06x21 - My Rabbit

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scrubs". Aired: October 2001 to March 2010.*
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A doctor works at a hospital with unpredictable staffers and patients.
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06x21 - My Rabbit

Post by bunniefuu »

J.D.: The reason time had slowed down was because I had just been blind-sided by the two most important women in my life.

First, Elliot asked me this.

J.D., do you think I'm making a mistake by marrying Keith?

J.D.: And then my ex-girlfriend, Kim, who had lied and told me she had a miscarriage, followed me back from a medical convention and asked me this.

J.D., how could you just leave me there?

Holy frick, you're still pregnant!

Hey, do you think that I should marry Keith?

J.D.: Fortunately, Carla had special maid-of-honor radar that let her know when Elliot was obsessing.

Elliot, I already told you, you're just going through some pre-wedding panic.


This is how it'll feel when you walk out of that church, married.

Clap, damn it!

Thank you!

Thank you all.

Look, I know you're angry, but you promised we'd talk, and then you just left me stranded there at that bar.

You know what? You're right.

I'm sorry. Let me just file these and we'll talk.



How could you do this to me again?

Cut me some slack, I just found out I'm still having a baby.

I get it.

Look, I just ordered a cup of coffee. I know you can't have caffeine, but you want me to get you some tea and we can sit and talk?

That would be great.


It's open, Kim.

J.D., what the hell?

Okay, that one was a little excessive, I'm sorry.

It's just that every time I think about running away, I look at the fat guy in the track suit with the giant rabbit head and he doesn't say anything.

Okay, elaborating would help. He's my conscience.

I realized I'd listen to it more if I imagined something I was really afraid of.

The track suit because I had this mean phys-ed teacher in high school named Mr. Fratelli.

And the rabbit head because my uncle once ate rabbit and he got belly worms.

Look, I wanted to talk to you because, well, the baby's due in a month.

And I guess I was hoping that you'd want me to have it here.

You know, so that we could go through it together.


I'm sorry, Kim. This is a big deal for me.

I think I need to be alone right now.

Thanks for being alone with me, Choco.

So, what should I do? Well, it's a tough call.

When it comes to babies, women are crazy.


If you would, please, can you hold her by that rim over there, right?

I'm gonna Photoshop a basketball into her hand and then Photoshop you out.

Everybody's gonna think my baby can dunk! Right?

It's gonna be crazy!

J.D.: Maybe I should ask another dad.

I know what Kim did to you was just crazy, but pregnant women are among a select group of people who are actually allowed to act insane.

Much like sports mascots, local weathermen, theme park performers and that guy with the question-mark jacket who teaches people how to get free money from the government.

Besides, we're talking about your kid.

I think we both know what you're gonna do.

Okay, I'm in.

Really? Yeah, you can even stay here.

But this is only a one-bedroom. This couch isn't that uncomfortable.


Actually, I'm gonna go lie down right now.

Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! You get the couch, I get the bed.

Was that not clear?

Dorian! She's pregnant, give her the bed.

Fine, you can have the bed. You're a great guy, J.D.


Dorian, don't watch a nudie movie with the mother of your child in the next room.

Really? Nah, I'm cool with it.

Have I got a carrot for her.

J.D.: Since Kim didn't have an OB here in town, we made her an appointment at the hospital.

Unfortunately, that meant she had to face all of the people who were mad at her for what she'd done.

There was my best friend, who was furious, and my mentor, who was equally upset, but didn't want to show it.

Hi, Kim. Hey, Perry.

And other acquaintances, who were much more loyal than I thought.

Hussy. Liar.

Jerk. Who is that?

All this group anger's made me hungry.

Of course, everything makes me hungry right now.

Well, I gotta go check on a patient. I'll meet you upstairs?


Hey, and by the way, all of this sympathy that's coming your way?

That's gonna turn.

And when it does, I'm gonna be here and I'm gonna enjoy...

Hey, not finished.


Mr. Fulton, the reason you're having chronic pain and trouble walking is you have peripheral arterial disease.

How do you treat it?

Well, that's why I brought in a surgical consult.

Dr. Turk? One second, please.

J.D.: Turk liked patients to see him intensely studying their charts, because he felt it instilled confidence.

Only I knew the clipboard was blank.

Interesting stuff.

We're gonna discuss some options and get back to you.

Since Turk was a surgeon, he always had the same answer.

I'm slicin' that guy open.

Vascular surgery on a guy his age?

Dude, I've done tons of these and, yes, there's a risk.

But with this type of surgery, his quality of life would improve like that.

I'm telling you, he could be playing tennis by the weekend.

What do you think, Perry?

Let me phrase my response in the form of a riddle.

What's black and white and should never, ever, ever be allowed inside of a hospital?

Is it Lloyd and Sharisse?

Because their PDA has gotten out of control.

And yet, you two still nauseate me more.

TURK: Oh, my God.

Is it still funny to yell, "Get a room"?

I don't care, I'm goin' for it.

Get a room!

Hey, guys.

Hey, Kim.

How could you be so nice to her after what she did?

I wasn't nice. That was neutral. "Neutral"?

"Hey, Kim!" That's neutral?

She's with child. Oh, so she's with child.


I'll do it over.



That sucked.

How did you get so good at being mean?

It gets much easier when you're married.

Oh! Speaking of which, I'm throwing you a bachelorette party.


I'm your maid of honor, and you haven't let me do anything yet.

Since you got engaged, you've become much more of a control freak.

Oh, I'm not that bad.

You wrote my wedding toast.

Yeah, I just wanted to make sure there weren't any sex jokes in there, because my Grandma Lottie still thinks I'm a virgin, despite what was painted on our town's water tower.

Well, what about your honeymoon?

I just want a hotel that's on the beach.

Oh, and it's got to have a bathroom with a bidet, because I cannot wear my "going-out" thong if I've got sand in my patootie.

That's why Travelocity's so great.

You can compare four hotels at once, plus, there's tons of user reviews to help you.

See, wouldn't I make a great spokesperson?

Screw Hawaii. Know where you should go?

Turk, for the last time, there's no place called Kokomo.

Where'd the Beach Boys sh**t the video, huh?

I'm going to Hawaii.

I'm booked!

Hey, babe, still thinking about going skiing for our honeymoon?

Oh, sure, sweetie. That's a total possibility.

Okay, so I know what I like.

Kim, everything looks good.

But since you're a new patient, I'd like to do an ultrasound.

I'll be right back.

I hate ultrasounds.

The gel feels like a whale hocked a loogey on my belly.

Plus, I'm always afraid in the first few seconds they're not going to feel a heartbeat.

Relax, Kim. Dorians are known for their strong will to live.

J.D., thank you for being here.

It's making it a lot easier to get through this.

Well, then I'm glad I'm here.

So, do you want to know the sex of the baby? 'Cause I already found out.

Hit me. It's a boy.

A boy.

What's his name? He didn't say.

We have to pick one. Can we name him Sam, after my dad?

After what I did to you, you can name this kid whatever the hell you want.

We can name him Sam Perry Gilligan Dorian?

Perry just 'cause I kinda like the ring to it.


And Gilligan 'cause I lost that bet to Turk.

Those are all better than anything nerdy like Aragorn or Chewbacca.

Turk has dibs on Chewy.


Should I get a male stripper for Elliot's bachelorette party?

Are you looking for a Caucasian boy or more exotic fare?


Once spring rolls around, Enid gets a little randy, so I throw a 20 to Churro, our neighbor's Guatemalan house boy, to get in our basement and let Enid chase him around in a wheelchair until the juice runs out.

Churro hates America.

Yeah, I wonder why.

Okay, Mr. Fulton, it's almost time to prep you for surgery.

Hello. Cute granddaughter.

Actually, she's my daughter.

Congratulations. I got a daughter, too.

Yeah. Six months, already playing basketball.

CARLA: So, check out the party plans.

A limo takes all the girls to the spa for a margi-marti-pedi party.

That's margaritas, martinis and pedicures.

Oh, what about a margi-marti-mani-pedi party?

You can't get manis.

You need your hands free for the margaritas and the martinis.

Carla, this rocks.

I know.

What? What? What could possibly be wrong?

Well, I just noticed that you've put Ronnie Eppelito on the list.

See, I just like being the only girl on the list with a boy's name.

And I find it odd that a month after I start working here, she changes her name from Veronica to Ronnie.

Sure, Ronnie claims that it's 'cause she doesn't want the same name as her mom, seeing as her mom snapped and set fire to that pre-school, but I still think it's a teensy bit coinky-dinky.

No problem, Ronnie's out.

Wait, I'm not sure yet.

I mean, Ronnie's also got, like, the best crazy mom stories.

We are talking multiple felonies, including the attempted assassination of a federal judge.


Right? Yeah.

Plus, I'm not so sure we don't want to have a sit-down dinner.

You know, maybe do something a little less girly, like bowling or paint ball or fight club...

Okay, let's make a list. Sounds great.

And that's his heart, right there.

Wow. That's amazing.

Just don't get freaked out by how big his head is in comparison to the rest of his body.

CHILDREN: Trick or treat!

What great costumes.

I wouldn't recognize any of you.

Well, except for you. You're Dorian's kid.

Damn it!

I bet he could fit a lot of candy corn in those cheeks.

I just hope he doesn't get my dad's dainty hands or my mom's patchy facial hair, and, no, I didn't flip those.

I just want what every father wants for his son.

Health, happiness and a life-long obsession with American musical theater.

This has been the first good day for me in a long time, J.D.

Thank you. I'm glad.

I have to admit something.

Last night, when I went into your room, I couldn't fall asleep.

I just laid on the bed, staring at the door, hoping you might come in.

Kim... I know.

You don't trust me, and I don't even know if you like me.

I don't really like myself right now.

But do you think there's a one in a million chance that a year from now or five years from now, you could get to a place where you forgive me and then maybe, you know, we could give it another shot?

J.D.: "No" is a powerful word.

It can surprise a colleague.

Aren't you supposed to do surgery on that guy today?

No, I decided to cancel it.

Okay, I just got us into a great gay bar for some grope-free dancing.

Now, I just have to call a few restaurants.

J.D.: "No" can piss off a friend.

Do you want some help, Elliot? No, Carla, I've got it.

Luckily, with Kim, it was easy just to say "yes" and make her feel better.

No, Kim, I'm sorry.

There's not any chance.

J.D.: Unfortunately, I couldn't do it.


Oh, what'd I miss?

J.D.: I felt bad about hurting Kim, so, out of compassion, I pawned her off on my friends.

Fine. She can come with us, but I'm not gonna be nice to her.


And listen, anytime you need a weekend to yourself, want me to take that annoying husband off your hands, just let me know.

- Done. J.D.: Win, win.

So where are you guys gonna go?

We're gonna go look at bridesmaids' dresses to see what Carla thinks.

Oh, yeah, because my opinion matters so much.

What the frick is with you?


Are you really that immature?


I'm gonna go check on Mr. Fulton's recovery.

Oh, Mr. Fulton didn't have the surgery. What?

Damn it, Ted, I want a catfight!

That'll do.

Hey, J.D., check it out, Ugly Betty holding Izzy.

I don't care about your stupid Photoshopping, Turk.

Dude, what the hell? That was real!

We saw her at Costco.

You apologize to your friend right now.

I'm sorry about your picture.

Gym teacher bunny conscience? Yeah.

What the hell, man, why didn't you operate on Mr. Fulton?

Dude, I know the pain sucks, but it's not gonna k*ll him.

And vascular surgery here is way too risky for a guy that age.

Wasn't too risky yesterday.

Yeah, well, that was before I found out he had a kid.

I really want to thank you guys for bringing me out.

It's nice to get out of the house, even if you won't talk to me.

Actually, Kim? Yeah?

Would you mind just trying on this dress for my cousin Leila?

Is she pregnant, too?

Oh, no. Just a fatty-fatty-fatty.

"Would you try on this dress for my cousin Leila?"

Okay, what is your problem?

You totally took over the bachelorette party.

You're a crazy control freak. I am not.


Because even though I know you don't want the bridesmaids to wear any jewelry, I thought I would wear this tiara. Is that all right with you?

Of course it is. Good.

Because I think it...


I said, "No bling!"

See, I told you. I'll pay for that.


Kim, are you okay? What am I doing here?

Everybody hates me.

I can't get the zipper up on your big fat cousin's dress.

No wonder J.D. Said what he said.

What did he say?

How could you do that to the mother of your child?

Yeah, all Kim asked was if there was a one in a million chance for the two of you, and you couldn't just give her a little hope?

Now you're on her side?

She's pregnant! You're supposed to tell her what she wants to hear.

Yeah, like remember when Carla was preggers and we all told her how beautiful she was, even though she looked like George Lopez?

It's the same thing, right?

Okay, fight time-out is over.

Now I'm really pissed at you.

Well, well, well.

I told you they'd turn on you. That's just two people.


She's pregnant, man.

That's uncool. How could you do such a thing?

What'd he do?

Hey, Turk, you might want to buckle up because the Coxian Express...

"Coxian" is not the adjective version of your name.

It's a clever combination of Cox and Dorian.


Anyway, the aforementioned Express is about to drop some knowledge on your brown ass.

You can't change who you are as a doctor just because you're a dad.

Tell him, Per.

Of course being a father changes who you are as a doctor.

For God's sake, it changes everything about ya.

Why did you come if you were just gonna contradict me?

I don't know, intentionally annoying you seems pretty Coxian.

That is the adjective version.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm going to step over there, so that we can present a united front against you.

Listen, Newbie, having a kid changes the way you think about everything.

Hell yeah, it does.

Before Izzy was born, if I saw a half-eaten meatball sub in the trash, you better believe I would dust that bad boy off and go to town on it.

But now, I'm not riskin' my health eatin' trash food.

I mean, unless it's a corn dog.

Thank God you procreated.

Newbie, the point is, when that kid comes, you'll start seeing the world a whole lot differently.

You develop patience. You learn to forgive easier.

If you've got baby poop on your thumb, it's no big deal. You can just rub it off on your jeans like that.

I've seen the Wiggles live in concert.


Did they perform Big Red Car?

They opened and closed the show with it. It was awesome.

Carla, we need to talk.


No, sir, not...


Look, I know that I'm a control freak, but it's just my nature.

For example, you've got one maverick hair sticking out of that right eyebrow that is driving me crazy, and I want nothing more than to pin you down and to pluck the hell out of it, but of course I won't.

Unless you want me to. Never mind.

What I really wanted to say is that you're my best friend and I'm sorry.

Good, because the party's still on.

But on one condition.

You gotta go the next 20 minutes without asking any questions about what we're doing.

I can do that.

Wow, this is so cool!

And time. That's 20 minutes!

What are we doing? Where is everyone?

This feels all wrong. Elliot, relax.

This is your night, you get to make all the decisions.

Now, all your friends are standing by.

I have made reservations at four different restaurants.

I booked a paint ball field, four lanes at the bowling alley, and I've made reservations at various gay dance clubs.

You get to pick what we do, what we talk about and, at the end, Keith will show up to carry you out the door, reminding the rest of us that you are the one that's getting married.

And what if I don't like the outfits that some of the girls are wearing?

Everyone's been told that they have to bring backup outfits.

Is Ronnie Eppelito coming?

Ronnie is waiting at the next corner, and she has no idea why.

If you want, we can pick her up. If not, we can fly right by.

Oh, Carla, you're the most amazing friend ever!


I love you. I love you, too.

This is the best night out! I know!

We're getting married! We're getting married!

Elliot's getting...

J.D.: I was glad it was late and that Kim was asleep.

It gave me time to think about what Turk and Dr. Cox said about fatherhood changing you.

This is Jack, right after he was feeding some ducks.

Izzy driving a Tonka truck.

J.D.: And how Elliot was getting married and moving on with her life.

Here we go.

Did she try to control everything? She wasn't so bad.

Other shoulder, Keith. It's more comfortable.

But mostly, I thought about how much it sucked that my parents were divorced when I was a kid.

Right here. I'm just checking.

And how much easier life would be for my son if Kim and I were together.

Come here!

Sammy just told me he's very ticklish right here.

Oh, right there?

J.D.: It wasn't just about me anymore.

I had to give us a shot.



Even if it was only one in a million.
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