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05x03 - The Liar

Posted: 02/14/21 11:02
by bunniefuu
Previously on Prison Break...

The strikes are getting closer.

We got a day, maybe two, tops, to get out of this hole. Desperate times, desperate measures.

Michael's reaching out to us. We got to get help. A woman named Sheba.

Your brother speaks in riddles, does he?

ISIL. We're gonna get stopped.

Why don't we forget each other ever existed.

Beauty's not so easily forgotten.

Friends in high places, Bagwell.

I can equip you with a fully articulate prosthetic.

Who's behind this? Nobody.

This is Kaniel Outis. Okay, but you and I both know who Michael Scofield was. We've awoken something, something people are trying to hide about Michael.


That's game theory. You meet people.

You bring them into your life until the moment you need to manipulate the relationship to your advantage.

You agreed to help him... how?

If I could arrange a blackout.

He knew someone who could get him out.

Someone found my father.

It means the escape is on.

ISIL forces are also bent on freeing their leader Abu Ramal, known for his extreme views and practices.





He says Bubble Gum Man sent him.

Someone in the prison he hasn't met, but gives him gum in exchange for errands.

He says he's frightened.

Tell him it's all right.

Ask him if he does Tic Tacs.

He can have the whole lot if he keeps the messages coming.

Thank you, Tic Tac Man.

Tic Tac, Tic Tac, Tic Tacs.

It's a passage from the Suras.

"And Yusef said to the prisoner:

'Remember me in the presence of your lord.'

"But Satan made him forget, and Yusef stayed in prison for several years."

The calligraphy is unusual, the spacing, the way it's shaped, like, like spokes on a wheel.

Like the center of Sana'a.

You think his brother sent us a map?

There's a red dot dotting the "I", and whatever this is here.

He's trying to give us a location.

A location for what?

The only thing I can think of is where we're supposed to meet him when the escape goes down tonight.

Your brother is your business now.

I have to get my family on a flight tonight before the airport shuts down. Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa.

Hold up.

We need tickets, too, three of them.

One for me, one for Michael, one for C.

If I'm getting anybody any tickets it's these kids, not your mercenary brother.

And how are you going to do that without any money?

You're holding these kids' freedom over my head, is that it?

Sheba, you get me those plane tickets, and I'll pay for every single one of these kids to get out of this country.

Something tells me that's what you want to do anyhow.


You're accusing me of having a heart.

Out of my way. Get out of my way.

Hmm? Huh? What, you want to go?


Keep it together.

You got to have it together to keep it together.

One of those hits us now, after all this time, I swear to God... Nine hours.

Nine hours till we get out, you understand?

It's 1:00 a.m.

We get through today and we're on the bricks.

And then what?

It was four years ago.

All of our plans, the passports, the shop, everything is probably under rubble by now.

I got someone on it.

What, the kid you throw planes to?


I'm talking about the only person I trust in the world as much as I trust you.

So, this is it, the spot on the map.

The owner says he sold the auto shop to an American four years ago and hasn't seen him since.

You know that American was Michael, right?

Question is what was he using this place for.

Planning his escape.

It looks like his original exfil point was at the northern border.

Won't be doing that now.

It's ISIL territory.

Mock-ups, passport photos, disguises.

But it looks like he just wasn't planning on getting himself out.

He was getting Abu Ramal out.

This guy's the enemy of everything that's civilized, Linc.

That brings me to my real question.

Who in the hell are we breaking out?

Is it Michael Scofield or Kaniel Outis?



What the hell's going on?

Ramal's men are gonna institute Sharia law.

And that son of a bitch himself is gonna enjoy the show.

We just have to keep our heads down and get through this so we can get out tonight. _



No. No, don't let them take me!




Sorry. No!





Get back. Just let him go.


What are you doing?

Stay out of this. No.

The escape is tonight.

If you want to get out, you need me and you need him.

Get to the point.

Let him go, Ramal.

Then I'll do it.

Do not touch him.

Get back, dog!

There will be no k*lling in this prison... Understand?

He's tried to contact her before.

Only difference is he succeeded this time.

It's smart... going through the boy.

Ask a question?

Why are we pulling our punches with this woman?

I got sent to her house a couple of days ago, started spilling blood, but I'm just supposed to stop before I start spilling hers.

How's that work?

You'll get used to Poseidon's game.

It's all chess.

It's a performance.

A performance designed to make Outis reach out to her.

Now all we got to do is listen in, find out what his plans are.

And she doesn't know it.

She's the one that's going to lead us to him.

They said I can go in the morning.

Your femoral artery was severed.

That's not something you usually just get up and walk away from.

Hey, they gave me the okay.

They're the doctors on this one, not you.

And I'm going full mental in here, so I'm gonna go.

Okay. How about this?

When you are discharged, why don't we go up to your parents' lake house?

I'll just pick you up with Mike and we'll go.


You don't want to be in the house, do you?

Somebody comes into your house and sh**t up your husband and they're still out there.



No, it's just something you do with your nose when you're determined.

With my nose? It's subtle.

I mean, it's really subtle. Better be.

The face is amazing.

I mean, the tiniest detail, less than a millimeter, differentiates everything.

An emotion on one person can be... so troubled and on another...

so beautiful.

You're not trying to get somewhere, are you, Mr. Ness?

Yes, actually, I am.

Hello there.

I come as a compatriot, Sara.

Get out of my way or I'll scream.

Last thing I want.

For your information, I know about Kaniel Outis.

Tell me what you know.

The day I hit the bricks from Fox River, someone named Outis, out of the goodness of their soul, unsolicited, pays for this modern prosthesis.

What's that?

A million bucks? Why would anyone come out of a pocket for a wretch like me, a penny, much less a million bucks?

Yeah, if you're coming to me for answers, I don't have any.

Oh, I went looking for answers, Doc Sara.

I looked up Outis on the Interwebs.

Whose face comes up but your dead ex-husband's, looking very much alive.

Lazarus arisen from the dead.

He's drawing us into something, isn't he?

He wants something, doesn't he?

Come near me or my family again, I will k*ll you.

Better to have me on your side, Sara.

We can figure this out together.

We have all heard the w*r outside.

But even if it is just within these walls, the law of the land is still in place.

The law of God supersedes the law of this corrupt land.

We will not be reduced to animals.

Amazing you still trust him.

He will use you for the escape and he will leave you.

No one's escaping.

Who are you?

A man who knows your friend there more than anyone in this prison.

I was in solitary with him for years. Yeah, so was I.

But not in the cell across from him.

He told me about the escape.

We have to work together. No.

Tried to convince me to go with him, just the two of us.

But I told him no.

I would not leave my brother.

That is the Army in me, the Christian in me.

He is an opportunist.

He will use whoever he needs.

He has told you something about the escape. I know he has.

You were in the cell with him. You.

You tell me, so I can help you, before he uses you to get that devil out and we are all left here to die.

We need passports, Omar. You think you can help us?

Hold on. We're gonna trust this guy?

He's the one who stole my passport in the first place.

It was honest bargaining, friend.

I took nothing. Besides, your passport is long gone, somewhere far overseas by now, I bet.

If you want, um, I can have the forgers make you another.

My own fake passport coming from you?

You have another option?

Quick. I'm leaving the city.

Nowhere is safe anymore.

I need two passports. One for me, one for my brother, Michael Scofield.

$1,000 U.S. each, deposit.

$1,000 U.S. when you pick them up.


You screw with me and I'll k*ll you.

I screw you, I won't be around for you to k*ll me.

11:00 tonight, Sheba.

Passports will be ready.

That means we're gonna have to split up.

You two get the passports, and I'll go with our friend here to the power plant and k*ll the lights.

And we get Michael out.

A U.S. State Department spokesperson said the capital of Yemen grows ever closer to collapse and it's only a matter of time until Sana'a's fallen to the hands of ISIL radicals, with the total collapse coming as soon as tomorrow.


Looking for a smart phone?

Yeah. You, um... you fix phones, too, right?


I think somebody hacked my cell.


Is there any chance you can help me figure out who?





That Christian guy said you told him you'd just take him. No one else.

He's a liar. You don't want anything to do with him. I don't know. Christian, Army.

Seems pretty up front to me. Did he happen to tell you about some of the arrests he and his brother made at their security checkpoint? No, focused on you.

They had a specialty: women.

Body parts strewn around Yemen.

That's why they're here.

Wearing a cross is one thing.

Living by it is another. All right, okay, sure.

Just promise me I can trust you, that we're still doing this tonight.

All these years we've been working together, you've been able to trust me the whole time.

Last four years in the hole, sitting in the dark, I couldn't even hear a voice. I don't know.

Maybe something's changed or...

Nothing's changed.

Poseidon put us in here to get Ramal out, but then he abandoned us. Ramal is Poseidon's guy, not ours. He's an animal. I suggest you watch your mouth. Some of these guys speak English.

Why are we still getting him out?

We're telling him we're getting him out. There's a difference.

We got to act like we're on his side until the moment we're not.

But what if you're acting like you're on my side till the moment you're not?

You are getting paranoid.

Yeah, well, four years in the box is gonna do that to you.

I'm not leaving you behind.

You're my whip hand. I don't know that.

How do I know I'm your whip hand?

You'll understand later. I want to understand now.


Get your hands off me.

Answers, now. I'm serious.


I said don't touch me!

Okay. Mm.

Mm. Okay, that's fair.

Hey! Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey!

You want the hole again, huh?

No, we're good.


We're good.

We're far from good.

By tomorrow, we won't have to worry about him.

Keep your head down.

Don't make eye contact with anybody.

A lot of ISIL sympathizers everywhere.

We get our passports, we're out of here.


Planning on leaving?

Right when the glorious revolution is beginning.

I'm not here for political discussion, just passports.

Money first.

Passports first.

They're empty.


I'm sorry I hit you.

I can explain. Can you explain why you were going to let that man k*ll me?

I wouldn't have let him k*ll you.

You sure seem to be chums with the head of ISIL, friend.

Didn't know you participated in these conversations, Ja.

Only when they're interesting.

And they're usually not.

There are people in my government, believe it or not, who want that man out for their own convoluted foreign policy over here.

That's the job Whip and I were sent here to do.

But for some reason, we were betrayed.

Which means we're getting out without Ramal.

And every one of you is crucial to that plan.


Your whole escape's already wired.

Lights out, you're over the wall.

What do you need a Korean junkie like me for? Korean genius, you mean.

Getting over that wall is just the start.

Once that happens, there are things only you can do.

Back on point: you hit me.

You wanted proof that I sided with you and not Ramal.

And splitting my lip does that how? Son of a bitch Kaniel Outis keeps playing, doesn't he?

Where is my watch?

I don't know what you're talking about.

Hmm. You don't?

I'm going to break you in half when I find that watch, you know?

Toss the cell.

It's not here.

Order a lock down of the whole prison.

No one gets out of their cells until that watch is found!





I told you, Ramal's not going anywhere. Only we are.

We're gonna be locked in our box just like the rest of them, only our box has a way out.

And in two hours when those lights go black, we're gonna disappear from this place like ghosts.

Yeah, all right.


Who are these men you work with?

They're beneath you.

You're beneath me.

It pains me to hurt you, but a good woman is a humble woman.

Remember that.

Who are these men?

Doesn't matter.

They're leaving.

I am not the bad guy here.

You and I have a history.

How I doted on you in grade school, how I waited and I waited.

You did not wait.

You tried to r*pe me!


Please. Please untie me... so I can take your other eye.


I'm looking for a cell phone that a woman stole from me.

She looks like this?

No, can't help you.

Can't... or won't?

Sorry. Store policy, that's all.

Hey, what are you doing?

Just... Ow!

Oh! Let's go again.

Have you seen her?

Yes. Yes!

She was here, like, ten minutes ago.

Said her phone was hacked and wanted to know who did it.

And now she knows, doesn't she?

She baited us.

Dead end.

Any chance Poseidon'll just let us k*ll her? It might come to that.

We get out, where are you going?

Back to my couch.

My couch in Seoul.

Where the walls are mine, the floors are mine, no one can get to me.

The world stays outside like it's supposed to.



I'm going to be a ski jumper.

You've never seen snow, have you?

That's the point.

Everything in my life till now in this country...

The heat, the hate, the skies that never snow.

You talk about the world.

I want to be on the other side of it.


Hey, Dad. Hey, Mom.

Hi, son. Yeah, Sara, let me, uh... Thanks, sir.

Oh, give me one sec. Sorry.


Hi. This is Brian at Jep's. I got this number when I activated your new phone.

You never came back.

I'm sorry. I don't think I'm going to.

Well, okay, I just want to let you know that I figured out who was hacking your phone.


You... hacked your own phone.

What are you talking about?

Your thumbprint is your password, right? Well, whoever hacked your phone used your thumbprint, so, unless you're missing a thumb, that's you.

I don't know what you're messed up in, but I'd watch your back...

When you were in the hospital, the woman who att*cked us came back with her partner.


They tracked me down using my cell phone, so I brought it to Jep's to try and figure out who they were working for. Whoa, wait. Sara, this has police written all over it. Police haven't been able to do a thing.

So, what? You went to Jep's Electronics in some hackneyed attempt at counter-espionage?

I'm sorry. I'm sorry. It's just...

I get you don't know where to turn, but I got a stake in this, too.

Mm-hmm. Okay? This is my wife, my son.

You want to get back at these guys?

The university. I mean, it has real resources, their computer sciences department.

The phone's done. It's gonna stay at Jep's.

So that's your plan... just bury your head in the sand?


No, I've learned over the years that's exactly what you don't do. Thank you.

Which one's this?

The one you accosted in a bathroom.

Oh, that wasn't accostment, honey.

I've learned some things about who it is we're apparently both looking for?

But I need to know that you're willing to go the distance.

I'm made of the distance, honeysuckle.

I am the distance.

Good. Because you're gonna have a conversation with Paul Kellerman for me.

Bull. Kellerman's behind this?

And you are gonna get every shred of information you can about what's really going on.

15 minutes.

I'm soiling myself here, just so you know.

Look, I'm just gonna say one thing, okay?

You're like a brother to me, like an older brother.

I'm not much of a brother. Sure.

Point is that I had zero, nobody, till you recruited me.

When you pulled me out of that prison in the Ozarks, you had integrity.

I know we were doing CIA work, sure, you know, pulling their people out, but it was about you and me, and having each other's back.

And it didn't matter if you were Ramon Cadena when we did the Colombian break, or, you know Asaf...

What was his name?

Whatever. The one in Egypt.

You were still you.

And it's the same with this one.

You know, we Tr*mp you up as Kaniel Outis, big international t*rror1st.

It's just a name, it's just a rap sheet, it's a way to get you locked up.


I guess what I'm asking you is did... did something happen to you while you were in solitary?

Did you become Kaniel Outis in there in your head?

Do you now want Ramal out after all?

I already told you Ramal is out of the picture.

Yeah, you said that, but one small thing...

We go up through that hole, and then we skirt above the block.

Goes right above Ramal's cell, doesn't it?

Knock out a couple tiles, he joins the escape, doesn't he?

What did you whisper to him in that moment after the fight?

You whispered something, what was it?

Nine minutes.

How do you know?

He told me at dinner.

He said he would come for us.

It's supposed to be only me, but you will all be coming.

Open block five.

Everyone out.


Got it.

Found it, Mustapha. It was in the emir's coat here.

You trusted the liar, didn't you?

Now, we just pray they get the lights out.

We got to hurry, man.

We got less than ten minutes to k*ll the power.

Don't worry.

With luck, both your friend and my son will be free within the hour.

Okay, breakers are down.

Now, we just need to pull the redundancies.

They're down the hall.

I'll stay here and deal with security. Go.


Come on, where are you?


Oh, come on.

Oh, when in doubt, go old school.

Let's go.

Get the generators up.

Get these inmates back inside!


Let's go, let's go!

The weapons, get their weapons.

They are trying to escape without us.

Get to their cell.

Block six. Come on!

You heard them, brother.

Block six. Yes.

Ja, give me your phone.

Come on.

Mount flashlights.

Secure every room.

sh**t only if you have to.

And if you do, sh**t to k*ll.

This way.

A shortcut to block six, brother, come on!

Get off me, you sick bastard!

It's easier if you don't struggle.

This is how you treat me?

You're going to die now, dog.

Sheba, Sheba, it's me, it's me.

Are you okay?

Linc, talk to me.

Get to the rendezvous, the auto shop.

We ain't gonna make it. Sheba's busted up real bad.

What happened? Just get to the rendezvous.

We got to be there for Michael, damn it!

Damn. Lock down.

Extra guards on the roof.

Question is whether they move on.

Quickly! Hurry, hurry!

It's here, this one!

We got problems.

Guys are trying to get into the cell. Problem.

What's wrong? People coming.

Damn it, we got guards up here.

Try and buy us some time.

I'm taking care of it.

No, they're escaping, hurry!


No, please! Don't leave us.

Please, we are Christians, they will k*ll us! Please!

No, we're still not clear up top.

Make sure they don't get up.


They're coming, Ja.

How we doing? Not good.

Guards are even closer.

Pull yourself up!

Help, help!



Help me out!

Get him up here first.

That's not how this works.

You pull my brother up first.

Hurry, Ramal is coming.

Lend me your hand. I swear I'm gonna...

The kid comes up first!

Step away, step away.

No! Muza, Muza, look at me!

Muza! Muza!

No! No, look at me, brother.

Go, go, go! It's Ramal.

Look at me! Muza!

Hurry. We've got a minute tops to get out of here.

Get up there, after him.

Drop them!

Drop them!

Put it down!

Do it!

No! Down, now!

Board spans the gap. Blanket covers the wire.

Get out!

What are you doing in this cell?

They're on the roof!

Don't sh**t!

I trusted you, Kaniel Outis.

And you lied to me.

By God and my armies of the caliphate, you will die for it.

Maybe even tomorrow.


I'm putting you in danger by saying this, but maybe it doesn't matter because I'll be dead, and they'll leave you alone.

But I love you.

You see, I loved you.

I never stopped loving you.

This whole lie, it was for you.

Sara, if I... if I do die, don't let them put Kaniel Outis on the headstone because that's never what it was.

Make them put my real name, the man I have always been.

Michael Scofield.