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01x06 - Episode 6

Posted: 02/19/21 13:33
by bunniefuu
Matthew: Once the world was full of wonders, but it belongs to humans now. We creatures have all but disappeared - demons, vampires and witches... Hiding in plain sight, fearful of discovery, ill at ease, even with each other. But, as my father used to say... In every ending there is a new beginning.

Diana: Please! Enough!

Gerbert: A witch in flight! I haven't seen that for many, many years. It's difficult to know when she's been with De Clermont, where... Her scents begin and his... End… Is it lust... As well as the book that attracted... Matthew to you. Women, after all... Are his weakness.

Satu: Take your hands off her.

Gerbert: I want to examine her.

Satu: Stick to what we agreed, Gerbert. I got her out from Sept-Tours. You couldn't. You'll have your time with her after I've had mine.

Gerbert: She's all yours.

Diana: What do you want from me?

Satu: Relax. We are both witches, Diana. I'm not your enemy.

Diana: No! No!

Satu: Now, no one can listen in and there is no way out. I want to know how powerful you really are. Would you show me?

Diana: I don't have any power.

Satu: Why didn't you fly when I dropped you, I wonder?

Diana: Because I can't fly.

Satu: Can't or won't? Your family never teached you how to use your magic? It was their duty as your guardians.

Diana: Not every witch shows magical aptitude.

Satu: You're not just any witch, Diana. You're a Bishop. It did not escape their notice that you were powerful. They've done you a great disservice, Diana. My mummo taught me how to fly when I was a girl. She was the one who helped me understand my magic and embrace my power… Let me be the one to help you… Show me the power inside you... And I can teach you how to control it. You don't need to go through this alone.

Diana: I am not alone.

Satu: The vampire. It's vital that I help you control your power so you can protect yourself from Clairmont. We don't have much time. Gerbert will be back for you soon. And if you want to make it out of here alive... Then you need to start co-operating with me.

Diana: Matthew isn't the one I need protecting from. He isn't the one holding me against my will. I'm not going to tell you anything.

Satu: So there is something you're hiding? Matthew deceived you. He only ever wanted the lost manuscript.

Diana: That's not true.

Satu: He'll take what he wants and he'll dispose of you, just like he did with Gillian.

Diana: Gillian?

Satu: She broke into Clairmont's lab.

Diana: She's just like you. Working for Knox. Doing anything he says just to please him. Everyone follows him blindly.

Satu: Gillian's dead. Clairmont k*lled her. The Oxford coven leader found her dead body.

Diana: No. No, Matthew wouldn't do that.

Satu: Bite marks all over her neck. The body drained of blood. Such a brutal attack. Stop fighting your true nature.

Diana: Stop!

Satu: Good… Let's see what other power you have besides the ability to protect your mind.

Gerbert: There are two powerful witches here. One light... The other dark.

Meridiana: Beware of the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf.

Gerbert: Tell me... Which one is it?

Satu: You're a traitor, Diana. A traitor and a disgrace. You betrayed your own kind for a vampire. Think of your parents. What that would do to them.

Diana: How dare you talk about my parents! You didn't know them! I was the one that was betrayed! I grew up believing that humans in their ignorance k*lled my parents. But it was witches!

Satu: This pathetic witch wind doesn't work on me. You're a liar, Diana. Don't you think I did research? I know what happened.

Diana: Witches m*rder*d my parents and they covered it up. Ask Knox. Ask him!

Satu: But then it must be because they were keeping secrets. Like you are doing now.

Diana: What are you going to do? Are you going to k*ll me? Like the witches did to them.

Satu: I'm going to do whatever it takes.

Matthew: Diana?

Satu: I call upon the elements.

Diana: Satu!

Satu: I call upon the dark and the light to illuminate what is hidden. Power, power, I open thy. Power, power, let thy power tie with I… Tell me your secrets.

Diana: I don't have any secrets!

Satu: Avata!

Diana: No! Please! No! No! Please! Please!

Emily: Sarah!

Sarah: What is it? What did you see?

Emily: Diana. She's in pain.

Diana: Please! No!

Satu: Show me your secrets. Avata! I call upon the dark and the light to reveal your powers, Diana.

Diana: Oh, please!

Satu: Show me what you're hiding inside of you.

Matthew: Diana?

Diana: No! Please!

Satu: Stop fighting me and show me what you're hiding inside of you.

Matthew: What's the Congregation done with her? Where is she? I'll k*ll you if you've harmed her. Where is she?!

Baldwin: If I knew where she was, I'd have taken her back to Venice already!

Marthe: It's Diana. I caught her scent in the garden. Mixed with another. Someone else was here. She's gone.

Diana: No!

Satu: Avata! It's no victory, Diana.

Matthew: This is where the scent ends. How can that be?

Ysabeau: That would take a rare witch.

Baldwin: It's possible.

Matthew: They flew.

Baldwin: No witch has ever violated De Clermont territory before. They wouldn't dare. This will start a w*r between species.

Matthew: Vampires and witches. I should never have let Gillian go. Just must be involved in it.

Baldwin: Knox was eager for the witch to be interrogated by the Congregation. But he couldn't have taken her, not directly.

Matthew: How can you be so sure?

Baldwin: Peter Knox doesn't have that kind of power. Doesn't have the ability to fly.

Matthew: Who does?

Knox: Baldwin.

Baldwin: Where are you?

Knox: Sat here in the archives waiting for you.

Baldwin: Don't f*ck with me, Peter! A witch has taken Diana from Sept-Tours. Now where is she?

Knox: I assure you, this has nothing to do with me.

Baldwin: You're the most powerful witch on the Congregation. You are clearly involved in this. Now, where is Sigismund and the new witch?

Knox: Sigismund is stood in front of me and Satu... Satu's here too.

Baldwin: God help you if you're lying to me, Peter.

Knox: Where is Satu?

Diana: You don't have to do this, Satu!

Meridiana: Beware the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf.

Matthew: We need to start thinking like witches. How they would have... Taken her outside of vampire territory. We need to split up. Widen our search area. Limousin. Rhône-Alpes. Bourgogne.

Marthe: She's nearby, Matthew. A thousand years ago, even the most powerful witches were only capable of flying short distances. This witch would have been slowed down by having to carry Diana.

Ysabeau: She most still be in the Auvergne.

Baldwin: If that's true, then one of our neighbours could be harbouring them. Is this witch really worth going to w*r against our own for?

Matthew: Yes! Now help me!

Gerbert: What happened? Where's the witch?

Satu: Down the hole.

Gerbert: Get her out.

Satu: I need more time.

Gerbert: You had your time. She belongs to me now. Get her out!

Satu: I can't. My powers have gone.

Gerbert: What has she done to you?

Matthew: Couldn't have taken her south, it's too mountainous, too barren.

Baldwin: That's exactly why they've taken her there. It's difficult to get to, they wouldn't be disturbed.

Ysabeau: South. That's Gerbert's territory.

Baldwin: It's possible Gerbert aligned himself with whoever took your witch. He's tried to bring the De Clermonts down for centuries.

Matthew: If Gerbert took her, then I know what he's capable of. He will destroy her so he can destroy me. Christ! Sarah.

Sarah: Matthew, where have you been? What's happened to Diana? Em sees her in darkness.

Matthew: She's been taken... By a witch.

Sarah: She what?!

Matthew: Emily, tell me anything... Everything that you may have seen that could possibly help us find her.

Emily: I saw a... I think it was a castle or used to be a castle. And I saw two figures with her. That's all I can make out.

Matthew: Thank you. We'll phone when we have more news.

Emily: Matthew, wait! Matthew!

Ysabeau: Gerbert. He had a castle hidden high in the mountains. It's in ruins now. Centuries ago... He kept a witch enthralled there.

Matthew: La Pierre.

Baldwin: Quickest by helicopter.

Matthew: How long till we get there?

Pilot: ETA's 16 minutes, sir.

Rebecca: It's time to wake up.

Diana: You said you'd tell me a story. But no bad parts.

Rebecca: It doesn't work that way, Diana. I can't skip the bad parts of the story. You have to face them… Diana was locked in the dark room, all alone.

Diana: A witch trapped me inside.

Rebecca: She wondered how she would ever get out. But then, she heard a knocking at the door… It was the Prince. He used all of his strength to open the locked door, but he still couldn't get to her.

Diana: Then how did she get out?

Rebecca: Diana spied a hole in the roof, just big enough for her to squeeze through. So she called up to him.

Diana: Fly down and lift me out.

Rebecca: But the Prince couldn't fly, so Diana had to help herself.

Diana: Mum?

Pilot: We're over the castle, sir. There's nowhere nearby to land.

Matthew: We'll have to jump. Land the helicopter as near as you can. Why don't you try to the right of those trees down there?

Baldwin: Once you've landed, don't move till we come back.

Pilot: Copy that, sir.

Gerbert: What did you find out about Diana Bishop's powers?

Satu: Nothing that I would share with you… What have you done to her?

Gerbert: This is what happens to witches who don't co-operate.

Baldwin: On my mark. Jump!

Matthew: Diana? This way.

Satu: I can feel your power. Whoever you are, help me help both of us.

Baldwin: Matthew!

Matthew: Oh, no! Diana!

Diana: Matthew! I can't get out!

Matthew: I'm coming down.

Baldwin: No, Matthew! You'll get down but you won't be able to get her back out.

Rebecca: It's time. Remember the story… Fly.

Diana: Fly!

Stephen: Magic is in the heart. Don't forget.

Matthew: We will always be one.

Diana: Magic's in the heart.

Matthew: I can't get down to you, Diana!

Diana: Fly.

Matthew: You can do it! You're doing it, Diana. That's it! Gently, gently.

Diana: Matthew.

Matthew: That's it, Diana. I've got you.

Baldwin: Let's get her out of here.

Ysabeau: I'm glad you're safe.

Diana: I should call Sarah and Em.

Matthew: Ysabeau will call them and let them know you're safe. I'll never let you go again. Come on.

Diana: My face hit the floor. Is the bone broken?

Matthew: No, no, it's just badly bruised. I'll examine you properly when we get you cleaned up a little. You showed such strength. My lionne… How did this actually happen?

Diana: Oh, Satu wanted to see my power. She tried to rip me apart.

Matthew: All right. I think you'd be more comfortable in bed. Shall we? Put your arm round me. What is it, your back?

Diana: Yeah. It's tender. Satu used her magic on me.

Matthew: Would it be all right if I take a quick look? We need to take this off… Scissors. I'm going to have to cut your top off, Diana.

Diana: What is it?

Marthe: Maria, Deu maire!

Matthew: It's my insignia.

Ysabeau: She's branded you.

Matthew: Do you want to see what she did to you?

Diana: Yes, show me.

Ysabeau: Matthew, no, she's been through enough.

Matthew: She survived the doing of it. The seeing of it can't possibly be worse… I've got you… Are you ready?

Diana: Yes. Satu said she was going to open me up. But she didn't.

Diana: Thank you.

Matthew: You should really try and eat something.

Diana: Did you k*ll Gillian?

Matthew: No, I didn't. But I should have k*lled her, for betraying you. I spared her life. And I will not... Make the same mistake again. And I will hunt down anyone who wishes to harm you and I will k*ll them. I told you.

Diana: I know you told me… Promise me one thing.

Matthew: Name it.

Diana: You won't go after Satu. I want to deal with her myself.

Baldwin: How's the witch?

Matthew: Her name is Diana, and she's resting. Thank you.

Baldwin: No need to thank me, Matthew. I'll be taking her back to the Congregation with me.

Matthew: You would have her face Gerbert and the other witches, knowing full well what they would do to her?

Baldwin: I've made my decision. I won't discuss it further.

Matthew: Diana is staying here.

Baldwin: I'm the head of this family! To protect the De Clermonts, I will disown you.

Matthew: This is no longer a family matter. The Knights of Lazarus will see to Diana Bishop's protection.

Baldwin: After all these years defunct, you're going to rally the Knights of Lazarus to protect a f*cking witch?!

Matthew: You are a Knight and you are my brother.

Baldwin: We fought at the Battle of Acre. Helped the Albigensian heretics resist the Northerners. We do not come to the aid of our master to protect a forbidden love affair!

Matthew: Diana is in need of our protection from her own people and I will see to it that she gets it.

Baldwin: Philippe should never have passed the order on to you when he died.

Matthew: Baldwin de Clermont, I call upon you to fulfill your sworn oath and enter the b*ttlefield, where you will obey my commands until I release you. As for the Congregation pursuing Diana?

Baldwin: I'll try and make punishment for Knox's new witch their priority.

Matthew: Thank you.

Baldwin: You've both shown that you have some fight in you. Hold on to that because you're going to need it. Do whatever it is you must to survive. You can't hold the Congregation off forever. It's imperative that you make your next move before they make theirs. Do you understand? Diana. Till we meet again.

Satu: Who are you? What did he do to you? I know that you're old. Very old. I felt that in your magic.

Meridiana: Meridiana.

Satu: Are you the Meridiana?

Meridiana: Yes. Helvetti!

Satu: He kept you all of this time.

Meridiana: Help me. Release me.

Satu: You'll join the mothers on the other side, as you. Only you. None of him.

Meridiana: Beware the witch with the blood of the lion and the wolf. For with it she shall destroy the children of the night.

Satu: The lion and the wolf?

Agatha: Is it the baby? Are you taking care of yourself, eating right?

Sophie: No, no. I'm fine and so is the baby.

Nathaniel: Just listen, Mum.

Sophie: Would you like some tea?

Agatha: No, no, no. I want to know what's going on.

Nathaniel: Soph.

Sophie: You said you might know who the witch is that I need to give my statue to...

Agatha: I shouldn't have told you anything. I'm sorry if I got you excited. She's not someone for you to be getting involved with. She's trouble.

Sophie: She's in trouble, Agatha. I... I see her in my dreams. And I think that our connection is so strong because... She's a witch and... Well... I was born of witches.

Agatha: You're a witch?

Sophie: No. No. I'm... I'm a demon, but... But my parents were witches and my grandparents and theirs before them and...

Agatha: It can't be possible. Does that mean the baby could be a witch?

Sophie: I've got a pretty strong feeling that she is.

Agatha: And you didn't think to tell me?

Nathaniel: If our baby is a witch born of demons, she'll be everything the Congregation fears and wants to destroy.

Agatha: You didn't trust me. My God, Nathaniel!

Nathaniel: We didn't want to put you in a difficult position.

Agatha: I'm your mother. You come first. Both of you do. I'm this child's grandmother. My loyalty and love are to you.

Sophie: We... Didn't mean to upset you. Everything's more complicated now. The witch is important, Agatha, for me and the baby. I just know she is.

Agatha: Her name is Diana Bishop.

Meridiana: Thank you, weaver.

Satu: Weaver?

Diana: I feel so different. The air in my lungs.

Ysabeau: It's no wonder. You've been liberated, inside and out. Unbound.

Marthe: Trop tôt.

Ysabeau: I think we've established she doesn't need coddling.

Diana: I'm... I'm sorry. Am I... Am I missing something?

Matthew: We believe that you may have been spellbound. Do you know what that is?

Diana: Yes, but...

Matthew: And what happened to you at La Pierre freed your magic.

Marthe: Diana. Do you know who could have done such a thing to you?

Diana: No, but I don't understand. Only witches who were mad were ever spellbound… Witches who hurt people… What am I?