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Treasure Island (1972)

Posted: 03/08/21 06:38
by bunniefuu
Squire Trelawney and Dr. Livesey, having asked me to describe the whole particulars about Treasure Island keeping nothing back but its bearings, and that because there is treasures still not lifted I go back to the time when my mother kept the Admiral Benbow Inn and the brown old seaman with the saber cut first took up his lodgings under our roof.

This is a handy cove ah, and a pleasantly situated grog shop.

Much company? No Sir, very little, the more's the pity.

Well then, this is the berth for me. Hey you baby, come up alongside.

Bring me chest inside.

Good morning. I'm thirsty ma'am, thirsty. Rum!

I'm a plain man. All I want is rum, bacon and eggs, at that cliff out there, to watch ships from.

What you might be calling me, you might call me Captain. I'll prepare your room, Captain.

Boy, keep your weather eye open for a seafarin' man.

Do you see this, boy? Yes, sir.

This is a silver fourpenny. And it's yours at the end of the month.

And what have you got do to earn it? Just keep your eye peel'd.

Watch out for him, you hear? A seafarin' man with one leg.

More rum, boy!

There were many times when he was to call for rum, but never did he pay a single penny.

There were nights when he took a deal more rum than his head would carry and then he'd sing his wicked old sea songs.

His stories were what frightened people worst of all.

I've seen'em keelhaul a man so bad, there was nothing left of'm when we fished him out of the sea...

Dreadful stories they were, about hanging, and walking the plank and wild deeds and places on the Spanish main.

By his own account he must have lived his life among some of the wickedest men God ever allowed upon the sea.

He was only once crossed, and that was by Dr. Livesey who'd stopped by one evening to have a bite of supper with my mother.

Sing, damn you! Are you addressing me, Sir?

I am. I have only one thing to say to you, Sir, that if you keep on drinking rum, the world will soon be quit of a very dirty scoundrel.

If you don't put that knife this instant in your pocket, I promise on my own that you shall hang for it!

No Sir, if I catch a breath of complaint against you I'll have you hunted down and routed out of this. Let that suffice!

More rum!

All day he was out on the cliff with his brass telescope.

And every day he would ask if any seafaring man had gone along the road.

Above all, a seafaring man with one leg.

How that personage haunted my dreams!

On stormy nights, when the wind shook the four corners of the house and the surf roared along the cove and up the cliff to see him leap, run, and pursue me was the worst of nightmares.

...a seafaring man with one leg...

Is this here the lodgings of my old mate Billy?

I don't know your old mate, Sir. He names himself 'Captain', with a cut on one cheek. Well, Sir.

Let's see now. The cut is on the right cheek.

Now, that's my Billy! Show me where he is.

Do you hear me, boy?

And here he is.

Get behind the door, sonny. I want to give old Bill a little surprise.


Black Dog!

Black Dog, as ever was. Come for to see his old shipmate Billy.

So you've run me down. Well?

I will sit down, Billy, if you please and talk square like old shipmates.

Now go and leave the door wide open. None of your keyholes for me, sonny!

Visitors, Jim? A man to see the captain.

The one he's been waiting for? Oh, let's hope so, perhaps he'll go away with him.

Where are you going? One of the squire's servant's is very poorly and we're going to visit her.

So, look to the house, Jim.

And don't come bother me again you understand?

I ain't sailed alongside captain Flint in all these years for nothing! He gave it to me when he was dying!

And I ain't sharing it with noone! Least of all you, you lying swab!

Tell the others that if they come here looking, I'll impale them through!

Rum, Jim.

Are you hurt? Rum! I must get away from here. Rum!

I'm pretty lone ship to sail it by yore. You'll give a noggin of rum, won't you laddie?

I'll get the doctor. Doctors is all swabs! What do they know!

I live on Rum, I tell you! It's being drink, man, and wife to me!

I'll give you a golden guinee for a noggin!

I want none of your money but what you owe my mother.

But if I don't get my rum now, I'll have the horrors, Jim.

I've seen some of them already! I've seen old Flint. There, in the corner just behind you.

Plain as print. I've seen him.

I'll get you one drop, but no more.

But you have to go to bed, Captain. I can't do that. They're waiting for me now. Out there somewhere.

Thunder! They have the black spot on me. Black Spot? Is he another of them?

No, no, it's a sort of sign. You get that, it's the end of you.

It's me old sea-chest they're after. Flint gave it to me when he lay a-dying.

Keep a weather eye open. I'll share it with you. Share what, captain?

There'll be a sea-mist tonight, and maybe horrors climbing up at us, out of the sea onto the land.

Keep watching!

The Black Dog? The Black Dog, and Pew, and all of 'em.

And him that has one leg...

Him above all!

Will any kind friend inform a poor blind man who lost the precious sight of his eyes in the gracious defence of his native country England.

God bless King George!

Where, and in what part of the country he maybe now?

You are at the Admiral Benbow inn, Sir. Blackhill cove.

I hear a voice - a young voice.

Will you give me your hand, my kind young friend and lead me in?

Now, boy, take me in to the captain!

Take me in straight or I'll break your arm!

Lead me straight up to him. When you're inside cry out: "Here's a friend for you, Bill"!

Come now! March!

He.. here is a friend for you, Bill.

Now Bill, stay right where you are.

If I can't see you, I can hear fingers stirring.

Business is business, Bill.

Now boy, take his right hand near the wrist.

That's done. Now lead me off, boy.

They, they will fix me.

This will fight the old seadog.

Jim, there, on the stairs, me old sea-chest.

Here is the key. Open it, lad.

On the bottom a small oil skin bag.

Take it, take it, hide it for me.

Because those bloodthirsty cut-throats rob an honest man of what's rightfully his.

That's it, take it, guard it with your life.

Don't tell a single soul!

It is the black spot, captain.

"You have until ten tonight."

Down with the door!

Break down the window! Hurry!


Come on! In!

Billy! He's dead! He's dead! Search the chest!

Pew, someone has been here before us! Someone turned the chest out!

Is it there?

The money is here. Curse the money, where is the map? It's not here!

It's the people of the inn. It's that boy. I should have put his eyes out!

That is the bunch, mates! Where? That cursed boy can't be far.

Look for him, you dogs! God shiver my soul if I had eyes!

Johnny! Black Dog!

You will not give up old Pew? Not old Pew!

He looks like a beggar. No, he's a buccaneer! There's a whole crew of them.

Who's there? - Hawkins, Sir. Young Jim Hawkins? Yes, Sir.

There was news of a lugger in Kid's Hole. Smugglers. No, Sir. Not smugglers, pirates.

Pirates? Well. Thank God you're safe! What were they after, Jim? Money?

Not only that, Sir. I think they were after this.

I think I better put it somewhere safe. To be sure, boy. Quite right.

I'll take you to the Squire.

Mister Dance, you're a noble fellow. As to riding down that black atrocious miscreant, it's an act of virtue.

Like stamping on a cockroach.

This lad Hawkins is a trump. Sit down man.

Now, Mr Dance, those villains are still out there. Yes, sir. Your servant, gentlemen.

Flint's man, eh? You have some knowledge of him, Sir?

Knowledge, hum? The bloodthirstiest buccaneers that ever sailed.

Bluebeard was a child to him.

The Spaniards were so afraid of him, he made me proud I was an Emglishman.

I have seen Flint's topsail at Trinidad, and the cowardly captain that I sailed with put back that concorde to the Port of Spain.

Did Flint have a treasure, Sir? Treasure, treasure? Greater than Morgan's!

The smallest clue to where the old devil buried it is worth a fortune.

Maybe that's why they wanted this. Perhaps this is a clue.

My God, Livesey, what have we here?

Are you agreeable, Jim, to our opening the packet? For it is yours by right of arms.

Indeed, it is. Open it, sir.

It's a map of an island!

"Tall Tree, Spyglass over to the left"

"Bearing one point to the N of NNE"?

North of north-northeast, Sir. Of course, of course.

See the three crosses in red ink! And here's some writing:

"Bulk of treasure here"

Livesey, you'll give up this wretched practice at once! Tomorrow I start for Bristol.

In three weeks time - Three weeks? Two weeks... ten days ... we'll have best ship, Sir, and the choicest crew in England.

Ma'am, your Jim will come as cabin boy. You'll make a famous cabin boy, Hawkins!

You, Livesey, are ship's doctor. I am Admiral.

Trelawney, I'll go with you. And I'll go bail for it. So will Jim and be a credit for the undertaking.

There's only one man I'm afraid of. And who's that? Name the dog, Sir!

You. For you cannot hold your tongue. We are not the only men to know of this paper.

These fellows who att*cked the inn tonight, and more I daresay, not far off, they all want that money.

We must not breathe a word of what we found.

Livesey, you're always in the right of it.

I'll be as silent as a grave!

For a time I lived on at the inn, full of sea-dreams and the most charming... antecipations of strange islands, quick with savages with whom we fought... sometimes full of dangerous animals that hunted us.

But in all my fantasies nothing incured to me so strange and tragic as our actual adventures.

Wake up. Wake up!

Doctor! You've had a long trip and a good sleep to go with it.

Are we in Bristol? Bristol it is, Jim. Come on, come on down.

Redruth! Well, I'm a seaman now, or so the Squire would have it.

Here is Tom Joyce and Hunter, from the Squire's stable. Grooms all their lives, sailors as the rest of us.

You should see the Squire, dressed out like a sea officer.

Here is a note you ought to take to John Silver. Is he one of the Squire's men, too?

Oh no, he keeps a public house here in Bristol. You'll easy find the place, just keep a look-out for a large brass telescope.

The same broadside as lost old Pew his dead lights.

It were a master surgeon who fixed me, not a college one by the bucket. But he was hanged like the rest of'em, sundried, a corpus, when he died with Blackbeard...

Good morning, sir.

Now this here is a grog suppin', Master, looking for a drammy?

Is this the Spy Glasses, Sir? oh that.

Rum is sweet 'nough for us old swabs, but for the likes of you, Sonny...

My missus over there... Yaycy darlin', Yaycy darlin'.. she's cooking something nice and delicate they makes down in the island where she comes from, the Spanish Main.

Thanks, Mrs. Silver!

She don't speak our lingo..

You Mr. Silver, Sir? "Barbeque" they calls me.

Sometimes "Long John"....

..I don't reckon you knows what Long John means now, does ye?

No, sir. Can't say I do. A kannibal word, Sonny.

Long John is knowing they hash by human meat...

What's wrong, boy, you think I aims to eat you? No, Sir.

Man, the savages would find you mighty tender and chewy. What's this?

She slow cooks, how they does it down there, them cannibal.

Go on, take another while I read this.

But stay a-clear that man-eatin' countries 'til you toughens up a bit, young...

Jim Hawkins, Sir. I'm your cabin boy. Oh, yes, so it says here in Trelawney's hand write So, are we mess mates, eh, Jimmy?

Black Dog! Black Dog! Stop him! Stop him!

Now, ain't she the sweet one, Jimmy? Smart as fox really, but not educated, doesn't speak normally, only lingo.

You got the wrong man. Go on.

Noe, what was the name again? Black... Sonny? Dog, Sir.

Dog... what is a dog ... Black Dog... ...I could think... yess...

I've seen the swab used to come here with a blind beggar.

I knew that blind beggar, his name was Pew. Pew?

Yes, that was his name, for sure ... Pew.

He looked a shark, he did.

Too bad I ain't the man I was, Jim Hawkins, I'd a cought that Black Dog, whatever, could I now...

You tell me now ... just, just ...

Ahh ... Jim, here you are.

The ship's company is complete. Well Jim, all ready for the voyage?

Oh yes, Sir. When do we sail? Sail? We sail tomorrow.

The ship's all fitted, eh, Silver? Aye, Sir. She's a handsome craft.

The Hispaniola is her name, Jim. I got it through old friends here in Bristol.

Who've literally slaved in my interest just as soon as they got wind of what we're sailing for.

Treasure, that is.

Oh, of course! Sorry... Mum's the word about that, eh?

Have you all your crew, Sir? Jim, I had the deuce himself to find so much as half a dozen... until the most remarkable stroke of fortune brought me to the very man that I required.

Oh, who's that, Sir? Who? Who else but the same Long John Silver.

Why, the whole crew respects and even obeys him.

The man's a perfect trump! Even got rid of most of those I'd already engaged.

Well, between Silver and myself we have together a company of the toughest old swords imaginable.

I declare we could fight a frigate! Mr. Trelawney... Yes, Jim?

Is Mr. Silver going to be our Captain? Nay, Jimmy, a poor sailor keeps this tavern here, needs the bird to see his empty self...

I'm the ship's cook! I'm lucky to be that. Come on, Silver!

You! picked our Captain, Sir. Not me. A good choice, I think you owe to that, Silver?

Hm. But he's a hard man. So I've heard.

Aye, a good and hard man he is, this Captain Smollett.

I don't like it, sir. That's short and sweet.

You don't like what, Captain Smollett? These men you picked up for me.

The First Mate is a drunken sod.

But the rest of the crew is a good one, Livsey. He doesn't like the men either, not many of them.

Perhaps Sir, you don't like the ship? I can't speak for that, not having seen her tried.

Well, I have, thank you, a lovely ship. You can lead her, Gentlemen, aye Captain, keeping her point near to the wind, than a man has a right to expect from his own married wife.

There's iron stretched out there. They're your's? Mine, sir.

I get of this more help, Sir, than ropes is for a one-legged seaman when the wind's up and the deck is wet.

You have a crutch? Aye aye, Sir, And tear that sand away.

Excuse me. That's it Jimmy, pass it around!

My little rope's cared for now. Go, Sir, a taste of my Jeery to celebrate the ship's departure.

Compliments from the ship's, eh, cook.

Silver... Yes, sir?

When did you sail this ship?

The truth is, eh, I knows them as sailed with it, the crew's full of them.

I thought so. Don't forget your crutch.

Now then. There's been too much blabbing. Far too much.

Every man before the mast knows more about this cruise than I do.

Gentlemen! I don't know which of you has this map... Map! Some map of an island.

That map I've heard myself, there's crosses on the map to show where the treasure is.

I never told a single soul! The hands all know it, Sir.

More I don't want to know, or I'll resign. I've heard you, Captain, and I think no worse of you.

Jim, you can go.

In other words, you fear a mutiny, sir? Livsey!

I see things going I think ain't quite right and I better take certain precautions.

Intolerable humbug!

I declare think his conduct unmanly, unsailorly, and downright un-English!

Mr Arrow? Mr Arrow!

Lower the mainsail! Aye, aye, Captain! Lower mainsail!

The Hispaniola proved to be a good ship, the crew capable seamen, and the Captain thoroughly understood his business.

I for my part spent many pleasant days in the company of Long John Silver and listened thrilled to his tales of adventures on the high seas.

Ha. Hey, hear that Jimmy? That's Captain Flint, predicts success to our voyage. Won't you, Cap'n?

I named my parrot Captain Flint after the famous bucaneer. You gonna miss me? Now this one here,

she's .. she's out on her first cruise, ain't she, sweetheart? But Flint, y'know how old he is?

200 years, maybe. Years, Sir? They lives forever, mostly.

And if anybody's seen more wicked it'd be the devil hisself.

He sailed with England, the Great captain of England, Blackbeard.

Dead men don't bite. Did you hear that, sweetheart, hmm?

Flint was in Madagascar, Suriname, Providence, Portobello...

He was aboard with the Viceroy of the Indies.

He lookit square as a baby.

He smell powder, ain't you, Captain?

Our first mate turned out even worse than the captain feared.

He appeared drunk on the deck and was a bad influence among the men.

We could never make out where he got the drink. That was the ship's mystery.

Nobody was much surprised when one dark night he disappeared entirely and was seen no more.

Overboard! Well Gentlemen, that saves the trouble of putting him in irons. But what will we do for a first mate?

Err .. begging your pardon, Sir.. but the Coxswain ...

... Israel Hands is a careful, whily, experienced old seaman.

He can be trusted in a pinch almost anything.

Your opinion was not asked for, Mr. Silver. Go back to the galley.

Captain Smollett, you misjudge that man.


Well Sir, we're not home yet. What does that mean? Everyone on board seems to be quite content.

They should be, Sir. Spoiled folk's and hands make devils. That's my belief.

Never was a ship's company so spoiled. Double grog on the least excuse, and that barrel of apples standing going to waste.

But good did come of the apple barrel for if it had not been for that on the last night of our outward voyage we might all have perished.

All right, John. When do we strike? When the time is.

There's a map. And I don't know where it is.

Nor do you.

We'll strike when them fine gentlemen has found the treasure for us.

Meanwhile, George, you'll take care and work hard, and you speak soft, 'til I give the word. you are smart, Georgie ... us Captain Smollett's a fine seaman.

He sails the ship for us, yeah, he?

Jump up like a sweet lad, Israel, get me that apple.

Land ho! Land ho!

Two lines to the southern bow!

Land ho!

I have terrible news!

Well men, has anyone of you ever seen that land ahead? I knows it. Right George?

Stand up when you speak to me. I'm asking your pardon, Sir...

I don't have my crutch.

The anchorage is on the south side, I think.

There is a hill, Sir, they calls the Spyglass.

Spyglass? That's what you call your tavern, isn't it?

It happenes that way. Thanks, Israel.

Spyglass Hill's a lookout hill pirates... careful there ...

.. came here, cleaned their ships, Sir.

Ask your pardon, Sir.

All hands! Look lively there!

This land we've sighted is the place we've been sailing to.

Mr. Trelawney, the doctor, and I are going below to the cabin to drink your health and luck.

And now, your grog's served for you to drink to whom you please.

Three cheers for Captain Smollett!

And Mr. Silver said they should strike only when he gives the word.

Watch your chance, Jim. You must slip away when they aren't looking. - Yes, Sir!

The others won't pay you much heed, I shouldn't think. But keep an eye on him.

He'd look remarkably well, Sir, hanging from a yard-arm.

Me. I'm a .. an easy man, Israel.

Ahh the ... gentlemen...

...them there in the cabin.

What's your word, Georgie?

Which hands off when we gets the treasure and we leaves them gentlemen ashored...

... starve slowly ...

That'd be Captain England's way.

I'd cut them down like so much pork ... Flint's way, that'll be...

... or Billy Bones'. Billy was the man for that.

Hm. Dead men don't bite.

Well, I can count on my own servants as upon myself.

Three of them, ourselves, and young Hawkins here.

That makes seven. That's our party Gentlemen, 7 to their 19.

Captain, I don't like the look of those men!

Sir, if I risk another order, fights will be going in two shakes.

All hands! We need fresh water.

And a turn ashore will hurt nobody.

Mr. Hands, some may remain on ship. The rest can take the longboat.

I fire a g*n half an hour before sundown.

You're quite sure about young Hawkins? Oh yes. He knows to meet us in the old stockade.

Stockade? Pssst!

That's where he'll be safest. What stockade?

A fort built by the old pirates. It's on the map. But let's pray to God it's still intact.

Then we'll have to go there as soon as possible, the moment those scoundrels are out of sight.

We load the Jolle boat with all the g*ns she can carry. Right, Captain?

What about Silver's men still here onboard?

We'll deal with them at the right time.


Time enough for that later. Jim?

Keep an eye out for that young Hawkins... he's a size too nimble for my liking.

George... - Yes? The others, are they all with us?

Alan, he ain't with us. Nor that idiot Tom.

I'll have a word with Tom. George ...

Hold fast!

Drop your weapons.

It'll be the gallows for you, me boys. Down below!

Are ye smart, Tommy?

Yeah, smart as paint. I seen that when I first laid eyes on you.

It's because I thinks gold dusts of dusts.

Yes, I'm warning you...

Oy! If you talked to, I know.. One of the ... wildest know it...

Where'd I be, Tom? Now tell me, where would I be?

Are you telling me you let yourself be lead away by a stinking mess of swabs?

They'll smell sweeter with gold in their pockets, Tommy.

But pirates! Gentlemen of fortune...

Well, they lives rough, and then risks sweeten...

But when a cruise is done, Tommy, there's hundreds of gold pounds in their pockets.

What was that? That?

Oh, that's.. might have been..

... Alan.

Alan? Have mercy on his soul, for a true seaman!

As for you, John Silver, you k*lled Alan have you ... you k*ll me too?

There's never a man yet...

...who looks me between the eyes and live to see t'day afterwards, Tommy...

You may lay to that.


We have some g*ns and stores ashore. But there's more arms and powder than we can carry.

You down below, you hear me?

You, Abraham Gray! It's to you I'm speaking!

Gray! You are a good man, at bottom.

I'm leaving this ship, and I order you to follow your captain.

I have my watch in my hand and I give you 30 seconds to join me.

Redruth! - Sir? - Come here!

If one of those dogs so much as shows his head, blow it off. - Yes, Sir.

Gentlemen, let us get ashore.

John! Long John! They're heading for shore in the Jolle boat!

Ahh. They be damned!

Ain't I been saying we should strike fast?

Well, we have to, now. But I don't like it.

We'll never reach shore at this rate. Can't you pull stronger? Not without swamping the boat.

Where're they bound for?

Flint's old stockade. Come on. Let's get'em now! Muskets and Pistols first, locked up onboard the ship.

Joe, you and a few others, try head'em off from the stockade.

The g*n! Easy Sir, you'll sink us!

Ben Gunn, Ben Gunn! That's me!

Poor Ben Gunn.

And I havn't spoken with a Christian all these years.

Marooned, marooned I was...

..dreamed of a piece of...piece of...

... Cheese.


You have a piece of cheese about you?

'fraid not. But if ever I get back onboard, you should have all the cheese you want.

Aboard again, says you?

That aint, that ain't Flint's ship, that there is it? Was Captain Flint a friend of yours?

Swears me that .. that ain't Flint's ship?

It's not Flint's ship. Flint's dead.

Thank God for that. There's some of Flint's men still alive, worse luck.

Not a man with one leg?

Silver? Ahh, Silver. T'was his ... name.

If you were sent by Long John I am as good as pork!

I wasn't sent by him, he led a mutiny against us.

Your friends?

Yes, I must join them. Well, there's my little boat, you know.

What's that?

We might try after dark. A boat, you say?

With my two hands I made her.

And keeps her hidden off down on the beach, by the .. the white rock.

Oww! What you name yourself, mate? Jim.

Jim. You wouldn't think, to look at me, I am rich now. Would you?

Well. Not in particular.

Ahh, Jim. Rich, rich.

You bless your stars! You're the first, the first that found me.

Ship's taken, Gentlemen.

If you please, Sir. If I see anyone, am I to fire? What a question! - Thank you, Sir.

Did you hit your man? No, Sir, I believe not, Sir.

Doktor! Squire! Captain! Don't fire!

It's Jim, it's young Jim Hawkins! By the fallacy safe and sound.

Go away from the door!

Who goes there?

Stand or we fire! Rag of truce! Rag of truce.

Ten to One it's a trick. Gray, keep your g*n on him.

Just me, Gentlemen, Captain Silver.

Captain Silver? Don't know him. Who's he?

Me, Sir. You see, after your desertion...

Desertion? Oh yes, Sir. The crew chose me for captain.

You are either mu ship's cook or a common pirate!

And then you can go hang.

Leave him!

If you've anything to say, my man, better say it.


You ... have the chart now, have you, Doctor?

That's it maybe. We wants that chart, Gentlemen, to gets the treasure body!

Now you gives it to us that comes aboard the ship along of us and ...

...I give you my uplaid word of honor to clap you somewhere safe ashore.

Handsome you come luck to get, and I hope I spoke to one, I spoke to all!

Now you hear me.

Just bring those mutineers of yours to us one by one unarmed, and we'll..

...engage to clap you all in irons. Well put, Sir.

And we'll take you home to a fair trial in England.

You cann't find the treasure. Think not.


Thank you kindly, Gentlemen!

And you can't sail the ship. You do not know how, Captain.

Laugh now.

I'll stove in your blockhouse! Like a rum punchen!

And the next time I'll meet you, Silver, I'll put a b*llet in your back!

Well, Barbeque?

One thing I claims.

I claims Trelawney.

When I'll wring his fat .. cow's head off!

Any others?

Them who dies...

... will be the lucky ones...

Out, lads! Out lasse. Jim loads! Hunter, crossfire!

Away lads! Away lads.

Cowardly dogs on the run. So they could. But the Six of them'll never run again.

That's better odds than we got before. We'll drop them yet, Smollett.

Intelligence. What?

Military intelligence. That's what we need. No battle was ever won without it.

But we've got to have this information, as to what these pirates are about.

You are right enough, Sir, but there's no-one here to get it. We can't spare a single man.

And, Gentlemen, we've lost the ship.

Trelawney, whether you like it or not, we must deal with Silver.

You've joined them too. Why everyone has got to be a pirate?

I gives up. - Get back to the stockade, Mr. Gunn, you'll be safe there. They'll look after you.

And give me passage back to England? I've no doubt.

Give me a pardon? Maybe, if you prove useful.

I'll not tell no-one that till I've got me article signed.

A piece of cheese?

Just ... a small piece of cheese!

There is a fine store of it, back there. Then I'm with them.

Wait! That little boat of yours, where is it? I'll have the cheese first.

No, first the boat. What you do with her?

I'll row out to the ship, cut it adrift and let it go ashore where the wind takes it.

Why? Well, what does the pirates want: drop anchor and away to sea. That would be something fine to prevent.

Come on.

There it is.

Come on then.

Mr. Gunn. Mr. Gunn?

Are you in or out? Yes or no?

Are you coming with us? Swear! What are you waiting for? Come on!

Call me a coward, I'll prove it to you scum! When the time comes ...

You're a liar!

Where might you come from? I've come aboard to take posession of the ship, Mr. Hands.

You kindly regard me as your Captain until further notice.

Aye, aye, Captain, then what? First, I mean to beach her.

Now, you tell me why. No. First you tell me how to sail her. Dead men don't bite!

One more step, Mr. Hands, and I'll blow your brains out!

Dead men do not bite, you know.

I reckon we're foul, Jimmy.. We'll have to sign articles together.

I do not know nothing .. I ... I reckon I'll have to ...



Oh ... here's Mr. Jim Hawkins.

So you come to visit?

Pleasant surprise for all, sure. I'd like to know, why you're here, where my friends are!

Like to know what's what, shipmate? Awash there!

This boy's a hostage!

We will waste a hostage?


Get behind.

Not long ago, in the dog watch, the Doktor come to us with the flag-of-truce.

He says "Captain Silver, you're sold out. Ship's gone."

It was thunderful true. Ship ... was gone.

"Let's bargain" says the doctor. Here we are, stores, brandy, in this here blockhouse

"And as for the boy" says he, "I don't know where he is, confound'em"

"and I don't much care, we're about sick of him."

Is that all? Them was his words, Jimmy.

Then you want me to join up with you? None of us won't harrier you. kind the pleasure to your company, see.

I'll tell you what!

When you're in court for piracy I'll save you, if I can.

You're in bad way. Ship lost, treasure lost, men lost. Your whole business is gone to wreck!

And if you want to know who did it: It was I! I was in the apple barrel the night we sighted land.

And I got your ship. Well, you'll never see her more, not one of you.

First and last, we'll split up on Jim Hawkin.

You want to have it out with me? Him who dares, I'll see the color of his insides!

Crutch, and all. You want fight?

By thunder, you're away! I'm Captain here. Why?

'Cause I'm the best man by a long sea mile.

That boy there, I never seen a better boy'n that!

I like that boy. I see a hand on him...

This crew has rights like other crews. I claims my rights!

And steps outside for a council.

Get rid of that man..

Now look here, Jim Hawkins.

You were then half a prize of death..

..or as a whole lot worse, t*rture.

Jim, I'm on your side now.

Why did the doctor give me the chart now, why?

Gave you the chart? Yes, and there's something undry that.

Something .. something... undry that.

Surely ... that's it, then.

Step up, lads. I know the rules.

The Black Spot, it is?

Deposed is it. Very pretty wrote, to be sure.

That's like print I swear, your hand to write, George?

But where ... where was you got the paper? Aam...

This ain't lucky! Ain't lucky?

Good God .. and cut this out of a Bible.

What fool cuts a Bible?

There. What did I say? No good will come of that, I say! You'll all swing now, I reckon.

You George Merry, you stand for Captain over me?

Well, you began this dance...

...looks mighty like a hornpipe on a rope's end at execution dock at us.

That's when we end this dance that George likes, every one the some of us, up in chains.

You seen that? Birds, they're eating out their eyes.

You made a hash of this whole cruise! Come on, go there .. me who made a bargain with the doctor? You has come acrawling on your knees to me to make it?

Look at it.

That's old Flint, sure enough!

"J.F.," and his score underneath!

Mighty pretty! How we gonna get away with it, as'n no ship?

I resign, by thunder. Pick whom you please to be a Captain now.

I'm done with it. John, no, we want you, John! You're the best Captain we had! Yes!

So it's time we got started, shipmates!

John, look!

What sort of a way is that for bones to lie.

It's unnatural.

Old Flint did that. He always liked to make a man uncomfortable.

A great one for jokes, was Flint.

This is like him ... no mistake.

I got a notion, lads. That this here... a compass.

Study the line from up here, see?

The tip top of the Skeleton sticking up there like a tooth.

Just take a bearing on that, George Merry, along the line of them bones.

He had short bones, ain't he? And the hair's been yellow.

That'd be ... Allardyce.

He owed me money. He's gonna pay you back, by Gum!

Him, and the other five...

... was here alone with him.

Flint k*lled'em all.

Every man.

He had him hauled up here and laid him out as a compass.

So, what's it read? East, South, South, East and by East.

Three tall hills in the same line... could be a cave. This here's our point, lads, for the pole star and the jolly Dollars...

Fetch ahead, Jim! Follow the Dubloons!

Aye, that is Flint's coffin, lads! You can rely to that.

Six they were, and six are we. Them bones is what they are now.

I saw Him dead, old Flint. I saw him laid out with the Penny pieces on his eyes!

He's dead and gone below, but if ever a spirit walked, it would be Flint Come on.



Darby McGraw...

Darby McGraw...

There is someone skylighting.

Someone as flesh and blood. You rely on that.


Darby McGraw...

Fetch up the rum, Darby...

Them were his last words.

His last words upon board! That fix it. Let's go!

I was never afeared of Flint yet ... not in his life!

And I depose of face a dead too, you stinking swabs!

There are 700,000 pounds of buried gold right here!

And did ever gentlemen of fortune turned to start at that much Dollars...

.. by boozy old seamen?

And him ... dead too...

Belay there, John don't you cross a spirit!


That voice was like to Flint's...

...but if it were like to somebody else's now?

It could like to... the Gods! Ben Gunn!

So it were! Ben Gunn it were!

It don't make much odds!

No, old Ben Gunn's not here ... in the body ... any more than Flint!

Nobody worries Ben Gunn!

Alive or dead! Nobody wants him. Come on, lads!

Close ... is 700,000 pounds.

Our treasure.

By thunder! They been here before us!

And .. and they found the treasure! And made off with it. It's gone!

Jim, keep this in case of trouble.

That's treasure here?

Mind, I'm telling you, that man knew it all along. Look at the face of him!

Yeah, M... Merry ... stand for Captain again?

You're a boisterous laddie, sure.

There's two of them alone, there.

One's that old cr*pple who brought us alle here and blundered us into this.

The other's that young one I'm going to get the heart of.

Yeah that's ... right on settled you.

At them, lads!

Hah! That was a close one, near, Gentlemen. Right here!

Thank you kindly. John Silver, you're a villain!

Oh aye! But I'm not to swing for it, right Doctor? Prodigious villain.

These wilds were t'come after you, but the doctor and we had a bargain.

As these are fallen out you'll not be prosecuted But the dead men, Sir, will hang about your neck like millstones.

Oh thank you kindly. I dare you to thank me!

It's a gross dereliction of my duty. But Livesey gave you his parole.

Silver, you're a lucky man. Lucky, I had Jim Hawkins here...

..or you'd not cared a bit at the thought.. Not a thought.

Since that my neck's ... not for the rope, let's .. let's get to business.

Somewhere is ... on this island is a mighty heap of treasure.

Now, who moved it, Gentlemen?

You? That not had the time.

Ben Gunn did.

He had years for it.

Ben, Ben ...

To think it was you who done me.

Come on! Come on!

Get back! Get back.

English, French, Spanish, and Portuguese Dubloons and Double-Guineas, strange Oriental pieces, round and square, nearly every variety of money in the world, and for number, I'm sure, they were like autumn leaves.

When we got the treasure stowed, we weighed anchor, laying her head for the nearest port in Spanish America.

We needed fresh hands for the crew and Dr Livesey and the Sqire, taking me along with them, went ashore to look for them.

The sight of so many good-humored faces made such a charming contrast to our life on the island, that we failed to see a small boat leaving the Hispaniola.

When we came alongside, Long John Silver was gone.

Gone. Gone?

Yes, Sir. Gone.

He slipped over in a shoreboat while the watch was dozing. He didn't go empty-handed, either.

This letter's for me!

"A sack of gold coins, Jim. You won't begrudge that to an old sailor?"

"And few rings and trinkets to help him on his wanderings."

We made a good cruise home, all of us with ample share of the treasure.

Of Silver we have heard no more.

That formidable seafaring man with one leg has at last gone clean out of my life.

As for that accursed island, Oxen and wainropes will not bring me there again.

And the worst dreams that I ever have, and when I hear the surf booming about its coast or start up while in bed by the sharp voice of Captain Flint still ringing in my ears... Pieces of eight ... pieces of eight ...

Pieces of eight ... pieces of eight ...