01x07 - Counterfeit Reality

Episode transcripts for the TV show "Numb3rs". Aired: January 2005 to March 2010.*
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An FBI agent recruits his brother, a mathematics genius, to help solve crimes.
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01x07 - Counterfeit Reality

Post by bunniefuu »


What do you got, Ray?

We're looking for two perps with machine g*ns for a triple homicide.

They went on a cash-grabbing spree, six stores in less than a half-hour.

So they knew what were they after.

Well, you'd think, but take a look at the targets: we got a shoe store, CD store, jewelry store, electronics store, coffee shop.

I mean, they blew right past the bank and a check-cashing place.

That's unusual.

RAY: This jewelry store was the last stop.

Opened fire as they fled the scene.

DON: We'd love to help you, Ray.

I mean, it's not exactly a federal case.

Actually, we got video from four of the stores.

Picture's pretty much useless.

We need it bumped up.

What are you talking about?

LAPD's got a great crime lab.

Yeah, but the FBI's got your brother the math professor.

My brother?

One of our techs read about some video enhancement program he's involved with at the university.

We were kind of hoping we could reach out.

CHARLIE: We all use math every day... to predict weather... to tell time... to handle money...

Math is more than formulas and equations.

It's logic.

It's rationality.

It's using your mind to solve the biggest mysteries we know.

Here's a still from the camera in the jewelry store; low-res digital.

Most surveillance cameras don't retain enough information to blow up clearly.

When we zoom in -- we can't.

The information's just not there.

But Charlie provided me with a predictive algorithm.

A mathematical equation to help the computer guess at what's between the dots.

Extrapolations of information based on the surrounding pixels.

In fact, the equation looks a little something like this.


You don't really care about the equation.

Let's just say we can't fully appreciate it.

How long to enhance all the footage?

We're halfway done, so we'll have a full-play version in an hour or two.

Okay. That's a Steyr TMP a*t*matic.

That's an expensive w*apon.

Mm-mm. And look at the watch -- Bell & Ross.

There's got to be, what, at least a half a million dollars in jewels in those cases and they pass it up to grab $1,100 in cash out of the till?

It helps out my thrill-k*ll theory.

( phone rings ) Excuse me.

Thrill K*llers get a rush off of fear and chaos.

These two appear deliberate and organized.

They've have a plan. They're after something.

Yeah, but if it's not for money and it's not for kicks...

Right, we'll be right there.

We've got another crime scene.

Shell casings match a Steyr TMP a*t*matic.

( garbled radio transmission)

OFFICER: Crime scene's over there.

How you doin'? Good, thanks.

Wait. Hold on a sec.

Looks like someone went on a shopping spree: iPods, tennis shoes, a watch...

This is one of the stores that was hit.

Wait a minute. These, too.

All cash transactions?

Yeah, it's cash.

Yeah. Same here.

( phone rings )


Hey. I found something interesting on the video.

Several hours before the crimes at every single store that's robbed, two teenage boys appear.

What were they doing? Shopping.


Wait a minute. Hold on a second.

Two teenagers... they're male, white, got one with spiky blonde hair, the other with a goatee?

Tell me you already have them.

You could say that.

The two dead boys are Chris and Jason Miller.

They're brothers, 19 and 16.

M.E. puts their death at about 2:00 P.M.

So that's what, like... a half an hour before the robberies took place.

We'll have to wait for Forensics to confirm it, but it seems like the shell casings from the robberies match the sh**ting.

We got two kids shopping the same stores that were robbed, between 10:00 and noon.

And they're both dead by 2:00.

Chris borrowed $300 last month for his car.

He paid me back last night.

In cash?


Do you mind?

Thank you.

All ten dollar bills?

Where'd he get it?

They're teenagers.

They don't tell me anything.


Poker, maybe?

It'll be returned, as soon as we're sure it's not connected in any way.

Did either of them have jobs?

Chris, my oldest, he's been working at a movie studio in North Hollywood.

Where'd you hear that?

I don't know if I'd call us a movie studio.

Couple of low-budget productions rented space here.

Mainly we got manufacturing; we got wrought iron, got a box company.

Chris' mother said he worked here for four months.

Yeah, pretty good worker, too.

But now I gotta drive all the way in from Duarte.

Oh, yeah, must be tough on you, huh?

Hey, hey, I am sorry about that kid, but my problems go on.

See, last night, one of my tenants bailed on me, no notice, no nothing.

I don't need this in my life.

DON: Sorry to disturb you.

You say your tenants moved out in the middle of the night?

DAVID: And then the kid who works here was k*lled the next day.

What kind of operation went on here?

They put out a newsletter, I think.

Never read it, just saw the printing equipment.

You knew them?

You dealt with them face-to-face?

Uh, no. Actually, Chris dealt with them.

I never met 'em.

You got something?

Not sure.

What is that, ink?

Could be.

Got a piece of paper?


Look at this.

It's paper, but feels like fabric.

Got a cotton-linen feel to it.

Let me see.

It's weird. This is shiny.

You better put in a call to Secret Service.

WOMAN: You're right. It's counterfeit.

See the watermarks?

DAVID: Yeah. Sure.

You shouldn't, under an ultraviolet light.

Paper's another giveaway.

Someone have a genuine bill?

Yeah. Here you go.

Great. Thanks.

There you go. You see the difference?

It's pretty good work, though.

Most of us at the Secret Service are dealing with poor quality counterfeits.

We call 'em "P-notes."

They're actually printed on home computers.

That actually works?

Dark restaurant, busy grocery store.

You'd be surprised.

This is a different game, though.

This is old school, engraving and printing.

Paper's got good feel, magnetic ink.


Real bills employ different magnetic inks.

That's how a bank's sorters distinguish different denominations.

Our guys are old-school philosophy and state-of-the-art technology.

Our guys?

The Secret Service has been tracking this crew.

They've resurfaced periodically over the last five years.

The tip-off is the denomination.

Hey. Hey.

Most counterfeiters print 50s and hundreds. Higher return, right?

Yeah, and higher risk.

Big bills get more scrutiny.

These guys are conservative and patient.

They only print small bills and they never spend them.

How do they profit if they don't spend the bills?

Well, they can sell them in bulk.

They can lay off a million of these and get $300,000, $400,000.

Yeah, usually to gangs or other criminal enterprises, who then use it to fund more crime.

So these aren't "copies" in the traditional sense of the word, then.

No, they're hand-rendered by an artist, then the engraving process begins.

Someone actually draws these?

You've been tracking these guys for five years.

You must have active suspects.

Not yet, no.

We'll, uh, we'll run a search, tell banks to keep an eye out for bills with a similar serial range and maybe this time we'll get lucky.

You don't sound optimistic.

These guys have been b*ating our playbook since before I inherited the case.

We'll work the money.

I think you should work the homicides separately.

It's actually Grounded Theory.

This problem screams for a case-oriented approach.

Excuse me?

In Grounded Theory, the homicides would have one solution, the counterfeiting another.

In a case-oriented approach, the homicides become a variable set interacting in some complex manner with the counterfeiting variable set.

Can I have a word with you?


Can you explain to me what your brother is doing in a federal office, wandering into the middle of my investigation?

Well, first of all, he happens to be a Bureau-approved consultant, and second of all, this seems like one case to me.

Okay, you still could have briefed me ahead of time.

Come on. I don't think this is about my brother.

All right. That's fair.

So I guess you left Albuquerque.

Yeah. I left Albuquerque.

Look, your mom got sick. You had to move back home.

I've always understood that.

Well, look, let's just focus on the work, okay?

That was never a problem, was it?

Chris Miller discovers they're printing counterfeit, he steals some money.

He and his brother decide to go shopping.

Bad guys find out, k*ll the brothers, rob back the phony cash to cover their tracks.

Right, so they're thorough and ruthless.

I don't know.

The counterfeiters' M.O. -- small bills, patience -- that suggests someone older, experienced, someone who lays low.

Yeah, not our gunmen. Mm-mm. No.

They got high-end watches, weapons.

I think we're dealing with a multi-person crew.

Yeah, and a multi- personality crew.

A group like that won't last long, too much internal friction.

Kim says she thinks they've been working together something like five years.

Well, maybe the younger guys are working with an older counterfeiter.

That'd be a good place to start.

Speaking of Agent Hall, everything okay with you guys?

Yeah. Couldn't help noticing.

No, it's just a little interagency politics.

They're all worked out.

All right.

See you tomorrow. Okay.




What are you doing? I'm running a comparison between the counterfeit bills you found earlier today and the older bills that that Secret Service agent lady gave us.

There's a possibility that the small differences may yield some data about their current operation.

By the way, I did not mean to cause a problem earlier.

You don't have to apologize for anything.

Agent Hall and I are... are...

I mean, we worked it out. So...

You know if I left a box of stuff here?

What kind of stuff?

It's just this one box in particular.

When I moved back from Albuquerque, I thought I got everything, but it's not in my apartment.

I can't remember where I put it.

You check the garage? Yeah.

( door opens ) That you, Dad?

Hey, let me get the door.

You must have some kind of sixth sense.

I buy rib-eye, and you just materialize.

Well, actually...

You say rib-eye?


With, like, a baked potato?

Oh, very nice, Charlie.

How long is this going to be?

This is just for a few days.

I needed to look at this as soon as I possibly could.

Now, the spiral patterns in money are based on a technique called guilloche.

It's like a wheel within a wheel within a wheel; a pattern created by the additions and multiplications of nested sine waves.

Same was used by Faberge to create those little famous eggs.

Well, that explains it.

What does this have to do with the case?

I think they have a new artist.

In fact, I'm sure of it.

How can you tell that?

I've been running a wavelet analysis of these spirals I'm talking about.

Mathematicians at Dartmouth use a similar process to test authenticity of masterpiece paintings.

Here, look it...

Ten dollars. Right?

Now we don't often think about it, but someone must've drawn this design, right?

You're right.

I want you to think of that artist as a runner on the beach.

He's leaving footprints, which record every decision he makes; faster, slower, closer to the water, farther away...

Now these are counterfeit bills.

A second artist trying to copy the original... a second runner.

Now, when that second runner tries to follow the exact path as the first, it's impossible.

Even if he's being careful, he can't match the footprints without leaving evidence of himself.

Different foot size, different stride -- that's how you spot a forgery.

And when a third runner tries to match the footprints, he'll leave evidence as well, but in a different way than the second runner.

These two counterfeit bills have two different footprints...

Hence the new artist.

You find that artist...

Charlie, we can't find the counterfeiter, let alone the artist.

You keep on saying he's an artist, this guy.

He's not really an artist, is he?

He's more like a copier.

It's actually, it's more like being able to draw, you know, say, the Mona Lisa freehand.

Oh, I see.

What I can do now, Don, is to take this initial comparative analysis and...

Hey, David, it's Don.

Look, I want to expand the search, okay?

Not just counterfeiters, but art forgers.

Eight art forgers fit our profile.


There's another case you need to look at.

It stuck with me because it happened in Venice, in my neighborhood. Right.

It was the weapons used that really caught my attention.

A lady was abducted three weeks ago.

One Margo Hughes.

Confronted by two men armed with what the LAPD report describes as

"exotic machine pistols."

Just like our guys in Steyr-TMPs.

I think so.

All right, I'll borrow this. Thanks.


You think my wife's abduction had something to do with her art?

It's an angle we're investigating.

These are some of her pieces right here.

You mind? No, go ahead.

Your wife did reproductions.

Yeah, she calls it her "Miniaturist Phase."

Reduces classic portraits to see if their power survives.

Incredible detail...

These are what, ink?

Done freehand.

Margo's amazing like that.

Look, what's going on?

We're hoping to compare some of your wife's reproductions...

We'd like to borrow some of your wife's work, if that's okay.

I'll personally take responsibility that you'll get it back and it'll be safe.


Look, you're here to pick out samples, not talk about an open investigation.

Poor guy. He seemed so upset.

Yeah, well, he's a potential suspect, Charlie.

Something bothering you?

No. Nothing's bothering me.

Something seems to be bothering you.

Yeah, well, there's nothing bothering me.

CHARLIE: I've compared Margo's work to the counterfeit $10 bills.

These are two dimensional representations of a multi-dimensional graph actually plotted in 72 dimensions.

Just simplify it, okay?

Just put it in layman's terms. Bottom line --

I've made comparisons with the works of over a dozen known forgers and counterfeiters.

None of them had any similarities.

But these graphs match.

They're identical.

Margo Hughes drew this ten-dollar bill.

I mean, she has been missing for three weeks.

Okay, and as far as we know, they've only introduced their ten.

If they follow pattern, they'll release a 20 soon.

What's your guesstimate of how long it would take to draw one of these 20s?

Hard to say, but if I were Margo Hughes, I'd be taking my time.

As soon as they're done with her...

She becomes a liability.

They'll have no choice but to k*ll her.

That's what I'm thinking.

Okay, so what we're going with is the counterfeiters kidnapped Margo Hughes to get her to make a template to make phony money.

Right? All agreed?

Now my problem is if we don't break some kind of lead soon and find these guys, I don't think we're saving this woman.

KIM: Great. Thanks.

Okay, we told banks to watch for the bogus tens.

They've been showing up.

We have Bakersfield, San Bernardino and Palm Springs.

DAVID: That's great. So we find out who's spending it and work our way back, the same way we work dr*gs back to the supplier.

The problem is, the banks can't link the bills to a specific depositor.

They're in circulation and there's no way to trace them.

People shop in patterns.

Patterns can be quantified into equations.

The Secret Service and the Treasury Department have been working on this problem for decades.

Predicting money flow, tracing counterfeit in circulation -- it's unpredictable; there are too many variables.

That makes it challenging, not impossible.

Right now, the dispersal seems fairly contained.

And that works in our favor.

Then what do you need from us?

Data. Lots of it. Everything from where these bills are turning up -- and not just from banks, from stores, from restaurants, from movie theaters...

I'd like to follow the evidence from the warehouse.

The lab was able to reconstruct an ink sample from the scrapings you took off the floor.

All right. Good.

Let me get you a list of known counterfeiters.

I find that even the one's who're retired tend to keep up on the latest technology.

We're looking for counterfeit ten dollar bills.

Now, they've shown up in three geographic clusters.

We're going to isolate the one in San Bernardino.

That means checking into grocery stores, gas stations, restaurants, just door-to-door canvassing.

The bills you're looking for are good, not perfect.

This sheet details some of the differences to help you ID them.

Find a bill, call it in immediately, please.

The more we find, the faster we find them, the better our chances of figuring out where the next ones will come from.

And I know I don't need to reiterate this, but there is a 24-year-old woman's life at stake here.

So let's go. Thank you.

You can move your San Bernardino search grid south of Foothill and west of Mount Vernon.



Yeah. Bye.

Charlie, I wish I understood what we're doing here.

It's a probability algorithm.

That doesn't help me.

The bills start at zero-zero -- the counterfeiters.

We start here -- point XY.

As we locate each bill, we get a better idea of the dispersion, a better idea of where to look for more bills.


You're not going to look in the next room...

Or certainly not on the ceiling, or in the parking lot.

So the more bills you find in a given area, the closer you are to the counterfeiters?

It's not just the number of bills.

I assign values based on the purchases.

So, for instance, two or three bills showing up in a tire shop may hold less significance than a single bill in a corner market.

Someone may travel way across town for tires.

But a quart of milk, carton of cigarettes, that they'd get closer to home.

I think we both get it.

Yes. You and your brother are a lot alike.

You think so?

Most people can't get over how different we are.

Well, yeah, the interests are pretty different, but the approach -- this one part exuberance, two parts obsession -- that's pretty much identical.

When Don and I first moved in together, we had to have separate CD racks because I never put mine back in the same place, and he has to know where each song is at every moment.

You and Don lived together?

In Albuquerque.

You didn't know? He didn't...

You know, we lost touch for a while, so...

He may very well have told me, um, but, uh, you know what?

I didn't put that Kim together with, uh, you know, you, Kim.

Aw, it's all right.

I know how Don is.

( machine clacking )

DAVID: Eddie Zakarian?

( turns off machine )

Counterfeiting, right?

Anytime I see a Fed badge, I know it's not about undercollecting sales tax.

I guess that comes from having a criminal record like yours.

No, it comes from having been one of the best in the business.

But I'm not in the business anymore.

Haven't been for 25 years.

You people need to put it in a newsletter or something.

What do we have to thank for this inspirational rehabilitation?

Fatherhood. Keeps you out of prison.

These two yours?


Goes back a way though, different time.

Before everybody in the world had a computer, became a printer.

What do you make of this?


Near perfect.

It's O.V.I.


Optically variable ink.

Takes three different inks to print money, right?

Black for the front, green for the back and then there's this -- O.V.I.

It changes color from green to black, depending on how you look at it.

Who could've mixed it?

Other than me?

Try Marty Blanchard.

It'd explain why his shop's got so much new equipment.



His name came out pretty fast.

Oh, I'm sorry -- honor among thieves, right?

Listen, back in the day, who do you think gave me up, anyway?

What goes around comes around.

( machine clacking )

Um, you know, I'm, I'm beginning to wonder, uh, if I properly weighted the exchange velocity...

Look, don't, don't do that.

Don't second-guess yourself.

Every time we tighten the search grids, more bills show up.

So just be patient, all right?

Just sit tight, let us do our job, please.

So you and, uh... you and Kim, Kim...

Kim and you...


Is that a, um... that a serious thing?


Seems kind of weird I didn't know about it.

I don't know who you dated three years ago.

KIM: I got a hit.

Dive bar in our San Bernadino grid.

Cash register turned up seven of our counterfeits.

Seven?! I'm sorry -- seven?!


Statistically, one or two bills fit into the pattern spread.

Someone with seven, spending them in a local neighborhood establishment is... huge.

Guy drops 70 bucks in a dive bar, he's either buying rounds for the house, or he's wasted off his ass.

Either way, he's gonna stand out.

KIM: Right the first time.

Bartender said he remembered a regular guy in last night, buying everybody drinks, playing Mr. Big sh*t.

Lance Cummings.

I'm gonna pay Mr. Cummings a visit.

I'll take the ride.

DON: You sit tight, all right? CHARLIE: Sure.

Hey, Charlie?

You sure you want to be looking through that stuff?

Dad, do you recognize this lady?

Uh, yeah, it's Kim, isn't it?

That's Kim Hall. Yeah.

She and Don lived together in New Mexico and, uh, he never told me about it.

Well, you know your brother.


DON: '52 Ford, right?

CUMMINGS: Fifty-three.

My dad had an old one when I was a kid.

Same engine, four-barrel carb...

He shouldn't have gotten rid of it.

Do you want something?

Oh, yeah, sorry.

I'm, uh, Agent Eppes with the FBI.

This is Agent Hall.

You were around Wiley's last night?

Mighta been...

Some counterfeit money showed up in the register.

Ten-dollar bills.

DON: Bartender seemed to notice you spending ten-dollar bills.

That bartender was drunker than I was.

I had nothing but twenties.

I remember 'cause I, uh, I just hit the ATM.

Yeah? Yeah.


He got on the phone 30 seconds after you left.

CUMMINGS: Kevin, what the hell are you thinking, man?

You paid me with counterfeit!

KEVIN: What're you talking about?

CUMMINGS: The FBI was just here.

KEVIN: All right. Don't do anything stupid.

CUMMINGS: You calling me stupid, you son of a bitch?!

So, after two minutes and 48 seconds of profanity, the upshot is that Cummings and two other guys h*jacked a truck full of electronics.

And the guy who hired them to pull the hijacking job...

Paid them with counterfeit.


The guy he's talking to -- Kevin...

Kevin Merriman.

He's done time for extortion, interstate fraud.

He's a real jack-of-all-trades.

We traced his number.

It's a 213 area code.

Los Angeles.

Back we go.

I wonder if every print shop in L.A. is run by a former counterfeiter.

DAVID: Zakarian said Blanchard should be here.

Likes to work at night.

Is it just me, or is there something going on between Don and Kim Hall?

Did you know that you always evade a question with a silent shrug?

There it is again.

You know, I-I hate it when you profile me.

I'm not going to stop.

Redgrave told me she used to be with Bureau.

It was about three years ago; Albuquerque office.

So she worked for Don.

Yeah, she, she used to work for him.

And, you know...


Can I be out of this now?

( cell phone rings )

Saved by the bell.


Where're you at? - Working a lead on the ink.

Old-timer named Martin Blanchard.

You know what, trying dropping the name, Kevin Merriman.

Looks like he supplied the counterfeit that went on to San Bernardino.

Hold on a second. This might be Blanchard now.

Martin Blanchard?

BLANCHARD: Something I can do for you?

I'm Special Agent David Sinclair, FBI.

David! g*n!

( g*nf*re )

Terry, what's going on?

DON: Terry, talk to me.


( sirens blaring in distance, indistinct conversations )

It's just a bruise. I'm fine.

Better than Blanchard.

Anything on the sh**t?

Pretty sure it's our guys.

Same Steyr-TMP shells.

I mean, obviously, they didn't want us talking to Blanchard.

We should run down Blanchard's past associates, see if we can track any of them back to the counterfeiters.

Kim's already got a couple agents on it.

I think, if you're up for it, you should go at Kevin Merriman.

See if you can find out where he got that bogus cash to pay his crew.

I'm up for it. Let's go.

Lance Cummings is under arrest in San Bernadino and very annoyed with you.

With his testimony about your involvement in the truck hijackings and the stolen goods in your house, I'm assuming your attorney wants to be paid in advance.

We want the counterfeiters more than we want you.

Thanks but no thanks.

Hey, you're a predicate felon.

These are not light charges against you.

Take a step back and look at the big picture.

I am looking at the big picture.

A live prisoner versus a dead rat.



How's it going?

They've been there for a couple hours.


Not getting anything we need.

He gave us the truck heists and the bogus bills, but he won't name the counterfeiters.

He's afraid they're gonna find him and k*ll him.

He's probably right.

Oh, guys, I really think we're running out of time on Margo Hughes.

How are your people doing on the dead printer?

They're digging. Yeah?

Anything we can do to get them to dig a little faster?

They're doing their jobs, Don.

I can go back in, try and work him.

Think it'll do any good?


Agent Eppes, there's someone waiting to see you.

Jordan Hughes.

All right.

Agent Eppes... Agent Eppes, I was wondering if you found anything -- anything at all on my wife --

Mr. Hughes, I'm sorry, we are not at the point in the investigation where I can share any details.

Now I can tell you, we're doing everything...

Humanly possible?!


They've been telling me that for 22 days.

Th-The police haven't called me in seven.

My wife's family won't talk to me.

All I do is sit home, you know, just sit at home, wondering what's going on.

I understand. I'm sure it's very difficult.

I hope to be able to tell you something very soon.

You know something, don't you?

Hey, if you could just tell me that there's some progress, at least...

Okay, there is some progress.

I'm sorry, I wish I could tell you more.

Mr. Hughes, I see you got your wife's art back.

I liked the way she wrote, uh, "Jordan" in all of her pieces.

I'm surprised you saw that. No one ever has.

I was looking a little closer than most people.

She spent so much time alone in her studio... it was her way of talking to me.

ALAN: Hey, Charlie.


Look who's here.


Hey, Amita.

Wow, talk about inflation.


I just wanted to see how that robbery case turned out, the one that I did the video enhancements for.

Same case -- turned out to be counterfeiting, and there may be a hidden message in this bill.

What kind of message would counterfeiters put on their money?

Not counterfeiters -- the artist they kidnapped to copy the bills for them.

She put hidden messages to her husband in her art.

Maybe she put something in here to tell us where they've got her.


Well, have fun, you two.

Well, what about these points that you've marked?

Oh, intentional flaws -- clues, I think.

I've found 27 flaws all along this watermark.

It looks like you've gone over the surface pretty thoroughly.

I've checked both front and back.

In combinatorics, we often consider the angle of observation.

Have you done that yet?

I found Margo Hughes's message.

It was hidden in the counterfeit bills!

Margo Hughes hid her husband's name in her artwork -- a way of talking to him.

She's now talking to us.

She's placed flaws in this watermark, that are hard to find, but easy to isolate.

Now, she needed to be careful.

She didn't want the counterfeiters seeing these flaws, so she put together a graphic projection that looks something like this.

Looking straight on, what does this look like?

Just a bunch of different thick lines.

Angle it, get an edge on view...

It makes a word.

Using the same principle, I was able to mathematically perform the same process with the watermark.

I unfortunately just haven't been able to cr*ck this code yet.

1738... 52.

DON: Look, maybe it's not a code.

We don't know it's a code, right?

It could be something much more simple.

Let me see Zakarian's file.

Who's that?

He's an old-time counterfeiter. Terry and I spoke with him.

Here. I thought the number sounded familiar.

Zakarian owns a warehouse in Highland Park.

The address is 1738 52nd Street.

Whoa. Hold on, Terry.

Remember what I said about the counterfeiters' profile being an older influence, contending with younger, more volatile...

Zakarian's sons.

The family bond would explain what's kept them together for so long.

All right. Let's pick 'em up.

( yells )

Come on!

What is this?!

This is your sons holding a woman hostage.

This is six homicides.

I'm totally lost here.

You've seen my record.

Even back in the day, I was strictly nonviolent.

Maybe you are, but your sons aren't.

What's it gonna be?

You gave us Blanchard's name, then you had your sons k*ll him before we could talk to him.

You were hoping we'd pin this all on Blanchard. Case closed.

That's it. I'm done talking to you.

We know about your warehouse.

Matter of fact, right now, we have an FBI SWAT team moving into position.

Lot of g*ns, Eddie. Sharpshooters. The whole deal.

I was trying to give them a stake for the future... slow, patient, small bills, staying under the radar...

They wanted a faster payoff...

I tried to tell them -- that's not how you make a long career in this business.

They have no patience...

Our team is going to hit the warehouse.

You know better than anybody, your sons are going to die if you don't help us.

Four men. Zakarian's sons and two more.

All armed, a*t*matic weapons.

They're holding Margo Hughes on the rooftop level of the warehouse.

Basic square oriented to the north.

Approaching from the south, you'll see windows.

Directly ahead of you, near the southwest corner, is the first entrance.

Inside is a kitchen and living area.

( television blaring in Spanish )

DON: I don't see the hostage.

You stay here.


Stand by for my go.

MARGO: Please, no.

I've done everything you asked.


On me. Three, two, one. Execute.

( glass breaking )

( yelling )

( all shouting at once )

FBI! Get down!

( men yelling )

Drop the g*n!

Drop dead!

Follow me!

Clear right!

Clear left!

All clear!

All clear.

I got the hostage. The hostage is safe.

You're going to be all right. My name is Don Eppes.

I'm a special agent with the FBI. It's over.

You all right? You hurt?

Hey, Terry. We got Margo.

She's alive. Call her husband.

MAN: Hey!

Oh, God!

That's the good part.


I forgot how much I missed that.

It's a good thing, right?


Everyone's already at Kinsella's.

Figure the Secret Service owes the FBI a few rounds if you want to come.

Well, actually, I got a bit of work to do here, so.


We are going to trip over each other again, Don.

If you and Terry can be partners, we can at least try to...

Yeah. Definitely.

Okay. Well...

First rounds on me.

Good night, Terry. Good night.

More interagency politics?

( television playing )

( knocking )



You all right?


I found this box. I thought I'd...

What? Bring it over at 2:00 in the morning?


What did you do? You opened it?

What is with you, man?

Even when we were kids, you were always going through my stuff.

You always had cool stuff.

Seems like you left a lot of good friends back there, huh?

Yeah, well.

Family first. Right?


Look, I was going to tell you. I just...

I don't know.

I mean, we were in two different worlds.

You know how it is.

And Mom got sick and...

I don't know.

I understand.



I agree. We're from... uh, from two different worlds.

Well, not so much lately.


See me all the time now.


I've learned a lot from you, actually.



You want to watch the rest of the movie?

Okay. Sure.

It's a great flick.

It's about baseball.

The most statistically-driven sport in the world.

You want a beer?

No, thanks.


I'm okay.
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