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Field, The (1990)

Posted: 02/21/21 10:41
by bunniefuu
God made the world...

...and see we made that field, boy.

This is what we'd be without the land, boy.

Come on, we'll go.

Why does the widow refuse to sell? Well God knows boy.

Shes a woman, like your mother.

If we knew how to keep the women happy, sure we'd still be in paradise!

Ah 'tis a field worth fighting for boy.

'Tis the best fertiliser in the world.

Your rent ma'am.

Your anniversay must be soon ma'am Ten years this week.

That's a long time for a woman to be in mourning.

Long enough.

And what use is a field to you... without a man to farm it?

No use.

I'm making arrangements... for Tadgh to be settled.

You ever think of selling the field ever?

You know well enough I have no son of my own.

I think about it all the time.

It would be in good hands, when you do.

Excuse me miss.

Good boy, Tadgh.

It'll drive her mad!.

Penny for the poor tinker child ma'am?

Bottle of milk for the baby?

Can't serve you at this hour ma'm.

I don't want a drink. I want to sell the field.

The field?

Aye the field. I'll need the best price I can get.

The Bull McCabe's field?

He rents it.

Twas bare rock when he got it ma'am.


He broke it into a lovely field.

'Twill go to the highest bidder.


'Twill be sold by public auction.

You've no right to sell the field.

It's my land, I'll take my chances.

'Twill be sold by puclic auction on October the first.

Whoever pays the most will get the field.

I'm washing my hands of that field.

We're in for a lot of trouble here Mr. Flanagan.

The Bull won't like this.

'Tis the Bull McCabe's field by right.

Nobody would bid against the BUll.

Nobody steps into that field without the Bull's permission.

There was a big stallion donkey... he stepped into the Bull's field, but he never stepped out again... because he didn't have permission!

A big stallion donkey?

Run, Bird, run!

You let the Bird go There'll be hell to pay when your father wakes up.

I don't know what you're laughing at.

They m*rder*d your father's donkey!


It's alright lambykins.

Tadgh, Tadgh! Where's your father?


Careful, he's resting.





It's me, the Bird.

Were you dreaming Bull?

I never dream.

How are you keeping Bull?

Who gave you permission to call me Bull?

You little felon.

Little felon? Little felon...thats a good one Bull.

What do you want?

I haven't come looking for drink money Bull.

What do you want?

The young widow...she came into Flanagans this morning...

She's thinking of selling the field...

Good. public auction.


Oooh there's going to be a mighty row lambykins!

So she's putting up the field?

That's right.

On the first of October, by public auction.

Public auction?

What will happen?

Men will make bids.


Bids...for my field?

Sure who would insult me, by bidding for my field, here in Carrick Thommond?

There might be outsiders Bull.



Are these the same outsiders who took the corn from our mouths... when the potatoes went rotten in the ditches?

Ah now Bull.

Are these the same outsiders who took the meat from the table... when we lay in the ditches, the grass juice running green from our mouths?

Are these the same outsiders who drove us to the coffin ships... and scattered us to the four corners of the earth?

Are these the same outsiders, who watched... as our valley went silent, except for the cries of the last starving child?

The English are gone Bull.


Because I drove them out.

Me, and my kind.

Gone, but not forgotten, Flanagan.

No outsider, will bid for my field.

Well said! Well said! Well said!

You're the Bull! You're the Bull! You're the Bull!

That's your father, Tadgh!

The widow, will get 50 pounds from me for the field, the silly woman.

The priest will get his Easter dues and everyone will be happy in Carrick Thomond.

Give everyone a drink.

Come on come on, it's our new priest he's covered from head to foot trying to stop the tinkers fighting.

Stop it!

I'd like a word with you, Mr. McCabe. Speak.

Where were you the night before last?

At home.

Doing what at home? Nothing.

You know anything about a missing donkey? It's missing.

We want our donkey!

We want our money!

Will I take care of this seargent or will you?

We want our money!

The next time a tinkers donkey breaks a wall into my field I'll k*ll the owner... and not the poor dumb animal.

He did it!

You'll get your blood money.

Well we better. because if we don't there'll be a curse on your head.

Tadgh, let's go.

This will be a fair auction McCabe.

I want no intimidation.

You're just passing through here Father.

Leave us to our ways, and we'll leave God to his.

Never trust a woman who has no contact with the earth boy.

Did you tell the tinkers about the donkey Bird?

I did not tell the tinkers! I think you did. i did not tell the tinkers.

Tadgh, look.

I'd cut that with a rusty blade before I'd become an informer. that's dirty! Dirty! Worse than a whore, Tadgh.

Worse than a whore.

Ah I think you did Bird.

There she is.

Jaysus would you look at that boys.

Do you remember that linoleum, your mother baought for the room a way back?

I do.

Do you know how much it cost per square yard? No idea.

One shilling and six pence a square foot.

That's more than that field down there. And linoleum wears out!

And you'd have to go a long way to find cattle that will take to linoleum!

And your father's father's father's fathers...

Dug that soil with their bare hands.

And built those walls.

Our souls is buried down there.

And your son's son's son's sons... will take care of it boy.

D'you get my meaning? I do.

Guard it well.

Watch out for those tinkers boy.

They lost their footing on the land during the Famine... and they'll never get back on it.

42... 42...

42, 43, 44...


46, 47, 48, 49...

... minus the tinkers blood money I'll give it to them, after I get the field.

I'm short.

I'll get it from the turf.

I'll sell it to the island men.

I'll sell them a years supply.

What you did to that donkey was wrong.

Never harm an animal.


He paid ya? Yes.

What is he? A bank robber? He's a yank.

It's pure geomotry.

Your father was a great man for making the rake Bull.

Even the great storm of '05 never toppled his rakes.


There, tis like a house.

Corner stone is secure.

Jaysus they're good.

Would you want a sandwich Bird?

Oh, ya.

Who took the meat out of this one?

Twas not me Bull.

Well someone did.

I'll have to talk to the wife about it.

You've not said a word to her for 20 years Bull.

Is that a motor?

Thanks, Bull. No problem.

What were they saying Da?

They were saying a prayer for Shamey.

A prayer for your brother.

Have you no word of Irish from that school of yours?

Never mind the priest. He's new.

The last time Christ was in a temple, he destroyed it .

Wait here. I'll go outside and say a prayer for Shamey.

Who put that pound note in the plate Tadhg?

I don't like it.


Do you remember your brother Shamey, Tadgh?


Of course not!

You were only a baby.

He was like a hump on my back from carrying him so often.

He's looking for his roots.

I love the smell of a graveyard.

Isn't that odd?

'Tis a sweet and peaceful smell.

What made Shamey do it?

Hi, Dan.

It must cost a q*eer penny to make a slate roof.

The thatch is no good...

It's like a narky woman.

Needs constant attention.

You wanted to see me Bull?

I'm worried, for Tadgh.

I want to see him settled.

Can you do anything for him? Well...

The wee McRoarty girl is an only daughter.


She has 9 acres coming to her.

She seems an attractive sort.

Good looking?

She is.

Would she be good to him?

She will.

Will she produce an heir?

She comes from good stock.

You can have a look yourself at the American Wake.

Its a shame to see all those fine women going to America and England.

Ah the land can only support so many.

What do you think of the new electric, Bull?

The trouble with the new electric, is that you can see what you're doing!

Good night.

Dan, Dan!

Where's the McRoarty girl?

There she is.

Which one? The one in the yellow.

Is she good company? She can talk.

She'd want to. Tadgh is no orator.

Jaysus, she has a great pair of hips.

She'll give me an heir alright.

Good evening ladies.


What are ye all laughing at?

You think I'm not good enough for ya?

Will you dance with me?

I will not.

Will you dance with me so?

No, I won't no.

You're all afraid of me.

The tinkers daughter.

You're all afraid that if you touch me... you'll lose the ground under your feet and end up sleeping under the stars.

Well you could do worse.

You could do worse than lie with the tinkers daughter under the stars...

Is there any one of ye man enough to dance with me?

Whose the biggest man among ye?

I'll dance with you redhead!

The Bull McCabe will dance with you!

Would you like to dance with me?

Welcome to Carrick Thomond yank.

Come on, Tadgh! I think she's sweet on ya.

This yank can dance!

That's my boy! Come on!

The McCabes is alive!

The McCabes will live forever!


What's wrong? Tadgh went mad.


Bird! Bird!

Go after him Bird. Make sure he comes to no harm.


Gentlemen, glad to see you all here.

Let's start Flanagan. And may the best man win

And now gentlemen...

Will someone make me an offer for this fine field?

This property containing three acres, one ? and thirty two ?

This green grassy pasture

Come on now

25 pounds.

I hear you loud and clear sir.

I have 25 pounds from Mr. O'Donnell.

Now this is more like it.

Any advance on 25 pounds?

30 pounds.

30 pounds from Mr. McCabe.

Any advance on 30 pounds?


35 pounds it is.

40 pounds.

40 pounds from Mr. McCabe.

Any advance on 40 pounds?

45 pounds.

Any advance on 45 pounds?

45 once.

45 twice.

50 pounds!

I have 50 pounds from Mr. McCabe.

Any advance on 50 pounds?

Is this to be the last bid today?

50 pounds once. 50 pounds twice.

55 pounds.

I beg your pardon sir?

I said 55 pounds.

I hear 55 pounds.

I have 55 pounds once.

60 pounds!

Any advance on 60 pounds?

65 pounds.

65 pounds...any advance on 65 pounds?

70 pounds.

We don't have 70 pounds. Shut up.

Not in front of the village.

70 pounds twice...

75 pounds.

Any advance on 75 pounds?

80 pounds!

I have 80 pounds from the Bull mcCabe.

80 pounds, any advance on 80 pounds?

Any advance now sir on 80 pounds?

80 pounds once. 80 pounds twice...

This field will not be sold for 80 pounds.

There is a reserve price on this field.

I'm putting a reserve price of 100 pounds on this field.

This is my field.

You'll sell no field.

This is my field, and I'm selling it.

And I'm going back to my own people.

Who threw that?

Of all the wars we fought here... we've never ever laid our hands on a woman in Carrick Thomond... and we never will.

Leave her through.


This auction will reconvene next Saturday morning... at 12 o clock on the angelus.

Well why wait? I'm prepared to go higher.

You'd be well advised not to.

Why's that?

You could be inviting a lot of trouble for yourself.


From whom?

This field is mine.

Well we'll see about that won't we?

Well my advice is to stay out of it.

This is deep, very deep... deeper than you think.

Tadgh! Bird!

Tadgh! Hammer!

Get out of the car Father.

Come on.

Ah look at that! Look at that Father!

There's limestone down there, and there's enough limestone up there to build highways all over Ireland, and from what I've seen you could use them!

Now if I cover this field in concrete then I've got access to the whole sh**ting match.

Get in the car Father.

Get in the car? Yeah get in the car.

Get in the car.

Where are we going to now? You'll see, just hold on.

Aren't those hills beautiful Peter?

Yeah they're beautiful Father.

Kinda sad too. Melancholic, you know?

100 pounds...

See that Father...

Hydroelectric power...if you could harness that, Think of the potential, the jobs, I can't wait.

He has the tinker working here.

Nice day isn't it?

They say the yank has money to burn.

They say the town took drink from him last night.

They say he's a big stick hidden in the boot of his car.

30 pounds...

30 pound for 2 milch cows.

That's robbery, Paddy Jo.

Well that's all I can offer, Bull.

You're takin' advantage of me... knowing the situation.

Now I've never used a man's misfortune against him Bull you know that well.

I'll give you 30 pounds now, for the 2 cattle, and another 5 at christmas?

You still following your father like a calf?

I'll use this across your back.

I've a strong back, Tadgh.


Your daddy's calling.

Your plans are noble Peter, but people don't like change.

I'm worried.

You only see the past Chris. I see something else.

Can you see it somewhere else?

Look Chris...

My father was a lonely man...

I spent my childhood dreaming of finding his father for him.

Of coming back to Ireland, and brining my grandfather back to life.

Then my own father died and I, just had to come back.

Can you explain that to me Chris?

What's this?

100 pound.

Close the sale.

The American said he'll beat any bid you make.

Are you siding with that foreign bastard, Flanagan?

Against one of your own?

I've no choice Bull.

The sergeant was here this morning.

He made the latest offer on behalf of the american.

Let me fix the yank... with the stick.

Your people mightn't even be in their Peter.

This is the Carrick Thomond death register isn't it Father?

Just the people who were actually buried.

A million and a half people died of hunger in three years.

They must be buried all around us.

You're not superstitious, are you Chris?


But it's just a thin veneer of Christianity we've painted over these people.

It's parked in front of the g*dd*mn police station!

They're not getting compensation either Father.

I don't care if they've rented that field for a thousand years.

He's letting the cattle out of your field Bull.

My cattle can't read.

You can. No trespassing..

What about water?

It's 4 miles up that mountain for water.

Do you know anything about a car with it's tyres slashed?

Look I know the law boy You can't put up a no trespassing sign without permission from the owner.

Why is this written on parochial paper?

You'll have to ask Fr. Doran about that.

Father I couldn't stop 'em. That's okay Maggie.

You might take your hat off mister.

I'll take my hat off to God, when the time comes.

What's this? That's a no trespassing order.

Why is it written on the church paper?

He doesn't have to answer that.

D'you know what he's doin' father?

Do you really know?

He intends to pour concrete, on the green grass.

Now that's...a mortal sin.

You are not the one to talk about sin, McCabe.


There was a widow, who lived in fear of her life for ten years.

What are you trying to say to me?

You terrorised that poor woman every night for ten years.

I never harmed a woman in my life.

She lived in terror.

Is that the truth?

Don't lie to me now boy, never.

It's true.

It was a mistake.

Wait outside.

Why are you interfering father?

This is none of the churches business.

It's the widow's field.

She has the right to sell it.'s my field. It's my child.

I nursed it.

I nourished it I saw to it's every want.

I dug the rocks out of it with my bare hands... and made a living thing of it!

My only will 'tis that green grass.

That lovely green grass and you want to take it away from me and in the sight of God I can't let you do that.

Can't you find another field?

Another field?

Another field...?

Jaysus you're as foreign here as that yank.

Another field!

Are you blind?

Those hands, do you see those hands?

Those rocks... it was a dead thing!

Don't you understand?

This is the widows field.

That's the law. The common law.

There's another law... much stronger than the common law.

What's that?

The law...of the land!

When I... when I was a boy, younger than Tadgh there, my brothers and sisters had to leave the land because it couldn't support them.

We wasn't rich enough to be priests or doctors.

So it was the emigrant ship for all of them.

I was the eldest. The heir.

I was the only one left at home, labour was scarce.

So my father and I... we had our breakfast, dinner, and tea... working in that field, without a break in our work.

And the mother brought us the meals.

One day... one day my father sensed a drop of... rain in the air.

And the mother helped us bring in the hay before it was too late.

She was working in one corner of the field and I was working in the other.

About the third day, I saw her fall back, keel over so to speak.

I called my father I ran to her.

My father knelt beside her, he knew she... he knew she was dying.

He said an act of Contrition into her ear and asked God to forgive her her sins.

And he looked at me... and he said "Fetch a priest"

Fetch a priest... and I said... let's...let's bring the hay in first.

Let's bring the hay in first.

And my father looked at me with tears of pride in his eyes.

He knew I'd take care of the land.

And if you think I'm going to face my mother in heaven... or in hell without that field... you've got something else coming.

No collar, uniform or w*apon... will protect... the man that stands in my way.

A defenseless woman... you terrorised... a defenseless woman.

What's wrong with him Bird?


The land...

He's no appreciation of the land.

None Bull, none.

I think, there's a bad strain in him.

He's a good boy all the same.

Come on. Drive the cart.

Them priests, too clever by half.

They never live out in the world like us.

Always behind closed doors, feeding out of the hands of housekeepers.

They're the Judas' of this nation, them same priests!

They know which side their bread is buttered with make no mistake.

On both f*cking sides!

Quiet Bird, quiet.

I've got a terrible, rapping in my skull.

He was hear just now Bull.

Bought drinks for the whole shop.

Spending money like water he was Bull.

He's gone to the big 'falls Bull.

Give every man a drink.

The usual.

Not him.

Ah, Bull!

Get out.

He bought the waterfall. Get out.

He made an offer for the land either side of the 'falls Bull.

A total stranger... an outsider... has come to Carrick Thomond... to bury my sweat, and my blood, in concrete.

To shame me, and the land.

Now this man is a robber.

And nothing less than a robber.

And we all know how to deal with robbers.

He must be given a fright.

And a fright he's gonna get.

Can I come in now Bull? No.

Stay there a while.

Now lads, when the civic guards come around asking questions...

We were here, playing cards all night, right lads?

We were playing Snap, right lads?

Tadgh, and me...

Right Tadgh?

Here, go back inside.

Well Tadgh, tonight is your test boy.

The donkey was wrong. You went too far.

D'you get my meaning? D'you understand me boy Just a beating.

That'll keep him in his place.

Come on.

'Tis a bad night, da.

Do you think he'll be there?

He's a driven man. He'll be there.

Ma will be wondering where we are.

Let her wonder.

You won't hear a word of complaint out of her.

Why don't you and Ma talk?

She's a peculier woman, your mother.

She's given me a q*eer life all these years.

How long has it been? How long has what been?

Since you spoke to her.

18 years since I slept with her or spoke with her.

That's why we have to find you a good woman.

A bad woman can be a fiend, boy.

What age was I when Shamey died?

That's quite a question.


I don't know.

What age was Shamey?

13 years, 6 months and 24 days.

Come on.

Listen now...

I want you to give me your solemn oath... that you'll leave Carrick Thomond first thing in the morning, and never set foot here again.

Be a good yank. Turn around...

Go home.

Who the hell do you think you are?

We're telling you for the last time.

Go home.

I hope you realise you're breaking the law.

What's so funny? The law?

Yeah. This is the law.

Tomorrow's the auction, I'll see you there.

I'm asking you now, for the last time.

Go home to your family.

That field is mine.



Go ahead, boy.

Hey, come on!

Come on.

Go on now boy.

Go on, Tadgh. I knew it was in you.

Get up.

McCabe! that enough?


Are you happy now?

Up, up, up!

Get up. Get up!

Get up.

I can't.

Will I ever make a bloody man of you? Will I?!

You try to steal my land.

And you, how can you look after the land ?

How can you ever look after the bloody land?

You see this fella here? You see this yank?

His family lived around here.

But when the going got tough they ran away to America.

They ran away from the Famine.

But we stayed. Do you understand?

We stayed!

We stayed! We stayed!

Come on boy. Pick up my stick.

Go home yank.

For the love of God, go home.

Stop sitting there like an old woman.

Don't let him talk to you like that, kid.

Shut up!

You went away to America. To make your few dollars.

If you didn't come back here with those few dollars... to buy the land that you deserted?

You're an animal, and you're turning your son into and animal too.

You tried to shame me. In front of my village.

In front of my son.

In front of God himself.

Well you'll not shame me!

You'll not, shame me!

Shame me...Shamey Shame me.... Stop Da, the rocks!

Come on.

He's not well.

He's alright. Let him be.

He's learnt the lesson of the land.

Come on.

Come on he'll be alright.

He's dead.

He's not dead, boy. He's dead!

He'll be alright. He's not moving.

Oh my God!

Oh my God, I'm awfully sorry for I have offended thee.

Oh my God, I'm awfully sorry for I have offended thee.

And I detest my sins above any other evil... because they displease God Oh in your infinite goodness thou art so deserving of all my love.

And I firmly resolve... by thy holy grace... never more to offend thee.

And to amend my life. Amen.

Almost up.

One more. Just one more step.

There's a good lad...

He's dead.

He's not dead. He's not dead.

He's dead!

13 years, 6 months...

24 days.

The sun's coming up. We have to hide him.

I'm to bid for the Bull.


We'll wait for the yank.

He won't be here.

Why won't he be here?


Why won't he be here?

Because he won't.


There is a reserve of 100 pounds on this field.

I bid 101 pounds for the Bull McCabe.

Anyone offering more than 101 pounds?

101 once, 101 twice, 101 three times.

Sold, to the Bull McCabe.

The field's yours Bull.

Don't break.

You? Don't break, Bull.

You're speaking to me?

If you break, Tadgh is lost.

Who'll look after the land? He's not ready yet.

Bull you're not listening to me? Yes.

Are you hearing me? I'm here.

Tadgh is incapable of looking after the land alone.

Will he ever be capable?

If you break...

Shamey will have died for nothing.

I told you... if you have to speak of Shamey, 'tis best you don't speak at all.

It wasn't your fault.

It was my fault.

Didn't he overhear me shout at you, "there's only life on the land for one" .

Didn't he overhear me shout at you, "Tadgh will have to emigrate".

Stop it! It wasn't your fault.

Wasn't it my mouth, the words came out of?

I see him... every night.

Drive him out of your mind, Bull.

You must drive him out of yor mind.

For Tadgh's sake.

Do you think... the strain is in Tadgh too?

I'm worried, the strain is in Tadgh too.

You've been living with a dead boy for 18 years.

It's crippling Tadgh.

No more.

No more.


Only silence.

That's a nice song.

You like it?

I do.

So your father beats you too?

My father never beat me.

All fathers beat their children.

They wouldn't be children if they didn't.

My father beats me.

My father never beat me in his life.

Where'd you get the bruises so?

Was your father, wasn't it?

Beat ya.

I fought the yank.

You fought the yank?

I k*lled him.

You k*lled him?

You k*lled the yank?

Never thought you had it in ya.

Tadgh, would you k*ll again?

I would.

You would?

If your father touches you again, I'll k*ll him.

I love you, Katy.

Good boy.

We'll get our blood money now.



Don't go to mass.

The priest is going to read you from the alter.

The tinkers...they know something.

They're full of money... it's nine o clock in the morning and they're all drunk.

They know something.

God sent us our blood money.

Three days ago in this parish a man was m*rder*d.

He was beaten to death in a field not a mile from this chuch.

For three days the police have asked questions... but everywhere they go... they're met with silence.

A silence of the most frightening and evil kind.

The silence that protects a m*rder*r.

Now this is a parish where we understand hunger.

And God knows there are many hungers inside us.

There's a hunger for food, there's hunger of the flesh.

A natural and understandable hunger.

There's a hunger for love, home, children, these things are good.

They are good, perhaps, because they are necessary.

But there is also a hunger for land.

And this can be evil.

It can destroy the soul.

How far would you go... to satisfy your greed for land?

Would you go to the point of v*olence?

Would you perhaps even, k*ll... for land?

Will you, smash a man's skull open... for a few miserable acres of grass?

If so...then this field is a field of blood.

And those who profit by it will be damned.

Among you there is a m*rder*r.

And through your silence you share in his guilt.

You're all murderers!

Do not defile this church with your shame.

Do not add hypocrisy to cowardice.


I will lock the gates of this church.

The bell will be silent.

Confessions will not be heard... and so it will be until justice is done.

You're all trespassing in the house of God.

And in the name of God I ask you to leave it.

Get out.

Get out.

Get out.

Get out!

Get out!

Get out of this church.

Stay back.

Stay away. Stay back.

Go on father, go on.

Lock the gates to God's house.

Sure they were locked at the time of the Famine too.

No priest died the time of the famine.

Only poor people... like us.


What's wrong?

We can't run away like tinkers.

We are tinkers.

I have to face my father.

'Tis coming 'tis coming! 'Tis like a dinosaur!

It's like a big bird with a big neck and a big beak!

It's goin' to the lake.

Get out.


Call the Bird.

You want me, Bull?

Get in front of me so I can see your face.

Can I sit?

You can sit Bird .

Amach. (Irish for "Out")

Now... be a good bird... and tell me where you were Friday night.

Friday night. Friday night Bird.

This is last Friday night we're talking about?

Last Friday night.

Last Friday night let me see...

Last Friday night I was here.

Is that right lads?

No No.

You were up at the lake, Bird.

I was?

Why would I be up at the lake?

Maybe you'll tell me.

Jesus! You think I'm the informer!


I'm not an informer!

You were there.

On my mother's grave I'm not an informer.

I'm not the informer. If you want the informer, it was your son Tadgh.

It was your son Tadgh and the tinker girl.

It was, it was, it was, it was, it was.

He told her and she told her father and her father told the priest.

And the priest told the widow. The widow paid the tinkers... and they're all drunk laughing at ya.

And if you don't believe me, go home and look for Tadgh.

Because he's with the tinker girl.

Bull, Bull...

Your father's here.

Get that whore out of my house.

Don't call her a whore.

Get that tinkers whore, out of my house.

If you call her a whore again...I'll k*ll ya.

Is it your mouth, those words are coming out of?

Ask her. What?

Ask her what?

Ask her what she told her father.

Told my father what?

What you told her... to get her to open her legs.

What are you saying?

It's what you said.

He betrayed us.

I suppose you told her... that you k*lled the yank.

Did you tell her? That you k*lled the yank?

I did.

He's a liar... and a betrayer.

He's betrayed the land. I don't care about the land.

I never cared about the land.

I'm going to marry her.


Marry her?

A tinker? A traveller?

They're travelling people, Tadgh, outcasts.

They don't care about the land.

By the end of the year... there'll be rocks, bursting out of the soil.

And the weeds, they'll eat the rest.

You don't understand, you'll never understand.

I don't want the land, she doesn't want the land.

You're the only one who wants the land, and now you have it.

I don't want the land!

I wanted the land for you.

What kind of an heir can she give you?

One that he can love without the land.

Don't go, Tadgh, don't go.

Don't leave.

What do you want me to do?

Stay here and hang myself... like my brother Shamey?

Bye mother.

Goodbye father.

Katy, come on.


McCabe. Come out here, McCabe.


You evil bastard.

You'll pay for this, McCabe.


You didn't even have the decency to leave him where we could give him a Christian burial.

Christian burial? Christian burial?

My baby boy lies beyond there in an unmarked grave.

He went to meet his maker without one prayer from a priest.

The church refused to let him lie in consecrated ground with his grandfather.

'Tis all gone.

The kingdom is gone.

Tadgh is gone. gone... the land is gone... destroyed.

Where are you going, Bull?

I'm going to dig up the bones of Shamey... and bury him in the arms of my father.

Calm Bull, calm.

Damn you, for listening to the priest.

Sure I should have buried him with my own bare hands.

Damn my mother and my father...

for slaving me to the accursed famine field and breaking me for it.

Bull, look at yourself!

Look at yourself will you?

No... no.

Curse myself... for cursing my mother to hell... to get the field.

Look at yourself, will you? Look at yourself!

Hello, Bull.

Are you in there Bull?

Can you hear me Bull?

Can you hear me in there Shamey?

Can you hear me beyond in that mirror?

Can you hear your father, son?

I'm coming to get you son, wherever you are...

In heaven or in hell.

Where you going Bull?

Where you going? To the edge... of the world.

Tadgh, stop. Tadgh.


Tadgh... your father's gone mad.

He's away to the cliffs.


With the cattle.

He thinks you betrayed him.

You better stop him.


Stop Da!

Nobody betrayed ya!

Get back, Tadgh.

My boy.

You're not going to harm him.

No one's going to harm him!

Look after yourself now.

Look after yourself.

Go back!

Go back!

Go back, go back!

In the name of the father, the son, and the holy ghost.

Our father who art in heaven. hallowed be they name.

They Kingdom come.

Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread... and forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Lead us not into temptation. but deliver us from evil.


Go back and leave him alone!

Leave him alone!