06x03 - My Coffee

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scrubs". Aired: October 2001 to March 2010.*
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A doctor works at a hospital with unpredictable staffers and patients.
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06x03 - My Coffee

Post by bunniefuu »

J.D.: It was a day of discovery.

I discovered that I could sex my pregnant girlfriend into a coma.


Carla discovered that her baby wasn't the only one who loved breast-feeding.

Are you hungry, sweetie?

I could eat.

Dr. Kelso discovered change was not always welcome.

A coffee place in a hospital?

What's next, Bob, an ice cream parlor in the morgue?

Admittedly, not a horrible idea, seeing that the freezers are already down there.

Plus, it'll be a perfect place for kids.

One of our famous vanilla malteds definitely takes the sting out of having to identify the freshly-charred remains of your father.

Nobody else seems to mind.

I should have worn sun block.

Did you get tickets yet?

Another one!


Now I'm at the end of both lines.

Still, the best discovery was learning that someone I drummed out of medicine had landed on his feet.

Frontsies! Cabbage!

Hey, Dr. D!

That's what we call, "Cabbage-tastic."

Oh, I love this job.

I screw up, nobody gets hurt except Cindy.

I scalded her pretty bad with some steamed milk.

You could see the bone.


How about a second of that dynamite ape impression?

I'm sorry, Cindy.

Once he's in monkey mode you can't stop him.

But who would want to, right? Cheers.

Hey, Kim.

Just checking to see if your socks are back on since I knocked them off last night.


What am I doing? You're the mother of my child.

That is so tacky.

And so is this. Way to hit that, playah!

All right! Zoom. Zoom! Zoom.

So sorry. Relax, it's just sex.

We should be able to talk about it.

I'm not telling Isabella she's got a vag*na till she turns 18.

That's gonna be an awkward birthday party.

Do not tell my daughter she has a vag*na! I'm serious.

It may have already come up.

Kim, J.D. Tells us you're looking around town for a new job.

Yeah, I just don't think the department head here is ever gonna promote me.


Dr. Lemke, you're gonna love this.

We're a husband and wife piano-playing team, only I have no hands.


With my head. How great is that?

This is my wife, Sally.

She lost her thumbs last month when our pet Komodo dragon, Morty, got out of his cage.


On the bright side, you have beautiful nubs.

A tip jar? Really?

So, what am I supposed to do, just duke you my change because you poured hot water through beans?

Well, I tell you what, my friend, unless you're also planning on giving me a complimentary reach-around with my beverage, I'm afraid the answer is, yeah, no!

Here's a novel idea.

Why don't you go fetch me a very large cup of coffee with so damn many fake sugars in it that the coffee itself gets cancer?

Guys, guys, I've got a good one. Is it me or does someone...

...someone need to switch to decaf? ...someone need to switch to decaf?

Lay off of Elliot. She doesn't watch as much old TV as we do.

You actually stood up for me.

But now I'm forced to ask, ALL: "Who are you and what have you done with Turk?"

Stop finishing my awesome jokes! Oh, my god.

She's so beautiful. Can I hold her?

That's up to Turk.

He's kind of paranoid about people dropping her.

Yeah, you've got decent hands. Go ahead.

I get her first because we're best friends.

Elliot. Ted, give it!


I'm next.

What? You drop everything.

When do...

Besides now.

Look, come on, it is a human life. I'll focus. Give it to me. Right here.


Wait, one moresie!

So, Carla, how much time do you think you'll take off?

Look at this little angel. I may never go back to work.


I heard suckling.

So, you're having chest pains, Mr. Turner.

Actually, it's Dr. Turner.

You look like someone I used to date.

I had a brief "older guy" Jones, but now I'm with someone more age-appropriate and I'm like, "What was I thinking?"

We are disgusting.

Yeah, but for some reason, I was curious.

Anyhoo, we'll just run the usual tests. Sounds good.

Dr. Turner seems like a nice guy and he's hot.

You know, like if you left Brad Pitt out in the sun forever.

Stop it, Elliot, it took you months to get over that old man fetish.

Blondie, he is private practice.

Those guys are cocky jackasses who don't give two shakes about anybody else's opinion but their own.

They're me, with one addendum, they're whores.

And I'm not talking about the good kind of whores, like my ex-wife.

They're whores for money.

Is that a tip jar? Look.

I'm figuring if those lumps down at the coffee shop can have one, I can, too.

Listen to me, you may like Turner right now, but he is a doctor and doctors make terrible patients.

Sooner or later, they all try to treat themselves.

Perry, a quick word... Bobbo, no time!

Gotta go tell Mr. Clancy that his tumor is benign.

Is that not exciting?

Should be worth a finsky. What do you think?

Where the hell did you all come from? Sneak attack.

You can put your shoes on again, guys, nice work.

Dr. Kelso, as spokesman for the support staff of this hospital, I have a request.

I do not want to hear any more about a college scholarship fund.

Stop filling your children's heads with nonsense.

Pull them out of high school and teach them a trade like plumbing or undertaking.

None of us here even have kids, except for Margo and she sold hers.

We want a dental plan. Dental is for old people.

You young bucks have years before you have to worry about your choppers.

One, two...

Lovely. No.

Rudy, did you tear an actual tooth out of your head?

We're all faking it, man. What are you...

Okay, don't worry. You know what?

I've got a jar of monkey teeth in my workbench. What's that, molar?

We're gonna be all right.

Man, we got smoked.

That's what we get for playing a bunch of G's from the hood.

Those guys are Indian.

So, Rajesh isn't one of those cool, black-only names like, "Anfernee"?

No, Rajesh is like "Steve" in India.


Why are we stopping?

You always buy me a cotton candy after the game to celebrate my good sportsmanship.

Yeah, well, you know what?

I can't be buying you stuff all the time.

Yeah, well, I'm very close to a tantrum.

Could you guys look at my shoulder? I tweaked it pretty good.

Come on, Vijay.

First you dunk on me and yell, "Who's your bitch?"

Now you want free medical advice?

How did I not know these guys were Indian?

I'll give you 20 bucks.

I'm sorry, my friend, but that's just unethical.

Done and done.

Who's the new guy?

This is Dr. Kershnar from my practice.

Elliot Reid, I was telling you about. Give her a wave. Attaboy. So...

Look, as a doctor, I know that you're gonna be tempted to want to treat yourself, and I just want you to know that's not gonna fly with me.

Understood. Great.

Now, I believe that surgery on your abdominal aortic aneurism's gonna be too aggressive.

I'd like to start you on 25 grams of Lopressor.

Don't you mean 25 milligrams? There, see?

You're already trying to treat yourself. That was a test.

But 25 grams would k*ll me. I know.

But it's still a test. Fine.

From now on, you're the doctor.


All right, relax. You're fine. Just ice it when you get home.


Put that away, Turk! That's back-alley money!

Relax. Hey!

I'll give you 20 bucks if you check out my rash.

I'm sorry, Cotton Candy Man, but unlike my friend here, I have no interest in being sued for...

Do I smell blue? Just added the dye.

You crafty, crafty man! That is fluffing up nicely.

Hey, give me some money. I'm jonesing for some C-squared.

You don't want my "back-alley money," do you?

You heartless bastard.

All right, let's see your disgusting rash.

It's probably just eczema. One blue, please.

I'd like to see the blueberry again.

Blueberries taste fresh.

Hint of lemon zest. I'm intrigued.

And, unfortunately, processed flour. No, thank you.

Let me try your carrot.

I have a non-fat latte with room for schnapps for Janitor?

Yep. Thank you.

Nice braces. Yeah.

You're not worried about the spider monkeys?

Spider monkeys?

Spider monkeys see intricate metalwork as a display of dominance.

It's a threat to them. They tear your eyes out.

Well, I'm just psyched this place is paying for them.

You get dental?

So, Dr. Turner said that I am a very talented young physician.

Jordan said I'm the only man she ever wants to have sex with.

Aren't we sharing fantastic lies we choose to believe for personal reasons?

He's actually a very deferential patient.

Instead of surgery, I'm treating his AAA with dr*gs.


I think Dr. Chatterbox there scheduled him for surgery.

What the hell, Kersh?

I don't care if we had extra coffee money left over, I don't feel right taking that guy's cash.

Dude, stop stressing. See you later.

Is anybody planning on emptying that?

J.D.: Sometimes everything you need to know is on the side of a coffee cup.

"Never underestimate those around you for they may betray you. "

Greetings, customer! What can I get you?

"They may deceive you."

And here we are.

Even though Kershnar's signature is on the chart, this is the gentleman who ordered the surgery.

No, he didn't. Tell him.

What would you like me to say?

I'm just gonna go ahead and tip myself for calling this one.

Thank you, me!

"In the end, those same people will make you wish you'd never met them. "

Maybe that wasn't just a rash on Cotton Candy Man.

I didn't tell Kim about how I most likely ruined my career by misdiagnosing the Cotton Candy Man.

I don't like to be a burden to the people I care about.

Turk, I need you and I need you now.

Isabella, this is the man you'll be competing with for your father's love.

Goochy-goochy-goo. Turk, now!

Baby, he's using his emergency tone. Go ahead, I have to feed her anyway.

My breasts are so sore. I wish I could just give you formula.

TODD: (WHISPERING) Formula's bad for the baby. Boob milk's healthier.

His rash was probably purpura from disseminated intravascular coagulopathy, and I missed it, Turk. I'm screwed.

Okay, you go in there and take care of things. I'll...

I'll just stand out here and think about all the things I'll miss about being a doctor.

The light cotton outfits, the free gauze.

He's gone.

Somebody shot him.

I hope it wasn't the Corn Dog Guy. They never got along.

Look, Dr. Turner, you're older, you're not in the best health.

I really think that this surgery could k*ll you.

Are they gonna come in and shave me soon?

I'm still your primary physician. No, Kershnar's my lead now.

I think surgery is the right choice.

What? Did you give him cue cards?

That way he gets it exactly right.

You don't scare me.

Eventually, you will all come crawling back.

Now, how about somebody gets me a banana nut muffin and hold the spit, please.

As manager, I reserve the right to refuse service to anyone.


You have worked here one day. Corporate loved my ingenuity.

I was saying, the two most addictive substances on Earth are caffeine and nicotine.


Smoke-accino for Kyle.

Kyle? Smoke-accino for Kyle. Enjoy that.

That's as tall as he's gonna get.

I feel like I dodged a b*llet.

Trust me, Brown Bear, you don't want this hanging over your head.

Find Vijay and give him his 20 bucks back.

Yeah, but then I'd have to give the money back to all the others.

I kind of did a few diagnoses at the mall yesterday.

Are you crazy? You could get sued.

Secondly, I can't believe you went to the mall without me.

I specifically told you I needed to buy loafers.

And, thirdly, how could you go to the mall without me?

That's our thing!

Well, I don't see you giving the money back to Cotton Candy Man.

As a matter of fact, I already did.

A 20! Score!

Cool shirt.

All right, I earned that money, and I'm not giving it back and there's nothing you can do to make me.

Give those people their money back!

I can't believe you told. Turk, we're doctors.

We live by a moral code.

Aloha! I came to see the little kahuna.

Giant coffee.

Saw you coming. Here's your venti drip.

Say, how about a Corinne Bailey Rae CD?

With her stripped-down sound and chilled-out vibe, this British soul superstar is one of the year's hottest newcomers.

You know what? I'll take one of those.

It's a sale.

You know the worst thing about Turner's surgery?

I'm gonna be right, but he's gonna die. It'll be a hollow victory.

If I got to be right and have a private practice doctor die due to his own idiocy, I would call that a pretty full victory.

Banana nut muffin, please. Sir, I've been told not to serve you.

(IN SQUEAKY VOICE) Hey! Just take me.

What are they gonna do, put you in jail?

You're Bob Kelso. Just grab me and run.

Do it!


All right, I'm going on break. Don't touch the muffin puppet.

Let's see if you're qualified to hold your own baby.

I caught it! That counts.

I'm gonna go hold the crap out of that baby!

J.D., what the hell? I'm a surgeon. That could have hit my hand.

Why are you being so weird lately?

You won't loan me money for cotton candy, you're charging strangers for medical advice, and now you're worried about your hand?

Who are you?

...and what did you do with Turk? ...and what did you do with Turk?

Great work, everybody, thank you.

I asked them to help me out for emphasis.

Seriously, what's going on?

You saw how it happened yesterday.

Look at this little angel. I may never go back to work.

How the hell am I supposed to take care of a whole family by myself?

I'm so sorry, Barbie.

Why didn't he listen?


I thought that you hated him.

When it comes to torturing you, everybody's on the same page.

You know, Reid, you had the cojones to stand up to me, unlike Kershnar, whom I've so demoralized he's basically my trained chimp.

He's almost human.

Anyway, I've got enough yes-men, you've got a spine, join my practice.

You could still work out of this hospital.

The only difference is you'd make double the money.

Easy, buddy. That smell burning your nostrils isn't just the baby throw up on her jacket.

I got to hold Isabella.

She squirted out of my arms, but Carla caught her.

That's the smell of a doctor with integrity.

Also, you'll never have to answer to this guy again.

Wow, I got a family. I know.

In seven months, I'm gonna have a family, too.

Did you ever think we'd be here back when we were freshmen in college?

Remember that first week when I found you hooking up with my girlfriend and you said you guys were only naked underneath the covers because you'd had a water balloon fight and you were cold?

J.D., for the last time, nothing happened.

Please, this isn't about that.

It's just that I looked all over, I never found any balloons.

You think there'd be some balloons.

I look at Isabella and I get really scared and I'm gonna need you to be there to help me through this.

Well, that sucks because I was counting on you to make it look easy so I know I can handle it when my turn comes.


Turk, you're at the beginning of your career.

You know you're gonna make plenty of money.

It's good to hear that from you, thank you.

You're gonna be just fine. I suppose so.

Totally fine. Yeah.

Would you mind telling me that I'm gonna be fine, Turk?

Am I gonna be fine? I think I'm gonna be fine.

Well, I would, but I don't know how much you like Kim.

I really like her. Then, you're gonna be fine.


Is there anything else you wanna tell me or admit to?

I mean, I looked everywhere. There was no signs of balloons.

J.D.: Opportunities are everywhere.

Whether it's accepting an old job...


You can have your dental.

Now clean up this mess.

... or taking a new job.

I'd like to join your practice.

As for me, I was just excited to have the opportunity to get to know the mother of my child better.

I got offered a new job. Cool! Is it over at County?

Because that way I can drop you off every morning.

It's in Tacoma, Washington.

That's gonna be a little rough on my scooter.
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