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01x01 - The Equalizer

Posted: 02/14/21 10:59
by bunniefuu
Hi, Mami.

Sí, I've studied.

If I'm not ready for this interview now, I don't think I ever will be.

I'm still crazy nervous.

I mean, this scholarship...

It could change everything.

I know.

I know.

Yo se.

I miss youso bad.

Por favor.


I need all the prayers I can get.


I got to lock up.

I'll call you tomorrow after work?

- Okay.

- Bye, Mami.


It's the police.

- We can't afford witnesses.

- We'll get her later.

Let's go.

Let's go!

Morning, Robin.

Aunt Vi, what you doing up?

Heard you pacing upstairs.

Not having a reason to get up in the morning can keep you up at night.

Thought you could use some tea.

How do you always know what I need?

'Cause I know you.

You having second thoughts?


Time to pass that torch.

I'm done with that job.

Let somebody else run that charity for a while.

Well, if you want to go back to bed, I can take Delilah shopping, spare you her teenage angst.

Thanks, but I think this particular errand is my cross to bear.

Detective Dante.

I didn't know you were back.

- Just last week.

- You ask me, they should have given you a medal, not a suspension.

Yeah, well, they don't give medals for as*ault.

Who's our friend here?


No wallet, phone, ID.

We're guessing it was a robbery.

Fresh tracks.

At least he was high before they shot him, right?

You said "they." Uh, yeah, according to the witness, there was two of them.


Works at the diner.

Saw both doers.

Said they tried to k*ll her.

That's them.

They know where I work, who I am.

Is there somewhere you can go for a while?

Somewhere out of town?

Uh, relatives maybe?

No, it was just my mom and me.

She was deported last year.

We can put you in protective custody until we find them.

What if you don't find them?

I have a job, school...

What about my life?

Detective Dante, can I see you a sec?

Jewel, I'm gonna find them, I promise.

A security cam down the alley got the whole thing.

Take a look.

Play it again.

She's our sh**t.

Oh, excuse me.

D, you almost ran into that guy.

I saw him.

What's with the attitude?

My attitude?

What's up with you, Mom?

Isn't this super weird for you, going shopping for my dress for Dad's wedding?

- It's not on my bucket list.

- And out of nowhere, you quit your job last month and won't talk about it?

You love traveling all over the world, being the big shot at your charity.

Who decides to stop being champion of the downtrodden so they can just stay home?

It's complicated.

I love that dress.

You want to wear that to your father's wedding?

He would have a coronary.

No, I know, but it's perfect for the school dance this weekend.

I don't exactly like what that dress is saying.

"Buy me." It's saying "Buy me." Yeah, it's saying "buy me," just not in the way you're thinking.

Can't we find something with a little more fabric?

Delilah got tall.

How is she?

She thinks I'm an idiot, thanks for asking.

So the Company must be pretty desperate if they sent your skinny ass up here.

Oh, well, they figured you'd k*ll anybody else.

I heard about Venezuela.

About Ed and Michelle.

I'm sorry.

Not just them.

Half the village, too.

Families, kids.

And for what?

Because a couple of congressmen changed their minds?

Well, they know you're angry, and I'm here to broker the peace.

The CIA wants you back, Robin.

You're the best they had.

They're gonna offer you anything you want.

More autonomy, your own hand-picked team.

More time with your daughter.

Less time with your daughter?

You can't buy back trust.

Well, what are you gonna do now?

Get a job at Starbucks.

Get the free coffee.

Join the PTA.

Well, that's 'cause you're such a people person, right?

Or you could come work for me.

Babysitting billionaires and oil companies?

Private security is just like working for the CIA, except it pays a lot better.

Oh, hell, it's all the same chessboard, you know that.

See, that's the problem, right there.

Everybody's playing chess.

Nobody's thinking about the living, breathing pieces that we sacrifice along the way.

You know, it's funny.

When I can't sleep at night, it's not the things I've done that keep me up.

It's the people I couldn't save.

And that's what made you so good.

If you ever change your mind..

Come on, sweetie.

You have the money?

New passport and ID?

You got cops looking for you?

My friend said that you can help?

Yeah, I can help.

Come on.

We'll get you set up.

It's through here?

- Come on!

- Get out of here.

Hey, guys!

This is Jewel.

Jewel, say "hello." Hmm.

Hey, Jewel.





Let me go!

Get off of me!

Or what?

You'll call the cops?

Don't worry.

You'll still get your new IDs.

Who the hell are you?

Neighborhood watch.

I just came to make sure the girl was all right.

She don't look all right.

Maybe you should mind your own business.

You know, I'll tell you...

I've tried.

But it turns out I'm really bad at it.

But there are other things I'm real good at.

So, why don't you let that girl go, and I'll let you walk out of here?

Let her go?

Because you said so?

Lady, I don't know who you think you are, but this is my world.

And in my world...

♪ I don't hesitate ♪ Most of the sh*ts that you sh**t and you miss ♪ ♪ All of the sh*ts I be gettin' it in ♪ ♪ Look at me, look at me, look at me, wow ♪ ♪ Look at me, look at me, look at me, wow ♪ ♪ Look at me, look at me, look at me, wow ♪ ♪ Look at me, look at me, look at me ♪ ♪ I don't glow in the dark ♪ I make people decide ♪ If they see me or not, you gon' slip, I'm-a slide...

♪ Now it's my world.

I know how it sounds...

like I'm crazy.

The police have a video of me.

That's why I ran.

I swear, I didn't do it.

I believe you.

I've been where you are.

Alone, no one to turn to.

When I was a few years younger than you, I thought my whole life was over.

What happened?

Somebody helped me.

I don't think anyone can help me.

I mean, a minute ago, I had a future.

And now, it's like someone just dropped a b*mb in the middle of everything good in my life.

I mean, who do you go to if you can't go to the cops?

Where are we going?

To see some old friends.

- All right, let's do this.

- Money on the bar!

♪ Feels so good, so fine...

All right, last one.

♪ Hey, oh, oh, oh my ♪ The room feel good...

There's no way.

Zip it.




Thank you for playing, fellas.

Now get out.

The bar's closed.

- Get out!

Get out!

- Hey, sharpsh**ter!

Shut up!

Get over here.



You still hustling your customers?

Ah, you know, a lady's got to have some game.

We heard you left the Company.

Eh, that's a story for later, but...

right now I need a favor.

Yeah, anything.

The girl's in trouble.

I need you to put her up for a few days.


Trouble's my specialty.

Yes, it is.

Jewel, this is Melody, one of my oldest friends.

Now, I'm gonna need Harry on this one.


Jewel, uh, have a seat at the bar.



will get you a soda.

Follow me.

Let's go down and see Harry.

Unless you're bringing me food, go away.


I forgot to bring a hostess gift.

Robyn McCall?

Oh, man.

It's been a minute.

About three years.

How's it going, Harry?

Oh, the government's reading our e-mails, fascism's on the rise, ice caps are melting.

Pretty good, though.


- About the same.

- Mm.

- Is that credit card information?

- Yeah.

From every single customer at Combstreet Holdings.

They hired me...

Well, not me, an "anonymous high-level hacker"...

To crack their uncrackable server.

How long did it take you?

17 minutes.

I know.

Slow, right?

Looks like you made some improvements with the place.


Enjoying being dead?

Are you kidding me?

Not having to look over my shoulder every two seconds for the Feds...

This is the best thing you ever did for me.

I thought introducing you to your wife was the best thing I ever did for you.

Even trade.

You got him out of one life sentence and straight into another.

I'll get the girl settled.


what girl?

Okay, why do I have a feeling this is not a social call?

I need those freaky-ass superpowers of yours.

All right.

I'll get my cape.

- What's the target?


Living room.


Bathroom's behind that door.

Towels, shampoo, bath robe.

I also brought you a change of clothes.

I used to wear that top all the time.

It's super cute.

I know, it's weird, right?

Strange people, strange place.

No, no, it's just, um I'm used to being able - to take care of myself.

- Don't worry, we got you...

You're completely safe here.

But there are some rules.

No looking out the window, no phone calls, except to McCall and me, and only use the land line.

I call my mom every night.

She'll be upset if I don't.

Oh, my scholarship interview tomorrow.

If I don't make this, I might lose my shot.

Okay, listen.

You want to live to fight another day?

Just hang tough.

And do not leave this apartment for any reason.

Do you really think she could help?

If anyone can, it's McCall.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Okey dokey, I'm in.

Cops ID'd the victim as Chance Kovak.


First-year associate - at Steinem and Roe.

- Okay, so what is a fancy firm lawyer doing in a downtown alley after hours?

Place is a hot spot for dealing.

Your boy had a history of substance abuse.

They found heroin in his system.

Cops figured he went there to score...

he got rolled.

Well, the girl said there was a video.

It's attached to the file.

You want me to play it?


You don't have to give me the mean look.



Doesn't look like a fake.


Which means it's really good.

Or she did it.

Which, believe me, is much, much better than the alternative.

And what's the alternative?

Something very, very bad.

I mean, you're telling me these things are fake, right, which means someone had to do this in less than a few hours.

There is no deep fake software on the market that good, that fast, which means it's either Russian black hats or one of the damn alphabet agencies.

What is this, Rob?

Is this some kind of intel op?

Who is this girl?

Just someone caught in the middle.

And someone's going to a lot of trouble to set her up.

Oh, man, come on.

I got a good thing going here.

All right?

You've got to tell me what you're bringing down on us.

You know what?

It's okay.

I got it from here.


You sure?

You really want to do this?

Because you have no idea how deep these waters run.

What do you want me to do?

Let her drown?

What do you need?

You know, I can't let you do this alone.

That'd be s-sad, really.

Okay, dig into this lawyer's background: Public records, social media, maybe hack his, uh, law firm.

What's a felony among friends, right?

Wh-Where are you going?

To do what I'm good at.

Hey, hey.

We've got a hit off our phone trace.

Girl's cell just went active.


Apartment in Brooklyn.

Hold up.

Her phone.

She's on the run.

She won't get far.

Let's go.


We good?

Blip is up.

Unless they're vampires, we should have their pied-à-terre by dawn.

It's 3:00 in the morning.

Go home.





Look, just because you're unemployed doesn't mean I can sleep in.

Come on, I can't be late.

What is so important today?

It's volleyball practice.

If I'm not on time, Coach won't start me tonight.

Oh, FYI, Dad's picking me up after.


Make sure you call me before you go to bed, so I can say good night.

Do we really need to do that every time I go to Dad's?


I'll call.

But tomorrow I'm sleeping over at Caitlyn's after the dance.

So I'll just text.

Yeah, 'cause we can't have Caitlyn thinking you still say good night to your mom.


Wasn't too much at the room she was renting.

Mostly school books and SAT prep.

I'm telling you, this doesn't add.

Model student.

No record.

You don't just graduate to first degree.

Maybe she's an overachiever.

Then why'd she stick around to talk to us?

She's a thrill seeker, or maybe she wanted the attention.


there's something we're missing.

Dude, we have her on video.

What's to miss?

I just ran your stealthies through facial rec.

Big nada.

Whoever these guys are, they ain't on Facebook.

But your victim, Chance, he's all over the place.




But then about a week ago, he goes crickets.

Stops posting anything.

Very unusual for him.

37 Blackbird tattoo.



Thanks, Harry.

Keep me posted.

37 Blackbird?

I haven't seen that tattoo since we were all in Afghanistan.

What are ex-Special Forces doing mixed up in all this?

I don't know, but it's something important enough to blow up me and a building just to cover it up.

As expected, they neutralized the tracker.

You sure it was the 37?



Well, I used some of my old backdoors to comb the military databases, and neither of them are there.

Which means...

Even the government doesn't want to acknowledge their existence.

Well, I can put out some feelers, but they were definitely focused on this.

I'm guessing not his Netflix password?

It could be anything.

But look at the date on the coatroom check.

Two days ago.

The day he was k*lled.

You said he was a junior associate?

- Yeah, first year.


- Because of that symbol.

It's an Ouroboros.

- What?

- A snake eating its own tail.

It's also the emblem of a private dining club in Midtown.

They keep their membership secret, but they're titans only...

So why was Chance there?

Sucking up?

Getting business for his firm?

There's no way they would let a first-year be their face in a place like that.

No, he was there for something else.

Well, if the club's so secretive, we're never gonna find out what.

They're not gonna talk to us.

Sure they will.

You just have to know how to ask.


This is Dr. Anika Kyle, State Health.

We are tracking a potential measles outbreak, and we need to determine if an individual was in your club and who he may have had contact with.

Thank you.

Chance came there with a note to deliver to one of the club members, a Reese Pruitt.

The tech entrepreneur?

- Mm-hmm.

- What do we know about him?

I mean, he's at the forefront of artificial intelligence: Corporate robots, facial rec, self-driving cars.

So could he pull off that deep fake?

- Yeah, maybe.

- But why would he?

The guy's a saint.

He's donated millions: Cancer research, climate change.

I don't know, but Pruitt invited Chance to his table, and things got heated.

Manager said that Chance was pretty upset when he left.


Then he's m*rder*d the same night?

What a coincidence.

Find out what connects these two.

37 Blackbird?

What the hell are you into, McCall?

Just a little side project for one of those living, breathing people we were talking about.

This is not a side project, not with these guys.

Just tell me what you found.

Come on.

Hey, when your ex-wife wanted to do that, uh...

screw-you trip to Cancun, with her new boyfriend, who put her on the no-fly list?

The reason you didn't find it was because the records are sealed.

Henry Willard...

James Burke.

Both were covert ops.

Both currently wanted for w*r crimes.


Don't be cavalier, Robyn.

Whatever this pet project is of yours, drop it.

These guys are lethal.

I love you too, Bish.

But I was trained by the best.

You're damn right you were.

And remember Tangiers?

How that went down?

I remember.

When I see these guys, I'm gonna do the same thing.

Harry, what'd you find?

Chance's law firm?

We went through their client list.

Pruitt's on it.

But there was nothing in the case files worth k*lling for.

I smell a rat.

I don't care how much money this guy's donated.

He's involved.

Where can I find him?

"Riot Gear" by Malaa & Habstakt playing...

♪ They better have the ride here ready ♪ ♪ Tryin' to pack heat to get rock steady ♪ ♪ Rock-rock-rock steady.

Welcome to the future.

Think it's cool having a car change lanes on its own?

Now imagine having all the power of a high-speed precision driver, ready to react to save your family in any situation.

That power can be yours.

All made possible by my Psy-Drive software shipping next year.

The driverless revolution is here.

I want that posted to all my platforms within the hour.

Mr. Pruitt, your software looks so good.

Thank you, thank you.

Yeah, it's been a long time coming...

Hi, my name is Jewel Machado.

I'm here for my interview.

All right, let's go.

You know, I never liked the idea of driver-less cars.

I prefer to be in control.

Got to love those child locks.

Where's my driver?

On a break.

Chance Kovak.

You met with him the other day at your club.

What'd you two talk about?

You're not one of my employees, I'm guessing.

Did you know he was dead?


I'm sorry to hear that.

But what does that have to do with me?

You tell me.

Look, fine.

The meeting was nothing.

The kid was a fan.

He said he liked my vision for the future, he said he hoped to work for me someday.

So I gave him a few minutes at lunch.

I was being kind.

Yeah, I hear you're a real giver.

I try.

By the way, what you said about "being in control," that's just an illusion.

It doesn't matter how carefully youdrive, you never know when someone's gonna cross over the line and smash right into you.

Remember that.

Oh, I will.

You have a good day.



Look at that, already making a call.


The woman that found you?

She found me, too.

I want to know who she is, I want her gone and I want those files!

Not a saint after all.

Hey, Mel.

What's up?

Jewel, please...

just talk to me.

I already told you the truth.

What's it matter what I say to you now?

Her lawyer's here.

Detective Dante.

Tracy Sloan, Public Defender's office.

I, um, thought no one was available until tomorrow.

Well, my other case pled out.

I haven't, uh, seen you before.

You new?

Two months.

But you've been on leave, right?

For punching a lawyer?

If you don't mind, I'd like to speak to my client now.

What is it with teenage girls and not listening?

It was stupid, I know, but that scholarship is my only shot at a real college, to be something.

You should've told me.

You would've said no.

I've worked so hard my whole life, but I'm still going to prison anyway.

I told you I was not gonna let that happen.

I will get you out of this, but I need you to stay safe until I do.

Can you do that?

It wasn't just a lawyer.

The guy I punched?

He was the A.D.A.

On a case I had against a dealer.

Guy hid his stash at his girlfriend's.

She had no idea, but this A.D.A., he leveraged her anyway, threatened 20 years unless she rolls on him, so she does.

Just as we go to trial, he drops the case.

He says it isn't strong enough, and he doesn't want to hurt his conviction record because he may run for office one day.

So the dealer walks.

Guess what he did to the girlfriend.

Why am I telling you this?

So you know what kind of man I am when I say the case against that kid in there is rock solid.

And you're gonna want to plead her out.


Something about this isn't right.

I don't know what yet, but I think she's telling the truth.


Yeah, Harry, what's up?

Pruitt just got a call from your mercs.

They know Jewel's been arrested.

They're planning on k*lling her as soon as she's transferred to Central Jail.

We can't afford any more questions.

- I need this to be over.

- We have friends inside.

Once she's at Central, we'll be in control.

She won't survive the night.

She's scheduled to be transferred in the morning.

We can't let her get there.

I know that look.

That's your "I'm gonna do something crazy" look.


How's your aim these days?

Detective Dante?

Jack Gaynor from the PD's office.

I've been assigned to Jewel Machado's case.

I'd like to speak with her if I can.

Jewel's being transferred to Central.

Your colleague, Tracy Sloan, met with her yesterday.

Tracy Sloan?

All right, here they come...


Just like the good old days.

This is Detective Dante.

The prisoner you're carrying?

I need you to return her to the precinct.

♪ Out of control...

Officer, can you hear me?

♪ So simple...



♪ I want it, I feel it, so simple ♪ Come on, it's me.

♪ I feel it, so simple ♪ I swear I can taste it now... ♪ Let's go, let's go!

McCall, check your six, there's one coming out of the van.

♪ So simple, I swear I can taste it now ♪ ♪ Out of control ♪ I said I see it, I want it ♪ I see it, I want it ♪ I see it, I want it...

Hang on.

Why would they hit the van in broad daylight?

She's a nobody.

They knew our plan.

She's tapping our damn phones.

Okay, burn these numbers, go to your backups.

That was fun while it lasted.

We need to know what Chance discovered.

What's in those files that Pruitt is looking for?

Did you find anything with those numbers he wrote down?


I mean, it's like finding an old key on the sidewalk.

Until you know what door it opens, it's useless.

I did, however, find this.

After he visited Pruitt at the club, Chance tried to contact an old law professor of his, Edward Freeman; Teaches ethics at Columbia.

He even took an Uber up to campus the same day, but Freeman was out of town.

That means there has to be something connected to a legal issue.

Chance uncovered something about Pruitt.

Something that even his law firm was willing to hide.

Well, there was nothing on their servers.

What if it's not on their servers?

Aunt Vi.

- Your ex called.

- What's wrong?

It's Delilah.

She never showed up at Caitlyn's.

I don't want to talk about this anymore.

- Thank goodness you found her.

- Yeah.

And humiliated me in front of all my friends.

I'm going to my room.

You ain't going nowhere.


She lied to her father.

She was at a party, drinking and smoking weed.

And that dress she's wearing?

She boosted it.

I think I'm just gonna let the two of you hash this out privately.

I will be in my room.


What the hell were you thinking?

You got a closet full of clothes.

You have any idea how lucky you are?


You work with orphans in third-world countries so I can't ever be unhappy.

Unhappy about what?

These kids would k*ll to have your life.

We give you everything you want.

You mean everything youwant.

You have no idea what I want or who I am.

I mean, you and Dad just hop in and out of my life.

Do you know how hard it is, what I have to do every day just to fit in?

Oh, you think you'd fit in better if you've been arrested?

I mean, I might as well be in prison living here with you.

You know what?

No phone.

No iPad.

No TV, and...

Library code.

Chance went to the university.

Okay, and...?

And you're grounded until I tell you you're not.


We've been looking all over for that.

I'm not gonna lie.

You're gonna die tonight.

It's already been decided.

Now what's up to you is how.

Quick and painless or slow and agonizing.

Like this bad guy speech?

That's funny.

We had eyes on the law firm.

We saw you putting the pieces together.

Now, the question is why.

We want to know who you are and who you're working for.


Bring her up.

You know, it's gonna be hard to stage my death if you waterboard me.

You can't just sh**t me up with dope and pop me like you did Chance.

Not with water in my lungs.

We'll think of something more creative for your death.

What's in these files anyway?

What's Pruitt hiding that's worth k*lling for?

Honestly, we don't care.

He just hired us to get them back.

I'm gonna ask you one more time.

Who are you?

It's funny.

You don't know anything about me, when I know all about you.

Henry Willard.

James Burke.

I knew you were coming for me, so I made some arrangements with an old friend of mine.


Red dots.

That can't be good.

See, the moment you put that g*n to my head, I activated the tracker I'm wearing.

They just knew not to move in until I got your confession.

Hands up!

Let me see 'em!

Turn around!


On your knees!

Down, down.


I have some dear friends in Washington...

...who are anxious to meet you.

Just like Tangiers.

Yeah, except, this time, you're cutting me loose.

Go finish this.

She dead yet?


But she is pissed.

She's here.

Find her.

I found all those files you've been looking for.

Especially that secret study about the flaw in your self-driving software.

The one that's already caused 87 deaths.

Now, you know you should've reported that.

But you had to cover it up, putting millions at risk.

Somehow Chance found out.

He knew he needed to warn people but he couldn't violate attorney-client privilege.

So he came to you.

But you, you knew it would destroy your golden reputation, cost you billions, probably land you in jail.

So you figured you'd crunch the numbers.

87 lives...

What's one more?

And then when the girl saw what happened... went after her, too.

Framed her for m*rder with that video.

Listen, we can work this out.

What do you want?


You people.

You think that you can buy and sell the whole world.

You think your life is more valuable than everybody else's.

I can make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.

Everyone has a price.

Not me.

You're right.

Control is just an illusion.

Thanks, Harry.

My pleasure.

We were able to recover the undoctored video from Mr. Pruitt's safe.

It confirms that you were telling the truth.

All charges against you have been dropped.

So that's it?

I'm free to go?

You are.

I do have a question.

That public defender who visited you...

What'd you two talk about?

Just my case.

Ever see her before?

No, but...

she was nice, though.

And the attack on the police van...

You said it was the same men from the alley.

Why do you think they'd do that?

I don't know.

I'm just...

lucky I got away and could hide.

Very lucky.

You must have a guardian angel.

I said what you told me.

It's over.

Not completely.

Now, I can't guarantee the scholarship, but I can at least make sure you get to sh**t your shot.

What can I do to thank you?

Go be something.

- Ms. Machado.

- Hi.

Aunt Vi, tell Delilah to get dressed.

Why are we here?

We're here because...

when I was 17, I stole a car.

It was after my dad was k*lled.

I was...

running with the wrong crowd.

I was young.

I was dumb.

I was hurting.

But you know what the world saw?

They saw a young Black girl in a stolen car.

Most judges would've just sent me away.

But I got lucky.

I got this one judge who...

didn't look at my priors.

She-she looked at me.

She saw me, all of me, and decided there was something that was worth saving.

So she gave me a choice, jail or the Army.

And every day, I wonder who I would be if she didn't give me that choice.

Now, baby girl, you are at a age where you are making choices.

You have to decide who and what you want to be.

But I want you to take a look out there.

Look at those girls.

Tell me what most of them have in common.

I see it.

Now, I know the world is shifting under your feet.

And you're just expected to roll with everything.

And I know it's hard.

But the world is just looking for a reason to put a young Black girl like you on the other side of that fence.

Don't help it along.

Now, about this dress.

I will settle things with the store, but you're gonna pay me back.

Oh, I could use my birthday money.

Or you could make the world a better place.

They just happen to be looking for volunteers for their literacy program.

And I'm thinking about 25 hours ought to do it.

You think you scared her straight?

Who knows?

I think she was just relieved that I didn't check her ass in.


it did make me wonder about Jewel.

What would've happened if I hadn't followed her?

And how many others are out there like her, desperate, with nowhere to turn?

Got to be legions of 'em.

They have somewhere to turn.

To me.

They turn to me.

We just have to let 'em know.

- Ohhhh!

- Oh!


Over the shoulder!

♪ I don't know what I'm running from ♪ ♪ Back to the place that I'm coming from... ♪ Here you go.

Pulled it from precinct surveillance.

Thanks, Paley.

♪ ..I need to escape ♪ Need, need to escape ♪ Walking through the alley ♪ Of the shadow of death ♪ Never get to stop ♪ And catch my breath ♪ And catch my breath ♪ - ♪ And catch my breath - ♪ Another lifeless form ♪ Of life reaching for the sun ♪ Away from the alley ♪ Of the shadow of death.