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03x08 - The Rapture of Burning

Posted: 03/08/21 06:02
by bunniefuu
(gentle orchestral theme playing)

(wind blows quietly)

MAN (on radio): ...7-0, this is 5-4...

Positions 1-8-1-9, 2-0-2-1 and 2-2 and 2-3 are now complete.

The 2-4 is in the position...

is in the, uh, uh...

being complete in about five minutes.


(indistinct radio transmissions continue)

Excuse me, folks.

Good to see you.

How are you?

Excuse me.


MAN: Ladies and gentlemen, Major General Ford.


(camera shutters clicking)

IVAN: We are marching because ever since the partition of Ireland Catholics here in the North have suffered discrimination in a Protestant dominated land.

That's why we're marching.


-(shouts of agreement)

FORD: In view of the continuing adverse security situation in the Province, all parades, processions and marches will be banned until further notice.

IVAN: We're marching because the British government promised us reform and all we've had are excuses and curfews and the single issue that cuts to the very core of civil rights mass internment without trial.

That's why we're marching.


FORD: Anyone either taking part in or organizing such an event is liable to immediate arrest.

The law is the law and must be respected.

IVAN: So we say this to the British government.

We will march peacefully this Sunday and march, and march again until Unionist rule is ended in this Province and a new system, based on civil rights for all is put in its place.

Thank you.


FORD: And I would say to the leadership of the civil rights organization any responsibility for any v*olence which may take place must rest fairly and squarely on your shoulders.

Thank you.


(applause continuing)

CROWD: ♪ We shall overcome ♪ We shall overcome ♪ Someday...

Yeah, thank you.

Yeah, see you later.

♪ ...Deep in my heart...

-(bell chiming)

-(g*nshots firing in distance)

(chiming and g*nshots continuing)

MAN (on TV): You must have jets on your feet.

WOMAN (on TV): My launching pad is only three blocks away, remember?

MAN (on TV): Yeah.

Let's continue, to the Moon.

To the Moon.

(baby crying in other room)

Can't we spend a quiet evening, like, alone?

Well, we're expecting Professor Reaburn to notify us.

-(baby continues crying)

-The fellas ought to all be together in case he does.

He's grand.

What's wrong with him?

He's just tossing and turning.

(TV playing)

(baby crying)



I'll get him.


I'll get him.

I'll settle him down.



(door opening)

Anyway, Mum's home.


WOMAN: Oh, God.

What a night, huh?


How'd you enjoy baby-sitting?

-All right.

-You been feeding him?

Hello, wee man.


Was he good for you?

Aye, he was good as gold, so he was.

-(baby whining)

-Oh, see him playing up now for me.

That's always the way.

-Where'd youse go?

-Up the Stardust.

The usual, you know, just for a few drinks.

That's all I need on a Saturday night.


Look, I'm just taking Hester back down to town.

Right, okay.

You be careful.

Aye, I'll be grand.

No, I mean it.

I don't want you getting lifted again.

I'll be all right.



GERRY: See ya.

(door opening)

(Hester coughs softly)

Are you going next week?

Aye, may as well.

Be a good crack.

Aye, I'll be all right.

Hopefully they'll keep the boys out.



HESTER: I'll keep them away from you.

(pipe playing lilting tune)

-Come around Jackie's...

-(vehicle approaching)

No, he's not.

How're you doing?


Eddie wants you out?

Yeah, a right little turncoat.


-So he is.

What about the way he dogs me?

Keeps me young.

Oh, he's hardly gonna do that.

It's your sister's husband.

MAN: Come on!

Get a move on!

(indistinct radio transmission)

Looks like they might thr*aten us.


You better leave me here.

You'll be careful tomorrow?

I'll be fine.

It's only a march.

And what if trouble starts?

There'll be no trouble.

It's a peaceful march for civil rights.

All right.

Look, I'll meet you here tomorrow about 6:00, okay?


See you tomorrow.


(siren wailing)

(man on radio speaking indistinctly)

MAN (on radio): Come in, One-Seven.

This is One Alpha.

Uh, one of your roadblocks further out has reported movements.

Three people in the green Volkswagen Variant 1500.

Uh, the registered number is G...

(engines rumbling)

MAN 1: She was winking earlier at that guy.

MAN 2: She knows.

MAN (on radio): One Alpha.

Registration number Golf, Uniform, Lima, 2-1-5-5.



Get some team commanders on base soonest.

Come on, let's get moving.

Let's get some pace till where we're secure.

He's going to get a brief from Corporal.

Sigs on me.

Get HQ up on the net now.

Move the vehicles out of that line of sight.

Tell me where the sentries are fully posted.

Okay, if there is a sn*per threat today it's coming from over there.

Make sure you've got that covered.

Yes, Colonel, we're currently putting a covert O.P.

out on to the derelict site down William Street.

I'll let you know as soon as that's in place.

(conversing quietly)

We've got the whole, I've got the company in?

We're established.

Can you just confirm we're gonna brief up the troop commanders shortly?

Yeah, okay.


-(radio playing)

MAN: Is Gerry about, is he?

Ah, come on, Mary, we have to go to Mass here.

Come on now, Mary, open the door.

-MARY: Keep it down, okay?

-Ah, the wee man's asleep, is he?


(men talking all at once)

What's the crack with you?

Hey, the Brits are here.

(all talking at once)

The Pigs are everywhere here.

The Bogside's crawling with 'em.


Holy shit.

-Okay, I'm up, I'm up, I'm up.


-Lads, I count a dozen for APCs as well.


But there's more at the bottom of Rossville Street.

At the corner of the Craigavan Bridge as well.

(all talking at once)

...are everywhere, hey.

It was on the radio this morning!


-Come on!

Get a move on, man.

Oh, f*ck's sake, are your trousers too tight or your balls too big?

Ah, you're just jealous, man.

-(baby whining)

-(all talking at once)

Oh, sorry.

Wee man, you all right?

Aye, we'll be all right, Mary.

(all talking at once)

One day, Mary, he'll grow up to be a good stone thrower himself.

Go on, youse.


Where are you going now?

I'm going to Mass, Mary.

I'll be back later on.

(all talking at once)


Can you see any, aye?

Oh, yeah.


Look, look.

Look at this, hey.

(crowd yelling)

Go on, Brits, out!

Get out!

Go on back home!

(yelling continues)

Go on, you British scum!

Get out!

Hey, we'll see you later at the Guildhall!

Go back!

They better not try and stop us today.

It'll take more than rubber b*ll*ts and barbed wire.


Brits out!

-Come on!


MAN (on TV): ...troops, including members of the parachute regiment...

(phone ringing)

Oh, shit.

The army...

has warned that time and place to stop the march.

(ringing continues)

Which means that it could cover a considerable distance...

Ma, can you get that?

The Nationalist Bogside Brigadier is in the city...

-(ringing stops)

-WOMAN: This is... the no-go areas for six months the local residents barricaded the streets...

(phone ringing)

Organizers of the march...



How are you all?

-(all talking at once)

-(phone ringing)

Yes, yeah.

Yeah, I know, I know.

Ma, Ma, Ma.

I can't see them now.

(phone ringing)

No, I will.

I'll be there.

Can I get through here?

I just want to get to the phone there.

Yeah, okay.

We're all getting ready for the march here.


How many?

Any sign of the Paras?


What about the square?

Okay, I'll meet you at Aggro Corner.


I'll be with you.

I understand.

Just getting ready for the march here.

Yes, right, I know I'm going to sort it.

I'm going to sort it.

They've been waiting for over an hour, Ivan.

-Well, tell them I'm gonna see the Bishop.


-No, the Cardinal.

-Oh, aye, the Pope.


They mightn't believe you, but it's worth a try.


-All right, Dad?

-Take care of yourself.

I am.

I'm grand, I'm grand.


Now, it's just a Sunday afternoon stroll.

-Have you no...?

-Don't worry about it.

Have you no coat, darling?

No, no, I'll be fine.

I'll be fine.

I'll see youse later, okay?

Take care of yourself, son.

I will, I will.

It's fine.

Nothing to worry about.

Look after yourself, darling.

Sort them out, would you please?

-(phone ringing)

-I'm sorry.


Cooper, have you got a moment?

-Uh, surgery's canceled today.

-It's about my TV.

Well, it's civil rights we're marching for not TVs, Mr.


Well, Mrs. Doherty, sleep well last night?

Aye, I did that, Mr.


Are you coming to Mass?

Mrs. Doherty, a good Protestant like me?

March against internment.

Hello, folks.

See you later.

March again internment.

There you are, son.

See you later.

(indistinct radio transmission)

-There's the church, and we're in this yard here.


Proposed route of the march is along here and then along the street.

Runs that way.

Yes, I see.

Our job is to catch these hooligans and pinch them -between ourselves and C Company.


Okay, so it's gonna be through the wall then down the street and hopefully we'll catch them coming straight into us.

William Street runs parallel behind you guys behind this wall.

Plan is machine-g*n platoon will make the breach with their Pigs.

We'll follow through on foot.

It's about 150 yards of waste ground through the derelict buildings and we'll be on William Street and behind the marchers.

So, what about the, uh, stickies and pyra presence over in the Bogside?

Are we gonna...?

Well, they're there, and-and...

Do we reckon the players are gonna be out today?

-They're bound to be.


They're absolutely bound to be and we've got to be ready for 'em.

Okay, well, we got the guys from...

The primary...

the primary job is picking up 200 or 300 of the Derry young hooligans, all right?

Okay, and tell the lads we want maximum aggression.

We want a lot of arrests today and if the sh**ting starts we're gonna sh**t back plenty of rounds.


How do?

Morning, ladies.

There you are.

All right, ladies?

Okay, see you later.

All right, boys.

Here, hand some of these out at Mass.

Walk away, lads.

Walk away.

Don't worry.

Don't be intimidated.

It's all right.

(engine rumbling)



Excuse us, it's all right.

It's okay, I know him.

Go on, this is a peaceful march.

Peaceful march we're having today.

I hope you boys are the same.

Hey, lads, lads, lads.

I know him, I know him, I know him, I know him.

It's all right.

He's full drunk.

I'll take him away.

Walk away, walk away.

Come on, walk away.

Thank you, thank you.

It's a peaceful march we're having.

Hey, get ye away.

Go and get to bed, go home.

Sleep it off.

I'll see you later.

How are you, folks?

Don't worry.

You're grand.

-It's a peaceful march.

-See you later.

No riots today.

Don't be intimidated.

Good to see youse.

I'll see youse later.

Thank you.

There you are.

COMMANDER: The Bogside is a f*cking mess.

We've got to go in there get a grip of it.

We've got to teach these people a lesson.

So make sure the guys know who the leaders of these f*ckers are.

-Yes, sir.


And let's go and get 'em.

Everyone's got to have a handle on these key players.

I want them lifted off the street today.

We're gonna have these guys.

That's why we're out there.

Make sure the guys know.

I wanna see all of them in the bag.

Quite clear?

It's the end of our tour.

Let's teach 'em a f*cking lesson.

Let's do the business.

Let's make the CO proud of us.

I wanna show the Brigade what One Para are made of.

-Is that all clear?

-Yeah, no problem.

Any questions?

Do we just go in on our own?

We're not taking anybody else with us?

Support Company, Charlie Company, that's it.

(raucous shouting)

KEVIN: All right, boys?



What we've got here is a pressure cooker situation.


-Just a minute.

Just bear with me one minute.


So, uh, whole city's shut down.

No one's getting in or out.

You've got Normandy landings down there.

That's gonna be the flash point so I'm bringing everybody down here.

The march is coming down here.

These guys are gonna be right here.

So, nobody's getting through here.

William Street is the key thing.

-Do we have enough stewards?

-We have enough.

Michael, will you go and ask the other fellas to come down as quickly as possible, please?

-Is that the Provos?

-The Provos are down there.

They're just...

What the hell are they doing here?

Well, they're just sniffing about.

Basically, I think they must think that the Brits have invaded the place.

-Oh, Jesus, I've been down William Street.


Have you spoken to them yet?

I'm-I'm gonna have a quick word -with the Commanding Officer in just a moment.

-I will, I will.

-Well, I'll see you down there.


Stress to those boys that we're in control up here, will ya?



How do?

My name is Ivan Cooper.

I'm a Member of Parliament for this area.

-Come on, sir, back off.

-Uh, sorry.

You couldn't do us a favor and move this back a bit?

-It's just the march is coming...

-No, you're not, mate.

You're participating in an illegal march, sir.

Now back off from the barricade.

-But it's very...

-Back off from barricade, sir.

What gives you the right to stop us marching in our city?

-You're participating in an illegal march.

-Who says that?

The sooner we can march in our own city...

We're just doing our job.

Back off. the Guildhall, the sooner we'll have civil rights.

We're just doing our job.

Back off.

Well, it's a basic principle of democracy.

Northern Ireland Government has barred this march.

Right, thank you.


-No, I can't get through to them.

Oh, hold on.


Hegarty, I hope you're joining us today.

Now, no excuses.

I can't.

It's me Uncle John.

-He's been on bucket all night.

-Uh-huh, that's right.

Was it the beer, aye?

No, it wasn't.

He's sick, Mr. Cooper.

-All right, Mrs. Hegarty.

-KEVIN: Listen up.

What are we gonna do?

-We're gonna march.

-Are you sure about this?

We've gotta march, we've gotta march, Kevin.

I'll tell you, listen, if we don't march civil rights is dead in this city.

The movement's dead.

We have got to march.

Sort the stewards out.

I'm gonna talk to the Provos.


All right.

-Keep it up.

STEWARD: Right, gentlemen.

MAN: Be very careful.

Just go straight home.

PRIEST: There's a huge military buildup, and they've got us surrounded.

Father, I'm going to miss you.


Keep your eye on the...

on the young people, okay?

Mind yourself.

Hiya, lads.

-Listen, there's a lot of Army around, okay?

-Ah, don't worry, Father.

So be very careful, lads, okay.

Listen, thanks very much.


Hiya, Gerry, I wanna have a chat with you.

Listen, lads, I'll see youse, yeah, okay?

Ah, youse boys wait for me, right.

I'll be up nigh.

How long have you been out now?

I'm out three weeks now, Father, so I am.

So, what's the plans?

Well, I'm trying to get a job but, uh, it's hard work trying to get one with a record.

Things will pick up, you know but the one thing, Gerry, you gotta be careful you don't get nabbed rioting again.

I am, I'll be rioting again, aye.

But, uh, there's an awful lot of young lads down there rioting on Saturdays and so on, so...

Aye, but it's just stones, Father.

You know, it's not that bad.

Yeah, but Gerry, you can't afford to be caught.

Okay, take care, Martin.

Aye, I know what you're saying.

Yeah, so how do you feel having given yourself up?

-I feel it's better for the long run.

-Sorry, Father.

Pray for us, Father, because it's gonna be a terrible day.

We will indeed.

Yeah, yeah.

Now, keep an eye on the young people going home, okay?

-I will.

-Get them to go home.

You know, it's better for the long run.

At least I've no...

not worrying about getting caught.

I don't know how I can go on with me life.

I think you've done the right thing and you just can't afford to be back down there again.

Aye, I don't want to go back, Father, so I don't.

No, I'll not be rioting.

So, are you going to the big march today?

Aye, I'm going on the march, so I am.

Me and all the boys are going, you know.

-Yeah, well, you'd better be very careful, all right?

-Right, Father.

So, listen, I'll probably see you down there.

All right, Father.

Watch yourself.

I'll see you later on, all right, Father?


Yeah, you mind yourself, and God bless.

Take care.

-What did he say, Gerry?

-He just asked me how I was getting on.

Up the Rah!

Here, boys, here, boys, here, listen, here.

Don't want no trouble today, now, I mean it.

There's women and children gonna be in this march, all right?

MAN (shouting): Get out of the...


No, listen, come on.

You're gonna make it worse if you start antagonizing these boys.

Just leave them alone; join us.

It's a big day for us.

Women and children are gonna be safe now, I mean it.

No acting the idiot.

Keep it calmed down.

(men shouting)

You bastards!

Go home, you scum!

You bastard.

Get the f*ck out, trash!

Just checking you're keeping the g*ns away.

That's no concern of yours, Ivan.

You gave me your word.

Then take it.

We just want a peaceful march.

This is our day.

People are fed up with the sh**t and the...

Convoy has just come over Craigavan Bridge and they've set up barricades on William Street.


Any sign of the Paras?

-No, not yet.

Right, okay.

Any sign of anything, let me know, all right?


Go on.


Ivan, it's all very well for you sitting pretty with your wee Westminster paycheck every week.

Marching's not gonna solve this thing.

Watch us.

(men continue shouting in the distance)

(car engine revving)

(indistinct radio transmission)

Welcome to the Eighth Brigade, sir.

Thank you very much.

Good trip.

Where's Maurice?

Lieutenant Colonel Steele, sir.


-How are you, Pat?

-I'm very well.

Thank you, sir.

-It's good to see you.

-And you, sir.

I've had a briefing come through from Downing Street and the Prime Minister really has had enough of this Londonderry rebellion.

-All right?

Shall we go through?


Stand up.

Good man.

-Sergeant Major!

-Hello, sir.

-How are you?

-I'm fine, sir.

-Good to see you again.

-And you, sir.

Okay, carry on.

(indistinct background radio communication)

-Cup of tea, cup of coffee, sir?

-Yes, please.

-Yes, thank you, Michael.

-The briefing's ready when you are.



Well, I just, uh, wanted to say, sir that the men were rather bucked when they heard that we were going to be coming across.

Oh, good.

I'm very pleased to hear it.

Yes, sir.

Everything's set for today?

-I think so, sir, yes.


Their intention, at present is to move along William Street all the way along...

-Past Aggro Corner?

-Well, that's right, sir.

...into the city center and on to the Guildhall where they'll be having their rally.

As it is, we're gonna stop them here at barrier 14 with the Raw Green Jackets.

-Very good.

-Uh, Coldstreams?

Coldstreams are up on the city walls and King's Own are the north side of William Street.

One Para are in the Presbyterian churchyard just here.

Very good.

And Three Company are behind barrier 14.

If there's any trouble Support Company will break through...

I don't think there's any doubt about that.

There will be.

Okay, Support Company then will break through the wall for the Presbyterian churchyard through this dead ground, break through this wall and they, in turn...

they're gonna come round and sweep round behind all the hooligans round about Aggro Corner sweeping them towards barrier 14.

At the same time Three Company will be breaking through barrier 14 and the hooligans will be caught in a pincer movement.

Thank you, Charles.

I should just say, sir, of course One Para only go in if there is v*olence and then only if there is a clear separation between the march proper and the hooligan element.

Uh, do we know who we're looking for?

Yeah, we've got OPs at strategic points all along the route.

Um, and they all...

They've all been briefed on all the local known players.

They've seen pictures, have they?


Yes, sir.

-Yes, sir.

Good, very good.

We-We have a cordon of sn*pers here, sir, should the IRA wish to make a contribution this afternoon.

Yes, I'm sure they will.

-Do you know where they're going to be?


Yes, sir.

We are concentrating on the top of these block of flats which is where we imagine they'll be.

And possibly Glenfada Park across the road, sir.

Very good.

Rubber b*ll*ts-- have the men all been issued?

-Uh, yes, sir.




Anything I haven't thought of?

Uh, I suspect press placement would be quite important today, sir.

Yes, winning the propaganda w*r.

Absolutely vital.

Who's in charge of that?

Lieutenant Hector, sir, is our Press Liaison Officer, sir.

There are a few points which will, um, please you.

As per your request, both local and national coverage will be occurring on the day and this will be in the main three formats of press from the leading tabloids additionally from the major television companies and radio stations.

Talk to Colonel Tugwell about where that's going to be and knock that out for me, please, Maurice.


Thank you.

Well done.

-Thank you, Michael.

-Right, you can just carry on.

So, maybe, um...

the press will congregate around barrier 12 itself.

Then once there...

Yes, I suspect that's probably the best location for them.

Um, they've got a clear view down Rossville Street.

Especially Generals.

That should give us quite a bit of press coverage as well as showing, uh...

We're gonna have to be tough today, Pat.

Really tough.

If there's any trouble at all the Paras are to counterattack.

Is that clearly understood?

-Of course, Robert.


And, um...

you have my full support, of course.

-Thank you, sir.


Hello, John, Jimmy.

MAN: Should be coming round for tea.



(siren blaring)

-Ivan, how's it going?

-How do, folks.

Good to see you.

So, they have blocked the Belfast Road which means we've got about ten coaches stock.

All right there, boys, all set?

Right, get those pencils sharpened.

So, it means we've got about ten coaches stockpiled at the border.

Just give me just a wee minute, Declan.

How are you going to get them in?

I've sent Jimmy up there.

He's sorting it out.

Yeah, that's fine.

It's no bother.

We can't have ten coach loads sitting there -with marchers on them, doing nothing.

-Relax, relax, it's fine.

We've got them coming down for about 1:00.

And what about the stewards?

Stewards are fine; that's sorted.

And we got Fenner Brockway, which is great news but, obviously, he's not going to march, for the legal reasons.

You'll have to give me a couple of minutes here.

I need to see Frances.

-I'll be in in two ticks, all right?

-Okay, I'm all for you, man but we need to kick this thing along, okay?

Listen, I was supposed to see her last night.

-Please, help me.

-Right, just a minute.

Right, okay.

Very quickly, please.

MAN: Mr. Cooper, have you got a moment?

One second.

FRANCES: ...or voting for Simon as well.

Right, well, you go...

I'll follow you up.

Go on you on up and sort out through six.

-Through six?


Right, right.

Where-Where were you?

What happened to you?

I had meetings.

I'm sorry.

We're having a nightmare with this charge.

-Of course you do.

-Kevin's not entirely sure what's going on.

I have to sort it out; I'm sorry.

Change the record, Ivan.

I'm sick of it.

Hey, wait, hey, wait, Frances.

Listen, give me a couple of minutes now.

I'm up to me eyes, Ivan.

I have no time for this.

I know that, I know that, but...

I have no time for it, Ivan.

Look, I'll be finished tonight about 8:00.

-We'll do something then, okay?

-That's just balls, Ivan 'cause you'll still be sitting in the bar at 12:00 tonight listening to the sound of your own voice.

You know it and I know it.


Hold on, hold on.

Have you any expectation anybody's going to turn out for you this afternoon?

I would have thought so.

I think they've always turned out for us in the past and this is our big push today.

This is a march about peace and a march about civil rights.

What sort of numbers were you expecting?

-Sorry, will you excuse me?

-An hour to be safe.

-Come on, that is not fair.

-Just one second, please.

-That is not fair to say that.

-Don't you talk to me about fair.

Please, Cecilia would you take that for me, love?

Don't you talk to me about fair.

I'm a Catholic girl, Ivan.

You look me straight in the face and say that again.

I know you're a Catholic girl.

That's the whole point about this, for heaven's sake.

-Come on, darling.

-Let me tell you something.

I am up to my eyes, Ivan.

You're not the only one.

I have the world's press in here wanting things done not now but yesterday.

It's about the two of us.

Cecilia, for me, love, please.

Come on, Frances, darling I know it's hard, but please-- one last big push, eh?

Come on.

Yes, just one wee second, please.

Will you just take care of that for me, please?

You're getting very late.

One second.

The British Army's surrounded the entire city.

Well, I think that shows you that they are very threatened by the voice that we are trying to get across here.

-But is this not...?

-That's about them; that's not about us.

We're trying to have a peaceful march against internment and a peaceful march for civil rights.

They're alleging that you're creating a confrontation.

Well, what do you think they would say?

What we need to do is split each...

All right, sorry, folks.

-This is Fort George.


This is...

RUC station.

That's in Rosemont.

So, what we do is we come in from different routes in turn.

They come in from the south, and come in near Rosemont.

-Excellent idea, Eamonn.

-No, that won't work.

It will work, Ivan.

We confuse them, -we get them to spread their troops.

-No, I'm saying it won't work.

Have you something to say here?

I'm saying, "Forget about the Guildhall." I've just come from there this morning.

I've walked through there.

They're building up a massive military presence.

If we take the lorry down there with thousands behind it we're not going to get through, we're...

-This is completely wrong.

-I don't think, I don't think it's actually...

I don't think it's responsible for us to say it's going to be fine just because we want it to be fine.

We do have to look at the realities that there is a very severe dispersal problem there.

I am not taking a reroute.

I am not taking a reroute, and I'm not selling out.

-You're not what?

-It's not a sellout.

Oh, no, here, wait, Kevin.

Wait, excuse me, say that again, please.

You're not, what, you're not selling out?

Bernadette, I have been marching in this city just as long as you and your college friends and I have never sold anyone out, not ever.

But there are 3,000 British soldiers out there and I am not going to use our people like cannon fodder.

Now, either we reroute-- turn right up Rossville Street hold the meeting at Free Derry Corner-- or I walk away, and I will tell my constituents -to walk away as well.

-You'll do what?

All the work these people have done-- that's it, up in smoke?

Listen, we delegate two people-- Bridget, you can be one John, Eamonn can be another-- to walk down to the Guildhall symbolically.

That's a good solution.

I just hope everybody knows in time.

-They will, they will.

-All right.

Get that sorted out.

Right, um...

(speaks indistinctly)

Is Lagan there?

It's Cooper.

On the one hand, you've got the Catholics pushing for all sorts of reforms with the IRA behind most of it and on the other the Protestants, who, of course don't want to give an inch.

Morning, sir.

We can't afford to offend the Protestant majority, of course 'cause, uh, they've got all the g*ns, for one thing.

-(polite chuckling)

-Excuse me, sir.

Tea's here.

Hello, sir.

I'll take you in to see the Brigadier now.


-Chief Superintendent Lagan, Sir.

-Hello, Frank.

-Morning, Patrick.

I don't think you've met Major General Ford Commander of Land Forces.

Sir, this is Chief Superintendent Lagan Londonderry Division.


-Superintendent, I've heard a great deal about you from your Chief Constable.

It's time for us to go.

We're going to shake some hands.

I, um, heard from the march organizers earlier today.

Sir, um, I heard from the civil rights leaders earlier today -and spoke to them early this morning.

-Oh, really?

Yes, they're anxious to avoid a confrontation.

They're not going to march to the Guildhall.

They're going to stay within the Bogside, they say.


So useful to have contacts in the community.


Unless he's a Roman Catholic, of course.

What's that all about, Patrick?


What's that all about?

It'll be low-key.


-The Paras low-key?

-Yes, I know, I know.

Excuse me, sir.

All call signs are now in place -and the Paras have confirmed the cha cha.

-Thank you, Charles.

The Paras aren't a low-key regiment.

Listen, they're the best for the kind of mass arrest operation that we've got to carry out today.

You listen to me.

I know the people of Derry.

And you know that I've spent the last three years of my life trying to keep a lid on the trouble in this city.

Frank, you don't need to tell me this.

Look, why do we need to ban this march in the first place?


To keep a crowd of Protestant politicians in Stormont hanging onto power by their fingertips, that's why.

I mean, they're the reason why we're in this mess in the first place.

Look, why not just let the march go ahead?

Look, if you want prosecutions why not take photographs of the ringleaders?

Sir, the General's leaving and would like a word before you go.

Thank you, Sergeant Major.

Frank, I'm sorry.

It's out of my hands.

It's a w*r, Frank.

We're taking casualties every week.

-We've lost 43 British soldiers.

-I know.

I know.

I'm having to write too many letters, Frank.

I'm sorry, we have to draw the line.

-Sir, the General is getting quite excited.


Thank you, Sergeant Major.

SOLDIER: I'm sick of being shot at, spat on and all the other shit that goes with this place.

It's about time we go out there and show these f*ckers what it's all about.

The reason is 'cause they get away with it and this time they ain't going to get away with it.

You got to get in, you got to hit them hard and get in there first.

Get the first one straight in.

Same as we did in Belfast.

Take no shit.

This one's just a civil rights, though, ain't it?

They're all troublemakers anyway, mate.

-The lot of 'em.

-They're all mixed in together.

Well, that's just like kids, and that, ain't it?

Yeah, well, they're mixed in with the kids.

What about that major that died today?

Where was his civil rights?

And the two lads last week-- where's their civil rights?

I'm just saying, they're just kids throwing stones, that's all.

-You're-You're either with us on this or you're not.

-I'm with you, man.

Yeah, you better be.

I'm all right, man.

I'm-I'm up for it.

Everyone on the other side of this wall is enemy, as far as I'm concerned.

Can't see a kid being an enemy, though.

If they're in the way, they're in the way.

-You got to stick with us on this.

-I am.

Whatever happens we'll sort it all out between us, right?

When we bang through that wall they see that wall come down they'll shit themselves, they really will.

We'll just get out there -and just kick some arse out there.

-Show the hats how to do it.

(shouting indistinctly)

So, did you go to Mass today?

Aye, love.

Aye, whose is it?

Father Bally.

Ach, he's a nice man.

Aye, he is.

He was talking to me after it seeing how I was getting on after getting out of jail.

MAN: Wondering if you'd got a job yet, I suppose?

No, I wasn't.

You're going to get that wee girl into trouble, you know.

What are you on about?

You know what I mean.

Look, you're not me ma.

Aye, but I'm all you've got.

Sounds like she has horns on her head.

But she's from Irish Street and you're from the Bogside.

You know, at the end of the day she's like, you know, a Protestant.

I'm not saying I've got anything against her, like 'cause she's a nice girl but I just don't want you and her to get into trouble.

Are you thinking about getting married here?

Aye, I will be.

Well, what do you think your mam and daddy would say?

Look, leave my mam and daddy out of it.

MAN: Your sister's just looking out for you.

Look, you stay out of it.

Look, I'm just worried, that's all.

You know, I worry about you every time you go outside the door.

I don't want anything to happen to you.

Everybody in these flats here-- they worry about their children whenever they go out at night.

Look, I'll be all right.

All I want to do is to look after you and look after Dennis and defend this area from the likes of them boys there.

What do you mean, the likes of me?

You know, with working for the Brits.

You'd think you would have got a decent job.

It's working for the Brits putting that food on the table so don't be complaining.

Can we not have this conversation at the table, please?

I suppose you think throwing a couple of stones is going to solve it, son, do you?

Aye, well, it's kept them out of here for a while now, hasn't it?

If it wasn't for us you still wouldn't be living here.

Just remember that.

Aye, you really believe that, do you, eh?

Aye, I do, actually.

Right, okay.

Look, Mary, I'm going to go out.

-I'll see you later on.


I'll be all right.

Don't worry.

Look after yourself, okay?

Are you listening to me?

I don't want you to end up back in prison 'cause you can't marry her from in there.

I'll be all right.

Don't worry.

I'll chat to you after.

(phone rings)


Oh, yes.


Oh, now, Meg, I dunno.

Somewhere between ten and a million.

How's that?

Okay, talk to you later.


BOTH: All right?

-Here's your tea.




What time are you going?

I don't know, an hour.


How about you?

I'm on duty till half two.

Derry Journal and Irish News want to talk to you.

-What, now?

-No, they'll...

they can wait.

They're all right for a bit, so they are.

Listen, I know...

I know it's hard.

That's just why I pissed off at you last night.

-I know, I'm sorry.

-That's all right.

That's okay.

It's all right.


(telephone ringing)


Frank, yes.

Is it the Paras?

Well, Jesus, Frank who the hell's running this thing?

It was Lagan.

He says the army are very hard-line and we should think about canceling.

No way, Ivan.

You can't.

You can't cancel.


Geez, do you know how many times I think we should just give this up?

There isn't a day goes by I don't think "Oh, wish I could take her to the pictures "or take her to see Charlie Magee at the Stardust," you know and then I think, "What if someone sees us?" you know.

What if someone decides to have a go at you...

-(knock at door)

-...because you're this Catholic girl...


-Ivan, when are the stewards coming in?

Uh, we need to talk about that.

I need to talk to Kevin about that.

I need to make sure they are more disciplined and know exactly what's happening.

Who's going in front of the lorry who's going behind, okay?

-All right.

-If you talk to Kevin now...

I'll give him a ring and then you can have a word with him.


I'm just gonna talk to Kevin, all right?

It's all right.

Kevin, yeah...

yeah, I've spoken to Lagan.

He says the Paras are in town.

Listen, the stewards must know what they're doing when they form the line.


No, seriously, Kevin, get on that now.

Okay, bye.


I mean, I don't know what I would do, you know?

Catholic girl, Protestant civil rights, Fenian lover?

So that's why I'm doing it, you know?

That's why I go to the meetings that's why I go to the marches -because, you know...

-(phone ringing)

I think we're worth marching for.



Yeah, I'll be down in about an hour something like that.

Get Bridget on to them.

All right, yeah, give them a cup of tea or something, Jesus.

No, give them a drink, even better.

My father was in the EVA for Christ's sake, you know that.

I know, Ivan.

I marched in flute bands.

Your brother was shot by the RUC.


So, I don't take you out.

We don't go to the pictures.

I go to the meetings, I go to the marches and all the time I'm thinking, if I could just sort this you know, if just one day, maybe soon...

we can be normal...

and we won't have to worry.


I know.

(telephone ringing)

(ringing continues)

(bells tolling)

(indistinct radio transmission)

(indistinct radio transmission)

MAN (over megaphone): Stewards, please ensure that all people joining the demonstration from the rear are channeled in safely keeping clear of that fenced area, please.

Thank you.

We want everybody safe here today.

Thank you.

Come on, folks, sort that area out, please.

Folks, there is a start to a demonstration and there is an end to a demonstration.

If you think this is the start to a demonstration catch yourselves on.

Stewards, I need you down the back there, please.

All right, folks?

God, eh, what about this, eh?

(applause and cheering)

-Willie, make sure you've got that, okay?

-I will, surely.

All right, folks, how goes it?

Ivan, will you sign this for me?

Oh, certainly, missus.

With love and kisses, eh?

How are you feeling, Ivan?

Oh, right at this moment...

like Martin Luther King.

Is he a Catholic boy then, eh?

All civil rights people are Catholic, missus, except me.

And I've got special dispensation from the Pope.

Eh, boys?

Barney, glad you could make it.

-Aye, I wouldn't miss it for the world.

-Sure, I know that.

-Jim, ready for another march, eh?

-Oh, aye, of course.

Oh, Ivan, it's great, great!

-All set?

-Well, absolutely.

Would you have pulled out, Ivan?

What, and disappointed all these people?

You're a bastard, you.

Oh, no, no, Eamonn, just a politician.

Jesus Christ, look at that.

What an atmosphere, boys.

Look at the amount of people.

I think I see...

Youse marching down with us and that?

No, we're gonna hang about here in case the Brits try anything.

We'll be down later.

-We'll have sent them home by then.

-Aye, right.

Boys, they should be doing a bit more -do you not think?


We do all the work, Jimmy.

Frigging sure, after what happened to McGilligan.

Are you up for it, Jimmy?

Up for it?

I'll be up on the front line.

I'll be up on the front line.

That's a promise.

Brits out, Brits out.

-What do you think, Gerry?

Brits out?


-We'll all get the Brits out together.


Are you up for it?

(whistling and cheering)

KEVIN: We're gonna move forward to give you a wee bit of leeway, right.

-Make sure you get all that there.


Sweep all the way right down...

look at that.

♪ We shall overcome ♪ We shall overcome ♪ We shall overcome ♪ Someday...

IVAN: My God, they'll never stop us now, boys.

♪ ...Deep in our hearts...

The whole of Bogside is here.

♪ ...I do believe ♪ That we shall overcome someday ♪ (over radio)

...moving now.


Six-One Yankee, the crowd are on the move.

We have a go.

All right, gentlemen.

Sergeant Major, pass it on, the crowd's on the move.

Pass it out to the O.P., the crowd's on the move.

...that they are ready.

Here we go.

Sigs, Sigs, make sure all call signs know the march is on the move now.

-What do we want?

-ALL: Rights!

-When do we want them?

-ALL: Now!

-What do we want?

-ALL: Rights!

-When do we want them?

-ALL: Now!

Who'd have thought it, eh?

Okay, stewards keep the front of the lorry clear, please.

Willie, Willie, come here, please.

Yeah, get the whole stream, the whole way up.

Oh, I can see 'em.

I can't see the end of it.

MAN: Bear in mind we are going down a hill here...

(speaking indistinctly)

Come on, boys.




This is a great day for Ireland.


KEVIN (over megaphone): ...vital that we retain our dignity.

We must keep this safe, dignified...

(over radio): ...Zero, this is Six-One Yankee.

No information...

The crowd is now halfway down William Street.


Sir they're just about here now, sir.


Crowd is waving, chanting but, uh, causing no particular aggro.


See what I mean?

Tell the people of Derry they can't march and they'll come out in droves.

Right, folks, keep that corner area clear.

We're approaching some of the British.

Hold your positions.

Keep your calm.

(over radio)

Hello, Six-Five, this is Six-One Yankee.

-Crowd approaching...

-Yeah, Five-Six Bravo this is, uh, Five-Niner Sunray.

So, in your opinion we will not get a Pig through the wall?



-Oh, shit.


It's from the O.P.

They've just checked the front of the wall.

The wall directly in front of here there is a three-foot drop.


-In their opinion, when we try and get the Pig through we just ain't gonna get through.

We're gonna...

it's gonna go tits up.

We still need to cut them off from either side.

I think we're gonna have to go over the top.

We'll have to.

Okay, let's get ready and be ready to cut through this wire and go over this wall.

-Let's get ready now.

-Okay, I'm on it.

Sergeant Major!

-What do we want?

-ALL: Rights!

-When do we want them?

-ALL: Now!

(all shouting and cheering)

(applause and cheering)


Hey, do you think we'll have much bother today, Jim?


-So, you think we'll have much bother today?

Oh, no.

Hey, we'll get a riot going, that's for sure, like.

There's plenty of troops about and stuff, so.

You're not worried about getting caught, are you?

Aye, I don't wanna go back inside again, you know.

Hey, you shouldn't have given yourself up over Hester, man.

Oh, leave it out, okay?

-You've to watch yourself, mate.

-Just enjoy the day.

We're here for our civil rights today, right, boys?

Aye, that's right, mate.

Somebody help with these ladders!

Jesus, there's a lot of them, isn't there?

Come on, move it!

Move it!

We're just going right at the corner here.

-Give me that thing now.

I need it.

-Right, right.

-Stewards, stewards.

-Here, keep them steady.

Stewards, stewards.

Keep them there, Barney.

Keep 'em going.

See that there, up there, how provocative is that?


Brits go home!

Stewards, keep this...

Don't touch it.

What the hell is that, lads?



Brits out!

Brits out!

We don't want youse here!

MAN (on radio): Zero-Six-Five.

Recon is passing my forward locations and there's a small amount of stoning going on there.



-That's the Paras getting stoned from up here, sir.

So, the head of...

the head of...

Why are One Para showing themselves?

It's the chaps on the wall, sir.

OPs and wire cutters for when they have to go through.

If the crowd sees the Paras that'll inflame the situation, Patrick.

-Thank you, Frank.


-You have to go through.

- (over radio)

Head of the column approaching Aggro Corner.


Sir, this is where we hope they're going to turn.

Well, that's what they said.

KEVIN (into megaphone): People, we're just going right at the corner here!

Follow me!

Let's go.

-Keep back there, folks.

-Keep moving here.


KEVIN: People, we're turning right here.

Turning right.

Thank you.

The march is proceeding to the right.

If you go that way, you'll have no part in this demonstration.

They're turning the wrong way, lads.

They're going right.

We going to get to the Guildhall.

We're going to the Guildhall.

JIM: Come on.

Push through them.

Come on, Gerry.

(shouting indistinctly)

JIM: Gerry, good man, good man.


Let's give them hell!

OFFICER (over radio): A small number from the middle of the crowd are breaking away, I repeat, breaking away.

Running down towards serial One-Four.


(shouting indistinctly)

This demonstration is proceeding to the right.

BERNADETTE: Ivan, I told you this would happen.

Keep them coming this way!

Follow peacefully to the right, thank you.

Keep coming this way!

Just relax, man.

Listen, we have got to keep the crowd going.

If the truck keeps going to Free Derry Corner that will be the beacon.

They will follow it.

Right, you stay here.

I'm going down to the barrier.

Okay, everyone, come on.

Everyone behind the lorry.

Follow the lorry.


We must stick together.

Stick together, folks.

We're not splitting up.

No trouble today.

We're not going to the Guildhall.

Stay behind the lorry.

We are sticking together.

Come on.

Sorry, no, folks, wrong way.

We're supposed to go back to Free Derry Corner.

Let me through there, folks.

They're past barrier 12 and are actually, in fact, heading directly for us.

Yeah, that's just what we predicted.

Yes, indeed.

Well, you'd better stand the men by.

SERGEANT: Just coming down there now, sir.

This isn't the march, this is...

This is the breakaway group.

They're coming down to barrier 14.

They're trying to get to the Guildhall.

Yobbos, obviously trying to cause some trouble.

JIM: Get out!

Get out to f*ck, you British bastards.

-Boys, get back, get back!

-Get out to f*ck.

That's Cooper, boys.



Brits out!

Have you got your stones?

-I've got stones.


For God's sake, get all of these boys back.

Excuse me.

I'm Ivan Cooper.

I'm a member of Parliament.

Will you give me some time...

SOLDIER: This is an illegal gathering.

You must disperse!

IVAN: Hey!


Cut that out.

You must disperse!

-Cut that out.

-JIM: Take a shot.

Take a shot, you said?

I'll take a shot.

(phone ringing)

This is Nine-Zero Alpha.

I have reports of the crowd becoming hostile at Zero-14, um, throwing bricks at center.


I want to know how many yobbos are that...

are that way up towards the barrier from us.

Sigs, I want to find out from the O.P.

how many we're going to scoop up, if we go now.

Contact the barriers at 12 and 14 and tell them to be ready to move those barriers fast if we need them.

Boys, round me, please.

It's kicked off at barrier 14, right?

This is it, we're going to start going in pretty soon.

(shouting indistinctly)

We've got to stop with the stones there...

OFFICER (over megaphone): Under Section Six of the Civil Authorities Special Powers Act Northern Ireland processions and parades are banned until further notice.

We will enforce this ban vigorously and anyone organizing or taking part in any such event is liable to immediate arrest.

MacLELLAN: Do we still have stoning at 14?

We do, sir.

RUC man's addressing the crowd and he's...

Send in Neptune, please, Michael.

(shouting indistinctly)

JIM: Ah, shit, boys, stay back.

Stay back, boys!

Get back.

Forget the Guildhall.

The water's coming.

-Come on, Jim!

Jim, watch!

-Run, boys!

No, Gerry.

Gerry, come on, aye?

We need stones.

You're making matters worse.

Will you get back?

MAN: f*ck off!

Go on, go on, go on.

Go on, we're all going.

-♪ Deep in my heart...

-KEVIN: Nice and slow.

♪ ...I still believe...


That's much better.

♪ ...That we shall overcome ♪ Someday.

Give yourselves a hand there.

(cheering and whistling)

That's it, folks.

Free Derry Corner, that's where the meeting is.

Going to Free Derry Corner.

Get away from there, come on.

(glass breaking)

Come on, this way.

Neptune seems to have cleared William Street.

The main body have disappeared down towards Rossville Street leaving behind a hard-core element of hooligans who have now gone up to 12, up to 13 and again, a large element at 14.

This is getting bigger.

It's escalating.


Rubber b*ll*ts at discretion.

JIM: Come on, Gerry.

I can't get caught.

I can't get caught.

You're not going to get caught.


JIM: Jesus!

Holy f*ck.

Keep going.

They're firing at us, boys.

GERRY: You want to run for it?

Yes, roger that.

I'll give you a sitrep when we get there.


It seems like the, uh, riots are developing back towards barrier 12 and back up William Street towards Rossville Street.

Let's go round there, see how it's going.

We are under heavy bombardment.

And it's now kicking off at 13.

CS gas at discretion.

I repeat: Hostiles within our location...

LAGAN: What are you doing?

I'm trying to use minimum force.

I need to know as soon as you got separation.

(canisters popping, glass shattering)

(screaming and clamoring)

This is no good.

They're not moving.

Back up...

-No, we'll go round this way.



JIM: We'll go round the other way to the Guildhall.

We're near the Guildhall.

Come this way.

How many yobbos?

300 to 400 yobbos.

300 to 400 yobbos.

-Okay, perfect.

-We're getting close.


Right, Sigs, can you give me the radio?

OFFICER: Sergeant Major.

Get the Sergeants in, get the Troop Commanders in.

Hello, Zero, this is Six-Five Sunray speaking.

We're ready.

We want a "go" on the scoop up.

We want to go now on the scoop up.


(shouting and g*nf*re)


GERRY: You all right, man?

You all right?

BOY: I'm choking, man.

GERRY: You all right, man?


Stay here, all right?

I'm dying here.

GERRY: Hey, they're taking photographs.

They're taking photos.

Why are they taking photographs?

Hey, Dennis...

-We have about 400 to 500 guys rioting.

-Hello, Zero.

-So, they're in there.

-This is Six-Five Sunray speaking.

-We're getting close to our scoop-up time, okay?

-We are ready to move now -with three call signs.

-The yobbos are in there.

-I want to see these bastards lifted, okay?

-Can we go?


Six-Five are to go nowhere.

Six-Five, stay where they are.

(over radio): ...split across to Zero-One-Five and they are being stoned by around the 15 left area.

OFFICER: If we don't go in hard, we're going to have tears.

Do you understand?

You get the guys psyched up.

Rebrief them on the update.

They're not letting us go yet.

Oh, for Christ's sake!

CROWD (chanting): Out!




Frances, Frances...


Oh, good Lord...

Oh... a shambles.

They broke through the steward's line and kids everywhere.

The Brits then start up...

I mean, why do they..

why do they have to overreact?

You know, it's a peaceful march, for God's sake.

'Cause they're scared.

They're scared.

Can you imagine if people started to march in Manchester or London?

It's just so provoking.

Anyway, I think we're...

-I think we're all right.

-It's okay.

(shouting indistinctly)

(canisters popping)

SOLDIER: Come on!

Let's get our wires cut!

Come on!

Cut these wires.

Cut the barbed wire!

-Come on!

-f*cking mick.



f*cking contact!


(indistinct radio transmission)

What the f*ck was that?

O.P.'s returning fire, sir.

That wasn't rubber b*ll*ts.

That wasn't rubber b*ll*ts.

That was something different.

It's John, he's been shot!

He's dead.

Come on!

GERRY: He says someone's shot.


GERRY: What happened?

What happened?

He's been shot.

The Army shot him.

GERRY: Jesus, get him up.

Help him up.

-Go on, help him up.

-Help him.

Get him up!

You all right, Damien?

GERRY: Oh, Jesus.

Damien, are you all right?

-Who done it?

-MAN: The Army shot him.

-They shot an old man...

-GERRY: Damien, are you all right?

Can you hear me, Damien?

The bastards.


Jesus Christ, a man's been shot.

Bastards shot my cousin.

I can't believe they shot me cousin.

MAN: The boys are going in!

I can't believe they shot me cousin.

MAN: The boys are going in.

They shot the old man!

Five-Six Bravo, confirm your situation.

What were the rounds we just heard?


Okay, sir, the O.P.

has just fired five rounds.

They've inflicted two casualties.

I think it was nail bombs or sh**ting.

They're getting a lot of aggro.

They got a lot of crowd.

They're firing baton rounds, too.

That's one incoming!

Get down off the wall.

We've just had one round across the guards at the wall, sir.

PROVO: What the hell are you doing?!

MAN: They shot the old man!

PROVO: It's unauthorized, for Christ's sake.

Get the car here!

Get your hands off me!

Get your hands off me!

They've shot the old man!

They shot the old man.

-PROVO: You f*cking bastard.

-There's women and children out there!

Get your hands off my weapons.


GERRY: You bastards!


f*cking bastards!

f*cking shot me cousin!

Die, you bastards!

Go on, you bastards!

f*cking shot me cousin.

Go on, bastards!

Brits out!

Brits out!

Brits out!

I think it's time for the Paras to go in.

OFFICER: They've got a lot of aggro just the other side of the wall.

They've got some kids over there.


We should get them down off that wall.

We're not going to get across there if they've got that wall covered.

-We've got to get out of here.


I don't think we'll get the Company across safely.

We'll do it with the vehicles.

So, we're gonna ax this totally?

We're not going over the wall?

No, we'll do it in the vehicles.

Support Company in the vehicles "A" and "C" on foot.

OFFICER: Change of plan-- we're not going over the wall.

We're gonna go up James Street through barrier 12 where the Light Air Defense Regiment is download at James Street and do a scoop up with Charlie Company at Aggro Corner.

We're moving in two minutes.

Inform the O.P.

now that there's a change of plan.

We're taking the Company through barrier 12.

-Yes, sir.

-We're taking the whole Company.

Hello, Zero.

This is Six-Five Sunray speaking.

We've got to go now on the scoop up or we're gonna miss them.


Colonel, the lads want to go.

We're ready to go.

Hold on, hold on.

-Who's this?

-Six-Five Para, sir.



No, wait.

-OFFICER (over radio): Yeah, he reckons he can pick up some of the hooligans from there.


No, we wait.

Six-Five, tell your Sunray to wait, hold his position.

f*cking people at Brigade!

(indistinct transmission)

All right, tell One and Three to move forward to the barriers now, on foot.

We'll go to 12 in the vehicle.

We'll move now.


All right, Sergeant Major, let's move now, let's go!

Hello, Zero, this is Six-Five Sunray speaking.

We are moving forward to the barriers now.

We've got to go.



Let's go.


Move it!

Go on!


Get in!

Get in!

(crowd clamoring in distance)

(engines revving and rumbling)

-OFFICER: Hoods on!


Canisters load!

Check your gear.

-Come on!

-Let's go!

(over radio): Hello, Zero, this is Six-Five.

My Sunray has deployed his units slightly...

On whose authority? preparation for any orders you might have.



Why have One Para moved?

-Six-Five, this is Zero.

Hold your position.


I want to...

I want to know where this has come from, Mike.

It'll be coming from their Sunray, sir.

Can we tell them to wait at the barriers until we give the word?

(over radio): ...some more gas put down to about a hundred yards beyond the flats...

-I'll push my way through here.

-Go on, Ivan.

-See you in a bit, okay?

-Ivan, I'll go up, too.

-You come up.

I'll see you up there.

-Aye, okay.

All right, folks.

Let us through there.

KEVIN: Let's hear it, ladies and gentlemen a nice round of applause, please, for, uh...

God Almighty.

(cheering and whistling)

(engines rumbling)

Let's go, Sigs.

(indistinct radio communication)

Mike, go up to the barrier and tell the gunners to move it now.

Hello, Zero, this is Six-Five.

We're ready to go now.


-Let's go!

-Let's go!

Oh, f*cking hell.

Come on, let's move.

What are we waiting for?

What are we waiting for?

Come on!

Put your hands together and give a big warm Derry welcome to Eamonn McCann...

(applause and cheering)

Bridget Bond...

...have started to thin out.

We need to get over there...

KEVIN: ...Bernadette Devlin...


...and a man who really needs no introduction so I won't give him one: Ivan Cooper!

(cheering and whistling)

Well, we've marched a long way together here, folks.

So, I think I'll get this started.


Look at this f*cking lot.

Just waiting for the off, boys.

It's been a difficult day but a glorious one here in Derry.

All of us wending our way down the hill together.

Men, women and children marching.


Hammer, I haven't seen you march like that since '68.

(scattered laughter)

But, uh...

let's not forget, in all this confusion that we face a choice as a society.

Not about what we want.

We all know what we want: Radical change.

The dismantling of Stormont and an end to Unionist domination.


(rocks clanking)

Yeah, find out if call signs One and Three are in position and ready to move.

Hold in your position.

We are not clear, okay?

Barrier all right?

The choice is about how we achieve it.

Between v*olence and nonviolence.

At where, barrier 12, barrier 14 or at Aggro Corner?

If we are going to give a future to the children of this city the young lads up there...

There they are we all know they're rioting away there.

They do it every day...

If we are gonna give those boys there a future we have to show them that nonviolence works.

Go on, you scumbags!

(rocks clanking)

Let's get out!

If we don't, it won't be just stones they're throwing.

Because civil rights isn't the soft option...

not when the bricks fly and the police and the Army batons charge down.

It's not easy keeping to the nonviolent road -when other people say, "This isn't working.

-(g*nf*re in distance)

Let's get the g*ns out and take revenge." (g*nf*re and shouting)

f*cking shot my cousin!

But if you believe in the civil rights movement with all your heart and your soul, as I do...

Why on earth aren't they going in?

Hello, Zero, this is Six-Five.

If we don't go now, we're gonna miss them.

If you believe in what Gandhi and Martin Luther King believed in with a passion, as I do, then in the end with one single united march, we shall overcome.

Thank you.

(crowd cheering)


We're gonna have to go, aren't we?

Sir, you have as much separation as you're gonna get.


Thank you, Charles.

Thank you.

You cannot send them now.

You've got thousands of marchers out there -and you've no idea where they are.

-Let me handle this.

Look, you've won, for God's sake.

You've stopped the march.

You've won.

Don't do it, Patrick.

Don't do it.

(phone ringing)

(indistinct radio transmission)

(g*nf*re in distance)

MAN: Load that battle g*n, mate!

Stick one of them rubber b*ll*ts straight into 'em when we get out there.

Come on, come on.


Six-Five wishing to move now, sir.

Yes, thank you.

...will be seen today, disbursed with the crowd.


KEVIN: Ladies and gentlemen, Bernadette Devlin.

(cheering and applause)

We are a part of a worldwide movement for civil freedoms.

We are protesting against internment of people.

Tell Wilford it's just one company to pick up the yobbos and no running battle up Rossville Street.

Coming through to barrier 14, sir?


Did you log that?

I'll do it on the secure link.

Thank you.

Six-Five, this is Zero.

Come in.

Six-Five, Wilco.


Okay, you're on, let's go.


All call signs, this is Five Niner.

Prepare to move.

Move, move, move, move!

We're going in, boys!

Let's go, let's go, come on!

We're away.

(engine revving)

Hey, guys, don't f*ck about.

Don't f*ck about.

Straight in there.

We're gonna hit 'em hard.

We know who we're picking up.

Go on, One Para.

Go and get them, and good luck.

(sporadic g*nf*re)

You scumbags!

-Here they are, here they are!

-f*cking hell, Gerry.

GERRY: Get out of here.

There they are.

(sporadic g*nf*re)

DEVLIN: ...against these people.

COOPER: What's going on down there?

(woman screaming)

McCANN: Christ, Ivan, they're coming in.

DEVLIN: Stand your ground, people.

We have a right to be here.

McCANN: Bastards!

f*ck's sake.

Ah, f*cking hell!

MAN: f*cking bastards!

Look at 'em.

There's thousands of them.

-Free Derry?

-Stand by.

f*cking Free Derry.



Let's get a search team!

Let's go in there.

Sergeant Major, let's get a search team in there.

COOPER: Jesus Christ, it's the Paras!

(shouting, screaming)


WOMAN (screaming): Help!


Get those f*cking bastards!

We have to stop here!

They're covering the whole wall.

Up in those blocks of flats.

(g*nf*re, screaming)

GERRY: Jesus, get down, get down!

Watch yourselves, boys.

Get down.

Let's move in!

(crowd clamoring)

The shit's hitting the fan now.

COOPER: Get back on our side of the barricade.

DEVLIN: Stand your ground.

It's only rubber b*ll*ts, and they're firing above your heads.

-We will not be moved.

-Ivan, I don't like the look of this.

Get the f*ck out!

Get out!

Get out, you lazy bastards!




They're firing live rounds!

This is not a hoax!

Get down!

Get under cover!

Get under cover!

Keep going, behind the lorry!

Come on!

Get under cover!

Get under cover!

MAN: Go on, you Protestant f*ckers!

Ah, don't tell me mammy.

sh**t me, you bastards!

sh**t me!


DEVLIN: Get down, people.

-Get down!

-Get down!

Get in!

Tell them to stop sh**ting.

-In the flats, there's a contact by the left flank!

-Left, where?


By the flats!

That's all I can hear!

f*cking hell, get your head down, will you?

What the f*ck are you doing?

(crowd chanting)


(rapid g*nf*re)

(woman screams)

Somebody move that way!

(woman screams)

Back, back, back.

Go on.

MAN (over megaphone): In between the lines!

Move back!

Go, go, go, go, go, folks, go!

DEVLIN: We need to get the kids off the barricade!

Jesus Christ, someone tell those folks to get down!

Lads, get down!

(all shouting)

Behind the barricade!

He's got a w*apon!

(rapid g*nf*re)

Jesus, they've shot a man!

Can you help him?

Get down!

They're sh**ting live b*ll*ts!

Get down!

Oh, my God!

Oh, my God!

(yelling, g*nf*re)

They've got a w*apon!

There's no gunman on the barricade!

There's nothing there!

-I can't see any f*cking targets!

-No, sir, there's...

There's no targets!

DEVLIN: My God, they're sh**ting children on the barricades!

BRIDGET: Jesus Christ, what are they doing?

Christ, stop it!

They're sh**ting them in the back!

They're just picking them off!

(single g*nsh*t)

(sporadic return g*nf*re)

Only aimed sh*ts.

What are we firing at?

I can't see any f*cking targets!

(boy yells, girl screams)


oh, they've just shot that young lad down!

GERRY: You f*cking bastards!

Come on, you're going to have to get him out.

Get him out!

Keep going!

Come on, Gerry!

(speaking indistinctly)

MAN: Get off the barricade!

Get off the barricade!

Get off the barricade!

They're sh**ting at the barricade!

They're sh**ting at youse!

What's his name?

What's his name?

Michael Kelly.

Michael, you're okay.

We're going to have to get out of here.

They're gonna come for me, Hamish.

They're moving off the barricade!

They're going round to the courtyard.

Let's go!

Come on!





Let's get out!

Let's get out!

They've just called a cease-fire.

We have to get away.

They're coming for me, Hamish.

They're coming for me, Hamish.

They're going to come for me, Hamish.

They just called a cease-fire!



(g*nshots continue)

They're sh**ting people!

I have to go.

I can't stay!

-I have to go!


I have to go.

I can't stay!

-They're sh**ting at people...


-Please, let me go!


-Young fella!

-Jesus, don't sh**t!

I'm not armed!

-(g*ns fire)


-Don't sh**t!


-(g*n fires)


Let's get out of here!

Dave, I'm going...

I've been shot!

I've been shot!


I've been shot!

Call an ambulance!

Jesus Christ, come on!

COOPER: Oh, look at that steward there.


What is he doing?!


They've hit him!

They've hit him!

He's got an armband on!

No, get back, Barney!

COOPER: Barney, no!

Oh, no, no, no!

Barney, no!

No, I've got to go to him.

Please, Ivan, no!


Stay back!


Ivan, come back!

Get down!

Get back, get back!

Get back!


Stay back, back, Barney, for God's sake!


WOMAN (screaming): Barney!


Jesus Christ!


Oh, God.

Oh, God.






OFFICER (over radio): Zero, this is Nine-Four.

A sitrep at 16-15, uh, on William Street.

Uh, seven people caught by Six-Five -are in the area of Rossville Street...

-They've gone in.

The Pigs are in this area, sir.

...two sh*ts.

I repeat: Two sh*ts at one of our patrols on the city wall, at 16:14 hours.


They've gone all the way in.

MICHAEL: Six-Five, this is Zero.

Repeat: Request immediate sitrep.


Zero, this is Six-Five.

The, uh, two sub-units moved in got involved in a firefight.

Uh, sh*ts appeared to come from the Rossville flats.

The two sub-units have now gone secure in that area.

And two civilians are lying wounded or dead-- we're not sure yet-- in the area of Chamberlain Street.

Who shot them, we don't know.


(phones ringing)

Right, get him up.

(indistinct shouting)

Come on!

Get down!

MAN: This man is dying!

Go on, get him in.

Get him in!

(man shouting)

Steady on so, here.

He's f*cking bleeding.

-Shot badly.

-Put him down.

(groans and sobs)

Is there a doctor around?

Somebody call a doctor!

Stand still!

Stand still!

Keep your hands up!

Keep your hands up!


Stop it!

Put your hands on your heads!

Brian, Phil, we'll take these!

Right, put your hands on your heads!

Okay, does anyone know this man's name?

-Oh, it's Willy.

I know Willy.


Willy, this is your doctor here.

How are you?

You're okay, Willy.

Just relax there for me.

WILLY (sobbing): Tell me mammy I'm sorry.

Tell me mammy I'm sorry.


He's been hit here, folks.

Does anyone know this man in the corner?

-His name is Jim.

-Can you hear me, Jim?

WILLY (coughing): Mammy, I'm sorry.

He's not breathing.

Is he all right?

WILLY (sobbing): Tell me mam...

Mammy, I'm so sorry.

(woman sobbing)


(sobbing continuing)

(woman wailing)

(wailing continuing)

(wailing continuing)

WOMAN (wailing): Barney!

MAN: They shot my son.

They shot my son.

They shot my son.

WOMAN (wailing): Oh, Barney!

(woman wailing)


-(siren blaring in distance)

(indistinct radio transmissions)

(engine rumbling)

Let's get these bodies moved!

-Right, men!

-Let's go!

-(indistinct radio transmissions)

-And move!

f*cking move!

(men shouting indistinct orders)



Why don't you bloody move it?

Sergeant Major!

(indistinct radio transmissions)

(helicopter whirring overhead)

All f*cking mad.

(panting): How many rounds you get down?

Oh, f*ck me-- I had to change magazines.

I took a guy out by the phone box and there was one crawling away and I got him.

Lovely, sorted, mate-- I just went in with the first two rounds.

Well, I reckon I had four or five rounds, actually...

How many rounds have you used?

I reckon I've done a mag.

...shed loads.

I had to change me mag.

What the f*ck did you do?

...adrenalin was pumping our nerves.

I saw it.

I saw you sh**t civvies.

You was there, Lom-- you see what we done.

All civvies are t*rrorists, mate.


-Keep an eye out on the flats.

I never even saw a gunman!

They were sh**ting.

They were there.

You know what happened; you were there with us.

Aye, I saw what happened.

Listen here, listen here, be quiet.

We went round there, we see loads...

there was about a hundred people.

-We see a gunman.

-At least, at least.

We see a gunman, we went left and right flanks and we took 'em out.

You know what happened, right?

Get the story right 'cause this is bound to come over.


Yeah, I'm happy with that.


Get O.C.

mortars over here now.

Okay, give me a sitrep, and then I'll come down.

Firstly, why have you got no comms?

Why is there no radio operator?

They both want an interview with you, right now.


I'll be down there in 15 minutes.

I've got, uh, bodies on the barricade-- three at least dead.

Um, there was a revolver man there, fired some sh*ts at us.


Have we got the w*apon?

No, sir.

We have no weap...

I want to get a clearing patrol down there now.

We need to secure that area.

We need to get the weapons off the sh**t on the barricade.

Right, sir.

-Company Sergeant Major.


I've got to go and see the general and the TV cameras.

We've just fired a f*cking horrendous amount of amm*nit*on.

We've got to know why and we've got to have some weapons.

-Right, sir.


What's the situation on the barrier?

Picked up three, uh-- three...

Looked, looked f*cked, sir.

Gray as hell.


So we have three dead confirmed?

-Three dead, three confirmed.

-Let's get them back to the RMP to confirm Did you find any, anything on them?

Any weapons?


No, no weapons there at all, sir.

Have you searched the barricade?

You've searched the barricade?

As quick as we could, sir, yeah.

The pockets.

-There's no hidden weapons?


-Empty cases?


-f*ck's sake.


We fired three rounds...


Okay, who were you engaging?

No one, sir.

I was firing at...

What do you mean, "No one"?

There was...

The crowd was advancing, sir.

I had..

I had no backup.

I had to move the crowd.

"C" squadron were... arresting, uh, guys further back.

They-They were all just coming at us.

I had to move them back, sir.

So you put down rounds to warn the crowd?

-A warning shot?

-To move the crowd.

Okay, we will talk about that later.

People are alleging on the Bogside that the Army went in today firing indiscriminately.

Let's get this absolutely clear.

One Para went in and came under fire.

They did not fire back until they were fired at.

I believe we fired three rounds after receiving something between ten and 20.

Three rounds?

It seems, that seems a very low figure.

I mean, I've personally seen three dead bodies here today.

Well, of course, they may very well not have been k*lled by our soldiers.

We have three dead bodies.

There were another three casualties inflicted by mortars...

All right, that's all right.

That's all right.

Colonel, General Ford is saying it's absolutely urgent that you speak to him now down at barrier 12.

You must go.

I think most of the gunmen are up there.

I'm gonna go back to the general and the press with the three dead.

You've got to find some justification.

-We're working on it now.

I'm securing here.

-All right.

-I'll report back to you as soon as.


MAN 1 (over radio)

: Seven-Six.

I can see some photographers at the Rossville flats.

They're taking photographs of a civil rights banner covered in blood.




Just get them out of the Bogside.

MAN 1 (over radio): Uh, Six-Five, Roger.

I'm doing that now.


Just get them out now.

Uh, Six-Five, this is Zero requesting immediate pullback.

Repeat, requesting immediate pullback, please.


MAN 2: Very good, sir.

MAN 1 (over radio): Six-Five out.

MAN 3: Five-Zero, this is Six-One Delta.

Uh, the ambulance has just gone across the diamond and is now moving along Ferry Quay Street.


(indistinct background radio communication)

MAN 4 (over radio): ...there is still a body lying just south of the Rossville flats.

Zero, this is Six-One Yankee.

One ambulance just now crossing the Great Albion Bridge from west to east.

And you call that minimum force?

Another ambulance has just crossed the bridge the other way.


You've solved the situation before with regular troops.

Why the Paras today?

Because I think the situation in Londonderry has got completely out of control-- two policemen shot last Thursday, 81 incidents in the last few weeks.

Something had to be done to reinforce law and order.

Who made that decision?

But why was it considered necessary to use, uh live amm*nit*on -instead of rubber b*ll*ts?

-I'm sorry, but the aggression was brought to us.

It was quite clear that our men were att*cked on the barriers by the hooligans who got out of control in the parade...

-And yet no soldiers were hit.

-...throwing bricks and stones.

Sir, was there a need to k*ll innocent civilians?

My understanding is absolutely clear that the Paras were fired on and returned fire.

-Were any...?

-Both high-velocity and low-velocity b*ll*ts were used.

-Were-Were-Were any soldiers hit?

-Uh, not to my knowledge.

-Not to your knowledge.

-When can we have a statement by?

We will give you a statement as soon as we can.

Colonel Tugwell.

(siren blaring)

Uh, Five Niner, Roger.

That's it, Sergeant Major.

They're pulling us out of the Bogside.


Guys, they're pulling us out.

Lead on.

Move out!

There seemed to be a very large number of casualties today, Colonel Wilford.

You must understand that, uh we've only just finished this operation.

We do not know exactly, uh, what happened, at this stage but there are certainly three people k*lled.

Don't you think you might have used excessive force today?

Well, what is force in a situation like this?

If they fire on us, we're gonna fire back and they know that perfectly well.

But you think the operation was justified?

Of course.

Do you have no regrets at all about the operation today?

Absolutely none.

-None whatsoever?

-None whatsoever.

-(coughing): -Please...

He's all right.

We're bringing him out now.

...tell them I'm sorry.

They've done that.

Get him out.

We're going now.

Going out, you know.

Go, go, go, go, get the f*ck out of here.

Come on, get him in.

-Come on, lads.

-Hang on, hang on, you're all right, hang on.

-Come on!

Get him in.


Steady, steady.


-You're all right.

Go, go, go.

Go on, boy.

Go with him.

You go.

Go on.

Hang on there, son.

You're gonna be all right.

-Can you hear me?


Just try to keep easy there, boy.

You're gonna be all right now.

Look at me.

Oh, f*ck, a roadblock!

-Okay, just stay calm, stay calm.

-You stay calm.

Oh, Jesus Christ, the Brits are f*cking everywhere today.

Get out of the car.

Get out now!

We've got an injured man!

We've got to get this man to hospital!

We just wanna get him to hospital.

He's been shot.

You're f*cking up!

Go up against the wall!

Move on!

This one's dying, mate.

Scratch one player.

Ah, he's not carrying, Sarge.

By the f*cking wall!

I won't tell you again!

Stop looking around!

Wait there by the wall!

Do it!

(siren approaching)

Come on, get through, get through!

Come on!

All right.

Yeah, Ivan Cooper, MP.

Member of Parliament for this area.

Ivan Cooper.

Please, I just need to get through I'm calling on the families now.

-Where are you going, mate?

-Ivan Cooper, Member of Parliament for this area.

Please, I need to get through.

I've already spoken to some of your superiors.

You can't go through there, mate.

I've spoken to your superiors already.

Please, can you let me through?

Thank you.

I've spoken to your superiors.

I'm a member of Parliament.

-Do we have no list...?


You-You have no idea of casualties yet?

Jesus Christ.

Excuse me.

Excuse me...

Are youse...

Are you just...

Listen, are you...

How many are in there, Father?

Six here, there's six here.

God Almighty.

There's six here.

Listen, you can't just leave them lying like bits of meat here!

There's no room!

(breathing hard)

Frances, there's six bodies down there.

I don't know who they are.

None of them are Barney.

-They're not Barney.

-Paddy Doherty?

Excuse me, I've been in here already.

-I'm a member of Parliament.

-We've been through it already.

There are six down there.

None of them are Paddy Doherty.

-Not Paddy Doherty?

-They're not Barney McGuigan.

That's eight.

Don't know how many there are.

Ivan, Ivan.

Have you any word about Michael Kelly?

Michael Kelly?

I'm gonna...

I'm trying to find out all that now.

Michael Kelly.

Ivan, help me find me brother Jacky.


What's his name?

Jacky who?

-Jacky Duddy.

Okay, Jacky Duddy, Michael Kelly...

Michael McDaid, if you can do anything about Michael McDaid.

Michael McDaid.

I'm trying to find out, okay?

-Dirty bastards!

-If you can, get the numbers down.

Do we have a list yet?

Do we have it?

-Kelly, Kelly, is there an Andy Kelly?

-I'm trying to find out, okay.


There's 13 dead...

13 dead.

... 14 wounded.

How many?

Are they male or female?

I've the list.

I have the list.

Are they male or female?

We're gonna have to start letting people know.

Everyone take a family and let them know.

Where are those Duddy girls?

Murdering bastards!

-I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.


I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry.

Look after the Duddy girls.

I'm so sorry.

WOMAN: Oh, no!

Oh, no!

-Where's that man?

-Excuse me, please!

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Michael Kelly's away.

Michael Kelly's gone.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

SOLDIER: Please, please, please, please, stay back, stay back.

Show some respect for the dead, please.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry.

Jesus, Ivan.

What are we gonna do?

My wife...

(shouting angrily)

Those bastards...!

Oh, no...!

(sobbing): No...

They shot my da!

Miss Fuller!


Give him a seat, Fuller.

MAN: This is a nightmare...

MAN 2: Where the f*ck are ya?

Where the f*ck are they?

(woman sobbing)

They don't know.

f*ck off, would you?

(indistinct clamoring and sobbing)

(door creaks)

And, uh, uh...

so, I took my brig right uh, through to Glenfada Park, uh, to cut off the crowd and when we got round there, there was...

there was masses.

There was about 100 people round there.

Uh, straight away, I saw one guy who looked..

who was about to throw a b*mb in my direction.

-Are you sure of that?

-Definitely, sir.

Uh, I took immediate action.

I dropped to one knee and took, uh, a well-aimed shot to the shoulder and the-the shot hit the nail...

the guy with the nail b*mb, in the shoulder.

As I came round the corner, two gunmen shot across me and I identified, I think it was a-a short M-1 carbine.


-I dropped to one knee, took three aimed sh*ts.

Petrol b*mb was thrown...

landed about ten, 15 yards away from us.

Uh, no one was hurt.

Then there was a second one already lit.

I shouted to him to stop, stop, put it down...

fired a couple of sh*ts.

He went down.

-Can't say if it...

-Fired a couple of sh*ts?

How many sh*ts?

-Four, sir.


And you hit him?

Best of my knowledge, sir, yes.

How many rounds did you fire at him?

Uh, 22, sir.

22 rounds?


-How did you fire 22 rounds?

That's more rounds than they issue you with.

MAN: Quick, come on...

Move, come on.

Get round this other...

(indistinct radio calls)

Get round the other side and tape it.

-Quick, before anybody sees us.

-Get down there.

Go on, move.

Can we get some expl*sives experts over here, please?

SOLDIER: Hello, Zero, this is Four-One Alpha.

We've got suspected nail bombs at my location.

Send Felix now.

Zero, this is Five-Four Arthur.

Um, one dead person, who was returned to this location has a nail b*mb in his pocket.

We request Felix to come down and sort it out.


(garbled radio transmission)

One round returned as the g*n was spotted there but no hits claimed.


MAN: Where did they come from?

(baby crying)

We should go f*cking home.


MAN: No problem, no problem.

You're okay, guv.


Lomas, come.

(clicking heels)

Shut the door behind you.

At ease, Private.

Sit down.

I'm W2 Norton.

This is Sergeant Bridge.

We'll be taking your statement.

CSM is here for your benefit.

In your own words could you please tell me exactly what happened?

I could see through the front of the Pig that there was a, um, a rubble barricade somewhere in front, at the end of Rossville Street with about thousands of people behind it all screaming and shouting.

We, um, stopped and debussed just outside the barrier.

I went on to the right-hand side of the road, opposite the, um, Rossville flats, which was to our left.

As we were going up the right-hand side there was, um, some sort of commotion on the left where-where we assumed a contact had taken place.

Then my, uh, section commander shouted that there was a sn*per on the barricade and, um, he-he-he returned fire.

Private Lomas, did you, at any time, see the target?

I did, um, swing my r*fle to bear around the corner of the wall and that's when we saw what I believed to be a-a gunman firing...

holding a firearm towards our direction.

My platoon commander shouted that he saw 50 possibly more of the rioters on the barricade break right towards the Glenfada Park area and ordered my section to go towards that area and cut them off.

When we, um, entered the park, there was a lot of confusion.

We saw a lot of people and, um, I-I didn't witness the beginning of the firefight.

At what point was the cease-fire order given, please?

Before or after the sh**t?

The cease-fire was given after the last sh*ts were fired in Glenfada Park.

Private Lomas, in your opinion were all the rounds fired in accordance with the yellow card?

Yes, sir.

Well, of course, the, uh, the loss of life is, um is greatly to be regretted, but I cannot help but think that we responded to a-a-a very difficult situation...

And, at least, Londonderry tonight, uh would seem to be quiet, which suggests that we've moved one step in the right direction of the recreation of law and order.

Now, the main point I want to make is that have I seen nothing today that reflects in any way with discredit on our forces who have behaved, as ever, with restraint and, I believe, great professionalism.

So, please, uh, convey my thanks to the men, Pat.

Uh, you, of course, will be in charge of the inquiry-- um, issues of timing, when the Paras went in, things of that nature.

Uh, my role on the day, of course, was purely as an observer.

Have you anything to add?

No, sir.



The w*r against the IRA will go on.

Thank you, gentlemen.

MICHAEL: If you want me, sir, I'll be out here.

Thank you, Michael.

(dog barks in distance)

(barking continuing)

(g*n cocking)

(g*n cocking continuing)

(barking continuing)

(g*n cocking continuing)

(ambulance wails in distance)

(bell tolling)

KEVIN: If you just give us a moment.


people, please.

People, please, could you just give us a moment?

If you just have a seat quietly for a moment we'll issue you with a full statement presently.

And we will take some questions afterwards if you'll just please bear with us.

(telephone rings)

Just have a seat there for a moment.

Thank you.

Uh, this afternoon, 27 people were shot in this city.

(crowd gasps and murmurs)

(telephones ringing)

13 of them lie dead tonight.

They were innocent.

We were there.

This is our Sharpeville.

This is our Amritsar m*ssacre.

A moment of truth and a moment of shame.

(camera shutters clicking)

And, uh, I just want to say this to the British government: You know what you've just done, don't you?

You've destroyed the Civil Rights Movement.

(telephone rings)

And you've given the IRA the biggest victory it will ever have.

All over this city tonight young men, boys...

will be joining the IRA and you will reap a whirlwind.

Thank you.

Mr.Cooper, what do you say to those people that might be joining and what message do you want to give to them?

I feel very ill-equipped to do any preaching to them after today.

The names of the dead are as follows: Patrick Joseph Doherty, age 31...

Gerard Vincent Donaghy, age 17...

(camera shutter clicks)

...John Francis Duddy, age 17...

Hugh Pius Gilmore, age 17...

...James Gerard McKinney, 35..

William Anthony McKinney, 26...

Kevin Gerard McElhinney, age 17...

...Bernard McGuigan, 41...

Michael Martin McDaid, 20...

Michael Gerald Kelly, 17...

...William Noel Nash, 19...

James Patrick Wray, 22...

John Pius Young, 17.

Have the families of the dead been informed?

They have...

they have been, uh, notified at this point, yes and, uh...


Actually, gentlemen I think that probably the best thing is we adjourn just for a moment.

We have some distressed people.

So if we can have a little sensitivity just until we...

-(telephone rings)

-I think we can, uh...


-Wait until you get outside.

She was saying, "Where's Jack?" Wait till you get outside.

Don't say anything till you get outside.

I'm sorry, can you just step aside for one minute, please?

What am I going to say to Barney's family?

-There's nothing you can say.

-What am I going to say to Barney's kids?

There's nothing any of us could say.


You all saw it.

You saw it, you saw it.

And I would say...

I would say to yourselves, to British journalists, go home to your people, to your government and tell your people what was done in their name on the streets of Derry today.

The paratroopers moved in last night and waited in the streets of Derry to mow us down.

BERNADETTE: And I would just like to say this on behalf of us the families of the victims and the victims that we will not rest until justice is done.

(soulful rock intro)

BONO: This is a song...

a song I hope one day never to have to sing again.

(audience cheering)

(electric guitar playing steady riff)

♪ Oh...

♪ Oh...

♪ I can't believe the news today ♪ ♪ I can't close my eyes, make it go away ♪ ♪ How long?

♪ How long must we sing this song? ♪ ♪ How long?

♪ How long?

♪ Tonight we can be as one ♪ ♪ Tonight ♪ Broken bottles under children's feet ♪ ♪ And bodies strewn across a dead-end street ♪ ♪ But I won't heed the battle call ♪ ♪ It puts my back up ♪ My back up against the wall ♪ ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ And this battle's yet begun ♪ ♪ There's many lost, but tell me who has won?

♪ ♪ The trenches dug within our hearts ♪ ♪ And mothers, children, brothers, sisters torn apart ♪ ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ One, two, three, four!

(rock beat plays)

♪ How long?

♪ How long must we sing this song?

♪ ♪ How long?

♪ How long?

♪ Tonight we can be as one ♪ ♪ Tonight ♪ Tonight, tonight ♪ Tonight, tonight ♪ Edge, go!

(electric guitar plays)

How are you?

(audience cheering)

You heard of Amnesty International?


Well, they've heard of you.

And they know.

They know all about you.

Sing this...

for Belfast, for Derry...


for Beirut, for Nicaragua.

After me, sing.

♪ No more!


CROWD: ♪ No more!

-♪ No more!

-♪ No more!

-♪ No more!

♪ No more!

-♪ No one -♪ No one -♪ No more -♪ No more ♪ No one, no more!

♪ Wipe your tears away ♪ Wipe your tears away ♪ Wipe your bloodshot eyes ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ Wipe your tears away ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ We are so stinkin' mad!

(electric guitar plays)

♪ And it's true we are immune ♪ ♪ When fact is fiction, TV reality ♪ ♪ And today the millions cry ♪ ♪ We eat and drink while tomorrow they die ♪ ♪ The real battle just begun ♪ ♪ We'll claim the victory, for Jesus' sons, yeah ♪ ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday...

(crowd cheering)

(drum beating rhythmically)

Thank you.

(electric guitar plays riff)

Thank you very much.

(electric guitar plays riff)

♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ Sunday, bloody Sunday ♪ ♪ Yeah.

(crowd cheering)