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22x07 - Hunt, Trap, r*pe and Release

Posted: 02/19/21 09:23
by bunniefuu
In the criminal justice system,

sexually based offenses

are considered especially heinous.

In New York City, the dedicated detectives

who investigate these vicious felonies

are members of an elite squad

known as the Special Victims Unit.

These are their stories.

I know, Mom, uh-huh.


Mom, I gotta go to sleep.

I had a couple drinks tonight.



Yeah, I love you.




Is someone there?

- Be a good girl.




What do you got?

Vic is Rosie Zaran, .

She says the guy came through the window.

- We get a description?

- Not much.

- He wore a mask.

- Okay.


Pulling street cams?

Uh, yeah.

We're on it.

And CSU's running the apartment.

So they were finishing a bodega break-in about two blocks away - when the call came in.

- All right.

And the vic's still in the apartment?

She didn't want to leave.

I don't argue.

That's your job.

- Uh-huh.

- Okay.


This can be pretty upsetting.

It might be better if we could talk at the hospital.


I'm sorry.



where was I?

You were saying that he had on a ski mask.

Yeah, I could only see his eyes.


Just for a second, before he pulled out the...

the duct...


He whispered, "Be a good girl." And then...

and then he tied my hands like...

like, in prayer.

Did he say anything else?


No, no, he was silent while he r*ped me.

When he was done, he said, "If you call the cops, I will k*ll you." She did agree to a r*pe kit?

- Eventually.

But don't get your hopes up.

He used a condom.

He wore gloves.

And there are no security cams on that block.

So no prints, no DNA, and no video.

- We're looking at a pro.

- Maybe a serial.

I just found a pattern number four in the Bronx.

Six vics in the past year.

I don't remember reading about this in the press.

- Same M.O.?

- Single women.

Window entry, duct-taped.

Told to be "good girls"?

Okay, our case is in Inwood up by the Bronx, so he's staying close to home.

Kenyatta's still captain at Bronx SVU?

He was reassigned a few months ago.

Fin, do you not read your emails?

Do you want us to head up?

Come with, but I'll take the lead on this.

I used to work with the new CO when she worked at Major Case.

My first question...

Why weren't we looped in?


_ All right, domestics, drug-facilitated...

David's Pizza!

Lieutenant Barek.

Captain Benson.

It's been a while.

Uh, wait, do I owe you a call?

From a few months back.

I was just calling to congratulate you on your promotion.

So you came all the way up to the Bronx, to congratulate me?

- No.

- No.

You didn't get my email from this morning?

I don't read my emails either.

Sergeant Tutuola.

Nice to meet you.

You too.

So what can I do for you?

Well, we caught a r*pe case last night in Inwood, and it matches one of your patterns.

The vic's hands were duct-taped in prayer.

Good Girl r*pist.

He started before I took over.

My best investigator, Ari Moldovan, is the lead.

We brought along our case file.


I'll give that to Moldovan.

If it's the same serial, how about we coordinate?


No disrespect, but it's a Bronx case.

You're new to SVU.

We usually keep each other informed.

Okay, look, Chief Garland was really clear about what my job was here, which was to build trust.

I bring Manhattan in, there goes morale.

There's a r*pist out there.

Shouldn't that be our priority?

It is.


Thanks for coming up here and all.

Sorry you wasted a trip, but we got this.


♪ ♪ Well, in my experience, too many cooks spoil the sauce.

All right, listen...

So you think our guy's in Manhattan?

That would be a first.

Well, it's the exact same M.O.

He duct-taped her hands, her eyes.

Told her to be a "good girl." Worth talking to the vic, Ari.

Not until Barek signs off.

She's new, wants to show she can run a tight ship.

I'll ask.

- Too many boots.

It's like too many cooks.

Not if you manage them correctly.


Lieu, sorry to interrupt.

No, it's great timing.

Sergeant Moldovan, this is Captain Benson.

Sergeant Tutuola.

- You here to poach our case?

- No, no, no.

This isn't about credit.

We're just trying to get a bad guy off the street.

No doubt.

So give us your file.

We don't hand over r*pe cases unless Chief Garland tells us to.


That Harvard guy trying to tell me how to investigate now.


Look, I have a lot of respect for the Chief and his time.

There's no reason to bring him into this.

One vic last February, two in March.

One in September, - two in December.

- Thanks.

Then he takes over a month off until he hit Inwood last night?

- If it's even the same guy.

- Do you have any suspects?

No prints, no DNA, no vic ID.

And it's just you and Ruz on the team?

Welcome to the Bronx...

short on resources, long on trouble.

Can I ask why the public wasn't alerted?

This past year, a r*pist in the BX?

Not a high priority for the press.

We figured, he's not on to us, he'll drop his guard, make a mistake.

Goren used to say, our mistakes are our signature.

We all follow rules the same way.

Our mess-ups?

All our own.

Yeah, but he may have already made a mistake.

We need to re-interview all of these victims.

The last thing they need...

Fresh eyes?

Good idea.

Do you mind if one of us sits in, Captain?

Not at all.

He said...

"Be a good girl." But...

Sergeant Moldovan knows all this.

He's still working the case.

Can you describe your attacker?

Not really.

He was tall, I guess.

You said he wanted to stay around afterwards?

I was just...

waiting for him to k*ll me.

Can you tell the sergeant what he did?

Just sat on the bed, talking.

He told me he liked my apartment.

How long did he stay?

It felt like forever.

He said he liked girls who collect animal figurines.

- Did he ever thr*aten you?

- No.

He asked me my favorite color.

It's black, but, um...

But I said pink.

He liked that.

He said if I went to the police, he would come back and k*ll me.

Did you believe him?

Don't worry.

He won't.

Guys like him?

Control freaks.

But he's not here.

He's a ghost, Rosie.

If you say so.

I can still smell the whiskey on his breath.

That's helpful.

You didn't mention that before.

Anything else come to mind?

To be honest, I had a few last night.

It's okay.

That doesn't matter.

Hold this, will you?

- She was comfortable with you.

- I was skeptical, but that training, questioning in a non-linear way?

Really helps vics recover memories.

Oh, yeah.

So this sounds like your guy?

Number seven.

I just don't know why he left the Bronx.


Barek wants me back uptown.

Still a little turfy about this.


I left four messages for the Bronx DA.

They know we're teaming up on this, right?

Barek said she'd call them.

You know, her political chops are worse than yours.

It might take a day, Carisi.

- But she's on board?

- She's still finding her way.

But she definitely wants to find this guy.

Okay, good.

So these women, doesn't look like he has a type.

No, so it's more about access, vulnerability.

They all live alone.

Easy entry.

First floor, or window right off the fire escape.

He works different neighborhoods in the Bronx.

Sometimes at day, sometimes at night.

Bad news from Ruz.

Good Girl r*pist struck again.


- I was sleeping.



The vic's name is Paz Orduña.

- I'll meet her at Barnabas.

- Okay.

- Kat, go with.

- Copy, Captain.

- Come on.

- Tonight's attack is consistent with previous r*pes.

We now believe we got a serial working the Bronx.

- You know anything about this?

- No, not at all.

We advise residents, keep your windows, your doors locked.

If you're a victim of an as*ault...

- So why now?

- If you see something,

if you hear something, please call our tip line.

Your guess is as good as mine.

Lieutenant, you called the press before you called us?

No, they beat us here.

Those crime apps...

We're still working this together.

We're in the middle of helping a r*pe victim.

- Sorry I hurt your feelings.

- That's not what this is about.

It's not?

How many lights did you run, to get here before the press left?

- Why don't you take it easy?

Not now, Sergeant.

You can pitch up your guys all you want...

- Take it easy.

- She's not my CO.

All right!

Back down!

Heard what she said.

Stand down.

- You stand down!

- Hey, let's take this inside.

Get out of my face!

It's my case!

- These are my vics!

- Hey!

Yo, get off her, man.

- Get your damn hands off me!

- Hey!

- Stop.

- Okay!

- Fin, stop.


So you both made the front page.

You must be very proud.

Chief, it looks worse than it was.

Small comfort.

The department is working to regain credibility, and two of our sergeants engage in a public brawl?

In front of press?

Not to make excuses for Ari, but this case, it's eating him up.

He can't sleep until he catches this guy.

Okay, with all due respect, if he doesn't get some rest, he's gonna blow the case.

Excuse me?

Your sergeant is off.

He blindsided us.

We were in pursuit!

What were we supposed to do?

- Are you two done?

- Stop?

- Make a phone call...

- Are you done?

- I'm sorry.

- I'll wait.

Is this how you lead by example?

- I'm sorry, Chief.

- I'm sorry.

I'm due at CompStat, where I'll have to explain why we have a serial r*pist who has just struck for the eighth time while two of my units are fighting.

Do you want us there?

Well, they asked.

But I'm gonna tell them you're too busy setting up the Bronx-Manhattan Good Girl r*pist Task Force.


♪ ♪ So...

We're now officially a joint task force?


Who's gonna tell Moldovan?


So you said you wanted to talk to me about something?

Maybe it's just a coincidence, but...

- Paz, last night's vic?

- Mm-hmm?

Good Girl r*pist worked this neighborhood before.

Last April.


I don't remember seeing an as*ault in April.

- Are you sure?

- April th.

I remember because it was my sister's birthday.

I should've mentioned it earlier.

I think her name was Bella...


Okay, let me take a look at the DD .

The thing is, there isn't one.

I took her disclosure, same M.O., but she never followed up with me.

My captain at the time, Kenyatta, he said to circular-file the report.

And Moldovan went along with that?


Don't blame Ruz.

This is all on me.

I completely forgot about it.

Forgot about a r*pe?

I had a fever.

I thought I was dying from the 'rona.

But Ruz did take a disclosure?

Over the phone.

She asked the vic to meet her at the hospital, but the woman never showed.

Never called Ruz back.

And your old captain never followed up?

Last spring, with the bodies piling up?

We had more refrigerated trucks sitting outside hospitals than supermarkets.

Thank you.

I remember.

Yeah, so do I.

But that was then.

Now, we need to talk to Bella Gardner, see what she has to say.

- Ruz and I will make it right.

- Actually, take Rollins with.

The vic might blame Ruz.

- Hey, you ready?

- Sure.

So this is how the other half lives.

Lots of elbow room.

Nice waiting area.

Your cleaning crew comes through, what, - four times a day?

- Yeah.

It's a regular Xanadu.


The officer on the phone was completely overwhelmed.

She wanted me to meet her at the ER, but back in April?

I wasn't going anywhere near a hospital.


And we're sorry.

You should have gotten a better response.

But I'm getting one now, because you think this guy is the serial r*pist you're looking for?

Would you mind telling us what you remember from the night of the as*ault?

He had booze on his breath.

He taped my hands, and my eyes.

Before that, did you get a look at him?

No, just a shape in the dark.

Did he talk much?

Not really.

After he taped my hands and eyes, he whispered, "Be a good girl." Did he say anything else to you?

When he was done, he said if I told the police, he'd know, and he'd k*ll me.

We've really screwed up.

That brings his vics to, what, nine?

I don't know.

Most of these r*pes, he's Chatty Cathy, but with Bella and Rosie, he's silent until the end when he threatens to k*ll them.

They both said he had booze on his breath.

Maybe when he's drunk, he drops the small talk.

- Hmm.


He may have struck again.

Attempted sexual as*ault near Hunts Point.

- Attempted?

- The vic's dog took a chunk out of his hand and leg.

He's on the run.

Kat and Ruz are in pursuit.

Look, if you want to head home, see your kids, I got this.

No, we're all in.

I'll call my sergeant.

Let's go.


We got blood!

Call it in!

Special Victims to Central.

Suspect's heading south on Dupont...


We got a visual.

He's heading into the Expo Center.


Over there!

Let's go!

Let's go!

Suspect has entered silos near expo entrance on Oak Point Avenue.

We are in pursuit.

Responding units, form a perimeter.

Go, go, go!








Hands in the air!

Take one more step, and I'll sh**t!

Look, man.

I got my hands up.


[g*nshots ECHO]

sh*ts fired.

All units respond.


- What the hell, Ari?

- I told him not to move.

He slipped!

He was reaching for something.

- I fell...

- You shut up!

You're lucky you didn't have two b*ll*ts in your chest.

Sergeant, it might be a good time to put away your g*n.


I got this.

Get your hands up where we can see them.

Get your ass up here.

And don't do anything stupid.

Nice and easy.


You're under arrest for attempted r*pe.

NYPD staying bein' crooked, huh?

- You got him?

- Yeah.

- Nice work.

- Congratulations, Sarge.

Come on, man.

He was unarmed.

How do we know that?

Is that how we're playing this?

- You saw a g*n?

- I saw what I saw.

- We'll find a w*apon down there.


- I'm not losing my job over this.

- You won't.

Look, I lost my cool.

You know how these cases get under your skin.

I missed.

Aside from the dog bites, the scumbag's fine.

- Yeah.

- I'll do the paperwork.

Anyone asks, you got here after I fired.


I'll say you said you saw a g*n.

I did.

Rollins, Moldovan.

You guys okay?

We're fine.

Right, Rollins?


- Well, you fired your g*n.

You know the drill.

Got it, turn in my w*apon, bend over.

Hey, you got your guy.

Thank Detective Rollins.

Something I should know?


It's the Bronx.


♪ ♪ They still haven't found the w*apon?

Hmm, trying to find a g*n overnight in the river?

Look, the Bronx DA is a cop hater.

I got to protect my sergeant.

And he told me Rollins backed him up.

She said what she saw and what she didn't.

What do we have on the suspect?

Danny Gonzalez, .

He's a Gypsy cab driver.

He knows every street in the Bronx.

And he's a devout Catholic.

Same pattern as the other r*pes.

Do you think it's a good idea for Moldovan to be in the room?

It's his collar.

It's his case.

Force Investigation's already cleared him working on it.

Serial r*pist?

I know what this is.

My client was unarmed, you shot at him, - you have to justify...

- Don't pull that crap in here.

So you're saying your client wasn't in Dana Ortiz's apartment?

Even though his blood is all over her floor?

Look, I'll be honest with you.


I was in that girl's apartment.

But I'm no r*pist.

I was casing the alley, saw an open window.

Figured I could grab a cell phone or some jewelry.

So you didn't know she was home?

- Middle of the day.

People should be at work.

Yeah, of course.

I never would've gone in.

I didn't know she had a dog, for damn sure.

She surprised you?

That why you duct-taped her eyes and her hands?

Told her to be a "good girl"?

- I was talking to the dog.

- Danny.

May I?

This is an attempted burglary gone bad.

He didn't even take anything.

He was unarmed.

Nothing he did justifies being shot.

All right.

Maybe he can help us out with some other burglaries.

Nine other victims.

- The same M.O.

- You guys are unbelievable.

Now you're trying to pin all your open cases on my client?

We're saying, now that we have his DNA, if there's any match at the other scenes, might be a good time for him to get in front of it.

- I think we're done.

- No, it's just...

Actually, I'll take a look.

- Maybe I can help.

- We appreciate that.


March st, .

Let me think.

And Wellen Park?

March th?

This woman, what's she saying?

How about we ask the questions?

Do you have alibis for these dates, Danny?

- It was a long time ago.

- So that's a no.

Mott Haven?

April th?

April th?

Can't remember where you were that night either, Danny?


Actually, I can.

Locked up in Tallahassee on a B&E.

Nice try.

If you're saying that one r*pist is good for all of these, then you got the wrong guy.

That B&E story?

A joke.

This is definitely our perp, ten vics.

Not Bella Gardner, not if he was locked up April th.

Check with Tallahassee PD.

So what else do we have on the other eight women?

There's no DNA on the kits.

And he taped their eyes, so there's no visual ID.

Let me talk to him one-on-one.

He's not gonna confess to the cop that shot at him.

He's not gonna confess to anybody.

- He's a pro.

- Who made the mistake of saying the exact same phrase to eight other women.

Be a good girl.

- Number five.

- Be a good girl.


Number five.

I think.

You can take your time.


Maybe four?

You went fishing.

The big one got away.

We done?

I will let you know, Counselor.

Okay, Rosie?

I'm sorry.

It's not any of them.


And now, we done?


Thanks, Lieutenant.

So that was Barek.

The voice ID in the Bronx went a little better.

Five of seven positively IDed Gonzalez.

The problem is, three of the nine didn't, so he can claim reasonable doubt on all of them.

And he has proof that he didn't do one.

Tallahassee PD confirms that Gonzalez was locked up in county jail, April nd to August th.

Okay, so he didn't r*pe Bella Gardner on the th, - but the M.O. was the same?

- No, not completely.

Bella and Rosie both said their assailant hardly spoke and had liquor on his breath.

So maybe it's a copycat.

Except that it wasn't in the press, Kat.

Okay, so for now, let's go back to the as*ault in our jurisdiction... Rosie.

Gonzalez had an alibi for that night?

He was with his grandmother.

Oh, the abuelita alibi.

It's not as airtight as a lockup, but she and Bella had overlap in their disclosures.

Go back to Rosie.

See if any of the other details dovetail.

You never told me how it went with Force Investigation.

No big deal.

I told them Moldovan said he saw a g*n.

But you didn't?


I don't know.

A lot was going on then.

- Officers.

- Hey, Rosie.

Sorry to bother you.

We just had some follow-up questions.

Oh, I'm...

I'm already answering them.

Sergeant Moldovan got here ahead of you.

Oh, okay, we must've got our wires crossed.

- Can we come in?

- Yeah, of course.


♪ ♪ Rollins, Tutuola.

I should have given you a heads-up.

What are you doing here?

Lieutenant Barek and I decided it might be a good idea to go over the victims' statements.

Sergeant Moldovan was explaining that it's normal to be confused after a trauma.

He was?

Which is why he wants me to do the voice lineup again.

That guy that you arrested...

um, the one the dog bit?

Yeah, I can pick him out this time.

I know I can.

I've gone over Moldovan's record.

Twenty years on the job, closed several high-profile cases.

g*n Hill Road r*pist, the Black Hood r*pist.

All his COs speak very highly.

Yeah, including Lieutenant Barek.

Look, I get it.

He's a good SVU investigator.

What I saw was clear witness tampering.

Or overzealous police work.

He's been trying to push us out of this case from the get.

He's turfy.

He's got an ego.

What's Lieutenant Barek's take?

I held off on talking to her until I talked to you.

Look, it's gonna be very difficult for us to work together once I...

I get it.

So what's your gut?

Gonzalez good for these r*pes?

Most of them, but not all of them.

Look, without a confession, without DNA, - if we indict...

- His defense attorney has a field day.

And that's before finding out Moldovan was coaching a vic to make an ID.

So we have a problem.

You still want me to coordinate with Barek?

For the moment, separate tracks.

And first, discreetly find out how much we need to worry about Moldovan's work on the Bronx r*pes.

Barek's gonna find out sooner or later.

Yeah, and when she does, she's gonna defend him.

Look, and what do we really have?

He was re-interviewing a victim.

Look, I could talk to him.

I mean, Rollins didn't just come out and say it, but from what I get, there was something off about that sh**ting.

Look, you and Moldovan?

What I don't need is a rematch.

There's gotta be a less confrontational way to do this.

_ - He says it'll just be a minute.

- Cool.

What were you saying?

Ari was the only male I ever worked with who didn't hit on me.

Even when he's had a couple.

He just taught me what he knew.

Must've felt like you were thrown in the deep end - when he went into quarantine.


He was on the phone with me every day.

I mean, he was worried I'd get the bug too.

He even said, don't meet Bella Gardner at the hospital.

Yeah, he was trying to keep you safe.

Yeah, he said, tell the vic to get a r*pe kit before you interview her in person.

Make sure you're not exposing yourself.

"Different times call for different measures, Ruz.

You gotta stay alive to do good." Sounds like he goes above and beyond.


Well, it's probably why he went back to Rosie's after the voice ID.

He said she was shaken up.

He blames himself for that one.

Why is that?

His one fault?

Sometimes he gets so wound up, he hits it hard end of shift.

He was at an Inwood dive bar that night.

He called me to meet him.

- Okay, ladies.

- Oh.

- Here you go.

- Thank you.

Later, he beat himself up 'cause he was close to the scene.

I said, "Sarge, it's not like you could've stopped it." Hey...

The blinds are drawn, what's going on?

Moldovan was at a bar in the neighborhood the night that Rosie was r*ped.

Ruz says that's why he blames himself and why he went to Rosie.

- Because he cares...

- So much.

I don't like where this is going.

Ruz trusts me.

I can go back to her.

Hold off for now.

Thanks, Kat.

And good job.

Anyone think this is a coincidence?

Bella and Rosie said their r*pist was quiet, and had booze on his breath.

And we know that Gonzalez is not good for Bella's r*pe.

Rollins, one more time.

When Moldovan shot at Gonzalez...

If you're asking...


Yeah, he could have been trying to k*ll the guy.


♪ ♪ Well, this changes the trajectory of our investigation.

If Moldovan is a copycat, then we need to look at his other cases.

♪ ♪ Those women?

They coulda just gotten on with their lives, but one little thing, and they go running off to the police.

If they had to live through half of what I had to...

That's not why we're here, Joey.

Detective Moldovan.

Oh, that mother...

Oh, I almost forgot.

I brought you something.

- Where were we?

- Detective Moldovan.

He's the one that got me here in the first place.

Well, you had a lot to do with it.

You tied up your victims, put a black hood over their eyes.

Hood kept them alive.

They couldn't see me.

I could go about my business.

- Six r*pes?

- Sure.

- That's what they say.

- That's what who says?

You wanted to talk about Moldovan.

In your initial confession, you admitted to four of the six r*pes, with your DNA.

And then, two hours later, you confessed to all six.

Including the final two that didn't have any DNA.

Besides the cookies, what's in it for me?

All right, no one's gonna believe me anyway.

If we can prove that you were forced to confess to a crime that you didn't commit, then I can tell the new Bronx DA, that you cooperated with us.


Moldovan's like a dog with a bone, telling me to take the rap for all six, and I save the two other women from the anguish of blah-blah-blah.

Like that's my problem.

Then why'd you confess?

Moldovan said he'd make sure I got locked up close to home.

My mom was sick.

She couldn't take no eight-hour bus ride.

So I cop to the six, and Moldovan opens his jaw, drops me out.

My mom passed a month later.

She never came to see me once.

So screw Moldovan.

Moldovan's like a dog with a bone,

telling me to take the rap for all six,

and I save the two other women

from the anguish of blah-blah-blah.

This is appalling.

So the Good Girl r*pist, Black Hood r*pist...

Sergeant Moldovan takes on the M.O.

of serial rapists he's investigating?

There's no way of knowing for sure.

And there's no way to prove any of this.

This guy is smart.

He left no DNA.

I'm worried he's gonna find some way to wiggle out of it, and frame somebody else as the copycat.

And all we have is the word of a convicted r*pist.

So unless Moldovan confesses, or he gets caught in the act, I...

I don't see how you make this case.

Well, his first mistake was getting drunk and hitting Manhattan instead of the Bronx.

I mean, since we've been working on this case, he's been losing control.

Going at it with Fin, sh**ting at Gonzalez.

So he's devolving, paranoid.

Shouldn't be too hard to speed that up.


_ - Hey, Moldovan.


Thanks for meeting me.

What's going on?

You want a drink?

Oh, yeah, I'll have what you're having.

Hey, I'm getting a lot of heat.

Gonzalez's lawyer is threatening to sue.

My captain and sergeant, they're already in the barrel.

That guy in Central Park?

That case is bogus.

No, it's going forward, and my captain says that there are a lot of eyes on SVU.

And she keeps asking me about the g*n...

whether I saw it.

Listen, don't worry about Gonzalez.

Force Investigation?

They won't take that pervert's word over ours.



You're changing your story?

Mm-mm, no, no, no.

God, no.

I talked to them once.

That's enough.

- Then we're good.

- No, there's more.

My sergeant didn't like you showing up to Rosie's place.

- Yeah, I got that.

- Yeah.

So Rosie came in, to do the second voice ID, like you wanted her to.

- And?

- She wasn't able to ID Gonzalez.

But we know it's him.

It's his M.O.

Your ADA is an ex-cop.

He'll indict, right?

Actually, there's another flag on the play 'cause Rosie told my sergeant that she recognized your eyes.

I told him that you interviewed her twice.

- She was conflating.

- That can happen.

But the thing is, you are already in my sergeant's crosshairs.

He checked your cell records, the night of the r*pe.

My cell records?


So your sergeant's a rat?

- I...

- What'd he find?

My cell puts me in the neighborhood the night of?

- Yeah.

- 'Cause I was here.

Didn't Officer Tamin tell you?

She talked to Ruz.

- Yeah, she said you felt guilty.

- I did.

What I didn't say before?

I saw Rosie here that night.

She was partying hard.

She told us she had a drink or two.

How many r*pe victims you know tell you they were wasted?

That's why she didn't want to go the hospital, get her blood alcohol run.

And now Rosie makes me as the perp?

I try to help her, get this guy off the street, close it out?

- No good deed.

- No good deed.

I work my ass off.

One dumbass captain after another.

Babysitting rookies.

Fricking amateur hour.

- I hear you.

- Then everyone says, "Ari, now it's your turn." But nah, they bring in that mumbling head case over me.

- That's not right.

- None of it is.

'Cause you're the one tracking these guys.

Getting inside their heads, learning their every move.

- That's right.

- So what happened, Ari?

Did you go so far down the rabbit hole, you couldn't get out?



I'm not like those animals.


- No, I'm just trying...


- I think you got a text.

- Yeah.

[g*n CLICKS]


♪ ♪ You know what?

I should get going.

But I've had too many.

You wanna give me a lift home?

You can tell me about your girls.



Nice and easy.

- My phone...




He's got a g*n!

Put that g*n down!

You set me up!

Drop that g*n!

It doesn't have to end this way.

You're right.

- How about this way?

- Don't do it.

I'm not asking you.

Do it.


- Do it.



Do it.

♪ ♪ Screw you!

You got nothing on that wire.

You okay?

Yeah, let's just get his ass out of here.

♪ ♪ - There you are.

- Ruz.

So you asking me out for a cuchifrito, you were just setting me up?

- Hang on.

- It wasn't to talk about the case or to get to know me.

You were working me about Moldovan.

You're a rat.

And so is Detective Rollins.

Ruz, Moldovan is a r*pist.


He's a r*pist.

I have to live with that every day...

that I had no idea, that I covered for him.


You could have been straight with me.

He was your mentor.

We couldn't risk you tipping him off.

There were other ways to handle this.

You made every one of us look bad.

You played me like some dumb chick rookie?

You're a good cop, Ruz.

A cop.

Not a detective.

You'll get your shield over this.

But me?

They'll never promote me now.

I'm probably looking at five years, tunnel duty.

Oh, come on.

That'll never happen.

Screw you.

Are you mad at me, or you mad at Moldovan?

You don't get to talk about that!

Word's gonna get around.

Moldovan has a lot more friends in the department than you do.

Next time you call for backup, I wouldn't hold your breath.

You okay?


She needed to blow off some steam.

- Kat, listen...

- I'm fine.

All good.

_ Moldovan is on su1c1de watch at Rikers, - awaiting trial.

- Tell me that they're not gonna cut him a deal.


PP was worried about the headlines, but I convinced them, if we don't send a message on a betrayal of trust like this, we're lost.

The way he was working me, I should have seen through it.

You're new to SVU.

Your predecessor missed it.

We all did.

Nostra maxima culpa.

But somebody's gotta hold the bag.

I feel like this is where I turn in my papers, and you tell me I can keep my pension.

Not necessary.

Of course, you can't stay on at Bronx SVU.

I can move you back to Homicide.

Keep your head down, do your job.

Everything passes.

That hasn't always been my experience.

Every performance review I've ever received said, my failing as an officer was that I was a lone wolf, that I didn't listen, didn't collaborate.

- One time I go and delegate...

- Listen to me.

It's not gonna help you to second-guess yourself.

The fact of the matter is, is that Moldovan was a good detective.

And that's what you picked up on.

But years?

years at SVU?

That'll... eat you up.

- You've been here years.

- And then some.

Look, I hope that I haven't devolved.


But it does take a toll.

So I'm lucky to get out before I get in too deep?


, Moldovan fooled a lot of people before you got there.


You're gonna get through this.

♪ ♪