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Parked (2010)

Posted: 02/21/21 10:09
by bunniefuu
What are you doing?

Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you.

I used to live here. My father was Jack Daly.

I've been abroad for some time.

Mr. Daly did mention his son when we bought the house.

I didn't mean to frighten you, sorry.

So have you moved back into the area?

Yes, a small place, not far from here.

Oh yes, you're back already? Okay.

Yes, I spoke to the supervisor and as I thought, you don't qualify for assistence. Yes, I spoke to the supervisor and as I thought, you don't qualify for assistence.

Did you tell them, that I have nowhere else to live?

This is about rules and regulations.

But surely you must have some relatives you can stay with.


Fill in those forms and drop them back and we'll see what happens, okay?

That's the best I can do.

Not the confident type. Maybe he's got some gear.

Does he look like a skag-head to you?

You wanna give him a rattle?


Leave him for now.


I'm Cathal.

Do you talk at all?

You live here, don't ye?

There's no shame in it.

Look... I've nowhere else either, except me car.

Made it in life, me.

I'm Fred.

Glad to meet you, Fred.

You know, you've nothing to fear from me.

You here long?

A while now.

Want a drag?

No, I don't do dr*gs.

If I was to indulge...

...well... gin used to be my tipple.

Yea, sophisticated gentleman.

Looking at me here today, not many would say that.

Where do you wash?

The toilets.

Sometimes the back of my car, I keep a drum of water in the boot.

Good idea!

Have you never tried the sports centre?

No. No, I haven't...

Yea, it's nice here.

Right, here... Age before beauty.

Now, your turn.

Now that works.

You wanna try?

No, thanks.

Should you be using an inhaler with cannabis?

I suppose it's no worse than alcohol.

Sometimes I smoke heroin.


You don't approve.

Why do you do it?

Cause it's a real break from this shite reality.

Nah, is your reality that bad?

My dad...


...blamed me when me mum died.

Yeah, he chucked me out of the house and everything.

Just because somebody blames you or pushes you away...

...doesn't mean you should give up.

Is that what you do?

Where are all the cars going to?

Do you not remember being young?

Hey! Hey you!

Oh, Jesus!

Come here!

I'm sorry.

You're fine, I'm sorry.




Hello, Fred.

You swim well.

Oh... thank you.

Okay ladies, it's time now.

You're here to swim, yea?

You can leave gossiping for later time?

And leave the man alone.


Good looking babes.

You're watching one.

Geez, I hope it's not the one in the back there.

f*ck, even I could do better than that.

No! No!

Look, if I tell you... Promise man. I won't say a thing.

My lips are sealed and all that.

See the blonde one there?

Nice choice.

Oooh. Stop it!

Would you not go and ask her out?

That would work, hmm?

Hello, I'm Fred. I live in my car, would you like to come to dinner?

Got ya!

€52 in the kitty... Minus five per week...

...for health club...

Less... food...


Nice job, maybe you can do mine now.

Come on, open up, we need to get going!


I'm here about my claim.

Still in the car park?

Unfortunately, yes.

I think your claim is back, just let me get the file.

They disallowed the claim. You can appeal the decision.

But all the time I was in England, I paid my dues!

I'm sure you did.

But if you've no fixed abode, no assistence.

Will you come on, for f*ck's sake, we're waiting here!

Do you want to get served in here today?

Listen, you have tried for a job, have you?

If he could get a job, do you think he'd be here?

It was just a thought.

Come on, Fred, let's go.

Well that was brilliant.

You go ahead there, Fred, I'll catch up.

You alright, Cathal?

Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'll be there in a minute.

Look, I don't like having to do this, you know?

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry, Frank. Any cash?


I don't have to come looking for you again, yeah?

I'll let it go this time.

I'll give you 20.

Jeez, that's great, Frank.

Yeah? Yeah.

So that's 350 you owe me now, yeah?

How do you figure that?

20 for the wrap, 20 credit.

That's... thanks... thanks, Frank.

And I want to see the money coming over soon, yeah?


Good man. Thanks.

Any jokes, Robbo, no? f*ck off.

What was that all about?

Just friends of me brother's.

Nothing to do with dr*gs, I suppose.

Fred, you are not my mother.

They just wanted his number, that's all.

Come on, Fred, give yourself a break.

We'll get you sorted. All in the good time.

Tempus fugit, Cathal. And I'm not having much fun.

I'm going for a walk, I'll see you later.


I'm so sorry, did I give you a fright?

No, no.

I'm happy you did.

I didn't realise you came to this church.

I don't.

This is my first time.

You play very well.

Thank you.

So... do you live nearby?


Quite close, I've just come back from England so I'm only settling in, really.

Would you like a cup of tea?

I have one.

I better get back to the choir.

I hope to see you soon again.

Alright, man?

Cathal's not around, no?


Right. He didn't leave anything for me?



You know man, I'm Cathal's mate.

I know who you are.

You share things?


See, he was meant to leave me something. A little package.

Oh, I thought you were the one with all the little packages.

Are you being funny?

You know maybe the best thing a so-called friend of Cathal's can do is leave him alone.

What are you, his grandma?

No, but I know what you are.

Have you got any money?

Not to spare, no.

Give me what you have then.


Hey! Clippo!

Nearly missed you there, come on to me car. I have something for you.

You do know what you're doing? Just asking.

A bit on the edge, tonight, Cathal?


You need to be careful.

I told you Fred.

I never inject. See?

An old watch.

Have you had it long?


Where'd you get it?

Found it.

It's like pulling teeth, trying to get anything out of you.

What difference does it make where I got it?

None whatsoever.

It's just... chat.

I took it from me dad.

Oh... right.

Here he is.

Hello Peter!

What's on the menu tonight?

Beef stew and rice.

Lovely stuff after a jay.

Look, about the sheltered accomodation... there's one hell of a waitlist.

You need to be drugfree, Cathal.

What about your dad, Cathal?

I don't think Cathal would want to see him.

Just maybe things have changed?

Yeah, wouldn't bet on it.

I better get going.

Don't worry, Fred, we'll sort something out.

Thanks, Peter.

I hope so, I couldn't hack another winter around here.

Okay ladies, listen up.

I have a new man today.

First man in the group. Men are not so popular here on aerobics, so...

First position, and...

1, 2, are you here for aerobics or what?

You look at the ladies and see them move their parts?

I can show him if you like.

Just follow my lead, Fred.

It looks so easy and graceful when you do it.

Okay? Yea.

Is that better?

Here you go, Cathal. Oh, thank you.

37 minutes past three.

What about a drive?


I'm not getting into your car.

I have not driven it in ages. And the tyres have been down for a long time.

They don't look down to me.

Turn right up here. I know where I'm going.

Da hated me doing this.

You're attracting attention.

Alright, Grandda.

Geez, you're gonna break no speed limits.

The point of driving on the public highway, Cathal, not to break speed limits.

Fancy yourself as a bit of a driver then, do you?

I am driving.

No, I'm talking control.

They said I'd never learn anything. Alright, you try.

I couldn't do that!

Just turn into the corner, up with the handbrake and that's it.

But what if I do the handbrake at the wrong time?

Unless you hit something, it'll just spin out.

Spin out? Spin down the mountain!

Get into the car! No!

Evel f*cking Knievel, I give ye!


You alright?

What the f*ck was that?

That was great.

You're f*ckin' turning into the corner... I thought you were a goner man!

Do it again!

Can I try that?

Coming over to the wild side?

Just curious.

Thank you.

I nearly got married once.



She never said why she finished us.

She just left and that was that.

Is there anything in that book of yours about her?


"In the middle of the journey of life I was in a dark wood... for I had lost the true path."

What's the rest of it?

Tell you some other time.

Mr. Mysterious.

It's like a city of fireworks that have all exploded at once.

My Da brought all of us to a fireworks display one time.

Great day, that.

Have you ever seen a leaf fall off a tree?


Have you ever seen the actual moment when a leaf breaks from its branch?

No, I can't say that I have.

It's a beautiful thing.

How many's that now? Seven.

No way!

That's eight now. Cathal, even if it was eight...

...eight laps of this place is only a quarter of a mile.

Like to see you try it.

At my age, this is my excercise.

Here you go. Oh, thanks.

Geez, look at you.

A few laps around here and you're like death warmed up.

I look alright.

You know, you're never gonna get out of here unless you quit that stuff.

You're never gonna listen, are you?

f*ck it! I'm kickin' it.

I am kickin' it for good!

Oh... What's Peter doing here?

It's a bit early for dinner.

Hey guys!


Look Fred... I was just talking to them, the reality it seems is you're never gonna be high enough up the list to get a place unless we can do something about it. Now I was speaking to a friend of mine his wife works for one of the daily newspapers.

I don't think I like where this is going.

Look Fred, you know me I wouldn't steer you wrong.

If we can get an article written about you living in a car.

Fred, you'd be quids in.

What about Jules?

Just tell her now. Fred you can't pass this up.

Alright. Alright.

I'll go and get things going.

I don't know about this.

Have you ever been in the papers? Yeah, once.

I won't ask what for.

She's good.

She must be giving a lesson.

So are you gonna tell her?

What do you think?

Play it again.

Stop looking!

Is that you, Fred?

I thought it was you.

Hello. We were just passing and...

...we heard the music.

Come in for coffee.

Isn't there somebody in there with you?

A pupil, but we're almost finished.

You can wait in the living room.

Come on!

He's gone. Coffee?

That would be very nice, thank you.

He's very good, isn't he?

Oh, yes, he is.

I tried the piano once.

Oh, did you enjoy it?

You know, I have one at home.

Ahm... uhm... I never really get to play it though.

I don't think Cathal is umm...

...really, very passionate about the piano.

Really, are you, Cathal?

Is that a question, Fred?

Maybe, maybe... I'll just put on the kettle.

Jules, let me give you a hand with that.

Oh, it doesn't work, Fred.

Hasn't for years.

It stopped sometime after my husband, Liam died.

Whoa...'ve been everywhere.

I used to tour with a small chamber orchestra.

It brough us all over the world.


You know, you should let Fred have a look at that for ya.

He fixes clocks.

She could bring it around your place Fred, couldn't she?

I couldn't impose like that.

Nonsense, Fred's not married. You don't mind, Fred, do ya?

I'm sorry guys.

Just a moment.

If you continue to tell her to come around my place...

Well, can you fix it or not? Of course I can fix it.

Bye, bye.

What was all that mumbo-jumbo on the phone about?

Mind you, it was a nice accent and she has nice legs too.

I suppose you think you're funny, do you?

Inviting her around my place. I was just doing you a favour.

She'll be really impressed of my life style won't she?

Hey! She just gave one druggie and one homeless person tea and biscuits in her own house.

Don't ever underestimate yourself!

It's hard not to...

...when you're living in your car.

If you got yourself a house, she'd never have to know, would she?

I can't even get the dole.

Highly likely to get myself a place to live.

Look! Fred!

You need to forget about your f*cking pride and focus on the system.

The system...

See that?

"Helping you to help yourself."

Gentlemen. Hello.

You were refused because you have no fixed abode.

I have...

...I had then and still have accommodation.

We did consider, and still don't accept a car as a fixed abode.

He sleeps in it. That may be so.

But until you get into a hostel or get a bed somewhere, our hands are tied.

Can I ask you about the travellers?

Now I would like to point out, the travellers live in their caravans, not just on halting sites, but also on the side of the road.

And yet... they are entitled to assistence.

They're a minority group. And we're not?

If this office is not in a position to send correspondence to an invidual, then we have have to assume, that that individual is of no fixed abode.

So that... is the reason why travellers are categorised by this office as not being homeless?


Mr. Fred Daly Mazda 626 The car park, Coast Road, Dublin.

I also have a signed receipt.

If you'd like to see it.

I assume I'll now be put into payment?

Get the fucker out of the car.

I'm bleeding trying.

You think you can take me for a prick, do you?

Robbo, burn the car out.

The bleeding lighter isn't working. Give it to me.

I swear, Frank, no.

I'm sorry, I just, I needed the hit.

They're bleeding Pepsi lighters, those.

Now who's this clown?

Are you alright, Cathal? Go back to your car, Fred!

I'm getting f*cking seasick lookin' at this guy.

Who are these people, Cathal? You talk to me, not him.

Is this the drug dealer...

...that you owe money to?

Are you f*ckin' touched, are you?

If you wanna talk, this joker owes me 600 euro.

So unless you've got something for me...

...why don't you piss off back to your poxy little car and let me get on with my business, yeah?

I have something for you.

Oh yeah?

It's in the car.

We're not going anywhere.

Good man.

Here you go. It's not much. How much?

A couple of hundred.

You see Robbo?

Someone's taking me seriously.

Now f*ck off!

Do you see what you draw on yourself when you mess with dr*gs?

I'm giving up. I swear, Fred, I'm giving up.

Talk is cheap, Cathal.

Bruce Lee or what!

That was amazing last night.

Where did you get the moves?

Sometimes, you can be a terrible eejit.

Fred, he's a kung-fu master, if you see him with a torch you better run faster!

You never told me he's such a great singer.

He's always amazing me.

You should join the choir here. Not really sure that's my thing.

What are you doing here?

I just came in to rehearse.

Sure you can rehearse any time.

Let's go for a walk. A walk?

Where? Trust me.

What happened to his face?

Oh, don't ask.

Do you live close by, Cathal?

Not too far away.

Actually, I'm a neighbour of Fred's.

Let's go this way, by the cars. No, let's go this way... I'm getting cold.

Come on!

It's 2:27, I have to meet someone.

I'll see you two later. See you Cathal.

Good throw!


I probably have too much time on my hands.

Is that your life story?

When I was away, I drifted from job to job... I was a jeweller, I worked in a book shop.

You name it, I probably did it.

It's good to try different things.

Do you write your own music?

I used to.

I just remember it being easier.

That's the way it is with a lot of things for me these days.

You know, Fred.

You always seem to be a guy with a lot on his mind.

What if I call around to your place tomorrow and try to fix that clock on your mantlepiece?

I would like that.

You can make me tea in return.

Is that a date then?

I'm too old for dates!

That's brilliant!

It's working again.

It's a beautiful old clock.

Must be well over fifty years old, is it?

The older ones have real character.

All it needed...

...was a good cleaning and a bit of a nudge to spring back into life.

Do you miss your husband?


Liam and I had some great times...

...we even travelled to India in a campervan.

I just thought it would never end.

And in a second, your life can change.

Did I see you and Cathal in a car the other day?

Are you doing anything tomorrow night, Jules?

Nothing special.

Meet me in the seaside car park at eight.

The car park?

It's very important.


Looks good! I will do mine tomorrow.

I need a break.

Okay I'm heading to town for a ramble.

You coming?

Ah... no, go ahead yourself.



Hold up! "I don't inject," huh?

"I'm not like that scumbags, oh no!"

That sound familiar? Ringin' any bells? Fred, it's just that...

I... I trusted you!

And now I find you injecting.

You probably always did.

Look, Fred. Enough!


Anybody there?

No friend today now.

See if there's anything in the car.

And turn the music up.

It's like a bleeding pigsty in there.

I told you once. There will be no more.

I tried, Frank. I did, I swear Frank, I tried.

Get up!

Get up!

It was like this when I got back a few hours ago.

I caught him injecting.

He swore to me he never did that.

He even showed me his arms and they were always clean.

He injects in the veins in his feet.

But the car... who? I think he owes some guy money and...

I don't know what to... should we call the police?

Look, Fred. Let's just focus on this for now.

We'll worry about Cathal later.

They're here, now get yourself together.

Fred, I presume. Hi, I'm Peter.

Nice to meet you. What happened?

Well... it's, it's very complicated, you see I, I...

These are the dangers of living on the street.

Umm, this happened...

Earlier today. Do you know the people who did it?

No... no I can't say I do.

Thanks, Peter.

Some of your druggie buddies caught up with your face?

Look dad...

...I need six hundred.

If I don't get the money, it'll be a box for me.


Will you f*cking answer me?

You've done too much to me.

There's no more to give.

Ma would've.

You broke her heart.

Then she couldn't live.

Cancer had nothing to do with it at all, no?

Goodbye, dad.

Excuse me, I'm looking for this man. Has he been here today?

Have you seen this man? Cathal O'Reagan.

Have you seen him today?

Looking to score, man? Got anything?

Like some of this, would ya?

Leave this stupid fucker.

I'll give you the wrap, but we have to take your shoes, yea?

Come on you stupid fucker, we're gonna miss all the bleeding fireworks.

No, wait... Help...

Hello. Can I help you?

I'm looking for Cathal, Cathal O'Reagan.

Mr. O'Reagan is ready inside.

Thank you.

In the middle of the journey of life I was in a dark wood...

...for I'd lost the true path.

And so...

...we came forth...

...and once again, beheld the stars..."

Thanks, Cathal.

I'm sorry, Jules.

I... should've told you.

It's okay, Fred.

You don't have to explain.

It was...

It was so complicated.

Fred, I'm really sorry about Cathal, you know that?

Yes, I do.

The night we were to meet in the car park, I planned to tell you.

But then... Cathal went missing.

Fred, I decided to go home.

To Helsinki.

Just to see how I feel about things.

For how long? I don't know.

When will you know?

When I'm there for a while I guess.


I've come to... pay my... to Cathal's family.

You are?

My name is Frederick Daly.

That suppose to mean something to me?

I was a friend of Cathal's.

Thank you.


No, thanks.

Is Cathals's father here?

Yeah... the kitchen.

George... is it?

My name is Frederick Daly.

I was a friend of Cathal's.

I don't know you.

No... we... we lived together.

Well, we lived close to each other.

I had nothing to do with dr*gs.

We just became friends.

Thanks for coming.

George I...

...I came here to...

...actually I'm not sure why I came... see Cathal meant an awful lot to me.

And I know...

...I do know that deep down, he never meant to hurt you the way he did.

Maybe so.

He was a good lad.

You don't think I know that?

Listen George, what went on between you and him, that's your business.

I didn't come to talk about that.

Why did you come?

I just... wanted to let you know that... me... Cathal was a friend.

He... he made me see things that...

...I thought I'd never see again.

Then the Cathal you knew and the one I did of late were obviously two very different people.

Look... thank you...

...for saying that and for coming and all.

But it was his life...

...and I certainly couldn't change it.

Maybe if his mother was here...

I'm sorry George, one more thing...

...I think this is yours.

I know that Cathal treasured it...

...I fixed it for him.

You should have it.

I'm sorry again about Cathal.

Who was that, dad?
