01x15 - A Pox in Our House

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Full House". Aired: September 1987 to May 1995.*
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A widower enlists help to raise his three daughters..
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01x15 - A Pox in Our House

Post by bunniefuu »

[Jesse Frederick singing "Everywhere You Look"]

♪ Ahh ahh ahh ahh ♪

♪ Ahh ♪

♪ Whatever happened to predictability ♪

♪ The milkman the paper boy ♪

♪ Evenin' TV ♪

♪ How did I get to livin' here ♪

♪ Somebody tell me please ♪

♪ This old world's confusing me ♪

♪ Clouds as mean as you've ever seen ♪

♪ Ain't a bird who knows your tune ♪

♪ Then a little voice inside you whispers ♪

♪ Kid don't sell your dreams so soon ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪ ♪ Everywhere you go ♪

♪ There's a heart ♪ ♪ There's a heart ♪

♪ A hand to hold onto ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪ ♪ Everywhere you go ♪

♪ There's a place ♪

♪ Of somebody who needs you ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ When you're lost out there ♪

♪ And you're all alone ♪

♪ A light is waiting to carry you home ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪

♪ Everywhere you look ♪ ♪ Ahh ahh ahh ahh ♪

♪ Chip‐a‐dee‐ba‐ba‐dow ♪

One, two, uh, one, two, three.

♪ Boom ♪

♪ Boh‐doh ♪

♪ Doo doo ♪

♪ Baoom ♪

♪ Boh‐doh ♪

♪ Hodja ♪

♪ Please show me how to spin ♪

♪ I wanna do that dance ♪

♪ Till I forget where I am ♪

♪ So get up out of your bed one more time ♪

♪ Hodja make me spin ♪

♪ Yeah someday soon ♪

♪ You will be movin' on child ♪

♪ Hodja please ♪

♪ Won't you show me how you do it ♪

♪ So won't you let me be the one ♪

♪ You lay the secret on now ♪

♪ Hodja won't you let me be the ♪

♪ How ya do it ♪

♪ It's a two four six eight ♪

♪ Take it from the top ♪

♪ You got to start me up ♪

♪ And don't let me stop ♪

♪ Hodja ♪

♪ Please show me how to spin ♪

♪ I want to do that dance ♪

♪ Till I forget where I am ♪

♪ So get up out of your bed one more time ♪

♪ Hodja make me spin ♪

♪ Hodja please show me how to spin ♪

♪ I want to do that dance ♪

♪ Till I forget where I am ♪

♪ So get up out of your bed one more time ♪

♪ Hodja ♪

♪ Make ♪

♪ Now hodja make me spin now ♪

♪ Me ♪

♪ Whoa‐oa‐oa‐oa oa‐oa‐eee ♪

♪ Spin ♪ Alright!

One more time!

♪ Hodja get out of your bed and spin ♪

♪ You got to spin on your head ♪

♪ Till you're almost dead... ♪

Hey, if we were all in the shower you'd be begging for more.

I'd be begging to get out.

Alright, guys. Very good.

I'll see you at dress rehearsal tonight. Good‐bye.

♪ To‐rum‐tum, good‐bye ♪ Good‐bye, fellows.

♪ To‐rum‐tum, good‐bye ♪ Very nice, guys.

♪ To rum tum, good‐bye, good‐bye ♪

♪ Good ♪

♪ Go‐o‐o‐od ♪ Alright, will see you at dress rehearsal..

♪ Bye ♪

(together) Good‐bye!

♪ Good‐bye ♪

♪ Do do do good‐bye ♪

♪ Do do do... ♪ Steph?

Stephanie, honey, are you okay?

I feel yucky.

Honey, let's see if you feel any better if I move you over to the couch, okay?

Here you go. There you are.

Now, how do you feel, honey?

I still feel yucky.

Hmm. Lemme check your forehead.

I think she feels a little warm.

Let me see that.

Here, let me see that.

Let me see that.

Let me see that. Let me check it out.

I think they're all running a fever.

She's really got a fever.

Look at her. She's sweating.

Can I ask a question?

Aren't I too young to get pimples?


Stephanie, those aren't pimples.

I think they're chickenpox.


I caught something from a chicken?


No, honey. You probably just caught this from somebody at school.

Don't worry. You're gonna be fine.

Everybody gets chickenpox.

‐ I had 'em. ‐ I had 'em.

I had 'em too.

I never had 'em and I never will.

I'm immune to chickenpox.

You can't be immune to chickenpox, huh?

Every kid in my school had 'em but me.

I guess, when you're an awesome physical specimen like my own bad self..

...germs take one look at my body and say hey, why waste our time?

Women say the same thing.

That's right.

Okay. So I guess nobody here has to worry about catching chickenpox.

[Michelle booing]

Oh, my God.

I got her.

Dad, I'm itching. I'm itching.

Ah, sweetheart, remember what the doctor said.

No scratching.

How am I supposed to scratch with these on my hands?

Honey, those help take away the itch.

They're magic oven mitts.

Dad, get real.

They're for TV dinners.

Any second now, your uncle Jesse will be up here with something to help stop the itching.

It better help. I gotta be all better by tomorrow.

That's when a real ballerina is coming to dance for my ballet class.

I know, but if you want to be better real soon you've got to get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids.

Rest. Fluids. Got it.

Hey, Steph. Here's your juice.

Keep them coming, D. J.

This time, orange juice but no pulp.

Wait till you get better.

Alright. I found the calamine lotion.

How do I look?

Like you should be spinning from the ceiling of a disco.

Alright, come here, Steph, I found something that's gonna suck the itch right out of your body.

Come here. Sit over here. Sit over here.

Here, take care of this.

‐ Oh, thanks, Jesse. ‐ 'I'll lift the shirt.'

Hurry up! It's still itching!

Alright. Get up here.

I hate this!

Alright. Let me tell you something now.

When I had the chickenpox I never scratched them once, and you know why?

I haven't the slightest idea.

Because I got tough. Grrr!

Now let me hear you be tough.


Nice try.

Growling? Please.

Steph, what you need is state of the art medical technology.

I give you teddy itch‐no‐more.

I'll try anything.

Wait, wait, wait, wait. Let me show you how he works first.

Okay. Now, where does it itch the most?

My tummy.

Okay. Scratch teddy itch‐no‐more on his tummy.

Yeah. Now we're in business.

But wait. You also get this special bonus gift something to let us know when you need us.


Oh, no.

You didn't.

[horn blows]

Thanks, Joey.

‐ Yeah, thanks, Joey. ‐ Thanks, Joey.

That's very nice.

Always thinking.

Here. This ought to hold you for 5 minutes.

I hope so.

Okay, sweetheart. Get in bed.

Now, I'm gonna be here with you all weekend except for tomorrow afternoon when I have to finish my special report on the golden state warriors.


Your father is actually gonna put on a uniform warm up with the team and sit on the bench during a real game.

Good for you.

And if eight players get hurt and a peanut vendor, I'm in.

Steph, I got my dress rehearsal tonight and my doo‐wop show tomorrow night but other than that, I'm all yours.

And I'm available all weekend because, uh..

...unfortunately, I'm available all weekend.

Great, 'cause I'm out of here.

I'm going to Sally Penzo's house for my very first slumber party.

I'm so nervous.

I'm in charge of making sure nobody falls asleep.

I don't mean to be rude, but I gotta get some rest.

Out, out, out, out, out, out, out.

She's really too cute to be your kid.

[horn blows]

‐ What is it, honey? ‐ What? What?

Just testing.

Well, it works.

Dad, do I really have to sleep in the nursery?

It's way too cute in here.

'Stephanie needs her rest.'

D.J., are you telling me that you aren't thrilled to death to share a room with this little bundle of baby fun?

Well, that's not fair.

Goodnight, D. J.

And goodnight, Michelle. Mwah!

[horn blows]

Something tells me I ought to check on Stephanie..

[horn blows]

...and k*ll Joey.

‐ Goodnight. ‐ Goodnight.

Okay, Michelle.

'Now, how many people think Michelle should go to sleep?'

I do! One to nothing. I win.

Well, night‐night, Michelle.

Sleep tight.

Uh ba ba.

Uh, no, Michelle. This is not a slumber party.

Now, you need some sleep. Lie down.



Now, Michelle, I mean it.

Go to sleep.


No bye‐bye. Night‐night.


Lie down.

This is a good finger.

[instrumental music]

D.J., check this out.

♪ Ta da da da da ♪

♪ Ta da da da da ♪ Maybe if I hold the ball still and I spin I'll actually create the illusion that I can do this.

D.J., hey. Slow down.

You're not supposed to chug‐a‐lug your cereal.

Sorry, dad. They're picking me up in two minutes for my very first slumber party.

I understand but do you also want your very first Heimlich maneuver?



Oh, nice look, Jesse.

Did your blow‐dryer short out?

Oh, Jesse, what's wrong with you?


I'm fine. Urgh! Really.

I'm fine.

Morning, Joey.

Oh, I got a fever. I'm sweaty. I'm chilly.

Obviously, it's malaria.

Look at all these mosquito bites.

Those aren't mosquito bites.

Those are chickenpox.

That's impossible. I'm immune.

You're immune to common sense.

[telephone rings]

Face it. You got the chickenpox.

Okay, but as soon as I'm over this, I'm immune.

Hello. Oh, hello, mother.

How's Palm Springs?

Oh, yeah. Fine. Everything's fine here except Stephanie and Joey have the chickenpox.

'What are you talking about?'

Mother, I had the chickenpox.

Remember how tough I was?

It was an allergic reaction to wool?

But I was still tough.

Yes, I know. Fluids, lots of rest.

Oh, no dating. Bye, mother.

I'm in trouble.

The station is counting on me to be with The Warriors and I got two baby‐sitters who can't go near the baby.

I've got to find a sitter.

[doorbell rings]

Well, got to go.

I'll be right there.

You'll be fine, won't you, dad?

Oh, honey, I'll be fine.

Don't worry about me. I'll just..

I'll start calling around.

There's got to be, oh, at least 20 sitters in here just dying to make $1.50 an hour.

Honey, you go. You go slumber party, hearty.

Dad, that was almost hip.

You sure you'll be okay?

Oh, I'm positive. Go. Go. Go.

Okay, bye.

Great. I've got 47 minutes to find a sitter.

Guys, I may be almost hip, but I am definitely in trouble.



[instrumental music]

[instrumental music]

Good‐bye, chickenpox prison.

Hello, ballerina.

[footsteps on stairs]



[music continues]

[footsteps on stairs]

Oh, where's my bacon, eggs, toast, juice, and tea?

Danny, where are you?

(Danny) 'On the phone, calling sitters.'

Oh! alright. I'll give you a hand.

I'll write down exactly what I want.

Oh, where the heck is a pen when you need one?


[telephone rings]

Must be sicker than I thought.


Please, Derek, you can't replace me.

I've shot all the other footage.

I've done all the other interviews.

Derek, I‐I'm already wearing the suit. I look really cute.

Yes. Don't worry. I'll be there.

Right, 37 minutes.

Thirty seven minutes?

(Joey) 'Danny.'

I'm coming.

I wish chickenpox caused laryngitis.

Gotta find a baby‐sitter.

I'm history.

(Jesse) 'Freeze!'

Well, well, well..

What have we here?

Hello, Mr. Cochran.

And hello to you, little stranger.

Do I know you?

I'm my friend Karen.

I just came by to visit poor, little Stephanie.

Oh, that's very considerate of you, Karen.

She's missing a real ballerina.

Oh, well, why don't you go upstairs and say hi?

As you know, Stephanie's very sick with the chickenpox and shouldn't be going anywhere.

Chickenpox? I better get out of here.

Not so fast, Karen.

It's too late.

You probably already got 'em from me.

Uncle Jesse, you have the chickenpox too?

What was that, Karen?

I mean..

...Mr. Uncle..

...I mean..

Uncle Cochran.

I mean, Jesse...mister..

I mean..



I can't take it anymore.

It's me. It's me. Stephanie.


Stephanie T..

I could have sworn, it was Lauren Bacall.


...what are you doing out of bed, young lady?

I'm all better.

Oh, then, what are those little bumps all over your face?

Those are..

...my all better bumps.

I wish they were, kid, but we both know they're not.

Now, come on.

Be careful. My chicken pox.

Right. Yeah. I know. I know.

Alright. Now, Steph..

...unfortunately, being sick sometimes means having to miss out on something that you really wanna do but the trick is, you gotta be tough like your Uncle Jesse.

Does this mean you don't care about missing your doo‐wop show?

Oh, I got to miss my doo‐wop show.

Remember what you told me?

Be tough. Grr!


Come on, kid. I'll get you some PJs, alright?

Here we go. The chickenpox twins.

Get the strut down. Get the chicken strut. That's it.

Joseph, it's just not fair.

Who ever said life is fair?

Two grown men dabbing goop on their bodies.

I call that unfair.

You think this is unfair?

Let's talk about salmon, shall we?

Salmon wait their whole lives to swim hundreds of miles upstream make love once and drop dead.

Now, that is unfair.

What the hell are you talking about?

I am talking about making the best of a situation.

Sure, I'm itching but I'm itching with a smile on my face.

Itch, dab.

Itch, ha ha! Dab.

Itch, ha! Dab, dab, dab.

You, my friend, are a wimp.

You think that because I itch, I'm a wimp?

No. There's quite a few other reasons, Joseph.

Let's just see who scratches first, shall we?


Oh, that's a beaut up there on that forehead of yours.


Bet you'd love to take a rake to that baby.

Oh, check out that red throbbing strobe light on your nose.

'Yeah. Yeah, that one.'

Yeah. If this were the month of December you'd find yourself pulling a sleigh full of toys, pal.



You know, I was wondering just what I would look like with a beard.

‐ Scratching! ‐ I was wondering!

You know, you got me wondering a little myself.

I'm feeling a little hefty.

Uh, Joseph, am I putting on any weight here?

‐ Scratching! ‐ I was wondering!

Just like you, wondering, wondering, wondering. Even.

Ah, these clothes are k*lling me!

Uh! Ah ah ah.

‐ Ah ah ah. ‐ Ah! Ah! Ah!

Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah! You know?

‐ I got an idea. ‐ What?

If you scratch me, and I scratch you then we're both still tough guys, right?

Tough yet resourceful. Get my back!

Get mine. Get mine.

Together. Down.

‐ Up. Up. ‐ Down. Down.

‐ Up. Up. ‐ Down. Down.

Shoulders. Shoulders.

‐ Ah! ‐ Ooh! Oh!

(Jesse) 'Scratch my head, scratch my head.'

Oh! Oh! Oh!

(both) Hello.

Hello, Mr. Zuckerman. Hi, this is Danny Tanner.

Yeah, I desperately need a baby‐sitter.

Is your daughter home?



Well, how about you?

Have you ever considered picking up a little extra change baby‐sitting?


‐ Hello? ‐ Oh.

Oh, is right. That's it, Michelle.

The end of the list.

You have any luck?

Don't tease me like that.

I'm dead.

Unless I call up Sally Penzo's house and get ahold of D. J., before she goes to Carmel for the slumber party.

Yeah, then, she could make it back in time and I could get to my game.

'Oh, but, Michelle' she's been looking forward to this for weeks.

It's her very first slumber party.

But then again, it's my very first Warriors game.

Ah, but if she misses that party it's‐it's gonna break her heart.

What do you think, Michelle? Should I call up D. J. or not?

[Michelle mumbling]

Very tempting.

But I just can't do that to D. J.

'We could still play, though.'

Yeah. Let's call each other.

Hello, Michelle. Hi, it's daddy.

You hung up on your father?





Ooh! Ah!




♪ That's the sound of the men ♪

♪ Workin' on the chain ♪ ♪ Ooh ah ♪

♪ g*ng ♪

♪ Don't you know ♪

♪ Oh that's the sound of the men ♪

♪ Workin' on the chain g*ng ♪

♪ Here's some tuna fish and soup ♪

♪ It's nutritious and delicious ♪

♪ And it's great to fight infection ♪

♪ For the family that I love ♪


I'm not hungry.

‐ Jesse. ‐ Me neither.


I'm nauseous.


Ah, slide over.

Ah! Ah! Aw!

I'm not going anywhere.

No sitter?

Just the one you're looking at.

I can't believe I'm gonna miss my game.


Hi, everybody.

‐ Hey. ‐ D. J.

D.J., what are you doing here?

I wanted to make sure you got a baby‐sitter.

Need one?

Yes. Oh, thank you. Thank you.

Thank you. Thank you.

Well, dad, you better leave. You're gonna be late.

No. I might just make it now. Mwah!

Is this a terrific kid or what?

You gave up your slumber party for me?

Ah, D. J., thank you. Thank you, thank you. Thank you.

Yeah, but there'll be other parties.

Dad, you do so much for me.

This is my chance to do something nice for you.

Isn't that what being part of a family's all about?

Do you hear this?

You really are growing up.

It's not fun.

D.J., you're becoming very mature and responsible.

Yeah. I guess having me for an uncle is starting to rub off on you, D. J.

Uncle Jesse, you're delirious.

Well, dad, if you're not gonna leave then I'm going back to the party.

Oh, I'm out of here. I'm out of here.

I am just so honored to be part of this family.

Guys, we really are doing something right.

D.J, you are one terrific kid.

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

‐ Dad, I'm leaving. ‐ I'm gone. I'm gone.

Thank you. Bye!

The man loves to hug.

Well, you guys don't need anything, do you?

Yeah. Get my guitar.

Yeah. I'd like my coloring books and..

(Stephanie) 'Some cranberry juice. Get me orange juice and..'

[indistinct chatter]

Get my phone book, get my phone book!

[theme music]
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