never understood about you buccaneering men?

It's not really about the money, is it?

You rob, you steal.

Get your hands on riches more than a decent man like me will ever see.

There is no contentment there, is there, Silver?

For many, that's true.

For many, it's a life.

And they die in the life.

But that's not me, Captain Smollett.

That's not Long John.

I'm gonna live out my days in fine clothes with my fine wife, riding in carriages.

Back in Bristol, I've got me a bank account.

You stay alive and you'll see that now.

Give me the map.

We haven't got it.

We know you have it.

Then give me the boy.

Show us this act of mercy and I'll return the mercy by letting you be.

Let the boy go. No.

Let him choose.


You keep to your word, Silver.

As a captain.

Aye-aye, Captain.

Come on, Jimmy.

Just keep walking.

Take it out your pockets and we're well away.

Pleasure settling with you, gentlemen.

You've got a new family now.

I'll look after you like you were my own son.

That I will, Jim.

Captain Smollett, I have the map, sir.

Give it to me!

I stole it for him, that's what he asked of me.

But I never gave it to him because I knew it to be wrong.

It's them that are the wrong'uns, you saw it with your own eyes.

Get out, Silver!

Come with me, Jimmy.

Where you belong.

The next time I see you, you'd better come bladed up.

I will, Smollett.

I will.

Those that die, they'll be the lucky ones!

You're a thief, boy!

You're a thief!

You're the thief!

You stole me the Doctor our share of the map!

And that was thievery!

You're the thief!

Squire! Squire Trelawney.

Go on, you m*rder*d the last man that hit you.

g*n down, sir.

I wanted to go with Silver and his men.

Cos I saw no other way to stay living because his stubbornness and his greed was leading us under the knives of the cut-throats.

That's enough. Cos the way you treat Mr. Arrow.

I saw little difference between their law and his.

I was scared for my life.

I was scared for my life to follow this man any more.

Did you get the map?

John! Sorry, John.

He's gonna hit us as soon as he can now has no choice which is what we want.

I want us all on the perimeter.

When you spot them, I want you all in there.

That's you as well, Jim.

Sharpen your blades, lads.

It's time to play the reaper!

Your father was not untrustworthy, Trelawney was wrong to say that.

I should have said so myself at the time.

He was a good friend, and a good man to your mother.

You should be proud of him.

Silver's got his fighting face, he's coming.

Don't tell them of Benny Gunn, will you?

Don't tell that devil about. He'll k*ll me as he'll k*ll you.



Betrayal of his crew.

That's what I am.

And when he knows that, he'll send me down to the hot place, Jim.

Don't let him send me down to the devils.

All I want is a piece of heaven.

How did you betray him?

I struck a deal with another crew, I did.

I wanted the treasure for myself.

Brought them to the island and we looked all over for days.

But they got angered.

And tired of me.

Left me alone.

Then alone.

For my punishment.

How long?

I counted 1,000 days.

But I say a quick prayer when Sunday's due.

Most of that I spent looking for gold.

Come and help us fight.

No, you'll die before you beat that devil.

But if miracles happen, tell your captain to meet me on the high rock.

And not to bring colours.

But cheese.

Tell him to bring cheese.

I want it, Jimmy.

That's all Benny Gunn wants.

I want my heaven back.

All in.

Come on.

Dr. Livesey take the door, fire through the porch.

Hunter, the north side. Aye, Captain.

Gray and Trelawney, take the east.

That's where the big wave will come from.

They're all inside.

George, take half the men and go for the north.

Then sharp to the block house, d*ck and I will cover.

The rest of you, go from the east, we'll pinch them in the middle.

On my first shot, lads.


Aim for the centre of the body.

Make it count.

You listen for my voice in the melee.

Don't sh**t Smollett.

He's mine.

And Squire.

And don't sh**t the boy.

He's mine.

Then there is no-one left for me to sh**t at.

Think you can do a job for me there, Doctor?

Yes, yes.

My g*n, my g*n!

Get up!

p*stol, p*stol!

Hawkins, hurry!

Go on, boys! No mercy!


Please no!

Bring them out, lads! Come on, let me get at them!

Take the door, man the door! Hold it, hold it!

But the weight on it!

Mr. Gray!

k*ll them! k*ll them all!

< Hawkins.


Are you hurt?

Come on, lads, let me see them!

Fire, fire it!

Got him, yes!

What... Get...

He's a bloody doctor!

Get away.

Go on! Get away.

Out of here, get out of here!

Push them back.


Help me get the Captain back inside.

Covering fire, Mr. Gray.

Long John.

Come, let's go!

Watch your step, sir.

Sit you here, Captain.

How many did we get?

Six or seven made it out.

That's better odds.


Please help me.

You lily-livered cowards.

Didn't see you fighting there, Silver.

I'm covering fire.

I've got one leg. I'm suppose to hobble them to death?

We're so near the money, boys.

Get off the grog!

Now, you two go and get the deck cannon.

That will do it for us.

Go on.

Go on!

We'll set up camp here.

I'm hurt bad, John. Let's look.

Oh, Tom.

Oh, lad.

Will you read to me, sir? Yes.

When you get home... you'll be home with us.

..tell my children their father loved them.

Say thank you to my wife.

"The lord is my shepherd."

Sir... "I shall not want."

I will tell them.

Will you see them right, sir?

"He maketh me to lie down in green pastures."

"He leadeth me beside the still waters."

"Ye though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death."

"I will fear no evil."


"My rod, my staff, my comfort."

My son is out in the world alongside Squire Trelawney raising all the money we need. Make your sign here, Widow Hawkins.

But Mr. Redruth, you don't listen.

My son is on a venture with Squire Trelawney.

Please don't do this.

When he returns, he should have money enough to pay his father's debt.

I doubt the wages of the cabin boy will even dent the interest.

No, you don't understand.

My understanding, woman, is Squire Trelawney's orders were to take possession of this property while he was away.

On your way, girl, go on.


Why are you burning?

What you can't carry from this place today will be sold or destroyed as is the law, woman.

They're my husband's clothes! They're my son's!

Make your sign.

You headed for Bristol?

I was thinking that.

You know people there?

You have money?

Your son Jim is with this Trelawney?


My John has a berth on that voyage.


I saw your son in Bristol before they sailed, that's how I knew this was a place for me to come.

You saw Jim?

My John said he would look out for him.

He's a good man, my John.

I think he can have sympathy.

He showed sympathy when he found me.

Which was where?

Where will you go?

Where he paid for my company then took me out of that house.

I think there is a place we could stay.

At least for tonight.

# There's a ghost in the shadow with jet-black eyes

# Run for life, boy Run for your life

# There'll be four and 20,000 plundered skies

# Run for your life, boy Run for your life

Dig two separate holes for these boys, don't bundle them in with the other scum.

That's fine, sir.

You get a shovel, that's what we'll do.

The boy will do the shovelling, he's staying here.

You and Dr. Livesey will go with me to get the treasure.

We'll get picked off one by one. Don't question my authority.

We can't defend this place if we don't have any shot and I have the map which is the upper hand by any score.

And I will go hunting!

We won't follow you, sir.

He's right, Doctor.

We can't defend that place again.

Not even against seven.

Especially if he thinks they get that cannon off the ship.

There's a man who could help us. His name's Ben Gunn.

He's no friend of Silver's and he knows the island.

We think he may know of somewhere more secure for us than here.

He could hide us out somewhere. He's survived here for three years.

It's worth a try. We can't stay here.

You know where to meet him?

He told Jim of a place and said he wants contact.

I'll find it.

Take Trelawney with you. No, no.

He's good with a sword.

Sir, the Squire still has thought for only one thing.

It's a fool who looks for treasure now.

I'll go alone.

p*stol for one shot. Thank you.

Cheese like Jim said.

If he's trouble, don't think twice about binding him.

That's what I was thinking.

Jim, I owe you an apology. No.

For so much.

The simple truth is, I think...

..we're not always the men we hoped we would be.

That's the truth.

Just don't lose the cheese.

Silver's made camp on the beach.

He's waiting for the cannon.

He's got men hoisting it off the ship now.

We're dead if he gets hold of that.

We can't stop them.

Not with the ship so near.

Glass, missus. Thank you.

It's through this way.

Dr. Livesey also leads the venture with Squire Trelawney.

He is a friend of my husband.

I know he wouldn't mind.

I've been asking all round for you.

You're one difficult bitch to find.

Trawled every tollgate, every turnpike out of Bristol till I got wind you walked this road.

I'm leaving a silence now in our talk because I'm angry Long John's money is not in your package.

You got it? She knows nothing about it.

Who are you? Who am I?

Black Dog. I'm your nightmare, love.

Where's his money, girl?

Cos I'm...

Oh, I'm having it.

Leave here alone!

You've got what you came for, now leave.

Get out!

I am.

I'm going.

I'm going. Get out!

Get out of here!

Who's that?


Spooks in there, Silver. I swear it.

Just sit up.

Should have never left port on a Friday, John.

It's the day they k*lled our Lord.

You listening to those Christian folk?

You'd be scared silly just waking up in the morning.

They're not getting that cannon off, are they?

They're hitting the bottle.

They'll be here by morning.

Ben Gunn?

Push, my love. Push, push!


Was it a boy?


No-one could have saved us.

What's Christian about you then? What?

What name you go by? David.

David, David, David.

Are you the captain, Dave?

I have cheese for you.

Jim told me you liked cheese.

Should I leave it here?

There's cheese on there, then is it?


I want to go home.

We all do, Ben.

But we're in serious trouble now.

Silver has the ship and the cannon and we need your help.

We need to move from the stockade.

If you can find us a place of safety on the island, we can get you home.

I have a palace, Captain Dave.

The palace I built.

Where is it?

Is it safe?

Cold, sweetheart? It's warm in me.

Stay here.

This way.

I'm cheaper than a pint.

Hey, how much, girl?

I'm talking to you, girl. Get away!


I can't do this.

Listen, I ain't going back to this life either.

But we need money and there are rooms.

Maybe jobs in the kitchen, you can do that.


Where's the...

The thing?



Where's the...

The thing?

Oh, God. What?

The bloody thing has disappeared.

What thing? The thing.

With the mast and the sails and the occasional flag.

The ship.

The ship, the bloody ship has disappeared.

Where is it?

Look, Long John.

This is Flint.

This is not Captain Flint's doing.

That was Flint in the Mist, Long John.

And it was him we saw last night.

And now he's made our ship vanish.

The ship is Israel Hand's.

Israel's only fit for gallery, George.

He can't sail. Where is it then?

I don't know.

This place is cursed.

We're dropping like flies.

And if Flint knows we're gonna cheat him out of his treasure, he's gonna come to us in the night and s*ab us as we sleep.

What was that for? Flint is dead!

His ghost isn't.

Flag of truce.

Where's our ship?

I don't know where the ship is. Come on, George.

Flag of truce. George Merry.

This is a flag of truce.

The law states there will be no k*lling now.

There's no law here. Ain't you noticed?


What I've got to say, I say to the captain.

Gentleman to gentlemen.

What I saw yesterday, Doctor, you're turning into a fighting man.

Isn't that how it went, George?

Will you come doctoring to my boys?

Fevered up and Tom Morgan needs better nursing than me.

I'll do that.

Let's parley.

Wake up, Mr. Hands.

Coming up on deck?

You're gonna tell me how to beach this ship.

Where have you come from?

Ship's drifted round the other side of the island, we need to bring her in.

Can we do it?

I'll bet you.

Israel could do it.

Just somebody to sail.

So, come on.

You want to take the wheel, Jim?

So, you're for the seafaring life, are you?

Neither was I.

I got pressed about your age.

Them Navy types, they're crooks.

You know it pays?

I heard that.

You did, did you?

You think you could cope with k*lling, Jim?

You've got to be man enough not to care after it's all done.

I could cope.

You've got to be strong.

In a religious way.

Or have not thought for God at all.

I could cope.

I reckon we'll be about an hour or so, Captain Jim.

Look lively there, lad.

Are we on course, boy?

Two points starboard.

Two points starboard it is.

Bring her in slowly.

I ain't got no control of that, lad.

This is good.

Bring her in straight.

We're doing it.

Don't struggle, boy. Don't struggle.

Let it come.

There you go.

Here's your test, boy.

Got your powder wet, did you?

You're gonna die now, boy.

You're gonna go up to your own place up there just like that man in the Bible.

I'm gonna k*ll you, boy!


Come here!

I'm gonna cut you.

Dr. Livesey?

Captain Smollett?

James Hawkins.

Boy as smart as paint.

We're not having it. We're gonna slit his throat.

Don't you poke up with the orders. You left us with nothing!

We ain't got not sh**t. You tell him, George.

Got you the only fresh water on the island.

We came here for money that was owed.

And your captaincy ain't got us a single coin.

The boy is currency. Why can't you see that?

The boy is awake.


Where's the Captain?

Where's the Doctor, have you k*lled them?

< What if we have? We haven't.

Seen as the ship's gone, that doctor traded half our stores for this stream.

Now they've gone where they've gone.

But their parting words were that they were sick of you, Jim.

Sick of you and your turncoat wanderings.

So, now it seems you're back in my camp.

Or none at all.

I won't join you, Silver.

Not now, nor any day, never.

Slit him. No.

I am your captain and I am sick of this k*lling.

You're still clinging to captaincy, John.

I'm calling a crew's conference.

Outside, boys.

Don't go out there, Tom. Tom!

I've lost them, Jim.

Since the ship's gone, there has been a swell of anarchy.

And your half a blank away from death, boy.

I ain't afraid to die now, John.

Well, bully for you.

But you die here and that mother of yours is all alone in the world.

Are you thinking of that?

Jimmy, we've got to help each other a bit.

You and me is all we got now.

George Merry's gonna come for me. It's in the air.

But I've got insurance.

In my pocket.

If you've got an ace in your collar, now's the time to reveal it, boy.

Cos God help me, I don't want to see you die.

God bless me for that.

Give me something so I can help you.

I have the ship.

It's beached up in the north. It's safe.

The ship? Hands and Anderson are dead.

I done some of that k*lling myself.

Well, we won't mention you k*lled their mates.

But the ship is good.

Good insurance.

Come outside, John Silver.

And bring the boy.

I said you was smart.

Step up then.

What you got?

It's the Black Spot, Jimmy.

We took a vote.

It's on account of your bungling, Silver.

And your best friend, patience.

It says "deposed" on the back.

We listened to you.

Now we've got no treasure, no map.

And we got no boys. Cos you let them ride to the g*ns.

You were never man enough to be our captain, John.

So is it not man enough to say me and the boy have got the ship safe?


The boy knows.

And he ain't told me.

For payment he'll lead us there.

And that's the way it's going to stay.

You're lying.

Is it not man enough to say when that fierce doctor came and negotiated this morning, I got, through a captain's guile, possession of Flint's map?

The doctor gave you the map?

Prove it.

Don't touch.

That's it.

That's Flint's hand.

George, that's Flint's hand.

Why did you keep this from us?

What was the point without a ship?

But now I can surprise my loyal boys and say, "Let's go and make ourselves rich!"

Let's go now.

Shall we just throw this away, lads?


# There's a ghost in the shadow with jet-black eyes

Ah, Tom.

Get up, lad.

Got to think about what this treasure is gonna bring us.

Fine wines.

John, please. Tell me more, John.

Turkish delight.

Houses as big as fields.


For you and all your ladies, Tom.


..all white in here.


John. Tom.

It says a pointer. It'll be up, John. Up.

What did you see? > John.

What is it?

Recognise that cap, boys?

That's Allardyce.

That's our captain's pointer.

What was that?

How far is it, Silver?

It's definitely Flint, that is.

It's alright.

What's that you say?

It's Captain Flint.

Is that you, Captain?

That's not Flint's voice. What was it then?

15 men on a dead man's chest.

That's his song.

I know that voice, that's a Yankee voice.

That's Ben Gunn. Ben Gunn, that you out there?

That's Ben Gunn.

How can you be scared about him?

He was a runt when he sailed with us and he's a runt now.

I know your Yankee voice, Ben Gunn!

Right, and the Devil...

Did you k*ll him? Didn't I?

I did, yes.

Only 100 yards now, lads.

100 yards from the pointer.

Then 12 paces from the tree.

Come on, let's go there.

Alright, hold on for your captain.

There's the tree.

That tree, that tree!


Wait for your captain.

Oh, no.

This ain't good, Jim.

Stand by for trouble, boy.

Stay close to your John.

Two Guineas.

300,000, John?

Two Guineas.

Oh, you're the man for bargaining, aren't you?

With your captain's guile.

This cr*pple has led us to nothing, boys!

Is two Guineas what a life's worth?!

Stand behind me, Jim.

Keep your g*ns on him, boys.

I'm gonna hang this mongrel from a tree.

Are you safe, Jim? Yes, sir.

I see you've been excavating before us, Dr. Livesey.

Not me.

He took two and a half years to find this spot.

Looked all over the island.

Young Mr. Gunn.

Should I k*ll the devil, Captain Dave?

k*ll all devils with the slit in their eye.

No, Ben, don't. Don't.

Can someone tell me where my treasure is?

Captain Dave's treasure, it is. Maybe Jim's.

Maybe his there who's name I forgot. Don't know what he's called.

Bargained away the treasure for a cake of cheese and Trelawney's Bible, didn't you?

It's like a slice of heaven, Mr. Silver.

It's everything you want.

Is it now?

This is my palace, Mr. Jim.

Captain Smollett. I'm safe, Jim.

Good to see you, young man.

What's he doing here?

Between him and Jim, the others are dead.

Me and Jim, sir.

I looked out for him, I did. You're a mutineer, Silver.

Are you doing the adding up, Squire Trelawney?

A little bit of book work.

You're a mutineer.

And you'll be hanged as one when we get home.

I think the lad would talk of a different John Silver.

One who was forced to mutineer the crew he tried to control.

I've seen what kind of a man you are, Silver.

Silver came between me and a knifing, Captain.

He risked his neck on my behalf.

I hope everyone's listening to this honest young man.

Get that man in irons, Livesey.

No, let's try and have some better thoughts.

Words that befit gentleman.

Now, you did a deal with the professor of divinity over there.

Something about cheese and a Bible.

So he could do a deal with me. They'll be no deal with you.

I'm the only one left alive who owns this gold, who earned this gold.

And ownership is nine-tenths of the law.

Possession is nine-tenths of the law.

That's a different law, not one I like.

I don't care what you like! I don't care about the law!

You're a thief and a m*rder*r!

You've brought peril and destruction to this whole enterprise!

All this.

This mirror here.

These sacks.

This chest, these coins.

They're now legally mine and in my possession.

My ownership because I have taken them through my venture and risk.


The risk you took was with other men's lives.

I was talking of a risk financial.

Which does not exist separate to men's lives.

However you tried to insulate the thought that it might.

This is contraband, sir. Stained thick with blood.

When we get back to England, if we manage to get off this island, it will be handed over as such. Aye-aye.

I have the ship, sir.

Beached up on the north coast.

There is another way to end this.

Which is perhaps more palatable to the futures of all present.

Which is we share a little of what's won amongst all us loyal survivors.

And we share it, each according to his station.

And being the captain, sir...

You being the captain...

Put Mr. Silver in irons.

He will be tried for mutiny.

In Bristol.



Been watching you, John.

Watching this last dance all the way.

I know that.

And I'll be the last thing you see when you do your little jig at execution dock.

I was loyal to you.

15 years my captain.


Loyalty, John.

It's what you can hold in your hand.

Ben? Now. Before the others wake.

I've been thinking, Christian Jim.

Thinking of my home and what's there for me.

This is my home.

You're coming with us, Ben.

Now that the treasure has gone, no Devils will come and hurt me.

Take my heaven.

That's what Ben Gunn thinks, that's what he'll do.

What are you doing?

Protecting you.

From a world out there. You'll do alright in the world.


I've seen them.

Blistered and starved in the bolts of their gold.

There's no heaven out there.

This the right way, Hawkins? Keep going, sir.

Bit more.

Get the nets as ballast to the quarterdeck, Jim.

We're gonna need much weight on the stern to help lift it off.

Dr. Livesey, Mr. Gray. Sir.

Ditch that cannon from the bow. The tide will do the rest.

'15 men on the dead man's chest.'

Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum.

Let's go now.

What are you doing?

Stop that!

Stop that, what are you doing?!

Any more of that and I'll snap your neck.

It's all going.

Smollett, stop him!

Let him do it.


There are two more bags to go, Jim.

Secure Mr. Silver below deck, Mr. Gray.

Aye, sir.

Let's get to Jamaica, we'll crew up and go home.

What is it?

There's word on the docks the Hispaniola has been seen flying her colours off Boscastle.

Jim's coming home.

This is wonderful, Jim.

Suitable feast for our last night.

On arrival in Bristol, I'll need the assistance of sergeant in arms.

I'll need to take Silver into custody.

Are you still planning on speaking up for him, Jim?

I am, sir. I will too.

He chose to stand between Jim and death on two occasions.

You won't save him, Jim.

He's one of Flint's men.

He'll drop for that alone.

Do those potatoes like I told you?

I did.

Plenty of butter.

That's the thing.

Pad yourselves up for the chilly winters.

It's fit enough for the captain's table, this.

I've made a sea cook out of you.

When do we dock?

Tomorrow morning.

Something you can do for me.

The woman you met down the Spyglass.

My wife.

I don't want her coming to the trial and seeing me played out.

Will you see to that?

And give her this.

Take a bit for your mum.

But my girl gets the lion's share. Where did you get that?

I'm a bloody thief, Jim.

They gave me a load of treasure and told me to drag it through the jungle.

Me and the parrot were thinking, we don't want a lad with prospects getting tainted by speaking up for one of Flint's crew.

So you don't do it.


I don't want it.

You'll make a fine gentleman, Jim Hawkins.

Look at this mashed potato, mashed up to high heaven.

Fine enough to grace any captain's table.

You can go now.

Food for a couple of days.

A p*stol and powder. Go quickly now.


You're a prince among thieves.

You taken your share?

You're about a mile and a half off the north Devon coast.

Jimmy, if you want help or advice... I won't be coming to you.

Yeah, that's probably best.

But if you ever want a venture, want to feel that spirit inside, come looking for Long John.

He'll be waiting.

I will.

And keep Flint for me.

For safe keeping. Go on, go on.

I'll come for him one day.

Remember, Jim.

Any fast living, come looking.

I'll be there, I will.