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10x17 - Home Sweet Home

Posted: 02/23/21 08:38
by bunniefuu

My mother sent a message..


..That set everything in motion.

For a long time, I thought her way was the only way.

It was survival, walking with the dead.

But I woke up, and I saw a different way of life -- One filled with love and hope, civilization.


It's what we thought to protect, Whatever the cost.

Rggh, augh!

Right or wrong, carol's plan worked.

Negan infiltrated the whisperers, Gained my mother's trust, and k*lled their alpha.

But a new leader rose, And the fight continued...

...It took all of us.

Old friends returned and made us stronger.



United, we sacrificed everything for a brighter tomorrow...

And we won.

[zombies growling]

Now, we're on the verge of something else.

[Man:] Hands in the air, now!

A bigger world Filled with endless possibilities and uncertainty.

This is your last chance!

[walker growling]

[knife clangs]


[growling stops]



[Judith:] I could have gotten that walker.

You are your mother's daughter.

My dad's, too.


What'd you tell rj?


I took him to the roof.

The sky was full of stars, And I told him right now, Mom's looking at the very same stars as us.

I said the same to hershel.

Even thought it myself about all of you.

'cause it's true.

She's out there.

Under the same sky.

She is.



this should do it. [Man:]

Push off.


On three.

One, two, three.


You all be safe


Hey, maggie.


I didn't escape, If that's what you're thinking.


Well, shit.

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪



Gabriel and rosita just left with the first group.

Did oceanside give an answer?

Yes, and they'll take some.

Luke's gathering up about a dozen of them.

We can take the rest.

[footsteps approach]



[ Man:] Maggie.


Who's that?

These are my people.

Is everybody okay?

Hershel's fine.

Don't worry.

Everyone else?

Holding tight at the rendezvous.

Let's bring them back.

Come on.

I want you to meet my friends.

Carol, daryl --elijah and cole.

Hershel and I were living with their people Until recently.

We lost the village.

And now we need to live with you.

I thought I'd take them to hilltop.


What is it?

♪♪ ♪♪


[ Carol:] Maggie.


Negan was with the whisperers.

That night.

I wanted you to hear it from me, because -- It was you?


You let him out?

Alpha needed to die, And negan was our best chance.


We were gonna lose everything.


Negan's a reason we didn't.


So, what now?


Everyone's just supposed to go to...

What was it?



So, we all go to alexandria And live next door to the guy who torched this place?

Same guy who k*lled her husband -- Is that right?

We're still figurin' things out.

Thanks for telling me.

We need to get to hershel and the others.

You didn't have to do that.

I did.

I owe her that much.

I'll go with her, try to smooth things over.

She's never gonna come around on him, you know.

Have you?

It's good to see her, though.


[footsteps depart]


[birds chirping]


Hold on!

You're gonna pick up maggie's people, right?


I wanna come with you.

You're gonna cover some new ground where we could...

You know, keep an eye out, for connie.

Come on.

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪


The town marked the shelter at about 10 miles east.

Too far out of the way.

We might not hit anything else before dark.

Let's keep going.


About a half hour left, boss.

If we're lucky.

We can go a little longer.

No, we can't.

It's getting dark.

We shouldn't be out here.

[walkers growling]



[ Kelly:] Okay?

Okay what?

You mean stay here?

We should go up in the woods, Find higher ground.

[growling, banging continues]

I think we'll all sleep better In some shelter.



So, all we have to do Is clear this whole parking lot full of sickos And hole up for the night?

No sweat.

[fence rattling]


♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪



[ Cole:] Maggie, you okay?

[Maggie:] Just a cut, but I could use a little help!

[growling continues]

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪

[muffled growling, banging]

Alright, so, maybe a little sweat.


[crickets chirping]

[door opens]

It's all clear.

Cole's on watch.



Hey, I'm glad you're here.

When your letters stopped, I thought, I don't know, maybe you were gone.

I wasn't close to the drop for a long time.

But when I was...

Well, when I was, I just didn't stop.


What happened out there?


You know, georgie had all these good ideas.

With things going so well at hilltop, The idea of doing that for others felt good.

So, we'd find groups and do what we could.

But it'd always go sideways.

She still out there?


I don't know.

We were in this little place near knoxville A couple summers ago.

I had this group.

We taught them to reroute water, build a forge.

She heard about this city out west, So she and the twins went out there to check it out, And I stayed back with hershel.

And not long after, the place fell and we ran, And I haven't seen her since.

What happened to your group?

Their village?

Not now.


It's actually good to say some of it out loud.

I just can't say all of it, you know?

I know.


I almost came home after knoxville.

Maybe I should've.


Maybe I should've.


Why didn't you?

We, uh...


...Took a detour.


My nana had this place by the ocean.


After bethie died, Glenn and I talked about going there.

Not forever, just for a little while.

We never did.


But I thought hershel could.

He loved it.


Waves twice his size knocking him to the ground.

He just bounced right back up, laughing.

[both chuckle]


We watched the sunrise, Watched the water crashing against the rocks.


It was so peaceful.

Hardly any walkers.


And then one night, we stayed up really late And told him stories about his family.

Beth and shawn and...

His granddaddy.


He asked how his daddy died.


I knew he would.

I knew it was coming.


I told him that a bad man k*lled him.


He wanted to know If that man got what he deserved.

He wanted to know if that man was dead.




Truth is, I left home Because I couldn't have negan Taking up any more space in my head...

And then I realized I didn't want to bring hershel back to that.


Then the next morning, we met...

This whole community of people Who needed us as much as we needed them.


And it felt like it was meant to be.


But that's over, too.

You could come on home.


It's not decided with negan.

Not yet.

And what carol did, she -- What she felt she had to.



God knows what I would have done if I was there.


I'm next door if you need me, alright?

♪♪ ♪♪


[door opens, closes]

♪♪ ♪♪

[birds chirping]

[door creaks]

Time to go.

[door creaks]


I actually got some shut eye in that rust coffin.

[walker growling]

Hey, isn't your friend supposed to be on watch?

[growling stops, body thuds]


♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪

You left your post.

[Kelly:] Sorry, I just...

You can't go running off by yourself like that.


Her sister's missing.

♪♪ ♪♪

He just lost his, too.

[items clattering]

[clatter, thud]

♪♪ ♪♪

We have to go.

I just had to check.

♪♪ ♪♪

[Maggie:] Kelly's sister -- she still out there?

I don't know.

I hope so.

Thing is, I went looking for her so many times.

But people are just gone, you know?

Even if you find 'em, Doesn't mean you get 'em back.

Maybe it's best if she don't know.

No, she should.

My dad used to say, "a wound can't heal 'til it hits air." You know that ain't true, right?

Medicine wise.

He always made it sound like it was.


We're almost there.

Can't wait for you to meet hershel.




♪♪ ♪♪


It's them.

They found us.

♪♪ ♪♪





They must've followed us, maggie.

We were so damn careful.

I don't know how, but...

It's them.

They're out here.

We don't know that.

Two of our people are dead, maggie.

Where the hell's everyone else?

Fire's out.

Why haven't they come back?

It's the reapers.

What's a reaper?

The people who att*cked our home.

[ Elijah:] Came outta nowhere.

Wiped out anything in their way.

They're here -- enough.


We need to get our heads on straight.

Find our people.

Find my son.

♪♪ ♪♪

They're scattered.

Definitely running.

All headed north.


These people...

If it's them...

We'll find them.

All of them.


Any more kids in your group?

That's him.

Come on.

Stay quiet and alert.

If anything's out there that isn't our people, We k*ll it.

♪♪ ♪♪

[walker growling]

♪♪ ♪♪

[walker shrieks, knife plunges, body thuds]

[bird cawing]

Trail splits.


I lost him.

Someone could have picked him up, though.

What now?

We split up the group.

No way.

My people are out there.

Splitting up is the fastest way to find them.

And what if something finds us?

Stay alive.


Daryl and I cross.

Keep heading north.

We'll catch up with you.

♪♪ ♪♪


[birds chirping]

[twigs snapping]

Something's out there.

We gotta move.


You okay?

Can you, uh...

♪♪ ♪♪


This is a lot.

But you're not alone.

You and me.



Maggie's counting on us.

[twigs snapping]


Come on.

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪



don't move.

♪♪ [Maggie:] Daryl.


Everyone stand down.

Daryl, she's one of ours.

Come on.

Let's go.

Thank god.



What happened?

Everything was fine, And then the whole place was suddenly on fire.

You see who did it?


We just ran.

Jen and billy -- they didn't make it out.

And something in the woods took out matty, But we didn't get a clear look.

We know who did it.

g*dd*mn reapers.

They're in these woods hunting us one by one.

Where's hershel?

Kim had him.

He's out here, somewhere.

It's been hours.

You're the first people we've seen.

[silenced g*nsh*t, man groans]


[silenced g*nsh*t]


[silenced g*nshots]


[silenced g*nsh*t]

♪♪ ♪♪


[silenced g*nsh*t, woman screams]





It's a trap.

They're trying to flush us out, Pick us off one by one.





Oh, shit.

Maya, get down!

[silenced g*nsh*t]

♪♪ ♪♪



I think she saw hershel.

That's what she's trying to tell me.

We got to get to 'em first.



We should -- [g*nsh*t, shell clangs]

There's only one sh**t.

Three sh*ts.

One at a time.

He had to reload.


I'll go around and flank him.


Just keep his attention here.

♪♪ ♪♪


♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪



♪♪ ♪♪





♪♪ ♪♪


[maggie grunting]




Come on.



Daryl, wait.



Who are you?

Who are you?!

You're one of them, right?

You att*cked our home.

k*lled my friends, our family.

Why'd you do this?

We did nothing to you.

Who are you?

Who are you?!

What do you call yourselves?!

I know it's just you out here, So you can answer my questions or die.

It's your choice.


Why'd you do it?


Pope marked you.




Get down!



Hey, mom.


♪♪ ♪♪


[footsteps approach]

♪♪ ♪♪

I know you helped elijah.

Thank you.

He's been through a lot.

It's okay.

We all have.

Who's older?

You or your sister?

Connie is.

I came as a...

Surprise for our parents.

By that point, they were too tired.

Connie always kept an eye on me.

Even once she had her own life...

...She shared it with me.

Tried to take care of me.

You had a sister, too, right?

You're the oldest?

How'd you know?

I can just tell sometimes.

You seem like you've been in charge of people Your whole life.

You protect them.

Just like my sister.

I hope I get to meet her someday.

You will.

You alright?


It's real quiet out there.

For now.

Hey, that guy knew he was a dead man.

He was just messing with you.


We'll stay here a few more days.

Sweep the grounds, make sure he was alone.

Nothing follows us back to alexandria.

We'll take the long way back.

Cover our tracks.

Does this mean you're coming home?

These people deserve one.

So does hershel.

I'll deal with negan if I have to.

Right now, the only thing that matters is alexandria.


♪♪ ♪♪

[anita lester's "you want it darker" plays]

♪ magnified, sanctified ♪

♪ be thy holy name ♪

♪ vilified, crucified ♪

♪ in the human frame ♪

♪ a million candles burning ♪

♪ for the love that never came ♪

♪ you want it darker ♪

♪ we k*lled the flame ♪

[ Man:] Come on!


♪ if you are the dealer ♪

♪ let me out of the game ♪

♪ if you are the healer ♪

♪ it means I'm broken and lame ♪

♪ if thine is the glory ♪

♪ then mine must be the shame ♪

♪ you want it darker ♪

♪ we k*lled the flame ♪

What the hell happened?

Whisperers left a parting gift.

♪♪ [indistinct conversations, hammering]

♪ magnified, sanctified ♪

♪ be thy holy name ♪

♪ vilified, crucified ♪

♪ in the human frame ♪

So, this is home sweet home?

♪ a million candles burning ♪

♪ for the help that never came ♪

♪ you want it darker ♪

♪♪ Yeah. It is.

♪ I'm ready, my lord ♪

♪♪ ♪ there's a lover in the story ♪

♪ but the story's still the same ♪

♪ there's a lullaby for suffering ♪

♪ and a paradox to blame ♪

♪ but it's written in the scriptures ♪

♪ and it's not some idol claim ♪

♪ you want it darker ♪

♪ we k*lled the flame ♪

♪ ooh, ooh, ooh ♪

♪♪ ♪♪

♪♪ ♪♪