La Vie En Rose (2007)

Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.

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Valentine's Day, Hot, Steamy, Sexy, Romantic Movie Collection.
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La Vie En Rose (2007)

Post by bunniefuu »

"New York, February 16, 1959"

Hurry! She collapsed ten minutes ago.

The ambulance is here.

Saint Theresa, my sweet Jesus, don't abandon me, give me strength, I want to go on living.

Bring me back to life.

"Paris, Belleville 1918"

Why are you crying?

Scram you brats!

"I’m so lonely and sad"

"Life drags on and on,"

"Things are so bad"

"What more can I say"

What are you doing here?

Why are you crying?

Are you all alone?

Where's your mommy?

"Everywhere I stray"

"Like a ball and chain"

"I drag this pain"

"Nothing to gain"

"Life drags on and on"

"Things are so bad"

"I'm so lonely and sad"

Some mother. You deserve to be strung up!

I have to live. I'm a singer!

Look at your daughter!

I take very good care of her!

Louis, I can't go on waiting for you like this.

Belleville's unbearable.

An impresario said with my talent I should try Constantinople like the singer Frehel...

Good news for our acrobat?

Sure. . . commendations from Clemenceau.

I left Edith with my mother.

Mamma Aicha will keep her until my career takes off.

Louis, I've stopped waiting for you.


Anybody home?



Enough's enough.

"Bernay, Normandy 1918"

What's this?

Your grandchild, Edith.

What a strange name.

She's a sickly child.

Follow me.

What are you doing here?

You're so cute. What's your name?

Back to work, Titine!

Someone's in the upstairs toilet.

You've beautiful blue eyes.

I'm listening. . .

I have to go back.

I'll be demobilized soon. Then I'll go back to the circus.

I came to see my cherub.

Get out.

I'm all done, Mamma Louise.

Tend the door.

Where's her mother?

I don't know.

Want to leave her here?

People will gossip.

People always gossip.

Aren't we taking her to church?

We'll miss mass.

The earth doesn't revolve around her.

Heard we're keeping a baby.

Can we see her?

She's a little girl. Want bread?

Everyone out of here.

Go on, ask her to sing.

You'd be on stage, but your hair's too red.

"One night I went for a swim"

"Wearing only my bare skin

"No one was there to see"

"Except the dark night sky"

"Then the moon came out to shine"

"I asked it to caress me, baby"

"When I heard nearby"

"A breathless cry"

"There was a man upon a rock"

"Looking down at me"

"The man went 'oh!"'

"And me in the water"

"I said 'oh. . ."'

"He saw me nude..."

"With nothing to hold up or hide behind"

"I blushed all night long"

"He saw me nude"

"Quite nude"

"Out of human decency"

"I covered my face with my two hands"

"But now it's clear"

"With my careless gesture of fear"

"I forgot to hide"

"My sweet little backside"

"He saw me nude..."


Titine, open up. Enough of this!

Now what? She's with Edith.

Open this door, now!

What's going on?

Nothing! Get ready, the gentlemen will be here soon.

Open up or else! I can't work.

I can't work! Really!

You think this is a hotel?

I'm keeping Edith. I'm keeping her.

That's what you think!

It's me, open up.

Your legionnaire's here.

I don't care.

He's a liar. He tells me nothing but lies.

Titine, stop this right now.

Come out or you'll be on the street so fast!

Enough of your antics!

I don't want trouble.

"New York, May 8, 1 959"


What? Are you jealous?

I sent your Billie Holiday records to the hotel.

Thank you, Loulou.

Billie and I were born the same year. Funny!

I brought my sketches.

Do you want to see them now or later?

Later. I've got to sing that fool's song.

Before your time. . .


Forget it. Let's go.

I'm ready.

Let's go.

"Come right in, Milord"

"Sit down at my table"

"It's freezing cold outside"

"Here it's more comfortable"

"Make yourself at home, Milord"

"Leave your cares with me"

"Relax, you'll be at ease"

"Put your feet up, feel free"

"I know you well, Milord"

"Although you don't know me"

"A mere girl of the port"

"A shadow of the street..."

"I passed quite close to you"

"In the street yesterday"

"You looked so full of pride"

"The man with everything"

"Your lovely silken scarf"

Floating all around your shoulders

"You seemed on top of the world"

"One might say a king"

"Marching like a victor"

"A lady on your arm"

"My God, she was so beautiful"

It's Jeanne!

Jeanne, what's wrong?

There's blood. . .

Talk to us!

He wanted to play doctor, with his instruments.

The bastard!


We must tell Madam.

She'll k*ll me. It hurts.

I can't see!

Well, Doctor? Her health's fragile.

It's her cornea. She has keratitis. ls she blind?

It's an inflammation.

Be patient. It takes months.

Take this to the pharmacy.

Thank you.

Whose child is she?


"Lisieux, Normandy"

Theresa, I rarely ask anything of you, I only ask that you hear little Edith.

Go on, Edith. Speak to her. She'll listen.

Go ahead.

Theresa, I don't want to be blind. I want to see.

She's all bruised.

Go on.

I want to learn to read, and run like before.

I don't want to be blind.

Saint Theresa, tell baby Jesus to look after Edith.

Go ahead.

Thank you Saint Theresa and Jesus.

Thank you.

This is it. You're here, Edith.

She can see. . .

She can see!

Titine, get up!

What is it?

He's back. He's taking Edith.

Get dressed.

They can't do that to me!

How can you go back to that job?

She'll see the country.

Go then.



Don't take my little girl!

Let her go!


She's mad!

Stop it or you're out!

You have no right!

Don't do this to me!


I'll k*ll myself.

We're at Orly airport.

"Paris, Orly June 1 959"

Passengers are disembarking. I see her. It's Edith Piaf!

A young man's on her arm.

What did you bring from America?

An American.

What's his name?

Edith, please!

Like her song, she's "carried away by the crowd"...

She steps into her elegant black and white car.

She looks tired, but is all smiles.

Silence! I propose a toast. . .

What a slob!

Slob yourself.

Indulge the invalid.

Watch out accordion man or you'll get a shiner!

Perfect timing!

Call the boss. I want free champagne!

I'm Edith Piaf, and I made a mess.

Everyone kiss. Even enemies!

Kiss me, Claude.

Who's that broad? No idea.

Who gets the steak tartare?

Where did your handsome friend go?

Don't embarrass her. . .

Butt out Coquatrix, who rang your bell?

Well. . . Mademoiselle!

Miss Piaf, a pleasure! What can I do for you?

A lot. I want a present.



I wanted champagne, but I'll take a ring, a big ring with diamonds studded everywhere.

Don't trouble yourself, we'll have champagne.

Here's a toast to the love I have for you all.

And I'll stand up for that.

Give me a hand.

I'd like to make a toast to Marguerite.

My composer, and my most loyal friend in the business.

Don't blush like that, you'll make us cry.

You want an autograph?

I don't think so.

Bubbles and booze, perfect. This is Claude's influence.

You're irritating, Loulou.

We're just back to Paris, we had some fun.

Don't play the broken-hearted lover.

I'm waiting for someone. Get lost.

Let me remind you, you have commitments.

You're not alone.

Remember the first night at Gerny's?

I was a bum. She looked at me like a princess.

You were a princess. My princess!

To Marguerite!

To those who want to see me fall on my face.

They think I don't notice! Cheers.

Something wrong, Louis?

He's having a tantrum.

Get lost, we're busy.

You don't watch the show. Get busy.

You must work. There are no kids here.

You have to earn your keep. That's enough.

Little turd! You ruined my exit!

Go to the trailer. Make dinner.

Ladies and gentlemen, a big hand for Louis, the contortionist!

She's cute.

How old is she?


No mother?

What for?

You must be lonely.

How about some brandy, in your trailer?

Come on over.

Do you know who I am?

I'm Theresa.

Are your eyes well, my angel?


You're so sweet. Who'd you like to pray for?

I'll pray for Titine.

Good girl. I'm watching over you.

Never forget.

When you're alone, I'll always be there.

I've had it! I told you to change that wheel.

Don't argue. Just help. We're all in the same shit.

I don't give a damn! Then get lost!

You can't quit. Not over a spat!

Who needs a boss! I can't stand Caroli anymore.

You're drunk! I'll go solo.

Fat chance! Circuses aren't on every corner.

Don't worry. I always land on my feet.

You were growing on me.

You'll get over it!

Saint Theresa, make him change his mind.

I want to stay in the circus.


He's all in knots!

ls the girl in the act?

Just a minute.

Do something.

They'll leave, do something.

Come on, do something.


That's my daughter!

"Grasse, October 1963"

I'm fed up with carrot juice.

As long as I'm your nurse, you'll have carrot juice.

I prefer it dark, Simone.

It's sunny, it'll do you good.

Edith, I know it's hard, you need lots and lots of rest and patience.

Your husband called today. . .

It's no use.

What makes me sick. . . is that I overdid it.

The last three years have been disastrous.

You're an artist.


I won't sing again, will I?

"Paris, Montmartre October 1935"

What are you looking at?

I want some chow.

We sing for a bit, then we eat.

Singing alone's like begging. With you, it's a show.

I want to sing there.

Hey you!

You can't sing in the street. ls that so?

How old are you? Twenty.

What's that?

She barely had a sip.

Come here.

You know "Du Gris"?

Oh Mister. . . Shut your trap!

If you sing it, I'll let you go.

My beat's over there. I'll look the other way.

"Mister, could I have a cigarette?"

"A smoke, that's all I ask"

"If you like me, we can chat"

"You're sweet, you seem like a good egg"

"If you were ugly, I'd say the same"

"I'd still say you were handsome"

"You can easily guess why"

"All I ask for is a butt, just a smoke..."

Next week's the 21 st. Sisters for five years now.

Prefer working with me or the factory?

I'd rather slit my throat than work in the factory.

And you?

What about me?

Slaving in a shitty cheese shop?

Shut up! We're eating.

Anetta, don't make trouble.

There's your lush of a mother.

Edith. . .

Any spare change?

That's it?

Yep, I'm no Rockefeller, as you know.

Give me bills. Don't have any.

I'm your mother. . .

Get lost!

Want me to sing for it?

Throw her out!

I'm an artist! What are you?

You'll see!

You'll see! See what?

When you're down and out!

Pipe down or get out!

A piece of shit!

Go to hell!

Don't count on your daughter feeding you!

That's enough!

I'm going. You can finish my plate.

You're no singer, you shit!

Leave her be or I'll sock you!

Let's lose these bums.

Eat shit!

Go on, street walk, while you still can.

"Lighthearted little sparrows..."

"Winter will come, and all I'll have"

"This poor body that I feel"

"ls already tiring fast"

"It'll fall on the cold cruel stone"

"Then to spend, in a hospital bed"

"An anguished night"

"No worse than any other"

"I'd have preferred, though"

"In my distress"

"A man to love me"

"Till death us do part"

"In a cozy nest"

"Like a sparrow"


You'll hurt your voice that way.

I have to eat, Sir.

Of course you do.

Here, my name's Louis Leplee.

My card. Be at Gerny's tomorrow at two.

We'll see what we can do with you.

You sing too?

No, but I have other talents.

Bring your sheet music... your usual songs.

And if I don't?

Suit yourself, sweetheart.

You're out all day and this is what you bring back?

I trust you and this is it?

I keep some for my father. He's sick and broke.

I'm no social worker!

I swear. He's sick.

I'll throw you to the street, then you'll see!

Let her go!

Never! Never!

I'd rather croak than turn tricks.

If she dies, it's on your head! Shut up!

I want more, understand?

Or you'll spread your legs like the rest!

You'll spread yours first.

Albert, I'm sorry...

Stay, please stay!

Drop that assh*le.

Etienne, give her a drink.

Coming to the Chinaman's?

Who's going?

The two Wops, Fats and Pops.

There'll be lots of coke and poppy.

How about some human warmth...

Because I screwed you once, doesn't mean I'll do it again.

Get it? Give me a break.

You know what?

I don't give a shit about all that, know why?

No? Too dense?

Because I'm an artiste.

I'm going to the top! I know it.

I've always known it!

It's the little flame, Saint Theresa, I see great things.

"Dancing and drinking to forget him. . ."

Look at her clothes? She looks sick.

Where did he dig her up?

"He's so much under my skin"

"I'm crazy about him. . ."

She's incredible.

Philippo, champagne.

The boss is in love.

She's got lung power.

The kid's all right, my Louis.

Don't be jealous, Josette.

"But when it's true love, the real thing"

"I guess you should forgive"

"When a woman loves with all her heart and soul"

Tell me your name again.

Edith Giovanna Gassion.

That's not great.

I have other names:

Huguette Helias, Tania...

Denise Jay. Jay...

You get manicures!

Don't change the subject.

You're like a bird.

You think so?

Really? ls "Little Songbird" taken?

Yes, it's taken.

A sparrow...

You call a sparrow a "Piaf"? ls that what you say? "Piaf"?

The Little Sparrow. Great!

That's corny. What do You know?

The Little Sparrow. That's great!

You need some classics worthy of your name.

Bruant's "Les Momes de la Cloche".

I know that one.

Rehearse around the clock if need be.

You start on Friday.

The show's about to begin.

Check on your protege.

Why? She's quite a drinker.

I'm on my way.

Philippo, no more alcohol back stage.

What are you doing?

I didn't finish knitting it.

I'm making a sleeve. Now!

It's sold out. All The more reason.

She can't go on like a bum!

Look, our star performer is dressing the newcomer.

That's right.

Girls, hurry up.

Louis, I feel like puking.

Not now, hurry up.

A few days ago, on my way home, perhaps luck or fate led me to tonight's performer.

Here she is, as I first saw her, a diamond in the rough. . .

From the sidewalk to Gerny's: The Little Sparrow.

"Any evening or any day"

"On the posh and rough sides of town"

"You see them in their hundreds"

"Their dirty leggings and their lovers"

"In their unwashed shirts"

"Beneath the lamplight"

"Parading like court royalty"

"They're the jewels in our crown"

"They're our dolls, our clowns, our puppets"

"Listen in the night to them sing this refrain:"

"We're the kids, the kids on the skids"

"Bums on the street, without a cent"

"We're the misfits, the down and out misfits"

"Who were loved somewhere, some night. . ."

"They don't have the finery"

"For the wealthier parts of town"

"They don't go to the Galeries Lafayette"

"To ply their trade"

"Along the Canal Saint Martin"

"Sebastopol or La Chapelle"

She's like my sister.

"For the man who hails them"

"They're bargain basement goods, not the finest jewels"

"You don't find dolls in silks"

"At the ten cent bazaar"

"We're the misfits, the down and out misfits"

"Who sleep in the dirtiest dumps"

Did I lie?

She's sensational.

"...nor a single soul"

"Come what may"

"We don't give a damn"

"When the reaper knocks"

"It's our finest hour"

"Ring, bells, ring"

"For the kids on the skids"

Meet the venerable Jean Mermoz.

This is for you.

Thank you.

Come, Edith.

You wowed them, you'll do it tomorrow and every night.

You must meet someone who'll help you.

My name's Marguerite Monnot. I'm a pianist.

If ever you need, I'd love to compose for you.

Thank you.


Edith, this is Mr. Jacques Canetti.

Artistic Director of City Radio.

Miss, you completely dazzled me.

Thank you.

Please join us at our table.

I can't stay. I have to run.

What's so important?

Thank you.

What is it?

Marvelous, marvelous.

You better lay off, or it's pow right in the kisser!

You dimwit, we've been waiting an hour!

f*ck off, you stingy bastard!

Fork it over.

"The Little Sparrow"

Miss... you're marvelous.

My hand's going to fall off.

Have more bubbly.

I want the bottle!


I told her to trust me.

That's the power of radio, right, Coquatrix?

Don't forget the magic of musical hall.

Of course.

Edith, I have something for you.

A song? Naturally.

Raymond! Raymond!

Mireille, call Raymond.

Someone for you, Kid.

The big guy wants to talk to you.

This is Raymond Asso, writer, composer, performer, poet.

I'll be back.

I love your music.

Yeah, I don't like your mug.

I've seen you often.

You must've been hiding.

It's midnight, everyone up.

Everyone stand up!

You're an immense artist.

I'm wearing high heels.

Whenever you'd like...

Call me. I'll be waiting.

My Daddy Leplee!

A toast to my Daddy Leplee, my savior!

"Grasse, October 1 963"

What about yesterday? Were you in, or. . .

I was here, but didn't see him.

You're a bird of ill omen!

It's her fault!

Are you the Little Sparrow?

Follow me, please.

What for?

This way.

Let me through, please.

This way.

I’m talking to you!

Are You mixed up with The Mob? No.

Leave me alone.

What about Henri Valette?

And Georges, Johnny the sailor and Albert... never heard of them either?

They're friends. . . they're not mixed up in this.

Aiding and abetting is a crime.

I’m not guilty! I didn't do anything!

I’ve lost everything.

Where were you last night?

I told you, I was out partying...

You scum, lousy rats!

What you're doing is disgusting!

This isn't the stage!

It seems you have some unsavory friends, like Albert.

I don't know any of them, Inspector.

Sure. I wasn't born yesterday.

Hey Sparrow, a statement? Not now.

Let her stew in her shame.

Go back to the gutter, little bitch!

Leave her alone!

It's not her. Get it?

Did you sing to get off?

It's a funeral. Show some decency!

One last question. Vultures!

Clear off!

Out of the way! Get lost!

It's over. I’m finished.

They dragged me through the mud.

Forget it. It's old news.

I didn't do anything!

I know.

Open up.


Simone Berteaut?


Miss Berteaut, you must come with us.

What for?

Court order from the judge and your mother to send you to a girls' detention home.

Effective immediately.

Get your things, please.

It's not true. She stays here!

I have nothing to say to you.

For the last time, get your things.

You want to k*ll me!

You want to k*ll me, is that it?

Let me go, I said.

She's not leaving.


Edith, don't let them take me!

My things! I have nothing!

You hear, you bastard?

Momone, no!

Daddy Leplee.

Oh, Daddy Leplee!

You k*lled him! Where's the dough?

What do you expect from a former slut?

Everyone out of my dressing room!

Mamie, stay.

I need a shot, it hurts too bad.

Call the American.

You can come in now.

What a triumph. It was divine.

Doug. . .

I need some air.

I want to go back to Chalons, with you. It's four hundred kilometers away.

Go to hell, all of you!

I’ve had it with you all!

You're exhausted. It's a long journey.

It's always no this and no that. To hell with that!

Let's go back.

Turn around.

Turn around! You spoiled it for me!

Her blood tests are catastrophic.

She has two broken ribs we can't set.

It'll take weeks.

If she has engagements, cancel them, Mr. Barrier.

It's tight enough. Get away.

Doctor, give me a shot so I can sing.

Sorry, but my admiration has limits.

Theirs has no limits, neither do I.

Cancel. You're playing with your life.

So? You have to play with something.

You want a new life? Get a new you.

New what? New you.

Why didn't you call sooner?

I was busy. I didn't know what you wanted with me.

I saw you sing. You've a lot to learn.

You're the first to say so.

In three months no one will call you Kid. Cabaret life's over.

"He had bright blue eyes that flashed like lightning. . ."

"Like a storm in the night. . ."

Like a storm in the night! Articulate!


"He had bright blue eyes. . ."

He had bright blue eyes. . .

Are they words or sounds?

What do You want? Perfect diction!

I sing the way I speak!


You slur the words, and you don't understand them.

Slower, Marguerite.

It's been 6 hours. Can we open a window?

We'll breathe later.


"He had bright blue eyes that flashed like lightning. Like a storm..."

You don't listen! You're not living the song.

You have to be that woman in love.

Think like an actress.

He's mocking me.

We're tired. We need a break.

He makes me feel like I can't sing.

Who do you think you are?

You can't rest on your laurels.

I started singing at nine!

It's okay. Don't worry. This is new and difficult.

You must become a performer, understand?

Live the song!

No one ever minded my diction.

No one. . . like who?

Creeps at Gerny's or on the street?

Do what I say or go back to the gutter.


To my little girl who never forgot her daddy.

To the Kid!

Heard you got a mentor. Does he have bucks?

Not a cent... it's art for art's sake.

Art for your ass's sake.

Come on, Kid, sing something.

Give us a song!

"A woman that looks like a man"

"Stands no chance of making a k*lling"

"'Cos it's really the swish of her skirt"

"That makes any young lady so thrilling!"

"When a fella hears this swish swish"

"What he'll dare do is amazing"

"His view of the world gets all rosy"

"With excitement, his pulse starts racing!"

"Swish swish, swish swish"

"When she starts her little swish"

"Swish swish, swish swish"

"She's quite a dish. . ."

That's the way to handle her.

I let her get away.

I was too good to her!

You're stiff as a poker.


Like a champ brawling in the street.

Performing is an art.

Grab them with all you've got.

You have great hands.

Use them.

Sing with them.

Again, Marguerite.

Put some life in it.

Your hands, your hands.

That's it.

I feel stupid. Keep going.

Put this on.

People don't care about that. They like my voice.

How can you be so talented and so pig headed?

Open up. I’m going to throw up!

What's up, is she drunk?

No, she's panicking.

The audience is waiting!

For weeks you bugged me for this show.

Get her on stage before there's a riot!

She's coming.

Edith. . .

You have three minutes.

This isn't a cabaret, it's a music hall.

What have I gotten myself into?

It's stage fright. It's a good sign.



This is it.

This is what we've worked for.

You can't crack up now.

Open this door.

No, I can't.

Open it, please.

Stand up.

Ladies and gentlemen, Edith Piaf!

"Edith Piaf Triumphs"

"Street Singer Makes It Big"

"The Little Sparrow Premieres"

"The First Man To Give Me A Hand"

"Piaf On Tour"

"Edith Piaf's tour at the A.B.C. Theater"

"The Sparrow's Dead Long Live Edith Piaf!"

"Know what it's like to hurry home..."

"hoping to lean on the one you love,"

"only to find an empty room."

"Waiting and waiting."

"I know that empty room. Yes, I do."

I can't wait to see you in the play.

"Paris, February 14, 1 940"

Heads up, Canetti's coming.

The conductor has been waiting three hours.


The premiere's in less than 48 hours.

Know many people Cocteau has written plays for?

Miss? Yes, Suzanne.

Paul Meurisse called. Dinner with Mr. Cocteau is at 8:00 pm.

You see.

Ask him to come back at midnight.

Are you sure?

You're worse than Raymond. Do this, do that.

Stop it.

She fired that pain in the ass! Stop it.

Shall I show you the gowns?

Yes, the gowns.

They're all here, Miss Piaf.

Careful of the pins.

The simplest one, no collar.

A man's been calling. . . He has something for you.

What's he like? A soldier.

I said you couldn't see him.

He's on the landing. It's awkward.

Since he's here, show him in.

Follow me.

Put it there.

Here she is.

Much better with no collar.


My name's Michel Emer, I'm a corporal.

This isn't the army. What do you want?

I have a song for you.

Another? I have plenty.

I premiere at the Bobino in two days.

I'll take this one.

I go to the front tomorrow.

There's the piano. You have five minutes.

Edith. . .

We'll have to wait.

"The h**ker's quite a looker, standing in the corner"

"She's got plenty of customers, and money in her garter"

"When she calls it a day, she too goes away"

"In search of some romance at a working class dance hall"

"She listens to the Java, but doesn't do the" dance

"Idling near the dance floor"

"Her love struck gaze is on the artist who plays"

"And his long and flashing fingers. . ."


I want it.

Everybody out.

You can't do this. We're already late.

What can't she do?

Play it. I want it for the Bobino.

Get moving.

You can't do this.

I can't? Then what's the point of being Edith Piaf?

In French, please.

She's too desperate, too poor. . .

Spit it out, Charles.

I’m not a translator.

"New York 1 947"


Not in the tradition of the French Cancan and Gay Paree.

A complete flop.

It's not the first time you've had to fight.

Americans want beauties, not me.

I’m not the Parisian bombshell they expected.

Can you see me as a chorus girl?

Where's my feather up the ass!

Go on laugh. I don't connect to them.

I’m too sad, they're too dumb.

Yeah, too dumb.

You're on the front page.

Two columns.

It's Greek to me, translate this shit.

He says they shouldn't let you go.

It would be a grave mistake.

The Americans don't deserve you.

I knew something would happen! I must get changed.

Ginou, help me choose a dress.

Tonight I’m going out. I have a date.

What's this, Marcel?

Beef... go on, taste it.

It smells like a wet dog.

What? Your English is as good as the meat.

Don't like the place?

I’m a bit surprised. I didn't expect...

When you called to invite me out and said we were two Frenchies alone in New York, why not go out to eat, I imagined something different.

It's my local spot.

You sure know how to spoil a girl.

Two pastrami sandwiches. . .

Oh no!

I’ll handle this. Two tournedos Rossini, and a bottle of Chateau Langelus 1938... please.

You must be starving.

Better that than boiled dog meat.

I’m sorry.

Let's start over. Okay?

How long have you been in New York?

Eight weeks.

Do you like America?

I couldn't care less about America.

I don't get them, and they don't get me.

You must miss Paris. Terribly.

What do you do when you're not singing?

You could be a police investigator.

I knit.

Tell me your size, I’ll knit you a sweater.

No thanks, really...

Those people recognized you.


They're saying that chump lost his last two fights. He's washed up.

I’ll shut them up good.


Don't get worked up. I was kidding.

Very good.

Let's not be so formal.

Of course.

And when you're not boxing?

I train, I run.

And after training?

When I’m home in Morocco, I work on my farm.

You have a farm!

I raise pigs.


Why not?

It's true, why not?

It's a lovely farm... very modern with fine fat pigs.

Who works it when you box?

My wife.

You have. . . magnificent hands.

Did you hear that Momone?

You do have nice fingers.


What color are your eyes?

He leaned over to have a closer look.

And his breath stunk!

You can be such a jerk.

He is a pig farmer after all.

He said...

Violet blue.

Of course, violet blue.

It was the way he said it.

He seemed like a child.

Then he said...

You look like a fairy.

That's a bit much.

Did you kiss him?

I didn't dare.

It was a very lovely evening. Too short.

Will you watch me fight?

Of course.

Did he try to kiss you?

Don't know if it crossed his mind.

Yeah sure. I believe that.

I’ll come hear you sing.

Well. . . good night.

He's the love of my life!

You were wonderful!

Mr. Lucien Roupp who is Mr. Cerdan's manager.

Mr. Jameson from CBS television network...

Marlene. . .

Good evening. I’m sorry. I simply wanted to have a word.

I haven't been to Paris for ages.

But this evening, when you were singing, Edith, I was there... in the streets, beneath its sky.

Your voice is the soul of Paris.

You took me on a journey.

You made me cry.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Thank you.

Come on up.

I’m starting to like this city.

The stars are out tonight.

Let's go.

Marc, do you know how long a frog lives?

In fairy tales or in life?

I’ve never read fairy tales. . . to anyone.

You haven't had the opportunity.

Yes, but I didn't do it.

"Dreux December 1 3, 1 959"

Excuse me. I’m a bit tired.

I’ll be back.

Lay her down there.

I’m going back.

It's out of the question.

Nobody tells me when to stop!

What do we do?

I’m sorry. Have everyone leave.

I’m going back! No, Edith!

I must go on.

It's su1c1de.

She must be hospitalized.

No! Louis, I’m begging you!

You were just in the hospital three weeks ago.

There will be other galas.

Take me back on stage!

Take me back. I must sing!

I must sing, Louis. I have no choice!

Edith, please.

Do You hear them? Stop...

Close that door!

Take me back, Louis.

Take me back. If I don't sing tonight. . .

If I don't sing at least one song, I’ll lose all faith in myself. Do you understand?

Doctor, do what you must.

Not this time, you guys.

You expect me to fall on my face, I’m in great shape.

Tell your papers it's not my su1c1de tour!


Saint Theresa, first of all thank you...

I know you're behind all this.

You sent him to me.

I’ve found love, and I know it's your doing.

Sweet Jesus, protect Marcel.

Go, Marcel!

Go now!

It's too soon, Edith.

No, he'll win. I feel it.

If there's a problem, you'll look bad. What problem?

If there's a problem, I’ll call you. Now go.

Hurry up!

Go, Marcel!

One round!

Go on, Marcel!

k*ll him!

What's happening? Zale's injured.

He did it? He's world champion!

You look like an angel.

Not like a fairy anymore?

You are my champion.

I want you to be mine for life.

Nothing existed before you. It's all gone.

Stay with me.

My beloved, yesterday before bed, I crossed off a day, a long day, but also short.

When the plane took off it took with it my heart, my life, my breath. . .

My sweet boy, my child, my love, your scent lingers in my sheets and my heart sleeps constantly in the arms of sadness.

My Darling, I love you. What have you done to put me in this state?

I miss you.

I’m blank, listless, as though waiting for something. . .

Hold me tight against your heart and know nothing in the world counts more than you.

Return my heart to me. I think the French know about us.

When I’m in a restaurant, they play "La Vie en Rose"...

When I see, my love, how attached you are to your wife and your 3 children, I feel like going far away, thinking someday you'll be grateful to me.

I can't have you all for myself, and can't live without you.

God is my witness, in this affair I ask for nothing.

I’m ready to sacrifice all.

"If one day life tears you from me,"

"if you die or are far away"

"though you may love me, I will die too."

"Paris, February 1 960"

In three months, that's right, in April. . .

I’ll be a hit at the Olympia.

With a full house. We'll be flush.

Edith, your liver cells are not functioning normally.

You've been ill. You need rest. It's serious.

I’m just 44. I’m not in the tomb yet.

With the cancellations, we have no more assets.

You're saying it's my fault.

That's not it, Edith. It's the tax authority.

We owe 1 20,000 francs as a first installment.

It's jaundice! I don't need That's pushing it.

I want to perform at the Olympia!

Anything else?

Yes, we must stop giving in to her.

I can't always keep an eye on her.

She left the hospital too soon.

The Olympia in 3 months... It's a disaster waiting to happen.

She needs these challenges.

It's a losing proposition.

Then I have to tell the insurance guys it's all canceled.

We must decide for her, that's final.

Whether she likes it or not.

Edith. . .

I said to myself, Edith it's all over!

He's got someone else. You lost him.

He was having an affair?

Would I be telling you this if he were?

He left the restaurant. I was hiding.

My Marcel crossed all of New York to eat with an old blind black boxer he had met a few years earlier. Imagine that.

Guys like that are hard to come by.

My Marcel. . .

My Marcel! That's all you talk about.

Nothing else matters.

But let me tell you, Ginou, I’ll never have him.

He'll never be mine. He won't leave his wife and kids.

He calls her every single day.

I pretend not to notice.

I want him to be happy.

I’ll be back.

I could've been Edith Piaf.

There's more to life than songs.

It's been too long, Marcel!

Call Orly. Catch a plane tonight.

A long boat journey would k*ll me.

I miss you, Marcel.

I can't be apart from you anymore.

Maybe I should go back to Paris.

Hold on.

I’m just Madame's lapdog.


Rum, Coke! Whiskey!

People think I’m a piece of shit.

Boozing it up in Belleville was better.

You've dropped me, Edith.

Enough, Momone!

Get her out of my sight.

I’ll be taking the boat.

Here's to your career, Edith!

Please Marcel. Leave tonight. For me!

You sleep late when I’m not here.

Thank God, Marcel.

Thank you.

I’ll make you some coffee. Don't move.

Let me serve you.

What are you doing there?

I knew you'd come!

Lucien had a rough time buying the tickets.

I have a present for you.

You're in bad shape.

You need sun. You're so pale.


Ginou. I’m looking for the watch!

What's gotten into you? I’m looking for the watch!

It was here, in a long red Cartier package, it was here, dammit!

What is wrong with you all?

I’m looking for Marcel's watch! Where is that watch?

I’m looking for Marcel's watch!



What's going on?

You must be brave, Edith. ls it Marcel?


The plane crashed. . .


"Come what may,"

"If your love is true"

"For I will die too"

"We will live on eternally"

"In the vast sky of blue"

"In heaven all is harmony"

"My love,"

"Do you believe we love each other?"

"God reunites"

"Those who loved before"

What more can I tell you, Miss Piaf?

They say you're the best psychic...

That may be, it's your third time this week. What more can I say?

Why do you come back?

So that you can tell me again,

so I can remember why I must go on living.

He died in the sky, so he must be up there...

"California, August 1 955"

Hey Jack Pills! Can you step on it?

I need some air. That's lovely.

Step on it. Our pinup's melting!

I’ll get a sore throat.

Then you'll take care of me like a good husband.

The best hubby I’ve had.

The first you've had!

You plan on gawking at us all day?

I’m sick to my stomach.

Watch it, you'll ram us into the scenery.

Let me drive. Stop, I’ll drive.

That way Ginou can throw up.

Go on, Ginou.

May I help Madame. . .

Go on, Ginou!

Very good. Bravo!

Bye Ginou.

Wait for me!

You sure know how to drive.

At least our outing wasn't for nothing, we k*lled a tree!

Unbelievable, what shitty service!

Anybody here to take our order?

Calm down, dear. Don't play the star.

Tonight you play the Mocambo.


Remind me who's invited us tomorrow?

Marlon Brando, Ginger Rodgers, Mr. Chaplin...

What is that?

We never ordered that crap!

Don't touch me!

Let me see. Don't touch me, I said!

Wipe yourself off.

We'd better get a divorce.

How many injections per day, Madame?

About ten. . .

Sorry to be so direct, but why are you doing this?

So my body will shut up!

When did you start these daily injections?

Five years ago, after the plane crash. I. . .

I was becoming arthritic. I couldn't knit anymore.

You are seriously dependent.

An addiction. . .

Doctor, I'd like my wife to go to rehab.

I want to get better.

I can.

"October 1 960 - 5 years later"

Danielle, a chair.

Edith. . .

Here, Edith.

Sit down.

Bruno. . .

There'll be no Olympia.

I understand, Edith.


I want you to meet Charles Dumont, composer, and Michel Vaucaire, lyricist.

They've come back to play their song.

Be quick. I’m tired.

"No, no regrets"

"No, I will have no regrets"

"Neither the kindness received"

"Nor sorrows grieved"

"I’ve forgotten the past"


I like it.

Go on!

And the memories I had

"I no longer desire"

"Both the good and the bad"

"I have flung in the fire"

"Swept away past loves"

"With the heartaches I’ve withstood"

"Swept away for good"

"Like starting from the unknown"

You're marvelous!

Exactly what I’ve been waiting for. It's incredible.

It's me!

That's my life. It's me!

Call Coquatrix. The Olympia is on!

Play it again. It's so beautiful.

"No, no regrets"

"No, I will have no regrets. . ."

"Take care my favorite sparrow. Your friend Marguerite"

Everyone's here: Aznavour, Mr. Cocteau, Yves Montand.

Montand's here? I read he wasn't in France.

He came for you!

They've been waiting for 30 minutes.

The place is heating up.

They're not too tight?

Who is that?

A friend.

Come on Edith, stand up.

My cross?

My cross. . .

We forgot it. I’ll get it.

I won't sing without it!

Out! Everybody out!

"Grasse, October 1 963"

"Her last night"

See you tomorrow.

Go on. I’ll handle it.

I’m afraid, Simone, I’m losing my memory. It's very serious.

My thoughts are muddled.

I’m trying to remember. . . but I can't.

Other memories are surfacing, not the ones I want to see.

I wanted to see his watch.

Do you remember? Marcel's watch?

No Edith. I didn't know him.

I wanted to see his watch.

That's some face!

You've got wild eyes.

The kid's not so bad.


Yes, Edith?

I didn't pray.

I want to pray on my knees.

No one will reproach you if you're not on your knees.

I want to pray for my daddy.

Marcelle. . .

My little ghost.

Only Momone knows about it.

I need to tell you about my child.

Take it easy, Edith.


Marcelle, go to bed. I’ve had enough today.

Think I can keep an eye out for the cops and your kid?

What the hell's Louis doing?

It's him. Your father.

Did she eat?

They said you were on the street with her!

Who said?

You get her twice a month and you screw up!

I said not the streets!

Come quick!

It's Marcelle! Come on!

Marcelle's in the hospital!

Are you her mother?

Meningitis. Nothing could be done.

I’m sorry.

Edith, I have the cross.


They said you were on the beach.

Thank you for granting this interview.

My pleasure.

It's odd to see you so far from Paris.

I’m never far from Paris.

I’ve a list of questions. Answer whatever comes to mind.

Well, what is your favorite color?


What's your favorite dish?

Pot roast.

Would you agree to live a sensible life?

It's already the case.

Who are your most faithful friends?

My true friends are faithful.

If you could no longer sing. . .

I could no longer live.

Are you afraid of death?

Less than solitude.

Do you pray?

Yes, because I believe in love.

I don't want to go, Simone.

Where is Theo?

I want my husband.

Theo will be here in less than an hour.

What is your fondest career memory?

Every time the curtain goes up.

Your fondest memory as a woman?

The first kiss.

Do you like night time?

Yes, with a lot of light.


With a piano and friends.

The evening?

For us, it's dawn.

See, you're breathing.

I can't go back.

I can't.

If you were to give advice to a woman, what would it be?


To a young girl?


To a child?


Who are you knitting for?

Whoever will wear my sweater.

That's all. I hope it wasn't too long.

Thank you very much.

Thank you, young lady.

"No, no regrets"

"No, I will have no regrets"

"Neither the kindness received"

"Nor sorrows grieved"

"I’ve forgotten the past"

"No, no regrets"

"No, I will have no regrets"

"Love was king for a day"

"swept away"

"gone astray"

"To hell with the past"

"And the memories I had"

"I no longer desire"

"Both the good and the bad"

"I have flung in the fire"

"Swept away past loves"

"With the heartaches I’ve withstood"

"Swept away for good"

"Like starting from the unknown"

"No, no regrets"

"No, I will have no regrets"

"Neither the kindness received"

"Nor sorrows grieved"

"I’ve forgotten the past"

"No, no regrets"

"No, I will have no regrets"

"For my life"

"and my joys"


"It begins again with you"
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