07x02 - My Hard Labor

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Scrubs". Aired: October 2001 to March 2010.*
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A doctor works at a hospital with unpredictable staffers and patients.
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07x02 - My Hard Labor

Post by bunniefuu »

My last few days have all started the same.

Saying this to Kim.

You're amazing.

Then whispering...

I love you.

... to our baby and hoping that Kim wasn't wondering why I hadn't said the same thing to her.

There are some images that even doctors can't stomach.

That is so gross, I might vomit.

Oh, is it the patient with the infected neck wound?


Hey, guys.

Like the image of your ex-fiancée.

How's it going, Keith? You ruined my life.

Nice seeing you.

Excuse me, nurse? Could you be a doll and give Bobby Frank in there a shot of penicillin?

Why can't he do it himself?

Because, Carla, he's Dr No Shot.

He's, like, the only paediatrician kids like because he never gives sh*ts.

Hey, remember when you wanted to be the doctor who never said "terminal"?

I'm sorry, but your grandmother has an inoperable brain tumour.

Is it terminal? I wouldn't say that.

So she still has a chance? No.

It's okay. I mean, "Dr Won't Say Terminal" is kind of a mouthful anyway.

Didn't I tell you two to treat Mr Meltzer?

Yes, but he won't let us because... No, no, no.

Remember our new system so that I never have to hear your voice again?

"He doesn't want to be treated by interns," with your "l" dotted with a heart and a little frowny face at the end. It's incredible.

Your handwriting's actually more annoying than your voice.

Regardless, you interns are the future of this hospital, and if you don't treat patients, you won't learn.

What I want you to do is walk over to Mr Meltzer and say these words, "I'm your doctor. Deal with it."

Can you say that?

I'm your doctor... I'm your doctor...

Not you. Never you.

I am your doctor. Deal with it. Peachy.

Why you looking so sad, Nilla Wafer?

You were right about Kim. I don't love her.

That's tough. Wanna get some exercise and clear your head?


Thanks, buddy, I needed this.

So, you gonna break up with her? No way. We're having a baby, man.

Statistics say that kids end up way better off if their parents stay together, even if it's not a great relationship.

So I'm in for good. Plus, Kim's amazing, so hopefully one day I'll wake up and just be head over heels.

Yeah, that happens a lot.

Hi, guys. Hi.

Hi. Is lzzy in her room?

Turk hadn't checked, so he had a 50-50 shot of answering correctly.

Sleeping like an angel.


Because she's on my back.

That's unfortunate.

How can you come in and not check in on your own child?

You know what? I am so sick of this stupid video game.

That's it. I want it out of the house.

Come on! I just got this thing and I'm already on the fifth level.

Just let me finish! Carla, let him finish!

Oh, you can have it. Family comes first, Turk.

Baby, studies have shown that using joysticks can improve a surgeon's dexterity. You can have this one.

I'm gonna k*ll you!

That's my baby pager.

I'm having a baby!

Oh, my God! I'm gonna be a bluncle!

A black uncle. A black uncle.

Oh, right.

You guys, I know when I first brought this up you thought it was cheesy. But now that it's actually happening, can we do a three person celebratory jump hug?


For you.

You're right, that was cheesy. I should've listened.

Finally gonna get to meet Sam. I wonder what he looks like.

Oh, I just want a healthy baby. I mean, what more can you ask for?

Any second now.

What the...

I come from a land down under So that's what that song's about.

Where beer does flow and men chunder

Can't you hear Can't you hear the thunder?

I wondered where he was hiding.

J.D., I know we've had our ups and downs, but I'm really glad we're going through this together.

Me, too.

And I really was.

Okay, Kim, you're still a few hours away.

I understand you'll be wanting an epidural?

Yes, but I hate pain so much, I'm hoping there's a pill you can give me so that getting the epidural itself won't hurt.

Why does she think I'm joking? I hate her and her chipmunky face.

Kim, your quiet voice is a little louder than usual.

The delivery nurses usually get the anaesthesiologist to deliver your pain medication, but we're a little understaffed, so...

J.D. I'll be in charge of the epidural, and as soon as you're ready, I'll have them make you so numb, it'll feel like you're passing a marshmallow.

But that sounds sticky and uncomfortable.

Passing a unicorn?

That's a big horse with a horn.

Passing a rainbow? That's better.


Jordan? Go away.

Let's go see Mommy.

Our daughter needs to go to the hospital.

Her rash is spreading, and she could use a steroid shot.

Why can't you just do it here? Jennifer has uropathy.

And over the next couple of years, plenty of doctors are gonna be poking and prodding her, and I would like her to see me as her father and not as just another white coat that she will forever associate with pain.

Totally legitimate argument.

If three-month-olds didn't have the memory of an earthworm.

Could you please just support us on this one?

Fine. I'm right behind you.

Wow, that's real talent.

Baby, I promise you, I will be home as soon as Kim delivers.

Yeah, J.D. Needs me, and I really want to be there for him.


All right, people, listen up! I need to beat this video game before Kim delivers J.D.'s bastard child.

It takes two people to do it, so I can't do it by myself.

Who's with me? I would, Turkleton, but I only play Pac-Man and that carjack game.

There's nothing like scoring a Caddy and mowing down street hos.

Sir, what are you doing here so late? I live here.

Enid kicked me out of the house six weeks ago.

She wheeled in and caught me hitting on her speech therapist.

C'est la vie. Now, if you don't mind, I got a za coming.


We're friends at night. I'll play.


What are your thoughts on cloth diapers?

'Cause if we got black ones with orange spots, our kid would look like Bamm-Bamm.

J.D., you've been so great.

I'm feeling really connected to you, you know?

How are you feeling about us?

Oh, no. Wrong time for this conversation, but there's no way out.

Good evening.

Oh, thank you Perry much.

We heard that you were having a baby and we just wanted to come by and say congratulations.

Really? No. I'm looking for the paediatrician.

He's not here. Sorry, baby J.D.

Her name is Jennifer Dylan, not J.D.

I'm calling her J.D. Forever and he can't stop me.

All the best there, Kim. Please note that the entire world is praying that the dominant genes are yours.

Thank God.

There's no way Kim remembers what we were talking about.

Hell, I don't even remember what we were talking about.

What were we talking about?

I was asking how you're feeling about us.

Damn it.

I've been working up the courage to tell you that I'm falling...

No! Don't say it. Why not?

Look, I think you're amazing, but I'm just not ready to say it back yet.

That's okay.

I really hurt you, so it makes sense that you would need more time to get there.

b*llet dodged.

What the hell. J.D., I love you.


Dr Cox, we heard that you were waiting for the paediatrician.

Please. Remember our rule?

We heard that you were waiting for the paediatrician.

He's at home so we paged him, and he said that we should give your daughter the shot ourselves.

There is no way in hell that I'm letting an incompetent intern touch my child.

But you said we were the future of the hospital and we need to learn.

You need to learn on patients not related to me.

Ones that I don't care if you k*ll or maim.

We are your doctors. Deal with it. Yeah, we are your doctors.

Why don't you always talk that way?

Because it hurts my throat too much.

Okay, all we have to do here is k*ll space goblins.

And what's my motivation?

Your motivation is to k*ll space goblins.

Yeah, but am I k*lling them because I hate them or because I don't share their space goblin values?

Whatever you want.

Good shot.

What are you doing?

I'm taking a few moments to speak on behalf of our fallen adversary.

Are you kidding me right now?

Forgive me, space goblin.

If it were not for the novice level setting or the 10 cups of coffee I had earlier today, you might have bested me this day in the marsh of Kothrick.

We're not too different, you and I.

Despite your arm-mounted cannon and your insatiable taste for human flesh.

You realise that while you're talking, his alien friends are sh**ting you in the face, right?

Well, that is just rude.

Get some!

Okay, not answering Kim's "I love you" was awkward, but at least it was over.

So, do you think you could ever be in love with me?

Let it go, woman!

Kim, let's focus on having the baby. Answer the question.

Lie to her.

And don't lie to me.

Look, I think you're amazing, right? I've mentioned that.

And even though I'm not, you know, in love with you right now, I really hope that one day I wake up feeling what you said you feel, even though I kind of asked you not to say it.

Do you really hope that? With all my heart.

Because I always dreamed of finding a guy who hoped he could fall in love with me someday.

Really? That's kind of weird.

No! J.D., do you actually think that's enough for me?

There are a lot of guys out there who think I'm a good catch.

The words "cute as a button" have been thrown around on more than one occasion.

I know that, Kim. You're amazing.

Stop calling me amazing, okay?

Would you even be with me if I wasn't dropping this kid?

I don't know how to answer that.

I think you just did.

You know what?

We're done.

What are you talking about? We're having a baby.

Yeah, we are, but I deserve to be with somebody who doesn't need to cross his fingers and hope that he falls in love with me, maybe someday.

It's over, J.D.

Get in here with the epidural!

It's funny how even the best intentions can blow up in your face.

Don't worry. I've practised this on tomatoes, like, a hundred times.

Whether you meant to keep your daughter from associating you with pain.

Step away from the child.

Come here, pumpkin. Okay.

Or you simply intended to get closure on a video game.

This is what you call "being there" for J. D?

Oh, my God, I don't think I could be any angrier at you!

Oh, yeah? Well, you're about to find out 'cause I'm finishing this game.

And though you have every intention of making a horrible situation better...

Okay, looks like we're ready for this baby.

No! Wait, wait, wait! What about my epidural?

Kim, you're fully dilated. It's too late for the epidural.

You should have told me sooner.

... you often find out that you've made it worse.


You're amazing.

I hate you so much right now, J.D.

Don't worry, all women say that stuff during labour. She doesn't mean it.

I do. He just broke up with me! What?

No, no! Technically, I didn't break up with her.

I just told her I didn't love her.

Who did he say that to? The mother of his baby.

No, he didn't.

Man, she looks familiar.

Get out!

No, I'm not letting you go through this alone.

I have someone else I can call.

Keith, I get it, I ruined your life. Stop calling.

Oh, hey, Kim!

Look it, I know I called you at home and threatened to k*ll your dog, but thanks again for coming in there, Dr Callahan.

No problem. It's not like I need a lot of sleep to practise medicine on small children. This will only take a second.

My daughter needs a shot for her dermatitis.

Oh, I'm afraid I can't do that. I'm Dr No Shot.

You're kidding, right? You're a paediatrician.

You must have to give the occasional shot.

Sure, if my name was Dr Occasional Shot, but it's not.

Look, I have to be a doctor to these kids for years.

I don't want them bawling every time they see me because they associate me with pain.

That's insane. Yeah.

And why aren't you giving your daughter the shot?

I don't want her to forever associate me with pain.

What? I didn't catch that. Pain.

Was that the inside voice? You can bring it up.

My daughter to forever associate me with pain.


Why don't you ask one of the nurses to give it to her?

There's only one nurse in this dump I'd let touch my daughter.

I can't believe you're still playing this stupid game.

Hit him with the fire sabre. Hit him with a lamp.

There's no lamp in this game, sir. I was talking to your wife.

Hit Turkleton with this lamp.

Oh, Carla, good.

Listen, I need you to give my kid a shot. It will only take a second.

I can't do it. I'm literally shaking with rage. See?

I would give her a shot, Perry, but this is Scotch and I'm all Hasselhoffed out.

All right.

Janitor, you're getting pummelled. That sounded like criticism.

I don't respond well to criticism. Whatever. You still suck.

I'm out. No, dude. Come on.

Baby, why'd you have to go and say that?

I can't finish this game by myself.

Follow my lead and jump in that warthog.

You drive, I'll man the machine g*ns and k*ll all the jackals.

You have never been more sexy to me.

Oh, that's disgusting.

Hey, Keith. Burn in hell.

I'm so sorry about you and Kim.

Is there anything I can do? Just take care of her.


God, you're having a baby. Want to do a celebratory jump hug?

No. Turk, Carla and I tried one earlier. Turned out to be lame.

Oh, please, you probably loved it and just didn't want to admit it.

God, she knows me.

Hey, you. Blondie go that way?


Get out! Oh. Dear God.

It is like Baghdad in there.

Look, Newbie, I am on the verge of losing my mind.

Do you have the time to give my daughter a shot now that you've ruined your life?

Will you talk me through what I'm going through?

Absolutely not. Then find someone else to help you.

Oh, damn. Fine. Okay. Fine.

But if you use the words "emotional roller coaster," I am O-U-T.

Deal. I just feel like I'm on this, like, emotional ride of some sort. Oh!

Kind of like...

Baby, you are awesome. You've played this before.

Listen, I discovered the game when lzzy had colic and I was up all night and I became addicted.

That's actually the main reason why I want it out of the apartment.

I thought you were mad because I'd rather play the game than play with lzzy.

Which, I guess, is sometimes true.

Baby, don't get it twisted, that girl is my world.

But every now and then, I gotta do my own thing.

You've heard of hunger pangs? I get sports pangs.

And "watch Judge Dredd with J.D." pangs.

Turk, you think you're the only one who gets pangs?

I get "put on my tight jeans and walk down the street

"to see if anybody honks" pangs. They do, actually.

I mean, how do you think I became addicted to this game?

Every parent needs to take some time off.

You're damn right they do.

Hell, my son, Harrison, is a grown man and I still get the urge to slip away during his visits.

Of course, that may have more to do with this new boyfriend of his.

I swear, you could line up a hundred gay men and Harrison would pick out the attention-starved, bi-polar, ex-con every time.

Harrison, your ears must have been burning.

So now what do we do?

We k*ll one more alien boss and then we're finished.

I like your style.

Of course, you had to break up with him.

No one you love should ever sell your car without asking and then blow the money on meth.

My kid's not even born yet, and I'm already screwing up his life.

I just wanted him to be really happy and normal, you know?

Okay, first of all, Newbie, we're talking about your kid, so the whole normal part was never gonna happen.

And you didn't mess up his life. Come on.

Statistics show that kids whose parents stay together...

Statistics show? Who cares what statistics show?

I mean, look at medicine.

80% of people with pancreatic cancer die within five years.

95% of appendectomies occur with zero complications.

But we both know pancreatic cancer patients that lived and appendix patients that, unfortunately, passed.

Statistics mean nothing to the individual.

You're either gonna be a good parent to that kid or you're not.

I mean, hell, your parents were divorced and you somehow managed to become a relatively successful doctor.

And I'm sure there's someone, somewhere who would be proud to call you their son.

Would you be proud to call me your son?

This conversation's over.

Carla, are you done yet? Not yet.

As I looked around the room, I thought about the things parents do for their kids, like going to extraordinary lengths to ensure their child never fears them.

Okay. Let's keep looking.

Helping them mend a broken heart.

Well, why can't you still be with Gary? I always liked him.

What do you mean, he stole your fillings?

Or staying up late to make sure there's one less distraction around the house.

Game. Game. And that's game.

And that's how we do! And that is how we do! That's right. We do!

And I realised parenting is about sacrifice.

And I had to go in there and be there for my child, even if it meant taking some well-deserved abuse.

Get out of here, you jerk! No.

Okay, I need you to stop pushing for a minute.

You're a piece of crap! You're doing great. That hurt.

I hate your hair! Impossible. Nobody does.

Almost there.

Are you two ready to be parents?

And right then, I couldn't help but wonder...

Are you ever?

Anyway, I hope you weren't too worried about us.

We'll be home real soon. Bye.

I love watching her sleep.

I can't believe we finished that game.

Oh, baby, I've finished it a bunch of times.


He's so beautiful.

I'm really glad you came back in. Me, too.

It's weird, you know?

This is the end of our relationship. But it's sort of just the beginning.

Can I hold him? Of course.

Here's your daddy.


Hi, handsome.

Welcome to the world, Sammy.
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