Mix Up in the Mediterranean (2021)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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Mix Up in the Mediterranean (2021)

Post by bunniefuu »

Josh, Mrs. Rayburn says she's gonna start eating the placemat if her lunch isn't ready in the next two minutes.

Yeah, I know.

I just-- I got a little inspired, I thought we could try something.

What is that?

It's a baked Alaska.

It's my mother's recipe, with a few little twists that I added onto it.

Josh, you are a cook in a diner in Yakutat, Alaska.

The customers want pie!

Just stick to the menu.


(horns honking)

Julia, I want this hotel.

And you know what happens when I want something, so let's just skip to the part where I get it and save ourselves some time, okay?


Acquiring a hotel in a castle in Europe is harder than I expected.


Well, sure.

I mean, who can't relate to that?

No, I know.

I'm a few minutes late.

I had to pack.

I'm flying to Malta tomorrow?

- Oh, yeah.

That cooking show is this week.

Dad, the 87th Annual International Escoffier Culinary Competition is not a "cooking show".

It's like the Olympics for rising chefs.

You could always come back and work for me again.

Event planning is what I love to do, and I wanna do it without the help of my father and his company.

Westcott Enterprises is the most prestigious hotelier in the world.

Both: We have properties in more than two dozen countries.

I know.

Including Hotel Phoenicia in Malta where you're doing your cooking-- culinary competition.

And I appreciate you letting us host it there.

I really need to prove myself.

What's the point in building an empire if your only child doesn't wanna run it?

It's because I want to build my own empire.

Mushrooms, I need mushrooms.


Julian, where's Julian?

Somebody get me Julian.

Ooh, mushrooms!

(phone ringing)


Please tell me this is somebody offering me a free trip to a deserted island.

You're going to Malta next week, Henry.

Pretty sure that's an island.

What more do you want?

The list is long, Josh, my friend.

Very, very long.

Josh: Right.

Hey, where's Julian?

Where do you think he is?

He's shaking hands and kissing babies.

Mr. Westcott.

I saw your name in the reservation.

Listen, I just wanted to introduce myself.

I am Chef Julian Northrup.


- Thank you.

- Mm-hm.

This is my daughter Meg.

- Hello.

- Hi!

We're act-- Mr. Westcott, I would just love to talk about working together.

Perhaps partnering my restaurants with your hotels?

Well, we have a food and beverage department, although we need someone to run it.

Dad, I'm sure he has bigger things to worry about.

He's one of our chefs.

I'm sorry, "one of your chefs"?

Uh, yes.

I'm actually running the culinary contest in Malta.

Oh, I thought that Heike Mueller was in charge of that.

Oh, yes.

Uh, well, she runs the Academy and the contest.

I am running the event.

Right, but you're not in charge of the actual picking of the winner.

Uh, no.

That would be the judges.

Oh, well that's okay.

That's okay.

Of course someone has to be there to, um, make sure that the trophy can be handed to me when I win.


Of course.

Wow, you're very confident.

Well, that's a good thing, isn't it?

Mr. Westcott, I'm gonna whip up something extra special just for you.

Bon appétit.

Brother's on the phone.

Julian on phone: What's up, little brother?

Okay, you're five minutes older than me.

Oh, still counts.

How's AK?


How's NYC?


But, you know, with fewer moose.

(Josh chuckling)

I just wanted to call to wish you luck at the Escoffier.

Julian: Listen.

Um, I am allowed one extra guest for the competition and I was thinking maybe you would want to come.

To Malta?

That-- Yeah, I can't do that.

I can buy you the plane ticket if that's what you're worried about.

I can afford my own plane ticket, Julian.

Julian: I didn't mean that!

Didn't mean what?

That you're a big, fancy chef with your bistro in New York and I'm just a lowly cook at a diner in Yakutat?

Josh, why are you still there, hm?

It's not like it's even a famous restaurant anymore.

Yeah, well, it's gonna be.


L'histoire se répète.

Why do you pretend that you're French?

I hate that.

You grew up in Alaska.

What does that even mean?

It means history repeating.


You are passing up on a trip to Malta.

You passed up on my offer to get out of that greasy kitchen and come work here when Dad died.

You passed up on a scholarship to one of the best culinary schools in Paris.

That was 15 years ago.

Somebody had to stay behind.

Mom had just passed away.

- Dad wanted us to go.

Well, I wanted to stay.

And I still wanna stay!

Julian: Josh, come to Malta.

Some of the best chefs in the world are gonna be there, you can see what cooking's like outside of Yakutat.

And besides, Henry and I, we haven't seen you since our wedding and talking on the phone once every few months is just not good enough.

For him.

Kinsella: Three cheeseburgers and a grilled cheese!

And no fancy stuff!

Fine, I'll come.

I gotta go.

Talk to you later.

♪ (gasping)

Oh my gosh!

Annie, hi!

- Oh!

- Oh!

I was so happy to hear you were managing the hotel.

It's great to see you.

It's looking fabulous!

Oh, just wait until you see it on camera.

And it's going to be livestreamed for the entire world to see.

♪ Oh my gosh!

- Oh!

Oh, I'm sorry.

I am so sorry.

I-- Uh, I was not paying attention to where I was going.

No, it's, uh... that was my bad.

(nervous chuckling)

So, welcome to Malta.

Thank you!

Yeah, it's um...

..it's beautiful, here.

Is it?

I actually haven't even had time to explore yet.

Uh, you know, I actually have the same suitcase.


I'm pretty sure this one's mine.

See, it's, uh...yep.

Got my lucky hat in it and everything.

That's actually where I keep my extra chocolate.

Your extra chocolate?

I always travel with an emergency stash just in case I can't find the good stuff.



Don't tell anyone.

Well, your secret is safe with me.

I'm sorry, can you just, um...

can you tell me where the front desk is?

Uh, yeah.

It's right there.


Thank you!

Uh, maybe we'll, uh...we'll run into each other again sometime.

- Uh, yeah!

- Yeah.

Who was that?

Julian Northrup?

He's one of our chefs in the competition.

That was very interesting.

Interesting how?

Last week when I ran into him in New York, he seemed so..

But today he seemed really nice!

And he looks so different.

So casual.

And handsome?

He has a husband.

Oh, I can see how this would put a crimp in your dating plans.



(doorbell ringing)

Well, you can take the boy out of Alaska but you cannot take the Alaska out of the boy.

Well, it's good to see you too, Julian.

Come here.

Yeah, whoop.



All right.



Look at this.

- Josh.

- Henry.

It's so good to see you!

- Oh, man!

- It's been too long.

I know!

What- three years since the wedding.

It's too long.

Look at you two.

It's like somebody picked up Julian and dropped him off in the wilderness and left him there for a few weeks.


Well, I'll tell ya, after a few weeks in the wilderness, he would look a lot worse than this.

- I concur.

- Hey, hey, hey.

No ganging up on the chef, okay?

I have to concentrate on the competition.

Mm, it's too bad I got all the culinary talent in the family.

Oh, please!

I can cook circles around you.

Okay, I'm a better chef, and I'm taller.

You are not!


Um, yeah, I should go crash.


So, uh...all right!

See y'all tomorrow.

- Goodnight, Josh.

- Of course.


(door closing)


Ms. Mueller!

Welcome to Hotel Phoenicia.

Why are there so many flowers?

The food should be the star here, Meg.

Uh, Ms. Mueller, this is Annie Leroux, she is the general manager of the hotel.

It's nice to meet you.

You must be excited to be having a worldwide audience for the competition this year.

- Of course.

The board approved your plan, Ms. Westcott, but I shall be watching closely.

She seems nice?


Julian: Hey, the blue tie or the green tie?


You didn't even look!

- I didn't need to.

It's perfect for spring and it brings out your eyes.

Well, I just love that you know that.

(knocking at door)

It's open!



Is this better?


- What's wrong with it?

- You're gonna be a room with the culinary elite.

The crème de la crme of the cooking world.

You need to dress as if you were going to a fancy restaurant.


This is literally how I would dress if I was going to a fancy restaurant.

- Agh.

- We are not related.

There is no way that I share DNA with this man.

Come on, let's go.


I can't believe I'm still dressing my brother.

I'm putting you in blue!

Julian, just be a bit more careful with the-- Ow, oh!



Oh, it's my back again.


What happened?

He injured his back when we redid the house and he tried to lift a big stove.

It was crooked, okay?


Henry: Can you stand up?

Stand up.

Can you stand up?


- Henry: Oh, my goodness.

- Julian: Yep, yep, yep.


- Lay down, lay down.

- Okay.

Julian, you gotta register in the next 20 minutes, otherwise you can't compete.

Well, can't you go register for him?

No, no.

I have to do it.

I can....

- Be careful.

I can do this.


No, Julian.

Just don't.

You're gonna make yourself worse.





Oh my gosh.

What am I gonna do?



Give me your ID.

Excuse me?

I'll go register for you.

Julian, it's not gonna be the first time that we pretended to be each other.

We used to do it all the time!

No, no, no.

We were kids.

Okay, what if someone finds out?!

Yeah, I just gotta go sign a form, right?

I don't really think you've got a choice.

Give him the ID.

Give him the ID.

- I...

Ugh, fine!



You be friendly, okay?

And you smile.

And try to say French words every once in a while.

Uh, yeah.

I don't know French.

Oui, bonjour, merci!

Stick to the basics.

Okay, okay!


I can be you for like, five minutes, right?

Hey, no, no, no.

Not looking like that you can't.

(Soft jazz playing)

- Julian?

- No.

Julian Northrup?

Is that you?

Uh, oui!

Yes, 'tis I, Julian Northrup.

And-and you are?


Etienne Leduc!

I put on a few pounds.

You probably remember me from culinary school?


I have the weakness for the cream sauce!

Cream sauce, yes!

Culinary school, I remember.


- Classmates, now competitors.

How fun, huh?

- (laughing)


Oui, yes, fun.

That is exactly how I would put it.

- I need to-- - I think it's, uh, I think it's very generous of them that they allow you to participate.

Generous, how's that?

It's no secret your restaurant is struggling.

- No.

It is not.

- It's nothing to be ashamed of, huh?

I mean, not everyone can have the kind of success I've had with my bistros.

But you know, I'm sure simply here will help, huh?

So, do not worry if you get cut out from one of the early rounds.


Well, excusez-moi, but I don't intend to get cut at all.

That's the spirit, huh?

Lovely to see you again, Julian!


Chef Northrup, hi!

Are you ready now?

Oh, hi!

You, uh...

Bonjour, bonjour-- ah, and ready for what?

To register.

I have everything set up for you right over there.


You-- yes, you work for the Escoffier.

Of course!

That's just-- très bon!


That's right, you trained in France.

J'ai étudié à Paris.

Je parle Français.



Uh, so, where is your husband Henry?

My husband is packing.


He's unpacking.


Uh, well, I look forward to meeting him.


You two, I have to say, make the most handsome couple.



Well, hey, I am-- (clearing throat)

Um, so it says here that he is your sous chef?

- Mm, yes.

- And you have one other guest, your brother Josh?

Is he a chef too?

Uh, more of a cook, but yeah.

Oh, well maybe one day he'll be at the competition.




So, I just need you to sign the contract.

- I'm sorry, um, this contract?

- Yeah.

It just says that you understand the rules, you agree to be photographed, you are who you say you are.

- (chuckling)

- You can just sign right here.

You need my ID.

Do you need my ID?

I have it.

No, no.

I know who you are.

Unless you have an evil twin or something.


(clearing throat)

So, where do I sign?

Uh, right where it says "chef's signature".

Wow, yes.



Gonna sign.

- Yeah.

- Yep.



"J Northrup".

Staying on brand.

- Yeah.

Something like that.

- I like it.

And also, can I see your right wrist, please?

- Sure.

- Thank you.

Just put it through there.

Is that tight enough?



What is this?

It's your chef bracelet.

- Oh.

There's a chip inside that you'll need at your work station before you use it.

It's our way of keeping the culinary espionage down to a minimum.

- (chuckling)


So, when I need to take it off, like for a shower...

Oh, it's waterproof.

You keep it on until the end of the event.

If you take it off before, you can't compete.

So-- What if it-- it breaks?

Oh, these things are indestructible.


Good luck.



I think we have a problem.

I'm gonna have to drop out of the competition.

Josh: Hey, so what's going on with the restaurant?

Because I ran into, uh, Etienne?

Is that something?


He said that J Northrup was in trouble.

Well, this just keeps getting better.

The bank's about to foreclose.

We overextended with the renovation and we need the prize money.

Along with the recognition that comes with winning the competition.

Without it, we're sunk.

I'm gonna lose the restaurant.

No, you won't.

I can't compete without the wristband.

- Exactly.

- Then I will compete as you.


That's crazy.

Why would you do that?

Why would I--?

Because you're my brother!

And the Northrup family needs a win.


You can teach me all the recipes.

Henry's your sous chef.

I'm sure he knows how to make everything just as good as you do.

Josh, these people are professionals.


They're gonna be watching your every move from how you mix, to your knife skills.

They're gonna take one look at you and-- And see what?

That I'm just a diner cook from Alaska?

I know my way around a kitchen!

It's not the same.

Tu ne m'écoutes pas!

Stop talking in French!

All right, stop it, both of you.

Both of you stop.


Tomorrow is apprentice day.

We show up and we see what happens.

What have we to lose?


He can't just cook like me.


You have to be me.

You have to dress like me, yes, but you'd also have to carry yourself like me.

I can do this.



But we're not practicing in the competition area with everybody watching.

We're gonna have to go somewhere else and you're gonna have to do everything that I say.

You will follow the recipe.


- Deal.

- Henry: Yes.

- Hors d'oeuvre?

- Ooh...

So we'll mingle for five minutes and then we'll slip away, all right?

Just remember it's an elegant event-- - Yeah, yeah.

- Cocktail party.

It's not some bar with peanut shells on the floor.


Chef Northrop!



Ah, Miss Westcott.

Ah, bonjour.

Please, call me Meg.

Don't you look sharp?

Thank you.

And you look, um...

I mean, wow.


Doesn't-- she looks très, trs fabulous.

- Oh.

Thank you.

- Mm-hm.

I'm-I'm Henry.

I'm Julian's husband.

Oh, it's so nice to finally meet you.

I'm Meg Westcott.

I'm the event director at the l'Élite Culinary Institute.

Yeah, so you two have met?

- Mm-hm.

Oh, we go way back.


I'm sure he's told you all about my obsession with chocolate.


No, no, he hasn't.

Why don't I introduce you to the chefs?

- No.

- Yeah!

They're right this way.

Yeah, I'd love to meet them.

- Yes.

- Come on.

Meg: Good afternoon.


I would love to introduce you to Chef Julian Northrup from the United States.

This is his husband Henry.

Patrick O'Shea from Ireland.

- Good to see you.

And then there's Chef Deirdre Zidane from Germany.


And then of course you remember Etienne LeDuc, representing France.



You went to culinary school together, right?

What was that like?


Oh, the stories I could tell!

Please, I'd like to hear some gossip about good old Etienne.

Yes, Julian, I would love to hear some tales of the good old days.

- (Josh nervous chuckling)

Henry: I could tell the story.


The story about when you were in the last year at l'Élite, and Etienne, he shut himself away in his room, uh-- (laughing)

--for three days, trying to perfect the soufflé.


- Really?

And it was worth it, though, 'cause I haven't made a bad soufflé since.

Soufflés are easy.

A German strudel, now, that is a complicated dessert.

Oh, can I borrow you for a second?

I'd love to get your opinion on something.

I don't think that that's a good idea.

- I-- - No.


I mean, it's better than staying here.






Chefs are allowed to start using their work stations tomorrow, and I just wanna make sure that I have everything they need.

Would you mind taking a look?

- Yes, of course.

I mean, I know my way around a high-end kitchen, so I would be the person to ask.

But why me?

- Well, for starters, you didn't tell Henry about my secret stash of chocolate in my suitcase, so you seem pretty trustworthy.

And, I don't know.

From my first impression of you, you seem fairly brutal with your honesty.

Which I could really use right now.


Um, oh, God.

Look at this place.

I...I can't believe I get to cook here.

I can get so creative.

So, you don't look at recipes?

Oh, uh, well I do like to go with my gut.

You know, it doesn't always work out but when it does, it can be really something special.

The kitchen, though.

The kitchen is...yes!

I mean, this is-- it looks perfect.

I mean, you must really know cooking.


Oh, no.

I don't cook.

I love events.

That's my passion.

You know, creating all this.

Coming up with ideas.

Making it happen.

Watching people just get lost in all of it.

How long you been doing that?

Well, I've done a couple smaller parties at the hotels that my dad owns, but this is my first big, major event and I need it to go well if I wanna launch my own company.

Wait, your father's hotel-- that-- Your father-- your father is Preston Westcott.


You met him last week at your restaurant?


Yeah, of course.

Of course, it's just like-- the jetlag, it's just-- - Oh.

- --whew.

But your father owns this hotel.

Yeah, he does.

But I don't really like to advertise that because I wanna build my reputation on my own merits before I launch my company.

Well, I mean, from what I can see, you are more than ready.

Well, thank you.

And thank you for calming my nerves.

You so didn't have to do this.

It's probably the last thing you wanna do.


No, it's-- I'm happy to help.

You know I-- I just can't keep up with you.

It's like you're two different people.


Hey, um, question.

We're not required to use these work stations to practice, are we?

You don't wanna get used to the space?

Yeah, it's just, prying eyes and such?

Yes, oh!

I didn't even think about that.

Yeah, no, for sure.

We could-- You know what?

You can practice anywhere you want.


Well, we should probably head back.

- Yeah.

- Thank you again.

Yeah, any time.


- Who's that?

- That?

I-- I don't know.



Julian Northrup?

It's so good to see you!

- Ah!

- Henry: Chester!

Chester Peele.


You remember Chester Peele.

Chester Pe-- Yes!


I thought you said you didn't know him.

I-- Well, you know, it's just so bright.

And I-- It is.

Julian and I were in Malta a few years ago.

We bumped into Chester at his restaurant, Chester's By the Sea.


Yeah, we became fast friends.

And uh, he's given us a lot of fantastic advice before we opened up J Northrup.

Well, I hope you didn't listen to me.

Chester's is no more.

C'est la vie.

- Henry: Oh, sorry.

Chef Peele, what are doing here?

This is an invitation only event.

Heike, old friend!

I thought you'd appreciate having a former winner of the Escoffier drop by to encourage your latest crop of competitors.

You came because you knew it would annoy me.

Well, yes, that too.

You see, I was the youngest winner in Escoffier history at the tender age of 25.

Heike's never really gotten over the fact that I beat her at the very contest she now runs.

Ever since she took over the Escoffier my invitations to events seem to have gotten lost in the mail.

Can you see that this gentleman is escorted from the party?

Overseeing security is part of your job, isn't it?


Uh, yeah.

I'll take care of it.

I'm going!

But only because Meg is so gracious.

Isn't she, Julian?

(nervous chuckling)


Yeah, we-- yeah, yeah.

You're being very peculiar today.

Don't let this stuffy little contest change you.

It isn't worth it.

Until next time!

Meg: Right this way, please.

- Seriously?

- Josh: Can we please leave?

You are rubbish.

Take this.

Down it!

Terrible job!

Chester Peele is the last thing we need if we're gonna pull this off.

- Josh: Yeah, I know.

Well, what about Etienne?


I put Meg Westcott ahead of both of them.

What is going on there?

Nothing, no.

No, she actually wanted my opinion about the kitchen setups, so.

Actually, she wanted Julian's "brutal honesty".

Her words.

- Hm.

- Hmm.

Okay, you need to be careful, because if she finds out, we're in big trouble.


(knocking at door)

That'll be room service.

I ordered you an ice pack for your back.

You know what?

I'm actually feeling a little better.

Yeah, you look the very picture of health.


Chester, um, oh-- (clearing throat)

There's two of you!

So, let me get this straight.

You are pretending to be you in order to compete in one of the most elite culinary contests in the world?


I love it!

Please don't tell anyone.

Chester: Tell anyone?

I want to know how I can help.

Gentleme Julian is not gonna like this.

Well, it doesn't really matter what he likes until we can find a way to sneak him out of the hotel without people seeing two Julian Northrups.

Well, I thought of a way.


(door closing)

Julian, what are you wearing?

If you're me, then I am you.


Okay, well first of all, I don't say things like "element-bluh", whatever.

Second of all, what if somebody saw you?

Um, I would just say that I'm you?

- What about your back?

- I told you it felt better.


Now if it wasn't for that stupid bracelet, I would compete myself.


This place is a disaster.

What happened?

Well, let's just say my talents in the kitchen far outweighed my prowess in business.

I'm very sorry.

I really don't miss it at all.

Okay, we're gonna need some supplies if we're gonna make this work.

Henry, you get the ingredients for the prep.

Josh, I will make a list of things for you to get from the completely kitchen.

So you need me to go back to the hotel?

Like, as me or as you?

As you.

As me.

As-- No, as me, I think.

Yes, wait, no.


I am-- I am you, you are me.


- Okay, please stop.

- Okay.

All right, let me show you how to use your RFID.


You scan your wristband right here.

Oh, okay.



Just like that, and then it logs you in and turns on the power.


And you're sure that it's okay that I take a few things?

Yeah, of course.

Everything is there for you to use as you see fit.

So, where are you gonna practice?

It's uh-- it's just a friend's.


So, I'm assuming that, uh, that everything's going well with you?

Uh, yeah.

I mean, no major complaints from the chefs so far.

Although, I think Etienne is just dying for something to go wrong.


Well, I'd imagine that you deal with a lot of difficult people with your line of work.


Well, like I said, this is my first really big event.

Unless you count my grandparents' 40th wedding anniversary when I was 16.

Wait, you planned the whole party at 16?

Should've seen my grandmother's face.

That is what I want.

Well, you know, you became her hero.

Who doesn't wanna feel like that more often?

What made you wanna become a chef?

Um, my family owned a restaurant and my parents taught my brother and I how to cook.

Oh, that's right.

Your brother, I-- I keep forgetting.

Uh, you said he was a cook too?

Yeah, yeah.

At the place that we used to own in Alaska.

He wants to maybe take it back over again someday.

He didn't want to go to culinary school like you?

He actually got a scholarship just like I did, but he chose to stay.

That's nice.

You know, carrying on the family legacy.

As long as he's happy, that's the most important thing.

He is happy, isn't he?

Yeah, I think so.

You know.

I mean, sometimes he wonders, I think, what it would be like if he had taken that scholarship after all, but.

I get that.

My dad wants me to come back and work for him, and sometimes I think it might be easier if I did.

Yeah, but would it be better?

You know, I have a little confession.



When I first met you at your restaurant, I thought you were-- well, thought you were a bit of an arrogant jerk.

(Josh laughing)

No, that's, uh, that is totally fair.


But under the bravado, I think you're a pretty decent guy.

I'm really happy I'm getting to know the real you.

Yeah, so am I.

Okay, well, let me know if you need anything.

- Mm.

- (chuckling)

Okay, so the competition consists of three parts.

Tomorrow, all ten chefs are gonna serve up a bouillabaisse with fish and vegetables.

Each chef provides their own ingredients.

And five contestants move forward to the second round, which is chef's choice.

But you have to use the Black Diamond truffles that they're providing themselves.

Okay, so we supply the ingredients and they supply the truffles.

- Yeah.

They cost $900 a pound.


Okay, food should not cost that much.

- No, good food should.

- (chuckling)

Now, if we make it to the next round, we are making a handmade pasta with wine-braised short ribs in a Burgundy sauce.

Ooh, that sounds good.

What about the finals?

Well, the top three chefs have to create a classic peach Melba.

Anything goes really, but you have to include the ingredients that Escoffier included when he created the dish in 1892.

Which is peaches, obviously, raspberries, and vanilla ice cream.

Ooh, that could be really fun.

I can think of a few things we could do with that.


We are going traditional.

Mueller does not like things outside of the box.

(under his breath)

Okay, if you say so.

(Henry chuckling)

Well, that's so funny, because I do.

Meg: Sir.


Excuse me, can I please get some chocolate?


Or not.

Josh: Hey!

What happened to the, uh, emergency stash?


It's been a long week.

I didn't even have time to eat today and everything's already closed.

Well, you still have the hotel kitchen.

That's closed too.

Okay, but your father owns the hotel, remember?


Listen, I know you wanna do all that stuff on your own, but I mean, this is a little sad.

- You do have a point.

- Mm-hm.

Okay, yeah.

Let's go.

- Yeah?

Come on!

- Yeah.

What are you waiting for?

Meg: What was it like growing up in Alaska?

Josh: Cold.

But the people are warm.

You know, the few of them that are there.


Does your brother ever get lonely?



Um, I like to tell him that he should go to a place where the people outnumber the bears.


Every now and then, I think I prefer the bears.

You're so lucky that you have Henry.

He's a really great guy.

Yeah, he really is.

Um, do-- do you happen to have someone?

A boyfriend?

Or-- I-- no.

I, uh...I was dating someone a couple years ago, and then I found out he was lying to me.

He told me he was going to the office when really he had quit his job and he was staying at home all day playing video games.

Um, that's too bad.

Maybe he was just, you know, scared or ashamed to tell you what was really going on.

Listen, if he had told me, that would've been fine.

People change jobs all the time.

But he lied about it and he kept lying about it...

over and over and I just-- I hated that I bought into it, you know?


Anyways, after that, I tried to make it work but he failed the two-month test.

The two-month test, what is that?

I read somewhere that if you can't get over the hurt or the anger after two months, you probably never will.

It'll always be there.

- Huh.

- So, we tried again for a couple more months, but...

I haven't really dated anyone since.

It's not the easiest for me to trust someone.

Well, you know, I'm sure that you'll eventually find the right person.

I mean, look at me.

I'm just the most arrogant jerk.


And I found the right guy.

Henry: Julian?

Juli-- Have you seen Josh?

He's not in his room.

Have you-- have you changed?


I couldn't take another minute in that flannel.

It was so scratchy.

We've got to go and look for Josh and you can't go looking like-- (sighing)


Well, I will be careful.

You all right?

Yeah, I look good.

Josh: So, uh, what are the qualities that you look for in a guy?

(Meg giggling)

Other than not a liar?


- Hmm.

I don't know.

The normal stuff.

It would be nice if he had a job.

A place of his own, good teeth.

That would be a bonus.

Mmm, okay.

Employment, housing, dental.

Ooh, go on!


I love ambition.

I don't even care what you do.

If you wanna paint, paint.

Or if you're a street musician.

As long as you have ambition.


I know I've been really fortunate, but I wanna earn my own success.

I don't want people to just think everything's just been handed to me.

Oh, I would never think that about you.

I don't think anyone would think that about you.

I mean, you're good.


(indistinct chatter)

I'm just-- (sighing)

I'm just so glad I met you.


Uh-- Julian.

I'm really glad I met you too.

(mouthing words)



I wish I could meet a guy like you.


Except for the part about you being happily married.


I mean, other than that, we'd be just...perfect for each other.

So, you have to be meticulous but there is a time limit and we have to measure everything.

We have to be precise.

Taking instructions from Henry, Julian?


Josh: Uh, hello, Etienne.

You know, Henry and I are partners, so we work together.

We listen to each other.

And yet it is only your name that'll go on the trophy, should you win.

Although, I don't think that is something you should be worrying about.


Henry: Oh, Etienne.

Go and review your recipe or hang upside-down in the corner, whatever it is you do to prepare.

Such a delight, Henry, huh?

I was only wishing my good old friend Julian luck.

Oh, well, you know, don't really need luck when you have skills.

(scraping knives loudly)

You are becoming more and more like Julian every single day.

- Think I scared him.

- You scared him!

Announcer: Ladies and gentlemen, the first round of the Escoffier Competition will begin in 30 minutes.

Oh, come on.


You say something?

- (inhaling sharply)


- Yeah.


(phone ringing)

Hi, Dad.

Preston on phone: Meg.

Good news, we got the castle.

Meg: Wow, that's great!


Preston: Yeah, seeing as you're nearby, how 'bout popping up and meeting me here?

You know German so you can translate.

Dad, I'm a little busy.

We're just about to start the first competition round.

Okay, then maybe when you're done then.

Dad, I have a job to do here.

Are you even gonna watch the broadcast?

Well, I've got meetings on top of meetings, but I'll try and watch it later, I promise.

(ending call)



Uh, Henry, I'll be right back.

Juh-- J-- J-- (chuckling)



You okay?

Yeah, I'm fine.

You should really get your work station ready.

Oh, you know, I have everything under control.

What happened?

My dad happened.

I know he loves me and I love him too.

But sometimes I just wish he would-- Why don't you just take two months?

I don't really think that works for family.


It just seems like no matter how hard I try, he still sees me as this little girl, running around the office in pigtails.



I'm gonna need to see pictures, so.


Don't make me laugh.

I wanna be mad some more.

Oh, yes, of course.

I can do that too.


I'm very-- I'm very angry.

Let's be angry together.


Look, hey.

I-- Family stuff is complicated.

My dad was a great guy and I really respected him but I still think that he didn't believe in me nearly as much as he believed in my-- my little brother.

You just gotta believe in yourself.

And what you're doing.

Find your own confidence.

Your own swagger.

- Swagger.

- Mm-hm.

- (chuckling)

- Ooh, I found it.

I found it.

(both chuckling)

Thanks, Julian.

Heike on TV: Welcome.

I'm Heike Mueller, president of l'Élite Culinary Institute-- Julian, hurry up.

It's starting.

--of the 87th annual Escoffier competition.

Ten of our brightest, most promising chefs have been chosen to converge on this stage for the most coveted title in the culinary world.

I along with my esteemed fellow judges will be determining which of these talented culinary stars will earn 250,000 euros and the lifelong privilege of joining the Escoffier family.

The chefs will be split into two groups of five and each chef will have two hours to make a classic seafood bouillabaisse.

May the best chef win!


♪ ♪ Announcer: The chefs have just 30 seconds remaining.

30 seconds.

You-- you've got to-- - I know!

Announcer: 10 seconds remaining.

Sorry, just gotta-- Okay.

Announcer: And time is up.


(judges murmuring)

Wait, that's it?


Yeah, that's it.

Now we just wait to see who's in the semi-finals at the reception tonight.

Oh, that was incredible!

All hail the conquering heroes!

Let's not count our chickens.

We haven't conquered anything just yet.

Josh, your bouillabaisse today was just perfect.

Well done.

- Ah.

Julian: Oh, yes.

I'm sure it was good, but what were you doing with the vegetables?

Uh, well, I was cooking them.

Okay, but not in the way that you were supposed to.

You were supposed to be chopping them.

Instead you were dicing them, okay?

The chunks were too small.

I saw everything on the livestream.

How 'bout you should be thanking me instead of criticizing me?

Are you kidding me?

This is my name that we're talking about here, and you're just gonna go out there and do whatever you wanna do?

I'm sorry, but we made a deal, okay?

And you used to honor deals.

We used to be a team.

So, I don't know what happened.

You changed.

Oh, I've changed?

I'm sorry, what happened to you?

Suddenly, you're some socialite on the Upper East Side who speaks with a bunch of phony French words.

You're from Alaska, Julian.



I'm-- Whoa, what are you doing?

I am getting up so I can storm out of this room and slam the door.

Let me save you the trouble.

- Josh.

- Yeah.


(door slamming)

(indistinct chatter)

- Hi!

- Hi.

Is everything okay?

What, do I not look okay?

Did I-- Uh, no.

You look fine.

It's just, your tie is a bit crooked here.


What happens when I try and dress myself.




No, uh, you look incredible.

Well, thank you.

Where's Henry and this mysterious brother of yours?

You know, they're in the suite upstairs watching TV and it's, uh, long story.

Like the story I told you about my dad?


Yeah, like I said, family is, um...

it's complicated.

Well, do you wanna talk about it?

You know, I think I might have to take two months with them, but...thank you.

Heike: Ladies and gentlemen.

Congratulations on the first round of the competition.

You're making our job as judges very difficult.


But we can only take five of you through to the semi-final.

So, without further ado, the five chefs advancing to the next round are...

..Etienne Leduc from France.

(crowd reactions and applause)

Deirdre Zidane from Germany.


Patrick O'Shea from Ireland, Angelo Perez from the Philippines...

.and Julian Northrup from the United States of America.

A congratulations!

(applause and cheers)


You're up early and you look snazzy.


I thought you would've slept in after your victory.

Uh, well someone told me that it was more important to look good than to sleep.

He said you can sleep after the competition.

(awkward chuckling)

Anyway, I'm gonna go bring this up to Ju-- - To?

- Juh-- uh, your brother.

- My brother.

- Your brother.

I still can't believe I haven't met him.

Can we--?

- No!

- No, no, no.

He's, um, he's not a morning person.

- Oh, no.

- No, he's not.

- Henry: He's not.

- (phone ringing)

Oh, this is my supplier.

Excuse me one moment.

Liz hi!

- Uh, excuse me!

- Hm?


You're getting too close to her.


There's nothing happening.

What does need to happen is we have to prepare for the Black Diamond truffle round, all right?


- That's it.

- Okay.

All right.


Oh, you look like you've seen a ghost.

The truffles.

They still haven't shipped from France.

Okay, well, we'll get some more.

That's okay.


No, it's a disaster.

You know how rare they are.

I certainly do, yeah.

I'm gonna get fired for sure.

Wait, wait, wait.


I think I can help.

I'm delighted you thought of me.

Perhaps this will score me an invitation to the Escoffier events.

I know, uh, Heike won't like that.

Chester, you do this for me, you can come to every party, every competition round, every-- everything.

You can live at the hotel!


So, that's our man.

If he has any Black Diamond truffles, he'll have them hidden.

And he's very particular about who he sells them to.

He doesn't deem you worthy enough, he'll send you away empty-handed.

Whatever you can do, Chester, we-- we, I mean, we truly appreciate it.

- Yeah.

Anything for my dear friend Julian.

So, go and amuse yourself in the market.

If he sees you watching, it'll spook him.

- Right.

- Right.

Let's do this.

Where are you going?

I'm popping into the village to do a bit of shopping before your brother gets back.

Ooh, great.

I'm gonna get my Josh costume.

No, no, no, wait, wait.

It's too risky.

Especially now that we're in the semi-finals.

I mean, we can't take any chances.

Eyes on the prize.

- Thank you.

- Thank you.

You know what?



That's delicious.

Produce is always the best when it is farmed fresh.

Okay, next question.

What is your favorite meal, besides chocolate?



That-- that doesn't count!


I don't know!

To me, food, it's-- just food.

- Oh, no, no, no.

- It's fuel.

I know it's ironic, considering my job.

There must be something you like.

You're going to sneer at me.

I don't think it's up to Julian Northrup's standards.

I mean, maybe not, but I will not ever "sneer" at you.


There is nothing better than a really good cheeseburger.

- Ah!

- It's not fancy, I know.

Well, that's interesting.

Why cheeseburgers?

- It's comfort food.

- Mm.

My mom passed away when I was a little girl, and my dad was not exactly equipped to raise me, so whenever he thought I was sad or...

unhappy, had a bad day at school, we'd go for cheeseburgers.

- (chuckling)

That's amazing.

You see, food is more than fuel.

It's what brought your family together.

I don't know.

It's just another way to say "I love you".



You must be the brother?

Etienne, what do you-- what are you doing here?

How do you know who I am?

From the-- uh, 'cause the competition on the TV.

Yeah, I'm Josh.

I'm-- I'm Julian's brother.

I'm Josh.

I figured, 'cause Julian wouldn't be caught dead in that hat.

You don't know who-- You wouldn't know that.

Julian and I are old friends.

I know him very well.

Dude, no, you don't.

How would you know that?

Because, we are very close.

He once told me that you have nothing in common.

We have a lot in common.

Such as?

Such as, we-- both-- cook.


Ah, you were in a diner, in Alaska?


Yes, I do.

Do you have-- Is there something wrong with that?

Ah, the Julian Northrup I know would find a lot wrong with that.

Then clearly, you don't him very well because Julian is very supportive of me.


Does he think I could be doing a lot more with my talent?


Does he want me to experience the culinary arts in a way that I simply can't in a diner in Alaska?

Of course, but, um-- So, he supports you but wants you to change everything to be more like him?

I-- (chuckling)

Did you-- you haven't talked to Julian about this.


Uh, he's been avoiding me, so.


Smart man.

What's your favorite meal?

Uh, okay.

Well, that's easy.

Not a meal but my favorite dish is baked Alaska.

- Ooh.

- Yeah, my mom used to make it on special occasions all the time.

Birthdays, holidays, whenever one of us got an A in school.


Yeah, baked Alaska always meant something good had happened, so.

Used to be my brother's favorite too.

Maybe that's why you both like to cook.


You know what?

I think you might be right.

Well, it's like what you said.

As long as you're doing something that makes people happy, what could be better than that?


- Are those-- - They are.


Oh my gosh, thank you!

- You're very welcome, my dear.

- So much!


And thank you.

You saved me.


All right, let's, um, let's get cookin'.

Henry: Practice went well today.

Josh: I don't know if Julian thought so.

He is just so - I know.

- Gah!

- Oh, I know.

- I don't know.

- (awkward chuckling)

I know, but you can't-- you can't blame him, can you?

He's just trying to prove that he can compete at that level.

He's trying to save the restaurant.

He's trying to impress you, Josh.

- He's trying to impress me?

- Yes!

- (laughing)


No, no.

- Yes, he is.

He might be the slightly older brother, but he looks up to you.

Okay, if that were actually true, then I don't know why he just doesn't trust me.


Scared of losing control.

I mean, he yelled at me for grinding the peppercorns too hard.

I mean, come on!

He's not gonna let me control anything.


Maybe you should control your feelings towards Meg, Josh.

We're not gonna do this again.

Can you honestly say that there's nothing between you two?

It doesn't matter.

I'm not stupid.

Josh, you know that you can never tell her the truth.

Even after the competition, when we win or lose, you can't, 'cause it'll destroy Julian.

You know that, don't you?

- Yeah.

- Come on.



I didn't-- I didn't know anyone was gonna be here.

Uh, yeah.

Just wanted to make sure I have everything for tomorrow.

You know, crossing my T's, dotting my I's.


I was actually gonna do the same sort of thing with my work station.

Just-- Yeah, you know what?

This is all stuff I can probably do in the morning, so.

I should probably go get some sleep.


Yeah, me too.

Well, goodnight.


Hey, are you hungry?


I thought you would never ask.


I should take over for the semi-finals.

You haven't got a wristband.

Yeah, but there's gotta be some way around that.

There isn't.

And if you lose it or you break it, then you're out of the competition and we lose everything.

Julian, you need to trust Josh.

I do, I do.


He doesn't think so.

Wait, he said that?


(Josh laughing)

That's so-- I thought you were gonna cook for me.

You know, teach a man to fish!

- Am I doing this right?

- Okay, okay, okay.

Listen, listen.

Don't be afraid of it, okay?

- Okay.

- Bring it back.

The secret to good cooking is to get your hands dirty.


Josh: Rawr!


Generally we don't wear blazers when we cook, but.


Yeah, I was gonna say!

If your blazer gets a little dirty, I'm so very sorry.

I'll pay for the dry cleaning bill.

- (laughing)

- Come on!

I think it's gonna work.

So um, tell me about Henry.

What was your wedding like?

Was Josh your best man?

He-- Josh was.

Indeed, my wedding was just-- was beautiful.

Yeah, it was just a few family and friends, a small wedding.

Um-- - That's nice.

- Yeah!

- Is that a bun?

- Okay, good.


- Mmm!


- Mm-hm?

- (chuckling)

You know, I might just have to enter the Escoffier next year.

I mean, I could be your sous chef.


Or maybe I take my talents to the restaurant world.

- Mmm!

- You know?

Special, unique events, special themes.

Yeah, you should do that for J Northrup.

Wait, really?

You'd be interested in that?

Uh-- I mean, working together?

Uh-- (clearing throat)


I mean, it's something that we would have to think about.

I mean, I have to talk to Henry 'cause he makes all of the business decisions.

Oh, yeah.

Yeah, yeah, no, of course.

Of course.

I mean, we wouldn't wanna get too far ahead of ourselves.

Right, right.

I mean, we need to be focusing on the competition.

- Absolutely.

- Yeah.

Well, cheers to that.

- Well.

- (both chuckling)

Good morning!

Hello, hi, yes.

Good morning.

I'm really sorry to bother you.

I know I probably could've waited until you came downstairs, but I just...

I can't stop thinking about last night.

Uh, last night.


What happened last night?

Well, you know.


The thing you said about working at events together at J Northrup after the competition?

I-- I got all eager about it and-- we've only known each other a couple days, and I work at l'Élite and I didn't want you to think I was taking advantage of that.

Yeah, I think that if I suggested that we work together at my restaurant it was probably a little premature at best.

- Right.

- Yeah.

Okay, yeah.

Let's just forget it.


Do we need to take two months?

Are we cool?


Oh, yes.

Yes, we're fine.



Okay, well, good luck today.



How'd you get down here so fast?

I was literally just up in your room a second ago and you're already here?

- Julian?

- Hm?

Do you wanna come and join me at the-- the station, please?


Yeah, um, sorry.

Just-- You know-- Uh, sorry, this isn't working.

Wait, let me see.

That's so weird.

It's like there's no power.

Well, let me check the-- Both: Ogh!



- Oof.

That's warm.

This is warm.

- It's ruined.

Well, I don't understand.

I don't know how this could happen.

Whoa, hey.

It's all right, it's all right.

We have an hour until the semi-finals.

What are we gonna do?

Are you sure you should be helping me?

We're supposed to be supplying our own food.

You know, I should be going to the market.

No, the competition starts in 42 minutes.

You're not gonna make it there in time.

Besides, you helped me with the truffles, so I owe you.

The question is, is there anything here that you can use?

I don't know.

tell me what you see.

A rack of lamb Yeah, that's gonna take too long to cook.

Oh, this looks like swordfish.

- Does that go with truffles?

- I don't know.


I don't know, I just-- (sighing)

I don't know what to do!

Okay, hey.

Hey, look at me.


- (sighing)

Confidence and swagger, right?


Besides, this is what you love to do.

Being creative, experimenting, trying new dishes.

Yep, thank you.

You're right.

Okay, well I've got some fresh pressed juices.


What about a truffle smoothie?


Okay, that's pushing the limits even a little bit.

No, come on!

We could do a whole breakfast theme, you know?

Truffle smoothies, truffle pancakes, truffle syrup?

Truffle cream of wheat.

Truffle donuts.

No, no!



Well, I mean, there's pancetta?

Isn't this just like fancy bacon?

Yeah, we could go with truffle pancakes.



Is it weird that I could eat this straight out of the Saran wrap?

Everything is better with bacon.

Wait a second.

Wait, wait a second.

Wagyu tenderloin.

This is some of the best beef in the world.

Do we have cheese?

- Oh yeah, there's a lot of it.



I have an idea.

And what we have here?

Here we have milk-braised pork shoulder with Black Diamond truffle shavings, haricot vert that has been sautéed in a Burgundy reduction, grilled portabella mushrooms that have been brined in a truffle sea salt.

Bon appétit!

♪ Heike on TV: Interesting.

Chef Northrup, explain.

Uh, well I wanted to show that the right ingredients can elevate even the simplest, most basic meals.

So, we have a patty of ground Wagyu beef with truffles, four different kinds of cheeses, pancetta cooked with a black pepper truffle sauce, and French fries in garlic and truffle oil.

Judges, may I present the Black Diamond truffle bacon cheeseburger.

And so, the three chefs that will be advancing to the final day after tomorrow are Etienne LeDuc from France...


..Deirdre Zidane from Germany...


..and Julian Northrup from the United States of America.


- I'm so proud of you.

- Thank you.

We did it.

Okay, I'm gonna go and tell Julian.

- Okay.

- Okay.

- Congrats.

- Thank you.

I couldn't have done it without a little help from my friends.

Dad, I-- What are you doing here?

Well, I needed a break from signing all those papers for the castle deal, so I thought I'd pop over and see how you were doing.

You came to see my event?


Dad, you remember Julian Northrup?

He's one of our finalists.

Yes, of course.

We met the other day at your restaurant in New York.

Ah yes, we did.

That meal was fantastic.

Meg, this guy knows what he's doing in the kitchen.

Oh, he certainly does.


Well, I'd better go get checked in.

Aw, the little girl in pigtails is happy.


She is.


(mouthing words)

Um-- Actually, I'm gonna just catch up with you a little bit later.

Oh, yeah.

I mean, I should probably go make sure my dad's not telling the front desk any embarrassing stories from my childhood.

- (chuckling)

- Yeah, you should.


- Bye.

- Okay.

(loud whispering)

What are you doing here?

I have been trying to talk to you all day!

Yeah, well I'm busy trying to win you this competition.

Yeah, about that.

I, um, I think that I should probably take over for the final round.


You don't have the wristband.

Yeah, just tell your girlfriend that you lost it or you set it on fire or something.

She's not my girlfriend.

Oh, really?

Because I thought that since you offered up my restaurant for her to do her little events that you guys were more than just pals.

Okay, yes, I'm sorry.

I slipped up but I walked it back!

Okay, Julian, I am trying to help you.

Yeah, well, I don't need your help.

I really think that I can win this thing.



Fine, but you're gonna have to remember that it's gonna say Julian Northrup on that trophy, not Josh.

Josh: Yes, I am painfully aware of that.

And you'll stay away from Meg.

Josh, promise me that you will stay away from that girl.


I promise, Julian.

Get outta here.

Fine, you-- Miss Westcott!

Have you noticed anything off about Chef Northrup?


What do you mean?

You and him seem close.

Perhaps you already know what I mean.

I promise I don't.

Well, I have some important information I have to share.

Julian Northrup is not who he says he is.

Chef Leduc, I understand that you wanna win, but sabotaging one of your main competitors is beneath you, don't you think?



I am talking about the integrity of the Escoffier.

Etienne, I know I can't prove it, but I suspect you were the one behind the power failure at Julian's work station, so perhaps integrity is not the card I would be playing if I were you.

Have a good day, Chef Leduc.




Looks good.

Let's do it again.

It's peaches, ice cream, and raspberry sauce.

Julian, it's not rocket science.

It's traditional.

Etienne and Deirdre are gonna be pulling out all the stops with their interpretations.

They're gonna be bold, they're gonna take risks.

We should do the same.

Josh, I practically had to pry you away from Alaska because of this whole respect for tradition thing.


You don't do bold.

Well, you know what?

Things change, okay?

Oh, and when I'm finally able to buy the place back, I am gonna do whatever I want with the food I cook.

Well, great.

Do that.

But now we're gonna do things my way.

Meg, I've been looking for you.

- Hi.

- They're having a banquet at the castle in Germany tonight for the local officials.

I have to go shake hands and calm nerves.

But the final round of competitions is tomorrow.

I was hoping you'd be here to see it.

Well, I can't.

This is important business.

Dad, this is important to me.

Dad, this is what I wanna do with my life.

Look around.

I did this.

I planned it, I organized it.

I'm running it.


And I'm proud of myself and people here are proud of me too.

Julian keeps saying that-- - Julian?

The chef from New York?


He's appreciating what I'm doing here.

I don't think you should get too wrapped up in his opinion.

You know his restaurant is going under, right?


How do you know that?

The reason I suggested lunch there last week is because I'm looking at buying the building.

I think I can get a really good deal once J Northrup goes under.

He didn't mention that.

Well, maybe he doesn't appreciate you as much as you thought he did.

Dad, why are you even here?

Because this is obviously important to you and I wanted to see it for myself.

I wanted to see what's keeping you from being part of the family empire.

I wanna build my own empire.

Then do it.

I'll give you whatever you need.

Start-up capital, office space.

No, no!


I want to do this on my own.

You're a Westcott.

You can do important things.

Well, have a safe flight.

Enjoy Germany, enjoy your castle.

Miss Mueller, we have to talk.

(birds chirping)

No, no, stay away from her, Josh.

I-- Ugh.

What am I doing?

Hey, are you okay?



Uh, yeah.

Me, I'm fine.

C'est magnifique.


Mostly magnifique.

But you first.

Turns out my dad showing up here wasn't the supportive gesture I was hoping it would be.

Oh, I'm sorry.

Your turn.

Um, I am not really sure what I'm doing for the finals.

Or maybe what I'm doing in general.


Sounds like we both lost our swagger.


Yeah, I guess so.

I mean, I had all these big plans, you know?

I was gonna make my kitchen into something special.

Make it a world where I could just take whatever kind of risks I wanted and then-- it just never really worked out.

So, if J Northrup isn't what you want it to be, why not change it?

Yeah, that's-- you know, it's not that easy.

I mean, sure it is.

I already have so many ideas what I could do with that place.

- Hmm.

- Add some warm colors, some lights, maybe candles, flowers, make it a little bit more romantic.

Sorry, there I go, taking over your restaurant again.

It's the event planner in me.

No, it's okay.

Seems nice, actually.


Um, it's just-- you know, being here and all the encouragement that I've been getting from...


I think I'm actually starting to believe that I could do anything.

I feel the exact same way.

I could've had my own event planning company by now, but I don't think I was ready.

After meeting everybody here and knowing that they think I'm doing a good job-- A great job.

It's because I have people like you in my corner.

It's really nice to trust someone.

(knocking at door)

Chef Northrup, I presume.

May I see your identification, please?

Okay, Meg, I need to-- I need to tell you something.

Oh my gosh!

I have to tell you the latest with Etienne.

He was babbling on and on, saying that you're not being who you say you are.

That guy!


- Meg.


He's right.

- (phone ringing)

Oh, it's Heike.

Uh, sorry.

One sec.

Miss Mueller, hi!

Is everything okay?

Chef Northrup, I'm actually with him right now.


We'll make our way over.

She wants us both to meet her in the contest area.

It sounded urgent.

Miss Mueller.

What's wrong?

I have been made aware of a problem with Chef Northrup.

He's right here.

Oh, no.

He is right here.

You're a twin?

You're not Julian?

Okay, Meg, I can explain.

You were pretending to be your brother.

Why would you do that?

You lied to me.

No, Meg, please-- This wasn't Josh's idea.

He was only trying to help me.

Well, okay, I don't care whose idea it was.

Miss Mueller, I am so, so sorry.


It's a little late for sorry, Meg.

She is not to blame.

Oh, there's plenty of blame to go around.

This could have been a terrible embarrassment for the Escoffier.

Now, Chef Leduc has agreed to keep this quiet, provided Chef Northrup-- both of them-- are banished from the competition.

No, Miss Mueller, please.

This is very important to my brother.

Well, you should have thought of that before you started your little stunt.

I want you both gone before nightfall.


And as for you, Miss Westcott, the only reason I am not firing you is because we are less than 24 hours from the final round, and you are the only one who knows how things need to run to make that happen.

I understand.

Again, I'm really sorry.

- No, Meg.




I'm sorry I let you down.

You were just trying to help.

It's not your fault.

I really miss the days when it was just you and me, cooking with Mom.

It's not the same in Yakutat without you there.

We used to be so close, Josh.

Something did change.

Well, yeah.

It changed when you left and decided to be J Northrup.


No, it changed because I had to get out of that small town, Alaska where I did not belong.

And as for J Northrup, I'm-- I'm-- I'm sorry if I ever made you feel guilty for staying.

Well, just because I stayed...

doesn't mean that I didn't miss you.

Well, I miss you too.

You know, for the record, I don't wanna be that guy anymore with no ambition.

And I owe that to you.

If you hadn't invited me, I wouldn't have seen just how great I could be.


So, thanks.

(clearing throat)

Whoa, hey.

You okay?

- (Inhaling)

- You need some help?

No, I can-- Yes, I do.


Not too hard.


Hey, hey.

Have you talked to meg?

I don't think that she wants to talk to me.

All right, well you need to go fix that right away, or else you're gonna regret it for the rest of your life.


(footsteps approaching)


For what it's worth, I'm sorry.

I don't know if I can forgive you.

I couldn't tell you.

I had to help my brother.


But it still should've been my decision.

You can still compete.

What are you talking about?

The contract says that anyone who signs it can't make any false representations about their identity.

Yeah, but I did.

I was pretending to be Julian.

But the contract doesn't have Julian Northrup's name on it.

Because you signed it "J Northrup".

You're the official registrant.

Right, but he was invited, not me.

Doesn't matter.

There's a loophole in the contract that nobody noticed.

They'll close it by next year's event, but for now-- Listen, even I know when it's time to call it quits.

It's-- (sighing)

Compete or not, that's entirely up to you.

But it seems to me that if you wanna take risks, you won't do it by giving up.

What about us?

There is no us.

I don't even know who you are.

Well, this is ridiculous.

Some of us have studied for years.

Is it fair to let somebody in this esteemed competition on a technicality?

A technicality that could result in a lawsuit if you don't abide by it.


Northrup, you are hereby reinstated.


Oh, and the rule book also states that if my sous chef drops out, then I can replace him with someone else.

Oh, Julian.

I just feel like I'm gonna-- Ah-choo!

I have to drop out.

Oh, I'm so sorry.

I'll have to take his place.

Well, there you go.

May the best chefs win.

C'est la guerre.

Okay, we have about an hour to come up with something incredible to win the competition.

So, you don't think the traditional peach Melba is it?

I think we have to be more creative, you know?

We're competing against some of the best chefs in the world.


So, what do we do?

We need to make a statement about who we are.

You know, we gotta put the Northrup family stamp on it.

Announcer: And now, for the third and final round.

♪ ♪ We wanted to honor tradition by using Chef Escoffier's original ingredients and pairing it with a family recipe that has been passed down for generations.

Judges, may I present the J Northrup Peach Melba Baked Alaska.

(judges murmuring)

And now, the moment we've all been waiting for.

The winner of the 87th Annual Escoffier Culinary Cup.

Josh Northrup.


♪ Congratulations.

Thank you.

You know, I-- I couldn't have ever done any of this without your help.

All I did was find a loophole.


No, you gave me a reason to wanna win.

I thought Julian was your reason.

It started out that way, but...

very quickly became about something else.

Listen, I think I just need some more time, Josh.

I don't know if I can ever forgive you.


I will-- I will say that a very smart person told me once that if you can't get past something in two months, you never will.

I want my two months.


Two months.



(phone ringing)

Dad, hi.

Preston: Congratulations, Meg.

You did it.

And I couldn't be prouder.

I love you.

- I love you too.

- I'll see you soon.

(call ending)

♪ Well, we're all booked up for tonight.

I'm sorry about that.

The earliest we have is in four weeks.

And you said a-- party of eight, okay.


Thank you.

Oh, you look dapper.

And you look...



Well, I'm still taller, so.


We did it.

Yeah, we did.

- Here's to J and J Northrup.

- Ooh.

Here you go.

- Cheers.

- Thank you.




Henry: I love you.

Still no word, huh?

(door opening)

(door closing)

Uh, Henry, I think that we have a thing that we need to discuss in the kitchen.

- That thing, yes.

Got your invitation.

It's very interesting timing.

Almost two months.

Day after tomorrow.

This place is...

it's beautiful.

So, no more Alaska?

You decided to stop continuing the family legacy?

Well, I mean, I-- kind felt I didn't have to be in Alaska to do that.

Plus, my family's here now.

And you know, there's fewer bears.

- Well, that's always a plus.

- Mm.


I'm actually in New York myself.

And I decided to start building my own empire.

- Really?

- Mm-hm.

- How's that going?

- It's going great.

I mean, it's a lot of work, but...

I'm doing it.

Well, that's excellent.

Uh, you know what?

Um, I heard that the, uh, the new chef here...

put some really excellent new options in this menu.

I thought maybe you wanted to check some of them out.

- (chuckling)

Is this a joke?

- No!

- This is the real menu?

- Yes.

"Meg's Black Diamond truffle burger".

With a little extra chocolate on the side.


I don't know, I really think that people are gonna love it.

I know I will.

I think I will too.

Do you know, I-- I think I need to meet this new chef.


I'll get him.



I'm Josh Northrup.

I'm Meg Westcott.

Nice to meet you.

Listen, I know that it hasn't been quite two months yet, but-- I think it's close enough.

♪ Um...


Josh, we need to open the doors, so...



Josh, Meg!
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