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02x07 - Face Value

Posted: 03/03/21 07:47
by bunniefuu
BRIGHT: If you live in a major city, chances are you cross paths with a hundred people a day.

Your barista, the guy standing next to you on the subway.

Over the course of your life, that means you will cross paths with unapprehended murderers.

On average.

But out of those , how many are true psychopaths?

I mean, anyone could be a m*rder*r.

Wrong place, wrong time.

An accident.

An impulse.

Oh, God, Malcolm.

What happened?

But there's another type of k*ller.

For them, m*rder is an addiction.

A bad love they can't quit.

Truth is, anyone can do it once.

But the second k*ll, that's when the switch is flipped and a serial k*ller is born.

I don't know what happened.

I blacked out again.

I'm sorry.

I didn't know where else to go.

It's okay.

We don't know what you did, and it's not that much.

We need to get you cleaned up.

(PANTING): Breathe.


Think really hard.

- Can you remember anything?

- No.

No, not even a flash.

Malcolm, why didn't you tell me sooner that I k*lled Endicott?

If I had known what I was capable of, - a-about my blackouts...

- You can't think like that.

I could've stopped this.

You're right, Ainsley.

I screwed up.

I think I did, too.


- BRIGHT: Hello? - Oh, my boy!

It's Dad.


I'm so glad I caught you on this auspicious day.

Auspicious how?

Did you speak to Ainsley last night? No.

Why would you ask?

It's nothing.

So, big day?

Oh, you betcha. So, after mostly good behavior and helping you catch that lady k*ller in Claremont, the powers-that-be have finally given me a job.

A job?

I'm working in the infirmary!

Earning three dollars and cents a day. It's modest, I know, but it's honest work. And I do enjoy being needed.


Best of luck.


How are you feeling?

Like I've been hit by a train.


Getting hit by a train might be better.


- AINSLEY: What's wrong?

- BRIGHT: Uh...

- We caught a new case.

- Is it something I could've done?

I can't believe I actually have to ask that.

It doesn't sound like it, but I should go.


You're leaving me?

The only advantage we have is acting normal.

Also, if I go to work, I can try and figure out what happened last night.

- What am I supposed to do?

- Nothing.

Stay here, you call in sick to work, and don't talk to anyone.

Promise me.




You look terrible.


So, what do we have?

Vic is Dr. Nicole Zhang, head of plastic surgery at Saint Anthony's.

That's a public hospital.

They have a plastic surgery department?

Everything's done pro bono or at cost.

You don't get a condo in this building working pro bono.

She made her money in private practice.

Founded the Lexington Collective with Fred Chabra and Flynt Donahue.

Does all of the housewives.

BRIGHT: So just one m*rder today?

DANI: What, one isn't doing it, for you anymore?

I could keep my ear to the ground if you like.

Actually I could use your help with something.

- Are you free...

- Yes.

He didn't even give a time.


I'll, uh, swing by the lab tonight?

It's a date.

Can we just focus on this case?

'Cause I think we're about to have our hands full.

Oh, yeah, the...


Tell me more.

To put it in fun terms, she was Botoxed to death.

I mean, i-in less fun terms, her death was excruciating.

Based on the bruising, this is the first injection.

I suspect that the k*ller dosed Zhang with a paralytic agent.

So she was conscious the whole time.

Which means this isn't just m*rder, it was t*rture.

DANI: According to everyone at Saint Anthony's, this woman was an angel.

Awards say the same thing.

So, who would want to k*ll her?

BRIGHT: Someone from before the awards.

Someone from her past.

DANI: There's nothing from her private practice days, even though it was a massive success.

Which means her decision to give back may not have been arbitrary.

She could be atoning for something.

But our k*ller knew the truth.

That's why they d*sfigured her.

To show us what she truly is.

A monster.







Oh, I thought you were still in Gstaad.

- Greece.

- Oh.


Stuck on a yacht for all of quarantine.

- Aw.

- Total nightmare.

But now I'm back in my favorite city to visit my favorite big sister.

Let's set the town on fire.

(LAUGHS): Oh, fun.

Just what nobody needs.


Why are you here, Birdie?


You sound suspicious.


I'm glad you caught that.

Darling, not everyone in your life has a nefarious agenda.

Only the men you date.

Gosh, this is going to be so fun.


So fun.

(DOOR OPENS) Ugh, it's good to be back in my element.

The smell of antiseptic, the clang of forceps.

And is... is that a hint of butterscotch?

CAPSHAW: Is that Whitly?

The one and only.

MARTIN: Though it's actually Dr. Whitly.

I find it hard to believe the board didn't revoke your license.

Well, they did, but, uh, they could never revoke my joie de vivre.

You've been assigned janitorial duties in my infirmary.

I have a one-strike policy.

So make sure you don't k*ll anyone.

Or annoy me.

Wow, I like that those violations both carry equal weight with you, - Doctor...

- Capshaw.


Well, Dr. Capshaw, my, uh, prolific well of medical knowledge is at your disposal.

Tether him to the sink and remove his hand restraints.

I need you to clean the prolific bedpans.

It's been a while, so don't be shy.

You should be able to eat your food off them when you're done.

Can I at least have a butterscotch?

GIL: What do you got?

I've been thinking about K*llers who mutilate and t*rture.

So, a regular morning for you.

They all grew up hating themselves.

Gacy for his sexuality, Kearney for his height, Miyazaki because of a birth defect.

When they mutilated their victims, - it was projection.

- You think our k*ller is deformed?


Or at least they feel like they are.

Makes sense.

Sometimes the most monstrous people are the ones hiding in plain sight.


Uh, excuse me.


Everything all right?

(WHISPERING): No, it is not.

We have an emergency.

What do you know?

Hurricane Birdie has just flown in, and that is never a good thing. Oh.

Well, can you get her to leave?

Malcolm... my sister is like a fungal infection, and I am way too annoyed to construct the end to this simile.

She is a problem.

And we do not need my family poking around in our lives.

- Especially with... - (PHONE VIBRATING)


Um, I have to go.

- m*rder stuff.


Then we will pick this up tonight at dinner.



Ainsley, I will call you if there is an update.

Nothing yet.

I keep hearing sirens and helicopters.

It's New York.

There are always sirens and helicopters.

Edrisa got toxicology back on the paralytic and the m*rder w*apon.


You good?

- Hello?

Are you there?

- Yeah.

- What about the toxicology?

- The paralytic was surgical grade, and the neurotoxin was a patented blend.

The Lexington Collective's Radiance Solution?

So, the k*ller literally gave Zhang a taste of her own medicine.

DANI: Yeah, Gil wants us to talk to her old partners.

Unless everything is not okay?

Everything is not okay.

Ainsley, I know you hate when I say this, but you need to calm down.

Calm down?

I m*rder*d a man and forgot about it, my brother's been lying to me about it, and now I may have just done it again.

I can't stay here.

- I need to get out.

- No.

No, stay in the loft.

Don't go.

I am going.

- (WHISPERS): Ainsley?





Ains, it's me.


Call me.

You know you're terrible at hiding whatever it is you're trying to hide?

Sorry, it's just my sister.

She's... a little lost at the moment.

And you're trying to keep it all together?

More like failing miserably.


Look, from someone who was lost once, too, my advice is...

be there for her, but...

don't let her drag you down with her.

What if she already has?


Bright, you can tell me.


I'm overthinking it.

How about we focus on the thing we can solve: Zhang's m*rder.

DANI: And suddenly I feel super insecure.

That's the point.

Plastic surgeons make money - on insecurity.

- Thank you.

Anxiety and dysmorphia is their core business model.

In this world, nobody can feel good enough.

Even when they're as beautiful as you.

Which could be what the k*ller was trying to tell us.



RECEPTIONIST: Detective Powell, Mr. Bright.

The doctors will see you now.


It's a shame about Nicole.

I mean, we haven't spoken to her in a while, but the three of us go all the way back to med school.

- Why did you fall out of touch?

- CHABRA: You know...

- Life.

- Different paths.

Nicole wanted to do the whole pro bono thing, and, uh...

Chabra and I have different goals.

Work hard, play hard.

YOLO, you know?

You're stressed about something.

Who isn't these days?

You're holding tension in your jaw.

Could lead to premature jowling.

I could get you some product samples to help...

I'm good.

Speaking of product, Dr. Chabra, you're head of the lab, right?

That's correct.

Our k*ller had access to surgical-grade materials, and your Radiance Solution is our m*rder w*apon.

Has any inventory gone missing lately?

Absolutely not.

Summer takes stock every morning.

We have nothing to hide.

BRIGHT: Excuse me.

Who's Summer?


Uh, this is just all so horrible.

I mean, I-I didn't know Dr. Zhang.

I've, um...

I've only been here a few months.

But if anything was missing, I would've told the doctors.

I mean, especially Dr. Donahue.

He's always, uh, checking up on me, if you know what I mean.

Unfortunately, I do.

Send over your records, and we'll call if we have any questions.


Thank you.

I want Donahue to be the bad guy.

Yeah, anyone who says "work hard, play hard" definitely has a coke problem.

And he clearly has hegemonic masculinity.

- Is that fancy for "toxic"?

- More or less.

It's why he works so well with Dr. Chabra, who's complicitly masculine.

He will tell us the ugly truth.

- How do we get him to talk?

- Easy.

We just isolate him with our own alpha males.


I-I really can't say anything without my lawyer.

Why not?

You afraid you might confess now that Daddy's not around to protect you?

You think I k*lled Nicole?

You tell me, man!



Hey, I have nothing to hide.

J-Just tell me what you want to know.

Our k*ller has a grudge against Zhang, your business, and the medical knowledge to pull it all off.

Who fits that bill?

Hey, hey.

The second I found out about this, one person came to mind.

Francine Depaugh.

- A former patient.

- JT: What's the story there?

She was one of our best clients.

But then she got addicted to the work, always wanting more.

Zhang wanted to cut her off, Donahue didn't.

That's when Dr. Zhang left your practice?


But after that, Francine got to be too much, even for us.


She sued.

It got messy.

She fell off the map about six months ago.

I-I assumed she just gave up.

Or maybe she pivoted to plan B...



- BRIGHT: Ainsley, call me back.


Sexy eyes

Moving cross the floor

Got me wanting more

Sexy eyes

Sexy eyes...



Sorry, I-I wasn't expecting you until later.


Yeah, and sorry about the cadaver smell.

I'm trying to get rid of it.



You look nice, by the way.

Oh, this old thing?

It was just, uh...

uh, shoved in the back of my locker.

It was just...

Uh, but... thanks.

I do, I do look nice.


I have a favor to ask.


I need a DNA analysis on this.

No problemo.

Where's it from?

It's a lead I'm running down on my own.

I-If you wouldn't mind keeping it just between us.

Say no more.

Thanks, Edrisa.

You're the best.


What's the matter?

Ainsley not getting back to you?


How do you...

Oh, uh...



Fun fact.

I read upside down as well as right side up.

- Sorry.

It's a bad habit.



Thank you for that.


That went well.



Enough with the theatrics, Quentin.

The meds will kick in soon.

(WEAKLY): I need something stronger.

My head feels like it's gonna explode.

I can give you a little more aspirin, but that's it for today, okay?


I'll be back.

♪ ♪ BRIGHT: If Chabra's telling the truth, Francine Depaugh has body dysmorphic disorder.

- Does that fit your profile?

- Like a glove.

No matter what the doctors did, all she could ever see was the ugliness she felt inside.

That's a sad way to live.



Sounds like German.

Yeah, all I saw was blood.

Back up.


Stay down!

Roll over.

Hands behind your back.

Find Francine.


♪ ♪ NYPD.

Hands up.

Francine Depaugh?

WOMAN: My goodness.

What is this all about?

I assure you no one is being injured.

All procedures are consensual.

DANI: Tell that to Nicole Zhang.

Francine, we're here to talk.


Is this what you had in mind?


How long you had the headache?

A few days.


You work out?

You hitting on me?


Easy, champ.

You're not my type.


Your lips are chapped.

And as fit as you are, you should be more vascular.

I'm plenty vascular.

Yeah, I'm guessing you don't know what vascular means.

Point is, you're dehydrated.

How old are you?

What are you trying to do to me?

I'm diagnosing you, and I'm worried, Quentin.

I think your head might explode.


- Yep.

- CAPSHAW: Whitly!

I am the least of your problems.



- Get him on a bed.

- Code four, code four.

Call an ambulance.

Come on, get him on the bed.

(STRAINING): Three, lift.



CAPSHAW: Damn it!

What am I looking at?

Spontaneous subdural hematoma.

- I wasn't talking to you.

- Well, think about it.

Middle-aged guy works out.


Brain shrinks.

Capillaries break.

- Bleeds happen.

- If you're right, aspirin would've made the bleed worse.

Well, find that bleed.

Do we have an ultrasound machine?

The women's ward should.


You want me to go get it, or...?

Those doctors were horrible to me.

Especially Zhang.

After all I gave them, they claimed I was cuckoo.

And cut me off with so much work left to be done.

They thought you were using the surgeries to fill a void, to try and fix something broken inside.

It's really not that deep.

I simply demand perfection.


DANI: You dropped your lawsuit against the Lexington Collective six months ago.


I was over it.

No, you weren't.

You're relentless.

If you stopped bothering the partners, it's because you got what you wanted.


Which means I had no reason to hurt anyone.

What it means is, you're in possession of our m*rder w*apon.

(LAUGHS): Oh, that's absurd.



Donahue and I came to an agreement.

He supplied me with the Radiance Solution.

In exchange for what?

My silence.

For what they did to poor little Lana.

BRIGHT: Lana Anders, student from the UK.

Went to med school with Donahue and Chabra.

Star of the class.

Bound for greatness.

Our Neanderthal Donahue convinced her that she would never have a career unless she "looked the part." BRIGHT: He wrangled Chabra and Zhang to perform a malar augmentation...

A lifting of the cheekbones.

But Donahue was young, inexperienced.

He screwed up.

Left Lana d*sfigured.

She dropped out soon after.



Sounds like she'd have every reason to want revenge.

Where's Lana now?

I'm still trying to figure it out.

She left the country after her student visa expired, and there is no record of her reentering the States.

Well, Francine's alibi checks out.

And Lana's nowhere to be found.

So who else do we have?

Donahue fits.

A controlled perfectionist who molds people.

What if Zhang felt troubled by her past?

Covering up her partner's crimes?

The weight of it all could have become unbearable.

Dr. Jekyll couldn't have everyone finding out

- he's Mr. Hyde.

- Two good suspects.

Dani, go see what Chabra knows about Lana.

I'll be waiting for Donahue when he gets home.

Bright, Jessica's called me twice.

Hurricane Birdie has touched down, and you are due at dinner.

Let me know if I need to call in SWAT.


Birdie would eat them alive.





I've been calling you all day.

- Have you?

- I thought you were feeling sick.

I'm feeling a lot of things.

I didn't realize there'd be theater with our dinner tonight.

Yes, enough with the drama.

Malcolm, you're being rude.

Say hello to your aunt.



Looking more like your father every day.


There it is.

MARTIN: And fluid.

His intracranial pressure must be through the roof.

You're gonna have to relieve it manually.

I don't have neurosurgical tools on hand.

I'm lucky to have a -year-old ultrasound machine.

Well, I love to improvise.


I'm sure maintenance has a DeWalt and drill bits.

You want me to put a burr hole in his head with a power drill?

MARTIN: Could be worse.

The Aztecs used sharpened rocks.


They also skinned people alive to bring rain.


But the rocks worked.

The ambulance is ten minutes out.

Might as well be a hearse.

I could do it.

If my hands were free.

Get me five milligrams of Diazepam and a gram of ancef to IV push, and a scalpel.

What bit shall I use?

/ should be just fine.

And a drill set.


If he dies...

Just put it on my tab.



How did we do?

It actually worked.

(WHISPERS): We did it.

Get Whitly out of here.


GUARD: Come on, Doc.




BIRDIE: So, Malcolm, I hear you're profiling murderers for the NYPD.

Yes, I'm with Major Crimes.

That's quite a demotion from the FBI, isn't it?

Well, if we all took ten years between career attempts, the family trust fund would run dry.




You're so... peculiar.

If my father was a serial k*ller, I'm not sure I'd be leaning into it quite so much.

I guess the difference is that he k*lled people and, uh, I save them.

Most of the time, anyway.


How about we go grab a nice Bordeaux, Ainsley?

One of Birdie's favorites.

BIRDIE: Is it always like this?



Not at all.

(QUIETLY): Where have you been all day?

I tried to retrace my steps, and I lost track of time.

Why would you do that?

I told you I could handle everything.

I was just trying to help.

- Don't.

- BIRDIE: Come on. I'm your sister.

This life you live, it's...

And when I heard about Nicholas Endicott...

More m*rder?

I can't even imagine.

You're concerned.

Of course.

Why do you think I came?

You've been through hell.

You need someone to talk to.

Or at least drink with.


Let your guard down, Sis.

I'm here for you.

Thank you.

(QUIETLY): I can only keep you out of trouble if you listen to me.


Hey, Gil.

What's the update?

Donahue didn't show.

JT's watching the place now, and I'm putting out a BOLO.

I got a bad feeling he's in the wind.

Damn it.

He could be our guy.

I need to talk to Chabra.

Dani said the same.

She's on her way to the Collective now.




Dr. Chabra?

Do you have his number?


Dr. Chabra!

Who did this to you?

Didn't see.

I-I think...


I betrayed him.

Giving you Francine.

We're gonna get you to a hospital, okay?

Dr. Chabra?

The solution's setting in already.

His systems are shutting down.

We need to get him back, now!

- Is there some kind of antidote?

- Yes, but...


An antitoxin will slow the neurotoxin, but it won't counteract the paralytic agent.

We can get his heart rate back up with a stimulant, like, um...



I got the stuff you asked for.

Is that a paperweight?

Not just a paperweight.

It's Donahue's secret stash.

- How did you know?

- Uh, the way he was handling it.

And, you know...

what else would you hide in a cheetah?


Uh, let's see.


About a gram of cocaine.

milliliters of saline.

- Any luck with the lidocaine?

- I couldn't find any.


No big deal.

Just, uh, shake this up.

Bright, is it a big deal?



Only if I got the dose wrong...

Which I'm sure I didn't.

Lidocaine helps prevent a fatal arrhythmia.

Dr. Chabra could die?

Well, he's gonna die anyway.

We can't k*ll him twice.

Uh, okay.




All right!



Now, next step: We're gonna fast-track this right into his heart.

This is the worst cooking show ever.

Don't worry.

This will work.








I do not miss dr*gs.




He isn't coming, Birdie.

What are you doing here?

You did seem genuine last night.

A caring ear, a shoulder to cry on, but...


...with this family, I have learned that it is always best to trust but verify.

I'm not the Soviets, Jess.

You have no idea what I've been through.

JESSICA: I think I have a very clear idea.

You have sold a tell-all book about your big sis.

Mrs. Martin Whitly.

I can explain.


for my martini.

Here you are, Mrs. Whitly.

Thank you.



I'm broke.


- And Mummy's cut me off.

Claims she's the only billionaire to have lost money during the pandemic.

Oh, well, then, by all means, exploit my life's tragedies in your poorly written dime-store novel.

You think I want to write a book?

I barely read them.

But they came to me with an offer I couldn't refuse.


And so I will double it, and then it goes away.

And you with it.

That's a marvelous gesture, but it won't solve your problems.

Cache Publishing is desperate for this book.

They'll move forward with or without me.

Then I have no other option.

In order to control the narrative, I will offer them my memoir.


Lord knows they've been asking for it for years.

And you can have the advance.


Oh, they'll pay through the nose for that.

I swear, I'll repay you as soon as my accounts are unfrozen.

Don't bother.

Just do one thing.

If Mummy asks about your visit...

Dinner with your family was a Rockwell painting.

Donahue's bank accounts have all been cleared.

JT's still posted at his apartment, but I think our guy skipped town.

And do we need to talk about last night?

Chabra's alive.

And I was mostly sure he was gonna be okay.



Donahue's a famous surgeon.

Easily recognizable.

So he has to know that making it as a fugitive is unlikely.

I know, but he's arrogant.

- Maybe he's delusional.

- GIL: But not stupid.

His picture's in every agency across the country.

He's never getting off this island without us knowing.

Okay, let's think this through.

Put ourselves in Donahue's headspace.

That is a terrifying thought.

Humor me.

Uh, what's his move?

He knows we're onto him.

So his only shot at a new life... a new face.

You think Donahue's gonna get a surgery before he hits the road?

Yes, and I know where he's gonna go to do it.

I think it's unlocked.

We still need a warrant.

Even for consultants?


There's something leaning against the door.

Take a look.

It's one of the surgeons.

Push harder.

He's alive.


BRIGHT: Francine!

FRANCINE: That bitch.

This is Powell.

I need backup at Park.

What happened?

Oh, Donahue's recovery nurse.

The moment we put him under, she went ballistic.

- What nurse?

What's her name?

- I don't know.

A brunette.

Blue eyes, five-five, pounds.

Teardrop Cs, if I had to guess.

That's Summer.

Where are they now?

In surgery.


That's not surgery.

That's m*rder.


DANI: Summer!

Step away from the chair, and put the needle down.

I can't do that.

Why are you doing this, Summer?

You would never understand.

BRIGHT: Give me a chance.

I might surprise you.

I know a thing or two about m*rder.

Not like this.

I guess you're right.

Oh, and by the way...'s nice to finally meet you.


Lana, put the needle down and talk to us.

We can help.

No, you can't.

- Bright, that's Lana?

- Yep.

The brilliant young surgeon Donahue d*sfigured.

He told me after he "fixed my bone structure," I would be unstoppable.


I lost my friends.

My identity, everything.

You're not d*sfigured.

You're beautiful.

LANA: Ignore the pretty face.

The body can't tell the difference between elective surgery and a knife wound.

Donahue nicked my fifth cranial nerve.

What does that mean?

When you cut a nerve like that, you create a neuroma.

The more you try to fix it, the deeper and stronger it grows back.

LANA: It's like an invisible, white-hot pain that constantly runs like acid beneath this pretty face.

BRIGHT: It's enough to drive anyone insane.

This wasn't about beauty.

It was about pain.

It's about suffering.

Whatever Zhang and Chabra felt, it is a fraction of what I endure.

Then why let Donahue off easy?

What are you doing?

She wants revenge.

If you want to get even, Lana, get even.

You've turned him into everything that he hates.


So let him live.

Like this.

A monster who will wake up every day trapped in a nightmare.

Unable to recognize himself in a mirror.

Believe me. I know.

That's real pain.



The best revenge is letting him live like this.

Oh, our gym rat's not out of the woods, but he'll recover.

Well, my quick thinking and your... steady hand.

I wasn't expecting you to be so savvy with a drill.

Your fault for underestimating me.

Well, I could say the same to you.

Good night, Dr. Whitly.

Let's go.

Shift's over.


So... did you figure it out?

I did.

And the DNA test I ran on your shirt proved it.

The blood was porcine.


Pig's blood, Ainsley.

- Really?

- Oh, come on.

It was a little funny.

This whole thing was just a prank?

Do you have any idea what you've put me through?

Do you?

You lied to me.

Underestimated me for months!

I have given up everything for you!


I don't even know who I am anymore.

Because of what I have done to protect you.

Protect me?

Or control me?

You know, for someone who spent the last few decades trying to recover from being gaslit, it's ironic how quickly you resorted to it.

That's not the same.

I was trying to save you pain.

That's exactly what Dad would say.

I'm sorry.

I appreciate that.


this whole thing was...

completely deranged.

You realize that, right?



It was...

a little over the top, but I had to make sure that you were never gonna mess with my head again.

Seriously, though, you need to lighten up.

We got away with it.

- You don't know that.

- Mm.

I do.

We're Whitlys.

No one does this m*rder stuff better than us.

♪ ♪ Simon Hoxley, Europol.

I believe you have something for me.

OFFICER: He pulled it up on his morning haul.

Do you think it's the head of that body that we found a few months back?


I do.

That is Nicholas Endicott.

And those freezer burns on his neck prove my theory.

Someone tried very hard to make it look like he was k*lled here in Estonia, but he was not.

What does it mean?

It means...

...I am heading to New York City.

MAN: Greg, move your head.