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01x02 - Glory

Posted: 02/15/21 08:23
by bunniefuu
The CIA wants you back, Robyn.

You're the best they had.

ROBYN: I don't work for them anymore.

I'm using my powers for good.

Company must be pretty desperate if they sent your skinny ass up here.

BISHOP: Well, they figured you'd k*ll anybody else.

You can't buy back trust.

Who do you go to if you can't go to the cops?

ROBYN: This is Melody, one of my oldest friends.

Right now, I need a favor.

ROBYN: Enjoying being dead?

You got him out of one life sentence and straight into another.

Why do I have a feeling this is not a social call?

I need those freaky-ass superpowers of yours.

My pleasure.

ROBYN: Detective Dante.

I haven't seen you before.

You new?



Here you go.

Pulled it from precinct surveillance.

Who is she?

How many others are out there, desperate, with nowhere to turn?

ROBYN: They have somewhere to turn.

They turn to me.

We just have to let them know.



Everything okay?


He's doing decimals.

You know I suck at math.

Okay, sis.

Put him on.

Mom, it's almost bedtime.

I really need your brain.

When will you be home?


Sadler just got back, so soon.

- You promise?

- %.

And then we'll put those decimals in their place.

Yeah, this homework is doing a serious number on me.

There's the smile I love.

Don't stress, baby.

I'll be there soon.

Hi, Mr.


Hey, Aliya.

How are the munchkins?


They were super sweet today.

I left some dinner in the fridge for you.

Oh, you're a lifesaver.

Thanks for staying late.

Of course, Mr.


See you tomorrow.







What happened?

- Where's Jackson?

- They took him.

Two men.

With g*ns.


You can't.

They said if you call the police, they'll k*ll him.

♪ Light switch off, Cuban link cross ♪ ♪ The shine bright up the evening ♪ ♪ Diamonds crisscross ♪ ♪ If you ain't out here to find it, time to get lost ♪ ♪ You know my whole aesthetic ♪ ♪ Energy kinetic ♪ ♪ You better clear the exit ♪ ♪ Light switch on... ♪ (EXHALES)

Who won?

You or your demons?

Split decision.

What's that, a vision board?


Now that you're home all the time, you're gonna need me less.

Time to reassess and manifest.

Go Aunt Vi.





That looks angry.

Um, the red will go away before Thursday, right?

Okay, I'm doing it.

No, I'm doing it.


Okay, one, two...





I have to, um, call you back, Maya.

You enjoy that?



What's Thursday?


Um, nothing.

It's just, like, a school thing.

Okay, well, nothing to see here.

You two can go back to doing whatever you were doing.

VI: Okay.

But the next time you cry out in pain, do not expect us to come running.

A school thing?

You believe her?

Not for a second.


That a "You up?" text?

No, this is one of the charities I consult for.

They need me to come in.

What kind of charity needs a consult after : at night?

The international kind.

Now, Vi, while I'm out, can you try to see if you can get Delilah to spill what's up?

I mean, she's easier with you.

We've gotten dozens of hits off that message you sent out, but this one is different.

How so?

Hey, have you seen my charger?

Yeah, it's upstairs charging my notebook.

You d... you didn't ask me?

I-I've been looking for it for an hour.

Mel, where are all the other chargers we bought?

Where-where do they go?

He's so cute when he's annoyed.

Sometimes I do it on purpose.

Harry, babe, just play her the message.

All right.

All right, this one came in on our post from a community crisis board in Queens.

And unlike the others, this isn't some metaphoric cat in a theoretical tree.

ALIYA: My sister saw your post.

I don't know if you're for real, but men broke into my apartment and took my son, and now they're asking me to do something that I have no idea how to do.

And if I go to the police, they say they'll k*ll him.

Please, I've got nowhere else to turn.

What do you want to do?

JOY: It happened so fast.


I tried to fight, but...

Tell me about the men.

They were white.

One's dark-haired with a short beard.

The other's lighter, with a goatee.

You said they wanted you to do something.

ALIYA: The man I nanny for, his name is Frank Sadler.

He works for the FBI.

There's a safe at the house.

They want what's inside.

And you haven't told him?

They said they had spies in his office.

If we told him or the police, we'd never see Jackson alive again.

I'd try to open it if I could, but I don't have the combination, and it's alarmed.

Three wrong tries and the police come.

If I don't get what they want by Friday, they'll k*ll my son.

I'm not gonna let that happen.

But there's something I need you to do for me.

It'll be hard.

Go to work, act like nothing is wrong.

As long as you're there, they'll think you're trying to get into that safe.

You think you can do that?



It'll buy us some time.

I'll get in touch with you.

What are you?

Some kind of...


I'm the one you call when you can't call .

You must hate me.

Someone's grumpy.

"Got a problem?

Odds against you?" You saw my ad, huh?

Hell yeah, I saw it.

- So did the CIA.

- So?

I don't work for them anymore.

Thought you didn't, either.

I don't.

But we have an understanding.

One that keeps them out of my hair.

But their most dangerous asset going freelance?

Did you really think they were gonna look the other way?

What are you doing?

I'm using my powers for good.

Well, they want you to stop.

This new side gig of yours is bringing up questions.

Questions they don't want asked.

They betrayed me.

Tell me why I should care.

This whole world is broken, Bish.

And we helped break it.

The bad guys aren't even afraid anymore.

Because we let them get away with it.

Hell, sometimes we even helped them.

Tell them I appreciate their concern, but I'm not stopping.

You don't want these people as your enemy.

They don't want me as theirs.

PALEY: Hey, Dante.

The facial rec on your mystery gal turned up negative.

They said it's like she doesn't exist.

Except she does.

HARRY: Your client's boss.

Special Agent Frank Sadler, .

Lost his wife to cancer a couple of years ago.

Considered a rising star in the Bureau.

His task force broke that al-Shabaab terror cell in the Bronx last year.

I don't suppose you know what he's up to now?

No, because in order to attain that info, I'd have to hack into the FBI.

You know I don't like the FBI.

Come on, babe.

They think you're dead.

Yeah, and I'd like to keep it that way.

And there's also a little something called reality.

Perhaps you guys have heard of it?

Oh, that thing I bend to my will?

No, it's good, it's funny.

Here's the thing, okay?

Their cyber-defense is designed by guys like me for guys like me.

In order to get in there safely, it would take days.

Days we don't have.

What about the kidnapper's phone that they sent the photo from?

Oh, we traced it to a cell phone in Krusevac, Serbia.

MEL: We're thinking they relayed their call through a foreign burner to make them untraceable.

Well, you two are just full of good news.

HARRY: Look, whoever these guys are, they know what they're doing.

Still, there's got to be a way to find them, right?

There is.

We can break into the safe ourselves.

Once we find out what the kidnappers were looking for, then we'll figure out who they are.

I hate to be Captain Obvious, but if it were that simple, don't you think the bad guys would've done it already?

Well, the bad guys didn't have you.

I'm sorry, come again?

The safe is digital.

I need you to crack it with me.



Sorry, I'm just trying to come up with the exact right...

I got it.

Hell no.

(LAUGHS): I mean, what do you think?

I'm not even willing to hack into their servers.

What makes you think I'm gonna walk into an FBI agent's house?

Because you said the kidnappers knew what they were doing.

Yet they weren't wearing masks.

So they didn't care about being seen.


Which tells me when this is all over, they're not gonna leave any witnesses.

They're gonna k*ll the boy, his mother, her sister, unless we get to them first.

I can even those out for you.

Wait, they're not even?

Close, but I can make them perfect.

In one of my early incarnations, I was the... brow and lip person in my commune.

But first...

what is this school thing you got?

Okay, it's not anything, Aunt Vi.

I can always make some phone calls.

Okay, fine.

Just promise you won't tell Mom?

Our community choir's performing in Times Square as part - of New York Music Fair.

- Okay.

And this is a secret because?

- Because she'll want to come.

- Damn straight.

So do I.

What's wrong with that?

Because this is a big deal for me.

I want to remember it as the night I performed in Times Square, not another night Mom bagged last minute because something more important came up.

I just want to have this, okay?

Okay, I get it.

I do.

But, Delilah, your mom took a new job in town, she stopped traveling for work, mostly so she could be here for you.

Hmm, really?

'Cause she left late last night, she's gone early and it's just you and me here.

So I'm not seeing much difference.

Come on, Dee, give her a chance.

Ask her.

Just think about it.

I'll get the tweezers.

Would you stop playing with yourself?

I'm adjusting my data points, okay?

In case we walk by a camera, facial rec can't I.D. me.

You don't know what kind of software the government has.




We're on.

You ready?

If I told you I wasn't, would you care?



What if he comes home?

It's the middle of the day.

Why would he do that?

Well, I don't know...

He spills mustard on his shirt.

- He's got to change.

- Mustard?

Relish, whatever...

he spills a condiment on his shirt.

He's got to come home, change it.

- And he finds us here.

- We'll improvise.

- Is that, like, a fancy word for "run"?

- Shh!

- What?


- You hear that?

That's the sound of you not talking.

- Okay.

All right.

- Do that.


ROBYN: What you're looking at is a CoVault .

Keypad activated, isolated lock mechanism...

three-inch steel plates, security wires in the back.

To access them, you'd have to pull the whole thing out, but it's on a pressure plate.

Drill it, move it, touch it wrong, the police come running.

Enter the code wrong three times, the police come running.

How do we get in?

ROBYN: Well, every system has a vulnerability.

This has two...

Security and convenience.

System has a backup battery.

That's security.

Located where it's accessible.

That's convenience.

And since the battery connects to the circuit board...

It can be hacked.




See, now you're having fun.

No, I'm not.



Who is she?

ROBYN: "Nikola Kinsa."


- Most of this is redacted.



What'd I tell you?

What do we do?

Faster, come on.

Come on, what are you doing?

Just come on.

KATIE: I didn't mean to push her!

ALIYA: Go get the Band-Aid box.


Come on, come on.

How'd it go?

Oh, it was great.

Out in the middle of broad daylight, God knows how many cameras filming me.

And we almost got caught.



By a seven-year-old.

By a seven-year-old whose father is an FBI agent.

All I'm saying is, whoever this Nikola Kinsa is, she better be worth it.

Well, I ran a search while I was waiting.

She's , she's a part-time model, full-time social climber.

In the last five years, she's been romantically linked to half a dozen of Gotham's who's who.

Athletes, billionaires, politicians.

Her latest fling is that guy.

- Club owner Michel Deveaux.

- HARRY: Hmm.

I see you used Google.

I'll have to wipe your cookies.

It's okay.

Oh, you moved all my stuff... that's fine, too.

Change keeps a marriage fresh, baby.

So what is a Manhattan party girl doing in an FBI agent's safe?

The file identified her as "Individual Five," but the details were redacted.

It had to be part of a case he was working on.

Something big enough to kidnap Jackson.

Maybe she was a witness.

Yeah, or she's the one under investigation.

I just ran her sosh.

This isn't the real Nikola Kinsa.

The real Nikola Kinsa died years ago at the age of three in a car accident.

This one's existed for six years.

Well, then who is she really?

I don't know...

Fake identity, FBI, con artist, thief?

Ooh, maybe she's one of those black widows targeting powerful men.

- She's not a black widow.

- How do you know?

Because the men are alive.

For now.

- Okay.

- Bearded.

A goatee.

- You okay?

You having a stroke?

- Can you pull up that picture there?



Focus on the two men in the background.


Aliya's sister said that two men took Jackson.

One with a dark beard, the other one with a goatee.


It's them.

Aliya's sister just confirmed it.

So what's their connection to Nikola?

I don't know, but if we find them, we find the kid.

But how do we do that?

We don't know who they are.

Look at the photo.

That car comes standard with roadside assistance.

- Which means...

- They have on board GPS.

Th license plate is visible.

If you can pull the VIN number from DMV...

We can use their roadside assistance to track them.


The boss's patience is wearing thin.

I'm gonna ask you one last time.

Who's the mole?

I don't know.

I swear.

Please don't do this!



This is what happens when you violate trust.




He said to film it.

To warn the others.

Okay, ready.


You hear that?


What the...?

There's someone here.



Did we get 'em?

Not even close.

Drop the hardware.


Turn slow.

Let me see your hands.

I got you.

This is none of your business.

Well, now it is.

Along with that -year-old kid you kidnapped.

You're gonna tell me where he is.

And you better pray to whoever your God is he ain't hurt.

But first you go untie them.


So tell me...

what kind of coward lights people on fire?

The kind you shouldn't mess with.

You have no idea the magnitude of the mistake you're making.

Neither did you.

Come on.

Let's get you into something a little less flammable.

I was living on the street in Rome.

A man said if I came here, I could be a model.

But as soon as we arrived, they took our passports, held us in a room, and made us do dr*gs.

They said if we tried to leave, they would k*ll us.

After a while, they took us to parties.

Pointed out men.

Told us to be nice to them if we wanted food and clothes.

What kind of men?

Faces from the newspaper.

Rich, powerful.

We were supposed to act like we liked them.

But they must've known, right, what we were?

It's like, um, we weren't even people to them.

Just party favors.

I'd given up hope until Finn.

We met at a coffee shop.

He was the first person I ever told.

FINN: I have a cousin in Oregon.

We were gonna take the bus there when we'd saved enough.

But the last few days, they started beating up girls.

They thought one of us was ratting to the Feds.

I had to get out of there.

These guys that were trying to k*ll you...

My handlers.

Your handlers?

Who handles them?

A voice on the phone.

They made sure we never knew who.

Did ever you hear anything about them kidnapping a boy?


What about her?

Did you see her?

She was at the parties, like us.

You said they kept you in a room.

Do you remember where?

We were drugged.

But at night there was a light through the window.

It was blinking blue, then yellow.

And when it was windy, it was like...

someone was banging pots in the distance.


For your bus ticket.

I'll drop you off at the station.

You need to leave tonight.



- You okay, Mom?

- Mm-hmm.


I just needed a little some of that.

Hey, um, I wanted to ask.

Thursday night, my choir is singing in Times Square, if you want to come.

But if you're busy, it's no biggie.


It's part of New York Music Fair, and it is a biggie...

Your daughter has a solo.

A solo?

That's amazing.

Of course I'll come.

Like I said, it is not a big deal.


Yo, why do you smell like gasoline?

I think I spilled some on myself when I filled up.

Good night.

Is that what she didn't want to tell us?


She didn't want you to disappoint her.

I told her that things are different now.

Try not to make me a liar.




♪ ♪ OZ: Max Kelso. Radek Goran.

Know 'em?

Can't say I've had the pleasure.

Real charmers.

Robbery, as*ault, attempted m*rder.

Often charged, never convicted.

Word is they're connected, we just don't know to what.

We're a couple of dozen subway stops from my jurisdiction, Oz.

What's this got to do with me?

Looks like they were trying to throw a barbecue.

Someone shut 'em down, maybe saved some lives.

After hearing sh*ts, local homeless saw an African-American woman ushering two injured white kids to her car.

I showed her a picture of that phantom you've been searching for.

Positive I.D.

It's definitely your gal.

I want everything you find...

Prints, ballistics, DNA.

Already in process.

- I owe you, Oz.

- Forget it.

I'm still paying you back for Mott Street.

SADLER: Detective Oswaldo?

Frank Sadler, FBI.

I hate to be that guy, but your vics are POIs in an ongoing investigation.

We're gonna have to take control of the scene.

We'll need your people to withdraw.

Sorry, Marcus.

Looks like I wasted your time.

All right, fellas.

Pack it up.

- Agent Sadler.

- The Feds are on it now.

Detective Marcus Dante.

I'm pursuing a lead in a separate case.

Have you guys ever come across this woman as a part of your investigation?

Sorry, Detective.

Can't say I have.

MEL: Sex trafficking?

That's what Sadler was investigating?

And our party girl Nikola, she was a victim.

The runaways said they'd been beating girls, looking for an FBI informant.

- Nikola?

- Has to be.

I mean, what if our kidnappers were telling the truth?

About having spies.

What if Sadler has a mole in his office but he doesn't know who it is?

Then he would keep his informant's file in his home to keep them protected.

There are two moles, one in each organization.


Your "pots and pans" hunch paid off.

It's an old boat supply shop and restaurant.

Blue and yellow flashing neon sign, within earshot of the marina.

It sold eight years ago, and they never reopened.

But I found the real estate listing.

Take a look at this room.

And here is Jackson's kidnapping photo.

ROBYN: Same radiator, same wallpaper.

That's the same room.

He's there.

Who owns that building?

Well, that's an excellent question.

And I have an excellent answer.

Nikola's boyfriend, Michel Deveaux.

Well, his investment group that he's a part of.

They're hiding behind a shell company, but it's the same group that owns his nightclubs.

ROBYN: If he owns that building, Deveaux's a part of this.

I bet he doesn't know his girlfriend's an FBI informant.

And that she may not be his girlfriend by choice.

She's probably trapped and looking for a way out.

That's why she went to Sadler.

You know what?

Get me everything you got on Deveaux.

HARRY: All right.

And I want a map of that building.

Whoa, hold on, hold on.

If Jackson's there, he's gonna be heavily guarded.

Well, then I'm-a need backup.

- MEL: Oh, yeah!

- Wait, no.

I was trying to stop her from getting k*lled, not get you both k*lled.

Bye, honey.

♪ ♪ Darling.

We had some trouble.



Someone took out two of our handlers.


LAZERIC: Unsure.

But I'm doubling security across our interests.


Thank you.

- Is everything okay?

- Of course.

Just business.


So what's the play?

Go in and get him.


You're just gonna knock on the door?

Shouldn't we be armed?

I am.

Building and Safety.

Uh, we're here for the inspection.


For the asbestos.

They didn't tell you about all the asbestos in here?

Look, lady...

Look, we got a : appointment right here, I could show...

♪ Shut up, don't talk, just listen ♪ ♪ You can't level with the heights we hitting ♪ ♪ That girl there, she a catch, no fishing ♪ ♪ And if you take the bait ♪ ♪ You will learn your lesson ♪ ♪ I been around the block for a minute now ♪ ♪ Bigger vision, on a mission, better woman now ♪ ♪ Ain't it funny how these squares wanna circle around? ♪ Uh, asbestos inspection?

♪ In it like a clinic, put in work while I'm in it ♪ ♪ So I do it, do it, do it till I'm breathless ♪ You've learned a few things since we were in Kandahar.

♪ Listen ♪ - ♪ Just listen ♪ - ♪ Yeah, shut up, uh ♪ - ♪ Just listen ♪ - (SPORTSCASTER SPEAKING INDISTINCTLY)

♪ Just listen ♪ ♪ Shut up more and then listen ♪

MEL: Give me a reason.

Get inside.

Where's the boy?

♪ Just listen ♪


Where's Jackson?!

♪ Shut up more and then listen. ♪



CONWAY: Agent Sadler.

Place was a trafficking stash house.

They were holding six vics.

Any connection to our ring?

It's owned by Michel Deveaux's investment group.

Which is meaningless.

They'll put blame on the company leasing it.

Let me guess.

Offshore shell corp?


Unless your confidential informant can connect it to Deveaux, it's legally a dead end.

How did we even find this place?

Anonymous tip.

By the time we got here, the captors were already cuffed.

There's something else.

Vics I.D.'d one of their rescuers as a Black woman, mid- s.

Guards didn't know much.

Just that men came earlier that day and got Jackson.

They were never told who he was or where he was taken.

They're just there to guard the girls.

Hell, they don't even know who they work for.

Well, that's why the Feds can never get to Deveaux.

You know, he keeps everything compartmentalized.

If he's even the one in charge.

He's the one in charge.

What'd you find?

Well, he was born in Calais, where he dropped off the radar, until popping back up in the Ibiza party scene, where suddenly he had money and a bunch of friends.

Some hedge fund bros backed his trip to the U.S., financing a couple of nightclubs downtown, known for their bottle service and... surprise...

Young, beautiful women.

He's spent the last decade climbing the New York social ladder.

Billionaires, athletes, politicians.

And for some reason, a bunch of them cut him in on some pretty high-end business deals, including all that real estate.

I think we know the reason.

Well, I was being rhetorical, but yeah.

Anyway, the point is, he's, uh, quietly building a little empire for himself.

And, like Jeffrey Epstein, he's using trafficked women to do it.

- Not that we can prove it.

- Who's this guy standing behind Deveaux, whispering in his ear?

- That's his number two, - Andrej Lazeric.

He runs his businesses with him.

He's originally from Serbia, but the two hooked up in Ibiza.

We know who they are.

Let's just go at them.

No, we need Jackson first.

Put together a list of all the properties that Deveaux has.

I mean, we know when they took him.

Maybe street cams'll tell us where.

Agent Sadler.

Got a minute?

I don't know much.

Just that she showed a couple of weeks back and inserted herself into a m*rder case.

Been looking for her ever since.

Was she an asset or liability?

Saved a girl.

Broke the law doing it.

I ran facial rec, prints.. nada.

It's .

Takes a lot of effort to not exist.

She's advertising now.

Offering to help people.

So, you'd say she's on the side of the angels or...?

Those two dead bodies of yours, that sound like an angel to you?

Avenging, maybe.

Some might say they deserved it.

That's where we differ.

I'm not too keen on private citizens opening their own branch of law enforcement.

Well, good luck, Detective.

Let you know if we find anything.

Please do.

Hey, when you get to the concert, there's discount parking on st.

It's three blocks away, so you should probably get there by : .

- It may get crowded.

- Got it.

I can't wait.

You know I love to hear you sing.





Battery's dead.

DELILAH: Yo, Aunt Vi, wait up!

Can you drop me at school?


Hop in.


See you tonight.

Later, traitor.


What you got, Harry?

I got a list of Deveaux's properties.

in all.

There may be more.

I'm pulling up surveillance footage, but it's gonna take a little time.

Well, send the list through.

Maybe I can help you narrow it down.


Everything okay?

Let me call you back.

We had an agreement.

You people don't come near my family ever.

You broke the agreement.

Going private isn't walking away.

Is the CIA really ready to go to w*r over this?

Are you?

We'd be happy to accommodate your new hobby, though, if you came back to the fold.

That's not even on the table.

They'll be sorry to hear that.

A missing ignition coil's just a minor inconvenience.

Imagine if we really wanted to get in your way.




What's wrong?

JACKSON (OVER PHONE): Mom, please help me.

I don't want to die.

I don't want to...

DISTORTED VOICE: Timeline's changed.

We need the contents of the safe tonight.

Do what you have to, or you'll watch your son die.

It came an hour ago with a time and place to meet.

What do we do?

Well, the first thing we have to do is...


You don't know what it's like.

Watching someone else's kids when you can't protect your own.

JOY: Aliya.

What are you doing?

She knows what's in the safe.

I'm not letting my boy die.

You're right.

I know what's in the safe.

I have the code.

And I will give it all to you.

And we will save your son together.

(g*n DROPS)


You're going through with the exchange?

ROBYN: We have no choice.

They moved up the timeline.

Probably because we hit their safe house.

Meet's set for : under the FDR.

You said it yourself.

These guys get what they want, they're still gonna k*ll Jackson, his mother, her sister.

MEL: And if you give them the file, they'll know Nikola's the informant and they'll k*ll her, too.

I know.

In fact, I'm counting on it.



Hey, Mom, what's up?

ROBYN: Hey, baby, I need to talk to you.

About tonight.

Okay, let me guess.

You wanted to be there more than anything but something came up, something only you can fix.

You'll have Aunt Vi record it, you'll watch it later.

I know the drill.


No, I told Aunt Vi you'd bag.

So, like I said, no biggie.

You do you, Mom.




If these Euro-thugs are gonna screw up my life, at least they could be on time.

MEL: See, that's why I don't want children.

They get mad at you, they get kidnapped.

Speaking of which.

Three o'clock, you got two vehicles approaching your position.


The FBI hasn't been notified.

Neither has the NYPD.

We're safe.


After we get what we need, k*ll them.



Let's end this.

We have your boy.


ROBYN: I brought her here as insurance.

To make sure we all get out of this alive.

NIKOLA: I'm sorry, baby.

I tried to get away.

Who are you?

Doesn't matter.

All I care about is the boy.

It's my job to make sure he gets out of here safely.

Now, I got what you asked for.

I say we should all be professionals here.

You get what you want, I get what I want.

The kid lives, your girl lives.

Everybody gets to live.

How's that sound?

Let's go.

Come on.

ROBYN: Hey, Jackson.

Your mom sent me.

I'm gonna get you out of here.

The file.

The boy first.

- Get behind me.

- Okay.

Back up.

Come on.

- Wait.

- (g*ns CLICKING)

If they take one more step, sh**t them all.

You're right.

I do care for her, but I don't know if she cares for me.

And if she doesn't, then you have a problem.

Because as much as I care, there's one thing I cannot abide.





Drop the g*n, Drej.


♪ One day ♪

♪ When the glory comes ♪

♪ It will be ours ♪

♪ It will be ours ♪

♪ Ooh, one day ♪

♪ When the w*r is won ♪

♪ We will be sure ♪

♪ We will be sure ♪


- ALIYA: Jackson!

♪ ♪ Thanks for your help back there.

I couldn't let him destroy another life.

Not after what he did to mine.

Well, tonight you get your life back.

But we can't finish this without Sadler.

You did your part.

We've got it from here.


♪ Hands to the heavens, no man, no w*apon ♪ ♪ Formed against, yes, glory is destined ♪ ♪ Every day women and men become legends ♪ ♪ Sins that go against our skin become blessings ♪ ♪ The movement is a rhythm to us ♪ ♪ Freedom is like religion to us ♪ ♪ Justice is juxtapositionin' us ♪ ♪ Justice for all just ain't specific enough ♪ ♪ One son died, his spirit is revisitin' us ♪ ♪ Truant living living in us, resistance is us ♪ ♪ That's why Rosa sat on the bus ♪ ♪ That's why we walk through Ferguson ♪ ♪ With our hands up, when it go down ♪ ♪ We woman and man up, they say, "Stay down" ♪ ♪ And we stand up ♪ ♪ sh*ts, we on the ground ♪ ♪ The camera panned up ♪ ♪ King pointed to the mountaintop and we ran up ♪ - ♪ We'll cry glory ♪ - ♪ Glory ♪ - ♪ Oh, glory ♪ - ♪ Glory ♪ - ♪ Oh, glory ♪ - ♪ Glory ♪ ♪ Oh, glory ♪ - ♪ Glory ♪ - ♪ We'll cry... ♪ She's good.

That song is about freedom.

Which I'm gonna need.

That's why I called you here.

I'm ready to deal.

What changed?

I need to be here for her.

And this new work I'm doing, helping people, it's important.

So, I can't do both and be at w*r with the Company.

But I have conditions.

Freelance only.

And only if it's a just cause.

The rest of the time, they can just stay out of my way.

I can sell that.

And one more thing.

If they ever lie to me or if they come anywhere near my family, I will come for them.

I don't doubt that.

I don't doubt that.

Oh, by the way, how is that new gig of yours going?


SADLER: Doesn't matter where you run.

Deveaux will never trust you again.

He's gonna eliminate you the first chance he gets unless you take him down first.

You can put him away if you tell me everything.

Starting with the name of the mole in my office.

♪ Glory ♪ ♪ Selma's now for every man, woman and child ♪

♪ Even Jesus got his crown in front of a crowd ♪

♪ They marched with the torch, we gon' run with it now... ♪



Show me your hands!

Don't move!

♪ From dark roads he rose, to become a hero... ♪


♪ His power was the people... ♪

SADLER: Conway's the mole.

Arrest him!

♪ Saw the face of Jim Crow under a bald eagle ♪

♪ The biggest w*apon is to stay peaceful... ♪

You were always good at leveling the playing field.

What did they used to call you in Kandahar?

They called me "Almaeadil."

The Equalizer.

♪ And young people's energy ♪

♪ Welcome to the story we call victory ♪

♪ The comin' of the Lord, my eyes have seen the glory ♪

- ♪ Oh, glory ♪ - ♪ Glory ♪

- ♪ Glory ♪ - ♪ We'll cry glory ♪

♪ Glory ♪ - ♪ Oh, glory ♪ - ♪ Glory ♪

♪ Oh, glory ♪

- ♪ Glory ♪ - ♪ Say glory ♪

♪ Glory ♪

- ♪ Oh, glory ♪ - ♪ Glory ♪

♪ Glory. ♪