13x25 - The Seeds of Doom - part 5

Episode transcripts for the 1963 classic TV show "Doctor Who". Aired November 23, 1963 to December 6, 1989. (First to Seventh Doctor)*

Moderator: Kitty Midnight

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What began as an encounter in a London junkyard in 1963 was to become a national institution in the United Kingdom. The crotchety old man - a renegade Time Lord from the planet Gallifrey - who calls himself "The Doctor" has regenerated several times, traveling with several companions for over five decades.
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13x25 - The Seeds of Doom - part 5

Post by bunniefuu »




Original Air Date: 26th March, 1976
6:45pm - 7:10pm


DOCTOR: Come on, don't waste your b*ll*ts!

DOCTOR: Block the door.

SCORBY: Yeah, come on.

DOCTOR: Quietly!

SCORBY: How do you do it, Doctor? You should be compost by now.

DOCTOR: We'll all be compost if we don't keep away from that Krynoid.

SCORBY: Krynoid? Is that what that thing is?

SARAH: Yes. It used to be called Keeler. Remember Keeler, your friend? Now do you see what we're up against?

SCORBY: That's Keeler?



CHASE (OOV.): Scorby, what was that firing?

SCORBY: That Krynoid thing, Mister Chase. It's got us trapped in the cottage.

CHASE: You idiots. Listen to me. Whatever happens, it must not be harmed. Is that clear?

SCORBY: Mister Chase, you don't understand. It's eight foot high and its already k*lled Dunbar.

CHASE: I don't care who it's k*lled. People are replaceable, Scorby. The Krynoid is unique. It must not be damaged in any way. That's an order.

SCORBY: Mister Chase, I am not getting through to you

DOCTOR: Give it to me. Chase, try and understand one thing. The Krynoid is an uncontrollable carnivore that's getting bigger and more powerful by the minute. Now (beep) Chase? Chase! Arrogant fool.

SARAH: Where is it now?

DOCTOR: I don't know.

SARAH: What are we going to do?

SCORBY: Is it going to keep on growing? How big's it going to get?

DOCTOR: Oh, about the size of Saint Paul's Cathedral. After that, it'll multiply itself a thousand-fold until it takes over your entire planet.

SCORBY: Get back! Stay back!

DOCTOR: You don't scare us, Keeler. You hear? You don't scare us! (to Scorby) Do you think he believed us?

KRYNOID (OOV.): The human was Keeler. Now us. Now belongs.

SARAH: It speaks!

DOCTOR: It can think.

KRYNOID (OOV.): You, Doctor. Come out now. Join us.

SCORBY: You seem to have been singled out for special attention, Doctor.

SARAH: It's afraid he'll find a way to destroy it.

DOCTOR: Yes. It does seem to sense my knowledge of alien species, particularly the Krynoid.

KRYNOID (OOV.): Send the Doctor to us. Your lives will then be spared.

SCORBY: You'd better think of something pretty quickly, hadn't you, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Oh, Scorby, take no notice of it. I've heard that one before.

SCORBY: It sounds a pretty fair deal to me. How about it, Doctor? You'd lay down your life for others, wouldn't you?

SARAH: Not to save your skin. Not after what you did to us.

SCORBY: This is different.

SARAH: Why is it different?

SCORBY: He'd be sacrificing himself for you, for all of us.

SARAH: What, because you're involved, it's your life

DOCTOR: Excuse me! Would you mind if I said something?

SARAH: And you'd better listen, because nobody else knows how to fight that creature.

KRYNOID (OOV.): Hear this, humans. You have till daybreak to deliver the Doctor.

SCORBY: Why wait? Why not now?

DOCTOR: Scorby, if I die, you die.

SCORBY: I'll take a chance on that.

DOCTOR: There is no chance! By daybreak the Krynoid'll be large enough to crush this entire cottage to rubble. If I could get outside there'd be some hope for all of us.

SCORBY: Why don't I just throw you out?

DOCTOR: It would make no difference! We need a b*mb. Scorby, could you make a b*mb? Could you make a fire b*mb of some kind?

SCORBY: What for?

DOCTOR: To distract the Krynoid while we all slip away.

SCORBY: Molotoff cocktail?

DOCTOR: Yes, that's a good idea.

SCORBY: Okay, leave it to me. You keep watch.

THACKERAY: Come on, come on. Not exactly rushing themselves, are they.

AMELIA: Perhaps we should have gone back into the grounds?

THACKERAY: Too dangerous. I wonder what has happened to Dunbar?

AMELIA: Mmm. Of course, there were these armed men running about.

THACKERAY: Must have been quite terrifying.

AMELIA: Not a bit. I enjoyed it. I like a little excitement. Besides, I have some wartime experience, you know. Oh yes. I was a sergeant in the ATS. Manned an ack-ack g*n at Folkestone.

THACKERAY: Indeed. (into phone) Yes, yes. This is Sir Colin Thackeray. I am aware that the Brigadier is in Geneva. I must speak to a senior officer. This is a matter of national security. Yes, national security.

AMELIA: Invent a codeword. They love that. What about Operation Nuthouse?

THACKERAY: What, Major Beresford? Well, right, get him down here fast! Thank you!

AMELIA: Bravo.

THACKERAY: What a nit-wit.

AMELIA: That's the stuff to give 'em. After all, our taxes pay for these wretched civil servants and you can never get hold of them when you want them, can you.

THACKERAY: I'm a civil servant, Miss Ducat.

AMELIA: Then you know exactly what I mean, of course.

THACKERAY: Of course. Well now, I think it's time you ran along and got some sleep.

AMELIA: Oh, I'm not sleepy.

THACKERAY: Thank you very much for all you've done.

AMELIA: Not at all. I do hope you'll be able to get some help to the Doctor and that dear child, that little girl


AMELIA: Before it's too late.

THACKERAY: We'll do our best. Yes, thank you.

AMELIA: Consider me available for any future assignments, Sir Colin.

THACKERAY: Oh, yes, yes, I will, yes.

AMELIA: Au revoir.

THACKERAY: Thank you very much.

CHASE: Botanical history, Hargreaves. These'll be the first pictures ever taken of an alien organism.

HARGREAVES: That thing, sir. You will be careful, won't you?

CHASE: Why? I have nothing to fear from the Krynoid.

DOCTOR: Scorby, can I rely on you?

SCORBY: For the moment, Doctor.

SCORBY: I'll check the position of the Krynoid.

DOCTOR: Clear this door. Quietly!

SCORBY: Stand by.

CHASE: The fools.

SARAH: Okay, it worked. It's gone after him.

SCORBY: Okay, let's go.

SCORBY: Chase! Any sign?


SCORBY: Hargreaves, come here. Where's Chase?

HARGREAVES: Mister Chase has gone out to take some photographs.

SCORBY: Photographs? What's he playing at? Well, listen. I've posted lookouts but they're not going to stay very long. Get over to the workshop, help get some timber. We've got to board up all these ground floor windows.

HARGREAVES: If you say so.

SARAH: Well, I heard the car move off, so the Doctor must have got away.

SCORBY: He's no fool, your friend. He's escaped, we're still trapped.

SARAH: But he went to get help. You know he went to get help. You were there.


SARAH: Listen. The Doctor's not just concerned about saving his own skin. He's risked his life before for others. Unlike you, he has principles.

SCORBY: Oh, yeah? Well you listen to me. Now there's just the two of us, so you've got to rely on me. So don't push your luck, because if you do, I'll start again exactly where I left off. Understood?

SARAH: You're as mad as Chase, Scorby. Other people don't matter. All these guards, all these g*ns, it's just a big game to you, isn't it? Gives you a sense of power. You're not complete unless you've got a g*n in your hand.

CHASE: No. No, not me. I want to help. Keeler, you know me. I want to help you.

BERESFORD: Sir Colin, you do understand that without clear evidence I will not mount a raid on someone's private property.

THACKERAY: I agree. Without further evidence, we're stuck.

MAN: You cannot go in. Sir Colin is in conference.

DOCTOR: Out, out, out.

MAN: Really!

DOCTOR: What have you decided, Major Beresford?

BERESFORD: Doctor, I've been telling Sir Colin that without the proper authority I will not mount a raid on someone's private property.

DOCTOR: Waffle! Waffle, waffle, waffle! Where's the Brigadier?

DOCTOR: He's busy.

THACKERAY: He's in Geneva.

BERESFORD: I'm deputising.

DOCTOR: And you can't act without authority.

BERESFORD: Look, I'm in a very difficult position. What exactly is going on down there?

DOCTOR: Revolution's going on down there.

THACKERAY: Revolution. Come now, Doctor. Are you choosing your words with care?

DOCTOR: Somehow the Krynoid can channel its power to other plants. All the vegetation on this planet is about to turn hostile.

THACKERAY: You mean like aggressive rhubarb?

DOCTOR: Yes, aggressive rhubarb.

BERESFORD: What about homicidal gooseberries?

THACKERAY: You are joking, of course, Doctor.

DOCTOR: No, I'm not joking. Read this report. I just snatched it from your secretary. Go on, read it. Aloud.

THACKERAY: Gardener aged fifty five found strangled in rose arbour. Agricultural worker found strangled in kale field.


BERESFORD: Thirty two year old woman strangled in a garden maze.

DOCTOR: This bit.

BERESFORD: And all within a mile of Chase's estate.

THACKERAY: Well, that's it, then.

DOCTOR: Shall we get started, gentlemen?

SARAH: Oh, Doctor. You all right? So, what's happening?

DOCTOR: Things are moving at last. Sir Colin's seen the light and Major Beresford's getting a laser g*n team together. That should stop the Krynoid. I'm on my way back with a Sergeant Henderson.

SARAH: Well, make it soon. The Krynoid's still lurking around outside the house somewhere. Scorby? Oh, don't worry, we're great friends. Well, uneasy allies.

SARAH: Doctor? Doctor? Hello? Doctor!

CHASE: Yes. Yes. The plants must win. It will be a new world, silent and beautiful.

SCORBY: What's the matter with you? What are you doing down there?

SARAH: I was talking to the Doctor, the line went dead and those vines smashed the panes.

SCORBY: Oh, come on.

SARAH: No, look, they are getting thicker.

SCORBY: Yeah, you're right. They're only plants.

SARAH: So how did the glass break?

SCORBY: How am I supposed to know? Maybe it was the ghost of Sir Bothwell Chase. He's supposed to haunt this place.

SARAH: Why can't you believe me?

SCORBY: Because it doesn't make sense, that's why.

SARAH: It's the Krynoid. It's controlling them.

SCORBY: How can it?

SARAH: I don't know. The Doctor will, and he's on his way back. Yes, that surprises you, doesn't it, even more than the Krynoid. But it's true. Have a little faith, Scorby.

HARGREAVES: Scorby, all the guards have left. I think they've made a run for it.

SCORBY: Typical. Just like a bunch of women.

HARGREAVES: And I heard screams from the west garden but I didn't go out.

SARAH: Let's take a look.

SCORBY: Look, we'd better stay put.

SARAH: He just said he heard a scream. Obviously someone is in trouble.

SCORBY: Well, what can we do with that thing roaming about out there?

SARAH: What was that you just said about women?

SCORBY: He's been strangled by the vine.

SARAH: Oh come on, Doctor. Where are you?

CHASE: I've taken some fascinating photographs. Quite fascinating.

SCORBY: Look, we're in real trouble. These plants are taking over.

CHASE: And why not? It's their world. We're merely parasites. I must get these photographs developed.

SCORBY: He's out of his head. He's really gone.

SARAH: He must have been gone for years, if you ask me.

CHASE: Listen to me, my beautiful friends. Listen to me. A new era dawns upon the Earth. You will be restored to your position of dominance.

SCORBY: Hargreaves, where's Chase now?

HARGREAVES: He's in there. I believe he's talking to his plants.

SCORBY: I don't care about that. Get out of the way.

SCORBY: Chase!

CHASE: We shall have perfection. The world will be as it should have been from the beginning, a green paradise.

SCORBY: Chase, listen to me.

CHASE: A harmony of root, stem, leaf, flower.

SCORBY: Chase!

SARAH: It's no good. He can't hear you.

SCORBY: What's the matter with him?

HARGREAVES: He's not himself.

SARAH: He's in some sort of a trance.

SCORBY: Chase, you've got to listen to me. If we don't do something, we're going to be trapped here. Those precious plants of yours are starting to k*ll people.

CHASE: The time has come. Animals have ruled this planet for millions of years. Now it is our turn.

SCORBY: What do you mean, your turn? You're one of us, Chase.

SARAH: He's not. At least, not in his mind. You hate us, don't you?

CHASE: Of course. Animals are the enemy.

SARAH: You want to see us all die.

CHASE: It is only a matter of time.

SCORBY: Come on, Hargreaves, we've got to lock him away.

HARGREAVES: Scorby, he's ill! Leave him alone.

SARAH: Scorby, they're moving. The plants, they're moving!

CHASE: Don't resist us, Scorby. You must die. All plant eaters must die.

DOCTOR: Come on, Sergeant.

HENDERSON: How do we get in? It's all boarded up.

DOCTOR: Break in.

DOCTOR: One, two, three.

DOCTOR: Sergeant!

CHASE: Stop it! Stop it, murderers! Stop it.

CHASE: You'll pay for this, animal fiends!

DOCTOR: Come on.

HENDERSON: This one's dead, Doctor.

DOCTOR: Come on, let's get out of here.

DOCTOR: The doors.

HENDERSON: How do you feel?

SARAH: I feel like I've been dragged through a hedge backwards.

SCORBY: What is that stuff?

HENDERSON: Latest military defoliant. Still on the secret list. Pity we've used it all.

DOCTOR: Come on, we've got to get every plant out of this place and dump it outside.

HENDERSON: What for, Doctor?

DOCTOR: They're the eyes and ears of the Krynoid.

SCORBY: We'd better keep an eye open for that lunatic Chase.

DOCTOR: Good idea.

SARAH: Look!

SCORBY: Out of the way. It's locked!

DOCTOR: Chase!

Doctor Who

Sarah Jane Smith

Harrison Chase


Arnold Keeler

John Stevenson

Charles Winlett

Derek Moberley

Richard Dunbar

Sir Colin Thackeray


Written by

Production Assistant

Production Unit Manager

Title Music by

Title Sequence

Incidental Music by

Special Sound
d*ck MILLS

Costume Designer


Visual Effects Designer

Studio Lighting

Studio Sound

O.B. Lighting

O.B. Sound

Script Editor




Directed by


© BBC 1975
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