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02x10 - After the Fall

Posted: 03/04/21 07:27
by bunniefuu
- Previously on The Resident...

- What's your agenda?

I need half a million dollars to make bail so I can get out of this rathole.

Recently I've been attracted to somebody else.

- I can't marry you.

- Get out.

I never want to see you again.

What about an outpatient clinic for the uninsured?

We will have to hire a top primary care physician.

We need a diagnosis.

- I have Crohn's.

- At QuoVadis, we manufacture everything ourselves in Atlanta.

Your lab is a sham.

Do you know what I hate the most?


He needs emergency surgery.

Find Conrad now.

He's bleeding out.

Compress the vein above and below.

I can't see it.

There's too much blood.

Activate massive transfusion protocol.

Get the Cell Saver.

Give him one gram of TXA now.

He's about to code.

Get me more suction.

Keep slamming blood into him.




I'm outside the Atlanta Detention Center where Dr. Lane Hunter is expected to be released on bail.

Hunter is charged with giving hundreds of patients unnecessary chemotherapy for profit.

With trial just weeks away, her release comes as a shock.

No bail for K*llers!

No bail for K*llers!

No bail for K*llers!

No bail for K*llers!

No bail for K*llers!

Move back.

Back up.

No bail for K*llers!

No bail for K*llers!

No bail for K*llers!

No bail for K*llers!

No bail for K*llers!

You bitch!


You let her out just like that?!

No bail for K*llers!

No bail for K*llers!


During the resection, all the planes of dissection were obliterated and his bowel was adhered to the IVC.

Eight hours, 20 units of blood and blood products.

I did manage to repair the injury using a saphenous vein graft.

Well, what's his prognosis?

That's too soon to tell, but he's alive.

Thank God you were on call.

I hate to think what might have happened to Marshall Winthrop in the hands of a less gifted surgeon.

I should've been there with him.

There's nothing more you could have done.

They got him into surgery right away.

I left him all alone with Bell.

Mina was there to help, and according to her, Bell did everything right.

We haven't had enough time to sort out our issues.

And now, just when I was starting to get to know my father, I could lose him.


Don't go there.

I'm sure he'll wake up soon.

But in what condition?

He could have neuro deficits from being under so long.

20 units of blood, FFP, and platelets transfused?

That alone carries a 25% chance of mortality.

If someone hadn't run that surgical checklist - and had blood on hand...

- They did.

And your father is strong.

All we can do now is wait.

It's gonna be okay.

They let her out?

Hey, what's going on?

Lane Hunter.

She's out on bail.

- What?

- That's impossible.

- Bail was five million.

- That's probably nothing to her.

I heard she billed Medicare over $20 million a year for unnecessary chemo.

But her accounts were frozen.

She found the money somewhere.

That won't change the outcome.

She's a m*rder*r.

The jury will convict her.

We have interviews at the clinic for our new primary care doc.

- Yeah.

- Good, I'll meet you there.

I have to check in with Dr. Austin.

I can't believe this.

We have to let the legal system do its job.

I'm thinking two zolpidem and a half a quart of whiskey.

He left a fine woman at the altar last night in front of both their families.

I have no sympathy.

Go home!

I can't.

Priya's there.

She doesn't leave for San Francisco until Friday.

Wow, no wife and no home.

I at least feel pity for you.

He was sniffing around Julian.

The device rep?

An engaged man out there, on the prowl.

I thought better of you.

You're a little too hard on him.

The heart wants what the heart wants.

Sometimes the head has no control.

We all have a moral compass, and we have a choice to follow it or not.

He had feelings for Julian?

He should have avoided her.

Instead, he kept spending time with her.

What did he think would happen?

Anyway, when I'm done with the clinic, I'll find you.

What do we have on deck?

Uh, just a VATS case.

You'll be bored.

Go join Dr. Voss.

Here are files on the candidates.

Are you going to be volunteering on a regular basis?

Bai was our first med student to sign up.

Who do we have first?

Um, Dr. Christina Ruiz.

Graduated from Johns Hopkins in family medicine.

Huh, sounds promising.

Let's get started.

Your clinic would be the perfect fit for me.

I spent last year in Haiti with Partners in Health.

I grew up in Atlanta and want to give back.

Serve the underserved.


Too many hospitals treat and street.

There's no continuity.

Do you have any questions for us?


The salary posted, was that monthly?

I'm kind of between jobs.

What if you pay my malpractice insurance?

I've got a fair number of totally frivolous lawsuits.

I'm sorry, but with the amount of med school debt I'm carrying, you don't need a physician, you need a saint.

Is that really everyone?

Okay, uh, I wasn't gonna mention it, because it's a super long sh*t, but if "saint" is the criteria, I do know of a guy.

Oh, there he is.

Dr. Alec Shaw.

First he was an infectious disease doc, then he volunteered on a Navajo reservation doing outreach.

After that he got into family medicine.

I first saw him in my hometown, New Orleans.

Why didn't you mention him before?

He just landed in Atlanta.

He's always on the move.

And he hates hospitals.

Hates institutionalized medicine.


I like him already.

So he has no fixed practice?

No office?

He has kind of an office.

Well, let's go talk to him.

Um, you'll have to wait your turn.

He never lets anyone jump the line.


My shift starts in 20 minutes.

Oh, you guys go.

I-I got this.

- You sure?

- Yeah.

All right, good luck.

- Thank you, Doctor.

- You bet.

Belly b*mb?

Solid cream center with a fine dusting of powdered sugar on top, courtesy of QuoVadis.

You're now the device rep?

Where's Julian?

Who-who's Julian?

Hold on.

I bet you're more of a glazed man.

H-How about jelly?


That guy is Julian's replacement.

Where is she?

I don't know.

She said she was gonna quit and leave town, and now she's ghosting me.

That's harsh.

Look, about yesterday, I'm sorry, man.

How's your dad?

Not clear yet.

You should go home.

I don't have one at the moment.

And I'd rather work.

I hear that.

There's an arm lac in ER Three.

I think you might want to take this one.

- Okay.

- Look, what do you want me to do?

They're gonna stitch me up and then we'll leave.


you know, I didn't mean to fall, I fell.

We should have just watched it on TV.

No way.

You, of all people, had to be there.

I'm Dr.


What's going on?

We were at a protest, it got crazy.

- At the prison?

- Yeah.

And neither one of us are happy that we ended up here.

Lane Hunter k*lled Roger's sister.

She came in with stage I breast cancer.

Lane treated it like it was stage IV.

All Judy probably needed was a lumpectomy.

Instead, she d*ed from a reaction to Dr.

Hunter's chemo.

I am so sorry.

I am not exactly a fan of Dr.

Hunter either.

Let's have a look at that arm.

- She had a pretty bad fall.

- Uh, it was a big crowd.

I tripped.

Just stitch me up and send me home.

Natalie used to be a cop.

Nothing fazes her.

Well, I'm seeing some bruising here.

I'm gonna order an X-ray just to make sure there's no fracture.

Hey, you're not hearing me.

I'm fine.

Stitch me and I'm out.

And she doesn't like doctors.

I get it.

I know what Dr.

Hunter did.


Hunter gave Natalie chemo and she didn't even have cancer.

She's the reason I'm no longer a cop.

Soon as I get an answer, I'll let you know.

Doc-Doctor Bell.


My hero.

Dr. Bell, you have a call...

I bailed you out, I got you a great legal team.

Now it's time to hand over the deposition and the tape.

I'm checking into a very nice hotel.

Come by.

Alone, of course.

And let's discuss.

I'll send my lawyer.

Excuse me.

Turn around here, go to Chastain Park.

I'm on my way to you.

What hotel?

Roger and I became friends at Dr.

Hunter's clinic.

Poor guy drove his sister to every one of her appointments.

That's a good brother.

Yeah, that's what I tell him, but he still blames himself.

What diagnosis were you given for the weakness in your legs?

Neuropathy from the chemo.

It just won't get better.

Yeah, today it's even worse.

Protest must have really wore me out.

Well, let's make sure it's nothing more.

- We have one of the best - No.

orthopedic spinal surgeons in the country, Dr. Voss.

I want her to check you out.

Look, I was a legacy officer in the Atlanta PD.

My mom before me, Grandpa before that.

I wish I could have it all back, but I can't.

Accepting that was the hardest thing I've done, but I did it.

This isn't the discharge desk.

I had a patient here.

She came in after having a reaction to chemo from Lane.

Shock again, at 360!

The night she coded, we all fought to save her.

I can't bring Lily back, but if there is any possible way to fix your legs, I want to find it.

Give me and Dr. Voss one hour.

One hour.

- How long has that been going off?

- It just started.

The RT's in a code down the hall.

Should I call for backup?

No, hold on, his respiratory rate's too high.


Winthrop's peak pressure is climbing.

He needs more sedation.

No, it's the vent settings.

It's trapping air in his lungs.

We need to get him off of it.

But he hasn't had a spontaneous breathing trial.

I'm getting an attending.

The vent's too high.

It was stacking his breaths.

He's awake, we can extubate.

It's okay.

I got you.

So you blackmail me with a sex tape, tell me to come alone, and now you bring a lawyer?

Ugh, calm down.

Now, Martin handled the wire transfer.

You are paid back, my friend.

The funds were transferred from a shell company in the Bahamas to an account in your lawyer's name, so there's no evidence of a financial relationship between you and Dr. Hunter.


- Now the deposition and the sex tape.

- Okay, - Randolph, relax, please?

- Not feeling too relaxed.

Well, then, try.

I plan to.

Probably somewhere with palm trees and dark rum and pool boys with very little clothing.

But first we have to get past this trial.

Cancer treatment is complicated.

The trial's outcome will depend largely on how Dr.

Hunter's chemo protocols are perceived.

The jury will rely on testimony from medical experts.

Pillars of the community, ready to stand up for her.

You want me to testify publicly about what a great doctor you are?

Are you insane?


why don't you just tell the jury the facts, Randolph?

Cancer treatment requires experimentation.

Oncologists routinely use dr*gs off-label.

When ones that the FDA approves don't work, we improvise.


To save lives.

Find someone else.

All right, can we just have a minute alone?

All right, I'll tell you what...

release the tape.

I'll bounce back.

I'm not the only CEO who's had consensual sex with an unfortunate partner.

I'm done being blackmailed.

You're done when I say you're done.

- You k*lled Lily Kendall.

- No, I didn't.

Which is exactly why they have no evidence to prove I did.

You're the only one with a motive, you were at the hospital that night, I saw you there, and I'll testify to it.


You know, I heard once about an appendectomy patient that d*ed in your OR.

You know, we all make mistakes, but something tells me you've had more than your share.

Whatever secrets you have, Randolph, I'll find them.

I'll hire a medical detective, I'll depose your entire OR staff.

Well, my staff will back me up long before they'll support you.

Good news, brother.

You're not dead.

Bad news?

You got maggots.

Hold tight, you're up next.

Oh, um, I'm not actually a patient.

I'm a nurse practitioner from Chastain Park.

I wanted to talk to you about the community clinic...

I already told your med student no.

You want to switch it out every couple hours.

Hamburger's gonna draw 'em out faster than any drug you're gonna get at her hospital.


Safer, too.

Come on, Sammy, we're next.

The clinic will be free.

And with more supplies and volunteers, you can reach more patients.

And it's a lot bigger than what you're working with here.

I grew up in a converted school bus in Tennessee.

It was my dad's idea, and not his best one.

Or his worst.

11 kids.

Lots of government cheese.

So, to me, this is the Taj Mahal.

Sammy, knock it off.

- This is fun.

- You know, he's going through - this licking phase.

- Is it metal?

It is metal.

I got something for him.

Strawberry, my favorite.

Good choice, little man.

All right, Gladys, let's see that finger.

So, your boy's licking metal 'cause he's got a mineral deficiency.

A good multivitamin is all you need.

Oh, okay.

Let's see here.

Hey, look at you.

Sugar's down.

You been hitting that South Bend Park?

Eating those greens?

Stopping diabetes before I get it, just like you said.

Thanks for the lollipop, Doctor.

Look, I'd love to talk to you for just a few minutes.

Look, I don't have time for breaks.

I got a long line out there, so...

I heard you got free flu sh*ts.

Yes, we do.

You ever had a reaction to one of these?

- No.

- Take a seat.

I'll help you get your line down if you give me some pointers on how to run our clinic.

All right, you're gonna feel a light pinch.

You were diagnosed with nerve damage from the chemo, but actually the chemo caused osteopenia.

You see this here?

You had a tiny fracture on your T12.

That's what caused the weakness in your legs.

When you fell today, it got worse.

Now it's compressing against the spinal cord.

It's become an emergency.

I knew it.

I knew one test and I'd end up in surgery.

No, Natalie, these two are the real deal.

Listen to Dr. Voss.

It's nothing short of a miracle that we caught this.

If we don't operate, you'll be paralyzed from the waist down within hours.

But if you get in there right away, there's a chance they can remove the compression altogether.

You would have your strength back.

And then everything that Lane took from you, that'd be in the rearview.

Back surgery is dangerous.

Are there risks?


But the alternative is you'll spend your life in a wheelchair.

I can give you a really good sh*t at walking alone.

I'm so mad at you.

Is that a yes?

- I don't get it.

- Thank you.

I don't know why she's not texting me back.

Salespeople move on.

So should you.

Julian still thinks I got married last night.

- I have to tell her, or then...

- Julian is not returning your texts.

Get a grip, bruh.

- How many did you send?

- Like...

Oh, so y-you're going for the crazy stalker approach, huh?

Listen to me, it's not a good look.


As new technologies emerge in medicine, as in other fields, the U.S. m*llitary strives to be on the cutting edge of the industry.

That's why we're at QuoVadis today.

Gordon, I hear from DARPA, the first thing they want to look at is the impact of your VNS device on memory.

You want to use it to cure PTSD?

We're interested in the possibility.

This company's future with the m*llitary is limitless.

Don't you agree?

- Hey, you ready for the OR?

- I'm a little stressed.


No, make that scared.

- But let's do this.

- Is she okay?

I need an EKG now.

Your heart's racing.

Has this ever happened to you before?

Palpitations sometimes.

Nothing big.

I've never had my spine sliced into, so...

Natalie, breathe.



Get the crash cart.

Pulse 160, BP's dropping.

She's in unstable V tach.


All right, 200.

Let's go.

- Clear.

- Natalie.



Give her 150 of amio and transfer her to the ICU.

What's wrong with her?

With the amount of chemo Lane gave her, I'm worried the dosages also damaged her heart.

All right.

You bought a good hour of my time by helping out.

Why do you do it?

What drives you?

Uh, grew up in a church.

Service to the poor, the needy, the stranger...

it's in my DNA.

You know, I'm a lapsed Catholic, at best, but the drive to reach people others ignore is still there.

You did a stint on a Navajo reservation with PIH?

Yeah, that's where I learned problems start upstream.

You got to keep people from getting sick to begin with.

Vaccines are gonna do more than rosaries.

Now I hand out condoms instead of prayers.

I noticed you're low on basic supplies.

I get more from the Georgia Prescription Assistance Program next week.

What if I could score what you need now?

This place could use some love.

Well, if you know any contractors jonesing to help some people out, let me know.

So why are you doing all this?


Oh, sorry, sir, we're not actually open right now.

Oh, okay, uh, I-I just saw the sign and...

What's going on here?

I was playing catch with my kid and, uh, took one in the eye.

Can't really see anything out of it.

- What's your name, brother?

- Russell.

Let me just look at this eye, Russell.

Yeah, orbital compartment syndrome.

Yeah, if we don't relieve some of that pressure, he's gonna lose his eye.

Do I have to go to the ER?

I have lousy insurance.

Huge deductible.

And I just paid my student loans.

Uh... you'll need an ophthalmology consult in the ER after this, but we can do the procedure here.

Yeah, we have everything we need here, and it'll save you some money.


Here you go.


Okay, you ready?

Just breathe.


All right, let's see.

What about that?

- You feel anything there?

- Mm-mm.


All right.

- There you go.

- There we go.

There you go.

There you go.

My eye still there?

Still there.


Looks like your clinic just treated its first patient.

Well, he still needs that consult, so it looks like you're going to Chastain after all.

Natalie definitely has chemo-induced cardiomyopathy.

And the compression fracture has a large bone fragment that's causing - her spinal cord compression.

- Decompression and fusion is the only way to give her a chance of walking.

We need to get in there now.

Implant the cage here for spine fusion.

Her heart might not be strong enough.

She's in the ICU on an amio drip.

We can try to manage it with ACE inhibitors and beta-blockers...

We don't have time.

We've got three, maybe four hours before the compression becomes irreversible.

If she survives surgery.

Lane took Natalie's choices away.

We're giving her this one back.

- I came in for some damn stitches!

- Natalie, they're trying to help.

This is crap!

My options are full paralysis or possible death?

Or full recovery.

That's the hope.

We do the fusion while monitoring your cardiac function.

You're the heart guy, right?


Well, under normal circumstances, I would advise against it, but these are not normal circumstances.

Dr. Hawkins...

what would you do?

You are the one who's gonna have to live with this decision, so you are the one who needs to make it.

But if it was me...

I am not letting Lane Hunter hold me down.

I'm taking the risk.


I got to try.

- You gave me a scare.

- They said...

I almost d*ed.

I'm sorry I wasn't here.

I shouldn't have left you.

Always taking the weight of the world on your shoulders.

The blame.

Not this time.

Well, you asked for one thing: no Bell.

I guess he's better than nothing.

I want things to change for us.

I've waited a long time to hear those words.

Well, hey, we're both stubborn.

Yeah, that's... that's true.

I have spent half my life without a father.

We're gonna fix that.

I'm gonna hold you to that.

Thank you.

Excuse me, um, I'm looking for Dr.

Bell's office.

Tenth floor.

Hey, uh, you're Julian's boss, right?


Gordon Page.

Devon Pravesh.

Have you spoken to Julian today?


She didn't show up for work.

Had to get a replacement.

A no-show isn't like her, but I guess it's because of what she's been going through.


She, um, mentioned some issues with work.


What'd she tell you?

Honestly, not much.

Yeah, Julian told someone in the office that she got too close to a doctor at Chastain, and it turned into more than she wanted.

I just hope he didn't scare her off.

She's good.

Anyway, thanks for the directions.

Great news.

Ophthalmology says that Russell's eye is looking good.

They're gonna keep him overnight for observation.

Is that necessary?

It's gonna rack up a bill - he won't be able to pay.

- Hey.

- Can I help?

- I doubt you can do anything about a bloated hospital billing system that charges 300 bucks for an aspirin.

Conrad, this is Dr. Shaw.

Alec, Dr. Hawkins.

We're trying to get him to run the clinic.

Can't get past the toxic hospital culture, the lack of transparency, the endless documentation...

Don't forget about the upcoding, fragmentation of care, over-testing, overtreatment.

- Not helping.

- Look, we know we're going up against Goliath.

And it's true, all we got's a slingshot.

But we have damn good aim.

Well, it seems like a waste of both your talents.

I do my own thing.



No worries.

Just remember, wars are fought on the b*ttlefield, not from the sidelines.

Look, let me buy you a cup of coffee, - introduce you to the team...

- No, I got to get back.

It's nice meeting you, Nic.


He was perfect.

I don't believe it.

Deflating the lung.


Voss, you have spinal access.

I would have risked the surgery, too.


You would risk it all just for a chance of something better?

For the chance at the life you want, so would I.

Oh, hell.

The bone is weak from the chemo.

I can't get fixation.

What about a graft from her hip?

We can't get it fast enough.

Dr. Okafor, what's our move?

Let me see her X-rays.

All right, show me her ribs.

They're less damaged.

We can make a graft from her ribs.

How long do you think it'll take?

Her echo was showing severely depressed ejection fraction.

We'll have to move fast, then.


Hey, it's Devon.

Are you okay?

Look, I know I shouldn't be here, but, um, what you said about QuoVadis...

we should talk about it.

We should talk about everything.

Just call me.


All right, he's gone.

Mr. Page?

Yeah, the place is clean.

Someone came by.

Yeah, same guy.

Security's on the way.

This office is a shrine to your ego.

Lacking confidence without me?


You have about two minutes to say whatever it is you came here to say.

You know, words aren't getting through to you, Randolph.

So I thought that this... might.

Really brings out the desperation in your eyes, don't you think?

Where did you get that?

That lawyer you found me, he can dig up anything.

Now, tell me something.

What do you think is worse?

Trying to buy sex from an undercover cop or failing to self-report your arrest to the State Medical Board?

So, where's the copier?

I think everyone - will want their very own.

- You're a monster.

Look around, Randolph.

Either you agree to tell the jury how wrong you were about me, or all of this disappears.

You can call off your dogs.

Happy to show myself out.

Nice of you to stop by.


Busy morning.

You're recovering well.

Hematocrit's stable.

Kidney function's good.

I'm a little surprised you didn't k*ll me when you had the chance.

You know, my first year as an attending, they brought a guy into my OR with six b*llet holes.

He k*lled two cops, and everybody said he deserved to die.

When I pick up a scalpel, I don't care who's on the other end.

That's the discipline.

I'm a surgeon first.

That's all that matters to me.

Oh, so you wanted to k*ll me, but you were... too principled.

That's charming.

You paged me?

You don't 911-page me to come to you.

That's Natalie Ramirez.

Lane Hunter ruined her life.

Destroyed her heart and her spine with chemo that she didn't need.

And now she may die in that OR.

And she's one of the lucky ones.

You think I don't care?

I do.

Then why was Lane in your office?

Guess what.

I am sick and tired of you thinking you have any right to question me.

You're a resident.

Who I would love to fire.

Except your father, whose life I just saved...

thank you very much... would fire me.

So you got me down here to see this woman.

I've seen her.

Good for you.

Made my day.

If Lane gets off, how many others like Natalie will there be?

This should do the trick.

Spinal nerves still viable.

She's in V tach again.

Wet laps.

The anesthesia is too much for her heart.

We need to stop.

- Get the cage and screws ready.

- Clear.

Just let me finish fusing.

- Clear!

- It's in.

On three.

One, two, three.


She needs double sequential defibrillation.

Give her another 150 amio.

Start a procainamide drip.


And go.

She doesn't have the time you need to finish the spine.

We need to take her back to the ICU, let her stabilize.

We do that, she's paralyzed.

We don't and she's dead.

Can you stabilize her here?

Central line to assess the cardiac index and output numbers.

How long would it take, Okafor?

For most, five minutes.

For you, four.

- And if she needs ventricular assist?

- 20 to deploy percutaneously.

Her spine can stay in a sterile dressing while you work.

I need 30 to finish, then we get her back to ICU.

All right.

Heart first, then spine, if she's still stable.

And if her spinal cord is still viable.


You're here.

Grant applications.

All day...

I've been trying to get you to join us.

And it has been...

a day.

There's so much I can't fix.

But this, this clinic...

I can do.

And I'll do it without you.

Don't get me wrong...

what you're doing here is great.

But is it really about the patients?

Seems like...

you'd rather rail against a broken system than actually fight to change it.

You serious?

I spent the better part of my life in service.

All I do is fight.

Well, maybe not hard enough.

So, this is about one of your employees?

Julian Booth.


she never showed up for work today and is not the type to just disappear.

Well, do you have reason to believe that someone could have hurt her?

There's a guy you may want to look into.

Um, he's an intern at Chastain.

His name is Devon Pravesh.

This is her work phone.

We found it at her desk.

Mm, I'm alive.

And you're gonna stay that way.

We had to place a ventricular device to keep your heart pumping effectively, and we'll schedule a transplant eval when you're healed.

Right now it's working perfectly.

And after PT and rehab, you'll be able to walk again.

Will I be able to go back to the police force?

We don't know that yet.


you are gonna lose that cane.

That much I can promise you.

I hate that thing.

You deserve to be happy.

So do you.

Your sister would've wanted that.

Thanks, guys.

Easy on the hot water.

Sit when you pee.

You may use my condiments, but do not touch my alcohol.

I would never.

Outside of the guest room, it's either clothing or a bathrobe with full coverage.

I don't want any surprises.

Why are you helping me?

Because you need it.

Wayne Jackson.

In asystole for 15 minutes before anyone noticed.

Kathy Mars.

The hospital billed her 12 grand for a damn bee sting.

Matthew Teter came in with stage IV colon cancer.

He would've lived if he'd had early detection.

Every time I thought I got close to making things better, I saw another patient lose to a broken system.

So, yes, it is about the patients for me.

But you're crazy if you think you can change things.

Maybe I am.

I like crazy.

- Yeah, sure.

- Here.

We'll just, uh, get these...

So the pay sucks.

Beyond sucks.

And Chastain could slash our funding at any time?

Without warning.

I won't be bossed around.

You start tomorrow.

I start now.


You graduated from the ICU.


Yeah, unfortunately, not from clear liquids.

You need something for the pain?


No, I want to be alert for this.

Son, I've been fighting this disease for a while now.

I got lucky this time, but it only gets worse from here.


Simmons says you will be back on semisolid foods in a week.

In two to three days, you will be out of the hospital and starting physical therapy.

- You will get your strength back.

- We both know my chances for a meaningful recovery become less and less with each surgery I have.

I need you to stay positive.

Patients who believe they'll recover have better outcomes.

Positive thinking won't change what's happening to this body of mine.

I'd like to formalize things.

You want an advanced directive.

If something like this happens to me again, I don't want my life prolonged by aggressive measures.

- That's a long way off.

- I'm serious.

I need to know you'll respect my wishes.

Of course.

Thank you.

Dear Board of Directors, Leading this hospital has been a joy and a privilege.

However, in the coming days, you will learn of a terrible mistake I have made.

I betrayed your trust.

You deserve someone who will always put this community first.

And I am deeply ashamed that I have not always been that person.

I put my trust in the wrong person.


And I take full responsibility for my actions.

I will step down and step away.

I hereby resign as CEO and Chief of Surgery.


Randolph Bell.

Uh, Dr.


You need to see this.

Grayson, what?

It's the news.

sh*ts fired in a Buckhead hotel.

Police report they found the body of accused m*rder*r Dr.

Lane Hunter.

Recently out on bail after several months in the Atlanta Detention Center, Hunter was arrested for first-degree m*rder and involuntary manslaughter, as well as insurance fraud and money laundering.

No suspects have been named in her death.

In related news, victim rights advocates...


thank you, Grayson.

You can go.

Not stepping forward, not commenting on the death.

Many of them vocal just months ago, and now they're not...