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04x06 - Requiems & Revivals

Posted: 02/17/21 08:42
by bunniefuu
- Previously on The Resident...

- Who's he?

- My former stepson Jake.

- No, if you cared for me, - you would've stayed in touch.

- CONRAD: Chastain's been sold.

The plan is to turn it into condos.

Are you on any medication right now?

- Yes.


- You're in withdrawal.

- No, don't call the cops!

- Hey, hey!

- DEVON: What happened?

- MINA: She was stabbed.

NIC: Baby?

Looks like your granddaughter's alive.


- BELL: We need to get Nic to a functioning hospital.

KIT: Since Randall is governor now, is there any chance the county would take over the hospital?

DEVON: They got the governor to agree to make Chastain a public hospital and the staff will return immediately.





You're still at Chastain.

It's morning.

You're okay.

How's the baby?

Well, we heard the heartbeat, remember?

Saw the ultrasound.

So she's safe.

No, we still haven't ruled out any complications that could've happened from the att*ck.

You're right, but it's been two weeks, so...

So far, so good.

Seems like our baby is strong, like her mom.


Can't even make it through the night without...


I know.

They're getting worse.

I dread going to sleep.

We could try some different meds.

No, I want off the sleep meds.

Okay, I get that.

Nic, I also think you should see a good therapist.



But you know there's only one person I want to see.

You know that.

You agreed to it.

Yeah, of course.

Whatever you need.


♪ Yeah ♪

♪♪ ♪ My heart beats low while the flames go higher ♪

♪ Strike the match and then the truth... ♪


♪ I'm gonna set my soul... ♪

- Back up.

- You back up.

This is my parking spot.

I don't see a name.

There's no number.

We got here at the same time.

You see, it's reserved for doctors.

What are you, a second-year resident?

Maybe third?

Internal medicine?

It's pretty obvious.

Particularly given your bougie entitlement.

Okay, here's the deal: if you don't back your car up, I'm gonna call security and they're gonna tow it.

Oh, don't you dare key my car...

Want your special spot, Doctor?

Go park mine somewhere else.

Oh, and leave the keys in Nic Nevin's room.

That's where I'll be.

- Pravesh.

Good morning.

- Good morning.

Yo, some demented friend of Nic's actually expected me to park her car.


She tip you?

You know, valets make bank on tips.


Your first day at the new Chastain, huh?


I mean, it doesn't really look any different as a public hospital, though.

Oh, believe me, brother, it's different.

Brace yourself for some growing pains.

An open door means a lot more patients and a lot less money to care for them.

We turn no one away, even though our resources are stretched thin.

Yeah, I know it all too well.

Happened to my father.

He d*ed alone in a public hospital, overlooked.

If it was private, he might have lived.

Well, we gonna fight to make sure that doesn't happen here, - my man.

- Yeah.




Dr. Feldman versus a squeaky wheel.

My money's on Feldman all day.

Thank you.

It's not just the wheel.

We'll be lucky if we can get it to turn on.

Red Rock sold most of our equipment.

Our EKG machines are now ancient and we...

Oh, my God.

- You know her?

- Unfortunately, yes.

Although she looks a lot different than the last time I saw her.

Less train wreck, more...

... wow.

- Train wreck.


- Mm-hmm.

Didn't think we'd ever see you here again.

Didn't think I'd ever be here again.

I'm visiting Nic.

Oh, so you're the one who got under Devon's skin.


Here you go.

Nic is in .

Your car is in the impound lot on Peachtree.


- What's her deal?

- Billie Sutton.

Most promising neurosurgery resident at Chastain.

Or was, until she wrecked one of Conrad's patients and got fired.

- How'd she do that?

- Hubris, basically.

It was over three years ago.

Wow, that sounds bad.

- It was messy.

- Mm.

- All right.

- See you.

- Ah.

I fixed it.


NOLAN: We keep him on fluids.

He's stable, we should be...

Oh, my God.

- Here we go.

- JESSICA: Easy, Conrad.

People change.

Three years is a long time.

Not long enough.



I bet you're thrilled to see me.

Mm, Nic wants you here, so I want you here.

Then we won't have trouble.

Not from my end, we won't.

Let's stick to the only thing that matters.

How is Nic?

The att*ck nearly k*lled her and the baby.

Physically, she's on the mend.

Mentally, each day's a little worse.

She has PTSD, keeps reliving what happened and she's having nightmares.

I sleep in her room.

She wakes up crying.

I'm so sorry it took me this long to get here.

Where have you been?

You weren't at the wedding.

You never even called her.

Nic was heartbroken.

I'll explain what happened when I see her.

You know, maybe for the moment, we can put aside all our triggers and just be on the same side.

You and I will never be on the same side.

I have worked the last three years on my issues.

Your issues?

You wrecked a young man's life.

It was my patient and you cut unsupervised.

You had no right.

So we're going there.


What I did was wrong.

But I believed I was acting in the patient's best interest.

- You got me fired.

- No, I didn't, and you were playing God.

A fifth-year resident does not operate unsupervised, period.

- Even you.

- I made a judgment call.

It was bad judgement.

I broke the rules.

I was young and stupid.

No one breaks more rules than you.

Yeah, I break the rules when I have to, when there's no other alternative, and only to save lives.

Annabeth Higgins.

The child your incompetence k*lled.

Are you done?

Because I am.

We're all human.

We all make mistakes.

I have spent the last three years with Partners In Health in Syria, pulling b*ll*ts out of babies, doing every kind of emergency surgery that exists.

Penance is my middle name.

Nic is vulnerable.

She can't handle any drama.

She won't get any from me.


Steer clear of me, try and give Nic what she needs and then leave, as soon as possible.





You look amazing.


So good to see you.


Let's see the ring.



Look at that rock.

He did good.


We missed you at the wedding.

Long story.

I wanted to be there.

But I'm here now.

And I'll be staying right by your side

- as long as you need me.


I don't care how long it takes.

Days or weeks.

Honey, go.

Your patients need you.

Chastain needs help with this transition.

BILLIE: Yeah, go.

I've got Nic.

Trust me.

♪♪ Hey.

The board is interviewing doctors today for the new CEO position.

Yeah, they're talking to everybody.

I declined.

Not everybody.

Not me.

You don't want that thankless job, do you?

We are deep in the hole but the situation is fixable.

I shouldn't be excluded from providing solutions simply because I lack a penis.

- Wow, no women are being interviewed?

- Nope.

I wish Mina was here.

She'd have some choice words and a few elbows to throw.

- Where is she?

- Meeting with immigration lawyers.

She has to find the best.

I can't lose her.

Neither can Chastain.

Dr. Lamas.

Where are you going?


I fly out tonight.

KIT: But you can't.

We have a bilateral hand transplant this afternoon.

I get paid per procedure.

Can't work at a public hospital on a fixed salary.

I'd make peanuts.

Come on, man.

It's not peanuts.

The salary is fair.

Is it north of two million?

KIT: Fine.


But you have to do Andy's surgery first.

We have donor hands he's waited months to get.

Sorry, guys.

Cedars-Sinai is expecting me this week.

That's the fifth surgeon we've lost.

There'll be more.

First things first.

Those donor hands will be diverted to another child if we don't find a plastic surgeon to replace Lamas in the next few hours.

Do I look more important today?

- Should you?

- Yeah, the board needed a leader for the ER transitional team and you're looking at him.

Oh, good luck.

Have you seen the waiting room?


We need to see as many patients as we can as fast as we can.

minutes each.

- What if I need longer?

- Talk faster.


- I really have missed a lot.

- Yep, we have chickens.

The things we do for love.


What about you?

What's been going on?

I mean, you look better than ever.

No, this is just armor.

You know, given how things ended here, - I had to put on my best face.

- Mm-hmm.

Have you gotten any residency?


I have no prospects yet.

Well, don't stop looking.

You can't waste all that talent.

Let's talk about you.

Looks like your physical recovery is right on track.

But you're still in that bed.

Movement is medicine.

I've heard you say that a million times.

Yeah, I just can't.

Okay, no pressure.

How long since you've left this room?

I haven't.

Let's get you some fresh air.

- Is it time to get my new hands?

- KIT: Soon, honey.

I'm here to introduce you to your vascular surgeon, - Dr. Austin.

- Hey.

Is he an all-star?

I promised Andy I'd recruit an all-star surgical team for his hand transplant.

AUSTIN: Ah, well, Andy, you are in luck.

I happen to be the all-star of all-stars.

Like Freddie Freeman?

He's a four time all-star, you know?

And a Golden Glove first baseman, too, you know?

Just like me one day.

Mom already bought me a baseball mitt.

Ah, nothing like the smell of a new glove.

And he hasn't stopped smelling it.

Well, wait till you can feel it, Andy.

I can't wait.

So when's my surgery?

Is there a problem?

We have a slight delay... we lost our plastic surgeon.

DENISE: But you finally found him donor hands.

We can't lose them.

KIT: We'll find someone even better.


Is that... ?

BILLIE: Dr. Aronson.

The new Chastain keeps incompetent surgeons on staff?

We're shorthanded in neurosurgery.

Top doctors don't like the fixed salaries of public hospitals.

And so, yeah, Dr. Aronson is filling in.

Oh, look what the cat dragged in.

NIC: That was some high-level restraint.

Self-help books, meditation, a shrink, anger management, hypnosis.

If you told me you had a magic bean, I'd eat it.


- That said, it's a journey, and I'm nowhere near the destination.

Billie, stop.

- Oh, God!

I just felt the...

- Hey.

- Okay, talk to me.

- Oh, my God, I just had this pain.

- Where does it hurt?

- What are you doing?

She's not supposed to be out of her room.

The baby.

Something's wrong.

I-I just felt, I felt this pain...

Okay, okay, I'm sure everything's fine, but let's get that pain checked out and we'll do another ultrasound just to be okay.

Hang on.

- That's extra fluid.

- Yes.

See, I knew something felt different.

The heart's b*ating.

TECH: The baby is alive and moving.

But there's extra fluid around the heart.

CONRAD: That can have many causes.

Some of them benign.


It's gonna be okay.


CONRAD: We just need to find out what's going on.

NIC: Yeah.

I'm gonna go talk to Nic's OB.

You up to speed?

Yes, uh, but before you go, I have some ideas about what's going on.


Um, time for some boundaries.

You're not her doctor.

And you don't work here anymore.

I want to help.


Go talk to Nic.

I'll handle the medicine.

Two heads are better than one.

I'm gonna say this once.

Don't make the same mistake again.

Just be Nic's friend.

And try and keep your ego out of this.


Labs are pristine.

Vascular imaging looks good.

Our little guy is ready to go.

We just need plastics.

AUSTIN: I've called around to every hospital in driving distance.

No one has the skill set for a double hand replacement.

I mean, it's the highest level of surgery.

I might have someone.


Jake Wong.

My former stepson.

KIT: I know Jake's in plastics, but has he done a bilateral transplant?

In Guatemala, four years ago.

Four years?

I'm sure best practices has changed considerably since then.

Well, best practices may have to give way to best available on short notice.

Your last exchange with him did not go well.

Yeah, but this, this isn't personal... it's work.

And it's a hell of an interesting case.

I'm just, I'm-I'm betting that Jake won't let his resentment of me stand in the way.

Then go, get him to commit.

We only have a few hours before we lose the donor hands.


DEVON: We've all left the stove on before.

It's the second time this week.

Third, but who's counting?

I could have b*rned the house down.

Age, dear.

We're all in the same boat.


I'm dangerous.

Has Norman been seen here before?


It was a different hospital.

But the doctor said the diagnosis was clear.


With this disease, it's the caregiver that has it the worst.

I'm worried about her.

Why don't you just put me away somewhere?

Don't go through this hell.

Hell would be living without you.

- What's this?

- A fall.

Happens a lot.

Usually at night.

He gets up in the dark.

Won't stay in bed.

Prostate issues.

I have to pee all the time.

I'd like to do a comprehensive physical exam.

Balance issues can mean other problems.

And a lot of these conditions mimic Alzheimer's.


All right, stay here, you're not going anywhere.

I'll be right back, okay?

Look, I'm sorry I didn't come to the wedding.

I missed having you there.

I knew it would be packed with Chastain people.

Just not the best crowd for me.

And given my history with Conrad, the fact that he basically can't stand me...


... I didn't want to spoil your perfect day.

But it was harder than you might think.

And I wanted to see you in your dress.

Watch the first dance.

I know that this is your worst nightmare.

You don't want to be the patient.

You want to take care of patients.

I mean, what kind of nurse am I if I can't even save my own baby, right?


What is it?

It's just I already bought a crib.

I lose this baby, I...

... I can't help but think that everything's just gonna come crashing down.


I'm here to catch you, Nic.

See the fluid in the abdomen and around the heart?

Your baby has severe anemia.

How did we miss this?

We couldn't have known.

Nic's prenatal tests were all normal.

But she must have an antibody that's crossing the placenta and attacking the baby's red blood cells.

Where did it come from?

Where did it come from?

The blood transfusions.

She had so many after the att*ck.

They must have triggered the reaction.

Conrad, you know what we have to do next.

Another transfusion.


The baby needs an intrauterine blood transfusion.

Without it, she won't survive.

If we do this, there's a high chance of miscarriage.

That can't happen.

I'm not sure Nic could take that.

No, I'm not sure I could take that.


- This is Dr.


Hey, Jake. It's Randolph. I need your help as a doctor.

You want a little freshening up? Neck lift? Rhinoplasty? 'Cause I don't do that. I do reconstructive, medically necessary.

There's a boy who needs a bilateral hand transplant today.

And Chastain just lost our best plastic surgeon.

He's the only
one in Atlanta who's done a hand transplant before.

Except... except for you.

Without you, the kid is gonna lose his place in line. And he may wait years for another set of hands.

I'm on my way.

I'll text you when I'm out front.


Gentlemen, Governor Randall, sorry to interrupt your CEO interviews, but there's a time-sensitive issue.

We have a boy awaiting a hand transplant and I need emergency privileges for an outside surgeon.

Surely there's someone already here...

The only doctor qualified for this rare surgery quit because we've gone public.

Look, Chastain can't take a risk on an unknown surgeon for a rare, high-risk surgery.

Well, I can promise we will fail if we don't try.

Don't we have a mandate to make Chastain a hospital that goes any distance for patients?

I will sign off on your new surgeon.

If this goes wrong...

it's on you.

Considering where you sit, and what you've achieved, why are no women being interviewed for the CEO position?

Isn't that on you?

Hey, where are you two going?

I didn't discharge you.

Dr. Feldman did.

- He did what?

- Well, you treated the burn and he gave us some gauze to take home.

Your feet are dragging.

So the falls may not just be because of balance.

Are you having trouble walking?

It's old age.

What can you do?

It's quite all right, dear.

We don't want to be a bother.

And I don't want Norman to suffer if he doesn't have to.

Okay, the symptoms that I'm seeing make me think this is not Alzheimer's at all.

I'd like to do a spinal tap.

Doc, I just want to go home now.

I'm tired.

You don't have to wait back in line.

I'll bring the bed to you right here.


Give it a chance.

For me?


I'll be back.




Wong, thank you for coming.

Thanks for the opportunity.

You, too, 'Dolph.


The patient will be prepped and ready in a few hours.

We'll maximize time by dissecting donor and recipient hands simultaneously.

Working in tandem to limit fatigue.


- Tell me about the patient.

- Andy lost his hands from septic shock as a toddler.

Couldn't get comfortable with prosthetics.

Besides, he wants to feel things again.

A pencil, his mother's hand.

Especially his new baseball mitt.

Oh, he's a big fan of our national pastime?

Yeah, even bigger than you were.

Well, in that case, I just have one question.

Where's the gift shop?

You know, a new mitt isn't complete without a new baseball.

- Does that mean the surgery is on?

- KIT: Yes.

Dr. Wong has agreed to be your plastic surgeon.

But are you an all-star doctor?


- KIT: He is, Andy.

Do you play baseball?

I did.

T-ball right through high school.

- Position?

- Center field.

Best play?

Seventh grade.

Coach rode me all season about getting ahead of the curveball.

Had me run laps when I didn't.

There were a lot of laps.

Lots of arguments.

Then, game one of our World Series, Coach puts me in against a pitcher who threw a curve like Doc Gooden.

And what happened?

I thought Coach did it to teach me a lesson.

But I got ahead of the curve and I won us the game.

I realized he believed in me more than any other kid on that team.

So, how about it, Andy...

is my résumé good enough to make your team?

It's a late substitution.

But you're hired.


A fetal blood transfusion?

It-It's risky, and it's our only option.

- For the baby?

- Yeah, but we have to do it.

The alternative is we lose her.

Based on what Gabbi's told me, I think it's best we put you under anesthesia.

If you're awake, you'll see it all.

And if you flinch, the needle could hit the umbilical cord.

I'm a nurse, I won't flinch.

But what if I wake up and our baby's gone and I wasn't there for her?


Then stay awake.

CONRAD: But there's no upside to being awake.

Not for Nic, not for the baby, and no reason, medically, to put her through it.

Well, there's one giant reason.

She might want to be awake.

Well, thank you for that, Billie.

Okay, you know what?


I just...

I can't even hear myself think.


Nic, we will sort this out and get back on the same page.

Don't stress.

Billie, you got a minute?

Nic was stabbed two weeks ago, and you think she needs to watch a needle penetrate her womb?

- What I think is...

- You're not her doctor, you're not her husband.

This is about you being important and making the call, and the call is wrong.

You haven't changed.

- But I...

- No buts.

You need to leave now.

This experiment failed.


I'm not asking.


What is this?

He's not taking up a bed.

I applaud the ingenuity, but you're performing a procedure on a discharged patient.

He might have normal pressure hydrocephalus.

If so, this procedure can cure him.

We can give him his life back.

But I need to complete

- this lumbar puncture.

- I get it.

No stone unturned.

But you treated his burn.

Now what about the other patients who are in the waiting room right now?

What kind of hospital are we if we can't spare minutes that might cure a patient who's been misdiagnosed?

Admit him to Medicine or have him make an appointment.

I won't ignore a patient.

That's what happened to my father.

AUSTIN: He looks like Rain Man in there.

Could damage a nerve.

Put my plate sideways.


Put my plate sideways.

And extra vein.

Extra vein, always dissect extra vein.


He's reciting a litany of things that could go wrong.

So that's his process.

- Interesting.

- Mm.

KIT: We have four hours to connect these arteries and get blood flowing into Andy's new hands.

Any longer, and this beautiful gift will be wasted.

Ready to tag the median and ulnar.

KIT: Raring to go.

I like that.

And you're working at a good pace.

So are you.

Thank you for letting me join you on the dominant hand.

The damn procurement team did not cut this one down to the right length.

KIT: Good catch.

- It's too long.

- Yeah.

In my experience, even a small length issue matters.

These hands will grow with him.

I can work fast to line these up properly.

Do it.

We want this to be perfect.

All right.

Let's cut these mittens down to size, shall we?

Come in.

I'm here because the board overlooked someone who may be the best choice for CEO.



That's an inspired choice.

- It's about time.

- Better late than never.

After Kit charged into our meeting, it became clear we don't want a safe choice for CEO.

We want someone bold, trailblazing.

And Chastain needs a new leader by end of day.

Well, this operation is just getting started.

- They'll be here all night.

- I know.

The operation is her interview.

So I will be here watching it all night as well.


GABBI: Safe to proceed.

Visualizing the umbilical vein.

I'm going to inject the fetus with a sedative and paralytic.

Don't be alarmed when she stops moving around.

That's the goal.

Ready to start the transfusion.

Damn it.

- What is it?

- The baby's heart's having trouble.

The blood might be too much for the fetal circulation.

Her heart rate's gonna bounce back.

Give it a moment.

We can't give the baby any more blood.


- Baby's bradying down.

Might be a spasm of the cord.

Let's get her on her left side to improve uterine perfusion.

On my count.

One, two, three.

Need a liter of IV fluid.

Baby's still bradying down.




There's your little warrior.

Conrad, the baby's still paralyzed.

We hope the blood will be enough.

But until the dr*gs wear off, we won't know for sure if she's okay or if Nic's miscarried.

No blood.

Crystal-clear fluid.

What does that mean?

No obvious signs of infection.

This is what we call a champagne tap.

When will we know if it worked?


We've taken out enough spinal fluid to see if he gets better.

Okay, Norman, you hold still, okay?

I'm gonna pull out this needle.

Okay, dear, it's done.



How do you feel?


I feel...

- okay.

- Yeah?

Why don't you walk for us.




Katz, would you like to go waltzing?


Baby steps, dear.

This is incredible.

Thank you.

So, Doc, I-I'm really gonna be all right again?

Uh, what about my head?

All of your symptoms were caused by an accumulation of spinal fluid.

When I took off enough, you got better.

Your brain's gonna fully recover and you'll be back to your old self soon.

And you do not have Alzheimer's.


Thank you.

My pleasure.

We'll set him up with neurosurgery for a permanent shunt.

You were right.

I was wrong.

Sue me.

No, I was wrong, too.

I thought by working at a public hospital that I would be part of the problem, but what I realize now is that I get to be part of the solution, and treat patients who would never have been able to come to Chastain.

And give the kind of care...

- that my dad deserved.

- Right.

Insurance won't cause us problems anymore, but you know what will?

- An overwhelmed ER.

- Yeah.

We have to figure out a system that helps triage less urgent cases.

That can be done.

It will be done.

But right now, let's both go see more patients.

Good man.

I know you said go, but I couldn't leave until I knew Nic was okay.

Nic's fine.

Not awake yet.

The baby?

We won't know until the paralytic wears off.

This must be awful for you.

Look, I was insensitive.

Just not thinking about the fact that there are two parents involved, and I'm an outsider.

That was wrong.

I continue to be wrong about a lot of things, despite my best efforts.

I'd like to revisit what happened between us, put it all out on the table.

I want to know you understand.

I think I understand quite well.

Your patient had a meningioma that had to come out.

At that point, I'd done about a hundred of those.

Figured, "I'll pop this out, no problem".

I'd started doing surgeries without my attending present because Aronson was a lazy hack with rusty skills.

He hid behind his residents.

I didn't know that.

I cut with impunity, I felt triumphant, but when I tried to wake your patient up...

Yeah, massive left hemisphere stroke.

Because you didn't have enough experience to know that the arteries you cut weren't feeding the patient's tumor.

They were feeding the patient's brain.

Now that lovely man cannot walk, cannot talk, will live the rest of his life in a nursing home.

Yes, I understand what I did, and I will never get over it.

You had to report me.

I've always known that, but it was easier to blame you than face the truth that it was my own fault.


Man, that was really freaking hard.

Anyway, it looks like you've got this, so I'll jump.

See you in a few years.



Say goodbye to Nic before you leave.

She'll be hurt if you leave without doing that.

KIT: Plates and screws are in.

AUSTIN: Length and angle are perfect over here.

KIT: Dr. Wong, you're up.

JAKE: Microscope.

Jeweler's forceps.

Starting arterial anastomosis.

Microneedle holder and .


Dr. Voss is running a smooth ship.

I wouldn't expect anything less.

And the new guy?

Is that your doing?

Dr. Wong deserves all the credit.

What you're witnessing is God-given talent.

JAKE: Both arterial anastomoses complete.

AUSTIN: Complete?

That's all you got?

- Brother, that's beautiful.

- It's the moment of truth, and you're bogging me down with compliments?

AUSTIN: Well, have it your way, Cochise.

No compliments till these bad boys turn pink.

Let's go.

JAKE: All good here.


No blood flow to the right hand.

Give me a Doppler.

JAKE: It's a clot.

KIT: I'll try to milk it out.


JAKE: The hand's too cold.

We need to help it perfuse.

AUSTIN: All right, let's turn this OR into a sweatbox.

- KIT: Clot's out.

- AUSTIN: Yeah, but the artery is short.

We need to connect it.

KIT: Time is of the essence.

We can't let this hand die on us.

We need a graft, and I dissected extra pieces of vein.

Of course.

In his premortem.

JAKE: I'll take the proximal end.

- You help out on the other side.

- AUSTIN: Yeah.

Got it.

KIT: We're running out of time.

JAKE: Fine work, Dr. Austin.

See there, compliments don't bog me down.

(CHUCKLES): All set.

AUSTIN: All right, let's go.

KIT: Look at that.

A boy's dream finally becomes reality.


I love this game.


She's not out of the woods yet.

We won't know until the paralytic wears off,

- which should be soon.


I don't feel so good.


- She's tachy to the s.

- She's cold and clammy.

Heart rate's in the s.


She needs meds and a code cart.

- I'll get it.

- I know where it is.

I'll be back in seconds.

The baby can't handle this.

I need a cc syringe.


BILLIE: Blow into this.


Try to move the plunger.




Normal sinus rhythm.

Thank you.

There are a lot of ways to break an arrhythmia.

My favorite doesn't involve an ice bucket bath that leaves the patient wet and cold.

Okay, guys, that's great, but can we figure out what caused this?

Hey, Billie, let's put our heads together, shall we?

Yes, she went into an SVT.

Lots of things can cause that.

Anxiety, electrolytes, hormones.

Or thyroid.

But her thyroid function was low.

It was, and we've been giving her thyroid hormone.

And as her thyroid function changes during pregnancy...

Now it must be too high.

I'll send off thyroid function tests, and we'll hold her next dose.

Sounds like a plan.

And now it's up to our baby girl.

She's a fighter.

She'll rally.

♪♪ DENISE: They are beautiful, honey.

But will they work?

KIT: It'll take some time before you feel much sensation, but you might be able to move a finger.


JAKE: It's only a matter of time till you're on the field shagging flies.

Thank you.

NICHELLE: Wasn't exactly smooth sailing today, but you made it happen.

With the help of amazing surgeons.

Right, but you, Dr. Voss, you took this on your shoulders... at high risk...

and gave a child back his life.

I saw leadership and calm under pressure.

Qualities we need at Chastain.

The CEO job is yours if you want it.

You're damn right I do.

I think I felt her kick.

BILLIE: Conrad.

CONRAD: Thank you very much.

What's going on?

I think I felt her kick.

No, you do it.


She's moving.

CONRAD: There's less fluid.


It worked.


JAKE: Thank you so much for bringing me in on this.

You did fantastic work.

It was a highlight watching you today, Jake.

You're an artist.

How would you like to leave rhinoplasty behind forever?

Chastain wants you here permanently.

So, what do you say?

I'll be looking forward to working with you again, Dr. Voss.

So, what does this mean for, you know, our relationship?

That's up to you.

You take the lead.

I'll just be happy to have the best plastics man in Atlanta.


♪ Sitting outside waiting for the words to come ♪

♪ Living my life trying to do what's right ♪

♪ In the hope of a better day ♪

♪ And all those words you wrote me ♪

(SIGHS): Home.

♪ Brought me to my knees... ♪

This is my home right here.


It was so good to see Billie.

Just wasn't long enough.

I'm really gonna miss her.

Actually, you're not gonna miss her at all, because I asked her to stay and take care of you here for the next few weeks.

- What?


- Yeah.

- Yeah.

I love you.


I love you, too.

And I love you...



That's a nonstarter.

No way.

And I love you, Posie.

- Posie?

Not a chance.



- Seriously.


Zero percent chance.

♪ You, ooh, ooh ♪

♪ To be alone. ♪